Derived Classes and Interfaces
- RemoteStateIceBase
- RemoteStateOffererIceBase
Used By
- CreateRemoteStateInstanceInput::parentStateLayout
- CreateRemoteStateInstanceOutput::statechartInstance
- RemoteStateInterface::getParentStateLayout
- RemoteStateOffererInterface::getStatechart
- RemoteStateOffererInterface::getStatechartInstance
- RemoteStateOffererInterface::getStatechartInstanceByGlobalIdStr
- RemoteStateOffererInterface::refetchRemoteSubstates
- StatechartInterface::getStatechart
Data Member Index
- subStateList
- initialStateMapping
- initState
Initial substate.
- activeSubstate
The currently active substate.
- transitions
Vector that holds all transition of substates of this state.
- installedConditions
Data Members
Initial substate. MUST be set, if the state has any substates.
initStates's OnEnter() is automatically called if this (initState's parent) state is entered.
The currently active substate. That means OnEnter() has been called, but not OnExit() or OnBreak()
Vector that holds all transition of substates of this state.
If unbreakable is true, then transitions of parent states of any level are prohibited and these transitions are delayed.