interface KBMComponentInterface
Operation Index
- createKBM
@brief createKBM creates a new KBM and makes it available under the given name
@param name the name of the KBM
@param nDoF degrees of freedom
@param dim dimensions
@param spreadAngle the common spreadAngle for joints
- createArmar3KBM
@brief createArmar3KBM creates a KBM from a VirtualRobot model
@param name the KBM will be available under this name
@param activeJoints the names of the joints that are used
@param tcpName name of the joint that corresponds best to the tool center point
@param useOrientation use only the position (3 dimensions) or position and orientation (9 dimensions in total)
- batch
@brief batch learning of n training samples
@param name the name of the KBM
@param proprioception length must be DoF * n
@param position length must be Dim * n
@param method will be mapped to the Enum in the KBM class, currently 0 = STANDARD, 1 = PLS
@param threshold should equal the expected mean positioning error
- online
@brief online learning of n training samples
@param name the name of the KBM
@param proprioception length must be DoF * n
@param position length must be Dim * n
@param learnRate learning rate between 0 and 1
- onlineVerbose
@brief online learning of n training samples
@param name the name of the KBM
@param proprioception length must be DoF * n
@param position length must be Dim * n
@param learnRate learning rate between 0 and 1
- predict
@brief predict the position for n samples of proprioception (forward kinematics)
@param name the name of the KBM
@param proprioception length must be DoF * n
@return the predicted position with length Dim * n
- printErrors
@brief calls getErrors on the KBM and prints the result
@param name the name of the KBM
@param proprioception the proprioception to pass to getErrors
@param position the position to pass to getErrors
- accumulatePositions
@brief accumulate adds the given position to the accumulator to use it later
@param position length must be Dim * n
- accumulateEvaluationPositions
- getRawJointValuesAverages
@brief getRawJointValuesAverages calculates the average raw joint values for each joint
from the data stored in the raw joint values accumulator.
- getSpreadAngles
@brief getSpreadAngles returns the spreadAngles calculated using the data in the proprioceptionAccumulator
- accumulateProprioceptions
@brief accumualteProprioceptions accumulates proprioceptions
- accumulateEvaluationProprioceptions
- accumulateRawJointValues
@brief accumualteRawJointValues accumulates raw joint values that will be transformed to proprioceptions later
- setProprioceptionAccumulatorFromRawJointAccumulator
@brief setProprioceptionAccumulatorFromRawJointAccumulator updates the proprioception accumulator
- setPositionLimits
@brief setPositionLimits sets the position limits using the data in the position accumulator
- onlineAccumulator
@brief onlineAccumulator calls online after transforming the raw joint accumulator to proprioceptions
- onlineAccumulatorVerbose
@brief onlineAccumulatorVerbose same as onlineAccumulator, but evaluates after each learning step
- batchAccumulator
@brief the same as batch but with the data from the accumulator
- printErrorsAccumulator
@brief the same as printErrors but with the data from the accumulator
- printAccumulatorStatistics
@brief printAccumulatorStatistics prints information about the values in the accumulators
- predictAccumulator
@brief the same as predict but with the data from the accumulator, however the results are currently just printed and not returned
- solveGlobalIK
@brief solveGlobalIK solves the global inverse kinematics for the given position
@param name the name of the KBM
@param targetPosition
@return the proprioception
- solveDifferentialIK
@brief solveDifferentialIK solves the differential inverse kinematics for the given position
@param name the name of the KBM
@param targetPosition
@param currentPosition
@param currentProprioception
@return the proprioception
- storeToMemory
- restoreFromMemory
- isInMemory
- kbmNames
Returns the names of the existing KBMs
- clearAccumulators
Clears the accumulators
void createKBM(string name, int nDoF, int dim, float spreadAngle)
@brief createKBM creates a new KBM and makes it available under the given name
- name
the name of the KBM
- nDoF
degrees of freedom
- dim
- spreadAngle
the common spreadAngle for joints
void createArmar3KBM(string name, ::Ice::StringSeq activeJoints, ::Ice::DoubleSeq jointValueAverages, ::Ice::DoubleSeq spreadAngles, string tcpName, bool useOrientation)
@brief createArmar3KBM creates a KBM from a VirtualRobot model
- name
the KBM will be available under this name
- activeJoints
the names of the joints that are used
- tcpName
name of the joint that corresponds best to the tool center point
- useOrientation
use only the position (3 dimensions) or position and orientation (9 dimensions in total)
void batch(string name, ::Ice::DoubleSeq proprioception, ::Ice::DoubleSeq position, int method, float threshold)
@brief batch learning of n training samples
- name
the name of the KBM
- proprioception
length must be DoF * n
- position
length must be Dim * n
- method
will be mapped to the Enum in the KBM class, currently 0 = STANDARD, 1 = PLS
- threshold
should equal the expected mean positioning error
void online(string name, ::Ice::DoubleSeq proprioception, ::Ice::DoubleSeq position, float learnRate)
@brief online learning of n training samples
- name
the name of the KBM
- proprioception
length must be DoF * n
- position
length must be Dim * n
- learnRate
learning rate between 0 and 1
void onlineVerbose(string name, ::Ice::DoubleSeq proprioception, ::Ice::DoubleSeq position, float learnRate, ::Ice::DoubleSeq evaluationProprioception, ::Ice::DoubleSeq evaluationPosition)
@brief online learning of n training samples
- name
the name of the KBM
- proprioception
length must be DoF * n
- position
length must be Dim * n
- learnRate
learning rate between 0 and 1
::Ice::DoubleSeq predict(string name, ::Ice::DoubleSeq proprioception)
@brief predict the position for n samples of proprioception (forward kinematics)
- name
the name of the KBM
- proprioception
length must be DoF * n
Return Value
the predicted position with length Dim * n
void printErrors(string name, ::Ice::DoubleSeq proprioception, ::Ice::DoubleSeq position)
@brief calls getErrors on the KBM and prints the result
- name
the name of the KBM
- proprioception
the proprioception to pass to getErrors
- position
the position to pass to getErrors
void accumulatePositions(::Ice::DoubleSeq position)
@brief accumulate adds the given position to the accumulator to use it later
- position
length must be Dim * n
void accumulateEvaluationPositions(::Ice::DoubleSeq position)
::Ice::DoubleSeq getRawJointValuesAverages(int nDoF)
@brief getRawJointValuesAverages calculates the average raw joint values for each joint
from the data stored in the raw joint values accumulator.
::Ice::DoubleSeq getSpreadAngles(int nDoF)
@brief getSpreadAngles returns the spreadAngles calculated using the data in the proprioceptionAccumulator
void accumulateProprioceptions(::Ice::DoubleSeq proprioceptions)
@brief accumualteProprioceptions accumulates proprioceptions
void accumulateEvaluationProprioceptions(::Ice::DoubleSeq proprioceptions)
void accumulateRawJointValues(::Ice::DoubleSeq rawJointValuesSequence)
@brief accumualteRawJointValues accumulates raw joint values that will be transformed to proprioceptions later
void setProprioceptionAccumulatorFromRawJointAccumulator(::Ice::DoubleSeq rawJointValuesAverages)
@brief setProprioceptionAccumulatorFromRawJointAccumulator updates the proprioception accumulator
void setPositionLimits(int nDim)
@brief setPositionLimits sets the position limits using the data in the position accumulator
void onlineAccumulator(string name, float learningRate)
@brief onlineAccumulator calls online after transforming the raw joint accumulator to proprioceptions
void onlineAccumulatorVerbose(string name, float learningRate)
@brief onlineAccumulatorVerbose same as onlineAccumulator, but evaluates after each learning step
void batchAccumulator(string name, int method, float threshold)
@brief the same as batch but with the data from the accumulator
void printErrorsAccumulator(string name)
@brief the same as printErrors but with the data from the accumulator
void printAccumulatorStatistics(int nDim, int nDoF)
@brief printAccumulatorStatistics prints information about the values in the accumulators
void predictAccumulator(string name)
@brief the same as predict but with the data from the accumulator, however the results are currently just printed and not returned
::Ice::DoubleSeq solveGlobalIK(string name, ::Ice::DoubleSeq targetPosition)
@brief solveGlobalIK solves the global inverse kinematics for the given position
- name
the name of the KBM
Return Value
the proprioception
::Ice::DoubleSeq solveDifferentialIK(string name, ::Ice::DoubleSeq targetPosition, ::Ice::DoubleSeq currentPosition, ::Ice::DoubleSeq currentProprioception, ::Ice::DoubleSeq lowerProprioceptionLimits, ::Ice::DoubleSeq upperProprioceptionLimits)
@brief solveDifferentialIK solves the differential inverse kinematics for the given position
- name
the name of the KBM
Return Value
the proprioception
void storeToMemory(string kbmName, string nodeSetName, string referenceNodeName, string robotName)
void restoreFromMemory(string name, string nodeSetName, string referenceNodeName, string robotName)
bool isInMemory(string nodeSetName, string referenceNodeName, string robotName)
::Ice::StringSeq kbmNames()
Returns the names of the existing KBMs
void clearAccumulators()
Clears the accumulators