All executables (armarx::Application) are located in the bin directory of the build directory of each project. They can be executed like any other binary. On startup the application will read the default armarx configuration from ~/.armarx/default.cfg
and ~/.armarx/default.generated.cfg
and tries to connect to the Ice Server (i.e. IceGrid) specified in this file. The user can pass parameters (Component parameterization) to the executable via the command line like:
${ArmarXCore_DIR}/bin/SystemObserverRun --ArmarX.SystemObserver.Interval=30 ${ArmarXGui_DIR}/bin/ArmarXGuiRun --ArmarX.Verbosity=Debug
or complete config files like this:
${ArmarXCore_DIR}/bin/SystemObserverRun --Ice.Config=/path/to/config/config.cfg
The complete list of parameters can be display by adding a -h to the command line:
${ArmarXCore_DIR}/bin/SystemObserverRun -h