interface RemoteObjectNodeInterface
@brief Offers an interface to create objects or components.
Both, depending on their type, are registered with ice or the \ref armarx::ArmarXManager.
Both can either be created until the server shuts down, or until the last handle is deleted by the client.
Operation Index
- createPersistentComponent
- createRemoteHandledComponent
- registerPersistentObjectWithIdentity
- registerRemoteHandledObjectWithIdentity
- registerPersistentObject
- registerRemoteHandledObject
- getNumberOfCores
@brief Returns the number of cores of the remote object node's machine.
- getNumberOfObjects
- getNumberOfPersistentObjects
- getNumberOfRemoteHandledObjects
- getKnownComponentFactories
Object* createPersistentComponent(string componentFactoryName, string registrationName, ComponentParameter params) throws NoSuchComponentFactory
Object* registerPersistentObjectWithIdentity(::Ice::Identity ident, Object registree)
ClientSideRemoteHandleControlBlockBase registerRemoteHandledObjectWithIdentity(::Ice::Identity ident, Object registree)
Object* registerPersistentObject(string registrationName, Object registree)
long getNumberOfCores()
@brief Returns the number of cores of the remote object node's machine.
(it is only a hint! may be 1 when it has 10 cores)
Return Value
The number of cores of the remote object node's machine.
long getNumberOfObjects()
long getNumberOfPersistentObjects()
long getNumberOfRemoteHandledObjects()
::Ice::StringSeq getKnownComponentFactories()