Source code for armarx_robots.armar_6

import time
from typing import Dict
from functools import lru_cache

from armarx_robots.basic_robot import Robot

from armarx import KinematicUnitInterfacePrx

# from armarx import KinematicUnitObserverInterfacePrx

from armarx_robots.statechart import StatechartExecutor
from armarx_robots.sensors import Camera

[docs]class A6(Robot): """ ARMAR-6 .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python from armarx.robots import A6 robot = A6() robot.say('hello world') """ profile_name = "Armar6Real" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.both_arms_joint_names = [ "ArmL1_Cla1", "ArmL2_Sho1", "ArmL3_Sho2", "ArmL4_Sho3", "ArmL5_Elb1", "ArmL6_Elb2", "ArmL7_Wri1", "ArmL8_Wri2", "ArmR1_Cla1", "ArmR2_Sho1", "ArmR3_Sho2", "ArmR4_Sho3", "ArmR5_Elb1", "ArmR6_Elb2", "ArmR7_Wri1", "ArmR8_Wri2", ] self.on_connect() self.rgbd_camera = Camera("OpenNIPointCloudProvider") self.stereo_camera = Camera("RCPointCloudProvider") # self.poses = def on_connect(self): super().on_connect() # self.kinematic_observer = KinematicUnitObserverInterfacePrx.get_proxy('Armar6KinematicUnitObserver') @property @lru_cache(1) def kinematic_unit(self): return KinematicUnitInterfacePrx.get_proxy("Armar6KinematicUnit")
[docs] def init_pose(self): """ Sets the joint to a default pose """ joint_angles = { "ArmL1_Cla1": 0.036781, "ArmL2_Sho1": 0.839879, "ArmL3_Sho2": 0.111953, "ArmL4_Sho3": 0.178885, "ArmL5_Elb1": 1.317399, "ArmL6_Elb2": -0.077956, "ArmL7_Wri1": 0.081407, "ArmL8_Wri2": 0.171840, "ArmR1_Cla1": -0.036818, "ArmR2_Sho1": -0.839400, "ArmR3_Sho2": 0.111619, "ArmR4_Sho3": -0.179005, "ArmR5_Elb1": 1.319545, "ArmR6_Elb2": 0.078254, "ArmR7_Wri1": -0.081144, "ArmR8_Wri2": 0.171887, "Neck_1_Yaw": 0.0, "Neck_2_Pitch": 0.2, "TorsoJoint": 0.5, } self.move_joints(joint_angles)
[docs] def save_pose(self, pose_name: str): """ ..todo:: retrieve current pose and store under name """ pass
[docs] def set_pose(self, pose_name: str): """ """ pass
[docs] def both_arms_zero_torque(self, joint_names=None): """ Sets zero torque mode for both arms """ joint_names = joint_names or self.both_arms_joint_names control_mode = {n: ControlMode.eTorqueControl for n in joint_names} joint_torques = {n: 0 for n in joint_names} self.kinematic_unit.switchControlMode(control_mode) self.kinematic_unit.setJointTorques(joint_torques)
def place_object(self, state_parameters=None): s = StatechartExecutor(self.profile_name, "Armar6GraspingGroup", "PlaceObject") return, True) def grasp_object(self, state_parameters=None): s = StatechartExecutor( self.profile_name, "Armar6GraspingGroup", "GraspSingleObject" ) return, True)