NJointCartesianWaypointController Class Reference

The NJointCartesianWaypointController class. More...

#include <RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointCartesianWaypointController.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for NJointCartesianWaypointController:

Public Types

using ConfigPtrT = NJointCartesianWaypointControllerConfigPtr
- Public Types inherited from NJointControllerBase
using ConfigPtrT = NJointControllerConfigPtr
using GenerateConfigDescriptionFunctionSignature = WidgetDescription::WidgetPtr(*)(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr &, const std::map< std::string, ConstControlDevicePtr > &controlDevices, const std::map< std::string, ConstSensorDevicePtr > &sensorDevices)
template<class ConfigPrtType >
using GenerateConfigFromVariantsFunctionSignature = ConfigPrtType(*)(const StringVariantBaseMap &)
- Public Types inherited from ManagedIceObject
using PeriodicTaskPtr = IceUtil::Handle< SimplePeriodicTask< std::function< void(void)> >>

Public Member Functions

std::string getClassName (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
int getCurrentWaypointIndex (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
FTSensorValue getFTSensorValue (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
bool hasReachedForceLimit (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
bool hasReachedTarget (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 NJointCartesianWaypointController (RobotUnit *robotUnit, const NJointCartesianWaypointControllerConfigPtr &config, const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr &)
void onPublish (const SensorAndControl &, const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx &, const DebugObserverInterfacePrx &) override
void resetVisualizationRobotGlobalPose (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void rtRun (const IceUtil::Time &sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time &timeSinceLastIteration) override
 TODO make protected and use attorneys. More...
void setConfig (const NJointCartesianWaypointControllerRuntimeConfig &cfg, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void setConfigAndWaypoint (const NJointCartesianWaypointControllerRuntimeConfig &cfg, const Eigen::Matrix4f &wp, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void setConfigAndWaypoints (const NJointCartesianWaypointControllerRuntimeConfig &cfg, const std::vector< Eigen::Matrix4f > &wps, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void setCurrentFTAsOffset (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void setVisualizationRobotGlobalPose (const Eigen::Matrix4f &p, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void setWaypoint (const Eigen::Matrix4f &wp, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void setWaypointAx (const Ice::FloatSeq &data, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void setWaypoints (const std::vector< Eigen::Matrix4f > &wps, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void stopMovement (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from SynchronousNJointController
virtual void rtSwapBufferAndRun (const IceUtil::Time &sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time &timeSinceLastIteration)
- Public Member Functions inherited from NJointControllerBase
void activateController (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) final override
void callDescribedFunction (const std::string &, const StringVariantBaseMap &, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void deactivateAndDeleteController (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) final override
void deactivateController (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) final override
void deleteController (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) final override
const std::map< std::string, const JointController * > & getControlDevicesUsedJointController ()
const std::vector< char > & getControlDeviceUsedBitmap () const
StringStringDictionary getControlDeviceUsedControlModeMap (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override
const std::vector< std::size_t > & getControlDeviceUsedIndices () const
NJointControllerDescription getControllerDescription (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override
NJointControllerDescriptionWithStatus getControllerDescriptionWithStatus (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override
NJointControllerStatus getControllerStatus (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override
WidgetDescription::StringWidgetDictionary getFunctionDescriptions (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
std::string getInstanceName (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override
bool hasControllerError (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override
bool isControllerActive (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override
bool isControllerRequested (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override
bool isDeletable (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override
std::optional< std::vector< char > > isNotInConflictWith (const NJointControllerBasePtr &other) const
std::optional< std::vector< char > > isNotInConflictWith (const std::vector< char > &used) const
 NJointControllerBase ()
ConstControlDevicePtr peekControlDevice (const std::string &deviceName) const
 Get a const ptr to the given ControlDevice. More...
ConstSensorDevicePtr peekSensorDevice (const std::string &deviceName) const
 Get a const ptr to the given SensorDevice. More...
const std::string & rtGetClassName () const
 Returns the class name. More...
const std::vector< std::size_t > & rtGetControlDeviceUsedIndices () const
 Returns the indices of all ControlDevice's this NJointControllerBase calculates a ControlTarget for. More...
bool rtGetErrorState () const
 Sets the error state to true. More...
const std::string & rtGetInstanceName () const
 Returns the instance name. More...
std::size_t rtGetNumberOfUsedControlDevices () const
 Returns the number of used ControlDevices. More...
const VirtualRobot::RobotPtrrtGetRobot ()
 TODO make protected and use attorneys. More...
const std::vector< VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr > & rtGetRobotNodes ()
 Returns the nodes of the virtual robot used by this NJointControllerBase in the rtRun. More...
bool rtUsesControlDevice (std::size_t deviceIndex) const
 Returns whether this NJointControllerBase calculates a ControlTarget for the given ControlDevice. More...
ControlTargetBaseuseControlTarget (const std::string &deviceName, const std::string &controlMode)
 Declares to calculate the ControlTarget for the given ControlDevice in the given ControlMode when rtRun is called. More...
template<class T >
TuseControlTarget (const std::string &deviceName, const std::string &controlMode)
 Declares to calculate the ControlTarget for the given ControlDevice in the given ControlMode when rtRun is called. More...
template<class T >
const TuseSensorValue (const std::string &deviceName) const
 Get a const ptr to the given SensorDevice's SensorValue. More...
const SensorValueBaseuseSensorValue (const std::string &sensorDeviceName) const
 Get a const ptr to the given SensorDevice's SensorValue. More...
const VirtualRobot::RobotPtruseSynchronizedRtRobot (bool updateCollisionModel=false)
 Requests a VirtualRobot for use in rtRun *. More...
 ~NJointControllerBase () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ManagedIceObject
void enableProfiler (bool enable)
 setProfiler allows setting ManagedIceObject::profiler to a new instance (if the new instance is actually not a null pointer) More...
std::string generateSubObjectName (const std::string &subObjectName)
 Generates a unique name for a sub object from a general name. More...
ArmarXManagerPtr getArmarXManager () const
 Returns the ArmarX manager used to add and remove components. More...
ManagedIceObjectConnectivity getConnectivity () const
 Retrieve connectivity of the object (topcis as well as proxies) More...
IceManagerPtr getIceManager () const
 Returns the IceManager. More...
VariantBasePtr getMetaInfo (const std::string &id)
StringVariantBaseMap getMetaInfoMap () const
std::string getName () const
 Retrieve name of object. More...
Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr getObjectAdapter () const
 Returns object's Ice adapter. More...
ArmarXObjectSchedulerPtr getObjectScheduler () const
PeriodicTaskPtr getPeriodicTask (const std::string &name)
Profiler::ProfilerPtr getProfiler () const
 getProfiler returns an instance of armarx::Profiler More...
template<class ProxyTarg , class... Args>
void getProxy (const char *name, IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ProxyTarg > &proxy, Args &&...args)
template<class ProxyType >
ProxyType getProxy (const std::string &name, bool addToDependencies=false, const std::string &endpoints="", bool throwOnProxyError=true)
 Retrieves a proxy object. More...
template<class ProxyTarg , class... Args>
void getProxy (const std::string &name, IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ProxyTarg > &proxy, Args &&...args)
template<class ProxyTarg , class... Args>
void getProxy (IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ProxyTarg > &proxy, const char *name, Args &&...args)
template<class ProxyTarg , class... Args>
void getProxy (IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ProxyTarg > &proxy, const std::string &name, Args &&...args)
 Assigns a proxy to proxy. More...
Ice::ObjectPrx getProxy (long timeoutMs=0, bool waitForScheduler=true) const
 Returns the proxy of this object (optionally it waits for the proxy) More...
template<class Prx >
Prx getProxy (long timeoutMs=0, bool waitForScheduler=true) const
template<class ProxyType >
void getProxy (ProxyType &proxy, const char *name, bool addToDependencies=false, const std::string &endpoints="", bool throwOnProxyError=true)
 Overload to allow using string literals as name (solve ambiguous overload). More...
template<class Prx >
void getProxy (Prx &prx, long timeoutMs=0, bool waitForScheduler=true) const
int getState () const
 Retrieve current state of the ManagedIceObject. More...
template<class TopicProxyType >
TopicProxyType getTopic (const std::string &name)
 Returns a proxy of the specified topic. More...
template<class TopicProxyType >
void getTopic (TopicProxyType &topicProxy, const std::string &name)
 Assigns a proxy of the specified topic to topicProxy. More...
std::vector< std::string > getUnresolvedDependencies () const
 returns the names of all unresolved dependencies More...
 ManagedIceObject (ManagedIceObject const &other)
void offeringTopic (const std::string &name)
 Registers a topic for retrival after initialization. More...
void preambleGetTopic (std::string const &name)
void setMetaInfo (const std::string &id, const VariantBasePtr &value)
 Allows to set meta information that can be queried live via Ice interface on the ArmarXManager. More...
void startPeriodicTask (const std::string &uniqueName, std::function< void(void)> f, int periodMs, bool assureMeanInterval=false, bool forceSystemTime=true)
bool stopPeriodicTask (const std::string &name)
bool unsubscribeFromTopic (const std::string &name)
 Unsubscribe from a topic. More...
bool usingProxy (const std::string &name, const std::string &endpoints="")
 Registers a proxy for retrieval after initialization and adds it to the dependency list. More...
void usingTopic (const std::string &name, bool orderedPublishing=false)
 Registers a proxy for subscription after initialization. More...
void waitForObjectScheduler ()
 Waits until the ObjectScheduler could resolve all dependencies. More...
void waitForProxy (std::string const &name, bool addToDependencies)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Logging
SpamFilterDataPtr deactivateSpam (float deactivationDurationSec=10.0f, const std::string &identifier="", bool deactivate=true) const
 disables the logging for the current line for the given amount of seconds. More...
MessageTypeT getEffectiveLoggingLevel () const
 Logging ()
void setLocalMinimumLoggingLevel (MessageTypeT level)
 With setLocalMinimumLoggingLevel the minimum verbosity-level of log-messages can be set. More...
void setTag (const LogTag &tag)
void setTag (const std::string &tagName)
virtual ~Logging ()

Protected Member Functions

void rtPostDeactivateController () override
 This function is called after the controller is deactivated. More...
void rtPreActivateController () override
 This function is called before the controller is activated. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from NJointControllerBase
std::string getDefaultName () const override
ThreadPoolPtr getThreadPool () const
void onConnectComponent () final
virtual void onConnectNJointController ()
void onDisconnectComponent () final
virtual void onDisconnectNJointController ()
void onExitComponent () final
virtual void onExitNJointController ()
void onInitComponent () final
virtual void onInitNJointController ()
virtual void onPublishActivation (const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx &, const DebugObserverInterfacePrx &)
virtual void onPublishDeactivation (const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx &, const DebugObserverInterfacePrx &)
void rtSetErrorState ()
 Sets the error state to true. More...
template<typename Task >
void runTask (const std::string &taskName, Task &&task)
 Executes a given task in a separate thread from the Application ThreadPool. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ManagedIceObject
template<class PluginT , class... ParamsT>
PluginT * addPlugin (const std::string prefix="", ParamsT &&...params)
template<class PluginT , class... ParamsT>
void addPlugin (PluginT *&targ, const std::string prefix="", ParamsT &&...params)
template<class PluginT , class... ParamsT>
void addPlugin (std::experimental::observer_ptr< PluginT > &targ, const std::string prefix="", ParamsT &&...params)
Ice::CommunicatorPtr getCommunicator () const
std::unique_ptr< ManagedIceObjectPlugin > & getPluginPointer (std::type_info const &type, std::string const &prefix)
 ManagedIceObject ()
 Protected default constructor. More...
virtual void postOnConnectComponent ()
virtual void postOnDisconnectComponent ()
virtual void postOnExitComponent ()
virtual void postOnInitComponent ()
virtual void preOnConnectComponent ()
virtual void preOnDisconnectComponent ()
virtual void preOnExitComponent ()
virtual void preOnInitComponent ()
bool removeProxyDependency (const std::string &name)
 This function removes the dependency of this object on the in parameter name specified object. More...
void setName (std::string name)
 Override name of well-known object. More...
void terminate ()
 Initiates termination of this IceManagedObject. More...
 ~ManagedIceObject () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Logging
bool checkLogLevel (MessageTypeT level) const
const LogSenderPtrgetLogSender () const
 Retrieve log sender. More...
LogSenderPtr loghelper (const char *file, int line, const char *function) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from NJointControllerBase
template<class ItT >
static std::optional< std::vector< char > > AreNotInConflict (ItT first, ItT last)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ManagedIceObject
static std::string generateSubObjectName (const std::string &superObjectName, const std::string &subObjectName)
 Generates a unique name for a sub object from a general name and unique name. More...
static std::string GetObjectStateAsString (int state)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from NJointControllerBase
static const NJointControllerBasePtr NullPtr {nullptr}
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ManagedIceObject
static const ManagedIceObjectPtr NullPtr
 A nullptr to be used when a const ref to a nullptr is required. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from NJointControllerBase
std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< ThreadPool::Handle > > threadHandles
std::mutex threadHandlesMutex
- Protected Attributes inherited from Logging
MessageTypeT minimumLoggingLevel
SpamFilterDataPtr spamFilter
LogTag tag

Detailed Description

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConfigPtrT

using ConfigPtrT = NJointCartesianWaypointControllerConfigPtr

Definition at line 25 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NJointCartesianWaypointController()

NJointCartesianWaypointController ( RobotUnit robotUnit,
const NJointCartesianWaypointControllerConfigPtr &  config,
const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr  

Definition at line 51 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ getClassName()

std::string getClassName ( const Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent) const

Implements NJointControllerBase.

Definition at line 46 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

◆ getCurrentWaypointIndex()

int getCurrentWaypointIndex ( const Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 524 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

◆ getFTSensorValue()

FTSensorValue getFTSensorValue ( const Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 400 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ hasReachedForceLimit()

bool hasReachedForceLimit ( const Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 393 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

◆ hasReachedTarget()

bool hasReachedTarget ( const Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 295 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

◆ onPublish()

void onPublish ( const SensorAndControl ,
const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx drawer,
const DebugObserverInterfacePrx obs 

Reimplemented from NJointControllerBase.

Definition at line 440 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ resetVisualizationRobotGlobalPose()

void resetVisualizationRobotGlobalPose ( const Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 422 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

◆ rtPostDeactivateController()

void rtPostDeactivateController ( )

This function is called after the controller is deactivated.

You can use it to deactivate a thread (DO NOT JOIN THREADS!) e.g. via a std::atomic_bool.

Reimplemented from NJointControllerBase.

Definition at line 290 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

◆ rtPreActivateController()

void rtPreActivateController ( )

This function is called before the controller is activated.

You can use it to activate a thread again (DO NOT SPAWN NEW THREADS!) e.g. via a std::atomic_bool.

Reimplemented from NJointControllerBase.

Definition at line 138 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

◆ rtRun()

void rtRun ( const IceUtil::Time &  sensorValuesTimestamp,
const IceUtil::Time &  timeSinceLastIteration 

TODO make protected and use attorneys.

Implements SynchronousNJointController.

Definition at line 164 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setConfig()

void setConfig ( const NJointCartesianWaypointControllerRuntimeConfig &  cfg,
const Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 301 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setConfigAndWaypoint()

void setConfigAndWaypoint ( const NJointCartesianWaypointControllerRuntimeConfig &  cfg,
const Eigen::Matrix4f &  wp,
const Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 367 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setConfigAndWaypoints()

void setConfigAndWaypoints ( const NJointCartesianWaypointControllerRuntimeConfig &  cfg,
const std::vector< Eigen::Matrix4f > &  wps,
const Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 351 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setCurrentFTAsOffset()

void setCurrentFTAsOffset ( const Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 408 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

◆ setVisualizationRobotGlobalPose()

void setVisualizationRobotGlobalPose ( const Eigen::Matrix4f &  p,
const Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 415 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

◆ setWaypoint()

void setWaypoint ( const Eigen::Matrix4f &  wp,
const Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 326 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setWaypointAx()

void setWaypointAx ( const Ice::FloatSeq &  data,
const Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 338 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setWaypoints()

void setWaypoints ( const std::vector< Eigen::Matrix4f > &  wps,
const Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 314 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ stopMovement()

void stopMovement ( const Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 428 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: