template<class EventClass > |
EventPtr | createEvent () |
| Utility function to create a new Event. More...
EventPtr | createEvent (const std::string &eventName, const StringVariantContainerBaseMap &properties=StringVariantContainerBaseMap()) |
| Utility function to create a new Event. More...
bool | __applyMappings (const StateControllerPtr &srcState, const TransitionIceBase &t, const EventPtr &event, TransitionError &error) |
| Apply the mappings during a transitions. More...
virtual bool | __breakActiveSubstate (const EventPtr event) |
bool | __checkExistenceOfTransition (const TransitionIceBase &transition) |
virtual void | __enqueueEvent (const EventPtr event) |
virtual void | __finalize (const EventPtr event) |
| Function that gets called, when a state enters a FinalSubstate. Virtual function, so that RemoteStateWrapper can override it. More...
bool | __findValidTransition (const EventPtr &event, const StateIceBasePtr &sourceState, TransitionIceBase &resultTransition, TransitionError &error) const |
StateControllerPtr | __getParentState () const |
| Getter function that automatically casts the parentState member of StateBase into StateControllerPtr. More...
virtual unsigned int | __getUnbreakableBufferSize () const |
virtual bool | __getUnbreakableBufferStati () const |
| Before:Function to get the unbreakable-buffer status of all parent state - recursively. More...
virtual void | __notifyEventBufferedDueToUnbreakableState (bool eventBuffered=true) |
void | __printTransitionError (const TransitionError &transitionError, const EventPtr &event) const |
virtual void | __processBufferedEvents () |
| Processes buffered events, that could not be processed immediately due to unbreakable substates. More...
virtual void | __processEvent (const EventPtr event, bool buffered=false) |
| Main function to control the statemachine/state. More...
virtual void | __substatesFinished (const EventPtr ev) |
| Function that gets called, when a state enters a FinalSubstate. Virtual function, so that RemoteStateWrapper can override it. More...
TransitionError | __validateTransition (const TransitionIceBase &transition, const EventPtr event, const StateIceBasePtr &sourceState, const StateIceBasePtr &destinationState) const |
void | __waitForRemoteStates () const |
virtual bool | _baseOnBreak (const EventPtr evt) |
| Called by StateControllerprocessEvent()-function or parentstate. Must NOT be called by user. More...
virtual void | _baseOnEnter () |
| Called by StateControllerprocessEvent()-function or parentstate. More...
virtual void | _baseOnExit () |
| Called by StateController::processEvent()-function or parentstate. Must NOT be called by user. More...
virtual void | _baseRun () |
virtual void | _startRun () |
void | addProfilerRecursive (Profiler::ProfilerPtr profiler, int recursiveLevels=0) |
| addProfilerRecursive recursively adds a new armarx::Profiler::Profiler object as armarx::StateController::localProfiler(the default one does not do anything at all). More...
void | addTransitionFunction (const TransitionIceBase &t, transitionFunction function) |
void | disableRunFunction () |
| disableRunFunction sets useRunFunction to false and waits (blocking) for the current StateBase::run() function to complete. More...
void | disableStateReporting (bool disable=true) |
| Disables the reporting to profilers for this states during state visits. More...
void | enter (const StringVariantContainerBaseMap &tempInputParameters=StringVariantContainerBaseMap()) |
| Function to set the statemachine in the first state and call OnEnter(). More...
bool | findTransition (const std::string &eventName, const std::string sourceStateName, TransitionIceBase &transition) |
std::string | getTransitionID (const std::string &eventName, const std::string sourceStateName) const |
std::string | getTransitionID (const TransitionIceBase &t) const |
bool | isFinished () const |
bool | isRunningTaskFinished () const |
| Checks whether the run() function has already finished. More...
bool | isRunningTaskStopped () const |
| isRunningTaskStopped checks whether the RunningTask, that executes run() is requested to stop. More...
void | removeProfilerRecursive (Profiler::ProfilerPtr profiler, int recursiveLevels=0) |
| StateController () |
| StateController (const StateController &source) |
void | waitForRunningTaskToFinish () const |
| Waits until the run-function has finished. More...
void | waitForStateToFinish (int timeoutMs=-1) const |
| waitForStateToFinish waits until this thread has finished (i.e. More...
| ~StateController () override |
void | __checkPhase (const std::vector< StatePhase > &allowedTypes, const char *functionName) const |
void | __checkPhase (StatePhase allowedType, const char *functionName) const |
| Helper function for checking if a function was called in valid position of the statechart. More...
void | __checkPhaseMin (StatePhase allowedType, const char *functionName) const |
void | __copyDefaultValuesToInput () |
StringVariantContainerBaseMap | __getSetInputAndLocalParameters () const |
| Combines both maps to one map and returns a new map of only the set parameters. More...
virtual bool | __hasActiveSubstate () |
| Virtual function to indicate wheter a state has an active substate or not. To be overridden by RemoteState to deligate the call to the real state. More...
virtual bool | __hasSubstates () |
| Virtual function to indicate wheter a state has substates or not. To be overridden by RemoteState to deligate the call to the real state. More...
void | __setParentState (StateBase *parentState) |
void | __throwUnknownParameter (const StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key) const |
void | __updateGlobalStateId () |
virtual void | __updateGlobalStateIdRecursive () |
bool | addParameter (StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key, VariantTypeId type, bool optional, VariantPtr defaultValue=VariantPtr()) const |
bool | addParameterContainer (StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key, const ContainerType &containerType, bool optional, VariantContainerBasePtr defaultValue=VariantContainerBasePtr()) const |
void | clearSelfPointer () |
virtual StateBasePtr | clone () const =0 |
| Pure virtual function to clone of the derived class type. More...
virtual StateBasePtr | createEmptyCopy () const =0 |
virtual void | deepCopy (const StateBase &sourceState, bool reset=true) |
| Function to copy the states with all it substates and transitions. More...
virtual void | defineParameters () |
| Virtual function, in which input/local/output parameters can be specified. More...
virtual void | defineState () |
| Virtual function, in which this state can be configured. More...
virtual void | defineSubstates () |
| Virtual function, in which substates, transition and mappings can be added. More...
StateBasePtr | findSubstateByName (const std::string &substateName) |
| Utility function to find a substate of this state by the name. More...
template<typename ContextType > |
ContextType * | getContext () const |
StatechartContextInterface * | getContext (bool checkNULL=true) const |
std::string | getGlobalHierarchyString () const |
virtual StateParameterMap | getInputParameters ()=0 |
| Not const because RemoteState implementation gets the current parameters via Ice and sets them. More...
std::string | getLocalHierarchyString () const |
| Function to get a string that contains als parent states and this state. (e.g. "Robot->Functional->Idling") More...
Ice::Int | getLocalUniqueId () const |
virtual StateParameterMap & | getOutputParameters () |
void | getParameter (const StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key, VariantPtr &value) const |
void | getParameterContainer (const StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key, VariantContainerBasePtr &valueContainer) const |
const std::string & | getStateClassName () const |
std::string | getStateName () const |
| getStateName More...
StatePhase | getStatePhase () const |
EventPtr | getTriggeredEndstateEvent () const |
| This function returns the event that was triggered by entering an endstate. More...
void | inheritInputParameters () |
bool | init (StatechartContextInterface *context, StatechartManager *manager) |
| Function to initialize this state. Must be called in the highest level of the hierarchy - and only there. More...
virtual bool | isInitialized () const |
| Returns the status of this state. Only if a state is initialized, it can be used. More...
bool | isParameterSet (const StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key) const |
virtual void | onBreak () |
| Virtual function, in which the behaviour of state is defined, when it is abnormally exited. Can be overridden, but it is optional.
An abnormal exit only occurs in hierarchy-levels greater 1.
When a parent state is left before the substates are finished, the OnBreak()-function is called in the active substate and in all it's active substates.
If this function is not implemented, the normal OnExit()-function is called.
virtual void | onEnter () |
| Virtual function, in which the behaviour of state is defined, when it is entered.
Can be overridden, but it is optional. More...
virtual void | onExit () |
| Virtual function, in which the behaviour of state is defined, when it is exited. Can be overridden, but it is optional. More...
StateBase & | operator= (const StateBase &source) |
virtual void | refetchSubstates () |
| This functions updates the substates. More...
void | reset () |
| Function to reset the state: clear name, clear substatesList, clear transition etc. More...
virtual void | run () |
| Virtual function, that can be reimplemented to calculate complex operations. More...
void | setContext (StatechartContextInterface *context) |
void | setInitialized (bool enable) |
void | setParameter (StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key, const Variant &variant) |
void | setParameterContainer (StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key, const VariantContainerBase &valueContainer) |
void | setParameterContainer (StateParameterMap ¶mMap, const std::string &key, const VariantContainerBasePtr &valueContainer) |
void | setStateClassName (std::string className) |
| setStateClassName() sets the string, that contains a stringrepresentation of this class. Should not be called usually. The classname gets automatically set in the constructor of the derived class StateTemplate<T>. More...
void | setStatePhase (StatePhase newPhase) |
| StateBase () |
| StateBase (const StateBase &source) |
virtual bool | waitForInitialization (int timeoutMS=-1) const |
| ~StateBase () override |
SpamFilterDataPtr | deactivateSpam (float deactivationDurationSec=10.0f, const std::string &identifier="", bool deactivate=true) const |
| disables the logging for the current line for the given amount of seconds. More...
MessageTypeT | getEffectiveLoggingLevel () const |
| Logging () |
void | setLocalMinimumLoggingLevel (MessageTypeT level) |
| With setLocalMinimumLoggingLevel the minimum verbosity-level of log-messages can be set. More...
void | setTag (const LogTag &tag) |
void | setTag (const std::string &tagName) |
virtual | ~Logging () |
This class provides utility functions for statechart-implementing-users to communicate with other distributed components like observers. These functions should only be used in the onEnter(), onBreak() and onExit() functions.
Definition at line 47 of file StateUtil.h.