Tutorial: Add or edit grasps of objects in PriorKnowledge

The following steps are necessary to add or edit graps of objects in PriorKnowledge:

  • open the PriorMemoryEditor gui plugin in ArmarXGui
  • select the collection to add the new object to (typically Prior_<SceneName>Objects)
  • click the 'Edit' button in the 'Object Classes' section
  • in the 'Manipulation Tab' click on 'Edit Grasps' located after the 'Manipulation Object File' field to open the integrated grasp editor

Adding a grasp with the editor:

'Select Robot File' is used for loading a different robot and with it different Endeffectors.
  • select the 'End Effector' to use for the grasp
  • move the endeffector with the sliders at the bottom
  • test the grasp with the 'Close EEF' and 'Open EEF' buttons
  • click 'Add Grasp' to store the current configuration
  • continue editing grasps
  • click 'Save' to store the grasp information to the manipulation object description
  • confirm the message about successfully storing the grasps in a file
  • close the grasp editor application
  • in the PriorKnowledge config dialog click 'OK' to store the grasps in MongoDB

The new grasps are now associated and stored with the object and will be available for the robot to use.