ArmarX provides a python tool for conveniently performing everyday situations with ArmarX like starting the Ice runtime environment or deploying to a remote host.
The ArmarX python tools are located in the Core build directory and in the python-armarx deb package. To retrieve the list of all commands with short explanations start the tools with the -h parameter or to retrieve all the parameters for a command type armarx $command -h
Use the following command to start an ArmarXGui from anywhere:
${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx gui
Use the following command to start/stop the MongoDB database from anywhere:
${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx memory start ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx memory stop
Use the following command to start Ice locally:
${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx start
Use the following command to stop Ice:
${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx stop
Use the following command to stop Ice, clean the Ice database, start Ice locally:
${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx reset
Use the following command to kill a non-responsive IceGrid started via 'armarx start' :
${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx killIce
ArmarX scenarios are an easy way to start many applications, with specific configurations, together. Each ArmarX package has a scenario folder, where scenarios are located. The scenario configuration files have an .scx ending.
The ArmarX CLI has the functionality to start/stop/kill these scenarios. Changing of specific Application parameter should be done with the ScenarioManager GUI Tool.
The CLI tool can be used by only specifying Scenario names, but the package the scenario resides in must be defined in ~/.armarx/default.cfg in the ArmarX.DefaultPackages parameter. If this is not the case, you should use a specific path to the scx file or the folder it is located in.
Lists all known Scenarios out of Packages that are defined in the ~/.armarx/default.cfg
\code ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx scenario list \endcode
Get the Status of a Scenario with a known Scenario name or with a path to the Scenario scx file
\code ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx scenario status $scenarioName ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx scenario status $pathToScx \endcode
Deploying a Scenario with an known Scenario name or with a path to the Scenario scx file
\code ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx scenario deploy $scenarioName ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx scenario deploy $pathToScx \endcode
If you want to deploy the Scenario remotely append –remote Make sure you had a look at the Ice Deployment Tutorial before using the remote option
Starting a Scenario with an known Scenario name or with a path to the Scenario scx file
\code ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx scenario start $scenarioName ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx scenario start $pathToScx \endcode
Stopping a Scenario with an known Scenario name or with a path to the Scenario scx file. Stopping only tries to stop the Scenario. If an Applications blocks it might still be running.
Use Kill an Scenario to be sure that the Applications stop.
\code ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx scenario stop $scenarioName ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx scenario stop $pathToScx \endcode
Kills a Scenario with a known Scenario name or with a path to the Scenario scx file.
\code ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx scenario kill $scenarioName ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx scenario kill $pathToScx \endcode
Removing a Scenario with an known Scenario name or with a path to the Scenario scx file
\code ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx scenario remove $scenarioName ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx scenario remove $pathToScx \endcode
Restarts a Scenario with a known Scenario name or with a path to the Scenario scx file. The named Scenario by default gets killed and startet. If you want to make sure your Application has enough time for his cleanup you should call stop and start yourself.
\code ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx scenario restart $scenarioName ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx scenario restart $pathToScx \endcode
Generate the old *.icegrid.xml files for deployment with a known Scenario name or with a path to the Scenario scx file.
\code ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx scenario generate $scenarioName ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx scenario generate $pathToScx \endcode
ArmarX provides a mechanism to support interaction with multiple independent IceGrid/ArmarX configurations. The profile mechanism is integrated into the armarx CLI tool located in the build binary directory of the ArmarXCore (e.g. ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx).
An ArmarX profile consists of the following files
These files are located in $HOME/.armarx/profiles/$PROFILE_NAME/ and symlinked to $HOME/.armarx/ during profile switching.
The name of the currenlty active profile is stored in the file $HOME/.armarx/armarx.ini
Listing the contents of the currently active configuration files and all available configurations
${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx profile
Listing all available configurations (2 possibilities)
${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx profile ${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx switch
Switching to a different profile (non-existing profiles get created on the fly):
${ArmarXHome}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx switch $profilename