armarx Namespace Reference

This file offers overloads of toIce() and fromIce() functions for STL container types. More...


 This namespace contains all relevent methods to parse and print options and propertiesas used by the armarx::Application.
 This file is part of ArmarX.
 This file is part of ArmarX.
 This file is part of ArmarX.
 This file is part of ArmarX.
 This file is part of ArmarX.


class  AbstractController
 Abstract controller providing a set of methods which must be implemented by every controller. More...
class  AbstractFactoryMethod
 A template that can be used as a superclass of a class hierarchy that wants to provide a factory method which allows instantiation of objects based on a string identifier. More...
class  AbstractInterpolation
 The AbstractInterpolation class represents a function f:t->P with P being the space of all poses The function parameters are initialized when using the constructors, so using getPoseAt is fast. More...
class  AbstractManipulatorVisualization
 The AbstractManipulatorVisualization class Abstraction of a Manipulator in any 3D format Info: not present in current design as the abstraction is minimal an it makes things rather complicated than easier. More...
class  AbstractObjectSerializer
class  AbstractStateMimeData
 The AbstractStateMimeData class is used to transport state data from the treeview to the stateview and is implemented in the editor plugin. More...
class  ActiveImpedanceControlTarget
class  ActiveStateFollower
class  AddArmarXWidgetAction
class  AdvancedCoinVisualizationFactory
class  AdvancedVisualizationFactory
 The AdvancedVisualizationFactory class is the abstract decorator of the Decorator-Pattern and decorates the VisualizationFactoy in Simox. More...
class  AffordanceExtraction
 A brief description. More...
class  AffordanceExtractionPropertyDefinitions
class  AffordancePipelineGuiConfigDialog
class  AffordancePipelineGuiGuiPlugin
 AffordancePipelineGuiGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  AffordancePipelineGuiWidgetController
 AffordancePipelineGuiWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  AffordancePipelineVisualization
class  AffordancePipelineVisualizationPropertyDefinitions
class  AffordanceUpdateListener
 A brief description. More...
class  AffordanceUpdateListenerPropertyDefinitions
class  algorithms
 Brief description of class algorithms. More...
class  AMDCallbackCollection
 This helper-class can be used when you have an ice AMD method. More...
class  AnimatedToolButton
class  Application
 Baseclass for all ArmarX applications. More...
class  ApplicationNetworkStats
 The ApplicationNetworkStats class implements the Ice::Instrumentation::CommunicatorObserver interface to meassure network traffic. More...
class  ApplicationProcessFacet
 The ApplicationProcessFacet class implements the Ice::Process facet to allow graceful shutdown of ArmarX applications when they are run via IceGrid. More...
class  ApplicationPropertyDefinitions
 Application property definition container. More...
struct  argType
struct  argType< R(SimDynamics::DynamicsEngine::*)(A)>
struct  Arm
class  ArMarkerExternalCameraCalibration
 Brief description of class ArMarkerExternalCameraCalibration. More...
class  ArMarkerLocalizerApp
class  ArmarXComponentWidgetController
class  ArmarXComponentWidgetControllerTemplate
class  ArmarXDataPath
struct  ArmarXDataPath_Data
class  ArmarXDockWidget
 The ArmarXDockWidget class. More...
class  ArmarXDummyManager
 Handles help and documentation generation but does not provide Ice functionality. More...
class  ArmarXFileLogger
 Brief description of class ArmarXFileLogger. More...
class  ArmarXFileLoggerPropertyDefinitions
class  ArmarXGuiApp
 The main ArmarX gui application. More...
class  ArmarXGuiAppPropertyDefinitions
 ArmarXGuiApp property definition container. More...
class  ArmarXGuiPlugin
class  ArmarXLogBuf
class  ArmarXMainWindow
 The ArmarXMainWindow class. More...
class  ArmarXManager
 Main class of an ArmarX process. More...
class  ArmarXManagerItem
class  ArmarXManagerModel
class  ArmarXManagerRepositoryDialog
class  ArmarXMultipleObjectsScheduler
class  ArmarXObjectObserver
 The ArmarXObjectObserver inherits from IceGrid::ObjectObserver and signals its associated ArmarXManager instance when Ice Objects are added, updated, or removed. More...
class  ArmarXObjectScheduler
 Takes care of the lifecycle management of ManagedIceObjects. More...
class  ArmarXPackageToolInterface
 The ArmarXPackageToolInterface class. More...
class  ArmarXPhysicsWorldVisualization
 The ArmarXPhysicsWorldVisualization class organizes the Coin3D visualization of the physics scene. It connects to the SimulatorVisuUpdate topic in order to retrieve the visualization stream of the current simulated environment. All scene changes (new objects / removed objects) are handled by checking the current setup with the retrieved one. More...
class  ArmarXPhysicsWorldVisualizationPropertyDefinitions
class  ArmarXPlotter
class  ArmarXPlotterDialog
class  ArmarXQApplication
class  ArmarXSimulatorWindow
class  ArmarXSimulatorWindowPropertyDefinitions
class  ArmarXTimeserver
 simple implementation of the TimeserverInterface More...
class  ArmarXTimeserverPropertyDefinitions
class  ArmarXWidgetController
class  armem_grasping
 Brief description of class armem_grasping. More...
class  armem_images_server
 Brief description of class armem_images_server. More...
class  ArMemMemoryViewerWidgetController
 ArMemMemoryViewerWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  AronComponentConfigExample
class  AronComponentConfigExamplePropertyDefinitions
class  AronTreeWidgetBoolInputModalController
class  AronTreeWidgetContextMenuVisitor
class  AronTreeWidgetController
class  AronTreeWidgetConverterVisitor
class  AronTreeWidgetCreatorVisitor
class  AronTreeWidgetDictInputModalController
class  AronTreeWidgetFloatInputModalController
class  AronTreeWidgetIntInputModalController
class  AronTreeWidgetItem
class  AronTreeWidgetModal
class  AronTreeWidgetModalCreatorVisitor
class  AronTreeWidgetSetterVisitor
class  AronTreeWidgetTextInputModalController
class  ArticulatedObjectLocalizerDynamicSimulation
 Brief description of class ArticulatedObjectLocalizerDynamicSimulation. More...
class  ArVizComponentPluginUser
 Provides a ready-to-use ArViz client arviz as member variable. More...
class  ArVizDrawerGuiGuiPlugin
 ArVizDrawerGuiGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  ArVizDrawerGuiWidgetController
 ArVizDrawerGuiWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  ArVizExample
 An example for how to use ArViz. More...
class  ArVizGuiPlugin
 ArVizGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  ArVizInteractExample
 An example for how to use ArViz. More...
class  ArVizStorage
 Stores visualization elements drawn by ArViz clients. More...
struct  ArVizWidgetBatchCallback
class  ArVizWidgetController
 ArVizWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  AStarPathPlanner
 The AStarPathPlanner class. More...
class  AStarPathPlannerTestComponent
 A test component for the AStarPathPlanner. More...
class  AStarPathPlannerTestComponentPropertyDefinitions
class  AsynchronousNJointController
class  ATINetFTUnit
 ArmarX wrapper of the ATINetFT DataStream SDK. More...
class  ATINetFTUnitPropertyDefinitions
struct  AtomicWrapper
class  Beziercurve
class  BigBowlLocalizationApp
class  BimanualCartesianAdmittanceControllerGuiGuiPlugin
 BimanualCartesianAdmittanceControllerGuiGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  BimanualCartesianAdmittanceControllerGuiWidgetController
 BimanualCartesianAdmittanceControllerGuiWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  BimanualGraspCandidateHelper
class  BinaryFiniteStateMachine
class  BlackWhitelist
 A combination of blacklist and whitelist. More...
class  BlurrinessMetric
 Brief description of class BlurrinessMetric. More...
class  BlurrinessMetricPropertyDefinitions
class  BoolFiniteStateMachine
struct  box_to_grasp_candidates
class  BoxToGraspCandidatesWidgetController
 BoxToGraspCandidatesWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  BSpline
class  BulletPhysicsWorld
 The BulletPhysicsWorld class encapsulates the whole physics simulation and the corresponding data. More...
class  CalibrationHelper
class  CalibrationInfo
class  CallbackReceiver
 Used by CallbackWaitLock. More...
class  CallbackWaitLock
 CallbackWaitLock is used to block a thread and unblock it from another thread via callback. More...
struct  CameraPose
class  Cartesian2DimVelocityRamp
class  CartesianFeedForwardPositionController
class  CartesianImpedanceController
class  CartesianImpedanceControllerConfigWidget
class  CartesianImpedanceControllerGuiPlugin
 CartesianImpedanceControllerGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  CartesianImpedanceControllerWidgetController
 CartesianImpedanceControllerWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  CartesianNaturalPositionController
class  CartesianNaturalPositionControllerGuiPlugin
 CartesianNaturalPositionControllerGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  CartesianNaturalPositionControllerProxy
class  CartesianNaturalPositionControllerWidgetController
 CartesianNaturalPositionControllerWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  CartesianPositionControlComponentPluginUser
 Provides a ready-to-use CartesianPositionControl. More...
class  CartesianPositionController
class  CartesianPositionControllerConfig
class  CartesianVelocityController
class  CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp
class  CartesianVelocityRamp
class  CartesianWaypointControlGuiGuiPlugin
 CartesianWaypointControlGuiGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  CartesianWaypointControlGuiWidgetController
 CartesianWaypointControlGuiWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  CartesianWaypointController
class  ChainApproximation
class  ChangeState
class  ChannelPropertiesWidget
class  ChannelRef
 The ChannelRef class is a reference to a channel on an Observer. It is used to access data directly from a channel or to be passed to function as an identifier for a channel. More...
class  ClientSideRemoteHandleControlBlock
 The ClientSideRemoteHandleControlBlock is used at the client side for reference counting. More...
class  ClientState
class  ClientStateApp
 Application for testing armarx::ClientState. More...
class  ClockWidgetController
 ClockWidgetController allows showing and manipulating the time. More...
class  CloneGroupDialog
class  ClutteredSceneGeneratorWidgetController
 ClutteredSceneGeneratorWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  CMakePackageFinder
 The CMakePackageFinder class provides an interface to the CMake Package finder capabilities. More...
class  CMakePackageFinderCache
class  CMakeSourceListGenerator
class  CMakeWriter
struct  CmdOptions
class  CoFusionParams
class  CoFusionProcessor
 Brief description of class CoFusionProcessor. More...
class  CoFusionProcessorPropertyDefinitions
class  CoinManipulatorVisualizationAdapter
 The CoinManipulatorVisualizationAdapter class Info: currently not in use as abstraction of manipulator doesn't make that much sense. More...
class  CoinRobotViewerAdapter
 The CoinRobotViewerAdapter class. More...
class  CoinViewer
class  CollisionCheckerComponent
 Brief description of class CollisionCheckerComponent. More...
class  CollisionCheckerComponentPropertyDefinitions
struct  CombinedFeature
class  CommonPlacesLearnerApp
class  CommonStorageApp
struct  CompareViewTargets
struct  compensation_table
class  Component
 Baseclass for all ArmarX ManagedIceObjects requiring properties. More...
struct  ComponentCreatorObject
 The ComponentCreatorObject stores the create call for a Component. More...
class  ComponentPlugin
class  ComponentPropertyDefinitions
 Default component property definition container. More...
class  CompositeDiffIK
struct  CompressedIceBlobToObjectDeserializer
class  ConditionCheck
class  ConditionCheckApproxPose
class  ConditionCheckChanged
class  ConditionCheckEquals
class  ConditionCheckEqualsPose
class  ConditionCheckEqualsWithTolerance
class  ConditionCheckInRange
class  ConditionCheckLarger
class  ConditionCheckMagnitudeInRange
class  ConditionCheckMagnitudeLarger
class  ConditionCheckMagnitudeSmaller
class  ConditionCheckSmaller
class  ConditionCheckStringContains
class  ConditionCheckUpdated
class  ConditionCheckValid
class  ConditionHandler
class  ConditionHandlerPropertyDefinitions
class  ConditionItemModel
class  ConditionPropertiesWidget
class  ConditionRoot
 ConditionRoot Condition roots are top-level nodes of the expression tree. More...
class  ConditionTreeFactory
class  ConditionViewerGuiPlugin
 With this plugin conditions can be visualized. More...
class  ConditionViewerWidget
class  ConditionViewerWidgetController
 With this widget conditions can be visualized. More...
class  ContainerDummy
class  ContainerTypeI
class  ControlDevice
 The ControlDevice class represents a logical unit accepting commands via its JointControllers. More...
class  ControlDevicesWidget
class  ControlDevicesWidgetEntry
class  ControlTarget1DoFActuatorPositionWithPWMLimit
class  ControlTarget1DoFActuatorPWM
class  ControlTarget1DoFActuatorTorqueVelocity
class  ControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocityWithPWMLimit
class  ControlTargetBase
 Brief description of class JointControlTargetBase. More...
class  ControlTargetHolonomicPlatformVelocity
 Brief description of class ControlTargetHolonomicPlatformVelocity. More...
struct  ControlThreadOutputBuffer
class  CounterStateTemplate
class  CppBlock
class  CppBlockBlockEntry
class  CppBlockEntry
class  CppBlockStringEntry
class  CppClass
class  CppCtor
class  CppEnum
class  CppEnumField
class  CppField
class  CppHighlighter
class  CppMethod
class  CppWriter
struct  CpuUsage
class  CropRobotFromImage
 Brief description of class CropRobotFromImage. More...
class  CropRobotFromImagePropertyDefinitions
class  CSpace
 Implementation of the slice class CSpaceBase. More...
class  CSpaceAdaptor
class  CSpaceVisualizerTask
 The purpose of this task is solely to visualize a cspace, which can be inspected in the CSpaceVisualizer GUI plugin. More...
class  CsvReader
class  CsvWriter
struct  CurvatureFeature
class  CustomComboBox
class  CustomWidget
interface  CyberGloveInterface
interface  CyberGloveListenerInterface
class  CyberGloveObserver
 Brief description of class CyberGloveObserver. More...
class  CyberGloveObserverPropertyDefinitions
struct  CyberGloveValues
class  CycleUtil
 This util class helps with keeping a cycle time during a control cycle. More...
class  DatabaseTopicReader
class  DatabaseTopicWriter
class  DatafieldFilter
 The DatafieldFilter class is the base class for all filters and filter implementation should derive from this class. For usage explanation see Filtering the data. More...
class  DataFieldIdentifier
 DataFieldIdentifier provide the basis to identify data field within a distributed ArmarX scenario. More...
class  DataFieldPropertiesWidget
class  DatafieldRef
 The DatafieldRef class is similar to the ChannelRef, but points to a specific Datafield instead of to a complete channel. It can be used to query (getDataField()) the data of the datafield from the Observer. More...
class  DataFieldWidget
class  DebugDrawerComponent
 The DebugDrawerComponent class. More...
class  DebugDrawerConfigWidget
 Brief description of class DebugDrawerConfigWidget. More...
class  DebugDrawerGuiPluginGuiPlugin
 DebugDrawerGuiPluginGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  DebugDrawerGuiPluginWidgetController
 DebugDrawerGuiPluginWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  DebugDrawerHelper
 The DebugDrawerHelper class provides draw functions in a given frame (static matrix or robot node) and accepts eigen data types. More...
class  DebugDrawerHelperComponentPluginUser
class  DebugDrawerPropertyDefinitions
class  DebugDrawerToArViz
 Passes updates from DebugDrawerInterface to ArViz. More...
class  DebugDrawerToArVizComponent
class  DebugDrawerToArVizPropertyDefinitions
 Property definitions of DebugDrawerToArViz. More...
class  DebugDrawerTopic
 The DebugDrawerTopic wraps a DebugDrawerInterfacePrx and provides a more useful interface than the Ice interface. More...
class  DebugDrawerUtils
class  DebugDrawerViewerGuiPlugin
 DebugDrawerViewerGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController
 DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController. More...
class  DebugObserver
 The DebugObserver is a component for logging debug data, which is updated frequently. More...
class  DebugObserverComponentPluginUser
class  DebugObserverHelper
 Brief description of class DebugObserverHelper. More...
class  DebugObserverPropertyDefinitions
class  DebugPlotterWidgetWidgetController
 DebugPlotterWidgetWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  DebugRobotUnitDataStreamingWidgetController
 DebugRobotUnitDataStreamingWidgetController brief one line description. More...
struct  Decoupled
struct  DecoupledSingleComponentApp
class  DefaultRapidXmlReaderNode
struct  deltas
class  DenseCRFSegmentationProcessor
 Brief description of class DenseCRFSegmentationProcessor. More...
class  DenseCRFSegmentationProcessorPropertyDefinitions
class  DenseGraphCRF
class  DeprecatedNJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantControllerConfig
interface  DeprecatedNJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantControllerInterface
class  DeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceAdmittanceDMPControllerConfig
interface  DeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceAdmittanceDMPControllerInterface
class  DeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceDMPControllerConfig
interface  DeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceDMPControllerInterface
class  DeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPControllerConfig
interface  DeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPControllerInterface
class  DepthImageProviderDynamicSimulation
class  DepthImageProviderDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions
class  DepthImageUtils
class  DesignerTrajectory
class  DesignerTrajectoryCalculator
 Offers functionality to create TimedTrajectories from supplied Trajectories and points set by the user. More...
class  DesignerTrajectoryHolder
 The DesignerTrajectoryHolder class enables creating, deleting and getting DesignerTrajectorManagers, which are unambiguously assigned to a RobotNodeSet. More...
class  DesignerTrajectoryManager
 The DesignerTrajectoryManager class enables easy interaction with the model. More...
class  DesignerTrajectoryPlayer
class  DeviceBase
class  DHParameterOptimizationLogger
 Brief description of class DHParameterOptimizationLogger. More...
class  DHParameterOptimizationLoggerPropertyDefinitions
class  diffik
 Brief description of class diffik. More...
class  DiffIKProvider
struct  DiffIKResult
class  Display
class  DisplayWidget
class  DMPComponent
 The DMPComponent class. More...
class  DMPComponentPropertyDefinitions
class  DMPInstance
class  DoxDoc
class  DoxEntry
class  DoxLine
class  DoxTable
class  DoxTransition
class  DoxTransitionGraph
class  DoxTransitionGraphNode
interface  DSBimanualControllerInterface
class  DSControllerConfig
interface  DSControllerInterface
class  DSJointCarryControllerConfig
interface  DSJointCarryControllerInterface
class  DSObstacleAvoidance
class  DSRTBimanualControllerConfig
class  DummyAgentReporter
 Brief description of class DummyAgentReporter. More...
class  DummyAgentReporterPropertyDefinitions
class  DummyApplication
class  DummyCriterion
class  DummyCriterionPropertyDefinitions
struct  DummyObject
class  DummyObjectLocalizer
 Brief description of class DummyObjectLocalizer. More...
class  DummyObjectLocalizerPropertyDefinitions
class  DummyTextToSpeech
 Brief description of class DummyTextToSpeech. More...
class  DummyTextToSpeechPropertyDefinitions
class  DummyWorldStateObserver
 Brief description of class DummyWorldStateObserver. More...
class  DummyWorldStateObserverPropertyDefinitions
class  DynamicLibrary
 The DynamicLibrary class provides a mechanism to load libraries at runtime. More...
class  DynamicObstacleManager
class  DynamicRemoteState
 DynamicRemoteStates can be used to connect to remote statecharts dynamically at runtime. More...
class  DynamicsHelper
class  EDifferentialIK
class  EditDefaultValueDialog
class  EditMatrixWidget
class  Editor
class  EditorFileOpener
 The EditorFileOpener class. More...
class  EditStatechartGroupDialog
class  EfficientRANSACPrimitiveExtractor
 Brief description of class EfficientRANSACPrimitiveExtractor. More...
class  EfficientRANSACPrimitiveExtractorPropertyDefinitions
 Property definitions of EfficientRANSACPrimitiveExtractor. More...
class  ElementaryCheckPropertiesWidget
class  ElementWidgetBase
class  ElementWidgetBaseTemplate
class  EmergencyStopMaster
 The EmergencyStopMaster stores the current state of the EmergencyStop and broadcasts any changes to that state over the specified topic. More...
class  EmergencyStopNode
 This component listens on the specified topic (default value: EmergencyStop) and changes its state corresponding to the state send over the topic. Furthermore it calls registered functions if their expected state is equal to the one that has been sent.
The template-type of an instantiation of this class has to be equal to the type of the object to which any registered function belong. More...
class  EmergencyStopNodePropertyDefinitions
class  EmergencyStopPropertyMasterDefinitions
class  EmergencyStopWidget
class  EnhancedGraphicsView
 The EnhancedGraphicsView is a QGraphicsView with some additional functions. More...
class  EnhancedTreeWidget
 The EnhancedTreeWidget is a QTreeWidget with some extra functionalities. More...
struct  eNoValidMapping
class  Environment
class  EnvironmentController
struct  EqualPredicate
class  Event
 An Event is used to communicate between e.g. condition handlers and statecharts. More...
class  EventSenderComponent
struct  EventSenderConfig
class  EventSenderConfigDialog
class  EventSenderOverview
struct  EventsTab
class  ExampleMemory
 Brief description of class ExampleMemory. More...
class  ExampleMemoryClient
class  ExeceptionHandlingInterceptor
class  ExportDialogController
 Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the export dialog in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots. More...
class  ExternalApplicationManager
 Executes a given application and keeps track if it is still running. Provides methods for stopping and restarting said application. More...
struct  ExternalApplicationManagerDependency
class  ExternalApplicationManagerPropertyDefinitions
struct  ExternalApplicationManagerStarter
class  ExternalCameraCalibration
struct  ExtractedEdge
class  FaceRecognition
 Brief description of class FaceRecognition. More...
class  FaceRecognitionPropertyDefinitions
class  Factory
class  Factory2D
class  FactoryCollectionBase
class  FactoryCollectionBaseCleanUp
class  FakeWorkingMemoryObjectLocalizer
 Brief description of class FakeWorkingMemoryObjectLocalizer. More...
class  FakeWorkingMemoryObjectLocalizerPropertyDefinitions
class  FeatureLearningGuiPlugin
 FeatureLearningGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  FeatureLearningWidgetController
 FeatureLearningWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  FeedforwardReflex
struct  FileSystemPathBuilder
 Helps to build a path via format strings: All format strings are of the form '{[^{}]+}' If the resulting path should contain the characters '{' or '}', they have to be replaced with '{LEFT CURLY}' and '{RIGHT CURLY}'. More...
class  FileTopicReader
class  FileTopicWriter
class  FilterDialog
class  FilterKnownObjects
 Brief description of class FilterKnownObjects. More...
class  FinalState
 This is the standard implementation of FinalStateBase. More...
class  FinalStateBase
class  FindAndGraspObjectContext
struct  FindAndGraspObjectContextProperties
class  FiniteStateMachine
class  FlyCaptureImageProvider
 A brief description. More...
class  FlyCaptureImageProviderPropertyDefinitions
class  FlyCaptureStereoCameraProvider
class  ForceTorqueHelper
struct  ForceTorqueInfo
class  ForceTorqueObserver
 Observer monitoring Force/Torque values. More...
class  ForceTorqueObserverPropertyDefinitions
class  ForceTorqueSimulationSensorDevice
class  ForceTorqueSubUnit
class  ForceTorqueUnit
 The ForceTorqueUnit class. More...
class  ForceTorqueUnitDynamicSimulation
 This unit connects to the physics simulator topic (default: "Simulator") and reports force torque values. More...
class  ForceTorqueUnitDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions
class  ForceTorqueUnitPropertyDefinitions
class  ForceTorqueUnitSimulation
 Simulates a set of Force/Torque sensors. More...
class  ForceTorqueUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions
class  ForwardPredictor
class  FramedDirection
 FramedDirection is a 3 dimensional direction vector with a reference frame. The reference frame can be used to change the coordinate system to which the vector relates. The difference to a FramedPosition is, that on frame changing only the orientation of the vector is changed. The length of the vector remains unchanged. This class is usefull e.g. for forces and tcp velocities. More...
class  FramedOrientation
 The FramedOrientation class. More...
class  FramedOrientedPoint
class  FramedPose
 The FramedPose class. More...
class  FramedPosition
 The FramedPosition class. More...
class  FrameTracking
 Brief description of class FrameTracking. More...
class  FrameTrackingComponentPluginUser
 Provides a ready-to-use FrameTracking. More...
class  FrameTrackingPropertyDefinitions
class  FrequencyReporter
 The FrequencyReporter class. More...
class  FTSensorCalibrationGuiWidgetController
 FTSensorCalibrationGuiWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  FunctionApproximator
 Brief description of class FunctionApproximator. More...
class  FunctionApproximatorPropertyDefinitions
class  GamepadControlUnit
 Brief description of class GamepadControlUnit. More...
class  GamepadControlUnitPropertyDefinitions
class  GamepadUnit
 Brief description of class GamepadUnit. More...
class  GamepadUnitObserver
 Observer monitoring @IMU sensor values. More...
class  GamepadUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions
class  GamepadUnitPropertyDefinitions
class  GeneralPurposeMemory
 Brief description of class GeneralPurposeMemory. More...
class  GenericFactory
class  GenericTopicSubscriber
class  GlasbeyLUT
 "Color lookup table consisting of 256 colors structured in a maximally discontinuous manner. More...
class  GlobalCache
class  GlobalRobotLocalizationSensorDevice
class  GlobalRobotPoseCorrectionSensorDevice
class  GlobalRobotPoseSensorDevice
class  GlobalRobotPoseSimulationSensorDevice
class  Graphics_view_zoom
class  GraphvizConverter
class  GraphvizLayout
struct  GraphvizLayoutedEdge
struct  GraphvizLayoutedGraph
struct  GraphvizLayoutedNode
struct  grasp_candidate_drawer
class  GraspCandidateHelper
class  GraspCandidateObserver
class  GraspCandidateObserverComponentPluginUser
 Provides a ready-to-use GraspCandidateObserver. More...
class  GraspCandidateObserverPropertyDefinitions
class  GraspCandidateViewerWidgetController
 GraspCandidateViewerWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  GraspGeneratorComponentPluginUser
 Provides a ready-to-use GraspGenerator. More...
class  GraspingManager
 The GraspingManager class. More...
class  GraspingManagerApp
 A brief description. More...
class  GraspingManagerPropertyDefinitions
class  GraspingManagerTest
 A brief description. More...
class  GraspingManagerTestPropertyDefinitions
class  GraspProviderExample
class  GraspProviderExamplePropertyDefinitions
class  GraspSelectionCriterionBase
class  GraspSelectionCriterionPropertyDefinitions
class  GraspSelectionManager
 The GraspSelectionManager class. More...
class  GraspSelectionManagerApp
class  GraspSelectionManagerComponentPluginUser
 Provides a ready-to-use GraspSelectionManager. More...
class  GraspSelectionManagerPropertyDefinitions
class  GraspTrajectory
class  GraspTrajectoryKeypoint
struct  GreaterEqualPredicate
struct  GreaterPredicate
class  GridFSFileEditorGuiPlugin
 The GridFSFileEditorGuiPlugin offers the GridGSFileEditorWidgetController which allows to view files that are referenced in the prior knowledge. More...
class  GridFSFileEditorWidgetController
 This widget allows viewing files that are referenced in the prior knowledge database. More...
class  GroupCloner
class  GroupRenamer
class  GroupXmlWriter
class  GuiHealthClientGuiPlugin
 GuiHealthClientGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  GuiHealthClientWidgetController
 GuiHealthClientWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  GuiStatechartGroupXmlReader
struct  GuiTransition
 Struct defining a transition which can be stored as QVariant in a QListWidgetItem. More...
class  GuiUseCaseSelector
struct  GuiWaypoint
 Struct which allows storing relevant data to display within a list widget item as QVariant. More...
class  HandEyeCalibrationGuiPlugin
 HandEyeCalibrationGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  HandEyeCalibrationWidgetController
 HandEyeCalibrationWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  HandOverGroupStatechartContextExtension
class  HandUnit
 Base unit for high-level access to robot hands. More...
class  HandUnitComponentPluginUser
 Provides a ready-to-use HandUnit. More...
class  HandUnitConfigDialog
class  HandUnitDynamicSimulation
 This unit connects to the physics simulator topic (default: "Simulator") and implements a HandUnit. More...
class  HandUnitDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions
class  HandUnitGuiPlugin
 This plugin offers a widget witch which the HandUnit can be controlled. More...
class  HandUnitPropertyDefinitions
 Defines all necessary properties for armarx::HandUnit. More...
class  HandUnitSimulation
 Simulates a robot hand. More...
class  HandUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions
 Defines all necessary properties for armarx::HandUnitSimulation. More...
class  HandUnitWidget
class  HapticObserver
 Observer monitoring haptic sensor values. More...
class  HapticObserverPropertyDefinitions
class  HapticSampleStatistics
class  HapticUnit
 The HapticUnit class. More...
class  HapticUnitConfigDialog
class  HapticUnitDynamicSimulation
class  HapticUnitDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions
class  HapticUnitGuiPlugin
class  HapticUnitPropertyDefinitions
class  HapticUnitWidget
class  HardwareIdentifierProvider
class  HeadIKUnit
 The HeadIKUnit class. More...
class  HeadIKUnitPropertyDefinitions
class  HeartbeatMonitor
class  HeterogenousContinuous2DContainer
class  HeterogenousContinuousContainer
class  HiddenTimedMutex
struct  HokuyoLaserScanDevice
class  HokuyoLaserUnit
 Brief description of class HokuyoLaserUnit. More...
class  HokuyoLaserUnitPropertyDefinitions
class  HomogeneousMatrixCalculatorGuiPlugin
 HomogeneousMatrixCalculatorGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  HomogeneousMatrixCalculatorWidgetController
 HomogeneousMatrixCalculatorWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  HsvColorSegmentationGuiPlugin
 HsvColorSegmentationGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  HsvColorSegmentationWidgetController
 HsvColorSegmentationWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  HsvImageSegmentation
 The HsvImageSegmentation class. More...
class  HumanObstacleDetection
struct  IceBlobToObjectDeserializer
struct  IceGeneratedState
class  IceGridModel
class  IceGridViewer
class  IceManager
 The IceManager class provides simplified access to commonly used Ice features. More...
class  IceProperties
 IceProperties stores ice properties and resolves property inheritance. More...
class  IcePropertyChangeCallback
class  IceProxyFinder
class  IceProxyFinderBase
 The IceProxyFinderBase class provides a convenient way to query online proxies in the ice network, i.e. registered with IceGrid. More...
class  IceProxyGuiPlugin
 IceProxyGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  IceProxyWidgetController
 IceProxyWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  IceReportSkipper
class  IceSharedMemoryConsumer
class  IceSharedMemoryProvider
class  IceStateConverter
class  IceTopicFinder
 The IceTopicFinder class queries and show all available topic registered with IceStorm. More...
class  IEEE1394ImageProviderApp
struct  IKStats
class  ImageKeypointBuffer
 A brief description. More...
class  ImageMaskPainterGuiPlugin
 ImageMaskPainterGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  ImageMaskPainterWidgetController
 ImageMaskPainterWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  ImageProviderDynamicSimulation
 Image provider captures images from the simulator and broadcasts notifications at a specified frame rate. More...
class  ImageSequenceProviderApp
class  ImageSequenceProviderDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions
class  ImageSourceSelection
 Brief description of class ImageSourceSelection. More...
class  ImageSourceSelectionPropertyDefinitions
class  ImageToPointCloud
 Brief description of class ImageToPointCloud. More...
class  ImageToPointCloudPropertyDefinitions
class  ImportDialogController
 Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the import dialog in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots. More...
class  IMUSimulation
 Brief description of class IMUSimulation. More...
class  IMUSimulationPropertyDefinitions
class  IMUSimulationSensorDevice
class  IndexedQCheckBox
 A check box with an index. More...
class  IndexMemory
 Brief description of class IndexMemory. More...
class  InertialMeasurementSubUnit
class  InertialMeasurementUnit
 Base unit for IMU sensors. More...
class  InertialMeasurementUnitObserver
 Observer monitoring @IMU sensor values. More...
class  InertialMeasurementUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions
class  InertialMeasurementUnitPropertyDefinitions
class  InfixCompleter
 This class changes the standard QCompleter to an infix match completer. More...
class  InfixFilterModel
 This proxy model reimplements the filterAcceptsRow function with a new behavior: All elements that fit the filter string are shown alongside with all their parents as well as all their children. More...
class  InstallConditionExample
class  InstallConditionExampleApp
 Application for testing armarx::InstallConditionExample. More...
class  IntEnumWidget
class  InteractionObserver
class  InterpolationSegmentFactory
 The InterpolationSegmentFactory class Utility Class used to easily create InterpolationSegments, so that every Interpolation can be threated the same An Interpolation produced by this factory always has exactly two Waypoints and is defined between 0 and 1 With 0 being the starting pose and 1 being the end pose. More...
class  Interval
class  ItemZoomer
struct  IteratorRange
struct  JointAndNJointControllers
 Structure used by the RobotUnit to swap lists of Joint and NJoint controllers. More...
class  JointController
 The JointController class represents one joint in one control mode. More...
class  JointControllerTemplate
class  JointIK
class  JointSimulationDevice
class  JointVelocityRamp
class  Joystick
class  JoystickControlWidget
 Provides a simple joystick control. More...
class  JoystickControlWidgetQGraphicsView
 Provides the coordinates of mouse events through signals. More...
class  JPathNavigator
class  JsonArray
class  JsonData
class  JsonObject
class  JSONObject
 The JSONObject class is used to represent and (de)serialize JSON objects. More...
struct  JsonStorage
struct  JsonStorageComponentPluginUser
class  JsonStoragePropertyDefinitions
struct  JsonStorageRetrievedValue
class  JSONTreeModel
class  JsonValue
class  JsonWriter
class  KBMComponent
 Wrapper for the KBM class. More...
class  KBMComponentPropertyDefinitions
class  KeyboardPlatformHookWidget
class  Keypoint
class  KeypointManager
 A brief description. More...
class  KeypointObject
class  KeyValueVector
 This class is pretty much similar to a map. More...
class  KinectV1PointCloudProviderApp
class  KinectV2PointCloudProviderApp
class  KinematicSelfLocalization
 Brief description of class KinematicSelfLocalization. More...
class  KinematicSelfLocalizationPropertyDefinitions
class  KinematicSolver
 Realizes the Singleton-Pattern, Provides Methods to solve Kinematic Problems (forward and inverse) More...
class  KinematicSubUnit
class  KinematicsWorld
 The KinematicsWorld class encapsulates the kinemtics simulation and the corresponding data. All real physics simulation is either approximated through simple kinemtics or disabled. More...
class  KinematicUnit
 The KinematicUnit class. More...
class  KinematicUnitComponentPluginUser
 Provides a ready-to-use KinematicUnit. More...
class  KinematicUnitConfigDialog
class  KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator
class  KinematicUnitDynamicSimulation
 This component implements the KinemticUnit with access to a physics simulator. The Simulator is quried through the simulator interface and connects to the simulator topic with name "ArmarXPhysicsWorld". More...
class  KinematicUnitDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions
class  KinematicUnitGuiPlugin
 This plugin provides a generic widget showing position and velocity of all joints. Optionally a 3d robot model can be visualized. More...
class  KinematicUnitHelper
class  KinematicUnitObserver
 Observer monitoring kinematic sensor and actor values. More...
class  KinematicUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions
class  KinematicUnitPropertyDefinitions
class  KinematicUnitSimulation
 Simulates robot kinematics. More...
class  KinematicUnitSimulationJointInfo
class  KinematicUnitSimulationJointState
 State of a joint. More...
class  KinematicUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions
class  KinematicUnitWidgetController
class  KITHandUnit
 Brief description of class KITHandUnit. More...
class  KITHandUnitPropertyDefinitions
class  KITProstheticHandObserver
 Brief description of class KITProstheticHandObserver. More...
class  KITProstheticHandObserverPropertyDefinitions
class  KITProstheticHandUnit
 Brief description of class KITProstheticHandUnit. More...
class  KITProstheticHandUnitPropertyDefinitions
class  KLGImageProvider
 Brief description of class KLGImageProvider. More...
class  KLGImageProviderPropertyDefinitions
struct  LaserScanData
class  LaserScannerObstacleDetection
class  LaserScannerPluginGuiPlugin
 LaserScannerPluginGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  LaserScannerPluginWidgetController
 LaserScannerPluginWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  LaserScannerPointCloudProvider
 Brief description of class LaserScannerPointCloudProvider. More...
class  LaserScannerPointCloudProviderPropertyDefinitions
class  LaserScannerSelfLocalisation
 The class LaserScannerSelfLocalisation implements a self localisation strategy. More...
class  LaserScannerSelfLocalisationGuiPlugin
 LaserScannerSelfLocalisationGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  LaserScannerSelfLocalisationPropertyDefinitions
class  LaserScannerSelfLocalisationWidgetController
 LaserScannerSelfLocalisationWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  LaserScannerUnitObserver
 Observer monitoring laser scanner values. More...
class  LaserScannerUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions
class  LayerInfoTree
 Manages the layer info QTreeWidget. More...
class  LayoutBuilder
class  LayoutController
class  LayoutThread
class  LayoutWorker
class  LayoutWorkerCreator
class  LegacyRGBDOpenPoseEstimation
class  LengthScaling
struct  LessEqualPredicate
struct  LessPredicate
class  LexerInfo
struct  LightweightRemoteGuiComponentPluginUser
class  LinearInterpolation
 The LinearInterpolation class represents a linear Interpolation between a series of control points Linear means that the position is calcualed by a function with the Form a + time * b (with a and b as three-dimensional Vectors) More...
class  Lines
struct  LineSegment2Df
class  LinkedDirection
 The LinkedDirection class. More...
class  LinkedPose
 The LinkedPose class. More...
class  Literal
class  LiteralImpl
 LiteralImpls are the basic elements for defining conditional expressions. More...
class  LoadObjectsIntoMemoryGuiPlugin
 LoadObjectsIntoMemoryGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  LoadObjectsIntoMemoryWidgetController
 LoadObjectsIntoMemoryWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  LocalizationSubUnit
class  LocalizationUnit
class  LocalTimeServer
 A local time server that gets its time from the MasterTimeServer. More...
struct  LockableGraph
 The LockableGraph struct allows for easy locking of a graphviz graph and its components. More...
class  Logging
 Base Class for all Logging classes. More...
class  LoggingPlugin
 The LoggingPlugin provides a log viewer widget. More...
class  LogMessageDelegate
class  LogSender
 Wrapper for the Log IceStorm topic with convenience methods for logging. More...
class  LogTable
class  LogTableModel
struct  LogTag
class  LogViewer
class  LongtermMemoryApp
class  LookAtClickGuiPlugin
 LookAtClickGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  LookAtClickWidgetController
 LookAtClickWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  ManagedIceObject
 The ManagedIceObject is the base class for all ArmarX objects. More...
class  ManagedIceObjectDependency
 The ManagedIceObjectDependency class is part of the ManagedIceObjectConnectivity. More...
class  ManagedIceObjectItem
class  ManagedIceObjectPlugin
class  ManagedIceObjectRegistryInterface
 The registery interface is implemented by ArmarXManagers. More...
class  ManagedObstacle
class  ManipulatorVisualization
struct  MapTreeWidgetBuilder
 A class to efficiently build and maintain sorted items of QTreeWidget or QTreeWidgetItem based on a map matching the intended structure. More...
class  MarkdownEditor
 The MarkdownEditor is a widget that provides editing of raw text and viewing of processed markdown text to html. The widget has a view mode (default and read only) which displays to html converted markdown text like a internet browser and an edit mode that show the raw markdown text, which can be edited. The mode can be toggled with the Edit button. Raw markdown text can be inserted with the the setPlainText() function and retrieved with the toPlainText() function. More...
class  MaskFilterPointCloudProcessor
 Brief description of class MaskFilterPointCloudProcessor. More...
class  MaskFilterPointCloudProcessorPropertyDefinitions
class  MaskRobotInImage
 A brief description. More...
class  MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget
class  MatrixDisplayWidget
class  MatrixDouble
 The MatrixDouble class. More...
class  MatrixFloat
 The MatrixFloat class. More...
class  MementoController
 Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the undo and redo buttons on the user interface. Communicates with other controllers to realize the memento pattern. More...
class  memory
 Brief description of class memory. More...
struct  MemoryUsage
class  MessageDisplayComponentPluginUser
class  MessageDisplayPluginGuiPlugin
 MessageDisplayPluginGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  MessageDisplayPluginWidgetController
 MessageDisplayPluginWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  MetaClass
class  MetaEnum
class  MetaWearIMU
 Brief description of class MetaWearIMU. More...
class  MetaWearIMUObserver
class  MetaWearIMUObserverPropertyDefinitions
class  MetaWearIMUPropertyDefinitions
class  MetaWriter
class  MinJerkPositionController
class  MMMExporter
 Exports instances of the DesignerTrajectory class to .xml-files in MMM format. More...
class  MMMImporter
 Imports instances of the DesignerTrajectory class from a file in MMM format. More...
class  MMMPlayer
 The MMMPlayer class. More...
class  MMMPlayerConfigDialog
class  MMMPlayerGuiPlugin
 This plugin provides a widget with which the MMMPlayer can be controlled. More...
class  MMMPlayerPropertyDefinitions
class  MMMPlayerWidget
 With this widget the MMMPlayer can be controlled. More...
class  MMMSimulation
 The MMMSimulation class. More...
class  MMMSimulationPropertyDefinitions
class  MorphingItem
class  MotionData
class  MotionFileWrapper
class  MotionMemory
class  MotionPlanningMultiPathTaskCI
class  MotionPlanningMultiPathWithCostTaskCI
class  MotionPlanningPlugin
 The MotionPlanningPlugin offers the widgets SimoxCSpaceVisualizer and MotionPlanningServer. More...
class  MotionPlanningServer
class  MotionPlanningServerConfigDialog
 The config dialog of the palnning server gui. More...
class  MotionPlanningServerPropertyDefinitions
 Properties for a MotionPlanningServerComponent. More...
class  MotionPlanningServerTaskList
class  MotionPlanningServerWidgetController
class  MotionPlanningTask
class  MotionPlanningTaskCI
class  MotionPlanningTaskWithDefaultMembers
class  MotionPlanningWithCostTaskCI
interface  MPPoolInterface
class  MujocoPhysicsWorld
 The MujocoPhysicsWorld class encapsulates the whole physics simulation and the corresponding data. More...
class  MultiDimPIDControllerTemplate
class  MultiHandUnit
 Brief description of class MultiHandUnit. More...
class  MultiHandUnitPropertyDefinitions
class  MultiImageProvider
 Brief description of class MultiImageProvider. More...
class  MultiImageProviderPropertyDefinitions
class  MultiNodeRapidXMLReader
class  MultipleComponentsApplication
 Do not use! Use armarx::runMultipleComponentsApp() More...
class  MultiProfileDefaultValueEditWidget
class  MultiSensePointCloudProvider
 Brief description of class MultiSensePointCloudProvider. More...
class  MultiSensePointCloudProviderPropertyDefinitions
class  MultiViewPointCloudProcessor
 Brief description of class MultiViewPointCloudProcessor. More...
struct  Names
class  natik
 Brief description of class natik. More...
class  NaturalDiffIK
class  NaturalGraspFilter
class  NaturalGraspFilterPropertyDefinitions
class  NaturalIK
 The NaturalIK class. More...
class  NaturalIKComponentPluginUser
 Provides a ready-to-use NaturalIK. More...
class  NaturalIKProvider
class  NaturalIKTest
 Brief description of class NaturalIKTest. More...
class  NaturalIKTestPropertyDefinitions
class  NJointAdaptiveWipingControllerConfig
interface  NJointAdaptiveWipingControllerInterface
class  NJointAnomalyDetectionAdaptiveWipingControllerConfig
interface  NJointAnomalyDetectionAdaptiveWipingControllerInterface
class  NJointBimanualCartesianAdmittanceControllerConfig
interface  NJointBimanualCartesianAdmittanceControllerInterface
class  NJointBimanualCCDMPController
class  NJointBimanualCCDMPControllerConfig
class  NJointBimanualCCDMPControllerControlData
interface  NJointBimanualCCDMPControllerInterface
class  NJointBimanualCCDMPVelocityControllerConfig
interface  NJointBimanualCCDMPVelocityControllerInterface
class  NJointBimanualForceControllerConfig
interface  NJointBimanualForceControllerInterface
class  NJointBimanualForceMPControllerConfig
interface  NJointBimanualForceMPControllerInterface
class  NJointBimanualObjLevelControllerConfig
interface  NJointBimanualObjLevelControllerInterface
class  NJointBimanualObjLevelMultiMPControllerConfig
interface  NJointBimanualObjLevelMultiMPControllerInterface
class  NJointBimanualObjLevelVelControllerConfig
interface  NJointBimanualObjLevelVelControllerInterface
class  NJointCartesianNaturalPositionController
 The NJointCartesianNaturalPositionController class. More...
class  NJointCartesianTorqueController
 The NJointCartesianTorqueController class. More...
class  NJointCartesianTorqueControllerControlData
class  NJointCartesianVelocityController
 The NJointCartesianVelocityController class. More...
class  NJointCartesianVelocityControllerControlData
class  NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp
 The NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp class. More...
class  NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRampControlData
class  NJointCartesianWaypointController
 The NJointCartesianWaypointController class. More...
class  NJointCCDMPControllerConfig
interface  NJointCCDMPControllerInterface
class  NJointControllerBase
 A high level controller writing its results into ControlTargets. More...
class  NJointControllerClassesWidget
class  NJointControllerClassesWidgetEntry
class  NJointControllerGuiPluginBase
struct  NJointControllerRegistration
class  NJointControllerRegistryEntry
class  NJointControllersWidget
class  NJointControllersWidgetEntry
class  NJointControllersWidgetRemoteFunction
class  NJointControllerWithTripleBuffer
class  NJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionController
 The NJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionController class. More...
class  NJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionControllerConfig
struct  NJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionControllerTarget
class  NJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionController
 The NJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionController class. More...
class  NJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionControllerConfig
struct  NJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionControllerTarget
class  NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController
 The NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController class. More...
class  NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughControllerConfig
class  NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerControlData
class  NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerInterface
class  NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerWithRamp
class  NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerWithRampConfig
class  NJointJointSpaceDMPControllerConfig
interface  NJointJointSpaceDMPControllerInterface
class  NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController
 The NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController class. More...
class  NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughControllerConfig
class  NJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantControllerConfig
interface  NJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantControllerInterface
class  NJointPeriodicTSDMPControllerConfig
interface  NJointPeriodicTSDMPControllerInterface
class  NJointTaskSpaceAdaptiveDMPControllerConfig
interface  NJointTaskSpaceAdaptiveDMPControllerInterface
class  NJointTaskSpaceDMPControllerConfig
interface  NJointTaskSpaceDMPControllerInterface
class  NJointTaskSpaceImpedanceController
 Brief description of class NJointTaskSpaceImpedanceController. More...
class  NJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPControllerConfig
interface  NJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPControllerInterface
class  NJointTCPController
 The NJointTCPController class. More...
class  NJointTCPControllerConfig
class  NJointTCPControllerControlData
class  NJointTrajectoryController
 The NJointTrajectoryController class. More...
class  NJointTrajectoryControllerControlData
struct  NormalFeature
struct  NoUserCodeState
class  ObjectFinder
 Used to find objects in the ArmarX objects repository [1] (formerly [2]). More...
class  ObjectID
 A known object ID of the form "Dataset/ClassName" or "Dataset/ClassName/InstanceName". More...
class  ObjectInfo
 Accessor for the object files. More...
class  ObjectInstanceToIndex
 Brief description of class ObjectInstanceToIndex. More...
class  ObjectLocalizationRequesterGuiPlugin
 ObjectLocalizationRequesterGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  ObjectLocalizationRequesterWidgetController
 ObjectLocalizationRequesterWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  ObjectLocalizationSaliency
 Brief description of class ObjectLocalizationSaliency. More...
class  ObjectLocalizationSaliencyPropertyDefinitions
class  ObjectLocalizerDynamicSimulation
 This component connects to the ArmarX Simulator and reports object poses from the physics world. By default it uses the simulator topic with name "Simulator". More...
class  ObjectLocalizerDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions
class  ObjectMemoryEditor
class  ObjectPoseClientExample
 Brief description of class ObjectPoseClientExample. More...
class  ObjectPoseClientPluginUser
 Provides an objpose::ObjectPoseTopicPrx objectPoseTopic as member variable. More...
class  ObjectPoseGuiPlugin
 ObjectPoseGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  ObjectPoseGuiWidgetController
 ObjectPoseGuiWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  ObjectPoseProviderExample
 Brief description of class ObjectPoseProviderExample. More...
class  ObjectPoseProviderPluginUser
 Provides an objpose::ObjectPoseTopicPrx objectPoseTopic as member variable. More...
struct  ObjectToCompressedIceBlobSerializer
struct  ObjectToIceBlobSerializer
class  Observer
 Baseclass for all ArmarX Observers. More...
class  ObserverGuiPlugin
 The ObserverGuiPlugin provides a widget that displays all available observers. More...
class  ObserverItemModel
class  ObserverPropertyDefinitions
class  ObserverWidget
class  ObserverWidgetController
class  ObstacleAvoidingPlatformUnit
class  ObstacleAvoidingPlatformUnitHelper
class  ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit
struct  OccupancyGrid
class  OccupancyGridHelper
class  OKR
class  OpenCVImageStabilizer
 Brief description of class OpenCVImageStabilizer. More...
class  OpenCVImageStabilizerPropertyDefinitions
class  OpenNIImageProviderApp
class  OpenNIPointCloudProviderApp
class  OpenPose3DListenerImpl
class  OpenPoseAdapter
class  OpenPoseEstimation
 Brief description of class OpenPoseEstimation. More...
class  OpenPoseEstimationComponentPluginUser
class  OpenPoseEstimationPropertyDefinitions
class  OpenPoseSimulation
class  OpenPoseSimulationPropertyDefinitions
class  OpenRecentlyOpenedFileAction
class  Operation
class  OperationAnd
class  OperationNot
class  OperationOr
class  OpticalFlow
 Brief description of class OpticalFlow. More...
class  OpticalFlowPropertyDefinitions
class  OptionalEdit
class  OptoForce
 Brief description of class OptoForce. More...
class  OptoForcePropertyDefinitions
class  OptoForceUnit
 Brief description of class OptoForceUnit. More...
class  OptoForceUnitObserver
 Observer monitoring @IMU sensor values. More...
class  OptoForceUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions
class  OptoForceUnitPropertyDefinitions
class  OrientationConversion
class  OrientedPoint
class  OrientedTactileSensorUnit
 ArmarX wrapper for an arduino due with one BNO055 IMU and one BMP280 pressure sensor. More...
class  OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserver
 Observer monitoring @IMU sensor values. More...
class  OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions
class  OrientedTactileSensorUnitPropertyDefinitions
struct  PackageFileLocation
class  PackageNotFoundException
class  PackagePath
class  Parameter
class  ParameterMapping
 This class maps parameters from several source dictionaries to one input dictionary. The mapping depends on an instance of ParameterMappingIceBase, in which the mapping is specified.
class  ParameterMappingObjectFactory
class  ParameterTableItem
class  ParseResult
class  PathFactory
 Creates a Simox VirtualRobot::Path from a set of nodes representing joint angles and a maximum deviation parameter. More...
class  PathPlanner
 The PathPlanner class. More...
class  PathPlannerPropertyDefinitions
 Holds properties for PathPlanner. More...
class  PDController
class  PeriodicTask
class  PeriodicUpdateWidget
class  PIDController
class  PingLoadTest
 Brief description of class PingLoadTest. More...
class  PingLoadTestPropertyDefinitions
class  PlaceholderState
class  PlannedMotionProvider
 Brief description of class PlannedMotionProvider. More...
class  PlannedMotionProviderComponentPluginUser
 Provides a ready-to-use PlannedMotionProvider. More...
class  PlannedMotionProviderPropertyDefinitions
class  PlatformContext
struct  PlatformContextProperties
class  PlatformSimulationDevice
class  PlatformSubUnit
class  PlatformUnit
 The PlatformUnit class. More...
class  PlatformUnitComponentPluginUser
 Provides a ready-to-use PlatformUnit. More...
class  PlatformUnitConfigDialog
class  PlatformUnitDatafieldCreator
class  PlatformUnitDynamicSimulation
 This unit connects to the physics simulator topic (default: "Simulator") and handles platform movements. More...
class  PlatformUnitGuiPlugin
 This plugin provides a widget with which the PlatformUnit can be controlled. More...
class  PlatformUnitObserver
 Observer monitoring platform-related sensor values. More...
class  PlatformUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions
class  PlatformUnitPropertyDefinitions
 Defines all necessary properties for armarx::PlatformUnit. More...
class  PlatformUnitSimulation
 Simulates a robot platform. More...
class  PlatformUnitWidget
class  PlotterController
class  PlotterPluginGuiPlugin
 PlotterPluginGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  PluginCache
struct  PluginData
struct  Point2D
class  PointCloudRecorder
 Brief description of class PointCloudRecorder. More...
class  PointCloudRecorderPropertyDefinitions
class  PointCloudUtility
 Brief description of class PointCloudUtility. More...
class  PointCloudUtilityPropertyDefinitions
class  PointCloudVisualization
class  PointCloudVisualizationConfigDialog
class  PointCloudVisualizationGuiPlugin
 PointCloudVisualizationGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  PointCloudVisualizationWidgetController
 PointCloudVisualizationWidgetController brief one line description. More...
struct  Polygon2D
class  Pose
 The Pose class. More...
struct  PoseStamped
class  PoseWidget
class  PositionControllerHelper
struct  PositionThroughVelocityControllerWithAccelerationAndPositionBounds
struct  PositionThroughVelocityControllerWithAccelerationBounds
struct  PositionThroughVelocityControllerWithAccelerationBoundsAndPeriodicPosition
struct  PositionThroughVelocityControllerWithAccelerationRamps
class  PostprocessingMotionPlanningTask
class  PrimitiveExtractionConfigDialog
class  PrimitiveExtractionGuiPlugin
 PrimitiveExtractionGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  PrimitiveExtractionParameterTuning
 Brief description of class PrimitiveExtractionParameterTuning. More...
class  PrimitiveExtractionParameterTuningPropertyDefinitions
class  PrimitiveExtractionWidgetController
 PrimitiveExtractionWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  PrimitiveExtractor
 A brief description. More...
class  PrimitiveExtractorPropertyDefinitions
class  PrimitiveFilter
 A brief description. More...
class  PrimitiveFusion
 A brief description. More...
class  PrimitiveVisualization
 Brief description of class PrimitiveVisualization. More...
class  PrimitiveVisualizationPropertyDefinitions
class  PriorKnowledgeApp
class  PriorKnowledgeImporterApp
struct  PrivateXmlStateClass
class  ProcessWatcher
 The ProcessWatcher class is instantiated once in each armarx::Application an monitors thread, CPU, and memory utilization. More...
class  ProfileDefaultValueEditWidget
class  ProfilerObserver
class  ProgressbarDelegate
class  PropagateConst
 Wrapper for a pointer to propagate const to the pointed to value. More...
class  PropertiesWidget
class  Property
 Provides access to Ice properties with extended capabilities. More...
class  PropertyDefinition
 PropertyDefinition defines a property that will be available within the PropertyUser. More...
class  PropertyDefinitionBase
 Common interface of any property definition. More...
class  PropertyDefinitionBriefHelpFormatter
 PropertyDefinitionBriefHelpFormatter. More...
class  PropertyDefinitionConfigFormatter
 PropertyDefinitionConfigFormatter. More...
class  PropertyDefinitionContainer
 PropertyDefinitionContainer. More...
class  PropertyDefinitionContainerBriefHelpFormatter
 PropertyDefinitionContainerBriefHelpFormatter. More...
class  PropertyDefinitionContainerFormatter
 PropertyDefinitionContainerFormatter. More...
class  PropertyDefinitionDoxygenComponentPagesFormatter
 PropertyDefinitionDoxygenComponentPagesFormatter creates doxygen output with an own group for every component. More...
class  PropertyDefinitionDoxygenFormatter
 PropertyDefinitionDoxygenFormatter creates doxygen output. More...
class  PropertyDefinitionFormatter
 PropertyDefinitionFormatter is the base class for all formatters of PropertyDefinitions. More...
class  PropertyDefinitionHelpFormatter
 PropertyDefinitionHelpFormatter. More...
class  PropertyDefinitionXmlFormatter
 PropertyDefinitionXmlFormatter. More...
class  PropertyEditingDelegate
class  PropertyUser
 Abstract PropertyUser class. More...
interface  ProsthesisInterface
interface  ProsthesisListenerInterface
struct  ProsthesisMotorValues
class  ProxyDependency
 The ProxyDependency class is part of the ManagedIceObjectConnectivity. More...
class  ProxyDependencyFactory
class  ProxyPropertyDefinition
class  ProxyPropertyDefinitionBase
class  PythonApplicationManager
 Replaces some parts of the ExternalApplicationManager to be more suitable for python scripts. More...
class  QPainterWidget
class  Quaternion
 The Quaternion class. More...
class  QuaternionWidget
class  RampedAccelerationVelocityControllerConfiguration
class  RangeValueDelegate
class  RapidXmlReader
class  RapidXmlReaderNode
class  RapidXmlWriter
class  RapidXmlWriterNode
class  RCImageProvider
 Brief description of class RCImageProvider. More...
class  RCImageProviderPropertyDefinitions
class  Reflex
class  ReflexCombination
 Brief description of class ReflexCombination. More...
class  ReflexCombinationPropertyDefinitions
class  RegExpValidatedInputDialog
 This class is similar to the QInputDialog, but offers the possibility to specify a regex as input validation. More...
struct  RegisterComponent
 A class performing component registration on its construction. More...
struct  RegisteredTimer
class  Registrar
 Stores key object pairs. More...
class  RemoteAccessableState
class  RemoteAccessableStateApp
 Application for testing armarx::RemoteAccessableState. More...
class  RemoteGuiComponentPluginUser
class  RemoteGuiExample2
 Brief description of class RemoteGuiExample2. More...
class  RemoteGuiPlugin
 RemoteGuiPlugin shows dynamically created widgets for quick visualization and configuration. More...
class  RemoteGuiProvider
 Brief description of class RemoteGuiProvider. More...
class  RemoteGuiProviderPropertyDefinitions
class  RemoteGuiWidgetController
 RemoteGuiWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  RemoteHandle
 The RemoteHandle class wrapps a ClientSideRemoteHandleControlBlock and can be used just as a Ice proxy. More...
class  RemoteHandleControlBlock
 The RemoteHandleControlBlock is the equivalent of the std::shared_ptr's contol_block for a remote handle. More...
class  RemoteObjectNode
class  RemoteObjectNodePropertyDefinitions
 Properties for a RemoteObjectNodeComponent. More...
class  RemoteReferenceCountControlBlock
class  RemoteReferenceCountControlBlock< FunctionType, void >
class  RemoteReferenceCountControlBlockManager
class  RemoteReferenceCounter
class  RemoteRobot
 Mimics the behaviour of the VirtualRobot::Robot class while redirecting everything to an Ice proxy. More...
class  RemoteRobotNode
 Mimics the behaviour of robot nodes while redirecting everything to Ice proxies. More...
struct  RemoteRobotNodeInitializer
 RemoteRobotNodeInitializer is used to initialize the robot node for a given node type. More...
class  RemoteState
 This Statetype is used to create a state instance that represents a state that is located in another application. It is added in a parent state by calling State::addRemoteState(statename, proxyname).
If a RemoteState is entered for the first time, it creates automatically a new instance at the remotely located RemoteStateOfferer that contains the real state. The RemoteState receives upon creation of the new real-state instance an unique id of this state for further communication.
This id is automatically used in the onBreak- and onExit-functions, to communicate with the correct state.
Except the state creation-call (which should return immediately) all remote procedure calls are async calls. More...
class  RemoteStateObjectFactory
class  RemoteStateOfferer
 Class that holds states, which offer functionality for other states over Ice. More...
struct  RemoteStateOffererBase
class  RemoteStateWrapper
class  RenameGroupDialog
class  RenameStateDialog
struct  ReportedVelocity
class  ResultImageFuser
 A brief description. More...
class  ResultImageFuserPropertyDefinitions
class  RGBDOpenPoseEstimationComponentPluginUser
class  RGBDPoseEstimationWithMemoryWriter
struct  RGBFeature
struct  RobotArm
class  RobotControl
 RobotControl is used for dynamically loading and starting robot programs. More...
struct  RobotControlContextProperties
class  RobotControlUI
class  RobotDefinition
class  RobotHandLocalizationDynamicSimulation
 RobotHandLocalizationDynamicSimulation queries the armarx simulator for the current poses of the hand/TCP coordinate systems of the robot. More...
class  RobotHandLocalizationDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions
class  RobotHandLocalizationWithFingertipsApp
class  RobotHealth
 Brief description of class RobotHealth. More...
class  RobotHealthDummy
 Brief description of class RobotHealthDummy. More...
class  RobotHealthDummyPropertyDefinitions
class  RobotIK
 Refer to RobotIK. More...
class  RobotIKGuiPlugin
class  RobotIKPropertyDefinitions
class  RobotIKWidgetController
struct  RobotInfo
class  RobotNameHelper
class  RobotNameService
 Brief description of class RobotNameService. More...
class  RobotNameServiceComponentPluginUser
class  RobotPlacement
class  RobotPlacementComponentPluginUser
 Provides a ready-to-use RobotPlacement. More...
class  RobotPool
 This class holds a pool of local VirtualRobots for multi threaded applications that can be requested by the user. More...
class  RobotPoseUnit
 The RobotPoseUnit class. More...
class  RobotPoseUnitDynamicSimulation
 This unit connects to the physics simulator topic (default: "Simulator") and handles RobotPose movements. More...
class  RobotPoseUnitDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions
 Moves the robot around. Currently only position control is implemented. More...
class  RobotPoseUnitPropertyDefinitions
 Defines all necessary properties for armarx::RobotPoseUnit. More...
struct  RobotPreInitialized
 Robot is in the state preinitialized. More...
class  RobotStatechartContext
struct  RobotStatechartContextProperties
class  RobotStatechartHelpers
 Brief description of class RobotStatechartHelpers. More...
class  RobotStateComponent
 The RobotStateComponent class. More...
class  RobotStateComponentApp
 Application for testing armarx::RobotStateComponent. More...
class  RobotStateComponentPluginUser
class  RobotStateObserver
 ArmarX RobotStateObserver. More...
class  RobotStateObserverPropertyDefinitions
 RobotStatePropertyDefinition Property Definitions. More...
class  RobotStatePropertyDefinitions
class  RobotToArViz
 Brief description of class RobotToArViz. More...
class  RobotToArVizPropertyDefinitions
 Property definitions of RobotToArViz. More...
class  RobotTrajectoryDesignerGuiPluginGuiPlugin
 RobotTrajectoryDesignerGuiPluginGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  RobotTrajectoryDesignerGuiPluginWidgetController
 Main controller of the GUI plugin, handling all other subcontrollers. Detailed description. More...
class  RobotUnit
 The RobotUnit class manages a robot and its controllers. More...
class  RobotUnitComponentPluginUser
 Provides a ready-to-use RobotUnit. More...
class  RobotUnitDataStreamingReceiver
 Brief description of class RobotUnitDataStreamingReceiver. More...
class  RobotUnitObserver
class  RobotUnitObserverComponentPluginUser
 Provides a ready-to-use RobotUnitObserver. More...
class  RobotUnitPluginGuiPlugin
 RobotUnitPluginGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  RobotUnitPluginWidgetController
 RobotUnitPluginWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  RobotUnitPropertyDefinitions
class  RobotUnitSimulation
 Brief description of class RobotUnitSimulation. More...
class  RobotUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions
class  RobotUnitSubUnit
class  RobotUnitWidgetBase
class  RobotUnitWidgetTemplateBase
class  RobotViewer
class  RobotViewerGuiPlugin
 This plugin provides a generic widget showing a 3D model of the robot. The robot is articulated and moved according to the corresponding RemoteRobot. Further, DebugDrawer methods are available. More...
class  RobotViewerWidget
class  RobotViewerWidgetController
class  RobotVisualization
class  RobotVisualizationController
 The RobotVisualizationController A Controller to control the visualization of the robot. More...
class  RobotVisualizationWidget
 The RobotVisualizationWidget class Holds the original viewer and reproduces it tosupport parallel views. More...
class  RobotWidget
class  rooms
 Brief description of class rooms. More...
class  RTABMapRegistration
 A brief description. More...
class  RTABMapRegistrationPropertyDefinitions
class  RTThreadTimingsSensorDevice
class  RTThreadTimingsSensorDeviceImpl
class  RunningTask
class  RunningTaskBase
class  RunningTaskModel
class  Sampler
 Stores a distribution and a generator. More...
class  ScaledCSpace
 Takes an other cspace and scales its' dimensions. More...
class  ScenarioCli
class  ScenarioManagerCliOptions
class  ScenarioManagerGuiPlugin
 ScenarioManagerGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  ScenarioManagerWidgetController
 ScenarioManagerWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  SceneEditor
 SceneEditor brief description. More...
class  SceneModifier
class  SceneModifierPropertyDefinitions
class  SceneOverview
struct  ScheduledTask
class  ScopedStopWatch
class  SelectableImageViewer
 A clickable, i.e. selectable, visionx::ImageViewerArea. More...
class  SelfLocalization
 The SelfLocalization class. More...
class  SelfLocalizationDynamicSimulation
 SelfLocalizationDynamicSimulation uses the armarx simulator to retrieve thre current psoe of the robot and reports it to the agent layer. More...
class  SemanticGraphEdgeItem
class  SemanticGraphExample
 Brief description of class SemanticGraphExample. More...
class  SemanticGraphExamplePropertyDefinitions
 Property definitions of SemanticGraphExample. More...
class  SemanticGraphGlobalItem
class  SemanticGraphStorage
 Brief description of class SemanticGraphStorage. More...
class  SemanticGraphStorageComponentPluginUser
class  SemanticGraphStoragePropertyDefinitions
class  SemanticGraphVertexItem
class  SemanticRelationAnalyzer
 Brief description of class SemanticRelationAnalyzer. More...
class  SemanticRelationAnalyzerPropertyDefinitions
class  SemanticRelationViewerGuiPlugin
 SemanticRelationViewerGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  SemanticRelationViewerWidgetController
 SemanticRelationViewerWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  SensorActorPlugin
 The SensorActorWidgetPlugin offers the widgets Plotter and TCPMover. More...
class  SensorActorUnit
 Base Class for SensorActorUnits. More...
class  SensorDevice
 This class represents some part of the robot providing sensor values. More...
class  SensorDevicesWidget
class  SensorDevicesWidgetEntry
class  SensorDeviceTemplate
class  SensorValue1DoFActuator
class  SensorValue1DoFActuatorStatus
class  SensorValue1DoFInverseDynamicsTorque
class  SensorValue1DoFRealActuator
class  SensorValue1DoFRealActuatorWithStatus
class  SensorValueBase
 The SensorValueBase class. More...
class  SensorValueDummy
class  SensorValueForceTorque
class  SensorValueGlobalPoseCorrection
 The pose correction to obtain the robot's global pose. More...
class  SensorValueGlobalRobotPose
class  SensorValueHolonomicPlatform
class  SensorValueHolonomicPlatformAcceleration
class  SensorValueHolonomicPlatformRelativePosition
 The robot's position relative to its initial pose when starting the robot unit based on odometry information. More...
class  SensorValueHolonomicPlatformVelocity
class  SensorValueIMU
class  SensorValueRTThreadTimings
class  ServiceProvider
class  SetSupportPointDialog
class  SettingController
 Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the setting tab in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots. More...
class  SharedMemoryConsumer
class  SharedMemoryProvider
class  SharedObjectBase
 The base class for remote objects on the ice server. More...
struct  SharedRemoteHandleState
 This holds the shared state of all RemoteHandleControlBlocks for one armarx manager. More...
class  SharedRobotNodeServant
 The SharedRobotNodeServant class is a remote representation of a Simox VirtualRobot::Robot. More...
class  SharedRobotServant
 The SharedRobotNodeServant class is a remote represenation of a Simox VirtualRobot::Robot. More...
class  ShortcutController
struct  ShoulderAngles
struct  Side
class  SimMJCF
class  SimoxCSpace
 The SimoxCSpace contains a set of stationary obstacles and an agent. More...
class  SimoxCSpaceVisualizerWidgetController
class  SimoxCSpaceWith2DPose
 Similar to armarx::SimoxCSpace, but prepends dimensions for translation in x and y and a rotation around z. More...
class  SimoxCSpaceWith3DPose
 Similar to armarx::SimoxCSpace, but prepends dimensions for translation in x, y and z and rotations around x, y and z. More...
class  SimoxSceneImporterApp
class  simple_state_machine
class  SimpleConfigDialog
 A config-dialog containing one (or multiple) proxy finders. More...
class  SimpleDiffIK
class  SimpleDiffIKProvider
class  SimpleEpisodicMemoryKinematicUnitConnector
class  SimpleEpisodicMemoryPlatformUnitConnector
class  SimpleGraspGenerator
 The SimpleGraspGenerator class. More...
class  SimpleGraspGeneratorApp
 A brief description. More...
class  SimpleGraspGeneratorPropertyDefinitions
class  SimpleGridReachability
class  SimpleJsonLogger
class  SimpleJsonLoggerEntry
class  SimpleLexer
class  SimplePeriodicTask
 Usage: More...
class  SimplePID
class  SimpleRemoteReferenceCountControlBlock
class  SimpleRemoteReferenceCountControlBlock< FunctionType, void >
class  SimpleRemoteReferenceCounter
class  SimpleRobotPlacement
 refer to SimpleRobotPlacement More...
class  SimpleRobotPlacementApp
 A brief description. More...
class  SimpleRobotPlacementPropertyDefinitions
class  SimpleRunningTask
 Usage: More...
class  SimpleStatechartExecutor
 This component provides interface functions to execute a statechart, stop the currently running statechart and provide the output-parameter of the statechart. More...
class  SimpleStatechartExecutorPropertyDefinitions
class  SimulatedWorld
 The SimulatedWorld class encapsulates the whole physics simulation and the corresponding data. More...
class  SimulatedWorldData
 The SimulatedWorldData class This data is queried by the simulated in order to offer it via topics. More...
class  simulation
 Brief description of class simulation. More...
class  SimulationObjectPoseProvider
class  Simulator
 The Simulator class holds an instance of the AmrarXPhysicsWorld and communicates to ArmarX. More...
class  SimulatorControlController
 A widget to control a simulation. More...
class  SimulatorControlGuiPlugin
 This plugin offers a widget to control a simulation. More...
class  SimulatorPropertyDefinitions
class  SimulatorTimeServerProxy
 The SimulatorTimeServerProxy class forwards TimeserverInterface calls to the simulator This is a hack to allow offering the proxies "Simulator" and "MasterTimeServer" at once. More...
class  SimulatorToArviz
 Brief description of class SimulatorToArviz. More...
class  SimulatorViewerApp
 A viewer that visualizes the content of the ArmarX Simulator. More...
class  SimulatorViewerAppPropertyDefinitions
struct  SingleSlider
class  SingleTypeVariantList
 The SingleTypeVariantList class is a subclass of VariantContainer and is comparable to a std::vector<T> containing values of type T. More...
class  SingleVariant
 The SingleVariant class is required to store single Variant instances in VariantContainer subclasses. More...
class  SkillDescriptionWidget
class  SkillManagerComponentPluginUser
class  SkillManagerMonitorWidgetController
class  SkillProviderComponentPluginUser
class  SkillsMemory
 Brief description of class SkillsMemory. More...
struct  SlidersState
struct  SlidersState2
class  SnapshotControlGuiPlugin
 The SnapshotControlGuiPlugin offers the a widget that allows to load and save snapshots. More...
class  SnapshotControlWidgetController
 SnapshotControlWidgetController provides a graphical interface for loading, storing, and removing Memory Snapshots. More...
struct  SoftPositionConstraint
struct  SpamFilterData
struct  SpawnedObject
struct  Spawner
struct  SpawnersState
class  SpeechListenerImpl
class  SpeechObserver
class  SpeechObserverPropertyDefinitions
class  SpinBoxToPose
class  SpinBoxToVector
class  SplineInterpolation
 The SplineInterpolation class represents a linear Interpolation between a series of control points Spline means that the position is calcualed by a function with the form of the ploynom. More...
class  SplineInterpolationSegment
 The SplineInterpolationSegment class represents the segment of a parent SplineInterpolation between two control points. More...
class  SplinePath
class  State
class  state_t
struct  Stateadd_x_to_y
class  StateBase
struct  Statechart_Robot
 Statechart which describes the most basic states of a robot: More...
struct  Statechart_StatechartPerfomanceTest
struct  Statechart_StateParameterExample
struct  StatechartClient
class  StatechartContext
 This class contains a statechart and provides the interfaces to distributed components. More...
class  StatechartContextInterface
class  StatechartContextPropertyDefinitions
 The StatechartContextPropertyDefinitions class contains properties associated with all statecharts. More...
class  StatechartEditorConfigDialog
class  StatechartEditorController
 The StatechartEditorController class is the controller of the main widget of the Statechart Editor. More...
class  StatechartEditorGuiPlugin
 This plugin provides a widget that allows editing statecharts. More...
class  StatechartEditorMainWindow
class  StatechartEditorParameterEditor
class  StatechartEditorSettingsDialog
class  StatechartEventDistributor
 The StatechartEventDistributor class is used to distribute incomming events (via Ice) to the correct states. More...
class  StatechartEventSenderPlugin
 The StatechartEventSenderPlugin provides a widget that allows the user to send events to state machines. More...
class  StatechartExecutorExample
 Brief description of class StatechartExecutorExample. More...
class  StatechartExecutorExamplePropertyDefinitions
class  StatechartGroup
class  StatechartGroupDocGenerator
class  StatechartGroupDocGeneratorApp
 Application for StatechartGroupDocGenerator. More...
class  StatechartGroupGenerator
struct  StatechartGroupMapping
class  StatechartGroupXmlReader
struct  StatechartInstallConditionExample
class  StatechartListener
class  StatechartListenerComponentPluginUser
class  StatechartManager
class  StatechartPerformanceTest
class  StatechartPerformanceTestApp
 Application for testing armarx::StatechartPerformanceTest. More...
class  StatechartProfile
class  StatechartProfiles
class  StatechartView
class  StatechartViewerController
class  StatechartViewerGuiPlugin
class  StateController
class  StateDialog
class  StateEditorController
struct  stateInstallCondition
struct  stateInstallTimeout
struct  StateInstanceData
class  StateItem
class  StateItemModel
class  StateModelLayoutMediator
class  StateObjectFactory
class  StateParameter
class  StateParameterDeserialization
class  StateParameterEditor
class  StateParameterExample
class  StateParameterExampleApp
 Application for testing armarx::StateParameterExample. More...
class  StateParameterObjectFactory
class  StateRenamer
struct  StateResult
struct  StateRobotControl
 Statechart which describes the operational states of a robot program. More...
struct  StateRun
class  StateScene
class  StateTabWidget
class  StateTemplate
class  StateTreeController
class  StateTreeModel
class  StateTreeNode
class  StateUtility
class  StateWatcher
class  StaticAgentReporter
 Brief description of class StaticAgentReporter. More...
class  StaticAgentReporterPropertyDefinitions
class  StaticPlotterWidgetController
class  StatusDockWidgetTitleBar
 The StatusDockWidgetTitleBar class. More...
class  StereoCameraProviderApp
class  StereoImagePointCloudProviderApp
class  StereoResultImageProvider
class  StopWatch
class  StreamDecoderImageProvider
 Brief description of class StreamDecoderImageProvider. More...
class  StreamDecoderImageProviderPropertyDefinitions
class  StreamImageProvider
 StreamImageProvider implements a ImageProvider interfaces and retrieves images of a StreamReceiver, which in turn decodes an image stream into raw images. More...
class  StreamImageProviderApp
 A brief description. More...
class  StreamReceiver
 A brief description. More...
class  StringValueMap
 The StringValueMap class is a subclass of VariantContainer and is comparable to a std::map<std::string, T> containing values of type T. More...
class  StructuralJsonParser
class  SubjectMemory
struct  SupportPoints
class  SynchronousNJointController
class  SystemObserver
 Provides timers for timeout events and counters. More...
struct  SystemObserverCounter
struct  SystemObserverTimer
class  SystemStateMemory
class  SystemStateMonitorFilterModel
class  SystemStateMonitorPlugin
 The SystemStateMonitorPlugin offers the widgets SystemStateMonitorWidget, ThreadViewer and IceGridViewer. More...
class  SystemStateMonitorWidget
 The SystemStateMonitor allows you to inspect the properties of the running ArmarX components. More...
class  TabletopSegmentation
 Brief description of class TabletopSegmentation. More...
class  TabletopSegmentationPropertyDefinitions
class  TCPControllerSubUnit
class  TCPControllerSubUnitPropertyDefinitions
class  TCPControlUnit
 The TCPControlUnit class. More...
class  TCPControlUnitApp
class  TCPControlUnitObserver
 Observer monitoring TCP-related sensor values. More...
class  TCPControlUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions
class  TCPControlUnitPropertyDefinitions
class  TCPInformationController
 Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the tcp information tab in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots. More...
class  TCPMover
class  TCPMoverConfigDialog
class  TCPSelectionController
 Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the active TCP selection in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots. More...
class  Term
class  TermImpl
class  TermNode
class  TermNodeGraphicsItem
class  TermTreeGraphicsScene
class  TexturedObjectRecognitionApp
class  TextWriter
class  ThreadList
class  ThreadPool
 The ThreadPool class. More...
struct  ThreadUsage
class  ThreadViewer
 The ThreadViewer displays all threads of an ArmarX application. More...
class  ThreadViewerModel
class  Throttler
 The Throttler class. More...
struct  TimeData
class  TimedTrajectory
 A container for a Trajectory and a set of timestamps, representing the arrival of the Trajectory at userPoints. More...
class  TimedTrajectoryFactory
 Creates a TimedTrajectory out of a TimeOptimalTrajectory supplied by Simox methods. More...
class  TimedVariant
struct  TimeFeature
class  TimeKeeper
 The TimeKeeper class tracks the passing of time and allows to stop it, restart it, and adjust its speed (only used by ArmarXTimeServer). More...
class  TimeoutExample
class  TimeoutExampleApp
 Application for testing armarx::TimeoutExample. More...
struct  TimeoutExampleStatechart
class  Timer
 Timer implementation with TimeServer support. More...
class  TimestampVariant
class  TimeUtil
 provides utility functions for getting the current time More...
class  TipDialog
 The TipDialog is a dialog to show tips/hints to the user, which are optionally only shown once. More...
class  ToolBarController
 Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the tool bar in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots. More...
class  TopicReaderInterface
class  TopicRecorderComponent
class  TopicRecorderProperties
class  TopicReplayer
class  TopicReplayerGuiPlugin
 TopicReplayerGuiPlugin provides a widget that allows replaying recorded TopicReplays. More...
class  TopicReplayerProperties
class  TopicReplayerWidgetController
 TopicReplayerWidgetController is the controller of the widget of the TopicReplayerGui. More...
class  TopicTimingClient
 Brief description of class TopicTimingClient. More...
class  TopicTimingClientPropertyDefinitions
class  TopicTimingServer
 Brief description of class TopicTimingServer. More...
class  TopicTimingServerPropertyDefinitions
class  TopicWriterInterface
class  TrackingError
 Brief description of class TrackingError. More...
class  TrackingErrorPropertyDefinitions
class  Trajectory
 The Trajectory class represents n-dimensional sampled trajectories. More...
class  TrajectoryController
 Subcontroller which handles all program interaction with the modle, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots. More...
class  TrajectoryControllerSubUnit
class  TrajectoryControllerSubUnitPropertyDefinitions
class  TrajectoryExporter
 Exports instances of the DesignerTrajectory class to files as serialized instance of the Trajectory class. UserWaypoint information is not exported. More...
class  TrajectoryImporter
 Imports instances of the DesignerTrajectory class out of a serialized instance of the Trajectory class from a target file. More...
class  TrajectoryPlayer
 Brief description of class TrajectoryPlayer. More...
class  TrajectoryPlayerComponentPluginUser
 Provides a ready-to-use TrajectoryPlayer. More...
class  TrajectoryPlayerPropertyDefinitions
class  Transition
class  TransitionController
 Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the transition tab in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots. More...
class  TransitionDialog
struct  TransitionError
class  TransitionItem
class  TransitionLabel
class  TransitionMappingTable
class  TreeNode
struct  TreeWidgetBuilder
 A class to efficiently build and maintain sorted items of QTreeWidget or QTreeWidgetItem based on a sorted container matching the intended structure. More...
class  TripleBuffer
 A simple triple buffer for lockfree comunication between a single writer and a single reader. More...
struct  TripleBufferWithGuardAndTime
struct  UnequalPredicate
class  UniformCuboidDistribution
 Uniform distribution of an cuboid space. More...
class  UniformInformedProlateSpheroidDistribution
 Implements a distribution as required by Informed RRT*. More...
class  UniformProlateSpheroidDistribution
 Uniform distribution of a prolate hyper spheroid. More...
class  UniformUnitSphereDistribution
 Uniform distribution over the volume (closed set) of an n dimensional unit sphere. More...
class  UniformUnitSphereSurfaceDistribution
 Uniform distribution over the surface of an n dimensional unit sphere. More...
class  UseCaseSelectorItem
class  UserAssistedSegmenterGuiGuiPlugin
 UserAssistedSegmenterGuiGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  UserGroupingLineEdit
class  UserWaypoint
 The UserWaypoint class represents a waypoint of the trajectory. More...
class  ValveAttention
 Brief description of class ValveAttention. More...
class  ValveAttentionPropertyDefinitions
struct  VariableCombinedFeature
struct  VariableCombinedNormalizedFeature
class  Variant
 The Variant class is described here: Variants. More...
class  VariantContainer
 VariantContainer is the base class of all other Variant container classes. More...
class  VariantContainerType
class  VariantInfo
class  VariantItem
class  VariantJsonCompressor
class  VariantJsonException
class  VariantListParameter
class  VariantParameter
class  VariantTypeInfo
class  VariantWidget
class  Vector2
 The Vector2 class. More...
class  Vector3
 The Vector3 class. More...
class  VelocityControllerHelper
struct  VelocityControllerWithAccelerationAndPositionBounds
 Performs velocity control while staying in positional bounds, obeying acceleration / deceleration and staying below a velocity bound. More...
struct  VelocityControllerWithAccelerationBounds
struct  VelocityControllerWithRampedAcceleration
struct  VelocityControllerWithRampedAccelerationAndPositionBounds
class  ViconMarkerProvider
 Brief description of class ViconMarkerProvider. More...
class  ViconMarkerProviderPropertyDefinitions
class  ViewController
 Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the view selection area in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots. More...
struct  Viewer3DInfo
class  Viewer3DWidget
 The Viewer3DWidget class. More...
class  ViewSelection
 The ViewSelection class. More...
class  ViewSelectionGuiPlugin
 ViewSelectionGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  ViewSelectionPropertyDefinitions
class  ViewSelectionWidgetController
 ViewSelectionWidgetController brief one line description. More...
struct  VisualizationDescription
class  VisualizationObserver
 The AdvancedVisualizationFactory class is the abstract decorator of the Decorator-Pattern and decorates the VisualizationFactoy in Simox. More...
class  VisualizationSubject
 The AdvancedVisualizationFactory class is the abstract decorator of the Decorator-Pattern and decorates the VisualizationFactoy in Simox. More...
class  VOR
class  VoxelGridCSpace
class  WaypointController
 Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the waypoint tab in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots. More...
class  WeissHapticSensor
class  WeissHapticUnit
class  WeissHapticUnitApp
 Joint Application for WeissHapticUnit and HapticObserver. More...
class  WeissHapticUnitPropertyDefinitions
class  WheelEventFilter
class  WidgetNameDialog
 The WidgetNameDialog class. More...
struct  WidgetsTab
class  WorkingMemoryApp
class  WorkingMemoryToArViz
 Brief description of class WorkingMemoryToArViz. More...
class  WorkingMemoryToArVizPropertyDefinitions
 Property definitions of WorkingMemoryToArViz. More...
class  WriteBufferedTripleBuffer
 Same as the TripleBuffer, but partial writes of the data structure are ok. The write operation may be a bit slower and memory consumption may be 1/3 higher. More...
class  WriteToDebugObserverGuiPluginGuiPlugin
 WriteToDebugObserverGuiPluginGuiPlugin brief description. More...
class  WriteToDebugObserverGuiPluginWidgetController
 WriteToDebugObserverGuiPluginWidgetController brief one line description. More...
class  XmlContextBaseClassGenerator
class  XMLRemoteStateOfferer
class  XMLSceneImporterApp
class  XMLState
class  XmlStateBaseClassGenerator
class  XMLStatechartContext
class  XMLStateComponent
class  XMLStateComponentProperties
struct  XMLStateConstructorParams
struct  XMLStateFactoryBase
struct  XMLStateOffererFactoryBase
class  XMLStateTemplate
 Class for legacy to stay compatible with old statecharts. More...
class  XsensIMU
 A brief description. More...
class  XsensIMUPropertyDefinitions
struct  XYZFeature
class  ZipIterator
class  ZipIteratorBase
class  ZipIteratorBase< Ituple, Rtuple, std::index_sequence< Idxs... > >


using AbstractControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< AbstractController >
using AbstractInterpolationPtr = std::shared_ptr< AbstractInterpolation >
using AbstractManipulatorVisualizationPtr = std::shared_ptr< AbstractManipulatorVisualization >
using AbstractObjectSerializerPtr = IceInternal::Handle< AbstractObjectSerializer >
using ADDIRRTStarTask = addirrtstar::Task
using ADDIRRTStarTaskHandle = RemoteHandle< armarx::MotionPlanningMultiPathWithCostTaskControlInterfacePrx >
using ADDIRRTStarTaskPtr = IceUtil::Handle< ADDIRRTStarTask >
typedef boost::graph_traits< Graph >::adjacency_iterator AdjacencyIterator
using AdvancedCoinVisualizationFactoryPtr = std::shared_ptr< AdvancedCoinVisualizationFactory >
using AdvancedVisualizationFactoryPtr = std::shared_ptr< AdvancedVisualizationFactory >
using ApplicationNetworkStatsPtr = ::IceUtil::Handle< ApplicationNetworkStats >
using ApplicationPtr = IceUtil::Handle< Application >
using ArmarXComponentWidgetControllerPtr = IceUtil::Handle< ArmarXComponentWidgetController >
using ArmarXDummyManagerPtr = IceUtil::Handle< ArmarXDummyManager >
using ArmarXManagerPtr = IceUtil::Handle< ArmarXManager >
using ArmarXMultipleObjectsSchedulerPtr = IceUtil::Handle< ArmarXMultipleObjectsScheduler >
using ArmarXObjectObserverPtr = IceInternal::Handle< ArmarXObjectObserver >
using ArmarXObjectSchedulerPtr = IceUtil::Handle< ArmarXObjectScheduler >
using ArmarXPackageToolInterfacePtr = std::shared_ptr< ArmarXPackageToolInterface >
using ArmarXPhysicsWorldVisualizationPtr = IceInternal::Handle< ArmarXPhysicsWorldVisualization >
using ArmarXSimulatorWindowPtr = IceInternal::Handle< ArmarXSimulatorWindow >
using ArmarXWidgetControllerPtr = IceUtil::Handle< ArmarXWidgetController >
using AronTreeWidgetControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< AronTreeWidgetController >
using AronTreeWidgetModalControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< AronTreeWidgetModal >
using AStarPathPlannerPtr = ::IceInternal::Handle< ::armarx::AStarPathPlanner >
using AStarTask = astar::Task
using AStarTaskHandle = RemoteHandle< MotionPlanningTaskControlInterfacePrx >
using AStarTaskPtr = IceUtil::Handle< AStarTask >
typedef std::shared_ptr< class BimanualGraspCandidateHelperBimanualGraspCandidateHelperPtr
using BiRRTTask = birrt::Task
using BiRRTTaskHandle = RemoteHandle< MotionPlanningTaskControlInterfacePrx >
using BiRRTTaskPtr = IceUtil::Handle< BiRRTTask >
using BulletPhysicsWorldPtr = std::shared_ptr< BulletPhysicsWorld >
using CallbackReceiverPtr = std::shared_ptr< CallbackReceiver >
using CartesianFeedForwardPositionControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< CartesianFeedForwardPositionController >
typedef std::shared_ptr< class CartesianNaturalPositionControllerProxyCartesianNaturalPositionControllerProxyPtr
using CartesianNaturalPositionControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< CartesianNaturalPositionController >
typedef IceInternal::Handle< CartesianPositionControllerConfigCartesianPositionControllerConfigPtr
using CartesianPositionControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< CartesianPositionController >
using CartesianVelocityControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< CartesianVelocityController >
using CartesianVelocityControllerWithRampPtr = std::shared_ptr< CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp >
using CartesianVelocityRampPtr = std::shared_ptr< CartesianVelocityRamp >
using CartesianWaypointControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< CartesianWaypointController >
using ChannelRefPtr = IceInternal::Handle< ChannelRef >
using ClientSideRemoteHandleControlBlockPtr = std::shared_ptr< ClientSideRemoteHandleControlBlock >
using ClockT = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock
typedef pcl::graph::point_cloud_graph< PointWithNormalT, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS, boost::property< boost::vertex_color_t, uint32_t >, boost::property< boost::edge_weight_t, float, boost::property< boost::edge_index_t, int > > > CloudGraph
typedef pcl::graph::point_cloud_graph< PointWithNormalT, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS, boost::property< boost::vertex_color_t, uint32_t, boost::property< boost::vertex_timestamp_t, double, boost::property< boost::vertex_confidence_t, float > > >, boost::property< boost::edge_weight_t, float, boost::property< boost::edge_index_t, int > > > CloudGraphWithTimestamp
using CmakeWriterPtr = std::shared_ptr< CMakeWriter >
using CoinManipulatorVisualizationAdapterPtr = std::shared_ptr< CoinManipulatorVisualizationAdapter >
using CoinViewerPtr = std::shared_ptr< CoinViewer >
using CoinVisualizationPtr = boost::shared_ptr< VirtualRobot::CoinVisualization >
using ComponentFactory = Registrar< ComponentCreatorObject >
 holds all registered components More...
using ComponentPtr = IceInternal::Handle< Component >
 Component smart pointer type. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< class CompositeDiffIKCompositeDiffIKPtr
using ConditionalVariable = boost::condition_variable
using ConditionCheckPtr = IceInternal::Handle< ConditionCheck >
using ConditionRootPtr = IceInternal::Handle< ConditionRoot >
 Typedef of ConditionRootPtr as IceInternal::Handle<ConditionRoot> for convenience. More...
typedef boost::property_map< CloudGraphWithTimestamp, boost::vertex_confidence_t >::type ConfidenceMap
using configMap = std::map< std::string, paraType >
using configPair = std::pair< std::string, paraType >
using ConstControlDevicePtr = std::shared_ptr< const class ControlDevice >
using ConstSensorDevicePtr = std::shared_ptr< const class SensorDevice >
using ContainerTypeIPtr = IceInternal::Handle< ContainerTypeI >
using CounterState = CounterStateTemplate< EvCounterNotFulfilled, EvCounterFulfilled >
 CounterState is a typedef for the CounterStateTemplate, that uses the events EvCounterNotFulfilled and EvCounterFulfilled. More...
using CppBlockEntryPtr = std::shared_ptr< CppBlockEntry >
using CppBlockPtr = std::shared_ptr< CppBlock >
using CppClassPtr = std::shared_ptr< CppClass >
using CppCtorPtr = std::shared_ptr< CppCtor >
using CppEnumFieldPtr = std::shared_ptr< CppEnumField >
using CppEnumPtr = std::shared_ptr< CppEnum >
using CppFieldPtr = std::shared_ptr< CppField >
using CppMethodPtr = std::shared_ptr< CppMethod >
using CppWriterPtr = std::shared_ptr< CppWriter >
typedef armarx::ComponentPtr CreateComponentFunction(Ice::PropertiesPtr properties, std::string const &configName, std::string const &configDomain)
using CSpaceAdaptorPtr = IceInternal::Handle< CSpaceAdaptor >
 An ice handle for a CSpace. More...
using CSpacePtr = IceInternal::Handle< CSpace >
 An ice handle for a CSpace. More...
using CSpaceVisualizerTaskHandle = RemoteHandle< MotionPlanningTaskControlInterfacePrx >
using CSpaceVisualizerTaskPtr = IceUtil::Handle< CSpaceVisualizerTask >
using CsvReaderPtr = std::shared_ptr< CsvReader >
using CsvWriterPtr = std::shared_ptr< CsvWriter >
using CuboidSampler = Sampler< UniformCuboidDistribution< float >, std::mt19937 >
using DatabaseTopicReaderPtr = std::shared_ptr< DatabaseTopicReader >
using DatabaseTopicWriterPtr = std::shared_ptr< DatabaseTopicWriter >
using DataFieldIdentifierBaseList = ::std::vector< ::armarx::DataFieldIdentifierBasePtr >
using DataFieldIdentifierBasePtr = IceInternal::Handle< DataFieldIdentifierBase >
using DataFieldIdentifierPtr = IceInternal::Handle< DataFieldIdentifier >
 Typedef of DataFieldIdentifierPtr as IceInternal::Handle<DataFieldIdentifier> for convenience. More...
using DatafieldRefPtr = IceInternal::Handle< DatafieldRef >
using DebugDrawerComponentPtr = IceInternal::Handle< DebugDrawerComponent >
using DebugDrawerHelperPtr = std::shared_ptr< DebugDrawerHelper >
typedef ::IceInternal::ProxyHandle<::IceProxy::armarx::DebugDrawerInterface > DebugDrawerInterfacePrx
typedef ::IceInternal::ProxyHandle<::IceProxy::armarx::DebugObserverInterface > DebugObserverInterfacePrx
using DependencyList = std::map< std::string, ManagedIceObjectDependencyPtr >
 Map of dependency names and dependecies. More...
using DesignerTrajectoryHolderPtr = std::shared_ptr< armarx::DesignerTrajectoryHolder >
 Typedefinitions. More...
using DesignerTrajectoryManagerPtr = std::shared_ptr< armarx::DesignerTrajectoryManager >
 Typedefinitions. More...
using DesignerTrajectoryManagerStdPtr = std::shared_ptr< armarx::DesignerTrajectoryManager >
using DesignerTrajectoryPlayerPtr = std::shared_ptr< DesignerTrajectoryPlayer >
using DesignerTrajectoryPtr = std::shared_ptr< DesignerTrajectory >
typedef std::shared_ptr< class DiffIKProviderDiffIKProviderPtr
using DMPComponentPtr = ::IceInternal::Handle< ::armarx::DMPComponent >
using DMPInstancePair = std::pair< DMPInstancePtr, DMPInstanceBasePrx >
using DMPInstancePtr = IceInternal::Handle< DMPInstance >
using DMPMap = std::map< std::string, std::pair< DMPInstancePtr, DMPInstanceBasePrx > >
using DMPPair = std::pair< std::string, std::pair< DMPInstancePtr, DMPInstanceBasePrx > >
using DoubleSeqPtr = std::shared_ptr< Ice::DoubleSeq >
using DoxDocPtr = std::shared_ptr< DoxDoc >
using DoxEntryPtr = std::shared_ptr< DoxEntry >
using DoxLinePtr = std::shared_ptr< DoxLine >
using DoxTablePtr = std::shared_ptr< DoxTable >
using DoxTransitionGraphNodePtr = std::shared_ptr< DoxTransitionGraphNode >
using DoxTransitionGraphPtr = std::shared_ptr< DoxTransitionGraph >
using DoxTransitionPtr = std::shared_ptr< DoxTransition >
using DynamicLibraryPtr = std::shared_ptr< DynamicLibrary >
using DynamicRemoteStatePtr = IceInternal::Handle< DynamicRemoteState >
typedef boost::graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor EdgeId
typedef boost::graph_traits< Graph >::edge_iterator EdgeIterator
using EdgeList = QList< statechartmodel::TransitionCPtr >
using EdgePtr = Agedge_t *
using EDifferentialIKPtr = std::shared_ptr< EDifferentialIK >
using ElementType = ElementTypes::ElementType
using EmergencyStopWidgetPtr = IceInternal::Handle< EmergencyStopWidget >
using EnvironmentControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< EnvironmentController >
using EnvironmentPtr = std::shared_ptr< Environment >
using EventPtr = IceInternal::Handle< Event >
 Typedef of EventPtr as IceInternal::Handle<Event> for convenience. More...
using EventSenderPtr = IceUtil::Handle< EventSenderConfigDialog >
using ExportDialogControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< ExportDialogController >
using ExternalApplicationManagerDependencyPtr = IceInternal::Handle< ExternalApplicationManagerDependency >
using ExternalApplicationManagerPtr = IceInternal::Handle< class ExternalApplicationManager >
using ExternalApplicationManagerStarterPtr = IceInternal::Handle< ExternalApplicationManagerStarter >
using FactoryCollectionBasePtr = IceUtil::Handle< FactoryCollectionBase >
using FailureState = FinalState< Failure >
using FileSystemPathBuilderFormatStringOptionRegistrar = Registrar< FileSystemPathBuilder::FormatStringOption, std::string >
using FileTopicReaderPtr = std::shared_ptr< FileTopicReader >
using FloatPtr = std::shared_ptr< float >
using FloatVector = ::std::vector< ::Ice::Float >
using ForceTorqueHelperPtr = std::shared_ptr< ForceTorqueHelper >
using ForceTorqueInfoPtr = std::shared_ptr< ForceTorqueInfo >
using FramedDirectionPtr = IceInternal::Handle< FramedDirection >
using FramedOrientationPtr = IceInternal::Handle< FramedOrientation >
using FramedOrientedPointPtr = IceInternal::Handle< FramedOrientedPoint >
using FramedPoseBaseMap = ::std::map< ::std::string, ::armarx::FramedPoseBasePtr >
using FramedPosePtr = IceInternal::Handle< FramedPose >
using FramedPositionPtr = IceInternal::Handle< FramedPosition >
using FuncAppMap = std::map< std::string, DMP::FunctionApproximationInterfacePtr >
using FuncAppPair = std::pair< std::string, DMP::FunctionApproximationInterfacePtr >
using FunctionApproximatorPtr = ::IceInternal::Handle< ::armarx::FunctionApproximator >
using GenericTopicSubscriberPtr = IceInternal::Handle< GenericTopicSubscriber >
typedef boost::subgraph< CloudGraphGraph
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const GraphGraphConstPtr
using GraphDataMap = std::map< std::string, std::vector< TimeData > >
using GraphPtr = Agraph_t *
typedef boost::reference_wrapper< GraphGraphRef
typedef boost::subgraph< CloudGraphWithTimestampGraphWithTimestamp
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const GraphWithTimestampGraphWithTimestampConstPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< GraphWithTimestampGraphWithTimestampPtr
typedef boost::reference_wrapper< GraphWithTimestampGraphWithTimestampRef
typedef std::shared_ptr< class GraspCandidateHelperGraspCandidateHelperPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< class GraspTrajectoryGraspTrajectoryPtr
using GroupClonerPtr = std::shared_ptr< GroupCloner >
using GroupRenamerPtr = std::shared_ptr< GroupRenamer >
typedef struct armarx::GuiTransition GuiTransition
 Struct defining a transition which can be stored as QVariant in a QListWidgetItem. More...
typedef struct armarx::GuiWaypoint GuiWaypoint
 Struct which allows storing relevant data to display within a list widget item as QVariant. More...
using GuiWindowPtr = std::shared_ptr< ArmarXMainWindow >
using GvcPtr = GVC_t *
using HandUnitGuiPluginPtr = std::shared_ptr< HandUnitWidget >
using IceGridAdminPtr = IceUtil::Handle< IceGridAdmin >
using IceManagerPtr = IceUtil::Handle< IceManager >
 IceManager smart pointer. More...
using IcePropertyChangeCallbackPtr = IceUtil::Handle< IcePropertyChangeCallback >
using IceStateConverterPtr = std::shared_ptr< IceStateConverter >
using IdNameMap = const std::map< unsigned int, std::string > &
using IKSelection = VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection
typedef std::shared_ptr< ImageKeypointBufferImageKeypointBufferPtr
using ImageMap = std::map< std::string, CByteImage * >
using ImportDialogControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< ImportDialogController >
using InformedSampler = Sampler< UniformInformedProlateSpheroidDistribution< float >, std::mt19937 >
 Typedef for a sampler as required by informed rrt*. More...
using JointVelocityRampPtr = std::shared_ptr< JointVelocityRamp >
using JoystickControlWidgetPtr = std::shared_ptr< JoystickControlWidget >
using JsonArrayPtr = std::shared_ptr< JsonArray >
using JsonDataPtr = std::shared_ptr< JsonData >
using JSONObjectPtr = IceInternal::Handle< JSONObject >
using JsonObjectPtr = std::shared_ptr< JsonObject >
using JsonValuePtr = std::shared_ptr< JsonValue >
using JsonWriterPtr = std::shared_ptr< JsonWriter >
using KeypointManagerPtr = std::shared_ptr< KeypointManager >
using KeypointObjectPtr = std::shared_ptr< KeypointObject >
using KeypointPtr = std::shared_ptr< Keypoint >
using KeypointSet = multi_index_container< KeypointPtr, indexed_by< ordered_unique< const_mem_fun< Keypoint, unsigned int, &Keypoint::getId > >, ordered_non_unique< const_mem_fun< Keypoint, std::string, &Keypoint::getName > > > >
using KeypointSetById = typename KeypointSet::nth_index< 0 >::type
using KeypointSetByName = typename KeypointSet::nth_index< 1 >::type
using KinematicSolverPtr = std::shared_ptr< KinematicSolver >
using KinematicsWorldPtr = std::shared_ptr< KinematicsWorld >
using KinematicUnitGuiPluginPtr = std::shared_ptr< KinematicUnitWidgetController >
using KinematicUnitHelperPtr = std::shared_ptr< KinematicUnitHelper >
using KinematicUnitSimulationJointInfos = std::map< std::string, KinematicUnitSimulationJointInfo >
using KinematicUnitSimulationJointStates = std::map< std::string, KinematicUnitSimulationJointState >
using LayoutWorkerCreatorPtr = std::unique_ptr< LayoutWorkerCreator >
using LayoutWorkerPtr = std::unique_ptr< LayoutWorker >
using LinearInterpolationPtr = std::shared_ptr< LinearInterpolation >
using LinkedDirectionPtr = IceInternal::Handle< LinkedDirection >
using LinkedPosePtr = IceInternal::Handle< LinkedPose >
using LiteralImplPtr = IceInternal::Handle< LiteralImpl >
 Typedef of LiteralImplPtr as IceInternal::Handle<LiteralImpl> for convenience. More...
using LocalTimeServerPtr = IceInternal::Handle< LocalTimeServer >
using LockableGraphPtr = std::shared_ptr< LockableGraph >
typedef ::IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ::IceProxy::armarx::Log > LogPrx
using LogSenderPtr = std::shared_ptr< LogSender >
 Typedef of std::shared_ptr for convenience. More...
using ManagedIceObjectDependencyPtr = IceUtil::Handle< ManagedIceObjectDependency >
using ManagedIceObjectPtr = IceInternal::Handle< ManagedIceObject >
using ManagedIceObjectRegistryInterfacePtr = IceUtil::Handle< ManagedIceObjectRegistryInterface >
typedef std::shared_ptr< ManagedObstacleManagedObstaclePtr
using ManagerPrxMap = std::map< QString, ArmarXManagerInterfacePrx >
using MatrixDoublePtr = IceInternal::Handle< MatrixDouble >
using MatrixFloatPtr = IceInternal::Handle< MatrixFloat >
using MatrixVariant = armarx::MatrixDouble
using MatrixVariantPtr = armarx::MatrixDoublePtr
using MediatorLayoutOptionPair = std::pair< size_t, bool >
using MediatorMap = std::map< size_t, MediatorPtr >
typedef std::shared_ptr< StateModelLayoutMediatorMediatorPtr
using MementoControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< MementoController >
using MetaClassPtr = std::shared_ptr< MetaClass >
using MetaEnumPtr = std::shared_ptr< MetaEnum >
using MetaWriterPtr = std::shared_ptr< MetaWriter >
using MMMExporterPtr = std::shared_ptr< MMMExporter >
using MMMImporterPtr = std::shared_ptr< MMMImporter >
using MMMPlayerPtr = ::IceInternal::Handle< ::armarx::MMMPlayer >
using MMMSimulationPtr = ::IceInternal::Handle< ::armarx::MMMSimulation >
typedef std::shared_ptr< OpenPoseAdapterMonocularOpenPoseEstimationPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< MotionDataMotionDataPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< MotionFileWrapperMotionFileWrapperPtr
using MotionPlanningServerComponentPtr = IceInternal::Handle< MotionPlanningServer >
 A ice handle for a MotionPlanningServerComponent. More...
using MotionPlanningTaskHandle = RemoteHandle< MotionPlanningTaskControlInterfacePrx >
using MotionPlanningTaskPtr = IceInternal::Handle< MotionPlanningTask >
using MotionPlanningTaskWithDefaultMembersPtr = IceInternal::Handle< MotionPlanningTaskWithDefaultMembers >
using MujocoPhysicsWorldPtr = std::shared_ptr< MujocoPhysicsWorld >
using MultiDimPIDController = MultiDimPIDControllerTemplate<>
using MultiDimPIDControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< MultiDimPIDControllerTemplate<> >
using Mutex = boost::mutex
using NaturalIKPtr = std::shared_ptr< class NaturalIK >
using NJointController = SynchronousNJointController
using NJointControllerPtr = SynchronousNJointControllerPtr
using NJointControllerRegistry = Registrar< std::unique_ptr< NJointControllerRegistryEntry > >
template<typename ControlDataStruct >
using NJointControllerWithTripleBufferPtr = IceInternal::Handle< NJointControllerWithTripleBuffer< ControlDataStruct > >
using NodeCache = std::map< std::string, SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx >
using NodeMap = std::map< statechartmodel::StateInstancePtr, std::string >
using NodePtr = Agnode_t *
template<int N, class... Ts>
using NthTypeOf = typename std::tuple_element< N, std::tuple< Ts... > >::type
using ObjectFactoryMap = std::map< std::string, Ice::ValueFactoryPtr >
using ObjectHandles = std::pair< Ice::ObjectPrx, Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr >
 Object handles pair which contains the object proxy and its adapter. More...
using ObjectPoseStorageInterfacePrx = ::IceInternal::ProxyHandle<::IceProxy::armarx::objpose::ObjectPoseStorageInterface >
using ObserverList = std::vector< std::string >
using OperationPtr = IceInternal::Handle< Operation >
 Typedef of OperationPtr as IceInternal::Handle<Operation> for convenience. More...
using OrientedPointPtr = IceInternal::Handle< OrientedPoint >
using PaintCallback = std::function< void(QPainter &painter)>
using ParameterMappingPtr = IceInternal::Handle< ParameterMapping >
using ParameterPtr = IceInternal::Handle< Parameter >
 Typedef of ParameterPtr as IceInternal::Handle<Parameter> for convenience. More...
using paraType = boost::variant< double, DMP::DVec, Eigen::Quaternionf >
using ParseResultPtr = std::shared_ptr< ParseResult >
using PathCollection = pathcol::Task
using PathCollectionHandle = RemoteHandle< MotionPlanningMultiPathWithCostTaskControlInterfacePrx >
using PathCollectionPtr = IceUtil::Handle< PathCollection >
using PathPlannerPtr = ::IceInternal::Handle< ::armarx::PathPlanner >
using PIDControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< PIDController >
using PlatformUnitGuiPluginPtr = std::shared_ptr< PlatformUnitWidget >
using PluginCachePtr = std::shared_ptr< PluginCache >
using PM = ParameterMapping
using PMPtr = ParameterMappingPtr
typedef pcl::PointCloud< PointTPointCloudT
typedef pcl::PointCloud< PointWithNormalTPointCloudWithNormalT
typedef pcl::PointXYZRGBL PointL
using PointT = pcl::PointXYZRGBL
using pointVector = std::vector< Eigen::VectorXf >
typedef pcl::PointXYZRGBLNormal PointWithNormalT
using PosePtr = IceInternal::Handle< Pose >
using PositionControllerHelperPtr = std::shared_ptr< PositionControllerHelper >
using PostprocessingMotionPlanningTaskHandle = RemoteHandle< MotionPlanningTaskControlInterfacePrx >
using PostprocessingMotionPlanningTaskPtr = IceInternal::Handle< PostprocessingMotionPlanningTask >
using PrivateXmlStateClassPtr = std::shared_ptr< PrivateXmlStateClass >
using PropertyDefinitionsPtr = IceUtil::Handle< class PropertyDefinitionContainer >
 PropertyDefinitions smart pointer type. More...
using PropertyUserList = std::vector< PropertyUserPtr >
 UserProperty list type. More...
using PropertyUserPtr = IceUtil::Handle< class PropertyUser >
 PropertyUser smart pointer type. More...
using ProxyMap = std::map< std::string, ObserverInterfacePrx >
using QApplicationPtr = std::shared_ptr< QApplication >
using QPoint2Array = std::array< QPointF, 2 >
using QPoint4Array = std::array< QPointF, 4 >
using QPointList = QList< QPointF >
using QPointPtr = std::shared_ptr< QPointF >
using QuaternionPtr = IceInternal::Handle< Quaternion >
using QwtPlotMarkerPtr = QwtPlotMarker *
typedef std::shared_ptr< const RampedAccelerationVelocityControllerConfigurationRampedAccelerationVelocityControllerConfigurationCPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< class RampedAccelerationVelocityControllerConfigurationRampedAccelerationVelocityControllerConfigurationPtr
using RandomShortcutPostprocessorTask = rngshortcut::Task
using RandomShortcutPostprocessorTaskHandle = RemoteHandle< MotionPlanningMultiPathWithCostTaskControlInterfacePrx >
using RandomShortcutPostprocessorTaskPtr = IceUtil::Handle< RandomShortcutPostprocessorTask >
using RapidXmlReaderNodePtr = std::shared_ptr< RapidXmlReaderNode >
using RapidXmlReaderNodeSeq = std::vector< RapidXmlReaderNode >
using RapidXmlReaderPtr = std::shared_ptr< RapidXmlReader >
using RecursiveMutex = boost::recursive_mutex
using ReflexPtr = std::shared_ptr< Reflex >
using RemoteHandleControlBlockPtr = IceInternal::Handle< RemoteHandleControlBlock >
using RemoteObjectNodePtr = IceInternal::Handle< RemoteObjectNode >
 An ice handle for a RemoteObjectNodeComponent. More...
template<class FunctionType , class DataType = void>
using RemoteReferenceCountControlBlockPtr = IceUtil::Handle< RemoteReferenceCountControlBlock< FunctionType, DataType > >
using RemoteReferenceCounterPtr = IceUtil::Handle< RemoteReferenceCounter >
using RemoteRobotPtr = std::shared_ptr< RemoteRobot >
using RemoteStatePtr = IceInternal::Handle< RemoteState >
using RemoteStateWrapperPtr = IceInternal::Handle< RemoteStateWrapper >
using RobotIKGuiPluginPtr = std::shared_ptr< RobotIKWidgetController >
using RobotInfoPtr = std::shared_ptr< RobotInfo >
using RobotNameHelperPtr = std::shared_ptr< class RobotNameHelper >
typedef std::shared_ptr< class RobotPlacementRobotPlacementPtr
using RobotPoolPtr = std::shared_ptr< class RobotPool >
using RobotStateComponentInterfacePrx = ::IceInternal::ProxyHandle<::IceProxy::armarx::RobotStateComponentInterface >
using RobotStateObserverPtr = IceInternal::Handle< RobotStateObserver >
using RobotStatePredictionClientExample = armarx::robot_state_prediction_client_example::Component
using RobotUnitDataStreamingReceiverPtr = std::shared_ptr< class RobotUnitDataStreamingReceiver >
typedef ::IceInternal::ProxyHandle<::IceProxy::armarx::RobotUnitInterface > RobotUnitInterfacePrx
using RobotViewerGuiPluginPtr = std::shared_ptr< RobotViewerWidgetController >
using RobotVisualizationControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< RobotVisualizationController >
using RobotVisualizationPtr = std::shared_ptr< RobotVisualization >
using RobotVisualizationWidgetPtr = std::shared_ptr< RobotVisualizationWidget >
using RRTConnectTask = rrtconnect::Task
using RRTConnectTaskHandle = RemoteHandle< MotionPlanningTaskControlInterfacePrx >
using RRTConnectTaskPtr = IceUtil::Handle< RRTConnectTask >
using RunningTaskPtr = RunningTaskT::pointer_type
using RunningTaskT = RunningTask< LightweightRemoteGuiComponentPluginUser >
using ScaledCSpacePtr = IceInternal::Handle< ScaledCSpace >
 An ice handle to a ScaledCSpace. More...
using ScopedFileLockPtr = std::shared_ptr< boost::interprocess::scoped_lock< boost::interprocess::file_lock > >
using ScopedLock = Mutex::scoped_lock
using ScopedLockPtr = std::shared_ptr< ScopedLock >
using ScopedRecursiveLock = RecursiveMutex::scoped_lock
using ScopedRecursiveLockPtr = std::shared_ptr< ScopedRecursiveLock >
using ScopedRecursiveTryLock = RecursiveMutex::scoped_try_lock
using ScopedSharedLock = boost::shared_lock< boost::shared_mutex >
using ScopedSharedLockPtr = std::shared_ptr< ScopedSharedLock >
using ScopedTimedMutex = TimedMutex::scoped_lock
using ScopedTimedMutexPtr = std::shared_ptr< ScopedTimedMutex >
using ScopedTimedRecursiveLock = TimedRecursiveMutex::scoped_lock
using ScopedTimedRecursiveLockPtr = std::shared_ptr< ScopedTimedRecursiveLock >
using ScopedTimedRecursiveTryLock = TimedRecursiveMutex::scoped_try_lock
using ScopedTimedTryMutex = TimedMutex::scoped_try_lock
using ScopedTryLock = Mutex::scoped_try_lock
using ScopedUniqueLock = boost::unique_lock< boost::shared_mutex >
using ScopedUniqueLockPtr = std::shared_ptr< ScopedUniqueLock >
using SensorAndControl = detail::ControlThreadOutputBufferEntry
using ServiceProviderPtr = IceUtil::Handle< ServiceProvider >
using SettingControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< SettingController >
using SharedMemoryScopedReadLock = boost::interprocess::sharable_lock< boost::interprocess::interprocess_upgradable_mutex >
using SharedMemoryScopedReadLockPtr = std::shared_ptr< SharedMemoryScopedReadLock >
using SharedMemoryScopedWriteLock = boost::interprocess::scoped_lock< boost::interprocess::interprocess_upgradable_mutex >
using SharedMemoryScopedWriteLockPtr = std::shared_ptr< SharedMemoryScopedWriteLock >
using SharedMutex = boost::shared_mutex
using SharedRobotInterfacePrx = ::IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ::IceProxy::armarx::SharedRobotInterface >
using SharedRobotServantPtr = IceInternal::Handle< SharedRobotServant >
using ShortcutControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< ShortcutController >
using SimoxCSpacePtr = IceInternal::Handle< SimoxCSpace >
 An ice handle for a SimoxCSpace. More...
using SimoxCSpaceWith2DPosePtr = IceInternal::Handle< SimoxCSpaceWith2DPose >
using SimoxCSpaceWith3DPosePtr = IceInternal::Handle< SimoxCSpaceWith3DPose >
using SimpleDiffIKPtr = std::shared_ptr< class SimpleDiffIK >
using SimpleJsonLoggerEntryPtr = std::shared_ptr< SimpleJsonLoggerEntry >
using SimpleJsonLoggerPtr = std::shared_ptr< SimpleJsonLogger >
template<class FunctionType , class DataType = void>
using SimpleRemoteReferenceCountControlBlockPtr = IceUtil::Handle< SimpleRemoteReferenceCountControlBlock< FunctionType, DataType > >
using SimualtedWorldDataPtr = std::shared_ptr< SimulatedWorldData >
using SimulatedWorldPtr = std::shared_ptr< SimulatedWorld >
using SimulatorControlGuiPluginPtr = std::shared_ptr< SimulatorControlGuiPlugin >
using SimulatorPtr = IceInternal::Handle< Simulator >
using SimulatorTimeServerProxyPtr = IceInternal::Handle< SimulatorTimeServerProxy >
using SingleTypeVariantListPtr = IceInternal::Handle< SingleTypeVariantList >
using SingleVariantPtr = IceInternal::Handle< SingleVariant >
using SoTransformerManipPtr = boost::intrusive_ptr< SoTransformerManip >
using SpamFilterDataPtr = std::shared_ptr< SpamFilterData >
using SpamFilterMap = std::unordered_map< std::string, std::unordered_map< std::string, IceUtil::Time > >
using SpamFilterMapPtr = std::shared_ptr< SpamFilterMap >
using SplineInterpolationPtr = std::shared_ptr< SplineInterpolation >
using SplineInterpolationSegmentPtr = std::shared_ptr< SplineInterpolationSegment >
using splineVector = std::vector< SupportPoints >
using StateBasePtr = IceInternal::Handle< StateBase >
using StatechartContextPtr = IceInternal::Handle< StatechartContext >
using StatechartEventDistributorPtr = IceInternal::Handle< StatechartEventDistributor >
using StatechartGroupPtr = std::shared_ptr< StatechartGroup >
using StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr = std::shared_ptr< StatechartGroupXmlReader >
using StatechartManagerPtr = IceUtil::Handle< StatechartManager >
using StatechartProfilePtr = std::shared_ptr< class StatechartProfile >
using StatechartProfilesPtr = std::shared_ptr< StatechartProfiles >
using StatechartProfileWeakPtr = std::weak_ptr< StatechartProfile >
using StateControllerPtr = IceInternal::Handle< StateController >
using StateEditorControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< StateEditorController >
using StateParameterPtr = IceInternal::Handle< StateParameter >
using StatePtr = IceInternal::Handle< State >
using StateTreeControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< StateTreeController >
using StateTreeModelPtr = std::shared_ptr< StateTreeModel >
using StateTreeNodePtr = std::shared_ptr< StateTreeNode >
using StateUpdateMap = std::map< QString, QPair< bool, ArmarXManagerItem::ObjectMap > >
using StateWatcherPtr = IceInternal::Handle< StateWatcher >
using StereoResultImageProviderPtr = IceInternal::Handle< StereoResultImageProvider >
using StreamImageProviderPtr = IceInternal::Handle< StreamImageProvider >
using StreamReceiverPtr = IceInternal::Handle< StreamReceiver >
using StringBlackWhitelist = BlackWhitelist< std::string >
dictionary< string, double > StringDoubleMap
dictionary< string, Ice::DoubleSeq > StringDoubleSeqMap
using StringValueMapPtr = IceInternal::Handle< StringValueMap >
using StringVariantBaseMap = std::map< std::string, VariantBasePtr >
using StringVariantMap = std::map< std::string, Variant >
using StringXMLNodeMap = std::map< std::string, RapidXmlReaderPtr >
using StringXMLNodeMapPtr = std::shared_ptr< StringXMLNodeMap >
using StructuralJsonParserPtr = std::shared_ptr< StructuralJsonParser >
using STVarList = SingleTypeVariantList
using SuccessState = FinalState< Success >
using SystemObserverCounterMap = std::map< std::string, SystemObserverCounter >
using SystemObserverTimerMap = std::map< std::string, SystemObserverTimer >
using TCPInformationControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< TCPInformationController >
using TCPSelectionControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< TCPSelectionController >
using TermImplPtr = IceInternal::Handle< TermImpl >
 Typedef of TermImplPtr as IceInternal::Handle<TermImpl> for convenience. More...
using TermNodePtr = std::shared_ptr< TermNode >
using TermNodeWeakPtr = std::weak_ptr< TermNode >
using ThreadListPtr = IceInternal::Handle< ThreadList >
using ThreadPoolPtr = std::shared_ptr< ThreadPool >
using TimedMutex = boost::timed_mutex
using TimedRecursiveMutex = boost::recursive_timed_mutex
using TimedVariantPtr = IceInternal::Handle< TimedVariant >
using TimerPtr = IceUtil::Handle< Timer >
 smart pointer for armarx::Timer More...
typedef boost::property_map< CloudGraphWithTimestamp, boost::vertex_timestamp_t >::type TimestampMap
using TimestampVariantPtr = IceInternal::Handle< TimestampVariant >
using TimeVariantBaseMap = std::deque< std::pair< long, VariantBasePtr > >
using tokenVector = std::vector< std::string >
using ToolBarControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< ToolBarController >
using TopicReaderInterfacePtr = std::shared_ptr< TopicReaderInterface >
using TopicRecorderComponentPtr = IceInternal::Handle< TopicRecorderComponent >
using TopicWriterInterfacePtr = std::shared_ptr< TopicWriterInterface >
using TrajectoryConstPtr = TrajectoryPtr
using TrajectoryControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< TrajectoryController >
using TrajectoryExporterPtr = std::shared_ptr< TrajectoryExporter >
using TrajectoryImporterPtr = std::shared_ptr< TrajectoryImporter >
using TrajectoryPlayerPtr = ::IceInternal::Handle< ::armarx::TrajectoryPlayer >
using TrajectoryPtr = IceInternal::Handle< Trajectory >
using TrajVec = DMP::Vec< DMP::SampledTrajectoryV2 >
using TransitionControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< TransitionController >
using TransitionPtr = std::shared_ptr< Transition >
using TreeNodePtr = std::shared_ptr< TreeNode >
using TreeNodeWeakPtr = std::weak_ptr< TreeNode >
using UserWaypointPtr = std::shared_ptr< UserWaypoint >
typedef ::IceInternal::Handle<::armarx::VariantBase > VariantBasePtr
using VariantContainerPtr = IceInternal::Handle< VariantContainer >
using VariantInfoPtr = std::shared_ptr< VariantInfo >
using VariantJsonCompressorPtr = std::shared_ptr< VariantJsonCompressor >
using VariantListParameterPtr = IceInternal::Handle< VariantListParameter >
 Typedef of VariantListParameterPtr as IceInternal::Handle<VariantListParameter> for convenience. More...
using VariantParameterPtr = IceInternal::Handle< VariantParameter >
 Typedef of VariantParameterPtr as IceInternal::Handle<VariantParameter> for convenience. More...
using VariantPtr = IceInternal::Handle< Variant >
using VariantTypeId = Ice::Int
using VariantTypeIdList = std::vector< VariantTypeId >
using VariantTypeInfoPtr = std::shared_ptr< VariantTypeInfo >
using VarList = std::vector< Variant >
using Vector2Ptr = IceInternal::Handle< Vector2 >
using Vector3Ptr = IceInternal::Handle< Vector3 >
using VelocityControllerHelperPtr = std::shared_ptr< VelocityControllerHelper >
typedef boost::graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor VertexId
typedef boost::graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_iterator VertexIterator
typedef boost::graph_traits< GraphWithTimestamp >::vertex_descriptor VertexWTsId
using ViaPoint = std::pair< double, DMP::DVec >
using ViaPointsSet = std::vector< ViaPoint >
using ViewControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< ViewController >
using Viewer3DWidgetPtr = IceUtil::Handle< Viewer3DWidget >
using VisualizationObserverPtr = std::shared_ptr< VisualizationObserver >
using VoxelGridCSpacePtr = IceInternal::Handle< VoxelGridCSpace >
using WaypointControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr< WaypointController >
using WeissHapticSensorPtr = std::shared_ptr< WeissHapticSensor >
using WorkerMap = std::map< size_t, LayoutWorkerPtr >
using XMLStateFactoryBasePtr = IceInternal::Handle< XMLStateFactoryBase >
using XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr = IceInternal::Handle< XMLStateOffererFactoryBase >


enum  ArVizWidgetMode {
  NotConnected, Live, Recording, ReplayingManual,
enum  COMBINATION_METHOD { WeightedSum, Reafference }
enum  EItemType {
  eObserverItem = 0, eChannelsItem = 1, eChannelItem = 2, eDataFieldItem = 3,
  eChecksItem = 4, eCheckItem = 5, eConditionsItem = 6, eConditionItem = 7,
  eElementaryConditionItem = 8
enum  InterpolationType { eLinearInterpolation, eSplineInterpolation }
 The InterpolationType enum lists all available interpolation types eLinearInterpolation: represents linear Interpolation between a list of waypoints in the space of poses eSplineInterpolation: represents (cubic) spline Interpolation between a list of waypoints in the space of poses. More...
enum  LevelOfDetail { eFull, eNoSubstates, eHidden }
enum  MergeMapsMode { OverrideOldValues, KeepOldValues, OverrideNoValues }
enum  MessageTypeT {
enum  NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerTypes { PassThroughController, ControllerWithRamp }
enum  OpenPoseEstimationMode { FromDepthImage, FromStereoImage, FromTopic }
enum  OPTICAL_FLOW_METHOD { Chessboard, Dense, Feature }
enum  PLANE_VISUALIZATION_METHOD { Hull, Inlier, Obb, Rectangle }
enum  ProxyType { component, topic }
enum  RobotUnitState : std::size_t {
  InitializingComponent, InitializingDevices, InitializingUnits, InitializingControlThread,
  Running, Exiting
 The current state of the multi step initialization of a RobotUnit. More...
enum  SimulatorType { Kinematics, Bullet, Mujoco }
enum  SpawnerOption { DeleteAll = 0, DeleteType = 1 }
enum  SpawnerType { Box, Cylinder, Sphere }
enum  status { success, failure }
enum  TimeMode { SystemTime, VirtualTime }
 Time mode to be used. More...
enum  TransitionErrorType { eTransitionErrorUndefined, eTransitionErrorUnexpectedEvent, eTransitionErrorInput, eTransitionNoError }


template<class T >
std::vector< Tabs (const std::vector< T > &v)
deltas accelerateToVelocity (float v0, float acc, float vt)
float angleDistance (float angle1, float angle2)
 ARMARX_REGISTER_COMPONENT_EXECUTABLE (FilterKnownObjects, FilterKnownObjects::GetDefaultName())
 ARMARX_REGISTER_COMPONENT_EXECUTABLE (RemoteGuiExample2, RemoteGuiExample2::GetDefaultName())
const Eigen::IOFormat ArmarXEigenFormat (Eigen::StreamPrecision, Eigen::DontAlignCols, " ", "\n", "", "")
template<typename T >
 BinaryFiniteStateMachine (std::shared_ptr< T >) -> BinaryFiniteStateMachine< T >
template<typename T >
 BinaryFiniteStateMachine (T &) -> BinaryFiniteStateMachine< T >
template<typename T >
 BinaryFiniteStateMachine (T *) -> BinaryFiniteStateMachine< T >
template<typename T >
 BoolFiniteStateMachine (std::shared_ptr< T >) -> BoolFiniteStateMachine< T >
template<typename T >
 BoolFiniteStateMachine (T &) -> BoolFiniteStateMachine< T >
template<typename T >
 BoolFiniteStateMachine (T *) -> BoolFiniteStateMachine< T >
 User-defined template argument deductions. More...
float brakingDistance (float v0, float deceleration)
const std::shared_ptr< boost::interprocess::file_lock > & CacheFileLock ()
QString checkboxStyleSheet ()
template<class Targ , class Src >
Targ & CheckedCastAndDeref (Src *src)
template<class T , class ExceptionType = std::invalid_argument>
auto CheckedDeref (const T &ptr, const std::source_location &loc=std::source_location::current())
template<class T , class M , class ExceptionType = std::invalid_argument>
auto CheckedDeref (const T &ptr, M &&msg, const std::source_location &loc=std::source_location::current())
template<class T >
void checkValue (const T &value)
template<class T >
void checkValues (const std::vector< T > &values)
void chromaCallback (const crl::multisense::image::Header &header, void *userDataP)
void clearLayout (QLayout *layout)
 Clear a layout. More...
const std::shared_ptr< boost::interprocess::file_lock > & CMakeFileLock ()
std::mutex & CMakeMutex ()
std::ostream cnull (nullptr)
template<class T >
T compressedIceBlobToObject (const std::string_view &sv)
template<class T >
void compressedIceBlobToObject (T &result, const std::string_view &sv)
template<class ContainerType , class ElementType >
bool Contains (const ContainerType &container, const ElementType &searchElement)
bool Contains (const std::string &haystack, const std::string &needle, bool caseInsensitive=false)
bool containsAnyOf (const std::set< std::string > &values, const std::vector< std::string > &searchKeys)
armem::articulated_object::ArticulatedObject convert (const VirtualRobot::Robot &obj, const armem::Time &timestamp)
template<class ContainerT , class IndexContainerT , class IndexT = typename IndexContainerT::value_type>
std::vector< typename ContainerT::value_type > copyValuesAt (const ContainerT &src, const IndexContainerT &idx)
 Uses the container of indices to copy values (accessed via from the given container into a vector and returns his vector. More...
template<class ContainerT , class IndexContainerT , class OutputIteratorT , class IndexT = typename IndexContainerT::value_type>
void copyValuesAt (const ContainerT &src, const IndexContainerT &idx, OutputIteratorT dest)
 Uses the container of indices to copy values (accessed via the given container into the output iterator. More...
template<class ContainerT , class IndexIteratorT , class IndexT = typename std::iterator_traits<IndexIteratorT>::value_type>
std::vector< typename ContainerT::value_type > copyValuesAt (const ContainerT &src, IndexIteratorT fst, IndexIteratorT lst)
 Uses the range of indices to copy values (accessed via the given container into a vector and returns his vector. More...
template<class ContainerT , class IndexIteratorT , class OutputIteratorT , class IndexT = typename std::iterator_traits<IndexIteratorT>::value_type>
void copyValuesAt (const ContainerT &src, IndexIteratorT fst, IndexIteratorT lst, OutputIteratorT dest)
 Uses the range of indices to copy values (accessed via the given container into the output iterator. More...
std::shared_ptr< boost::interprocess::file_lock > CreateAndCheckFileLock (const std::string &name)
template<class ComponentType >
std::vector< ComponentPtrcreateComponents (ComponentType comp)
template<class ComponentType , class... ComponentTypes>
std::vector< ComponentPtrcreateComponents (ComponentType comp, ComponentTypes... components)
template<class... ComponentTypes>
std::vector< ComponentPtrcreateComponentsUtil (ComponentTypes &&... components)
ParameterMappingPtr createMapping ()
 Returns a new and empty instance of ParameterMapping. More...
template<class RealType , class CollisionChecker , class ConfigType , class Distance = std::function<float(Eigen::VectorXf, Eigen::VectorXf)>, class Interpolate = std::function<Eigen::VectorXf(Eigen::VectorXf, Eigen::VectorXf, float)>>
bool dcdIsPathCollisionFree (const ConfigType &from, const ConfigType &to, RealType dcdStepSize, CollisionChecker isCollisionFree, bool toIsCollisionFree=true, const std::optional< Distance > &distanceLambda=std::optional< Distance >(), const std::optional< Interpolate > &interpolationLambda=std::optional< Interpolate >(), std::vector< ConfigType > *resultPath=NULL)
 Returns whether the line startCfg to to is collision free. More...
template<class RealType , class CollisionChecker , class ConfigType >
ConfigType dcdSteer (const ConfigType &from, const ConfigType &to, RealType dcdStepSize, CollisionChecker isCollisionFree)
 Tries to reach to from from using the given stepsize. More...
int DecoupledMain (int argc, char *argv[])
 DEFINEEVENT (EvInit) struct StateRun
void deselection_callback (void *userdata, SoPath *path)
void disparityCallback (const crl::multisense::image::Header &header, void *userDataP)
template<class T0 >
void do_hash (std::size_t &hashed, const T0 &t0)
 Combines the accumulated hash and the parameters hash. More...
template<class T0 , class... Ts>
void do_hash (std::size_t &hashed, const T0 &t0, const Ts &...ts)
 Combines the accumulated hash and the parameters hash. More...
template<class Cont , class... Params>
auto emplace (Cont &cont, Params &&...params) -> decltype(cont.emplace_back(std::forward< Params >(params)...))
std::string Encode (const std::string &data)
void EncodeInline (std::string &data)
bool ends_with (const std::string &haystack, const std::string &needle)
bool ensureCoinIsInitialized ()
template<class T >
EqualPredicate< TequalPredicate (T t)
template<class IteratorType1 , class IteratorType2 >
float euclideanDistance (IteratorType1 first1, IteratorType1 last1, IteratorType2 first2)
 Returns the euclidean distance. More...
template<class IteratorType1 , class IteratorType2 >
float euclideanDistanceSquared (IteratorType1 first1, IteratorType1 last1, IteratorType2 first2)
 Returns the squared euclidean distance. More...
template<class IteratorType >
float euclideanDistanceWeighted (IteratorType first1, IteratorType last1, IteratorType first2, IteratorType firstw)
 Returns the euclidean distance with weighted with the given vector. More...
template<class IteratorType1 , class IteratorType2 , class IteratorType3 >
float euclideanDistanceWeightedSquared (IteratorType1 first1, IteratorType1 last1, IteratorType2 first2, IteratorType3 firstw)
 Returns the squared euclidean distance with weighted with the given vector. More...
Eigen::Vector3i extractColorValue (std::string propertyValue)
std::mutex & FactoryCollectionBase_RegistrationListMutex ()
std::string FileSystemPathBuilder_ApplyFormattingAndResolveEnvAndCMakeVars (std::string const &value)
void fillColorMapsLayer (viz::Layer &layer, double timeInSeconds)
void fillDisAppearingLayer (viz::Layer &layer, double timeInSeconds)
void fillExampleLayer (viz::Layer &layer, double timeInSeconds)
void fillInteractionLayer (viz::Layer &layer)
void fillManyElementsLayer (viz::Layer &layer, double timeInSeconds)
void fillObjectsLayer (viz::Layer &layer, double timeInSeconds)
void fillPathsAndLinesLayer (viz::Layer &layer)
void fillPermanentLayer (viz::Layer &layer)
void fillPointsLayer (viz::Layer &layer, double timeInSeconds)
void fillRobotHandsLayer (viz::Layer &layer)
void fillTestLayer (viz::Layer &layer, double timeInSeconds)
void findVelocityAndAccelerationForTimeAndDistance (float distance, float v0, float vmax, float dec, std::array< deltas, 3 > trapeze, float newDt, float &newV, float &newAcc, float &newDec)
template<typename AronDTO >
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, AronDTO &dto)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, ExternalCameraCalibration &cal)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, FramedPose &fp)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, GraspTrajectoryKeypoint &kp)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, Vector2f &value)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, Vector3f &value)
void from_json (const simox::json::json &j, Names &value)
void from_json (const simox::json::json &j, ObjectID &value)
template<typename AronType , typename T >
T fromAron (const ::armarx::aron::data::dto::DictPtr &dto)
void fromAron (const armarx::arondto::Trajectory &dto, DMP::SampledTrajectoryV2 &bo, bool taskspace)
void fromAron (const arondto::Names &dto, armarx::Names &bo)
void fromAron (const arondto::ObjectID &dto, ObjectID &bo)
void fromAron (const arondto::PackagePath &dto, PackageFileLocation &bo)
template<class BoT , class DtoT >
BoT fromAron (const DtoT &dto)
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
void fromAron (const DtoT &dto, bool dtoValid, BoT &bo, bool &boValid)
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
void fromAron (const DtoT &dto, bool dtoValid, std::optional< BoT > &bo)
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
void fromAron (const DtoT &dto, std::unique_ptr< BoT > &bo)
template<typename T >
auto fromAron (const std::vector< T > &v) -> std::vector< decltype(fromAron(T()))>
 Converter function for vector of aron elements to plain cpp type. More...
template<class T >
void fromAron (const T &dto, T &bo)
template<typename AronType , typename T >
T fromAronDict (const ::armarx::aron::data::dto::DictPtr &dto)
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
void fromIce (const ::IceInternal::Handle< DtoT > &dto, BoT &bo)
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
void fromIce (const ::IceInternal::Handle< DtoT > &dto, std::optional< BoT > &bo)
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
void fromIce (const ::IceInternal::Handle< DtoT > &dto, std::unique_ptr< BoT > &boPointer)
void fromIce (const data::ObjectID &ice, ObjectID &id)
ObjectID fromIce (const data::ObjectID &id)
void fromIce (const data::ObjectIDSeq &ice, std::vector< ObjectID > &ids)
std::vector< ObjectIDfromIce (const data::ObjectIDSeq &id)
template<class BoT , class DtoT >
BoT fromIce (const DtoT &dto)
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
void fromIce (const DtoT &dto, std::unique_ptr< BoT > &boPointer)
void fromIce (const PoseBasePtr &ice, Eigen::Matrix4f &pose)
void fromIce (const PoseBasePtr &ice, Eigen::Matrix< float, 4, 4, Eigen::RowMajor > &pose)
Eigen::Matrix4f fromIce (const PoseBasePtr &pose)
void fromIce (const QuaternionBasePtr &ice, Eigen::Matrix3f &rotation)
void fromIce (const QuaternionBasePtr &ice, Eigen::Matrix< float, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor > &rotation)
void fromIce (const QuaternionBasePtr &ice, Eigen::Quaternionf &quaternion)
Eigen::Quaternionf fromIce (const QuaternionBasePtr &rotation)
template<class DtoKeyT , class IceValueT , class BoKeyT , class BoValueT >
void fromIce (const std::map< DtoKeyT, IceValueT > &dtoMap, std::map< BoKeyT, BoValueT > &boMap)
template<class IceKeyT , class IceValueT , class CppKeyT , class CppValueT >
void fromIce (const std::map< IceKeyT, IceValueT > &iceMap, boost::container::flat_map< CppKeyT, CppValueT > &cppMap)
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
void fromIce (const std::vector< DtoT > &dtos, std::vector< BoT > &bos)
template<class T >
void fromIce (const T &dto, T &bo)
void fromIce (const Vector3BasePtr &ice, Eigen::Vector3f &vector)
Eigen::Vector3f fromIce (const Vector3BasePtr &position)
template<int N, class... Ts>
auto * get_index_ptr (boost::variant< Ts... > &v)
template<int N, class... Ts>
const auto * get_index_ptr (const boost::variant< Ts... > &v)
template<int N, class... Ts>
const auto * get_index_ptr (const std::variant< Ts... > &v)
template<int N, class... Ts>
auto * get_index_ptr (std::variant< Ts... > &v)
std::filesystem::path getArmarXCliPath ()
LogSender::ConsoleColor GetColorCode (MessageType type)
std::shared_ptr< boost::interprocess::file_lock > getFileLock (std::string lockName, bool verbose=false)
std::string GetHandledExceptionString ()
std::string getHomeDir ()
template<class KeyT , class ValT >
std::vector< KeyT > getIndices (const std::map< KeyT, ValT > &c)
template<class KeyT , class ValT >
std::vector< KeyT > getIndices (const std::unordered_map< KeyT, ValT > &c)
template<class ValT >
std::vector< std::size_t > getIndices (const std::vector< ValT > &c)
template<class MapType >
std::vector< typename MapType::key_type > getMapKeys (const MapType &map)
template<class MapType , class OutputIteratorType >
void getMapKeys (const MapType &map, OutputIteratorType it)
template<class MapType , template< class... > class ContainerT = std::vector>
ContainerT< typename MapType::mapped_type > getMapValues (const MapType &map)
template<class MapType , class OutputIteratorType >
void getMapValues (const MapType &map, OutputIteratorType it)
Eigen::Vector3f GetOrthonormalVectors (Eigen::Vector3f vec, Eigen::Vector3f &dir1, Eigen::Vector3f &dir2)
RobotUnitgetRobotUnit (RobotUnitModule::ControllerManagement *cmngr)
VariantContainerBasePtr GetSelectedProfileValue (RapidXmlReaderNode parameterNode, StatechartProfilePtr selectedProfile, Ice::CommunicatorPtr ic, std::string defaultValueJsonString="")
template<typename T >
const std::string & GetTypeString (bool withoutNamespaceSpecifier=false)
std::string GetTypeString (const std::type_index &tind, bool withoutNamespaceSpecifier=false)
std::string GetTypeString (const std::type_info &tinf, bool withoutNamespaceSpecifier=false)
template<typename T >
std::string GetTypeString (const T &t, bool withoutNamespaceSpecifier=false)
template<class T >
GreaterEqualPredicate< TgreaterEqualPredicate (T t)
template<class T >
GreaterPredicate< TgreaterPredicate (T t)
QColor green ()
void handleExceptions ()
template<class... Ts>
std::size_t hash_all (const Ts &...ts)
 Returns the hash of all parameters. More...
template<class T >
T iceBlobToObject (const std::string_view &sv)
template<class T >
void iceBlobToObject (T &result, const std::string_view &sv)
void incrementAll ()
 Increment all given parameter using the pre-increment operator. More...
template<typename It0 , typename ... It>
void incrementAll (It0 &it0, It &
template<typename T >
Interval< Tinterval (T lo, T hi)
void intrusive_ptr_add_ref (SoTransformerManip *obj)
void intrusive_ptr_release (SoTransformerManip *obj)
template<class T >
bool isNullptr (const T &p)
std::string joinStrings (std::vector< std::string > const &input, std::string const &seperator)
template<class T >
LessEqualPredicate< TlessEqualPredicate (T t)
template<class T >
LessPredicate< TlessPredicate (T t)
void lidarCallback (const crl::multisense::lidar::Header &header, void *userDataP)
bool LoadLibFromAbsolutePath (const std::string &path)
ScopedFileLockPtr lockCMake ()
ARMARXCORE_IMPORT_EXPORT LogSenderLogSender::operator<<< LogSender::ConsoleColor > (const LogSender::ConsoleColor &colorCode)
 Changes the current message color. More...
LogSenderLogSender::operator<<< LogSender::manipulator > (const manipulator &manipulator)
 Executes a manipulator like flush on the stream. More...
std::ostream LogSender_errbuf (std::cerr.rdbuf())
std::ostream LogSender_outbuf (std::cout.rdbuf())
void lumaCallback (const crl::multisense::image::Header &header, void *userDataP)
 make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator (float, ControllerConstants::ValueNotSetNaN, ControlTarget1DoFActuatorCurrent, current, ControlModes::Current1DoF)
 make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator (float, ControllerConstants::ValueNotSetNaN, ControlTarget1DoFActuatorPosition, position, ControlModes::Position1DoF)
 make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator (float, ControllerConstants::ValueNotSetNaN, ControlTarget1DoFActuatorTorque, torque, ControlModes::Torque1DoF)
 make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator (float, ControllerConstants::ValueNotSetNaN, ControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocity, velocity, ControlModes::Velocity1DoF)
 make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator (float, ControllerConstants::ValueNotSetNaN, ControlTarget1DoFActuatorZeroTorque, torque, ControlModes::ZeroTorque1DoF)
 make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator (float, ControllerConstants::ValueNotSetNaN, ControlTarget1DoFActuatorZeroVelocity, velocity, ControlModes::ZeroVelocity1DoF)
 make_DummyControlTarget (EmergencyStop, ControlModes::EmergencyStop)
 make_DummyControlTarget (StopMovement, ControlModes::StopMovement)
QTableWidgetItem * make_item (const std::string &text, Qt::AlignmentFlag horAlignment=Qt::AlignLeft)
 make_SensorValue1DoFActuator (float, SensorValue1DoFActuatorAcceleration, acceleration)
 make_SensorValue1DoFActuator (float, SensorValue1DoFActuatorCurrent, motorCurrent)
 make_SensorValue1DoFActuator (float, SensorValue1DoFActuatorFilteredVelocity, filteredvelocity)
 make_SensorValue1DoFActuator (float, SensorValue1DoFActuatorMotorTemperature, motorTemperature)
 make_SensorValue1DoFActuator (float, SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition, position)
 make_SensorValue1DoFActuator (float, SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque, torque)
 make_SensorValue1DoFActuator (float, SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity, velocity)
 make_SensorValue1DoFActuator (float, SensorValue1DoFGravityTorque, gravityTorque)
 make_SensorValue1DoFActuator (std::int16_t, SensorValue1DoFMotorPWM, motorPWM)
template<class T , class... Args>
auto make_shared (Args &&...args)
template<class Container , class... Containers>
auto MakeIndexedContainer (Container &c, Containers &...cs)
template<class Container >
auto MakeReversedRange (Container &c)
template<class ScalarType >
Eigen::Matrix< ScalarType, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > MakeVectorX (std::initializer_list< ScalarType > ilist)
template<class ScalarType , class... Ts>
Eigen::Matrix< ScalarType, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > MakeVectorX (Ts &&...ts)
Eigen::Matrix< float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > MakeVectorXf (float f1)
Eigen::Matrix< float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > MakeVectorXf (float f1, float f2)
Eigen::Matrix< float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > MakeVectorXf (float f1, float f2, float f3)
Eigen::Matrix< float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > MakeVectorXf (float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4)
Eigen::Matrix< float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > MakeVectorXf (float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5)
Eigen::Matrix< float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > MakeVectorXf (float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5, float f6)
Eigen::Matrix< float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > MakeVectorXf (float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5, float f6, float f7)
Eigen::Matrix< float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > MakeVectorXf (float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5, float f6, float f7, float f8)
Eigen::Matrix< float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > MakeVectorXf (float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5, float f6, float f7, float f8, float f9)
Eigen::Matrix< float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > MakeVectorXf (float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5, float f6, float f7, float f8, float f9, float f10)
Eigen::Matrix< float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > MakeVectorXf (std::initializer_list< float > ilist)
Eigen::Matrix< float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > MakeVectorXf (std::vector< float > vec)
template<class ScalarType , class... Ts>
Eigen::Matrix< ScalarType, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > MakeVectorXIgnoreNarrowing (Ts &&...ts)
template<class ScalarType , class... Ts>
Eigen::Matrix< ScalarType, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > MakeVectorXWarnNarrowing (Ts &&...ts)
template<class Container , class... Containers>
auto MakeZippedContainer (Container &c, Containers &...cs)
IceUtil::Time mapRtTimestampToNonRtTimestamp (const IceUtil::Time &time_monotic_raw)
Eigen::VectorXf mapValuesToVector (const armarx::NameValueMap &map)
template<class T >
T max (const std::vector< T > &v1)
template<class T >
std::vector< Tmax (const std::vector< T > &v1, const std::vector< T > &v2)
std::optional< floatmean (const boost::circular_buffer< NameValueMap > &buffer, const std::string &key)
template<typename T >
void mergeMaps (T &oldMap, const T &newMap, MergeMapsMode mergeMode=MergeMapsMode::OverrideOldValues)
 Inserts and overwrites the values from oldMap with the values from newMap. More...
template<class T >
T min (const std::vector< T > &v1)
template<class T >
std::vector< Tmin (const std::vector< T > &v1, const std::vector< T > &v2)
IceUtil::Time nonRtNow ()
template<class T >
std::vector< TnormalizedVec (const std::vector< T > &v)
std::uintmax_t nowNS ()
bool operator!= (const FramedPose &pose1, const FramedPose &pose2)
bool operator!= (const ObjectInfo &lhs, const ObjectInfo &rhs)
template<class T >
constexpr bool operator!= (const PropagateConst< T > &pt, std::nullptr_t)
template<class PrxTA , class PrxTB >
bool operator!= (const RemoteHandle< PrxTA > &fst, const RemoteHandle< PrxTB > &snd)
template<class T >
constexpr bool operator!= (std::nullptr_t, const PropagateConst< T > &pt)
template<class T >
double operator* (const std::vector< T > &v, const std::vector< T > &v2)
template<class T >
std::vector< Toperator* (double c, const std::vector< T > &v)
template<class T >
std::vector< T > & operator*= (std::vector< T > &v1, double c)
template<class T >
std::vector< Toperator+ (const std::vector< T > &v, double s)
template<class T >
std::vector< Toperator+ (const std::vector< T > &v1, const std::vector< T > &v2)
template<class T >
std::vector< T > & operator+= (std::vector< T > &v1, const std::vector< T > &v2)
template<class T >
std::vector< Toperator- (const std::vector< T > &v, double s)
template<class T >
std::vector< Toperator- (const std::vector< T > &v1, const std::vector< T > &v2)
template<class T >
std::vector< T > & operator-= (std::vector< T > &v1, const std::vector< T > &v2)
template<class T >
std::vector< Toperator/ (const std::vector< T > &v, double c)
template<class T >
std::vector< T > & operator/= (std::vector< T > &v1, double c)
bool operator< (const ObjectInfo &lhs, const ObjectInfo &rhs)
template<class PrxTA , class PrxTB >
bool operator< (const RemoteHandle< PrxTA > &fst, const RemoteHandle< PrxTB > &snd)
template<class Fnc >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const detail::StreamPrinter< Fnc > &f)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, RobotUnitState s)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const armarx::PackagePath &packagePath)
template<class K >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BlackWhitelist< K > &bw)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DebugDrawerTopic::VisuID &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ObjectID &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ObjectInfo &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const PythonApplicationManager::Paths &paths)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CartesianNaturalPositionControllerConfig &cfg)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const NJointCartesianWaypointControllerRuntimeConfig &cfg)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const FramedDirection &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const FramedOrientation &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const FramedPose &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const FramedPosition &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const VariantDataClass &variant)
bool operator<= (const ObjectInfo &lhs, const ObjectInfo &rhs)
template<class PrxTA , class PrxTB >
bool operator<= (const RemoteHandle< PrxTA > &fst, const RemoteHandle< PrxTB > &snd)
bool operator== (const FramedPose &pose1, const FramedPose &pose2)
bool operator== (const ObjectInfo &lhs, const ObjectInfo &rhs)
template<class T >
constexpr bool operator== (const PropagateConst< T > &pt, std::nullptr_t)
template<class PrxTA , class PrxTB >
bool operator== (const RemoteHandle< PrxTA > &fst, const RemoteHandle< PrxTB > &snd)
template<class T >
constexpr bool operator== (std::nullptr_t, const PropagateConst< T > &pt)
bool operator> (const ObjectInfo &lhs, const ObjectInfo &rhs)
template<class PrxTA , class PrxTB >
bool operator> (const RemoteHandle< PrxTA > &fst, const RemoteHandle< PrxTB > &snd)
bool operator>= (const ObjectInfo &lhs, const ObjectInfo &rhs)
template<class PrxTA , class PrxTB >
bool operator>= (const RemoteHandle< PrxTA > &fst, const RemoteHandle< PrxTB > &snd)
QColor orange ()
template<class T , class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type>
T periodicClamp (T value, T periodLo, T periodHi)
float positionThroughVelocityControlWithAccelerationAndPositionBounds (float dt, float maxDt, float currentV, float maxV, float acceleration, float deceleration, float currentPosition, float targetPosition, float p, float positionLimitLo, float positionLimitHi)
float positionThroughVelocityControlWithAccelerationBounds (float dt, float maxDt, float currentV, float maxV, float acceleration, float deceleration, float currentPosition, float targetPosition, float p)
float positionThroughVelocityControlWithAccelerationBoundsAndPeriodicPosition (float dt, float maxDt, float currentV, float maxV, float acceleration, float deceleration, float currentPosition, float targetPosition, float pControlPosErrorLimit, float p, float &direction, float positionPeriodLo, float positionPeriodHi)
template<class T , class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type>
std::pair< T, Tpq (T p, T q)
template<typename T >
T PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo (std::string const &input)
bool PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< bool > (std::string const &input)
char PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< char > (std::string const &input)
double PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< double > (std::string const &input)
float PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< float > (std::string const &input)
int PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< int > (std::string const &input)
long PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< long > (std::string const &input)
unsigned char PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< unsigned char > (std::string const &input)
unsigned int PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< unsigned int > (std::string const &input)
unsigned long PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< unsigned long > (std::string const &input)
std::string PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString (double input)
std::string PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString (float input)
std::string PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString (int input)
std::string PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString (long input)
std::string PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString (std::string const &input)
std::string PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString (unsigned int input)
std::string PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString (unsigned long input)
bool PropertyDefinition_matchRegex (std::string const &regex, std::string const &value)
IceUtil::Time PropertyDefinition_parseIceUtilTime (std::string const &input)
std::map< std::string, std::string > PropertyDefinition_parseMapStringString (const std::string &input)
std::vector< std::string > PropertyDefinition_parseVectorString (std::string const &input)
std::string PropertyDefinition_toLowerCopy (const std::string &input)
std::string PropertyDefinitionContainer_ice_class_name (std::string const &full_type_name)
void read (auto &eigen, auto *table)
bool readCMakeCache (const std::string &packageName, std::string &packageContent)
template<typename AronDTO >
AronDTO readFromJson (const std::filesystem::path &filename)
template<typename AronDTO , typename BO >
BO readFromJson (const std::filesystem::path &filename)
QColor red ()
CollisionCheckerPtr RemoteRobotNode_getGlobalCollisionChecker ()
fs::path remove_trailing_separator (fs::path p)
template<class UpdateDataType >
void removeUpdateDataFromMap (const std::string &layerName, std::map< std::string, UpdateDataType > &map)
template<class DtoKeyT , class DtoValueT , class BoKeyT , class BoValueT >
 requires (!(aron::detail::DtoAndBoAreSame< DtoKeyT, BoKeyT > and aron::detail::DtoAndBoAreSame< DtoValueT, BoValueT >)) void toAron(std
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
 requires (!aron::detail::DtoAndBoAreSame< DtoT, BoT >) void toAron(std
template<class T >
T reverse (const T &o)
IceUtil::Time rtNow ()
template<class... ComponentTypes>
std::tuple< armarx::ApplicationPtr, std::vector< ComponentPtr > > runMultipleComponentsApp (int argc, char *argv[], std::string appName, const std::string &configDomain="ArmarX")
 Convenience function to create an app with multiple components easily. More...
template<class ComponentT , class AppT = armarx::Application>
int runSimpleComponentApp (int argc, char *argv[], std::string appName, const std::string &configName="", const std::string &configDomain="ArmarX", bool enableLibLoading=false)
 Creates and runs an application (of AppT) for the given component (ComponentT). More...
void selection_callback (void *userdata, SoPath *path)
std::string serializeList (const std::vector< std::string > &l)
template<typename T >
void setProxy (ManagedIceObject *object, T &proxy, std::string const &name)
template<class T >
T sign (T t)
template<class... Ts>
 SimplePeriodicTask (Ts...) -> SimplePeriodicTask< std::function< void(void)>>
template<class... Ts>
 SimpleRunningTask (Ts...) -> SimpleRunningTask< std::function< void(void)>>
std::vector< std::string > Split (const std::string &source, const std::string &splitBy, bool trimElements=false, bool removeEmptyElements=false)
std::vector< std::string > split (const std::string &source, const std::string &splitBy, bool trimElements=false, bool removeEmptyElements=false)
std::vector< std::string > splitter (std::string const &propertyValue)
bool starts_with (const std::string &haystack, const std::string &needle)
template<class T >
T str_to_val (const auto &str)
template<class T >
void str_to_val (const auto &str, T &val)
template<class T >
T str_to_val_with_opt_on_empty (const auto &str, T opt)
template<typename AronDTO >
void to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const AronDTO &bo)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const ExternalCameraCalibration &cal)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const FramedPose &fp)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const Vector2f &value)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const Vector3f &value)
void to_json (simox::json::json &j, const Names &value)
void to_json (simox::json::json &j, const ObjectID &value)
const std::string & to_string (const std::string &s)
std::string to_string (RobotUnitState s)
std::string to_string (std::string s)
std::string to_string_rounded (float value, int decimals=100)
void toAron (armarx::arondto::Trajectory &dto, const DMP::SampledTrajectoryV2 &bo_taskspace, const DMP::SampledTrajectoryV2 &bo_jointspace, const std::string name)
void toAron (arondto::Names &dto, const armarx::Names &bo)
void toAron (arondto::ObjectID &dto, const ObjectID &bo)
void toAron (arondto::PackagePath &dto, const PackageFileLocation &bo)
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
DtoT toAron (const BoT &bo)
template<typename T >
auto toAron (const std::vector< T > &v)
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
void toAron (DtoT &dto, bool &dtoValid, const BoT &bo, bool boValid)
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
void toAron (DtoT &dto, bool &dtoValid, const std::optional< BoT > &bo)
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
void toAron (DtoT &dto, const std::unique_ptr< BoT > &bo)
template<class T >
void toAron (T &dto, const T &bo)
template<typename T , typename BOType >
::armarx::aron::data::dto::DictPtr toAronDict (const BOType &bo)
DrawColor toDrawColor (Eigen::Vector4f c)
DrawColor toDrawColor (simox::Color c)
DrawColor24Bit toDrawColor24Bit (simox::Color c)
float toFloat (const std::string &input)
 Converts a string to float and uses always dot as seperator. More...
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
void toIce (::IceInternal::Handle< DtoT > &dto, const BoT &bo)
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
void toIce (::IceInternal::Handle< DtoT > &dto, const std::optional< BoT > &bo)
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
void toIce (::IceInternal::Handle< DtoT > &dto, const std::unique_ptr< BoT > &boPointer)
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
DtoT toIce (const BoT &bo)
PosePtr toIce (const Eigen::Isometry3f &pose)
QuaternionPtr toIce (const Eigen::Matrix3f &rotation)
PosePtr toIce (const Eigen::Matrix4f &pose)
QuaternionPtr toIce (const Eigen::Matrix< float, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor > &rotation)
PosePtr toIce (const Eigen::Matrix< float, 4, 4, Eigen::RowMajor > &pose)
QuaternionPtr toIce (const Eigen::Quaternionf &quaternion)
Vector3Ptr toIce (const Eigen::Vector3f &vector)
data::ObjectID toIce (const ObjectID &ids)
data::ObjectIDSeq toIce (const std::vector< ObjectID > &ids)
void toIce (data::ObjectID &ice, const ObjectID &ids)
void toIce (data::ObjectIDSeq &ice, const std::vector< ObjectID > &ids)
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
void toIce (DtoT &dto, const std::unique_ptr< BoT > &boPointer)
void toIce (PoseBasePtr &ice, const Eigen::Matrix4f &pose)
void toIce (PoseBasePtr &ice, const Eigen::Matrix< float, 4, 4, Eigen::RowMajor > &pose)
void toIce (QuaternionBasePtr &ice, const Eigen::Matrix3f &rotation)
void toIce (QuaternionBasePtr &ice, const Eigen::Matrix< float, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor > &rotation)
void toIce (QuaternionBasePtr &ice, const Eigen::Quaternionf &quaternion)
template<class DtoKeyT , class IceValueT , class BoKeyT , class BoValueT >
void toIce (std::map< DtoKeyT, IceValueT > &dtoMap, const std::map< BoKeyT, BoValueT > &boMap)
template<class IceKeyT , class IceValueT , class CppKeyT , class CppValueT >
void toIce (std::map< IceKeyT, IceValueT > &iceMap, const boost::container::flat_map< CppKeyT, CppValueT > &cppMap)
template<class DtoT , class BoT >
void toIce (std::vector< DtoT > &dtos, const std::vector< BoT > &bos)
template<class T >
void toIce (T &dto, const T &bo)
void toIce (Vector3BasePtr &ice, const Eigen::Vector3f &vector)
template<class T , class MapType = std::unordered_map<typename T::value_type, typename T::size_type>>
MapType toIndexMap (const T &vec)
 This function takes a container (e.g. More...
int toInt (const std::string &input)
PlatformPose toPlatformPose (const TransformStamped &transformStamped)
QString ToQString (bool b)
QString ToQString (char v)
QString ToQString (const char *str)
QString ToQString (const std::string &s)
QString ToQString (const std::stringstream &str)
template<class T >
QString ToQString (const std::vector< std::vector< T >> &v)
template<class T >
QString ToQString (const std::vector< T > &v)
QString ToQString (double v)
QString ToQString (float v)
QString ToQString (std::int16_t v)
QString ToQString (std::int32_t v)
QString ToQString (std::int64_t v)
QString ToQString (std::int8_t v)
QString ToQString (std::uint16_t v)
QString ToQString (std::uint32_t v)
QString ToQString (std::uint64_t v)
QString ToQString (std::uint8_t v)
unsigned int toUInt (const std::string &input)
template<class OutputT , class InputT , typename Alloc , template< class, class > class Container>
auto transform (const Container< InputT, Alloc > &in, OutputT(*func)(InputT const &)) -> Container< OutputT, typename std::allocator_traits< Alloc >::template rebind_alloc< OutputT > >
 Convenience function (with less typing) to transform a container of type InputT into the same container type of type OutputT. More...
template<class MapInT , class TransformT , class MapOutT = MapInT>
void transformMapKeys (const MapInT &inMap, MapOutT &outMap, TransformT transform)
template<class MapInT , class TransformT , class MapOutT = MapInT>
MapOutT transformMapKeys (const MapInT &inMap, TransformT transform)
QColor transparent ()
template<class T >
std::vector< std::vector< T > > transpose (const std::vector< std::vector< T >> &src)
template<class T , class Thrower >
std::vector< std::vector< T > > transpose (const std::vector< std::vector< T >> &src, Thrower thrower)
std::array< deltas, 3 > trapeze (float v0, float acc, float vMax, float dec, float vt, float dx)
float trapezeArea (float v0, float vmax, float dt1, float dt2, float dt3)
std::array< deltas, 3 > trapezeWithDt (float v0, float acc, float vMax, float dec, float vt, float dx, float dt)
template<std::size_t From, std::size_t To, class... Ts>
std::string TupleToStringF (const std::string &form, const std::tuple< Ts... > &tuple)
template<std::size_t From, class... Ts>
std::string TupleToStringF (const std::string &form, const std::tuple< Ts... > &tuple)
template<class... Ts>
std::string TupleToStringF (const std::string &form, const std::tuple< Ts... > &tuple)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (AsynchronousNJointController)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (InertialMeasurementSubUnit)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (LocalizationSubUnit)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointBimanualCCDMPController)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointBimanualCCDMPControllerControlData)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointCartesianNaturalPositionController)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointCartesianTorqueController)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointCartesianTorqueControllerControlData)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointCartesianVelocityController)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointCartesianVelocityControllerControlData)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointCartesianWaypointController)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointControllerBase)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionController)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionControllerConfig)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionController)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionControllerConfig)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughControllerConfig)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerControlData)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerInterface)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerWithRamp)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerWithRampConfig)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughControllerConfig)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointTCPControllerConfig)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointTCPControllerControlData)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (NJointTrajectoryController)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (RobotUnitObserver)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (SynchronousNJointController)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE (TrajectoryControllerSubUnit)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED (ForceTorqueSimulationSensorDevice)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED (GlobalRobotPoseCorrectionSensorDevice)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED (GlobalRobotPoseSensorDevice)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED (GlobalRobotPoseSimulationSensorDevice)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED (IMUSimulationSensorDevice)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED (JointSimulationDevice)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED (PlatformSimulationDevice)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED (RobotUnitDataStreamingReceiver)
 TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED (RTThreadTimingsSensorDevice)
template<class T >
UnequalPredicate< TunequalPredicate (T t)
void updateBlackWhitelist (StringBlackWhitelist &bw, const armarx::BlackWhitelistUpdate &update)
bool updateCMakeCache (const std::string &packageName, const std::string &packageContent)
void updateStringList (std::set< std::string > &list, const StringListUpdate &update)
template<typename T >
std::string ValueToString (const T &value)
std::int16_t Variant::get< std::int16_t > () const
std::int32_t Variant::get< std::int32_t > () const
std::int64_t Variant::get< std::int64_t > () const
std::int8_t Variant::get< std::int8_t > () const
std::string Variant::get< std::string > () const
std::uint16_t Variant::get< std::uint16_t > () const
std::uint32_t Variant::get< std::uint32_t > () const
std::uint64_t Variant::get< std::uint64_t > () const
std::uint8_t Variant::get< std::uint8_t > () const
void Variant::set< std::int16_t > (const std::int16_t &value)
void Variant::set< std::int32_t > (const std::int32_t &value)
void Variant::set< std::int64_t > (const std::int64_t &value)
void Variant::set< std::int8_t > (const std::int8_t &value)
void Variant::set< std::string > (const std::string &value)
void Variant::set< std::uint16_t > (const std::uint16_t &value)
void Variant::set< std::uint32_t > (const std::uint32_t &value)
void Variant::set< std::uint64_t > (const std::uint64_t &value)
void Variant::set< std::uint8_t > (const std::uint8_t &value)
std::string vec2str (const std::vector< float > &vec)
template<class T >
double vecLength (const std::vector< T > &v)
template<class T >
double vecSum (const std::vector< T > &v)
float velocityControlWithAccelerationAndPositionBounds (float dt, float maxDt, float currentV, float targetV, float maxV, float acceleration, float deceleration, float directSetVLimit, float currentPosition, float positionLimitLoSoft, float positionLimitHiSoft, float positionLimitLoHard, float positionLimitHiHard)
float velocityControlWithAccelerationBounds (float dt, float maxDt, const float currentV, float targetV, float maxV, float acceleration, float deceleration, float directSetVLimit)
void visitMatrix (EditMatrixWidget *matrixWidget, const std::shared_ptr< armarx::aron::type::Matrix > &matrixType, const aron::data::NDArrayPtr &arr)
void VisitPointLikeContainer (const auto &cloud, auto &&perElem, auto &&sizeInfo)
void visitQuaternion (QuaternionWidget *quatWidget, std::shared_ptr< armarx::aron::type::Quaternion > &quatType, const aron::data::NDArrayPtr &arr)
template<class RealType , class IteratorType >
RealType volumeOfHyperellipsoid (IteratorType beginRadii, IteratorType endRadii)
 Returns the volume of an hyperellipsoid with the radii contained by the range [beginRadii, endRadii). More...
template<class RealType >
RealType volumeOfHypersphere (std::size_t n, RealType radius)
 Returns the volume of a n dimensional hypersphere with radius radius. More...
template<class RealType >
RealType volumeOfHyperspheroid (std::size_t n, RealType polarRadius, RealType equatorialRadius)
 Returns the volume of a hyperspheroid with given dimensionality and radii. More...
template<class RealType >
RealType volumeOfUnitHypersphere (std::size_t n)
 Returns the volume of a n dimensional unit hypersphere. More...
std::wostream wcnull (nullptr)


template<typename T >
constexpr bool always_false = false
FileSystemPathBuilder::RegisterFormatStringOption ARMARX_ANONYMOUS_VARIABLE
std::mutex cmakePackageMutex
std::ostream cnull
const LogSender::manipulator flush = &LogSender::flush
const std::string GlobalFrame = "Global"
std::vector< LogMessage > LogSender_buffer
bool LogSender_ColoringActivated = true
std::string LogSender_componentName
MessageTypeT LogSender_GlobalMinimumLoggingLevel = MessageTypeT::INFO
bool LogSender_LoggingActivated = true
std::string LogSender_loggingGroup
LogPrx LogSender_logProxy
bool LogSender_SendLogging = true
const std::string MapFrame = "Map"
const std::size_t MAX_LASER_SCANNER_POINTS = 1024 * 10
boost::interprocess::interprocess_upgradable_mutex * memoryMutex = nullptr
const std::map< std::string, std::pair< unsigned int, std::string > > MPII_TO_MPI
const simox::meta::EnumNames< NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerTypesNJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerTypesNames
const std::string OdometryFrame = "Odom"
const auto PotentiallyMinimizeMember
const std::string PROPERTY_REQUESTER_ID = "required_default"
NJointControllerRegistration< NJointBimanualCCDMPControllerregistrationControllerNJointBimanualCCDMPController ("NJointBimanualCCDMPController")
NJointControllerRegistration< NJointCartesianNaturalPositionControllerregistrationControllerNJointCartesianNaturalPositionController ("NJointCartesianNaturalPositionController")
NJointControllerRegistration< NJointCartesianTorqueControllerregistrationControllerNJointCartesianTorqueController ("NJointCartesianTorqueController")
NJointControllerRegistration< NJointCartesianVelocityControllerregistrationControllerNJointCartesianVelocityController ("NJointCartesianVelocityController")
NJointControllerRegistration< NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRampregistrationControllerNJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp ("NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp")
NJointControllerRegistration< NJointCartesianWaypointControllerregistrationControllerNJointCartesianWaypointController ("NJointCartesianWaypointController")
NJointControllerRegistration< NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughControllerregistrationControllerNJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController ("NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController")
NJointControllerRegistration< NJointTCPControllerregistrationControllerNJointTCPController ("NJointTCPController")
NJointControllerRegistration< NJointTrajectoryControllerregistrationControllerNJointTrajectoryController ("NJointTrajectoryController")
NJointControllerRegistration< NJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionControllerregistrationNJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionController ("NJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionController")
NJointControllerRegistration< NJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionControllerregistrationNJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionController ("NJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionController")
NJointControllerRegistration< NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughControllerregistrationNJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController ("NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController")
NJointControllerRegistration< NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerWithRampregistrationNJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerWithRamp ("NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerWithRamp")
std::shared_ptr< boost::interprocess::managed_shared_memory > sharedMemorySegment
const Ice::Current staticIceCurrent = Ice::emptyCurrent
std::wostream wcnull

Detailed Description

This file offers overloads of toIce() and fromIce() functions for STL container types.



ArmarX headers.

This file is part of ArmarX.

To use these overloads for custom types myns::MyClass (the C++ class, i.e. the business object (BO)) and myns::dto::MyClass (the ice class, i.e. the data transfer object (DTO)) (see the `IceConversionsTest for a working example):

  1. Implement free functions toIce() and fromIce() of the form:

In the header (ice_conversions.h):

namespace myns
void toIce(dto::MyClass& dto, const MyClass& bo);
void fromIce(const dto::MyClass& dto, MyClass& bo);

In the source file (ice_conversions.cpp):

#include "ice_conversions.h"
void myns::toIce(dto::MyClass& dto, const MyClass& bo)
toIce(dto.memberA, bo.memberB);
toIce(dto.memberB, bo.memberB);
void myns::fromIce(const dto::MyClass& dto, MyClass& bo)
fromIce(dto.memberA, bo.memberA);
fromIce(dto.memberB, bo.memberB);
  1. Include the ice_conversions.h for MyClass as well as the templates (this file, i.e. <ArmarXCore/core/ice_conversions.h>) in the .cpp file where you want to do the conversions.
  2. Call the conversion functions in these ways:
void foo()
MyClass bo;
dto::MyClass dto;
// Works without namespace (via Argument Depdenent Lookup, ADL):
toIce(dto, bo);
fromIce(dto, bo);
// The templates must be explicitly imported into the current namespace
// (even when `using namespace armarx`):
bo = fromIce<MyClass>(dto);
dto = toIce<dto::MyClass>(bo);
std::vector<MyClass> bos;
std::vector<dto::MyClass> dtos;
fromIce(dtos, bos);
toIce(dtos, bos);

The standard namespace for all classes and components within the ArmarXCore package

ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Philip Scherer ( )

Qt headers Coin3D/SoQt headers VirtualRobot headers STD headers


ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Fabian Reister ( fabian dot reister at kit dot edu )

ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Fabian Reister (fabian dot reister at kit dot edu)

ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


Christian R. G. Dreher ( c dot dreher at kit dot edu )

ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Rainer Kartmann ( rainer dot kartmann at kit dot edu )

Typedef Documentation

◆ AbstractControllerPtr

using AbstractControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr<AbstractController>

Definition at line 61 of file AbstractController.h.

◆ AbstractInterpolationPtr

Definition at line 77 of file AbstractInterpolation.h.

◆ AbstractManipulatorVisualizationPtr

◆ AbstractObjectSerializerPtr


Definition at line 209 of file Task.h.

◆ ADDIRRTStarTaskHandle

using ADDIRRTStarTaskHandle = RemoteHandle<armarx::MotionPlanningMultiPathWithCostTaskControlInterfacePrx>

Definition at line 211 of file Task.h.

◆ ADDIRRTStarTaskPtr

Definition at line 210 of file Task.h.

◆ AdjacencyIterator

typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph>::adjacency_iterator AdjacencyIterator

Definition at line 69 of file Common.h.

◆ AdvancedCoinVisualizationFactoryPtr

◆ AdvancedVisualizationFactoryPtr

◆ ApplicationNetworkStatsPtr

Definition at line 78 of file Application.h.

◆ ApplicationPtr

Definition at line 93 of file Application.h.

◆ ArmarXComponentWidgetControllerPtr

◆ ArmarXDummyManagerPtr

◆ ArmarXManagerPtr

◆ ArmarXMultipleObjectsSchedulerPtr

◆ ArmarXObjectObserverPtr

◆ ArmarXObjectSchedulerPtr

◆ ArmarXPackageToolInterfacePtr

Definition at line 55 of file ArmarXPackageToolInterface.h.

◆ ArmarXPhysicsWorldVisualizationPtr

◆ ArmarXSimulatorWindowPtr

◆ ArmarXWidgetControllerPtr

◆ AronTreeWidgetControllerPtr

Definition at line 51 of file AronTreeWidgetController.h.

◆ AronTreeWidgetModalControllerPtr

Definition at line 56 of file AronTreeWidgetModal.h.

◆ AStarPathPlannerPtr

◆ AStarTask

Definition at line 106 of file Task.h.

◆ AStarTaskHandle

using AStarTaskHandle = RemoteHandle<MotionPlanningTaskControlInterfacePrx>

Definition at line 108 of file Task.h.

◆ AStarTaskPtr

Definition at line 107 of file Task.h.

◆ BimanualGraspCandidateHelperPtr

Definition at line 37 of file BimanualGraspCandidateHelper.h.

◆ BiRRTTask

Definition at line 73 of file Task.h.

◆ BiRRTTaskHandle

using BiRRTTaskHandle = RemoteHandle<MotionPlanningTaskControlInterfacePrx>

Definition at line 75 of file Task.h.

◆ BiRRTTaskPtr

Definition at line 74 of file Task.h.

◆ BulletPhysicsWorldPtr

using BulletPhysicsWorldPtr = std::shared_ptr<BulletPhysicsWorld>

Definition at line 228 of file BulletPhysicsWorld.h.

◆ CallbackReceiverPtr

using CallbackReceiverPtr = std::shared_ptr<CallbackReceiver>

Definition at line 49 of file LocalTimeServer.h.

◆ CartesianFeedForwardPositionControllerPtr

◆ CartesianNaturalPositionControllerProxyPtr

◆ CartesianNaturalPositionControllerPtr

◆ CartesianPositionControllerConfigPtr

◆ CartesianPositionControllerPtr

◆ CartesianVelocityControllerPtr

◆ CartesianVelocityControllerWithRampPtr

◆ CartesianVelocityRampPtr

Definition at line 33 of file CartesianVelocityRamp.h.

◆ CartesianWaypointControllerPtr

◆ ChannelRefPtr

Definition at line 41 of file ChannelRef.h.

◆ ClientSideRemoteHandleControlBlockPtr

◆ ClockT

using ClockT = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock

Definition at line 47 of file RobotUnitSimulation.h.

◆ CloudGraph

typedef pcl::graph::point_cloud_graph<PointWithNormalT, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS, boost::property<boost::vertex_color_t, uint32_t>, boost::property<boost::edge_weight_t, float, boost::property<boost::edge_index_t, int> > > CloudGraph

Definition at line 53 of file Common.h.

◆ CloudGraphWithTimestamp

typedef pcl::graph::point_cloud_graph<PointWithNormalT, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS, boost::property<boost::vertex_color_t, uint32_t, boost::property<boost::vertex_timestamp_t, double, boost::property<boost::vertex_confidence_t, float> > >, boost::property<boost::edge_weight_t, float, boost::property<boost::edge_index_t, int> > > CloudGraphWithTimestamp

Definition at line 44 of file Common.h.

◆ CmakeWriterPtr

using CmakeWriterPtr = std::shared_ptr<CMakeWriter>

Definition at line 10 of file CMakeWriter.h.

◆ CoinManipulatorVisualizationAdapterPtr

◆ CoinViewerPtr

using CoinViewerPtr = std::shared_ptr<CoinViewer>

Definition at line 77 of file CoinViewer.h.

◆ CoinVisualizationPtr

using CoinVisualizationPtr = boost::shared_ptr<VirtualRobot::CoinVisualization>

Definition at line 191 of file RobotIKGuiPlugin.h.

◆ ComponentPtr

Component smart pointer type.

Definition at line 45 of file ArmarXFwd.h.

◆ CompositeDiffIKPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<class CompositeDiffIK> CompositeDiffIKPtr

Definition at line 40 of file CompositeDiffIK.h.

◆ ConditionCheckPtr

◆ ConditionRootPtr

Typedef of ConditionRootPtr as IceInternal::Handle<ConditionRoot> for convenience.

Definition at line 49 of file ConditionRoot.h.

◆ ConfidenceMap

Definition at line 71 of file Common.h.

◆ configMap

using configMap = std::map<std::string, paraType >

Definition at line 67 of file DMPInstance.h.

◆ configPair

using configPair = std::pair<std::string, paraType >

Definition at line 68 of file DMPInstance.h.

◆ ConstControlDevicePtr

using ConstControlDevicePtr = std::shared_ptr<const class ControlDevice>

Definition at line 76 of file NJointControllerBase.h.

◆ ConstSensorDevicePtr

using ConstSensorDevicePtr = std::shared_ptr<const class SensorDevice>

Definition at line 77 of file NJointControllerBase.h.

◆ ContainerTypeIPtr

◆ CppBlockEntryPtr

using CppBlockEntryPtr = std::shared_ptr<CppBlockEntry>

Definition at line 38 of file CppBlock.h.

◆ CppBlockPtr

using CppBlockPtr = std::shared_ptr<CppBlock>

Definition at line 35 of file CppBlock.h.

◆ CppClassPtr

using CppClassPtr = std::shared_ptr<CppClass>

Definition at line 36 of file CppClass.h.

◆ CppCtorPtr

using CppCtorPtr = std::shared_ptr<CppCtor>

Definition at line 31 of file CppCtor.h.

◆ CppEnumFieldPtr

using CppEnumFieldPtr = std::shared_ptr<CppEnumField>

Definition at line 38 of file CppEnum.h.

◆ CppEnumPtr

using CppEnumPtr = std::shared_ptr<CppEnum>

Definition at line 55 of file CppEnum.h.

◆ CppFieldPtr

using CppFieldPtr = std::shared_ptr<CppField>

Definition at line 34 of file CppField.h.

◆ CppMethodPtr

using CppMethodPtr = std::shared_ptr<CppMethod>

Definition at line 32 of file CppMethod.h.

◆ CppWriterPtr

using CppWriterPtr = std::shared_ptr<CppWriter>

Definition at line 35 of file CppWriter.h.

◆ CreateComponentFunction

typedef armarx::ComponentPtr CreateComponentFunction(Ice::PropertiesPtr properties, std::string const &configName, std::string const &configDomain)

Definition at line 12 of file Decoupled.h.

◆ CSpaceAdaptorPtr

An ice handle for a CSpace.

Definition at line 123 of file CSpace.h.

◆ CSpacePtr

An ice handle for a CSpace.

Definition at line 38 of file CSpace.h.

◆ CSpaceVisualizerTaskHandle

using CSpaceVisualizerTaskHandle = RemoteHandle<MotionPlanningTaskControlInterfacePrx>

Definition at line 80 of file CSpaceVisualizerTask.h.

◆ CSpaceVisualizerTaskPtr

◆ CsvReaderPtr

using CsvReaderPtr = std::shared_ptr<CsvReader>

Definition at line 37 of file CsvReader.h.

◆ CsvWriterPtr

using CsvWriterPtr = std::shared_ptr<CsvWriter>

Definition at line 34 of file CsvWriter.h.

◆ CuboidSampler

Definition at line 316 of file Samplers.h.

◆ DatabaseTopicReaderPtr

using DatabaseTopicReaderPtr = std::shared_ptr<DatabaseTopicReader>

Definition at line 57 of file DatabaseTopicReader.h.

◆ DatabaseTopicWriterPtr

using DatabaseTopicWriterPtr = std::shared_ptr<DatabaseTopicWriter>

Definition at line 48 of file DatabaseTopicWriter.h.

◆ DataFieldIdentifierBaseList

◆ DataFieldIdentifierBasePtr

using DataFieldIdentifierBasePtr = IceInternal::Handle<DataFieldIdentifierBase>

Definition at line 42 of file StatechartContextInterface.h.

◆ DataFieldIdentifierPtr

Typedef of DataFieldIdentifierPtr as IceInternal::Handle<DataFieldIdentifier> for convenience.

Definition at line 39 of file DataFieldIdentifier.h.

◆ DatafieldRefPtr

Definition at line 44 of file Observer.h.

◆ DebugDrawerComponentPtr

◆ DebugDrawerHelperPtr

using DebugDrawerHelperPtr = std::shared_ptr<DebugDrawerHelper>

Definition at line 36 of file DebugDrawerHelper.h.

◆ DebugDrawerInterfacePrx

typedef::IceInternal::ProxyHandle<::IceProxy::armarx::DebugDrawerInterface > DebugDrawerInterfacePrx

Definition at line 40 of file JointController.h.

◆ DebugObserverInterfacePrx

typedef::IceInternal::ProxyHandle<::IceProxy::armarx::DebugObserverInterface > DebugObserverInterfacePrx

Definition at line 44 of file JointController.h.

◆ DependencyList

using DependencyList = std::map<std::string, ManagedIceObjectDependencyPtr>

Map of dependency names and dependecies.

Definition at line 50 of file ManagedIceObjectDependency.h.

◆ DesignerTrajectoryHolderPtr


Definition at line 158 of file DesignerTrajectoryHolder.h.

◆ DesignerTrajectoryManagerPtr


Definition at line 399 of file DesignerTrajectoryManager.h.

◆ DesignerTrajectoryManagerStdPtr

◆ DesignerTrajectoryPlayerPtr

Definition at line 85 of file DesignerTrajectoryPlayer.h.

◆ DesignerTrajectoryPtr

using DesignerTrajectoryPtr = std::shared_ptr<DesignerTrajectory>

Definition at line 165 of file DesignerTrajectory.h.

◆ DiffIKProviderPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<class DiffIKProvider> DiffIKProviderPtr

Definition at line 32 of file DiffIKProvider.h.

◆ DMPComponentPtr

Definition at line 261 of file DMPComponent.h.

◆ DMPInstancePair

using DMPInstancePair = std::pair<DMPInstancePtr, DMPInstanceBasePrx >

Definition at line 105 of file DMPComponent.h.

◆ DMPInstancePtr

Definition at line 334 of file DMPInstance.h.

◆ DMPMap

using DMPMap = std::map<std::string, std::pair<DMPInstancePtr, DMPInstanceBasePrx> >

Definition at line 107 of file DMPComponent.h.

◆ DMPPair

using DMPPair = std::pair<std::string, std::pair<DMPInstancePtr, DMPInstanceBasePrx> >

Definition at line 106 of file DMPComponent.h.

◆ DoubleSeqPtr

using DoubleSeqPtr = std::shared_ptr<Ice::DoubleSeq>

Definition at line 49 of file Trajectory.h.

◆ DoxDocPtr

using DoxDocPtr = std::shared_ptr<DoxDoc>

Definition at line 38 of file DoxDoc.h.

◆ DoxEntryPtr

using DoxEntryPtr = std::shared_ptr<DoxEntry>

Definition at line 32 of file DoxEntry.h.

◆ DoxLinePtr

using DoxLinePtr = std::shared_ptr<DoxLine>

Definition at line 35 of file DoxLine.h.

◆ DoxTablePtr

using DoxTablePtr = std::shared_ptr<DoxTable>

Definition at line 35 of file DoxTable.h.

◆ DoxTransitionGraphNodePtr

Definition at line 49 of file DoxTransitiongraph.h.

◆ DoxTransitionGraphPtr

using DoxTransitionGraphPtr = std::shared_ptr<DoxTransitionGraph>

Definition at line 63 of file DoxTransitiongraph.h.

◆ DoxTransitionPtr

using DoxTransitionPtr = std::shared_ptr<DoxTransition>

Definition at line 35 of file DoxTransitiongraph.h.

◆ DynamicLibraryPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< DynamicLibrary > DynamicLibraryPtr

Definition at line 123 of file DynamicLibrary.h.

◆ DynamicRemoteStatePtr

◆ EdgeId

typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor EdgeId

Definition at line 66 of file Common.h.

◆ EdgeIterator

typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator EdgeIterator

Definition at line 68 of file Common.h.

◆ EdgeList

Definition at line 48 of file StateModelLayoutMediator.h.

◆ EdgePtr

using EdgePtr = Agedge_t*

Definition at line 43 of file Layout.h.

◆ EDifferentialIKPtr

using EDifferentialIKPtr = std::shared_ptr<EDifferentialIK>

Definition at line 280 of file TCPControlUnit.h.

◆ ElementType

◆ EmergencyStopWidgetPtr

◆ EnvironmentControllerPtr

Definition at line 68 of file EnvironmentController.h.

◆ EnvironmentPtr

using EnvironmentPtr = std::shared_ptr<Environment>

Definition at line 29 of file Environment.h.

◆ EventPtr

Typedef of EventPtr as IceInternal::Handle<Event> for convenience.

Definition at line 42 of file Event.h.

◆ EventSenderPtr

◆ ExportDialogControllerPtr

Definition at line 113 of file ExportDialogController.h.

◆ ExternalApplicationManagerDependencyPtr

◆ ExternalApplicationManagerPtr

◆ ExternalApplicationManagerStarterPtr

◆ FactoryCollectionBasePtr

◆ FileSystemPathBuilderFormatStringOptionRegistrar

◆ FileTopicReaderPtr

using FileTopicReaderPtr = std::shared_ptr<FileTopicReader>

Definition at line 50 of file FileTopicReader.h.

◆ FloatPtr

using FloatPtr = std::shared_ptr<float>

Definition at line 40 of file Transition.h.

◆ FloatVector

using FloatVector = ::std::vector< ::Ice::Float>

Definition at line 327 of file KinematicUnitGuiPlugin.h.

◆ ForceTorqueHelperPtr

using ForceTorqueHelperPtr = std::shared_ptr<ForceTorqueHelper>

Definition at line 40 of file ForceTorqueHelper.h.

◆ ForceTorqueInfoPtr

using ForceTorqueInfoPtr = std::shared_ptr<ForceTorqueInfo>

Definition at line 68 of file SimulatedWorld.h.

◆ FramedDirectionPtr

◆ FramedOrientationPtr

◆ FramedOrientedPointPtr

◆ FramedPoseBaseMap

using FramedPoseBaseMap = ::std::map< ::std::string, ::armarx::FramedPoseBasePtr>

Definition at line 55 of file RobotStateObserver.h.

◆ FramedPosePtr

Definition at line 250 of file FramedPose.h.

◆ FramedPositionPtr

◆ FuncAppMap

using FuncAppMap = std::map<std::string, DMP::FunctionApproximationInterfacePtr>

Definition at line 71 of file FunctionApproximator.h.

◆ FuncAppPair

using FuncAppPair = std::pair<std::string, DMP::FunctionApproximationInterfacePtr>

Definition at line 72 of file FunctionApproximator.h.

◆ FunctionApproximatorPtr

◆ GenericTopicSubscriberPtr

◆ Graph

typedef boost::subgraph<CloudGraph> Graph

Definition at line 54 of file Common.h.

◆ GraphConstPtr

Definition at line 58 of file Common.h.

◆ GraphDataMap

using GraphDataMap = std::map<std::string, std::vector<TimeData> >

Definition at line 73 of file PlotterController.h.

◆ GraphPtr

Definition at line 41 of file Layout.h.

◆ GraphRef

typedef boost::reference_wrapper<Graph> GraphRef

Definition at line 59 of file Common.h.

◆ GraphWithTimestamp

typedef boost::subgraph<CloudGraphWithTimestamp> GraphWithTimestamp

Definition at line 55 of file Common.h.

◆ GraphWithTimestampConstPtr

Definition at line 61 of file Common.h.

◆ GraphWithTimestampPtr

◆ GraphWithTimestampRef

typedef boost::reference_wrapper<GraphWithTimestamp> GraphWithTimestampRef

Definition at line 62 of file Common.h.

◆ GraspCandidateHelperPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<class GraspCandidateHelper> GraspCandidateHelperPtr

Definition at line 36 of file GraspCandidateHelper.h.

◆ GraspTrajectoryPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< GraspTrajectory > GraspTrajectoryPtr

Definition at line 51 of file GraspTrajectory.h.

◆ GroupClonerPtr

using GroupClonerPtr = std::shared_ptr<GroupCloner>

Definition at line 46 of file GroupCloner.h.

◆ GroupRenamerPtr

using GroupRenamerPtr = std::shared_ptr<GroupRenamer>

Definition at line 33 of file GroupRenamer.h.

◆ GuiTransition

Struct defining a transition which can be stored as QVariant in a QListWidgetItem.

◆ GuiWaypoint

Struct which allows storing relevant data to display within a list widget item as QVariant.

◆ GuiWindowPtr

using GuiWindowPtr = std::shared_ptr<ArmarXMainWindow>

Definition at line 46 of file ArmarXGuiApp.h.

◆ GvcPtr

using GvcPtr = GVC_t*

Definition at line 39 of file Layout.h.

◆ HandUnitGuiPluginPtr

using HandUnitGuiPluginPtr = std::shared_ptr<HandUnitWidget>

Definition at line 171 of file HandUnitGuiPlugin.h.

◆ IceGridAdminPtr

typedef IceUtil::Handle< IceGridAdmin > IceGridAdminPtr

Definition at line 48 of file ArmarXFwd.h.

◆ IceManagerPtr

IceManager smart pointer.

Definition at line 39 of file ArmarXFwd.h.

◆ IcePropertyChangeCallbackPtr

◆ IceStateConverterPtr

using IceStateConverterPtr = std::shared_ptr<IceStateConverter>

Definition at line 206 of file IceStateConverter.h.

◆ IdNameMap

using IdNameMap = const std::map<unsigned int, std::string>&

Definition at line 121 of file KeypointManager.h.

◆ IKSelection

using IKSelection = VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection

Definition at line 38 of file UserWaypoint.h.

◆ ImageKeypointBufferPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<ImageKeypointBuffer> ImageKeypointBufferPtr

Definition at line 92 of file ImageKeypointBuffer.h.

◆ ImageMap

using ImageMap = std::map<std::string, CByteImage*>

Definition at line 48 of file StreamReceiver.h.

◆ ImportDialogControllerPtr

Definition at line 69 of file ImportDialogController.h.

◆ InformedSampler

Typedef for a sampler as required by informed rrt*.

Definition at line 796 of file Samplers.h.

◆ JointVelocityRampPtr

using JointVelocityRampPtr = std::shared_ptr<JointVelocityRamp>

Definition at line 33 of file JointVelocityRamp.h.

◆ JoystickControlWidgetPtr

Definition at line 225 of file JoystickControlWidget.h.

◆ JsonArrayPtr

using JsonArrayPtr = std::shared_ptr<JsonArray>

Definition at line 32 of file JsonArray.h.

◆ JsonDataPtr

using JsonDataPtr = std::shared_ptr<JsonData>

Definition at line 31 of file JsonData.h.

◆ JSONObjectPtr

Definition at line 34 of file JSONObject.h.

◆ JsonObjectPtr

using JsonObjectPtr = std::shared_ptr<JsonObject>

Definition at line 34 of file JsonObject.h.

◆ JsonValuePtr

using JsonValuePtr = std::shared_ptr<JsonValue>

Definition at line 30 of file JsonValue.h.

◆ JsonWriterPtr

using JsonWriterPtr = std::shared_ptr<JsonWriter>

Definition at line 30 of file JsonWriter.h.

◆ KeypointManagerPtr

using KeypointManagerPtr = std::shared_ptr<KeypointManager>

Definition at line 159 of file KeypointManager.h.

◆ KeypointObjectPtr

using KeypointObjectPtr = std::shared_ptr<KeypointObject>

Definition at line 124 of file KeypointManager.h.

◆ KeypointPtr

using KeypointPtr = std::shared_ptr<Keypoint>

Definition at line 104 of file KeypointManager.h.

◆ KeypointSet

using KeypointSet = multi_index_container < KeypointPtr, indexed_by < ordered_unique < const_mem_fun<Keypoint, unsigned int, &Keypoint::getId> >, ordered_non_unique < const_mem_fun<Keypoint, std::string, &Keypoint::getName> > > >

Definition at line 116 of file KeypointManager.h.

◆ KeypointSetById

using KeypointSetById = typename KeypointSet::nth_index<0>::type

Definition at line 117 of file KeypointManager.h.

◆ KeypointSetByName

using KeypointSetByName = typename KeypointSet::nth_index<1>::type

Definition at line 118 of file KeypointManager.h.

◆ KinematicSolverPtr

using KinematicSolverPtr = std::shared_ptr<KinematicSolver>

Definition at line 235 of file KinematicSolver.h.

◆ KinematicsWorldPtr

using KinematicsWorldPtr = std::shared_ptr<KinematicsWorld>

Definition at line 220 of file KinematicsWorld.h.

◆ KinematicUnitGuiPluginPtr

Definition at line 328 of file KinematicUnitGuiPlugin.h.

◆ KinematicUnitHelperPtr

using KinematicUnitHelperPtr = std::shared_ptr<KinematicUnitHelper>

Definition at line 32 of file KinematicUnitHelper.h.

◆ KinematicUnitSimulationJointInfos

Definition at line 108 of file KinematicUnitSimulation.h.

◆ KinematicUnitSimulationJointStates

Definition at line 73 of file KinematicUnitSimulation.h.

◆ LayoutWorkerCreatorPtr

using LayoutWorkerCreatorPtr = std::unique_ptr<LayoutWorkerCreator>

Definition at line 42 of file LayoutWorkerCreator.h.

◆ LayoutWorkerPtr

using LayoutWorkerPtr = std::unique_ptr<LayoutWorker>

Definition at line 38 of file LayoutWorkerCreator.h.

◆ LinearInterpolationPtr

using LinearInterpolationPtr = std::shared_ptr <LinearInterpolation>

Definition at line 57 of file LinearInterpolation.h.

◆ LinkedDirectionPtr

◆ LinkedPosePtr

Definition at line 52 of file LinkedPose.h.

◆ LiteralImplPtr

Typedef of LiteralImplPtr as IceInternal::Handle<LiteralImpl> for convenience.

Definition at line 50 of file ConditionRoot.h.

◆ LocalTimeServerPtr

◆ LockableGraphPtr

using LockableGraphPtr = std::shared_ptr<LockableGraph>

Definition at line 64 of file Layout.h.

◆ LogPrx

typedef ::IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ::IceProxy::armarx::Log> LogPrx

Definition at line 58 of file LogSender.h.

◆ LogSenderPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< LogSender > LogSenderPtr

Typedef of std::shared_ptr for convenience.

Definition at line 217 of file Logging.h.

◆ ManagedIceObjectDependencyPtr

◆ ManagedIceObjectPtr

Definition at line 42 of file ArmarXFwd.h.

◆ ManagedIceObjectRegistryInterfacePtr

◆ ManagedObstaclePtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<ManagedObstacle> ManagedObstaclePtr

Definition at line 46 of file ManagedObstacle.h.

◆ ManagerPrxMap

using ManagerPrxMap = std::map<QString, ArmarXManagerInterfacePrx>

Definition at line 46 of file ArmarXManagerModel.h.

◆ MatrixDoublePtr

Definition at line 170 of file MatrixVariant.h.

◆ MatrixFloatPtr

Definition at line 105 of file MatrixVariant.h.

◆ MatrixVariant

Definition at line 35 of file KBMData.h.

◆ MatrixVariantPtr

Definition at line 36 of file KBMData.h.

◆ MediatorLayoutOptionPair

using MediatorLayoutOptionPair = std::pair<size_t, bool>

Definition at line 43 of file LayoutController.h.

◆ MediatorMap

using MediatorMap = std::map<size_t, MediatorPtr>

Definition at line 42 of file LayoutController.h.

◆ MediatorPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<StateModelLayoutMediator> MediatorPtr

Definition at line 41 of file LayoutController.h.

◆ MementoControllerPtr

using MementoControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr<MementoController>

Definition at line 127 of file MementoController.h.

◆ MetaClassPtr

using MetaClassPtr = std::shared_ptr<MetaClass>

Definition at line 33 of file MetaClass.h.

◆ MetaEnumPtr

using MetaEnumPtr = std::shared_ptr<MetaEnum>

Definition at line 33 of file MetaEnum.h.

◆ MetaWriterPtr

using MetaWriterPtr = std::shared_ptr<MetaWriter>

Definition at line 37 of file MetaWriter.h.

◆ MMMExporterPtr

using MMMExporterPtr = std::shared_ptr<MMMExporter>

Definition at line 47 of file MMMExporter.h.

◆ MMMImporterPtr

using MMMImporterPtr = std::shared_ptr<MMMImporter>

Definition at line 48 of file MMMImporter.h.

◆ MMMPlayerPtr

Definition at line 136 of file MMMPlayer.h.

◆ MMMSimulationPtr

◆ MonocularOpenPoseEstimationPtr

Definition at line 60 of file OpenPoseAdapter.h.

◆ MotionDataPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<MotionData> MotionDataPtr

Definition at line 71 of file MotionFileWrapper.h.

◆ MotionFileWrapperPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<MotionFileWrapper> MotionFileWrapperPtr

Definition at line 73 of file MotionFileWrapper.h.

◆ MotionPlanningServerComponentPtr

A ice handle for a MotionPlanningServerComponent.

Definition at line 55 of file MotionPlanningServer.h.

◆ MotionPlanningTaskHandle

typedef RemoteHandle< MotionPlanningTaskControlInterfacePrx > MotionPlanningTaskHandle

Definition at line 46 of file MotionPlanningTask.h.

◆ MotionPlanningTaskPtr

◆ MotionPlanningTaskWithDefaultMembersPtr

◆ MujocoPhysicsWorldPtr

using MujocoPhysicsWorldPtr = std::shared_ptr<MujocoPhysicsWorld>

Definition at line 296 of file MujocoPhysicsWorld.h.

◆ MultiDimPIDController

◆ MultiDimPIDControllerPtr

Definition at line 251 of file MultiDimPIDController.h.

◆ NaturalIKPtr

using NaturalIKPtr = std::shared_ptr<class NaturalIK>

Definition at line 36 of file NaturalIK.h.

◆ NJointController

◆ NJointControllerPtr

using NJointControllerPtr = SynchronousNJointControllerPtr

Definition at line 1169 of file NJointControllerBase.h.

◆ NJointControllerRegistry

Definition at line 71 of file NJointControllerRegistry.h.

◆ NJointControllerWithTripleBufferPtr

◆ NodeCache

using NodeCache = std::map<std::string, SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx>

Definition at line 52 of file SharedRobotServants.cpp.

◆ NodeMap

using NodeMap = std::map<statechartmodel::StateInstancePtr, std::string>

Definition at line 47 of file StateModelLayoutMediator.h.

◆ NodePtr

using NodePtr = Agnode_t*

Definition at line 42 of file Layout.h.

◆ NthTypeOf

using NthTypeOf = typename std::tuple_element<N, std::tuple<Ts...> >::type

Definition at line 51 of file variant.h.

◆ ObjectFactoryMap

using ObjectFactoryMap = std::map<std::string, Ice::ValueFactoryPtr>

Definition at line 61 of file FactoryCollectionBase.h.

◆ ObjectHandles

using ObjectHandles = std::pair<Ice::ObjectPrx, Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr>

Object handles pair which contains the object proxy and its adapter.

Definition at line 97 of file IceManager.h.

◆ ObjectPoseStorageInterfacePrx

using ObjectPoseStorageInterfacePrx = ::IceInternal::ProxyHandle<::IceProxy::armarx::objpose::ObjectPoseStorageInterface>

Definition at line 51 of file ObjectPoseClientWidget.h.

◆ ObserverList

typedef std::vector< std::string > ObserverList

Definition at line 45 of file ObserverItemModel.h.

◆ OperationPtr

Typedef of OperationPtr as IceInternal::Handle<Operation> for convenience.

Definition at line 37 of file Operations.h.

◆ OrientedPointPtr

◆ PaintCallback

using PaintCallback = std::function<void(QPainter& painter)>

Definition at line 34 of file QPainterWidget.h.

◆ ParameterMappingPtr

◆ ParameterPtr

Typedef of ParameterPtr as IceInternal::Handle<Parameter> for convenience.

Definition at line 40 of file Parameter.h.

◆ paraType

using paraType = boost::variant<double, DMP::DVec, Eigen::Quaternionf>

Definition at line 66 of file DMPInstance.h.

◆ ParseResultPtr

using ParseResultPtr = std::shared_ptr<ParseResult>

Definition at line 31 of file ParseResult.h.

◆ PathCollection

Definition at line 128 of file Task.h.

◆ PathCollectionHandle

using PathCollectionHandle = RemoteHandle<MotionPlanningMultiPathWithCostTaskControlInterfacePrx>

Definition at line 130 of file Task.h.

◆ PathCollectionPtr

Definition at line 129 of file Task.h.

◆ PathPlannerPtr

Definition at line 135 of file PathPlanner.h.

◆ PIDControllerPtr

using PIDControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr<PIDController>

Definition at line 92 of file PIDController.h.

◆ PlatformUnitGuiPluginPtr

using PlatformUnitGuiPluginPtr = std::shared_ptr<PlatformUnitWidget>

Definition at line 227 of file PlatformUnitGuiPlugin.h.

◆ PluginCachePtr

using PluginCachePtr = std::shared_ptr<PluginCache>

Definition at line 73 of file PluginCache.h.

◆ PM

Definition at line 213 of file ParameterMapping.h.

◆ PMPtr

Definition at line 214 of file ParameterMapping.h.

◆ PointCloudT

typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointT> PointCloudT

Definition at line 30 of file Common.h.

◆ PointCloudWithNormalT

typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointWithNormalT> PointCloudWithNormalT

Definition at line 31 of file Common.h.

◆ PointL

typedef pcl::PointXYZRGBL PointL

Definition at line 75 of file TabletopSegmentation.h.

◆ PointT

typedef pcl::PointXYZRGBA PointT

Definition at line 28 of file Common.h.

◆ pointVector

using pointVector = std::vector<Eigen::VectorXf>

Definition at line 33 of file Beziercurve.h.

◆ PointWithNormalT

Definition at line 29 of file Common.h.

◆ PosePtr

Definition at line 306 of file Pose.h.

◆ PositionControllerHelperPtr

Definition at line 45 of file PositionControllerHelper.h.

◆ PostprocessingMotionPlanningTaskHandle

using PostprocessingMotionPlanningTaskHandle = RemoteHandle<MotionPlanningTaskControlInterfacePrx>

Definition at line 54 of file MotionPlanningTask.h.

◆ PostprocessingMotionPlanningTaskPtr

◆ PrivateXmlStateClassPtr

Definition at line 95 of file XMLState.h.

◆ PropertyDefinitionsPtr

PropertyDefinitions smart pointer type.

Definition at line 34 of file forward_declarations.h.

◆ PropertyUserList

using PropertyUserList = std::vector<PropertyUserPtr>

UserProperty list type.

Definition at line 262 of file PropertyUser.h.

◆ PropertyUserPtr

PropertyUser smart pointer type.

Definition at line 35 of file forward_declarations.h.

◆ ProxyMap

using ProxyMap = std::map<std::string, ObserverInterfacePrx>

Definition at line 72 of file PlotterController.h.

◆ QApplicationPtr

using QApplicationPtr = std::shared_ptr<QApplication>

Definition at line 45 of file ArmarXGuiApp.h.

◆ QPoint2Array

using QPoint2Array = std::array<QPointF, 2>

Definition at line 36 of file SplinePath.h.

◆ QPoint4Array

using QPoint4Array = std::array<QPointF, 4>

Definition at line 37 of file SplinePath.h.

◆ QPointList

using QPointList = QList<QPointF>

Definition at line 39 of file Transition.h.

◆ QPointPtr

using QPointPtr = std::shared_ptr<QPointF>

Definition at line 41 of file Transition.h.

◆ QuaternionPtr

Definition at line 234 of file Pose.h.

◆ QwtPlotMarkerPtr

using QwtPlotMarkerPtr = QwtPlotMarker*

Definition at line 60 of file PlotterController.h.

◆ RampedAccelerationVelocityControllerConfigurationCPtr

◆ RampedAccelerationVelocityControllerConfigurationPtr

◆ RandomShortcutPostprocessorTask

Definition at line 121 of file Task.h.

◆ RandomShortcutPostprocessorTaskHandle

using RandomShortcutPostprocessorTaskHandle = RemoteHandle<MotionPlanningMultiPathWithCostTaskControlInterfacePrx>

Definition at line 123 of file Task.h.

◆ RandomShortcutPostprocessorTaskPtr

◆ RapidXmlReaderNodePtr

using RapidXmlReaderNodePtr = std::shared_ptr<RapidXmlReaderNode>

Definition at line 40 of file XMLState.h.

◆ RapidXmlReaderNodeSeq

Definition at line 33 of file MultiNodeRapidXMLReader.h.

◆ RapidXmlReaderPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< RapidXmlReader > RapidXmlReaderPtr

Definition at line 66 of file RapidXmlReader.h.

◆ ReflexPtr

using ReflexPtr = std::shared_ptr<Reflex>

Definition at line 152 of file reflex.h.

◆ RemoteHandleControlBlockPtr

◆ RemoteObjectNodePtr

An ice handle for a RemoteObjectNodeComponent.

Definition at line 60 of file RemoteObjectNode.h.

◆ RemoteReferenceCountControlBlockPtr

◆ RemoteReferenceCounterPtr

◆ RemoteRobotPtr

using RemoteRobotPtr = std::shared_ptr<RemoteRobot>

Definition at line 263 of file RemoteRobot.h.

◆ RemoteStatePtr

Definition at line 47 of file RemoteState.h.

◆ RemoteStateWrapperPtr

◆ RobotIKGuiPluginPtr

using RobotIKGuiPluginPtr = std::shared_ptr<RobotIKWidgetController>

Definition at line 190 of file RobotIKGuiPlugin.h.

◆ RobotInfoPtr

using RobotInfoPtr = std::shared_ptr<RobotInfo>

Definition at line 100 of file SimulatedWorld.h.

◆ RobotNameHelperPtr

using RobotNameHelperPtr = std::shared_ptr<class RobotNameHelper>

Definition at line 34 of file RobotNameHelper.h.

◆ RobotPlacementPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr<class RobotPlacement> RobotPlacementPtr

Definition at line 33 of file RobotPlacement.h.

◆ RobotPoolPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< RobotPool > RobotPoolPtr

Definition at line 35 of file RobotUnitModuleRobotData.h.

◆ RobotStateComponentInterfacePrx

using RobotStateComponentInterfacePrx = ::IceInternal::ProxyHandle<::IceProxy::armarx::RobotStateComponentInterface>

Definition at line 57 of file RobotVisuWidget.h.

◆ RobotStateObserverPtr

◆ RobotStatePredictionClientExample

◆ RobotUnitDataStreamingReceiverPtr

Definition at line 30 of file RobotUnitReader.h.

◆ RobotUnitInterfacePrx

typedef ::IceInternal::ProxyHandle<::IceProxy::armarx::RobotUnitInterface> RobotUnitInterfacePrx

Definition at line 84 of file NJointControllerBase.h.

◆ RobotViewerGuiPluginPtr

Definition at line 187 of file RobotViewerGuiPlugin.h.

◆ RobotVisualizationControllerPtr

◆ RobotVisualizationPtr

using RobotVisualizationPtr = std::shared_ptr<RobotVisualization>

Definition at line 161 of file RobotVisualization.h.

◆ RobotVisualizationWidgetPtr

Definition at line 97 of file RobotVisualizationWidget.h.

◆ RRTConnectTask

Definition at line 123 of file Task.h.

◆ RRTConnectTaskHandle

using RRTConnectTaskHandle = RemoteHandle<MotionPlanningTaskControlInterfacePrx>

Definition at line 125 of file Task.h.

◆ RRTConnectTaskPtr

Definition at line 124 of file Task.h.

◆ RunningTaskPtr

◆ RunningTaskT

◆ ScaledCSpacePtr

An ice handle to a ScaledCSpace.

Definition at line 37 of file ScaledCSpace.h.

◆ ScopedFileLockPtr

using ScopedFileLockPtr = std::shared_ptr<boost::interprocess::scoped_lock<boost::interprocess::file_lock> >

Definition at line 153 of file CMakePackageFinder.cpp.

◆ SensorAndControl

◆ ServiceProviderPtr

◆ SettingControllerPtr

using SettingControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr<SettingController>

Definition at line 290 of file SettingController.h.

◆ SharedMemoryScopedReadLock

typedef boost::interprocess::sharable_lock< boost::interprocess::interprocess_upgradable_mutex > SharedMemoryScopedReadLock

Definition at line 42 of file SharedMemoryConsumer.h.

◆ SharedMemoryScopedReadLockPtr

Definition at line 43 of file SharedMemoryConsumer.h.

◆ SharedMemoryScopedWriteLock

using SharedMemoryScopedWriteLock = boost::interprocess::scoped_lock <boost::interprocess::interprocess_upgradable_mutex>

Definition at line 45 of file SharedMemoryProvider.h.

◆ SharedMemoryScopedWriteLockPtr

Definition at line 46 of file SharedMemoryProvider.h.

◆ SharedRobotInterfacePrx

using SharedRobotInterfacePrx = ::IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ::IceProxy::armarx::SharedRobotInterface>

Definition at line 57 of file FramedPose.h.

◆ SharedRobotServantPtr

◆ ShortcutControllerPtr

using ShortcutControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr<ShortcutController>

Definition at line 202 of file ShortcutController.h.

◆ SimoxCSpacePtr

An ice handle for a SimoxCSpace.

Definition at line 55 of file SimoxCSpace.h.

◆ SimoxCSpaceWith2DPosePtr

◆ SimoxCSpaceWith3DPosePtr

◆ SimpleDiffIKPtr

using SimpleDiffIKPtr = std::shared_ptr<class SimpleDiffIK>

Definition at line 35 of file SimpleDiffIK.h.

◆ SimpleJsonLoggerEntryPtr

Definition at line 33 of file SimpleJsonLoggerEntry.h.

◆ SimpleJsonLoggerPtr

using SimpleJsonLoggerPtr = std::shared_ptr<SimpleJsonLogger>

Definition at line 40 of file SimpleJsonLogger.h.

◆ SimpleRemoteReferenceCountControlBlockPtr

◆ SimualtedWorldDataPtr

using SimualtedWorldDataPtr = std::shared_ptr<SimulatedWorldData>

Definition at line 114 of file SimulatedWorld.h.

◆ SimulatedWorldPtr

using SimulatedWorldPtr = std::shared_ptr<SimulatedWorld>

Definition at line 471 of file SimulatedWorld.h.

◆ SimulatorControlGuiPluginPtr

Definition at line 236 of file SimulatorControlGuiPlugin.h.

◆ SimulatorPtr

Definition at line 413 of file Simulator.h.

◆ SimulatorTimeServerProxyPtr

◆ SingleTypeVariantListPtr

◆ SingleVariantPtr

◆ SoTransformerManipPtr

using SoTransformerManipPtr = boost::intrusive_ptr<SoTransformerManip>

Definition at line 41 of file ManipulatorVisualization.h.

◆ SpamFilterDataPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< SpamFilterData > SpamFilterDataPtr

Definition at line 220 of file Logging.h.

◆ SpamFilterMap

using SpamFilterMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_map<std::string, IceUtil::Time> >

Definition at line 12 of file SpamFilterData.h.

◆ SpamFilterMapPtr

using SpamFilterMapPtr = std::shared_ptr<SpamFilterMap>

Definition at line 13 of file SpamFilterData.h.

◆ SplineInterpolationPtr

using SplineInterpolationPtr = std::shared_ptr<SplineInterpolation>

Definition at line 75 of file SplineInterpolation.h.

◆ SplineInterpolationSegmentPtr

Definition at line 61 of file SplineInterpolationSegment.h.

◆ splineVector

using splineVector = std::vector<SupportPoints>

Definition at line 41 of file GraphvizConverter.h.

◆ StateBasePtr

Definition at line 50 of file StateBase.h.

◆ StatechartContextPtr

◆ StatechartEventDistributorPtr

◆ StatechartGroupPtr

using StatechartGroupPtr = std::shared_ptr<StatechartGroup>

Definition at line 34 of file StatechartGroupDefs.h.

◆ StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr

Definition at line 89 of file GroupXmlReader.h.

◆ StatechartManagerPtr

◆ StatechartProfilePtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< class StatechartProfile > StatechartProfilePtr

Definition at line 52 of file StatechartContext.h.

◆ StatechartProfilesPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< StatechartProfiles > StatechartProfilesPtr

Definition at line 35 of file StatechartProfiles.h.

◆ StatechartProfileWeakPtr

Definition at line 39 of file StatechartProfiles.h.

◆ StateControllerPtr

◆ StateEditorControllerPtr

Definition at line 93 of file StateEditorController.h.

◆ StateParameterPtr

◆ StatePtr

Definition at line 45 of file State.h.

◆ StateTreeControllerPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< StateTreeController > StateTreeControllerPtr

Definition at line 46 of file StateEditorController.h.

◆ StateTreeModelPtr

using StateTreeModelPtr = std::shared_ptr<StateTreeModel>

Definition at line 44 of file StateTreeModel.h.

◆ StateTreeNodePtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< StateTreeNode > StateTreeNodePtr

Definition at line 31 of file StatechartGroupDefs.h.

◆ StateUpdateMap

using StateUpdateMap = std::map<QString, QPair<bool, ArmarXManagerItem::ObjectMap> >

Definition at line 45 of file ArmarXManagerModel.h.

◆ StateWatcherPtr

Definition at line 103 of file StateWatcher.h.

◆ StereoResultImageProviderPtr

◆ StreamImageProviderPtr

◆ StreamReceiverPtr

◆ StringBlackWhitelist

using StringBlackWhitelist = BlackWhitelist<std::string>

Definition at line 77 of file BlackWhitelist.h.

◆ StringDoubleMap

dictionary<string, double> StringDoubleMap

Definition at line 34 of file

◆ StringDoubleSeqMap

dictionary<string, Ice::DoubleSeq> StringDoubleSeqMap

Definition at line 33 of file

◆ StringValueMapPtr

◆ StringVariantBaseMap

using StringVariantBaseMap = std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr>

Definition at line 111 of file ManagedIceObject.h.

◆ StringVariantMap

using StringVariantMap = std::map<std::string, Variant>

Definition at line 748 of file Variant.h.

◆ StringXMLNodeMap

using StringXMLNodeMap = std::map<std::string, RapidXmlReaderPtr>

Definition at line 42 of file XMLState.h.

◆ StringXMLNodeMapPtr

using StringXMLNodeMapPtr = std::shared_ptr<StringXMLNodeMap>

Definition at line 43 of file XMLState.h.

◆ StructuralJsonParserPtr

Definition at line 33 of file StructuralJsonParser.h.

◆ STVarList

Definition at line 40 of file SingleTypeVariantList.h.

◆ SystemObserverCounterMap

using SystemObserverCounterMap = std::map<std::string, SystemObserverCounter>

Definition at line 74 of file SystemObserver.h.

◆ SystemObserverTimerMap

using SystemObserverTimerMap = std::map<std::string, SystemObserverTimer>

Definition at line 63 of file SystemObserver.h.

◆ TCPInformationControllerPtr

Definition at line 130 of file TCPInformationController.h.

◆ TCPSelectionControllerPtr

Definition at line 132 of file TCPSelectionController.h.

◆ TermImplPtr

Typedef of TermImplPtr as IceInternal::Handle<TermImpl> for convenience.

Definition at line 41 of file TermImpl.h.

◆ TermNodePtr

using TermNodePtr = std::shared_ptr<TermNode>

Definition at line 42 of file TermNode.h.

◆ TermNodeWeakPtr

using TermNodeWeakPtr = std::weak_ptr<TermNode>

Definition at line 43 of file TermNode.h.

◆ ThreadListPtr

Definition at line 39 of file RunningTask.h.

◆ ThreadPoolPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< class ThreadPool > ThreadPoolPtr

Definition at line 76 of file Application.h.

◆ TimedVariantPtr

Definition at line 38 of file TimedVariant.h.

◆ TimerPtr

smart pointer for armarx::Timer

Definition at line 161 of file Timer.h.

◆ TimestampMap

typedef boost::property_map<CloudGraphWithTimestamp, boost::vertex_timestamp_t>::type TimestampMap

Definition at line 70 of file Common.h.

◆ TimestampVariantPtr

◆ TimeVariantBaseMap

using TimeVariantBaseMap = std::deque<std::pair<long, VariantBasePtr> >

Definition at line 36 of file DatafieldFilter.h.

◆ tokenVector

using tokenVector = std::vector<std::string>

Definition at line 40 of file GraphvizConverter.h.

◆ ToolBarControllerPtr

using ToolBarControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr<ToolBarController>

Definition at line 202 of file ToolBarController.h.

◆ TopicReaderInterfacePtr

Definition at line 46 of file TopicReaderInterface.h.

◆ TopicRecorderComponentPtr

◆ TopicWriterInterfacePtr

Definition at line 36 of file TopicWriterInterface.h.

◆ TrajectoryConstPtr

Definition at line 34 of file Transition.h.

◆ TrajectoryControllerPtr

typedef std::shared_ptr< TrajectoryController > TrajectoryControllerPtr

Definition at line 61 of file TrajectoryController.h.

◆ TrajectoryExporterPtr

using TrajectoryExporterPtr = std::shared_ptr<TrajectoryExporter>

Definition at line 47 of file TrajectoryExporter.h.

◆ TrajectoryImporterPtr

using TrajectoryImporterPtr = std::shared_ptr<TrajectoryImporter>

Definition at line 47 of file TrajectoryImporter.h.

◆ TrajectoryPlayerPtr

◆ TrajectoryPtr

Definition at line 52 of file Trajectory.h.

◆ TrajVec

using TrajVec = DMP::Vec<DMP::SampledTrajectoryV2>

Definition at line 69 of file DMPInstance.h.

◆ TransitionControllerPtr

Definition at line 234 of file TransitionController.h.

◆ TransitionPtr

using TransitionPtr = std::shared_ptr<Transition>

Definition at line 141 of file Transition.h.

◆ TreeNodePtr

using TreeNodePtr = std::shared_ptr<TreeNode>

Definition at line 40 of file TreeNode.h.

◆ TreeNodeWeakPtr

using TreeNodeWeakPtr = std::weak_ptr<TreeNode>

Definition at line 41 of file TreeNode.h.

◆ UserWaypointPtr

using UserWaypointPtr = std::shared_ptr<UserWaypoint>

Definition at line 137 of file UserWaypoint.h.

◆ VariantBasePtr

typedef::IceInternal::Handle< class VariantBase > VariantBasePtr

Definition at line 109 of file ManagedIceObject.h.

◆ VariantContainerPtr

◆ VariantInfoPtr

using VariantInfoPtr = std::shared_ptr<VariantInfo>

Definition at line 39 of file VariantInfo.h.

◆ VariantJsonCompressorPtr

Definition at line 38 of file VariantJsonCompressor.h.

◆ VariantListParameterPtr

Typedef of VariantListParameterPtr as IceInternal::Handle<VariantListParameter> for convenience.

Definition at line 39 of file VariantListParameter.h.

◆ VariantParameterPtr

Typedef of VariantParameterPtr as IceInternal::Handle<VariantParameter> for convenience.

Definition at line 39 of file VariantParameter.h.

◆ VariantPtr

Definition at line 42 of file Variant.h.

◆ VariantTypeId

using VariantTypeId = Ice::Int

Definition at line 44 of file Variant.h.

◆ VariantTypeIdList

using VariantTypeIdList = std::vector<VariantTypeId>

Definition at line 42 of file ConditionCheck.h.

◆ VariantTypeInfoPtr

using VariantTypeInfoPtr = std::shared_ptr<VariantTypeInfo>

Definition at line 35 of file VariantTypeInfo.h.

◆ VarList

using VarList = std::vector<Variant>

Definition at line 198 of file Term.h.

◆ Vector2Ptr

Definition at line 104 of file Pose.h.

◆ Vector3Ptr

Definition at line 165 of file Pose.h.

◆ VelocityControllerHelperPtr

Definition at line 36 of file VelocityControllerHelper.h.

◆ VertexId

typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor VertexId

Definition at line 64 of file Common.h.

◆ VertexIterator

typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator VertexIterator

Definition at line 67 of file Common.h.

◆ VertexWTsId

typedef boost::graph_traits<GraphWithTimestamp>::vertex_descriptor VertexWTsId

Definition at line 65 of file Common.h.

◆ ViaPoint

using ViaPoint = std::pair<double, DMP::DVec>

Definition at line 24 of file NJointBimanualDMPForceController.h.

◆ ViaPointsSet

using ViaPointsSet = std::vector<ViaPoint>

Definition at line 25 of file NJointBimanualDMPForceController.h.

◆ ViewControllerPtr

using ViewControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr<ViewController>

Definition at line 131 of file ViewController.h.

◆ Viewer3DWidgetPtr

Definition at line 139 of file ViewerWidget.h.

◆ VisualizationObserverPtr

Definition at line 45 of file VisualizationObserver.h.

◆ VoxelGridCSpacePtr

◆ WaypointControllerPtr

using WaypointControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr<WaypointController>

Definition at line 308 of file WaypointController.h.

◆ WeissHapticSensorPtr

using WeissHapticSensorPtr = std::shared_ptr<WeissHapticSensor>

Definition at line 46 of file WeissHapticSensor.h.

◆ WorkerMap

using WorkerMap = std::map<size_t, LayoutWorkerPtr>

Definition at line 39 of file LayoutWorkerCreator.h.

◆ XMLStateFactoryBasePtr

◆ XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ArVizWidgetMode

enum ArVizWidgetMode

Definition at line 41 of file ArVizWidgetController.h.



Definition at line 55 of file ReflexCombination.h.

◆ EItemType

enum EItemType

Definition at line 50 of file ObserverItemModel.h.

◆ InterpolationType

The InterpolationType enum lists all available interpolation types eLinearInterpolation: represents linear Interpolation between a list of waypoints in the space of poses eSplineInterpolation: represents (cubic) spline Interpolation between a list of waypoints in the space of poses.


Definition at line 32 of file InterpolationType.h.

◆ LevelOfDetail


Definition at line 33 of file MorphingItem.h.

◆ MergeMapsMode

enum MergeMapsMode

Definition at line 211 of file algorithm.h.

◆ MessageTypeT

enum MessageTypeT

Definition at line 45 of file LogSender.h.

◆ NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerTypes


Definition at line 29 of file NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerTypes.h.

◆ OpenPoseEstimationMode


Definition at line 59 of file OpenPoseEstimation.h.



Definition at line 51 of file OpticalFlow.h.



Definition at line 43 of file PrimitiveVisualization.h.

◆ ProxyType

enum ProxyType

Definition at line 41 of file ProxyPropertyDefinition.h.

◆ RobotUnitState

enum RobotUnitState : std::size_t

The current state of the multi step initialization of a RobotUnit.


Definition at line 74 of file RobotUnitModuleBase.h.

◆ SimulatorType

enum SimulatorType

Definition at line 71 of file Simulator.h.

◆ SpawnerOption

enum SpawnerOption

Definition at line 345 of file ArVizInteractExample.cpp.

◆ SpawnerType

enum SpawnerType

Definition at line 338 of file ArVizInteractExample.cpp.

◆ status

enum status

Definition at line 259 of file FiniteStateMachine.h.

◆ TransitionErrorType


Definition at line 50 of file StateUtilFunctions.h.

Function Documentation

◆ abs()

std::vector<T> armarx::abs ( const std::vector< T > &  v)

Definition at line 253 of file VectorHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ accelerateToVelocity()

deltas armarx::accelerateToVelocity ( float  v0,
float  acc,
float  vt 

Definition at line 65 of file BasicControllers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ angleDistance()

float armarx::angleDistance ( float  angle1,
float  angle2 

Definition at line 163 of file BasicControllers.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:











◆ ArmarXEigenFormat()

const Eigen::IOFormat armarx::ArmarXEigenFormat ( Eigen::StreamPrecision  ,
Eigen::DontAlignCols  ,
" "  ,
"\n"  ,
""  ,
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ BinaryFiniteStateMachine() [1/3]

◆ BinaryFiniteStateMachine() [2/3]

◆ BinaryFiniteStateMachine() [3/3]

◆ BoolFiniteStateMachine() [1/3]

armarx::BoolFiniteStateMachine ( std::shared_ptr< T ) -> BoolFiniteStateMachine< T >

◆ BoolFiniteStateMachine() [2/3]

◆ BoolFiniteStateMachine() [3/3]

User-defined template argument deductions.

◆ brakingDistance()

float armarx::brakingDistance ( float  v0,
float  deceleration 
v0The initial velocity.
decelerationThe deceleration.
The braking distance given the parameters.

Definition at line 157 of file BasicControllers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CacheFileLock()

const std::shared_ptr<boost::interprocess::file_lock>& armarx::CacheFileLock ( )

Definition at line 131 of file CMakePackageFinder.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkboxStyleSheet()

QString armarx::checkboxStyleSheet ( )

Definition at line 30 of file StyleSheets.h.

◆ CheckedCastAndDeref()

Targ& armarx::CheckedCastAndDeref ( Src *  src)

Definition at line 56 of file RobotUnitModuleBase.h.

◆ CheckedDeref() [1/2]

auto armarx::CheckedDeref ( const T ptr,
const std::source_location loc = std::source_location::current() 

Definition at line 67 of file Pointer.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CheckedDeref() [2/2]

auto armarx::CheckedDeref ( const T ptr,
M &&  msg,
const std::source_location loc = std::source_location::current() 

Definition at line 81 of file Pointer.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ checkValue()

void armarx::checkValue ( const T value)

Definition at line 37 of file VectorHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkValues()

void armarx::checkValues ( const std::vector< T > &  values)

Definition at line 51 of file VectorHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ chromaCallback()

void armarx::chromaCallback ( const crl::multisense::image::Header &  header,
void *  userDataP 

Definition at line 41 of file MultiSensePointCloudProvider.cpp.

◆ clearLayout()

void clearLayout ( QLayout *  layout)

Clear a layout.

Recursively take and delete all items in layout.

layoutThe layout.

Definition at line 38 of file RemoteGuiWidgetController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CMakeFileLock()

const std::shared_ptr<boost::interprocess::file_lock>& armarx::CMakeFileLock ( )

Definition at line 139 of file CMakePackageFinder.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CMakeMutex()

std::mutex& armarx::CMakeMutex ( )

Definition at line 147 of file CMakePackageFinder.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cnull()

std::ostream armarx::cnull ( nullptr  )

◆ compressedIceBlobToObject() [1/2]

T armarx::compressedIceBlobToObject ( const std::string_view &  sv)

Definition at line 86 of file IceBlobToObject.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ compressedIceBlobToObject() [2/2]

void armarx::compressedIceBlobToObject ( T result,
const std::string_view &  sv 

Definition at line 72 of file IceBlobToObject.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Contains() [1/2]

bool armarx::Contains ( const ContainerType &  container,
const ElementType searchElement 

Definition at line 295 of file algorithm.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Contains() [2/2]

bool Contains ( const std::string &  haystack,
const std::string &  needle,
bool  caseInsensitive = false 

Definition at line 56 of file StringHelpers.cpp.

◆ containsAnyOf()

bool armarx::containsAnyOf ( const std::set< std::string > &  values,
const std::vector< std::string > &  searchKeys 

Definition at line 390 of file RobotHealth.cpp.

◆ convert()

armem::articulated_object::ArticulatedObject armarx::convert ( const VirtualRobot::Robot &  obj,
const armem::Time timestamp 

Definition at line 194 of file ArticulatedObjectLocalizerDynamicSimulation.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ copyValuesAt() [1/4]

std::vector<typename ContainerT::value_type> armarx::copyValuesAt ( const ContainerT &  src,
const IndexContainerT &  idx 

Uses the container of indices to copy values (accessed via from the given container into a vector and returns his vector.

This function e.g. is useful if you have a map of joint values and need a specific subset 'idx' as vector of floats.

std::vector<int> idx = {0,1,3};
std::vector<long> srcV={0,10,20,30,40,50};
std::vector<long> fromVec = copyValuesAt(srcV, idx);
//fromVec == {0, 10, 30}
std::map<int, long> srcM={{0,0},{1,10},{2,20},{3,30},{4,40},{5,50}};
std::vector<long> fromMap = copyValuesAt(srcM, idx);
//fromMap == {0, 10, 30}

Definition at line 129 of file algorithm.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ copyValuesAt() [2/4]

void armarx::copyValuesAt ( const ContainerT &  src,
const IndexContainerT &  idx,
OutputIteratorT  dest 

Uses the container of indices to copy values (accessed via the given container into the output iterator.

This function e.g. is useful if you have a map of joint values and need a specific subset 'idx' as vector of floats.

std::vector<int> idx = {0,1,3};
std::vector<long> srcV={0,10,20,30,40,50};
std::vector<long> fromVec;
copyValuesAt(srcV, idx, std::back_inserter(fromVec));
//fromVec == {0, 10, 30}
std::map<int, long> srcM={{0,0},{1,10},{2,20},{3,30},{4,40},{5,50}};
std::vector<long> fromMap;
copyValuesAt(srcM, idx, std::back_inserter(fromMap));
//fromMap == {0, 10, 30}

Definition at line 82 of file algorithm.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ copyValuesAt() [3/4]

std::vector<typename ContainerT::value_type> armarx::copyValuesAt ( const ContainerT &  src,
IndexIteratorT  fst,
IndexIteratorT  lst 

Uses the range of indices to copy values (accessed via the given container into a vector and returns his vector.

This function e.g. is useful if you have a map of joint values and need a specific subset 'idx' as vector of floats.

std::vector<int> idx = {0,1,3};
std::vector<long> srcV={0,10,20,30,40,50};
std::vector<long> fromVec = copyValuesAt(srcV, idx.begin(), idx.end());
//fromVec == {0, 10, 30}
std::map<int, long> srcM={{0,0},{1,10},{2,20},{3,30},{4,40},{5,50}};
std::vector<long> fromMap = copyValuesAt(srcM, idx.begin(), idx.end());
//fromMap == {0, 10, 30}

Definition at line 104 of file algorithm.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ copyValuesAt() [4/4]

void armarx::copyValuesAt ( const ContainerT &  src,
IndexIteratorT  fst,
IndexIteratorT  lst,
OutputIteratorT  dest 

Uses the range of indices to copy values (accessed via the given container into the output iterator.

This function e.g. is useful if you have a map of joint values and need a specific subset 'idx' as vector of floats.

std::vector<int> idx = {0,1,3};
std::vector<long> srcV={0,10,20,30,40,50};
std::vector<long> fromVec;
copyValuesAt(srcV, idx.begin(), idx.end(), std::back_inserter(fromVec));
//fromVec == {0, 10, 30}
std::map<int, long> srcM={{0,0},{1,10},{2,20},{3,30},{4,40},{5,50}};
std::vector<long> fromMap;
copyValuesAt(srcM, idx.begin(), idx.end(), std::back_inserter(fromMap));
//fromMap == {0, 10, 30}

Definition at line 55 of file algorithm.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CreateAndCheckFileLock()

std::shared_ptr<boost::interprocess::file_lock> armarx::CreateAndCheckFileLock ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 118 of file CMakePackageFinder.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createComponents() [1/2]

std::vector<ComponentPtr> armarx::createComponents ( ComponentType  comp)

Definition at line 522 of file Application.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createComponents() [2/2]

std::vector<ComponentPtr> armarx::createComponents ( ComponentType  comp,
ComponentTypes...  components 

Definition at line 528 of file Application.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createComponentsUtil()

std::vector<ComponentPtr> armarx::createComponentsUtil ( ComponentTypes &&...  components)

Definition at line 537 of file Application.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createMapping()

ParameterMappingPtr createMapping ( )

Returns a new and empty instance of ParameterMapping.

Definition at line 235 of file ParameterMapping.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dcdIsPathCollisionFree()

bool armarx::dcdIsPathCollisionFree ( const ConfigType &  from,
const ConfigType &  to,
RealType  dcdStepSize,
CollisionChecker  isCollisionFree,
bool  toIsCollisionFree = true,
const std::optional< Distance > &  distanceLambda = std::optional<Distance>(),
const std::optional< Interpolate > &  interpolationLambda = std::optional<Interpolate>(),
std::vector< ConfigType > *  resultPath = NULL 

Returns whether the line startCfg to to is collision free.

fromThe config to startCfg from. (startCfg is assumed to be collision free.
toThe config to reach
dcdStepSizeThe dcd step size
isCollisionFreeThe collision checker returning true, if a config is collision free.
toIsCollisionFreeWhether to is collision free
Whether the line startCfg to to is collision free.

Definition at line 115 of file CollisionCheckUtil.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dcdSteer()

ConfigType armarx::dcdSteer ( const ConfigType &  from,
const ConfigType &  to,
RealType  dcdStepSize,
CollisionChecker  isCollisionFree 

Tries to reach to from from using the given stepsize.

fromThe starting point.
toThe target point.
dcdStepSizeThe used stepsize.
isCollisionFreeThe collision checker used to test configuration for collision.
Returns the point p that maximizes distance(from,p) while the line(from, p) is collision free at all points with a distance of k * dcdStepSize from from. If no such point is reachable exactly from is returned. If to is reachable exactly to is returned.

Definition at line 46 of file CollisionCheckUtil.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DecoupledMain()

int DecoupledMain ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 43 of file Decoupled.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:



◆ deselection_callback()

void armarx::deselection_callback ( void *  userdata,
SoPath *  path 

Definition at line 84 of file DebugDrawerComponent.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ disparityCallback()

void armarx::disparityCallback ( const crl::multisense::image::Header &  header,
void *  userDataP 

Definition at line 36 of file MultiSensePointCloudProvider.cpp.

◆ do_hash() [1/2]

void armarx::do_hash ( std::size_t &  hashed,
const T0 &  t0 

Combines the accumulated hash and the parameters hash.

hashedThe accumulated hash.
t0The value to hash.

Definition at line 96 of file HashingUtil.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ do_hash() [2/2]

void armarx::do_hash ( std::size_t &  hashed,
const T0 &  t0,
const Ts &...  ts 

Combines the accumulated hash and the parameters hash.

hashedThe accumulated hash.
t0The first value to hash.
tsFurther values to hash.

Definition at line 110 of file HashingUtil.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ emplace()

auto emplace ( Cont &  cont,
Params &&...  params 
) -> decltype(cont.emplace_back(std::forward<Params>(params)...))

Definition at line 32 of file emplace.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Encode()

std::string Encode ( const std::string &  data)

Definition at line 65 of file StringHelpers.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ EncodeInline()

void armarx::EncodeInline ( std::string &  data)

Definition at line 72 of file StringHelpers.h.

◆ ends_with()

bool ends_with ( const std::string &  haystack,
const std::string &  needle 

Definition at line 50 of file StringHelpers.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ensureCoinIsInitialized()

bool armarx::ensureCoinIsInitialized ( )

Definition at line 56 of file SimoxCSpace.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ equalPredicate()

EqualPredicate<T> armarx::equalPredicate ( T  t)

Definition at line 43 of file Predicates.h.

◆ euclideanDistance()

float armarx::euclideanDistance ( IteratorType1  first1,
IteratorType1  last1,
IteratorType2  first2 

Returns the euclidean distance.

first1First value of the first vector.
last1One past the last value of the first vector.
first2First value of the second vector.
The euclidean distance.

Definition at line 94 of file Metrics.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ euclideanDistanceSquared()

float armarx::euclideanDistanceSquared ( IteratorType1  first1,
IteratorType1  last1,
IteratorType2  first2 

Returns the squared euclidean distance.

first1First value of the first vector.
last1One past the last value of the first vector.
first2First value of the second vector.
The squared euclidean distance.

Definition at line 60 of file Metrics.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ euclideanDistanceWeighted()

float armarx::euclideanDistanceWeighted ( IteratorType  first1,
IteratorType  last1,
IteratorType  first2,
IteratorType  firstw 

Returns the euclidean distance with weighted with the given vector.

first1First value of the first vector.
last1One past the last value of the first vector.
first2First value of the second vector.
firstwFirst weight.
The euclidean distance with weighted with the given vector.

Definition at line 81 of file Metrics.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ euclideanDistanceWeightedSquared()

float armarx::euclideanDistanceWeightedSquared ( IteratorType1  first1,
IteratorType1  last1,
IteratorType2  first2,
IteratorType3  firstw 

Returns the squared euclidean distance with weighted with the given vector.

first1First value of the first vector.
last1One past the last value of the first vector.
first2First value of the second vector.
firstwFirst weight.
The squared euclidean distance with weighted with the given vector.

Definition at line 40 of file Metrics.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ extractColorValue()

Eigen::Vector3i armarx::extractColorValue ( std::string  propertyValue)

Definition at line 50 of file ResultImageFuser.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FactoryCollectionBase_RegistrationListMutex()

std::mutex & FactoryCollectionBase_RegistrationListMutex ( )

Definition at line 35 of file FactoryCollectionBase.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FileSystemPathBuilder_ApplyFormattingAndResolveEnvAndCMakeVars()

std::string FileSystemPathBuilder_ApplyFormattingAndResolveEnvAndCMakeVars ( std::string const &  value)

Definition at line 39 of file Property.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fillColorMapsLayer()

void armarx::fillColorMapsLayer ( viz::Layer layer,
double  timeInSeconds 

Definition at line 550 of file ArVizExample.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fillDisAppearingLayer()

void armarx::fillDisAppearingLayer ( viz::Layer layer,
double  timeInSeconds 

Definition at line 482 of file ArVizExample.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fillExampleLayer()

void armarx::fillExampleLayer ( viz::Layer layer,
double  timeInSeconds 

Definition at line 276 of file ArVizExample.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fillInteractionLayer()

void armarx::fillInteractionLayer ( viz::Layer layer)

Definition at line 586 of file ArVizExample.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fillManyElementsLayer()

void armarx::fillManyElementsLayer ( viz::Layer layer,
double  timeInSeconds 

Definition at line 520 of file ArVizExample.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fillObjectsLayer()

void armarx::fillObjectsLayer ( viz::Layer layer,
double  timeInSeconds 

Definition at line 446 of file ArVizExample.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fillPathsAndLinesLayer()

void armarx::fillPathsAndLinesLayer ( viz::Layer layer)

Definition at line 175 of file ArVizExample.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fillPermanentLayer()

void armarx::fillPermanentLayer ( viz::Layer layer)

Definition at line 406 of file ArVizExample.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fillPointsLayer()

void armarx::fillPointsLayer ( viz::Layer layer,
double  timeInSeconds 

Definition at line 417 of file ArVizExample.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fillRobotHandsLayer()

void armarx::fillRobotHandsLayer ( viz::Layer layer)

Definition at line 254 of file ArVizExample.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fillTestLayer()

void armarx::fillTestLayer ( viz::Layer layer,
double  timeInSeconds 

Definition at line 94 of file ArVizExample.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ findVelocityAndAccelerationForTimeAndDistance()

void armarx::findVelocityAndAccelerationForTimeAndDistance ( float  distance,
float  v0,
float  vmax,
float  dec,
std::array< deltas, 3 >  trapeze,
float  newDt,
float newV,
float newAcc,
float newDec 

Definition at line 84 of file BasicControllers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ from_json() [1/8]

void armarx::from_json ( const nlohmann::json &  j,
AronDTO &  dto 

Definition at line 34 of file json_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ from_json() [2/8]

void from_json ( const nlohmann::json &  j,
armarx::ExternalCameraCalibration cal 

Definition at line 17 of file ExternalCameraCalibration.cpp.

◆ from_json() [3/8]

void from_json ( const nlohmann::json &  j,
FramedPose fp 

Definition at line 21 of file json_conversions.cpp.

◆ from_json() [4/8]

void armarx::from_json ( const nlohmann::json &  j,
GraspTrajectoryKeypoint kp 

Definition at line 163 of file GraspTrajectory.cpp.

◆ from_json() [5/8]

void armarx::from_json ( const nlohmann::json &  j,
Vector2f &  value 

◆ from_json() [6/8]

void armarx::from_json ( const nlohmann::json &  j,
Vector3f &  value 

◆ from_json() [7/8]

void from_json ( const simox::json::json &  j,
Names value 

Definition at line 42 of file json_conversions.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ from_json() [8/8]

void from_json ( const simox::json::json &  j,
ObjectID value 

Definition at line 20 of file json_conversions.cpp.

◆ fromAron() [1/11]

T armarx::fromAron ( const ::armarx::aron::data::dto::DictPtr &  dto)

Definition at line 31 of file aron_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromAron() [2/11]

void armarx::fromAron ( const armarx::arondto::Trajectory &  dto,
DMP::SampledTrajectoryV2 &  bo,
bool  taskspace 

◆ fromAron() [3/11]

void fromAron ( const arondto::Names &  dto,
armarx::Names bo 

Definition at line 7 of file names.cpp.

◆ fromAron() [4/11]

void fromAron ( const arondto::ObjectID &  dto,
ObjectID bo 

Definition at line 5 of file armarx.cpp.

◆ fromAron() [5/11]

void armarx::fromAron ( const arondto::PackagePath &  dto,
PackageFileLocation bo 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fromAron() [6/11]

BoT armarx::fromAron ( const DtoT &  dto)

Definition at line 327 of file aron_conversions.h.

◆ fromAron() [7/11]

void armarx::fromAron ( const DtoT &  dto,
bool  dtoValid,
BoT &  bo,
bool &  boValid 

Definition at line 365 of file aron_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromAron() [8/11]

void armarx::fromAron ( const DtoT &  dto,
bool  dtoValid,
std::optional< BoT > &  bo 

Definition at line 376 of file aron_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromAron() [9/11]

void armarx::fromAron ( const DtoT &  dto,
std::unique_ptr< BoT > &  bo 

Definition at line 339 of file aron_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromAron() [10/11]

auto armarx::fromAron ( const std::vector< T > &  v) -> std::vector<decltype(fromAron(T()))>

Converter function for vector of aron elements to plain cpp type.

You have to provide a converter function for the element with the signature

PlainCppType fromAron(const AronType&)
Template Parameters
Tthe aron vector element
vthe vector of elements
the vector of aron elements

Definition at line 437 of file aron_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromAron() [11/11]

void armarx::fromAron ( const T dto,
T bo 

Definition at line 314 of file aron_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromAronDict()

T armarx::fromAronDict ( const ::armarx::aron::data::dto::DictPtr &  dto)

Definition at line 47 of file aron_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromIce() [1/22]

void armarx::fromIce ( const ::IceInternal::Handle< DtoT > &  dto,
BoT &  bo 

◆ fromIce() [2/22]

void armarx::fromIce ( const ::IceInternal::Handle< DtoT > &  dto,
std::optional< BoT > &  bo 

◆ fromIce() [3/22]

void armarx::fromIce ( const ::IceInternal::Handle< DtoT > &  dto,
std::unique_ptr< BoT > &  boPointer 

◆ fromIce() [4/22]

void fromIce ( const data::ObjectID &  ice,
ObjectID id 

Definition at line 33 of file ice_conversions.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromIce() [5/22]

armarx::ObjectID fromIce ( const data::ObjectID &  id)

Definition at line 38 of file ice_conversions.cpp.

◆ fromIce() [6/22]

void fromIce ( const data::ObjectIDSeq &  ice,
std::vector< ObjectID > &  ids 

Definition at line 57 of file ice_conversions.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromIce() [7/22]

std::vector< armarx::ObjectID > fromIce ( const data::ObjectIDSeq &  id)

Definition at line 64 of file ice_conversions.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromIce() [8/22]

BoT armarx::fromIce ( const DtoT &  dto)

◆ fromIce() [9/22]

void armarx::fromIce ( const DtoT &  dto,
std::unique_ptr< BoT > &  boPointer 

◆ fromIce() [10/22]

void fromIce ( const PoseBasePtr &  ice,
Eigen::Matrix4f &  pose 

Definition at line 410 of file Pose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromIce() [11/22]

void fromIce ( const PoseBasePtr &  ice,
Eigen::Matrix< float, 4, 4, Eigen::RowMajor > &  pose 

Definition at line 416 of file Pose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromIce() [12/22]

Eigen::Matrix4f fromIce ( const PoseBasePtr &  pose)

Definition at line 440 of file Pose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromIce() [13/22]

void fromIce ( const QuaternionBasePtr &  ice,
Eigen::Matrix3f &  rotation 

Definition at line 396 of file Pose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromIce() [14/22]

void fromIce ( const QuaternionBasePtr &  ice,
Eigen::Matrix< float, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor > &  rotation 

Definition at line 402 of file Pose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromIce() [15/22]

void fromIce ( const QuaternionBasePtr &  ice,
Eigen::Quaternionf quaternion 

Definition at line 390 of file Pose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromIce() [16/22]

Eigen::Quaternionf fromIce ( const QuaternionBasePtr &  rotation)

Definition at line 432 of file Pose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromIce() [17/22]

void armarx::fromIce ( const std::map< DtoKeyT, IceValueT > &  dtoMap,
std::map< BoKeyT, BoValueT > &  boMap 

◆ fromIce() [18/22]

void armarx::fromIce ( const std::map< IceKeyT, IceValueT > &  iceMap,
boost::container::flat_map< CppKeyT, CppValueT > &  cppMap 

Definition at line 26 of file ice_conversions_boost_templates.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fromIce() [19/22]

void armarx::fromIce ( const std::vector< DtoT > &  dtos,
std::vector< BoT > &  bos 

◆ fromIce() [20/22]

void armarx::fromIce ( const T dto,
T bo 

Definition at line 21 of file ice_conversions_templates.h.

◆ fromIce() [21/22]

void fromIce ( const Vector3BasePtr &  ice,
Eigen::Vector3f &  vector 

Definition at line 384 of file Pose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromIce() [22/22]

Eigen::Vector3f fromIce ( const Vector3BasePtr &  position)

Definition at line 424 of file Pose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_index_ptr() [1/4]

auto* armarx::get_index_ptr ( boost::variant< Ts... > &  v)

Definition at line 54 of file variant.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_index_ptr() [2/4]

const auto* armarx::get_index_ptr ( const boost::variant< Ts... > &  v)

Definition at line 61 of file variant.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_index_ptr() [3/4]

const auto* armarx::get_index_ptr ( const std::variant< Ts... > &  v)

Definition at line 78 of file variant.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_index_ptr() [4/4]

auto* armarx::get_index_ptr ( std::variant< Ts... > &  v)

Definition at line 69 of file variant.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getArmarXCliPath()

std::filesystem::path armarx::getArmarXCliPath ( )

Definition at line 107 of file PythonApplicationManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetColorCode()

LogSender::ConsoleColor armarx::GetColorCode ( MessageType  type)

Definition at line 274 of file LogSender.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFileLock()

std::shared_ptr<boost::interprocess::file_lock> armarx::getFileLock ( std::string  lockName,
bool  verbose = false 

Definition at line 74 of file CMakePackageFinder.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetHandledExceptionString()

std::string armarx::GetHandledExceptionString ( )

Definition at line 147 of file Exception.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getHomeDir()

std::string armarx::getHomeDir ( )

Definition at line 63 of file CMakePackageFinder.cpp.

◆ getIndices() [1/3]

std::vector<KeyT> armarx::getIndices ( const std::map< KeyT, ValT > &  c)

Definition at line 275 of file algorithm.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getIndices() [2/3]

std::vector<KeyT> armarx::getIndices ( const std::unordered_map< KeyT, ValT > &  c)

Definition at line 281 of file algorithm.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getIndices() [3/3]

std::vector<std::size_t> armarx::getIndices ( const std::vector< ValT > &  c)

Definition at line 287 of file algorithm.h.

◆ getMapKeys() [1/2]

std::vector<typename MapType::key_type> armarx::getMapKeys ( const MapType &  map)

Definition at line 167 of file algorithm.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getMapKeys() [2/2]

void armarx::getMapKeys ( const MapType &  map,
OutputIteratorType  it 

Definition at line 157 of file algorithm.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMapValues() [1/2]

ContainerT<typename MapType::mapped_type> armarx::getMapValues ( const MapType &  map)

Definition at line 186 of file algorithm.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getMapValues() [2/2]

void armarx::getMapValues ( const MapType &  map,
OutputIteratorType  it 

Definition at line 176 of file algorithm.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetOrthonormalVectors()

Eigen::Vector3f armarx::GetOrthonormalVectors ( Eigen::Vector3f  vec,
Eigen::Vector3f &  dir1,
Eigen::Vector3f &  dir2 

Definition at line 806 of file DebugDrawerComponent.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getRobotUnit()

RobotUnit * getRobotUnit ( RobotUnitModule::ControllerManagement cmngr)

Definition at line 35 of file NJointController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSelectedProfileValue()

VariantContainerBasePtr GetSelectedProfileValue ( RapidXmlReaderNode  parameterNode,
StatechartProfilePtr  selectedProfile,
Ice::CommunicatorPtr  ic,
std::string  defaultValueJsonString = "" 

Definition at line 77 of file XMLState.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetTypeString() [1/4]

const std::string& armarx::GetTypeString ( bool  withoutNamespaceSpecifier = false)

Definition at line 48 of file GetTypeString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetTypeString() [2/4]

std::string armarx::GetTypeString ( const std::type_index &  tind,
bool  withoutNamespaceSpecifier = false 

Definition at line 41 of file GetTypeString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetTypeString() [3/4]

std::string armarx::GetTypeString ( const std::type_info &  tinf,
bool  withoutNamespaceSpecifier = false 

Definition at line 36 of file GetTypeString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetTypeString() [4/4]

std::string armarx::GetTypeString ( const T t,
bool  withoutNamespaceSpecifier = false 

Definition at line 55 of file GetTypeString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ greaterEqualPredicate()

GreaterEqualPredicate<T> armarx::greaterEqualPredicate ( T  t)

Definition at line 123 of file Predicates.h.

◆ greaterPredicate()

GreaterPredicate<T> armarx::greaterPredicate ( T  t)

Definition at line 91 of file Predicates.h.

◆ green()

QColor armarx::green ( )

Definition at line 72 of file StyleSheets.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handleExceptions()

void armarx::handleExceptions ( )

Definition at line 141 of file Exception.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ hash_all()

std::size_t armarx::hash_all ( const Ts &...  ts)

Returns the hash of all parameters.

tsThe parameters to hash
The hash of all parameters.

Definition at line 122 of file HashingUtil.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ iceBlobToObject() [1/2]

T armarx::iceBlobToObject ( const std::string_view &  sv)

Definition at line 47 of file IceBlobToObject.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ iceBlobToObject() [2/2]

void armarx::iceBlobToObject ( T result,
const std::string_view &  sv 

Definition at line 39 of file IceBlobToObject.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ incrementAll() [1/2]

void armarx::incrementAll ( )

Increment all given parameter using the pre-increment operator.

Definition at line 202 of file algorithm.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ incrementAll() [2/2]

void armarx::incrementAll ( It0 &  it0,
It &...  it 

Definition at line 204 of file algorithm.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ interval()

Interval<T> armarx::interval ( T  lo,
T  hi 

Definition at line 26 of file OccupancyGrid.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ intrusive_ptr_add_ref()

void armarx::intrusive_ptr_add_ref ( SoTransformerManip *  obj)

Definition at line 42 of file ManipulatorVisualization.h.

◆ intrusive_ptr_release()

void armarx::intrusive_ptr_release ( SoTransformerManip *  obj)

Definition at line 46 of file ManipulatorVisualization.h.

◆ isNullptr()

bool armarx::isNullptr ( const T p)

Definition at line 54 of file Pointer.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ joinStrings()

std::string joinStrings ( std::vector< std::string > const &  input,
std::string const &  seperator 

Definition at line 44 of file State.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lessEqualPredicate()

LessEqualPredicate<T> armarx::lessEqualPredicate ( T  t)

Definition at line 107 of file Predicates.h.

◆ lessPredicate()

LessPredicate<T> armarx::lessPredicate ( T  t)

Definition at line 75 of file Predicates.h.

◆ lidarCallback()

void armarx::lidarCallback ( const crl::multisense::lidar::Header &  header,
void *  userDataP 

Definition at line 52 of file MultiSensePointCloudProvider.cpp.

◆ LoadLibFromAbsolutePath()

bool armarx::LoadLibFromAbsolutePath ( const std::string &  path)

Definition at line 1247 of file ArmarXManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ lockCMake()

ScopedFileLockPtr armarx::lockCMake ( )

Definition at line 155 of file CMakePackageFinder.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LogSender::operator<<< LogSender::ConsoleColor >()

ARMARXCORE_IMPORT_EXPORT LogSender& armarx::LogSender::operator<<< LogSender::ConsoleColor > ( const LogSender::ConsoleColor colorCode)

Changes the current message color.

colorCodeColor of the Text
This object for further streaming

Definition at line 747 of file LogSender.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LogSender::operator<<< LogSender::manipulator >()

LogSender& armarx::LogSender::operator<<< LogSender::manipulator > ( const manipulator &  manipulator)

Executes a manipulator like flush on the stream.

This object for further streaming

Definition at line 774 of file LogSender.cpp.

◆ LogSender_errbuf()

std::ostream armarx::LogSender_errbuf ( std::cerr.  rdbuf())
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LogSender_outbuf()

std::ostream armarx::LogSender_outbuf ( std::cout.  rdbuf())
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lumaCallback()

void armarx::lumaCallback ( const crl::multisense::image::Header &  header,
void *  userDataP 

Definition at line 47 of file MultiSensePointCloudProvider.cpp.

◆ make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator() [1/6]

armarx::make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator ( float  ,
ControllerConstants::ValueNotSetNaN  ,
ControlTarget1DoFActuatorCurrent  ,
current  ,

◆ make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator() [2/6]

armarx::make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator ( float  ,
ControllerConstants::ValueNotSetNaN  ,
ControlTarget1DoFActuatorPosition  ,
position  ,

◆ make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator() [3/6]

armarx::make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator ( float  ,
ControllerConstants::ValueNotSetNaN  ,
ControlTarget1DoFActuatorTorque  ,
torque  ,

◆ make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator() [4/6]

armarx::make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator ( float  ,
ControllerConstants::ValueNotSetNaN  ,
ControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocity  ,
velocity  ,

◆ make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator() [5/6]

armarx::make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator ( float  ,
ControllerConstants::ValueNotSetNaN  ,
ControlTarget1DoFActuatorZeroTorque  ,
torque  ,

◆ make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator() [6/6]

armarx::make_ControlTarget1DoFActuator ( float  ,
ControllerConstants::ValueNotSetNaN  ,
ControlTarget1DoFActuatorZeroVelocity  ,
velocity  ,

◆ make_DummyControlTarget() [1/2]

armarx::make_DummyControlTarget ( EmergencyStop  ,

◆ make_DummyControlTarget() [2/2]

armarx::make_DummyControlTarget ( StopMovement  ,

◆ make_item()

QTableWidgetItem* armarx::make_item ( const std::string &  text,
Qt::AlignmentFlag  horAlignment = Qt::AlignLeft 

Definition at line 123 of file GuiHealthClientWidgetController.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ make_SensorValue1DoFActuator() [1/9]

armarx::make_SensorValue1DoFActuator ( float  ,
SensorValue1DoFActuatorAcceleration  ,

◆ make_SensorValue1DoFActuator() [2/9]

armarx::make_SensorValue1DoFActuator ( float  ,
SensorValue1DoFActuatorCurrent  ,

◆ make_SensorValue1DoFActuator() [3/9]

armarx::make_SensorValue1DoFActuator ( float  ,
SensorValue1DoFActuatorFilteredVelocity  ,

◆ make_SensorValue1DoFActuator() [4/9]

armarx::make_SensorValue1DoFActuator ( float  ,
SensorValue1DoFActuatorMotorTemperature  ,

◆ make_SensorValue1DoFActuator() [5/9]

armarx::make_SensorValue1DoFActuator ( float  ,
SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition  ,

◆ make_SensorValue1DoFActuator() [6/9]

armarx::make_SensorValue1DoFActuator ( float  ,
SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque  ,

◆ make_SensorValue1DoFActuator() [7/9]

armarx::make_SensorValue1DoFActuator ( float  ,
SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity  ,

◆ make_SensorValue1DoFActuator() [8/9]

armarx::make_SensorValue1DoFActuator ( float  ,
SensorValue1DoFGravityTorque  ,

◆ make_SensorValue1DoFActuator() [9/9]

armarx::make_SensorValue1DoFActuator ( std::int16_t  ,
SensorValue1DoFMotorPWM  ,

◆ make_shared()

auto armarx::make_shared ( Args &&...  args)

Definition at line 90 of file ManagedIceObject.h.

◆ MakeIndexedContainer()

auto armarx::MakeIndexedContainer ( Container &  c,
Containers &...  cs 

Definition at line 172 of file Iterator.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MakeReversedRange()

auto armarx::MakeReversedRange ( Container &  c)

Definition at line 210 of file Iterator.h.

◆ MakeVectorX() [1/2]

Eigen::Matrix<ScalarType, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> armarx::MakeVectorX ( std::initializer_list< ScalarType >  ilist)

Definition at line 32 of file EigenHelpers.h.

◆ MakeVectorX() [2/2]

Eigen::Matrix<ScalarType, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> armarx::MakeVectorX ( Ts &&...  ts)

Definition at line 58 of file EigenHelpers.h.

◆ MakeVectorXf() [1/12]

Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> armarx::MakeVectorXf ( float  f1)

Definition at line 75 of file EigenHelpers.h.

◆ MakeVectorXf() [2/12]

Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> armarx::MakeVectorXf ( float  f1,
float  f2 

Definition at line 79 of file EigenHelpers.h.

◆ MakeVectorXf() [3/12]

Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> armarx::MakeVectorXf ( float  f1,
float  f2,
float  f3 

Definition at line 83 of file EigenHelpers.h.

◆ MakeVectorXf() [4/12]

Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> armarx::MakeVectorXf ( float  f1,
float  f2,
float  f3,
float  f4 

Definition at line 87 of file EigenHelpers.h.

◆ MakeVectorXf() [5/12]

Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> armarx::MakeVectorXf ( float  f1,
float  f2,
float  f3,
float  f4,
float  f5 

Definition at line 91 of file EigenHelpers.h.

◆ MakeVectorXf() [6/12]

Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> armarx::MakeVectorXf ( float  f1,
float  f2,
float  f3,
float  f4,
float  f5,
float  f6 

Definition at line 95 of file EigenHelpers.h.

◆ MakeVectorXf() [7/12]

Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> armarx::MakeVectorXf ( float  f1,
float  f2,
float  f3,
float  f4,
float  f5,
float  f6,
float  f7 

Definition at line 99 of file EigenHelpers.h.

◆ MakeVectorXf() [8/12]

Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> armarx::MakeVectorXf ( float  f1,
float  f2,
float  f3,
float  f4,
float  f5,
float  f6,
float  f7,
float  f8 

Definition at line 103 of file EigenHelpers.h.

◆ MakeVectorXf() [9/12]

Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> armarx::MakeVectorXf ( float  f1,
float  f2,
float  f3,
float  f4,
float  f5,
float  f6,
float  f7,
float  f8,
float  f9 

Definition at line 107 of file EigenHelpers.h.

◆ MakeVectorXf() [10/12]

Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> armarx::MakeVectorXf ( float  f1,
float  f2,
float  f3,
float  f4,
float  f5,
float  f6,
float  f7,
float  f8,
float  f9,
float  f10 

Definition at line 111 of file EigenHelpers.h.

◆ MakeVectorXf() [11/12]

Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> armarx::MakeVectorXf ( std::initializer_list< float ilist)

Definition at line 42 of file EigenHelpers.h.

◆ MakeVectorXf() [12/12]

Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> armarx::MakeVectorXf ( std::vector< float vec)

Definition at line 63 of file EigenHelpers.h.

◆ MakeVectorXIgnoreNarrowing()

Eigen::Matrix<ScalarType, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> armarx::MakeVectorXIgnoreNarrowing ( Ts &&...  ts)

Definition at line 53 of file EigenHelpers.h.

◆ MakeVectorXWarnNarrowing()

Eigen::Matrix<ScalarType, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> armarx::MakeVectorXWarnNarrowing ( Ts &&...  ts)

Definition at line 48 of file EigenHelpers.h.

◆ MakeZippedContainer()

auto armarx::MakeZippedContainer ( Container &  c,
Containers &...  cs 

Definition at line 191 of file Iterator.h.

◆ mapRtTimestampToNonRtTimestamp()

IceUtil::Time armarx::mapRtTimestampToNonRtTimestamp ( const IceUtil::Time &  time_monotic_raw)

Definition at line 46 of file NonRtTiming.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mapValuesToVector()

Eigen::VectorXf armarx::mapValuesToVector ( const armarx::NameValueMap &  map)

Definition at line 54 of file GraspTrajectory.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ max() [1/2]

T armarx::max ( const std::vector< T > &  v1)

Definition at line 281 of file VectorHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ max() [2/2]

std::vector<T> armarx::max ( const std::vector< T > &  v1,
const std::vector< T > &  v2 

Definition at line 267 of file VectorHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mean()

std::optional<float> armarx::mean ( const boost::circular_buffer< NameValueMap > &  buffer,
const std::string &  key 

Definition at line 1615 of file KinematicUnitGuiPlugin.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mergeMaps()

void armarx::mergeMaps ( T oldMap,
const T newMap,
MergeMapsMode  mergeMode = MergeMapsMode::OverrideOldValues 

Inserts and overwrites the values from oldMap with the values from newMap.

Template parameter T needs to be a map-container value like std::map.

Definition at line 223 of file algorithm.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ min() [1/2]

T armarx::min ( const std::vector< T > &  v1)

Definition at line 308 of file VectorHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ min() [2/2]

std::vector<T> armarx::min ( const std::vector< T > &  v1,
const std::vector< T > &  v2 

Definition at line 294 of file VectorHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ nonRtNow()

IceUtil::Time armarx::nonRtNow ( )

Definition at line 35 of file NonRtTiming.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ normalizedVec()

std::vector<T> armarx::normalizedVec ( const std::vector< T > &  v)

Definition at line 231 of file VectorHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ nowNS()

std::uintmax_t armarx::nowNS ( )

Definition at line 50 of file RobotUnitSimulation.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator!=() [1/5]

bool armarx::operator!= ( const FramedPose pose1,
const FramedPose pose2 

Definition at line 1237 of file FramedPose.cpp.

◆ operator!=() [2/5]

bool armarx::operator!= ( const ObjectInfo lhs,
const ObjectInfo rhs 

Definition at line 163 of file ObjectInfo.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator!=() [3/5]

constexpr bool armarx::operator!= ( const PropagateConst< T > &  pt,

Definition at line 286 of file PropagateConst.h.

◆ operator!=() [4/5]

bool armarx::operator!= ( const RemoteHandle< PrxTA > &  fst,
const RemoteHandle< PrxTB > &  snd 

Definition at line 220 of file RemoteHandle.h.

◆ operator!=() [5/5]

constexpr bool armarx::operator!= ( std::nullptr_t  ,
const PropagateConst< T > &  pt 

Definition at line 292 of file PropagateConst.h.

◆ operator*() [1/2]

double armarx::operator* ( const std::vector< T > &  v,
const std::vector< T > &  v2 

Definition at line 158 of file VectorHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator*() [2/2]

std::vector<T> armarx::operator* ( double  c,
const std::vector< T > &  v 

Definition at line 144 of file VectorHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator*=()

std::vector<T>& armarx::operator*= ( std::vector< T > &  v1,
double  c 

Definition at line 116 of file VectorHelpers.h.

◆ operator+() [1/2]

std::vector<T> armarx::operator+ ( const std::vector< T > &  v,
double  s 

Definition at line 179 of file VectorHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator+() [2/2]

std::vector<T> armarx::operator+ ( const std::vector< T > &  v1,
const std::vector< T > &  v2 

Definition at line 75 of file VectorHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator+=()

std::vector<T>& armarx::operator+= ( std::vector< T > &  v1,
const std::vector< T > &  v2 

Definition at line 89 of file VectorHelpers.h.

◆ operator-() [1/2]

std::vector<T> armarx::operator- ( const std::vector< T > &  v,
double  s 

Definition at line 193 of file VectorHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator-() [2/2]

std::vector<T> armarx::operator- ( const std::vector< T > &  v1,
const std::vector< T > &  v2 

Definition at line 61 of file VectorHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator-=()

std::vector<T>& armarx::operator-= ( std::vector< T > &  v1,
const std::vector< T > &  v2 

Definition at line 103 of file VectorHelpers.h.

◆ operator/()

std::vector<T> armarx::operator/ ( const std::vector< T > &  v,
double  c 

Definition at line 239 of file VectorHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator/=()

std::vector<T>& armarx::operator/= ( std::vector< T > &  v1,
double  c 

Definition at line 131 of file VectorHelpers.h.

◆ operator<() [1/2]

bool armarx::operator< ( const ObjectInfo lhs,
const ObjectInfo rhs 

Definition at line 167 of file ObjectInfo.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<() [2/2]

bool armarx::operator< ( const RemoteHandle< PrxTA > &  fst,
const RemoteHandle< PrxTB > &  snd 

Definition at line 224 of file RemoteHandle.h.

◆ operator<<() [1/15]

std::ostream& armarx::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const detail::StreamPrinter< Fnc > &  f 

Definition at line 53 of file LoggingUtil.h.

◆ operator<<() [2/15]

std::ostream& armarx::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
RobotUnitState  s 

Definition at line 88 of file RobotUnitModuleBase.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [3/15]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const armarx::PackagePath packagePath 

Definition at line 85 of file PackagePath.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [4/15]

std::ostream& armarx::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const BlackWhitelist< K > &  bw 

Definition at line 59 of file BlackWhitelist.h.

◆ operator<<() [5/15]

std::ostream& armarx::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DebugDrawerTopic::VisuID rhs 

Definition at line 33 of file DebugDrawerTopic.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [6/15]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ObjectID rhs 

Definition at line 107 of file ObjectID.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [7/15]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ObjectInfo rhs 

Definition at line 407 of file ObjectInfo.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [8/15]

std::ostream& armarx::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const PythonApplicationManager::Paths paths 

Definition at line 221 of file PythonApplicationManager.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [9/15]

std::ostream& armarx::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const CartesianNaturalPositionControllerConfig &  cfg 

Definition at line 34 of file NJointCartesianNaturalPositionController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [10/15]

std::ostream& armarx::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const NJointCartesianWaypointControllerRuntimeConfig &  cfg 

Definition at line 18 of file NJointCartesianWaypointController.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [11/15]

std::ostream& armarx::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const FramedDirection rhs 

Definition at line 340 of file FramedPose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [12/15]

std::ostream& armarx::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const FramedOrientation rhs 

Definition at line 1126 of file FramedPose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [13/15]

std::ostream& armarx::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const FramedPose rhs 

Definition at line 1225 of file FramedPose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [14/15]

std::ostream& armarx::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const FramedPosition rhs 

Definition at line 871 of file FramedPose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [15/15]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const VariantDataClass &  variant 

Definition at line 789 of file Variant.cpp.

◆ operator<=() [1/2]

bool armarx::operator<= ( const ObjectInfo lhs,
const ObjectInfo rhs 

Definition at line 175 of file ObjectInfo.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<=() [2/2]

bool armarx::operator<= ( const RemoteHandle< PrxTA > &  fst,
const RemoteHandle< PrxTB > &  snd 

Definition at line 228 of file RemoteHandle.h.

◆ operator==() [1/5]

bool armarx::operator== ( const FramedPose pose1,
const FramedPose pose2 

Definition at line 1231 of file FramedPose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator==() [2/5]

bool armarx::operator== ( const ObjectInfo lhs,
const ObjectInfo rhs 

Definition at line 159 of file ObjectInfo.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator==() [3/5]

constexpr bool armarx::operator== ( const PropagateConst< T > &  pt,

Definition at line 274 of file PropagateConst.h.

◆ operator==() [4/5]

bool armarx::operator== ( const RemoteHandle< PrxTA > &  fst,
const RemoteHandle< PrxTB > &  snd 

Definition at line 216 of file RemoteHandle.h.

◆ operator==() [5/5]

constexpr bool armarx::operator== ( std::nullptr_t  ,
const PropagateConst< T > &  pt 

Definition at line 280 of file PropagateConst.h.

◆ operator>() [1/2]

bool armarx::operator> ( const ObjectInfo lhs,
const ObjectInfo rhs 

Definition at line 171 of file ObjectInfo.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator>() [2/2]

bool armarx::operator> ( const RemoteHandle< PrxTA > &  fst,
const RemoteHandle< PrxTB > &  snd 

Definition at line 232 of file RemoteHandle.h.

◆ operator>=() [1/2]

bool armarx::operator>= ( const ObjectInfo lhs,
const ObjectInfo rhs 

Definition at line 179 of file ObjectInfo.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator>=() [2/2]

bool armarx::operator>= ( const RemoteHandle< PrxTA > &  fst,
const RemoteHandle< PrxTB > &  snd 

Definition at line 236 of file RemoteHandle.h.

◆ orange()

QColor armarx::orange ( )

Definition at line 80 of file StyleSheets.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ periodicClamp()

T armarx::periodicClamp ( T  value,
T  periodLo,
T  periodHi 

Definition at line 42 of file BasicControllers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ positionThroughVelocityControlWithAccelerationAndPositionBounds()

float positionThroughVelocityControlWithAccelerationAndPositionBounds ( float  dt,
float  maxDt,
float  currentV,
float  maxV,
float  acceleration,
float  deceleration,
float  currentPosition,
float  targetPosition,
float  p,
float  positionLimitLo,
float  positionLimitHi 

Definition at line 222 of file BasicControllers.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ positionThroughVelocityControlWithAccelerationBounds()

float positionThroughVelocityControlWithAccelerationBounds ( float  dt,
float  maxDt,
float  currentV,
float  maxV,
float  acceleration,
float  deceleration,
float  currentPosition,
float  targetPosition,
float  p 

Definition at line 166 of file BasicControllers.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ positionThroughVelocityControlWithAccelerationBoundsAndPeriodicPosition()

float positionThroughVelocityControlWithAccelerationBoundsAndPeriodicPosition ( float  dt,
float  maxDt,
float  currentV,
float  maxV,
float  acceleration,
float  deceleration,
float  currentPosition,
float  targetPosition,
float  pControlPosErrorLimit,
float  p,
float direction,
float  positionPeriodLo,
float  positionPeriodHi 

Definition at line 284 of file BasicControllers.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pq()

std::pair<T, T> armarx::pq ( T  p,
T  q 

Definition at line 50 of file BasicControllers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo()

T armarx::PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo ( std::string const &  input)

◆ PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< bool >()

bool PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< bool > ( std::string const &  input)

Definition at line 262 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

◆ PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< char >()

char PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< char > ( std::string const &  input)

Definition at line 250 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

◆ PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< double >()

double PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< double > ( std::string const &  input)

Definition at line 212 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

◆ PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< float >()

float PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< float > ( std::string const &  input)

Definition at line 219 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

◆ PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< int >()

int PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< int > ( std::string const &  input)

Definition at line 232 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

◆ PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< long >()

long PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< long > ( std::string const &  input)

Definition at line 226 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

◆ PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< unsigned char >()

unsigned char PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< unsigned char > ( std::string const &  input)

Definition at line 256 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

◆ PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< unsigned int >()

unsigned int PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< unsigned int > ( std::string const &  input)

Definition at line 244 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

◆ PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< unsigned long >()

unsigned long PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastTo< unsigned long > ( std::string const &  input)

Definition at line 238 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

◆ PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString() [1/7]

std::string PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString ( double  input)

Definition at line 180 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

◆ PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString() [2/7]

std::string PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString ( float  input)

Definition at line 174 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString() [3/7]

std::string PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString ( int  input)

Definition at line 191 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

◆ PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString() [4/7]

std::string PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString ( long  input)

Definition at line 186 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

◆ PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString() [5/7]

std::string PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString ( std::string const &  input)

Definition at line 206 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

◆ PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString() [6/7]

std::string PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString ( unsigned int  input)

Definition at line 201 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

◆ PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString() [7/7]

std::string PropertyDefinition_lexicalCastToString ( unsigned long  input)

Definition at line 196 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

◆ PropertyDefinition_matchRegex()

bool PropertyDefinition_matchRegex ( std::string const &  regex,
std::string const &  value 

Definition at line 49 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ PropertyDefinition_parseIceUtilTime()

IceUtil::Time PropertyDefinition_parseIceUtilTime ( std::string const &  input)

Definition at line 105 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ PropertyDefinition_parseMapStringString()

std::map< std::string, std::string > PropertyDefinition_parseMapStringString ( const std::string &  input)

Definition at line 55 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ PropertyDefinition_parseVectorString()

std::vector< std::string > PropertyDefinition_parseVectorString ( std::string const &  input)

Definition at line 71 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ PropertyDefinition_toLowerCopy()

std::string PropertyDefinition_toLowerCopy ( const std::string &  input)

Definition at line 44 of file PropertyDefinition.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PropertyDefinitionContainer_ice_class_name()

std::string PropertyDefinitionContainer_ice_class_name ( std::string const &  full_type_name)

Definition at line 280 of file PropertyDefinitionContainer.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read()

void armarx::read ( auto &  eigen,
auto *  table 

Definition at line 462 of file FTSensorCalibrationGuiWidgetController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ readCMakeCache()

bool armarx::readCMakeCache ( const std::string &  packageName,
std::string &  packageContent 

Definition at line 168 of file CMakePackageFinder.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ readFromJson() [1/2]

AronDTO armarx::readFromJson ( const std::filesystem::path &  filename)

Definition at line 73 of file aron_conversions.h.

◆ readFromJson() [2/2]

BO armarx::readFromJson ( const std::filesystem::path &  filename)

Definition at line 91 of file aron_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ red()

QColor armarx::red ( )

Definition at line 76 of file StyleSheets.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RemoteRobotNode_getGlobalCollisionChecker()

VirtualRobot::CollisionCheckerPtr RemoteRobotNode_getGlobalCollisionChecker ( )

Definition at line 556 of file RemoteRobot.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ remove_trailing_separator()

fs::path armarx::remove_trailing_separator ( fs::path  p)

Definition at line 32 of file filesystem.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeUpdateDataFromMap()

void armarx::removeUpdateDataFromMap ( const std::string &  layerName,
std::map< std::string, UpdateDataType > &  map 

Definition at line 2578 of file DebugDrawerComponent.cpp.

◆ requires() [1/2]

requires ( aron::detail::DtoAndBoAreSame< DtoKeyT, BoKeyT > and aron::detail::DtoAndBoAreSame< DtoValueT, BoValueT >)

Definition at line 405 of file aron_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ requires() [2/2]

requires ( !aron::detail::DtoAndBoAreSame< DtoT, BoT >  )

Definition at line 346 of file aron_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ reverse()

T armarx::reverse ( const T o)

Definition at line 32 of file container.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rtNow()

IceUtil::Time armarx::rtNow ( )

Definition at line 40 of file RtTiming.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ runMultipleComponentsApp()

std::tuple<armarx::ApplicationPtr, std::vector<ComponentPtr> > armarx::runMultipleComponentsApp ( int  argc,
char *  argv[],
std::string  appName,
const std::string &  configDomain = "ArmarX" 

Convenience function to create an app with multiple components easily.


main(int argc, char * argv[])
std::vector<ComponentPtr> components;
std::tie(app, components) = runMultipleComponentsApp < ConditionHandler, SystemObserver, DebugObserver > (argc, argv, "ArmarXCoreApps");
return app->main(argc, argv);
returns a tuple of the created Application and a vector of the created components. The order of the components is the same as the template parameter list.

Definition at line 562 of file Application.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ runSimpleComponentApp()

int armarx::runSimpleComponentApp ( int  argc,
char *  argv[],
std::string  appName,
const std::string &  configName = "",
const std::string &  configDomain = "ArmarX",
bool  enableLibLoading = false 

Creates and runs an application (of AppT) for the given component (ComponentT).

argcCL parameter count
argvCL parameters
appNameThe application's name.
configNameThe config name, passed to the create call.
configDomainThe config domain, passed to the create call.
The application's return code (app->main(argc, argv))

For a component COMP the following application is created

class SimpleSingleComponentApp : virtual public Application
void setup(const ManagedIceObjectRegistryInterfacePtr& registry, Ice::PropertiesPtr properties)

Following code is executed

armarx::ApplicationPtr app = armarx::Application::createInstance<SimpleSingleComponentApp>() ;
return app->main(argc, argv);

Definition at line 485 of file Application.h.

◆ selection_callback()

void armarx::selection_callback ( void *  userdata,
SoPath *  path 

Definition at line 76 of file DebugDrawerComponent.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ serializeList()

std::string armarx::serializeList ( const std::vector< std::string > &  l)

Definition at line 42 of file GuiHealthClientWidgetController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setProxy()

void armarx::setProxy ( ManagedIceObject object,
T proxy,
std::string const &  name 

Definition at line 148 of file SemanticRelationViewerWidgetController.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sign()

T armarx::sign ( T  t)

Definition at line 194 of file algorithm.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SimplePeriodicTask()

armarx::SimplePeriodicTask ( Ts...  ) -> SimplePeriodicTask< std::function< void(void)>>
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SimpleRunningTask()

armarx::SimpleRunningTask ( Ts...  ) -> SimpleRunningTask< std::function< void(void)>>

◆ Split()

std::vector< std::string > Split ( const std::string &  source,
const std::string &  splitBy,
bool  trimElements = false,
bool  removeEmptyElements = false 

Definition at line 35 of file StringHelperTemplates.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ split()

std::vector< std::string > split ( const std::string &  source,
const std::string &  splitBy,
bool  trimElements = false,
bool  removeEmptyElements = false 

Definition at line 36 of file StringHelpers.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ splitter()

std::vector<std::string> armarx::splitter ( std::string const &  propertyValue)

Definition at line 44 of file ResultImageFuser.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ starts_with()

bool starts_with ( const std::string &  haystack,
const std::string &  needle 

Definition at line 43 of file StringHelpers.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ str_to_val() [1/2]

T armarx::str_to_val ( const auto &  str)

Definition at line 431 of file FTSensorCalibrationGuiWidgetController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ str_to_val() [2/2]

void armarx::str_to_val ( const auto &  str,
T val 

Definition at line 451 of file FTSensorCalibrationGuiWidgetController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ str_to_val_with_opt_on_empty()

T armarx::str_to_val_with_opt_on_empty ( const auto &  str,
T  opt 

Definition at line 457 of file FTSensorCalibrationGuiWidgetController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ to_json() [1/7]

void armarx::to_json ( nlohmann::json &  j,
const AronDTO &  bo 

Definition at line 46 of file json_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ to_json() [2/7]

void to_json ( nlohmann::json &  j,
const ExternalCameraCalibration cal 

Definition at line 8 of file ExternalCameraCalibration.cpp.

◆ to_json() [3/7]

void to_json ( nlohmann::json &  j,
const FramedPose fp 

Definition at line 7 of file json_conversions.cpp.

◆ to_json() [4/7]

void armarx::to_json ( nlohmann::json &  j,
const Vector2f &  value 

◆ to_json() [5/7]

void armarx::to_json ( nlohmann::json &  j,
const Vector3f &  value 

◆ to_json() [6/7]

void to_json ( simox::json::json &  j,
const Names value 

Definition at line 35 of file json_conversions.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ to_json() [7/7]

void to_json ( simox::json::json &  j,
const ObjectID value 

Definition at line 12 of file json_conversions.cpp.

◆ to_string() [1/3]

const std::string& armarx::to_string ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 40 of file StringHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ to_string() [2/3]

std::string to_string ( RobotUnitState  s)

Definition at line 36 of file RobotUnitModuleBase.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ to_string() [3/3]

std::string armarx::to_string ( std::string  s)

Definition at line 45 of file StringHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ to_string_rounded()

std::string armarx::to_string_rounded ( float  value,
int  decimals = 100 

Definition at line 115 of file GuiHealthClientWidgetController.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toAron() [1/10]

void armarx::toAron ( armarx::arondto::Trajectory &  dto,
const DMP::SampledTrajectoryV2 &  bo_taskspace,
const DMP::SampledTrajectoryV2 &  bo_jointspace,
const std::string  name 

◆ toAron() [2/10]

void toAron ( arondto::Names &  dto,
const armarx::Names bo 

Definition at line 14 of file names.cpp.

◆ toAron() [3/10]

void toAron ( arondto::ObjectID &  dto,
const ObjectID bo 

Definition at line 9 of file armarx.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toAron() [4/10]

void armarx::toAron ( arondto::PackagePath &  dto,
const PackageFileLocation bo 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toAron() [5/10]

DtoT armarx::toAron ( const BoT &  bo)

Definition at line 322 of file aron_conversions.h.

◆ toAron() [6/10]

auto armarx::toAron ( const std::vector< T > &  v)

Definition at line 452 of file aron_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toAron() [7/10]

void armarx::toAron ( DtoT &  dto,
bool &  dtoValid,
const BoT &  bo,
bool  boValid 

Definition at line 360 of file aron_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toAron() [8/10]

void armarx::toAron ( DtoT &  dto,
bool &  dtoValid,
const std::optional< BoT > &  bo 

Definition at line 371 of file aron_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toAron() [9/10]

void armarx::toAron ( DtoT &  dto,
const std::unique_ptr< BoT > &  bo 

Definition at line 334 of file aron_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toAron() [10/10]

void armarx::toAron ( T dto,
const T bo 

Definition at line 309 of file aron_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toAronDict()

::armarx::aron::data::dto::DictPtr armarx::toAronDict ( const BOType &  bo)

Definition at line 63 of file aron_conversions.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toDrawColor() [1/2]

armarx::DrawColor toDrawColor ( Eigen::Vector4f  c)

Definition at line 6 of file GlasbeyLUT.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toDrawColor() [2/2]

armarx::DrawColor toDrawColor ( simox::Color  c)

Definition at line 11 of file GlasbeyLUT.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toDrawColor24Bit()

armarx::DrawColor24Bit toDrawColor24Bit ( simox::Color  c)

Definition at line 16 of file GlasbeyLUT.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toFloat()

float toFloat ( const std::string &  input)

Converts a string to float and uses always dot as seperator.

Definition at line 97 of file StringHelpers.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toIce() [1/26]

void armarx::toIce ( ::IceInternal::Handle< DtoT > &  dto,
const BoT &  bo 

◆ toIce() [2/26]

void armarx::toIce ( ::IceInternal::Handle< DtoT > &  dto,
const std::optional< BoT > &  bo 

◆ toIce() [3/26]

void armarx::toIce ( ::IceInternal::Handle< DtoT > &  dto,
const std::unique_ptr< BoT > &  boPointer 

◆ toIce() [4/26]

DtoT armarx::toIce ( const BoT &  bo)

◆ toIce() [5/26]

armarx::PosePtr toIce ( const Eigen::Isometry3f &  pose)

Definition at line 524 of file Pose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toIce() [6/26]

armarx::QuaternionPtr toIce ( const Eigen::Matrix3f &  rotation)

Definition at line 492 of file Pose.cpp.

◆ toIce() [7/26]

armarx::PosePtr toIce ( const Eigen::Matrix4f &  pose)

Definition at line 511 of file Pose.cpp.

◆ toIce() [8/26]

armarx::QuaternionPtr toIce ( const Eigen::Matrix< float, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor > &  rotation)

Definition at line 498 of file Pose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toIce() [9/26]

armarx::PosePtr toIce ( const Eigen::Matrix< float, 4, 4, Eigen::RowMajor > &  pose)

Definition at line 517 of file Pose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toIce() [10/26]

armarx::QuaternionPtr toIce ( const Eigen::Quaternionf quaternion)

Definition at line 505 of file Pose.cpp.

◆ toIce() [11/26]

armarx::Vector3Ptr toIce ( const Eigen::Vector3f &  vector)

Definition at line 486 of file Pose.cpp.

◆ toIce() [12/26]

armarx::data::ObjectID toIce ( const ObjectID ids)

Definition at line 50 of file ice_conversions.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toIce() [13/26]

armarx::data::ObjectIDSeq toIce ( const std::vector< ObjectID > &  ids)

Definition at line 78 of file ice_conversions.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toIce() [14/26]

void toIce ( data::ObjectID &  ice,
const ObjectID ids 

Definition at line 43 of file ice_conversions.cpp.

◆ toIce() [15/26]

void toIce ( data::ObjectIDSeq &  ice,
const std::vector< ObjectID > &  ids 

Definition at line 71 of file ice_conversions.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toIce() [16/26]

void armarx::toIce ( DtoT &  dto,
const std::unique_ptr< BoT > &  boPointer 

◆ toIce() [17/26]

void toIce ( PoseBasePtr &  ice,
const Eigen::Matrix4f &  pose 

Definition at line 473 of file Pose.cpp.

◆ toIce() [18/26]

void toIce ( PoseBasePtr &  ice,
const Eigen::Matrix< float, 4, 4, Eigen::RowMajor > &  pose 

Definition at line 479 of file Pose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toIce() [19/26]

void toIce ( QuaternionBasePtr &  ice,
const Eigen::Matrix3f &  rotation 

Definition at line 454 of file Pose.cpp.

◆ toIce() [20/26]

void toIce ( QuaternionBasePtr &  ice,
const Eigen::Matrix< float, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor > &  rotation 

Definition at line 460 of file Pose.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toIce() [21/26]

void toIce ( QuaternionBasePtr &  ice,
const Eigen::Quaternionf quaternion 

Definition at line 467 of file Pose.cpp.

◆ toIce() [22/26]

void armarx::toIce ( std::map< DtoKeyT, IceValueT > &  dtoMap,
const std::map< BoKeyT, BoValueT > &  boMap 

◆ toIce() [23/26]

void armarx::toIce ( std::map< IceKeyT, IceValueT > &  iceMap,
const boost::container::flat_map< CppKeyT, CppValueT > &  cppMap 

Definition at line 15 of file ice_conversions_boost_templates.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toIce() [24/26]

void armarx::toIce ( std::vector< DtoT > &  dtos,
const std::vector< BoT > &  bos 

◆ toIce() [25/26]

void armarx::toIce ( T dto,
const T bo 

Definition at line 15 of file ice_conversions_templates.h.

◆ toIce() [26/26]

void toIce ( Vector3BasePtr &  ice,
const Eigen::Vector3f &  vector 

Definition at line 448 of file Pose.cpp.

◆ toIndexMap()

MapType armarx::toIndexMap ( const T vec)

This function takes a container (e.g.

a vector) of unique elements and returns a map mapping the elements to their corresponding index

Containerof unique elements (needs index access via at)
index map

Definition at line 141 of file algorithm.h.

◆ toInt()

int toInt ( const std::string &  input)

Definition at line 108 of file StringHelpers.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toPlatformPose()

PlatformPose toPlatformPose ( const TransformStamped &  transformStamped)

Definition at line 79 of file PlatformUnit.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ToQString() [1/17]

QString armarx::ToQString ( bool  b)

Definition at line 104 of file ToQString.h.

◆ ToQString() [2/17]

QString armarx::ToQString ( char  v)

Definition at line 54 of file ToQString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ToQString() [3/17]

QString armarx::ToQString ( const char *  str)

Definition at line 34 of file ToQString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ToQString() [4/17]

QString armarx::ToQString ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 39 of file ToQString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ToQString() [5/17]

QString armarx::ToQString ( const std::stringstream &  str)

Definition at line 99 of file ToQString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ToQString() [6/17]

QString armarx::ToQString ( const std::vector< std::vector< T >> &  v)

Definition at line 126 of file ToQString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ToQString() [7/17]

QString armarx::ToQString ( const std::vector< T > &  v)

Definition at line 110 of file ToQString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ToQString() [8/17]

QString armarx::ToQString ( double  v)

Definition at line 49 of file ToQString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ToQString() [9/17]

QString armarx::ToQString ( float  v)

Definition at line 44 of file ToQString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ToQString() [10/17]

QString armarx::ToQString ( std::int16_t  v)

Definition at line 84 of file ToQString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ToQString() [11/17]

QString armarx::ToQString ( std::int32_t  v)

Definition at line 89 of file ToQString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ToQString() [12/17]

QString armarx::ToQString ( std::int64_t  v)

Definition at line 94 of file ToQString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ToQString() [13/17]

QString armarx::ToQString ( std::int8_t  v)

Definition at line 79 of file ToQString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ToQString() [14/17]

QString armarx::ToQString ( std::uint16_t  v)

Definition at line 64 of file ToQString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ToQString() [15/17]

QString armarx::ToQString ( std::uint32_t  v)

Definition at line 69 of file ToQString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ToQString() [16/17]

QString armarx::ToQString ( std::uint64_t  v)

Definition at line 74 of file ToQString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ToQString() [17/17]

QString armarx::ToQString ( std::uint8_t  v)

Definition at line 59 of file ToQString.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toUInt()

unsigned int toUInt ( const std::string &  input)

Definition at line 118 of file StringHelpers.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ transform()

auto armarx::transform ( const Container< InputT, Alloc > &  in,
OutputT(*)(InputT const &)  func 
) -> Container<OutputT, typename std::allocator_traits<Alloc>::template rebind_alloc<OutputT> >

Convenience function (with less typing) to transform a container of type InputT into the same container type of type OutputT.

Example usage: std::vector<int> values = {1,2,3}; auto stringValues = transform(values, +[](const int& v) { return std::to_string(v); }; // stringValues == {"1","2","3"}

Do not forget the + in front of the lambda!

Definition at line 315 of file algorithm.h.

◆ transformMapKeys() [1/2]

void armarx::transformMapKeys ( const MapInT &  inMap,
MapOutT &  outMap,
TransformT  transform 

Definition at line 258 of file algorithm.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ transformMapKeys() [2/2]

MapOutT armarx::transformMapKeys ( const MapInT &  inMap,
TransformT  transform 

Definition at line 267 of file algorithm.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ transparent()

QColor armarx::transparent ( )

Definition at line 84 of file StyleSheets.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ transpose() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<T> > armarx::transpose ( const std::vector< std::vector< T >> &  src)

Definition at line 731 of file SimoxCSpace.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ transpose() [2/2]

std::vector<std::vector<T> > armarx::transpose ( const std::vector< std::vector< T >> &  src,
Thrower  thrower 

Definition at line 706 of file SimoxCSpace.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ trapeze()

std::array< deltas, 3 > trapeze ( float  v0,
float  acc,
float  vMax,
float  dec,
float  vt,
float  dx 

Definition at line 795 of file BasicControllers.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ trapezeArea()

float armarx::trapezeArea ( float  v0,
float  vmax,
float  dt1,
float  dt2,
float  dt3 

Definition at line 78 of file BasicControllers.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ trapezeWithDt()

std::array<deltas, 3> armarx::trapezeWithDt ( float  v0,
float  acc,
float  vMax,
float  dec,
float  vt,
float  dx,
float  dt 

◆ TupleToStringF() [1/3]

std::string armarx::TupleToStringF ( const std::string &  form,
const std::tuple< Ts... > &  tuple 

Definition at line 90 of file StringHelperTemplates.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ TupleToStringF() [2/3]

std::string armarx::TupleToStringF ( const std::string &  form,
const std::tuple< Ts... > &  tuple 

Definition at line 96 of file StringHelperTemplates.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TupleToStringF() [3/3]

std::string armarx::TupleToStringF ( const std::string &  form,
const std::tuple< Ts... > &  tuple 

Definition at line 102 of file StringHelperTemplates.h.


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( AsynchronousNJointController  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( ForceTorqueSubUnit  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( InertialMeasurementSubUnit  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( KinematicSubUnit  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( LocalizationSubUnit  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointBimanualCCDMPController  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointBimanualCCDMPControllerControlData  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointCartesianNaturalPositionController  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointCartesianTorqueController  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointCartesianTorqueControllerControlData  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointCartesianVelocityController  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointCartesianVelocityControllerControlData  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointCartesianWaypointController  )


TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointControllerBase  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionController  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionControllerConfig  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionController  )





armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerControlData  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerInterface  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerWithRamp  )



armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughControllerConfig  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointTCPController  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointTCPControllerConfig  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointTCPControllerControlData  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( NJointTrajectoryController  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( PlatformSubUnit  )




TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( RobotUnitObserver  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( RobotUnitSubUnit  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( SynchronousNJointController  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( TCPControllerSubUnit  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE ( TrajectoryControllerSubUnit  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED ( ControlDevice  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED ( ForceTorqueSimulationSensorDevice  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED ( GlobalRobotPoseCorrectionSensorDevice  )


TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED ( GlobalRobotPoseSensorDevice  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED ( GlobalRobotPoseSimulationSensorDevice  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED ( IMUSimulationSensorDevice  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED ( JointSimulationDevice  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED ( PlatformSimulationDevice  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED ( RobotUnitDataStreamingReceiver  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED ( RTThreadTimingsSensorDevice  )


armarx::TYPEDEF_PTRS_SHARED ( SensorDevice  )

◆ unequalPredicate()

UnequalPredicate<T> armarx::unequalPredicate ( T  t)

Definition at line 59 of file Predicates.h.

◆ updateBlackWhitelist()

void armarx::updateBlackWhitelist ( StringBlackWhitelist bw,
const armarx::BlackWhitelistUpdate &  update 

Definition at line 15 of file BlackWhitelistUpdate.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateCMakeCache()

bool armarx::updateCMakeCache ( const std::string &  packageName,
const std::string &  packageContent 

Definition at line 202 of file CMakePackageFinder.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateStringList()

void updateStringList ( std::set< std::string > &  list,
const StringListUpdate &  update 

Definition at line 4 of file BlackWhitelistUpdate.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ValueToString()

std::string armarx::ValueToString ( const T value)

Definition at line 58 of file StringHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Variant::get< std::int16_t >()

std::int16_t armarx::Variant::get< std::int16_t > ( ) const

Definition at line 60 of file Variant.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Variant::get< std::int32_t >()

std::int32_t armarx::Variant::get< std::int32_t > ( ) const

Definition at line 78 of file Variant.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Variant::get< std::int64_t >()

std::int64_t armarx::Variant::get< std::int64_t > ( ) const

Definition at line 96 of file Variant.cpp.

◆ Variant::get< std::int8_t >()

std::int8_t armarx::Variant::get< std::int8_t > ( ) const

Definition at line 44 of file Variant.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Variant::get< std::string >()

std::string armarx::Variant::get< std::string > ( ) const

Definition at line 213 of file Variant.cpp.

◆ Variant::get< std::uint16_t >()

std::uint16_t armarx::Variant::get< std::uint16_t > ( ) const

Definition at line 126 of file Variant.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Variant::get< std::uint32_t >()

std::uint32_t armarx::Variant::get< std::uint32_t > ( ) const

Definition at line 145 of file Variant.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Variant::get< std::uint64_t >()

std::uint64_t armarx::Variant::get< std::uint64_t > ( ) const

Definition at line 164 of file Variant.cpp.

◆ Variant::get< std::uint8_t >()

std::uint8_t armarx::Variant::get< std::uint8_t > ( ) const

Definition at line 110 of file Variant.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Variant::set< std::int16_t >()

void armarx::Variant::set< std::int16_t > ( const std::int16_t &  value)

Definition at line 67 of file Variant.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Variant::set< std::int32_t >()

void armarx::Variant::set< std::int32_t > ( const std::int32_t &  value)

Definition at line 85 of file Variant.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Variant::set< std::int64_t >()

void armarx::Variant::set< std::int64_t > ( const std::int64_t &  value)

Definition at line 101 of file Variant.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Variant::set< std::int8_t >()

void armarx::Variant::set< std::int8_t > ( const std::int8_t &  value)

Definition at line 51 of file Variant.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Variant::set< std::string >()

void armarx::Variant::set< std::string > ( const std::string &  value)

Definition at line 230 of file Variant.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Variant::set< std::uint16_t >()

void armarx::Variant::set< std::uint16_t > ( const std::uint16_t &  value)

Definition at line 133 of file Variant.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Variant::set< std::uint32_t >()

void armarx::Variant::set< std::uint32_t > ( const std::uint32_t &  value)

Definition at line 152 of file Variant.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Variant::set< std::uint64_t >()

void armarx::Variant::set< std::uint64_t > ( const std::uint64_t &  value)

Definition at line 170 of file Variant.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Variant::set< std::uint8_t >()

void armarx::Variant::set< std::uint8_t > ( const std::uint8_t &  value)

Definition at line 117 of file Variant.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ vec2str()

std::string armarx::vec2str ( const std::vector< float > &  vec)

Definition at line 19 of file NJointCartesianNaturalPositionController.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ vecLength()

double armarx::vecLength ( const std::vector< T > &  v)

Definition at line 207 of file VectorHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ vecSum()

double armarx::vecSum ( const std::vector< T > &  v)

Definition at line 219 of file VectorHelpers.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ velocityControlWithAccelerationAndPositionBounds()

float velocityControlWithAccelerationAndPositionBounds ( float  dt,
float  maxDt,
float  currentV,
float  targetV,
float  maxV,
float  acceleration,
float  deceleration,
float  directSetVLimit,
float  currentPosition,
float  positionLimitLoSoft,
float  positionLimitHiSoft,
float  positionLimitLoHard,
float  positionLimitHiHard 

Definition at line 83 of file BasicControllers.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ velocityControlWithAccelerationBounds()

float velocityControlWithAccelerationBounds ( float  dt,
float  maxDt,
const float  currentV,
float  targetV,
float  maxV,
float  acceleration,
float  deceleration,
float  directSetVLimit 

Definition at line 35 of file BasicControllers.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ visitMatrix()

void armarx::visitMatrix ( EditMatrixWidget matrixWidget,
const std::shared_ptr< armarx::aron::type::Matrix > &  matrixType,
const aron::data::NDArrayPtr arr 

Definition at line 167 of file AronTreeWidgetSetter.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ VisitPointLikeContainer()

void armarx::VisitPointLikeContainer ( const auto &  cloud,
auto &&  perElem,
auto &&  sizeInfo 

Definition at line 273 of file VisitPointLikeContainer.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ visitQuaternion()

void armarx::visitQuaternion ( QuaternionWidget quatWidget,
std::shared_ptr< armarx::aron::type::Quaternion > &  quatType,
const aron::data::NDArrayPtr arr 

Definition at line 249 of file AronTreeWidgetSetter.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ volumeOfHyperellipsoid()

RealType armarx::volumeOfHyperellipsoid ( IteratorType  beginRadii,
IteratorType  endRadii 

Returns the volume of an hyperellipsoid with the radii contained by the range [beginRadii, endRadii).

beginRadiiThe first radius.
endRadiiOne past the last radius.
The volume of an hyperellipsoid with the radii contained by the range [beginRadii, endRadii)

Definition at line 66 of file Volume.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ volumeOfHypersphere()

RealType armarx::volumeOfHypersphere ( std::size_t  n,
RealType  radius 

Returns the volume of a n dimensional hypersphere with radius radius.

nThe dimensionality of the sphere.
radiusThe radius of the sphere.
The volume of a n dimensional hypersphere with radius radius.

Definition at line 51 of file Volume.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ volumeOfHyperspheroid()

RealType armarx::volumeOfHyperspheroid ( std::size_t  n,
RealType  polarRadius,
RealType  equatorialRadius 

Returns the volume of a hyperspheroid with given dimensionality and radii.

A hyperspheroid is a hyperellipsoid with one radius equal the polar radius and all other radii equal the equatorial radius.

nThe dimensionality of the hyperspheroid.
polarRadiusThe polar radius of the hyperspheroid.
equatorialRadiusThe equatorial radius of the hyperspheroid.
The volume of the hyperspheroid.

Definition at line 90 of file Volume.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ volumeOfUnitHypersphere()

RealType armarx::volumeOfUnitHypersphere ( std::size_t  n)

Returns the volume of a n dimensional unit hypersphere.

nThe dimensionality of the sphere.
The volume of a n dimensional unit hypersphere.

Definition at line 36 of file Volume.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ wcnull()

std::wostream armarx::wcnull ( nullptr  )

Variable Documentation

◆ always_false

constexpr bool always_false = false

Definition at line 47 of file Variant.h.


Initial value:
boost::regex{"LEFT CURLY"},
[](const std::string&){return "{";},
"prints {"

Definition at line 111 of file FileSystemPathBuilder.cpp.

◆ cmakePackageMutex

std::mutex cmakePackageMutex

Definition at line 232 of file CMakePackageFinder.cpp.

◆ cnull

std::ostream cnull

◆ flush

const LogSender::manipulator flush = &LogSender::flush

Definition at line 251 of file LogSender.h.

◆ LogSender_buffer

std::vector<LogMessage> LogSender_buffer

Definition at line 71 of file LogSender.cpp.

◆ LogSender_ColoringActivated

bool LogSender_ColoringActivated = true

Definition at line 75 of file LogSender.cpp.

◆ LogSender_componentName

std::string LogSender_componentName

Definition at line 69 of file LogSender.cpp.

◆ LogSender_GlobalMinimumLoggingLevel

MessageTypeT LogSender_GlobalMinimumLoggingLevel = MessageTypeT::INFO

Definition at line 74 of file LogSender.cpp.

◆ LogSender_LoggingActivated

bool LogSender_LoggingActivated = true

Definition at line 73 of file LogSender.cpp.

◆ LogSender_loggingGroup

std::string LogSender_loggingGroup

Definition at line 70 of file LogSender.cpp.

◆ LogSender_logProxy

LogPrx LogSender_logProxy

Definition at line 68 of file LogSender.cpp.

◆ LogSender_SendLogging

bool LogSender_SendLogging = true

Definition at line 76 of file LogSender.cpp.

◆ MapFrame

const std::string MapFrame = "Map"

Definition at line 64 of file FramedPose.h.


const std::size_t MAX_LASER_SCANNER_POINTS = 1024 * 10

Definition at line 29 of file LaserScannerPointCloudProvider.cpp.

◆ memoryMutex

boost::interprocess::interprocess_upgradable_mutex* memoryMutex = nullptr

Definition at line 230 of file CMakePackageFinder.cpp.


const std::map<std::string, std::pair<unsigned int, std::string> > MPII_TO_MPI
Initial value:
{"head", {0, "Head"}},
{"neck", {1, "Neck"}},
{"right_shoulder", {2, "RShoulder"}},
{"right_elbow", {3, "RElbow"}},
{"right_hand", {4, "RWrist"}},
{"left_shoulder", {5, "LShoulder"}},
{"left_elbow", {6, "LElbow"}},
{"left_hand", {7, "LWrist"}},
{"right_waist", {8, "RHip"}},
{"right_knee", {9, "RKnee"}},
{"right_foot", {10, "RAnkle"}},
{"left_waist", {11, "LHip"}},
{"left_knee", {12, "LKnee"}},
{"left_foot", {13, "LAnkle"}},

Definition at line 30 of file Util.h.

◆ NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerTypesNames

const simox::meta::EnumNames<NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerTypes> NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerTypesNames
Initial value:

Definition at line 37 of file NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerTypes.h.

◆ OdometryFrame

const std::string OdometryFrame = "Odom"

Definition at line 63 of file FramedPose.h.

◆ PotentiallyMinimizeMember

const auto PotentiallyMinimizeMember
Initial value:
= [](auto& member, bool minimize)
{ return minimize ? 0 : member; }

Definition at line 279 of file ControlThreadOutputBuffer.cpp.


const std::string PROPERTY_REQUESTER_ID = "required_default"

Definition at line 43 of file RobotHealth.cpp.

◆ registrationControllerNJointBimanualCCDMPController

NJointControllerRegistration<NJointBimanualCCDMPController> registrationControllerNJointBimanualCCDMPController("NJointBimanualCCDMPController")

◆ registrationControllerNJointCartesianNaturalPositionController

NJointControllerRegistration<NJointCartesianNaturalPositionController> registrationControllerNJointCartesianNaturalPositionController("NJointCartesianNaturalPositionController")

◆ registrationControllerNJointCartesianTorqueController

NJointControllerRegistration<NJointCartesianTorqueController> registrationControllerNJointCartesianTorqueController("NJointCartesianTorqueController")

◆ registrationControllerNJointCartesianVelocityController

NJointControllerRegistration<NJointCartesianVelocityController> registrationControllerNJointCartesianVelocityController("NJointCartesianVelocityController")

◆ registrationControllerNJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp

NJointControllerRegistration<NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp> registrationControllerNJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp("NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp")

◆ registrationControllerNJointCartesianWaypointController

NJointControllerRegistration<NJointCartesianWaypointController> registrationControllerNJointCartesianWaypointController("NJointCartesianWaypointController")

◆ registrationControllerNJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController

NJointControllerRegistration<NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController> registrationControllerNJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController("NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController")

◆ registrationControllerNJointTCPController

NJointControllerRegistration<NJointTCPController> registrationControllerNJointTCPController("NJointTCPController")

◆ registrationControllerNJointTrajectoryController

NJointControllerRegistration<NJointTrajectoryController> registrationControllerNJointTrajectoryController("NJointTrajectoryController")

◆ registrationNJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionController

NJointControllerRegistration<NJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionController> registrationNJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionController("NJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionController")

◆ registrationNJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionController

NJointControllerRegistration<NJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionController> registrationNJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionController("NJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionController")

◆ registrationNJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController

NJointControllerRegistration<NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController> registrationNJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController("NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController")

◆ registrationNJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerWithRamp

NJointControllerRegistration<NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerWithRamp> registrationNJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerWithRamp("NJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerWithRamp")

◆ sharedMemorySegment

std::shared_ptr<boost::interprocess::managed_shared_memory> sharedMemorySegment

Definition at line 231 of file CMakePackageFinder.cpp.

◆ staticIceCurrent

const Ice::Current staticIceCurrent = Ice::emptyCurrent

Definition at line 35 of file DatafieldFilter.h.

◆ TermNode

Definition at line 40 of file TermNode.h.

◆ TreeNode

Definition at line 38 of file TreeNode.h.

◆ wcnull

std::wostream wcnull
IceUtil::Handle< ManagedIceObjectRegistryInterface > ManagedIceObjectRegistryInterfacePtr
Definition: Application.h:83
IceInternal::Handle< ::Ice::Properties >
void toIce(std::map< IceKeyT, IceValueT > &iceMap, const boost::container::flat_map< CppKeyT, CppValueT > &cppMap)
Definition: ice_conversions_boost_templates.h:15
void fromIce(Eigen::Vector2f &e, const Ice::FloatSeq &ice)
Definition: ice_conversions.cpp:10
void copyValuesAt(const ContainerT &src, IndexIteratorT fst, IndexIteratorT lst, OutputIteratorT dest)
Uses the range of indices to copy values (accessed via the given container into the out...
Definition: algorithm.h:55
void toIce(const Eigen::Vector2f &e, Ice::FloatSeq &ice)
Definition: ice_conversions.cpp:17
void fromIce(const std::map< IceKeyT, IceValueT > &iceMap, boost::container::flat_map< CppKeyT, CppValueT > &cppMap)
Definition: ice_conversions_boost_templates.h:26
IceUtil::Handle< Application >
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: Admin.cpp:45
const std::optional< BoT > & bo
Definition: aron_conversions.h:168