Go to the documentation of this file.
33 #include <ArmarXCore/interface/statechart/StatechartIce.h>
38 using StatePtr = std::shared_ptr<State>;
39 using StateCPtr = std::shared_ptr<const State>;
45 public std::enable_shared_from_this<StateInstance>,
113 virtual eStateType
const = 0;
133 void setCenter(
const QPointF& newStateCenter);
QPointF adjustPosition(QPointF &newPos) const
std::weak_ptr< State > parentState
virtual StatePtr getStateClass() const
::armarx::StateParameterMap outputParameters
StateInstance(const QString &instanceName, StatePtr parentState=StatePtr())
void setCenter(const QPointF &newStateCenter)
void setPosition(QPointF newPosition)
const QPointF getCenter() const
std::shared_ptr< StateInstance > StateInstancePtr
void setBoundingBox(float squareSize)
std::shared_ptr< Value > value()
virtual eStateType getType() const =0
QMap< QString, StateParameterPtr > StateParameterMap
QRectF getBoundingSquare() const
getBoundingSquare return the maximum bounding box of this state instance in parent coordinate system
StatePtr getParent() const
QRectF getBounds() const
getBounds returns the rectangle occupied by this state instance in the parent coordinate system.
const QPointF & getTopLeft() const
getTopLeft returns the topleft point of the stateinstance in the coordinate system of the parent stat...
Base Class for all Logging classes.
::armarx::StateParameterMap inputParameters
input values of this state instance, only used by Viewer.
static const QSizeF StateDefaultSize
float getScale() const
getScale returns the scale of this state instance, which is the relation between boundingSquareSize a...
::armarx::StateParameterMap localParameters
std::shared_ptr< State > StatePtr
const int defaultBoundingSquareSize
virtual void setInstanceName(const QString &value)
QSizeF getClassSize() const
std::shared_ptr< const State > StateCPtr
virtual void accept(Visitor &visitor) const =0
float getBoundingSquareSize() const
QString getInstanceName() const