Source code for armarx.arviz.elements.elements

import enum
from typing import Dict, Tuple

import numpy as np

import armarx.viz as viz
from armarx.arviz import conversions
from armarx.arviz.elements.Element import Element

def direction_to_ori_mat(dir: np.ndarray, natural_dir=(0, 1, 0)) -> np.ndarray:
    import transforms3d as tf3d

    dir = np.array(dir)
    dir /= np.linalg.norm(dir)
    cross = np.cross(natural_dir, dir)
    angle = np.arccos(
    if np.linalg.norm(angle) < 1e-6:
        # Directions are almost colinear => Do no rotation
        cross = np.array((1, 0, 0))
        angle = 0.0
    axis = cross / np.linalg.norm(cross)
    ori = tf3d.axangles.axangle2mat(axis, angle)
    return ori

[docs]class Arrow(Element): """ An arrow. """ natural_dir = np.array((0, 1, 0)) def __init__( self, id, length=100.0, width=10.0, direction=None, from_to=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(, id=id, **kwargs) self.length: float = length self.width: float = width if direction is not None: self.direction = direction if from_to is not None: self.from_to = from_to @property def direction(self): return self.ori_mat @ self.natural_dir @direction.setter def direction(self, value): self.ori_mat = direction_to_ori_mat(value, self.natural_dir) @property def from_to(self): return self.position, self.position + self.length * self.direction @from_to.setter def from_to(self, value): start, end = value self.position = start dir = end - self.position norm = np.linalg.norm(dir) self.direction = dir / norm self.length = norm def _update_ice_data(self, ice_data): super()._update_ice_data(ice_data) ice_data.length = float(self.length) ice_data.width = float(self.width)
[docs]class ArrowCircle(Element): """ An arrow circle. """ natural_normal = np.array((0, 1, 0)) def __init__( self, id, radius=100.0, completion=1.0, width=10.0, normal=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(, id=id, **kwargs) self.radius: float = radius self.completion: float = completion self.width: float = width if normal is not None: self.normal = normal @property def normal(self) -> np.ndarray: return self.ori_mat @ self.natural_normal @normal.setter def normal(self, value): self.ori_mat = direction_to_ori_mat(value, self.natural_normal) def _update_ice_data(self, ice_data): super()._update_ice_data(ice_data) ice_data.radius = float(self.radius) ice_data.completion = float(self.completion) ice_data.width = float(self.width)
[docs]class Box(Element): """ A box. """ def __init__( self, id, size=1.0, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(, id=id, **kwargs) self.size = size @property def size(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._size @size.setter def size(self, value): try: iter(value) value = self._to_array_checked(value, (3,), "size vector", np.float) self._size = value except TypeError: self._size = np.array([value, value, value]).astype(np.float) def _update_ice_data(self, ice_data): super()._update_ice_data(ice_data) ice_data.size = conversions.vector3f_from_numpy(self.size)
[docs]class Cylinder(Element): """ A cylinder. """ natural_dir = np.array((0, 1, 0)) def __init__( self, id, radius=10.0, height=10.0, direction=None, from_to=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(, id=id, **kwargs) self.radius: float = radius self.height: float = height if direction is not None: self.direction = direction if from_to is not None: self.from_to = from_to @property def from_to(self): pos = self.position dir = self.direction return pos - self.height / 2 * dir, pos + self.height / 2 * dir @from_to.setter def from_to(self, value): start, end = value start, end = np.array(start), np.array(end) self.position = 0.5 * (start + end) direction = end - start self.direction = direction self.height = np.linalg.norm(direction) @property def direction(self): return self.ori_mat @ self.natural_dir @direction.setter def direction(self, value): self.ori_mat = direction_to_ori_mat(value, self.natural_dir) def _update_ice_data(self, ice_data): super()._update_ice_data(ice_data) ice_data.radius = self.radius ice_data.height = self.height
[docs]class Sphere(Element): """ A sphere. """ def __init__( self, id, radius=10.0, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(, id=id, **kwargs) self.radius: float = radius def _update_ice_data(self, ice_data): super()._update_ice_data(ice_data) ice_data.radius = float(self.radius)
[docs]class Ellipsoid(Element): """ An ellipsoid. """ def __init__( self, id, axis_lengths=None, curvature=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(, id=id, **kwargs) self.axis_lengths = (1, 1, 1) if axis_lengths is None else axis_lengths self.curvature = (0, 0, 0) if curvature is None else curvature @property def axis_lengths(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._axis_lengths @axis_lengths.setter def axis_lengths(self, value): try: iter(value) value = self._to_array_checked( value, (3,), "ellipsoid axis lengths", np.float ) self._axis_lengths = value except TypeError: self._axis_lengths = np.array([value, value, value]).astype(np.float) @property def curvature(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._curvature @curvature.setter def curvature(self, value): value = self._to_array_checked(value, (3,), "curvature", np.float) self._curvature = value def _update_ice_data(self, ice_data): super()._update_ice_data(ice_data) ice_data.axisLengths = conversions.vector3f_from_numpy(self.axis_lengths) ice_data.curvature = conversions.vector3f_from_numpy(self.curvature)
[docs]class Line(Element): """ A line. """ def __init__( self, id, start=None, end=None, line_width=10.0, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(, id=id, **kwargs) self.line_width: float = line_width if start is not None: self.start = start if end is not None: self.end = end @property def start(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._start @start.setter def start(self, value): value = self._to_array_checked(value, (3,), "start position") self._start = value @property def end(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._end @end.setter def end(self, value): value = self._to_array_checked(value, (3,), "start position") self._end = value def _update_ice_data(self, ice_data): super()._update_ice_data(ice_data) ice_data._from = conversions.vector3f_from_numpy(self.start) = conversions.vector3f_from_numpy(self.end)
[docs]class Pose(Element): """ A 6-D pose. """ def __init__( self, id, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(, id=id, **kwargs)
class Text(Element): def __init__( self, id, text="", **kwargs, ): super().__init__(, id=id, **kwargs) self.text: str = text def _update_ice_data(self, ice_data): super()._update_ice_data(ice_data) ice_data.text = str(self.text)
[docs]class ModelDrawStyle(enum.IntFlag): ORIGINAL = 0 COLLISION = 1 OVERRIDE_COLOR = 2
class Object(Element): def __init__( self, id, project="", filename="", file=None, use_collision_model=False, override_color=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(, id=id, **kwargs) self.project: str = project self.filename: str = filename self.draw_style: ModelDrawStyle = ModelDrawStyle.ORIGINAL if file is not None: self.file = file if use_collision_model: self.use_collision_model() if override_color is not None: self.override_color(override_color) @property def file(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: return self.project, self.filename @file.setter def file(self, value): self.project, self.filename = value @property def draw_style(self) -> ModelDrawStyle: return self._draw_style @draw_style.setter def draw_style(self, value): self._draw_style = ModelDrawStyle(value) def use_collision_model(self): self.draw_style |= ModelDrawStyle.COLLISION def use_full_model(self): self.draw_style &= ~ModelDrawStyle.COLLISION def override_color(self, color): self.draw_style |= ModelDrawStyle.OVERRIDE_COLOR self.color = color def use_original_color(self): self.draw_style &= ~ModelDrawStyle.OVERRIDE_COLOR def _update_ice_data(self, ice_data): super()._update_ice_data(ice_data) ice_data.project = str(self.project) ice_data.filename = str(self.filename) ice_data.drawStyle = int(self.draw_style)
[docs]class Robot(Object): """ A robot. """ def __init__( self, id, joint_angles=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(id=id, **kwargs) self.ice_data_cls = self.joint_angles: Dict[str, float] = ( {} if joint_angles is None else joint_angles ) def _update_ice_data(self, ice_data): super()._update_ice_data(ice_data) ice_data.jointValues = self.joint_angles
[docs]class PointCloud(Element): """ A point cloud. """ def __init__( self, id, transparency=0.0, point_size=1.0, points=None, point_colors=None, **kwargs, ): """ :param id: :param transparency: :param point_size: The point size in pixels. :param points: :param point_colors: :param kwargs: """ super().__init__(, id=id, **kwargs) self.points = np.zeros((0, 7)) self.transparency: float = transparency self.point_size: float = point_size if points is not None: self.points = points if point_colors is not None: self.point_colors = point_colors def clear(self): self.points = [] @property def points(self) -> np.ndarray: """ An array of shape (N, 7) containing N points of the form (x, y, z, r, g, b, a), or an empty array if there are no points. """ return self._points @points.setter def points(self, value): """ :param value: An array-like of one of the following shapes: (N, 3): Set as (x, y, z) with default color (100, 100, 100, 255). (N, 6): Set as (x, y, z, r, g, b) with default alpha (255). (N, 7): Set as (x, y, z, r, g, b, a). """ value = self._to_array_checked( value, [(0,), (None, 3), (None, 6), (None, 7)], "points", dtype=np.float ) if value.size == 0: self._points = value return self._points = np.stack([[0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 100, 255]] * value.shape[0]) self._points[:, : value.shape[-1]] = value @property def point_positions(self) -> np.ndarray: """An N x 3 slice of `self.points` containing the point positions as (x, y, z).""" return self._points[:, :3] @point_positions.setter def point_positions(self, value): value = self._to_array_checked( value, [(None, 3)], "point positions", dtype=np.float ) self._points[:, :3] = value @property def point_colors(self) -> np.ndarray: """An N x 4 slice of `self.points` containing the point colors as (r, g, b, a).""" return self._points[:, 3:] @point_colors.setter def point_colors(self, value): value = self._to_array_checked( value, [(3,), (4,), (None, 3), (None, 4)], "point colors" ) self._points[:, 3 : (3 + value.shape[-1])] = value def _update_ice_data(self, ice_data): super()._update_ice_data(ice_data) dtype = np.dtype( [ ("position", np.float32, (3,)), ("a", np.uint8), ("r", np.uint8), ("g", np.uint8), ("b", np.uint8), ] ) buffer = np.zeros(self.points.shape[0], dtype=dtype) assert self.points.shape[1] == 7 buffer["position"] = self.points[:, :3] buffer["r"] = self.points[:, 3] buffer["g"] = self.points[:, 4] buffer["b"] = self.points[:, 5] buffer["a"] = self.points[:, 6] ice_data.points = buffer ice_data.transparency = self.transparency ice_data.point_size = self.point_size
[docs]class Polygon(Element): """ A polygon. """ def __init__( self, id, line_width=0.0, line_color=None, points=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(, id=id, **kwargs) self.points = [] self.line_width: float = line_width self.line_color = line_color if line_color is not None else (100, 100, 100, 255) if points is not None: self.points = points @property def line_color(self) -> np.ndarray: """ The line color of the polygon """ return self._line_color @line_color.setter def line_color(self, value): value = self._to_array_checked(value, [(3,), (4,)], "line color") if value.shape == (3,): self._line_color = np.concatenate([value, [255]]) else: self._line_color = value def clear(self): self.points = [] @property def points(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._points @points.setter def points(self, value): value = self._to_array_checked( value, [(0,), (None, 3)], "polygon points", dtype=np.float ) self._points = value def _update_ice_data(self, ice_data): super()._update_ice_data(ice_data) ice_data.line_width = float(self.line_width) ice_data.line_color = conversions.to_viz_color(self.color) ice_data.points = conversions.vector3fs_from_numpy(self.points)