#include "SaliencyCalculation.h"
#include <Calibration/Calibration.h>
#include <Image/ByteImage.h>
#include <Image/ImageProcessor.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <ArmarXCore/core/logging/Logging.h>
#include <omp.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
void | ConvertRGB2Lab (const CByteImage *pImageRGB, CByteImage *pImageLab) |
CComplexNumber | ExpComplImagOnly (const float a) |
void | FindLocalMaxima (const std::vector< CHypothesisPoint * > &aPoints, const Mat3d mCameraToWorldRotation, const Vec3d vCameraToWorldTranslation, const CCalibration *calibration, std::vector< Vec3d > &aMaxima, CByteImage *pMaximumnessImage, const int nBinSizeInPx) |
void | FindLocalMaxima (const std::vector< Vec3d > &aPoints3D, const std::vector< Vec2d > &aPointsInImage, std::vector< Vec3d > &aMaxima, const int nBinSizeInPx, CByteImage *pMaximumnessImage) |
void | FindSalientRegionsAchanta (const CByteImage *pImageRGB, CByteImage *pSaliencyImage) |
void | FindSalientRegionsHou (const CByteImage *pImageRGB, CByteImage *pSaliencyImage) |
void | FourierTransformation (const CByteImage *pGrayImage, CComplexNumber *pTransformed) |
void | InverseFourierTransformation (CComplexNumber *pTransformed, CByteImage *pGrayImage) |
CComplexNumber | MultCompl (const CComplexNumber a, const CComplexNumber b) |
void | SubstractAveragedLogPowerSpectrum (CComplexNumber *pTransformed) |