
This component is used to control the robot with a gamepad.

You have to set two device names:

  • GamepadDeviceName
    • Used to read the input from the device. You can find the proper name by checking various names from /dev/input/js* with the command line util jstest.
  • GamepadForceFeedbackName
    • Used to give force feedback on the controller. You can find the proper name by checking various names from /dev/input/event* with the command line util fftest or evtest.

Alternatively you can find the proper name through /dev/input/by-id.

E.g. for a Logitech F710 gamepad the proper names are: \ GamepadDeviceName=/dev/input/by-id/usb-Logitech_Wireless_Gamepad_F710_582F9A6B-joystick \ GamepadForceFeedbackName=/dev/input/by-id/usb-Logitech_Wireless_Gamepad_F710_582F9A6B-event-joystick