Data.h File Reference
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <SimoxUtility/xml.h>
#include <ArmarXCore/core/rapidxml/wrapper/RapidXmlReader.h>
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struct  Replacement


 This file offers overloads of toIce() and fromIce() functions for STL container types.
 All constantes for the aron XML parser, in addition to some utility functions wrapping around the armarxcore-xml-parser.


bool AttributeIsTrue (const RapidXmlReaderNode &node, const std::string &att)
bool CheckStrIsBool (const std::string &)
bool CheckStrIsFloat (const std::string &)
bool CheckStrIsInt (const std::string &)
bool CheckStrIsNumber (const std::string &)
bool CheckStrIsNumberSeq (const std::string &)
void EnforceAttribute (const RapidXmlReaderNode &node, const std::string &att)
void EnforceChildSize (const RapidXmlReaderNode &node, const size_t size)
void EnforceChildSizeGreater (const RapidXmlReaderNode &node, const size_t size)
void EnforceChildSizeGreaterEqual (const RapidXmlReaderNode &node, const size_t size)
void EnforceChildSizeSmaller (const RapidXmlReaderNode &node, const size_t size)
void EnforceChildSizeSmallerEqual (const RapidXmlReaderNode &node, const size_t size)
void EnforceStrIsBool (const std::string &)
void EnforceStrIsFloat (const std::string &)
void EnforceStrIsInt (const std::string &)
void EnforceStrIsNumber (const std::string &)
void EnforceStrIsNumberSeq (const std::string &)
void EnforceTagName (const RapidXmlReaderNode &node, const std::string &name)
void EnforceTagNames (const RapidXmlReaderNode &node, const std::vector< std::string > &names)
std::string GetAttribute (const RapidXmlReaderNode &node, const std::string &att)
std::string GetAttributeWithDefault (const RapidXmlReaderNode &node, const std::string &att, const std::string &def)
std::optional< RapidXmlReaderNode > GetFirstNodeWithTag (const RapidXmlReaderNode &node, const std::string &name)
std::string GetTagName (const RapidXmlReaderNode &node)
bool HasAttribute (const RapidXmlReaderNode &node, const std::string &att)
bool HasTagName (const RapidXmlReaderNode &node, const std::string &name)


const constexpr auto ANY_OBJECT_TAG = "anyobject"
const constexpr auto ARGUMENT_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "argumenttype"
const constexpr auto ARON_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "aron"
const constexpr auto ARON_INCLUDES_TAG = "aronincludes"
const constexpr auto BOOL_TAG = "bool"
const constexpr auto CHAR_SLUG = "int8"
const constexpr auto CHAR_TAG = "int8"
const constexpr auto CODE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "code"
const constexpr auto CODE_INCLUDES_TAG = "codeincludes"
const constexpr auto COLS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "cols"
const constexpr auto DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "default"
const constexpr auto DEPTH_SLUG = "depth32"
const constexpr auto DICT_TAG = "dict"
const constexpr auto DIMENSIONS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "dimensions"
const constexpr auto DOC_AUTHOR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "doc-author"
const constexpr auto DOC_BRIEF_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "doc-brief"
const constexpr auto DOC_PARAM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "doc-param"
const constexpr auto DOUBLE_SLUG = "float64"
const constexpr auto DOUBLE_TAG = "float64"
const constexpr auto ENUM_VALUE_TAG = "enumvalue"
const constexpr auto EXTENDS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "extends"
const constexpr auto FLOAT_SLUG = "float32"
const constexpr auto FLOAT_TAG = "float32"
const constexpr auto GENERATE_TYPES_TAG = "generatetypes"
const constexpr auto HEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "height"
const constexpr auto IDENTITY_SLUG = "identity"
const constexpr auto IMAGE_TAG = "image"
const constexpr auto INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "include"
const constexpr auto INCLUDE_TAG = "include"
const constexpr auto INCLUDES_TAG = "includes"
const constexpr auto INT_ENUM_TAG = "intenum"
const constexpr auto INT_SLUG = "int32"
const constexpr auto INT_TAG = "int32"
const constexpr auto KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "key"
const constexpr auto LIST_TAG = "list"
const constexpr auto LONG_SLUG = "int64"
const constexpr auto LONG_TAG = "int64"
const constexpr auto MATRIX_TAG = "matrix"
const constexpr auto METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "method"
const constexpr auto NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "name"
const constexpr auto NDARRAY_TAG = "ndarray"
const constexpr auto OBJECT_CHILD_TAG = "objectchild"
const constexpr auto OBJECT_TAG = "object"
const constexpr auto ONES_SLUG = "ones"
const constexpr auto OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "optional"
const constexpr auto PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "package"
const constexpr auto PACKAGE_PATH_TAG = "packagepath"
const constexpr auto PAIR_TAG = "pair"
const constexpr auto PATH_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "path"
const constexpr auto POINT_CLOUD_TAG = "pointcloud"
const constexpr auto POINT_XYZ_SLUG = "pointxyz"
const constexpr auto POINT_XYZHSV_SLUG = "pointxyzhsv"
const constexpr auto POINT_XYZI_SLUG = "pointxyzi"
const constexpr auto POINT_XYZL_SLUG = "pointxyzl"
const constexpr auto POINT_XYZRGB_SLUG = "pointxyzrgb"
const constexpr auto POINT_XYZRGBA_SLUG = "pointxyzrgba"
const constexpr auto POINT_XYZRGBL_SLUG = "pointxyzrgbl"
const constexpr auto QUATERNION_TAG = "quaternion"
const constexpr auto RAW_PTR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "raw_ptr"
const constexpr auto READER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "reader"
const std::map< std::string, Replacement > REPLACEMENTS
const constexpr auto RETURN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "return"
const constexpr auto RGB_SLUG = "rgb24"
const constexpr auto ROWS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "rows"
const constexpr auto SHAPE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "shape"
const constexpr auto SHARED_PTR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "shared_ptr"
const constexpr auto SHORT_SLUG = "int16"
const constexpr auto SHORT_TAG = "int16"
const constexpr auto STRING_TAG = "string"
const constexpr auto SYSTEM_INCLUDE_TAG = "systeminclude"
const constexpr auto TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "template"
const constexpr auto TUPLE_TAG = "tuple"
const constexpr auto TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "type"
const constexpr auto TYPE_DEFINITION_TAG = "arontypedefinition"
const constexpr auto UCHAR_SLUG = "uint8"
const constexpr auto UCHAR_TAG = "uint8"
const constexpr auto UINT_SLUG = "uint32"
const constexpr auto UINT_TAG = "uint32"
const constexpr auto ULONG_SLUG = "uint64"
const constexpr auto ULONG_TAG = "uint64"
const constexpr auto UNIQUE_PTR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "unique_ptr"
const constexpr auto USHORT_SLUG = "uint16"
const constexpr auto USHORT_TAG = "uint16"
const constexpr auto VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "value"
const std::vector< std::string > WHATEVER_VALUES = {"?"}
const constexpr auto WIDTH_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "width"
const constexpr auto WRITER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "writer"
const constexpr auto ZEROS_SLUG = "zeros"