#include <ArmarXCore/statechart/StateController.h>
Classes | |
struct | Impl |
Public Types | |
using | transitionFunction = std::function< void(StateController *state, const StateIceBasePtr &nextState, const StateIceBasePtr &previousState)> |
using | TransitionFunctionMap = std::map< std::string, transitionFunction > |
![]() | |
enum | StatePhase { ePreDefined, eStatechartDefinitions, eSubstatesDefinitions, eParametersDefinitions, eDefined, eEntering, eEntered, eBreaking, eExiting, eExited } |
enum that specifies the phase in which the state is currently in used to control the usage of state-functions in the correct context More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
bool | __applyMappings (const StateControllerPtr &srcState, const TransitionIceBase &t, const EventPtr &event, TransitionError &error) |
Apply the mappings during a transitions. More... | |
virtual bool | __breakActiveSubstate (const EventPtr event) |
bool | __checkExistenceOfTransition (const TransitionIceBase &transition) |
virtual void | __enqueueEvent (const EventPtr event) |
virtual void | __finalize (const EventPtr event) |
Function that gets called, when a state enters a FinalSubstate. Virtual function, so that RemoteStateWrapper can override it. More... | |
bool | __findValidTransition (const EventPtr &event, const StateIceBasePtr &sourceState, TransitionIceBase &resultTransition, TransitionError &error) const |
StateControllerPtr | __getParentState () const |
Getter function that automatically casts the parentState member of StateBase into StateControllerPtr. More... | |
virtual unsigned int | __getUnbreakableBufferSize () const |
virtual bool | __getUnbreakableBufferStati () const |
Before:Function to get the unbreakable-buffer status of all parent state - recursively. More... | |
virtual void | __notifyEventBufferedDueToUnbreakableState (bool eventBuffered=true) |
void | __printTransitionError (const TransitionError &transitionError, const EventPtr &event) const |
virtual void | __processBufferedEvents () |
Processes buffered events, that could not be processed immediately due to unbreakable substates. More... | |
virtual void | __processEvent (const EventPtr event, bool buffered=false) |
Main function to control the statemachine/state. More... | |
virtual void | __substatesFinished (const EventPtr ev) |
Function that gets called, when a state enters a FinalSubstate. Virtual function, so that RemoteStateWrapper can override it. More... | |
TransitionError | __validateTransition (const TransitionIceBase &transition, const EventPtr event, const StateIceBasePtr &sourceState, const StateIceBasePtr &destinationState) const |
void | __waitForRemoteStates () const |
virtual bool | _baseOnBreak (const EventPtr evt) |
Called by StateControllerprocessEvent()-function or parentstate. Must NOT be called by user. More... | |
virtual void | _baseOnEnter () |
Called by StateControllerprocessEvent()-function or parentstate. More... | |
virtual void | _baseOnExit () |
Called by StateController::processEvent()-function or parentstate. Must NOT be called by user. More... | |
virtual void | _baseRun () |
virtual void | _removeInstalledConditions () |
This function is implemented in StateUtil and removes all conditions that have been installed in onEnter() or run(). More... | |
virtual void | _startRun () |
void | addProfilerRecursive (Profiler::ProfilerPtr profiler, int recursiveLevels=0) |
addProfilerRecursive recursively adds a new armarx::Profiler::Profiler object as armarx::StateController::localProfiler(the default one does not do anything at all). More... | |
void | addTransitionFunction (const TransitionIceBase &t, transitionFunction function) |
void | disableRunFunction () |
disableRunFunction sets useRunFunction to false and waits (blocking) for the current StateBase::run() function to complete. More... | |
void | disableStateReporting (bool disable=true) |
Disables the reporting to profilers for this states during state visits. More... | |
void | enter (const StringVariantContainerBaseMap &tempInputParameters=StringVariantContainerBaseMap()) |
Function to set the statemachine in the first state and call OnEnter(). More... | |
bool | findTransition (const std::string &eventName, const std::string sourceStateName, TransitionIceBase &transition) |
std::string | getTransitionID (const std::string &eventName, const std::string sourceStateName) const |
std::string | getTransitionID (const TransitionIceBase &t) const |
bool | isFinished () const |
bool | isRunningTaskFinished () const |
Checks whether the run() function has already finished. More... | |
bool | isRunningTaskStopped () const |
isRunningTaskStopped checks whether the RunningTask, that executes run() is requested to stop. More... | |
void | removeProfilerRecursive (Profiler::ProfilerPtr profiler, int recursiveLevels=0) |
StateController () | |
StateController (const StateController &source) | |
void | waitForRunningTaskToFinish () const |
Waits until the run-function has finished. More... | |
void | waitForStateToFinish (int timeoutMs=-1) const |
waitForStateToFinish waits until this thread has finished (i.e. More... | |
~StateController () override | |
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void | __checkPhase (const std::vector< StatePhase > &allowedTypes, const char *functionName) const |
void | __checkPhase (StatePhase allowedType, const char *functionName) const |
Helper function for checking if a function was called in valid position of the statechart. More... | |
void | __checkPhaseMin (StatePhase allowedType, const char *functionName) const |
void | __copyDefaultValuesToInput () |
StringVariantContainerBaseMap | __getSetInputAndLocalParameters () const |
Combines both maps to one map and returns a new map of only the set parameters. More... | |
virtual bool | __hasActiveSubstate () |
Virtual function to indicate wheter a state has an active substate or not. To be overridden by RemoteState to deligate the call to the real state. More... | |
virtual bool | __hasSubstates () |
Virtual function to indicate wheter a state has substates or not. To be overridden by RemoteState to deligate the call to the real state. More... | |
void | __setParentState (StateBase *parentState) |
void | __throwUnknownParameter (const StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key) const |
void | __updateGlobalStateId () |
virtual void | __updateGlobalStateIdRecursive () |
bool | addParameter (StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key, VariantTypeId type, bool optional, VariantPtr defaultValue=VariantPtr()) const |
bool | addParameterContainer (StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key, const ContainerType &containerType, bool optional, VariantContainerBasePtr defaultValue=VariantContainerBasePtr()) const |
void | clearSelfPointer () |
virtual StateBasePtr | clone () const =0 |
Pure virtual function to clone of the derived class type. More... | |
virtual StateBasePtr | createEmptyCopy () const =0 |
virtual void | deepCopy (const StateBase &sourceState, bool reset=true) |
Function to copy the states with all it substates and transitions. More... | |
virtual void | defineParameters () |
Virtual function, in which input/local/output parameters can be specified. More... | |
virtual void | defineState () |
Virtual function, in which this state can be configured. More... | |
virtual void | defineSubstates () |
Virtual function, in which substates, transition and mappings can be added. More... | |
StateBasePtr | findSubstateByName (const std::string &substateName) |
Utility function to find a substate of this state by the name. More... | |
template<typename ContextType > | |
ContextType * | getContext () const |
StatechartContextInterface * | getContext (bool checkNULL=true) const |
std::string | getGlobalHierarchyString () const |
virtual StateParameterMap | getInputParameters ()=0 |
Not const because RemoteState implementation gets the current parameters via Ice and sets them. More... | |
std::string | getLocalHierarchyString () const |
Function to get a string that contains als parent states and this state. (e.g. "Robot->Functional->Idling") More... | |
Ice::Int | getLocalUniqueId () const |
virtual StateParameterMap & | getOutputParameters () |
void | getParameter (const StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key, VariantPtr &value) const |
void | getParameterContainer (const StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key, VariantContainerBasePtr &valueContainer) const |
const std::string & | getStateClassName () const |
std::string | getStateName () const |
getStateName More... | |
StatePhase | getStatePhase () const |
EventPtr | getTriggeredEndstateEvent () const |
This function returns the event that was triggered by entering an endstate. More... | |
void | inheritInputParameters () |
bool | init (StatechartContextInterface *context, StatechartManager *manager) |
Function to initialize this state. Must be called in the highest level of the hierarchy - and only there. More... | |
virtual bool | isInitialized () const |
Returns the status of this state. Only if a state is initialized, it can be used. More... | |
bool | isParameterSet (const StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key) const |
virtual void | onBreak () |
Virtual function, in which the behaviour of state is defined, when it is abnormally exited. Can be overridden, but it is optional. An abnormal exit only occurs in hierarchy-levels greater 1. When a parent state is left before the substates are finished, the OnBreak()-function is called in the active substate and in all it's active substates. If this function is not implemented, the normal OnExit()-function is called. More... | |
virtual void | onEnter () |
Virtual function, in which the behaviour of state is defined, when it is entered. Can be overridden, but it is optional. More... | |
virtual void | onExit () |
Virtual function, in which the behaviour of state is defined, when it is exited. Can be overridden, but it is optional. More... | |
StateBase & | operator= (const StateBase &source) |
virtual void | refetchSubstates () |
This functions updates the substates. More... | |
void | reset () |
Function to reset the state: clear name, clear substatesList, clear transition etc. More... | |
virtual void | run () |
Virtual function, that can be reimplemented to calculate complex operations. More... | |
void | setContext (StatechartContextInterface *context) |
void | setInitialized (bool enable) |
void | setParameter (StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key, const Variant &variant) |
void | setParameterContainer (StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key, const VariantContainerBase &valueContainer) |
void | setParameterContainer (StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key, const VariantContainerBasePtr &valueContainer) |
void | setStateClassName (std::string className) |
setStateClassName() sets the string, that contains a stringrepresentation of this class. Should not be called usually. The classname gets automatically set in the constructor of the derived class StateTemplate<T>. More... | |
void | setStatePhase (StatePhase newPhase) |
StateBase () | |
StateBase (const StateBase &source) | |
virtual bool | waitForInitialization (int timeoutMS=-1) const |
~StateBase () override | |
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SpamFilterDataPtr | deactivateSpam (float deactivationDurationSec=10.0f, const std::string &identifier="", bool deactivate=true) const |
disables the logging for the current line for the given amount of seconds. More... | |
MessageTypeT | getEffectiveLoggingLevel () const |
Logging () | |
void | setLocalMinimumLoggingLevel (MessageTypeT level) |
With setLocalMinimumLoggingLevel the minimum verbosity-level of log-messages can be set. More... | |
void | setTag (const LogTag &tag) |
void | setTag (const std::string &tagName) |
virtual | ~Logging () |
Public Attributes | |
std::unique_ptr< Impl > | cimpl |
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std::unique_ptr< Impl > | impl |
Friends | |
class | DynamicRemoteState |
template<class EventType , class StateType > | |
class | FinalStateBase |
class | RemoteState |
template<typename ContextType > | |
class | RemoteStateOfferer |
class | State |
class | StatechartContext |
class | StatechartEventDistributor |
class | StatechartManager |
class | StateUtility |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static std::vector< StateBasePtr > | GetActiveStateLeafs (StateBasePtr toplevelState) |
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bool | checkLogLevel (MessageTypeT level) const |
const LogSenderPtr & | getLogSender () const |
Retrieve log sender. More... | |
LogSenderPtr | loghelper (const char *file, int line, const char *function) const |
![]() | |
MessageTypeT | minimumLoggingLevel |
SpamFilterDataPtr | spamFilter |
LogTag | tag |
The StateController class processes events and controls the statechart flow.
Definition at line 55 of file StateController.h.
using transitionFunction = std::function<void(StateController* state, const StateIceBasePtr& nextState, const StateIceBasePtr& previousState)> |
Definition at line 59 of file StateController.h.
using TransitionFunctionMap = std::map<std::string, transitionFunction > |
Definition at line 60 of file StateController.h.
StateController | ( | ) |
Definition at line 50 of file StateController.cpp.
StateController | ( | const StateController & | source | ) |
override |
Definition at line 68 of file StateController.cpp.
bool __applyMappings | ( | const StateControllerPtr & | srcState, |
const TransitionIceBase & | t, | ||
const EventPtr & | event, | ||
TransitionError & | error | ||
) |
Apply the mappings during a transitions.
The order is parent's local, parent's output and then next state's input.
srcState | |
t | Transition that is currently executed |
event | Event that led to the transition |
Definition at line 211 of file StateController.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented in RemoteState.
Definition at line 559 of file StateController.cpp.
bool __checkExistenceOfTransition | ( | const TransitionIceBase & | transition | ) |
virtual |
Reimplemented in RemoteStateWrapper.
Definition at line 195 of file StateController.cpp.
virtual |
Function that gets called, when a state enters a FinalSubstate. Virtual function, so that RemoteStateWrapper can override it.
Reimplemented in RemoteStateWrapper.
Definition at line 188 of file StateController.cpp.
bool __findValidTransition | ( | const EventPtr & | event, |
const StateIceBasePtr & | sourceState, | ||
TransitionIceBase & | resultTransition, | ||
TransitionError & | error | ||
) | const |
StateControllerPtr __getParentState | ( | ) | const |
Getter function that automatically casts the parentState member of StateBase into StateControllerPtr.
LocalException | if parent state could not be cas |
Definition at line 540 of file StateController.cpp.
virtual |
Reimplemented in RemoteStateWrapper.
Definition at line 514 of file StateController.cpp.
virtual |
Before:Function to get the unbreakable-buffer status of all parent state - recursively.
Reimplemented in RemoteStateWrapper.
Definition at line 1159 of file StateController.cpp.
virtual |
This virtual function notifies all substates that an event has been buffered due to unbreakable states and that they must not process any further events when they have reached a breakable state.
Reimplemented in RemoteState.
Definition at line 519 of file StateController.cpp.
void __printTransitionError | ( | const TransitionError & | transitionError, |
const EventPtr & | event | ||
) | const |
Definition at line 271 of file StateController.cpp.
virtual |
Processes buffered events, that could not be processed immediately due to unbreakable substates.
Gets called after a transition from a unbreakable substate to a breakable substate after execution of OnEnter() of the breakable state.
It is not called yet, when a transition occurs between 2 unbreakable states.
The calling substate can be of any level below this state in the hierarchy.
Reimplemented in RemoteStateWrapper.
Definition at line 582 of file StateController.cpp.
virtual |
Main function to control the statemachine/state.
Determines with Parameter event
, the active state and the transitiontable, which transition to choose.
If no transition is found, an eUnexpectedEvent-exception is thrown.
Reimplemented in RemoteStateWrapper.
Definition at line 299 of file StateController.cpp.
virtual |
Function that gets called, when a state enters a FinalSubstate. Virtual function, so that RemoteStateWrapper can override it.
Definition at line 167 of file StateController.cpp.
TransitionError __validateTransition | ( | const TransitionIceBase & | transition, |
const EventPtr | event, | ||
const StateIceBasePtr & | sourceState, | ||
const StateIceBasePtr & | destinationState | ||
) | const |
void __waitForRemoteStates | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 608 of file StateController.cpp.
virtual |
Called by StateControllerprocessEvent()-function or parentstate. Must NOT be called by user.
Calls OnBreak() in this hierarchylevel and all sub levels.
Reimplemented in DynamicRemoteState, and RemoteState.
Definition at line 934 of file StateController.cpp.
virtual |
Called by StateControllerprocessEvent()-function or parentstate.
Must NOT be called by user.
Calls OnEnter() in this hierarchylevel and of every initialstate of all sub levels.
Reimplemented in DynamicRemoteState, and RemoteState.
Definition at line 649 of file StateController.cpp.
virtual |
Called by StateController::processEvent()-function or parentstate. Must NOT be called by user.
Calls OnExit() in this hierarchylevel and all sub levels. @relates baseOnExit()
Reimplemented in DynamicRemoteState, and RemoteState.
Definition at line 852 of file StateController.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 827 of file StateController.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
This function is implemented in StateUtil and removes all conditions that have been installed in onEnter() or run().
It is called after onExit()
Definition at line 201 of file StateController.h.
virtual |
Definition at line 808 of file StateController.cpp.
void addProfilerRecursive | ( | Profiler::ProfilerPtr | profiler, |
int | recursiveLevels = 0 |
) |
addProfilerRecursive recursively adds a new armarx::Profiler::Profiler object as armarx::StateController::localProfiler(the default one does not do anything at all).
determins how many levels deep this new profiler object should be set:
deep)This is automtically set in armarx::StatechartContext::setToplevelState() based on statechart properties.
profiler | profiler instance to use in the state for calling armarx::Profiler::Profiler methods |
recursiveLevels | how many levels deep the profiler should be set |
Definition at line 1033 of file StateController.cpp.
void addTransitionFunction | ( | const TransitionIceBase & | t, |
StateController::transitionFunction | function | ||
) |
void disableRunFunction | ( | ) |
disableRunFunction sets useRunFunction to false and waits (blocking) for the current StateBase::run() function to complete.
Definition at line 1176 of file StateController.cpp.
void disableStateReporting | ( | bool | disable = true | ) |
Disables the reporting to profilers for this states during state visits.
Definition at line 1120 of file StateController.cpp.
void enter | ( | const StringVariantContainerBaseMap & | tempInputParameters = StringVariantContainerBaseMap() | ) |
Function to set the statemachine in the first state and call OnEnter().
Should only be called for the outer most state(machine). All initial substates of this state and of it's substates are also entered.
inputparameters | Dictionary of parameters that should be mapped into the input parameters of this state. Uses '*'=>'*' mapping. |
Definition at line 121 of file StateController.cpp.
bool findTransition | ( | const std::string & | eventName, |
const std::string | sourceStateName, | ||
TransitionIceBase & | transition | ||
) |
Definition at line 1142 of file StateController.cpp.
std::string getTransitionID | ( | const std::string & | eventName, |
const std::string | sourceStateName | ||
) | const |
Definition at line 1137 of file StateController.cpp.
std::string getTransitionID | ( | const TransitionIceBase & | t | ) | const |
bool isFinished | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 84 of file StateController.cpp.
bool isRunningTaskFinished | ( | ) | const |
Checks whether the run() function has already finished.
Definition at line 1102 of file StateController.cpp.
bool isRunningTaskStopped | ( | ) | const |
isRunningTaskStopped checks whether the RunningTask, that executes run() is requested to stop.
Check this function periodically in run()
Definition at line 1091 of file StateController.cpp.
void removeProfilerRecursive | ( | Profiler::ProfilerPtr | profiler, |
int | recursiveLevels = 0 |
) |
Definition at line 1061 of file StateController.cpp.
void waitForRunningTaskToFinish | ( | ) | const |
void waitForStateToFinish | ( | int | timeoutMs = -1 | ) | const |
waitForStateToFinish waits until this thread has finished (i.e.
a FinalSubState has been reached).
This function can only be called in a toplevelstate (a state with no parent state).
timeOutMs |
Definition at line 91 of file StateController.cpp.
friend |
Definition at line 258 of file StateController.h.
friend |
Definition at line 255 of file StateController.h.
friend |
Definition at line 257 of file StateController.h.
friend |
Definition at line 256 of file StateController.h.
friend |
Definition at line 253 of file StateController.h.
friend |
Definition at line 261 of file StateController.h.
friend |
Definition at line 259 of file StateController.h.
friend |
Definition at line 260 of file StateController.h.
friend |
Definition at line 254 of file StateController.h.
std::unique_ptr<Impl> cimpl |
Definition at line 173 of file StateController.h.