TypeMapping.h File Reference
#include <string>
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <Structs/Structs.h>
#include <Structs/ObjectDefinitions.h>
#include <Image/ImageProcessor.h>
#include <Interfaces/VideoCaptureInterface.h>
#include <VisionX/interface/core/DataTypes.h>
#include <VisionX/interface/components/Calibration.h>
#include <VisionX/interface/units/ObjectRecognitionUnit.h>
#include "exceptions/local/InvalidImageTypeNameException.h"
#include "exceptions/local/UnsupportedImageTypeException.h"
#include "exceptions/local/InvalidFrameRateException.h"
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 ArmarX headers.


template<typename T >
void arrayToVector (const T *dataArray, const int size, std::vector< T > &vec)
::ImageProcessor::BayerPatternType convert (const BayerPatternType visionxBayerPatternType)
 Converts a VisionX BayerPatternType into a IVT's image processor BayerPatternType. More...
visionx::MonocularCalibration convert (const CCalibration &ivtCalibration)
 Converts an IVT CCalibration into a VisionX MonocularCalibration struct. More...
visionx::StereoCalibration convert (const CStereoCalibration &ivtStereoCalibration)
 Converts an IVT CStereoCalibration into a VisionX StereoCalibration struct. More...
CVideoCaptureInterface::FrameRate convert (const float frameRate)
 Converts frame rate floats into distinct IVT FrameRates by applying quantization. More...
CVideoCaptureInterface::VideoMode convert (const ImageDimension &imageDimension)
 Converts a VisionX image dimension object into an IVT VideoMode of IVT's CVideoCaptureInterface. More...
CByteImage::ImageType convert (const ImageType visionxImageType)
 Converts a VisionX image type into an image type of IVT's ByteImage. More...
visionx::types::Mat convert (const Mat3d &mat)
 Converts an IVT Mat3d into VisionX Matrix (float STL Vectors) More...
visionx::types::Region convert (const MyRegion &ivtRegion)
 Converts an IVT MyRegion into a VisionX MyRegion. More...
visionx::types::Object3DEntry convert (const Object3DEntry &ivtObject3DEntry)
 Converts an IVT Object3DEntry id into a VisionX ObjectEntry. More...
visionx::types::Object3DList convert (const Object3DList &ivtObject3DList)
 Converts an IVT Object3DList object into an VisionX ObjectList. More...
visionx::types::ObjectColor convert (const ObjectColor &ivtObjectColor)
 Mapps an IVT Object color id onto a VisionX object color id. More...
visionx::types::ObjectType convert (const ObjectType &ivtObjectType)
 Mapps an IVT Object type id onto a VisionX object type id. More...
visionx::types::Transformation3d convert (const Transformation3d &ivtTransformation3d)
 Converts an IVT Transformation3d into a VisionX Transformation3d. More...
visionx::types::Vec convert (const Vec2d &vec)
 Converts an IVT Vec2d Vector into VisionX Vector (float STL Vector) More...
visionx::types::Vec convert (const Vec3d &vec)
 Converts an IVT Vec3d Vector into VisionX Vector (float STL Vector) More...
CCalibration * convert (const visionx::MonocularCalibration &calibration)
 Converts a VisionX MonocularCalibration object into an IVT CCalibration. More...
CStereoCalibration * convert (const visionx::StereoCalibration &stereoCalibration)
 Converts a VisionX StereoCalibration object into an IVT CStereoCalibration. More...
Mat3d convert (const visionx::types::Mat &mat)
 Converts a VisionX Matrix (float STL Vectors) into an IVT Mat3d. More...
Object3DEntry convert (const visionx::types::Object3DEntry &object3DEntry)
 Converts a VisionX ObjectEntry object into an IVT Object3DEntry instance. More...
Object3DList convert (const visionx::types::Object3DList &object3DList)
 Converts an IVT Object3DList object into a VisionX Object3DEntry instance. More...
ObjectColor convert (const visionx::types::ObjectColor &objectColor)
 Mapps an IVT Object color id onto a VisionX object color id. More...
ObjectType convert (const visionx::types::ObjectType &objectType)
 Mapps an IVT Object type id onto a VisionX object type id. More...
MyRegion convert (const visionx::types::Region &region)
 Converts a VisionX MyRegion object into an IVT MyRegion instance. More...
Transformation3d convert (const visionx::types::Transformation3d &transformation3d)
 Converts a VisionX Transformation3d object into an IVT Transformation3d object. More...
Vec3d convert (const visionx::types::Vec &vec)
 Converts a VisionX Vector (float STL Vector) into an IVT Vec3d. More...
Vec2d convert (const visionx::types::Vec *pVec)
 Converts a VisionX Vector (float STL Vector) into an IVT Vec2d. More...
visionx::types::Mat convertEigenMatToVisionX (Eigen::MatrixXf m)
visionx::types::Vec convertEigenVecToVisionX (Eigen::VectorXf v)
Eigen::Matrix3f convertIVTtoEigen (const Mat3d m)
Eigen::Vector3f convertIVTtoEigen (const Vec3d v)
Eigen::MatrixXf convertVisionXMatToEigen (visionx::types::Mat m)
Eigen::VectorXf convertVisionXVecToEigen (visionx::types::Vec v)
std::string imageTypeToTypeName (const ImageType imageType)
 Converts an image type into a string integer. More...
ImageType typeNameToImageType (const std::string &imageTypeName)
 Converts an image type name as string into an ImageType integer. More...
template<typename T >
TvectorToArray (const std::vector< T > &dataVector)