This is the complete list of members for CHandLocalisation, including all inherited members.
CHandLocalisation(int nNumParticles, int nNumAnnealingRuns, int nPredictionMode, CStereoCalibration *pCalibration, std::string sHandModelFileName) | CHandLocalisation | |
GetFingertipPositions() | CHandLocalisation | |
GetHandPose() | CHandLocalisation | |
GetResultConfig() | CHandLocalisation | |
GetSensorConfig() | CHandLocalisation | |
LocaliseHand(const CByteImage *pNewCamImageLeft, const CByteImage *pNewCamImageRight, const double *pSensorConfig, double *pEstimatedConfig, double &dConfidenceRating) | CHandLocalisation | |
LocaliseHand(const CByteImage *pNewCamImageLeft, const CByteImage *pNewCamImageRight, const Vec3d vPositionFromSensors, const Mat3d mOrientationFromSensors, const double *pSensorConfigFingers, double *pEstimatedConfig, double &dConfidenceRating) | CHandLocalisation | |
m_pColorFilteredImageLeft | CHandLocalisation | |
m_pColorFilteredImageRight | CHandLocalisation | |
m_pSobelImageLeft | CHandLocalisation | |
m_pSobelImageRight | CHandLocalisation | |
m_pTrackingBallImageLeft | CHandLocalisation | |
m_pTrackingBallImageRight | CHandLocalisation | |
SetParticleVarianceFactor(double dNewFactor=1.0) | CHandLocalisation | inline |
SetResultConfig(const Vec3d vPosition, const Mat3d mOrientation, const double *pConfigFingers) | CHandLocalisation | |
SetSensorConfig(const Vec3d vPosition, const Mat3d mOrientation, const double *pConfigFingers) | CHandLocalisation | |
~CHandLocalisation() | CHandLocalisation | |