API Reference

If you are looking for information on a specific function.

API Reference for Robot Module


class armarx_robots.armar_6.A6[source]

Bases: armarx_robots.basic_robot.Robot


from armarx.robots import A6
robot = A6()
robot.say('hello world')

Sets zero torque mode for both arms


Sets zero velocity for both arms

close_hand(hand_name='left, right', shape_name=None)

Closes a hand or both hands

  • hand_name – the name of the hand
  • shape_name – the name of the hand shape

Sets the joint to a default pose

move_joints(joint_angles: typing.Dict[str, float])

Sets the joint position

Parameters:joint_angles – A map containing the joint names and positions.
open_hand(hand_name='left, right', shape_name=None)

Opens a hand or both hands

  • hand_name – the name of the hand
  • shape_name – the name of the hand shape
save_pose(pose_name: str)[source]

..todo:: retrieve current pose and store under name


Verbalizes the given text. SSML markup is supported For exmaple, to verbalize in a different language use

robot = Robot()
robot.say('<speak><voice language="de-de">Hallo Welt</voice></speak>')

..see:: armarx.speech.TextStateListener.say()

set_pose(pose_name: str)[source]

Sets the soft emergency stop flag

If supported by the robot then now motor commands are sent to the hardware

wait_for_joints(joint_angles: typing.Dict[str, float], eps=0.1, timeout=5)

Waits until the robot has reached a pose

  • eps – angle accuraccy in radiant
  • timeout – timeout in seconds



class armarx_robots.armar_3.A3[source]

Bases: armarx_robots.basic_robot.Robot


from armarx.robots import A3
robot = A3()
robot.say('hello world')

Sets zero velocity for both arms

close_hand(hand_name='left, right', shape_name=None)

Closes a hand or both hands

  • hand_name – the name of the hand
  • shape_name – the name of the hand shape
move_joints(joint_angles: typing.Dict[str, float])

Sets the joint position

Parameters:joint_angles – A map containing the joint names and positions.
open_hand(hand_name='left, right', shape_name=None)

Opens a hand or both hands

  • hand_name – the name of the hand
  • shape_name – the name of the hand shape

Verbalizes the given text. SSML markup is supported For exmaple, to verbalize in a different language use

robot = Robot()
robot.say('<speak><voice language="de-de">Hallo Welt</voice></speak>')

..see:: armarx.speech.TextStateListener.say()


Sets the soft emergency stop flag

If supported by the robot then now motor commands are sent to the hardware

wait_for_joints(joint_angles: typing.Dict[str, float], eps=0.1, timeout=5)

Waits until the robot has reached a pose

  • eps – angle accuraccy in radiant
  • timeout – timeout in seconds

API Reference for Ice Interaction

armarx_core.ice_manager.get_proxy(cls: T, proxy_name: str = None) → T[source]

Connects to a proxy.

  • cls – the class definition of an ArmarXComponent
  • proxy_name (str) – name of the proxy

the retrieved proxy

Return type:

an instance of cls


Ice::NotRegisteredException if the proxy is not available

armarx_core.ice_manager.get_topic(cls: T, topic_name: str = None) → T[source]

Retrieve a topic proxy casted to the first parameter

  • cls – Type of the topic
  • topic_name (str) – Name of the topic

a casted topic proxy

armarx_core.ice_manager.is_alive() → bool[source]

checks if shutdown has been invoked on the communicator.

Returns:true if ice grid registry is alive
armarx_core.ice_manager.register_object(ice_object: Ice.Object, ice_object_name: str = None) → IcePy.ObjectPrx[source]

Register a local ice object under the given name

  • ice_object – Local ice object instance
  • ice_object_name – Name with which the object should be registered

Proxy to this object

armarx_core.ice_manager.using_topic(proxy, topic_name: str = None)[source]
  • proxy – the instance where the topic event should be called
  • topic_name (str) – the name of the topic to connect to
armarx_core.ice_manager.wait_for_dependencies(proxy_names, timeout: int = 0)[source]

waits for a dependency list

Parameters:proxy_names (list of str) – the proxy names to wait for
Returns:True if all dependencies are resolved
Return type:bool
armarx_core.ice_manager.wait_for_proxy(cls, proxy_name: str = None, timeout: int = 0)[source]

waits for a proxy.

  • cls – the class definition of an ArmarXComponent
  • proxy_name – name of the proxy
  • timeout – timeout in seconds to wait for the proxy. Zero means to wait forever

the retrieved proxy

Return type:

an instance of cls


sleeps until the ice communicator receives a shutdown signal or the program receives a keyboard interrupt

Module containing all the logic to handle and import slice files

armarx_core.slice_loader.load_armarx_slice(armarx_package_name: str, filename: str)[source]

..deprecated:: add your slice file to a project’s VariantInfo-ProjectName.xml instead

API Reference for Object Localization

API Reference for Memory

API Reference for Perception

armarx_vision.image_processor module

class armarx_vision.image_processor.ImageProcessor(provider_name: str, num_result_images: int = None)[source]

Bases: visionx.ImageProcessorInterface, abc.ABC

An abstract class to process images

class TestImageProcessor(ImageProcessor):

    def process_images(self, images, info):
        info.timestamp = time.time()
        return np.random.random(images.shape) * 128, info
process_images(images: numpy.ndarray, info: armarx.MetaInfoSizeBase) → typing.Union[numpy.ndarray, typing.Tuple[numpy.ndarray, armarx.MetaInfoSizeBase]][source]

This function is called everytime a new image is available. Results are automatically published.

  • images – the new images
  • info – meta information about the image

Either the result images only or a tuple containing the result image and the info

reportImageAvailable(provider_name, current=None)[source]

armarx_vision.image_provider module

class armarx_vision.image_provider.ImageProvider(name: str, num_images: int = 2, width: int = 640, height: int = 480)[source]

Bases: visionx.ImageProviderInterface, abc.ABC


Register the image provider.

update_image(images, time_provided=0)[source]
update_images(images: numpy.ndarray, time_provided: int = 0)[source]

Publish a new image

  • images – the images to publish
  • time_provided – time stamp of the images. If zero the current time will be used

API Reference for Remote GUI

This module provides functionality for remote GUI clients.

  • Tab: Base class for remote tabs.
  • Client: Remote GUI client.
class armarx.remote_gui.client.Client(provider_name: str = 'RemoteGuiProvider')[source]

The client connects to the remote GUI and manages tabs.

add_tab(tab: armarx.remote_gui.client.Tab)[source]

Add a tab and establish a connection to the remote GUI.


Receive updates from the remote GUI for all added tabs.

remove_tab(tab: armarx.remote_gui.client.Tab)[source]

Remove a tab from the remote GUI.


Send updates to the remote GUI for all added tabs.


Run a loop receiving and sending updates. :param callback: The callback to call after receiving updates. :param block:

If true, blocks until a KeyboardInterrupt is received. If false, starts the loop in a thread and returns the thread.
Returns:If block is False, returns the thread, otherwise returns nothing.
class armarx.remote_gui.client.Tab(id: str)[source]

This is a base class for remote GUI tabs.

A remote GUI tab is identified by an id string. The structure of the GUI is defined via a single root widget. The root widget is usually a container widget which contains many child widgets.

The create_widget_tree() method must be overridden in derived class to create the root widget and all its children.

The on_update() method is called by the Client after updates have been received from the GUI.

connect(proxy: armarx.RemoteGuiInterfacePrx)[source]

Connect this instance with a remote GUI tab.

create_widget_tree() → armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget[source]

Creates a widget tree and returns the root widget of the tree.

This method MUST be overridden by a derived class.

In a derived class, you will create your widgets here and nest them via container widgets. You can store the widgets, which you want to access later (usually value widgets), as member variables. Widgets which are only used for layout or to display constant values can be created as local variables and need not be stored.


Updates the internal state after an update has been received from the GUI.

This method CAN be overridden by a derived class.

In a derived class, you can update your internal state according to the new updates from the GUI.


Receive updates from the remote GUI.


Remove this remote GUI tab.


Send updates to the remote GUI.

This module provides remote GUI widget classes.

Widget classes:
  • Label: Display a text string.
  • LineEdit: Edit text in a box.
  • ComboBox: Select an option from a predefined list.
  • IntSpinBox: Edit an integer value in a box.
  • IntSlider: Select an integer value with a slider.
  • FloatSpinBox: Edit a floating point value in a box.
  • FloatSlider: Select a floating point value with a slider.
  • Button: Click a button.
  • CheckBox: Mark a box with a check mark.
  • ToggleButton: Toggle a button.
  • HBoxLayout: Layout widgets horizontally.
  • VBoxLayout: Layout widgets vertically.
  • GridLayout: Layout widgets in a grid.
  • GroupBox: Group widgets in box.
  • VSpacer: Add vertical spacing to fill a layout.
  • HSpacer: Add horizontal spacing to fill a layout.
class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Button(label: str = 'Button')[source]

A button can be clicked.

Internally a button is still a value widget with type ‘int’. The value stores the number of times a button has been clicked.

The ‘label’ property defines the text displayed on the button.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.

has_value_changed() → bool

Indicates whether the value has changed since the last update.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.


Return the label text.


Returns the current values stored in the widget.


Return whether the button has been clicked.

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.CheckBox(checked: bool = False)[source]

A check box displays its boolean value as a check mark in a box.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.

has_value_changed() → bool

Indicates whether the value has changed since the last update.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.


Returns the current values stored in the widget.

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.ComboBox(options: typing.List[str] = None)[source]

A combo box displays its value as a text string selected from a list of predefined options.

add_option(option: str)[source]

Add an option to the list of predefined values of this combo box.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.

has_value_changed() → bool

Indicates whether the value has changed since the last update.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.


Returns the index of the current value in the list of predefined options.


Returns the list of predefined options of this combo box.


Returns the current values stored in the widget.

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.ContainerWidget(desc: armarx.RemoteGui.Widget, children: typing.List[armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget] = None)[source]

This is the base class for all widgets containing child widgets.

add_child(child: armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget)[source]

Add a widget to the list of child widgets.

add_children(children: typing.List[armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget])[source]

Add a list of widgets to the list of child widgets.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.

set_child(child: armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget)[source]

Set a single child widget (overwrites previous children).

set_children(children: typing.List[armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget])[source]

Set the list of child widgets (overwrites previous children).

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.FloatSlider(value: float = 0.0, range_min: float = 0.0, range_max: float = 1.0, steps: int = 100)[source]

A float slider displays its value as a horizontal slider.

The ‘range’ property defines the allowed range of values by specifying a minimum and maximum value. The current value of the widget can only be set between these two values. The GUI does not allow the user to change the value outside of the defined range.

The ‘steps’ property defines in how many steps the value can be changed from its minimum to its maximum.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.

has_value_changed() → bool

Indicates whether the value has changed since the last update.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.


Returns the allowed value range as tuple (minimum value, maximum value).


Returns the number of steps in which the value can be changed from minimum to maximum.


Returns the current values stored in the widget.

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.FloatSpinBox(value: float = 0.0, range_min: float = 0.0, range_max: float = 1.0, steps: int = 100, decimals: int = 3)[source]

A float spin box displays its value as a decimal number in a text box with up-down arrows for editing.

The ‘range’ property defines the allowed range of values by specifying a minimum and maximum value. The current value of the widget can only be set between these two values. The GUI does not allow the user to change the value outside of the defined range.

The ‘steps’ property defines in how many steps the value can be changed from its minimum to its maximum.

The ‘decimals’ property defines how many decimal places of the current value are displayed in the widget.


Returns the number of decimal places, which are displayed in the widget.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.

has_value_changed() → bool

Indicates whether the value has changed since the last update.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.


Returns the allowed value range as tuple (minimum value, maximum value).


Returns the number of steps in which the value can be changed from minimum to maximum.


Returns the current values stored in the widget.

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.GridLayout[source]

A container widget with a grid layout for the child widgets.

add(child: armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget, pos: typing.Tuple[int, int] = None, span: typing.Tuple[int, int] = None)[source]

Add a child widget at the specified grid position (x, y) and span (width, height).

add_child(child: armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget)

Add a widget to the list of child widgets.

add_children(children: typing.List[armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget])

Add a list of widgets to the list of child widgets.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.

set_child(child: armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget)

Set a single child widget (overwrites previous children).

set_children(children: typing.List[armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget])

Set the list of child widgets (overwrites previous children).

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.GroupBox(label: str = 'GroupBox', child: armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget = None)[source]

A group box is a container widget which can only hold a single child widget.

The ‘label’ property is displayed at the top of the border of the group box. The ‘collapsed’ property determines whether the group box is collapsed or expanded.

add_child(child: armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget)

Add a widget to the list of child widgets.

add_children(children: typing.List[armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget])

Add a list of widgets to the list of child widgets.


Return whether the group box was initially collapsed or expanded.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.


Return the label text.

set_child(child: armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget)

Set a single child widget (overwrites previous children).

set_children(children: typing.List[armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget])

Set the list of child widgets (overwrites previous children).

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.HBoxLayout(children: typing.List[armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget] = None)[source]

A container widget with a horizontal box layout for the child widgets.

add_child(child: armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget)

Add a widget to the list of child widgets.

add_children(children: typing.List[armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget])

Add a list of widgets to the list of child widgets.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.

set_child(child: armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget)

Set a single child widget (overwrites previous children).

set_children(children: typing.List[armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget])

Set the list of child widgets (overwrites previous children).

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.HSpacer[source]

A spacer that fills horizontal space until the parent widget is filled.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.IntSlider(value: int = 0, range_min: int = 0, range_max: int = 1)[source]

An int slider displays its value as a horizontal slider.

The ‘range’ property defines the allowed range of values by specifying a minimum and maximum value. The current value of the widget can only be set between these two values. The GUI does not allow the user to change the value outside of the defined range.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.

has_value_changed() → bool

Indicates whether the value has changed since the last update.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.


Returns the allowed value range as tuple (minimum value, maximum value).


Returns the current values stored in the widget.

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.IntSpinBox(value=0, range_min=0, range_max=1)[source]

An int spin box displays its value as an integer in a text box with up-down arrows for editing.

The ‘range’ property defines the allowed range of values by specifying a minimum and maximum value. The current value of the widget can only be set between these two values. The GUI does not allow the user to change the value outside of the defined range.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.

has_value_changed() → bool

Indicates whether the value has changed since the last update.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.


Returns the allowed value range as tuple (minimum value, maximum value).


Returns the current values stored in the widget.

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Label(text: str = '')[source]

The label widget displays its value as a text string.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.

has_value_changed() → bool

Indicates whether the value has changed since the last update.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.


Returns the current values stored in the widget.

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.LineEdit[source]

A line edit displays its value as an editable text box.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.

has_value_changed() → bool

Indicates whether the value has changed since the last update.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.


Returns the current values stored in the widget.

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.ToggleButton(label: str = 'Button', toggled: bool = False)[source]

A toggle button displays its boolean value as a pushed in button.

The ‘label’ property defines the text displayed on the button.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.

has_value_changed() → bool

Indicates whether the value has changed since the last update.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.


Return the label text.


Returns the current values stored in the widget.

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.VBoxLayout(children: typing.List[armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget] = None)[source]

A container widget with a vertical box layout for the child widgets.

add_child(child: armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget)

Add a widget to the list of child widgets.

add_children(children: typing.List[armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget])

Add a list of widgets to the list of child widgets.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.

set_child(child: armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget)

Set a single child widget (overwrites previous children).

set_children(children: typing.List[armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget])

Set the list of child widgets (overwrites previous children).

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.VSpacer[source]

A spacer that fills vertical space until the parent widget is filled.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.ValueWidget(desc: armarx.RemoteGui.Widget)[source]

Base class for widgets, which store values (e.g. IntSpinBox, LineEdit).

This class provides the ‘value’ property, whose type is determined by the derived class. A LineEdit will accept ‘str’ values while an IntSpinBox accepts ‘int’ values.


Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.

has_value_changed() → bool[source]

Indicates whether the value has changed since the last update.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.


Returns the current values stored in the widget.

class armarx.remote_gui.widgets.Widget(desc: armarx.RemoteGui.Widget)[source]

Base class for widgets.

This class provides the following properties:
  • hidden: Controls whether the widget is visible or hidden.
  • disabled: Controls whether the widget is enabled or disabled.

Returns whether the widget is currently disabled.


Returns whether the widget is currently hidden.

API Reference for ArViz

class armarx.arviz.elements.elements.Arrow(id, length=100.0, width=10.0, direction=None, from_to=None, **kwargs)[source]

An arrow.

enable_interaction(selection: bool = False, context_menu_options: typing.List[str] = None, translation: str = None, rotation: str = None, scaling: str = None, transform: bool = False, hide_during_transform: bool = False) → armarx.arviz.elements.Element.Element

Enable one or more interaction features.

  • selection – Enable selection / deselection. Implied by most other features.
  • context_menu_options – Enable a context menu showing the given options.
  • translation – Enable translation along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • rotation – Enable rotation around a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • scaling – Enable scaling along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • transform – Implies translation = “xyz” and rotation = “xyz”.
  • hide_during_transform – Hide the original element while a ghost is shown during interaction. If False, both the original element and the ghost are visible.



Get the Ice data for committing.


The orientation as 3x3 rotation matrix.


The orientation as [w, x, y, z] quaternion.


The pose as 4x4 transformation matrix.

Returns:A scaling vector [x, y, z] of shape (3,).
class armarx.arviz.elements.elements.ArrowCircle(id, radius=100.0, completion=1.0, width=10.0, normal=None, **kwargs)[source]

An arrow circle.

enable_interaction(selection: bool = False, context_menu_options: typing.List[str] = None, translation: str = None, rotation: str = None, scaling: str = None, transform: bool = False, hide_during_transform: bool = False) → armarx.arviz.elements.Element.Element

Enable one or more interaction features.

  • selection – Enable selection / deselection. Implied by most other features.
  • context_menu_options – Enable a context menu showing the given options.
  • translation – Enable translation along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • rotation – Enable rotation around a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • scaling – Enable scaling along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • transform – Implies translation = “xyz” and rotation = “xyz”.
  • hide_during_transform – Hide the original element while a ghost is shown during interaction. If False, both the original element and the ghost are visible.



Get the Ice data for committing.


The orientation as 3x3 rotation matrix.


The orientation as [w, x, y, z] quaternion.


The pose as 4x4 transformation matrix.

Returns:A scaling vector [x, y, z] of shape (3,).
class armarx.arviz.elements.elements.Box(id, size=1.0, **kwargs)[source]

A box.

enable_interaction(selection: bool = False, context_menu_options: typing.List[str] = None, translation: str = None, rotation: str = None, scaling: str = None, transform: bool = False, hide_during_transform: bool = False) → armarx.arviz.elements.Element.Element

Enable one or more interaction features.

  • selection – Enable selection / deselection. Implied by most other features.
  • context_menu_options – Enable a context menu showing the given options.
  • translation – Enable translation along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • rotation – Enable rotation around a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • scaling – Enable scaling along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • transform – Implies translation = “xyz” and rotation = “xyz”.
  • hide_during_transform – Hide the original element while a ghost is shown during interaction. If False, both the original element and the ghost are visible.



Get the Ice data for committing.


The orientation as 3x3 rotation matrix.


The orientation as [w, x, y, z] quaternion.


The pose as 4x4 transformation matrix.

Returns:A scaling vector [x, y, z] of shape (3,).
class armarx.arviz.elements.elements.Cylinder(id, radius=10.0, height=10.0, direction=None, from_to=None, **kwargs)[source]

A cylinder.

enable_interaction(selection: bool = False, context_menu_options: typing.List[str] = None, translation: str = None, rotation: str = None, scaling: str = None, transform: bool = False, hide_during_transform: bool = False) → armarx.arviz.elements.Element.Element

Enable one or more interaction features.

  • selection – Enable selection / deselection. Implied by most other features.
  • context_menu_options – Enable a context menu showing the given options.
  • translation – Enable translation along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • rotation – Enable rotation around a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • scaling – Enable scaling along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • transform – Implies translation = “xyz” and rotation = “xyz”.
  • hide_during_transform – Hide the original element while a ghost is shown during interaction. If False, both the original element and the ghost are visible.



Get the Ice data for committing.


The orientation as 3x3 rotation matrix.


The orientation as [w, x, y, z] quaternion.


The pose as 4x4 transformation matrix.

Returns:A scaling vector [x, y, z] of shape (3,).
class armarx.arviz.elements.elements.Ellipsoid(id, axis_lengths=None, curvature=None, **kwargs)[source]

An ellipsoid.

enable_interaction(selection: bool = False, context_menu_options: typing.List[str] = None, translation: str = None, rotation: str = None, scaling: str = None, transform: bool = False, hide_during_transform: bool = False) → armarx.arviz.elements.Element.Element

Enable one or more interaction features.

  • selection – Enable selection / deselection. Implied by most other features.
  • context_menu_options – Enable a context menu showing the given options.
  • translation – Enable translation along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • rotation – Enable rotation around a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • scaling – Enable scaling along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • transform – Implies translation = “xyz” and rotation = “xyz”.
  • hide_during_transform – Hide the original element while a ghost is shown during interaction. If False, both the original element and the ghost are visible.



Get the Ice data for committing.


The orientation as 3x3 rotation matrix.


The orientation as [w, x, y, z] quaternion.


The pose as 4x4 transformation matrix.

Returns:A scaling vector [x, y, z] of shape (3,).
class armarx.arviz.elements.elements.Line(id, start=None, end=None, line_width=10.0, **kwargs)[source]

A line.

enable_interaction(selection: bool = False, context_menu_options: typing.List[str] = None, translation: str = None, rotation: str = None, scaling: str = None, transform: bool = False, hide_during_transform: bool = False) → armarx.arviz.elements.Element.Element

Enable one or more interaction features.

  • selection – Enable selection / deselection. Implied by most other features.
  • context_menu_options – Enable a context menu showing the given options.
  • translation – Enable translation along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • rotation – Enable rotation around a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • scaling – Enable scaling along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • transform – Implies translation = “xyz” and rotation = “xyz”.
  • hide_during_transform – Hide the original element while a ghost is shown during interaction. If False, both the original element and the ghost are visible.



Get the Ice data for committing.


The orientation as 3x3 rotation matrix.


The orientation as [w, x, y, z] quaternion.


The pose as 4x4 transformation matrix.

Returns:A scaling vector [x, y, z] of shape (3,).
class armarx.arviz.elements.elements.ModelDrawStyle[source]

An enumeration.

class armarx.arviz.elements.elements.PointCloud(id, transparency=0.0, point_size=1.0, points=None, point_colors=None, **kwargs)[source]

A point cloud.

enable_interaction(selection: bool = False, context_menu_options: typing.List[str] = None, translation: str = None, rotation: str = None, scaling: str = None, transform: bool = False, hide_during_transform: bool = False) → armarx.arviz.elements.Element.Element

Enable one or more interaction features.

  • selection – Enable selection / deselection. Implied by most other features.
  • context_menu_options – Enable a context menu showing the given options.
  • translation – Enable translation along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • rotation – Enable rotation around a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • scaling – Enable scaling along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • transform – Implies translation = “xyz” and rotation = “xyz”.
  • hide_during_transform – Hide the original element while a ghost is shown during interaction. If False, both the original element and the ghost are visible.



Get the Ice data for committing.


The orientation as 3x3 rotation matrix.


The orientation as [w, x, y, z] quaternion.


An N x 4 slice of self.points containing the point colors as (r, g, b, a).


An N x 3 slice of self.points containing the point positions as (x, y, z).


An array of shape (N, 7) containing N points of the form (x, y, z, r, g, b, a), or an empty array if there are no points.


The pose as 4x4 transformation matrix.

Returns:A scaling vector [x, y, z] of shape (3,).
class armarx.arviz.elements.elements.Polygon(id, line_width=0.0, line_color=None, points=None, **kwargs)[source]

A polygon.

enable_interaction(selection: bool = False, context_menu_options: typing.List[str] = None, translation: str = None, rotation: str = None, scaling: str = None, transform: bool = False, hide_during_transform: bool = False) → armarx.arviz.elements.Element.Element

Enable one or more interaction features.

  • selection – Enable selection / deselection. Implied by most other features.
  • context_menu_options – Enable a context menu showing the given options.
  • translation – Enable translation along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • rotation – Enable rotation around a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • scaling – Enable scaling along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • transform – Implies translation = “xyz” and rotation = “xyz”.
  • hide_during_transform – Hide the original element while a ghost is shown during interaction. If False, both the original element and the ghost are visible.



Get the Ice data for committing.


The line color of the polygon


The orientation as 3x3 rotation matrix.


The orientation as [w, x, y, z] quaternion.


The pose as 4x4 transformation matrix.

Returns:A scaling vector [x, y, z] of shape (3,).
class armarx.arviz.elements.elements.Pose(id, **kwargs)[source]

A 6-D pose.

enable_interaction(selection: bool = False, context_menu_options: typing.List[str] = None, translation: str = None, rotation: str = None, scaling: str = None, transform: bool = False, hide_during_transform: bool = False) → armarx.arviz.elements.Element.Element

Enable one or more interaction features.

  • selection – Enable selection / deselection. Implied by most other features.
  • context_menu_options – Enable a context menu showing the given options.
  • translation – Enable translation along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • rotation – Enable rotation around a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • scaling – Enable scaling along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • transform – Implies translation = “xyz” and rotation = “xyz”.
  • hide_during_transform – Hide the original element while a ghost is shown during interaction. If False, both the original element and the ghost are visible.



Get the Ice data for committing.


The orientation as 3x3 rotation matrix.


The orientation as [w, x, y, z] quaternion.


The pose as 4x4 transformation matrix.

Returns:A scaling vector [x, y, z] of shape (3,).
class armarx.arviz.elements.elements.Robot(id, joint_angles=None, **kwargs)[source]

A robot.

enable_interaction(selection: bool = False, context_menu_options: typing.List[str] = None, translation: str = None, rotation: str = None, scaling: str = None, transform: bool = False, hide_during_transform: bool = False) → armarx.arviz.elements.Element.Element

Enable one or more interaction features.

  • selection – Enable selection / deselection. Implied by most other features.
  • context_menu_options – Enable a context menu showing the given options.
  • translation – Enable translation along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • rotation – Enable rotation around a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • scaling – Enable scaling along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • transform – Implies translation = “xyz” and rotation = “xyz”.
  • hide_during_transform – Hide the original element while a ghost is shown during interaction. If False, both the original element and the ghost are visible.



Get the Ice data for committing.


The orientation as 3x3 rotation matrix.


The orientation as [w, x, y, z] quaternion.


The pose as 4x4 transformation matrix.

Returns:A scaling vector [x, y, z] of shape (3,).
class armarx.arviz.elements.elements.Sphere(id, radius=10.0, **kwargs)[source]

A sphere.

enable_interaction(selection: bool = False, context_menu_options: typing.List[str] = None, translation: str = None, rotation: str = None, scaling: str = None, transform: bool = False, hide_during_transform: bool = False) → armarx.arviz.elements.Element.Element

Enable one or more interaction features.

  • selection – Enable selection / deselection. Implied by most other features.
  • context_menu_options – Enable a context menu showing the given options.
  • translation – Enable translation along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • rotation – Enable rotation around a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • scaling – Enable scaling along a set of axis, specified by a subset of “xyzl” (with l for local axes).
  • transform – Implies translation = “xyz” and rotation = “xyz”.
  • hide_during_transform – Hide the original element while a ghost is shown during interaction. If False, both the original element and the ghost are visible.



Get the Ice data for committing.


The orientation as 3x3 rotation matrix.


The orientation as [w, x, y, z] quaternion.


The pose as 4x4 transformation matrix.

Returns:A scaling vector [x, y, z] of shape (3,).

API Reference for Memory