armarx::filters Namespace Reference


class  AverageFilter
 The AverageFilter class provides a simple filter by calculating the average value of a window for datafields of type float, int, long and double. More...
class  ButterworthFilter
class  DerivationFilter
 The DerivationFilter calculates the derivate of a datafield. More...
class  GaussianFilter
 The GaussianFilter class provides a filter implemtentation with gaussian weighted values for datafields of type float, int, long and double. More...
class  MatrixAvgFilter
class  MatrixCumulativeFrequencyFilter
class  MatrixMaxFilter
class  MatrixMinFilter
class  MatrixPercentileFilter
class  MatrixPercentilesFilter
class  MaxFilter
 The MaxFilter class provides a simple filter by calculating the average value of a window for datafields of type float, int and double. More...
class  MedianDerivativeFilterV3
class  MedianFilter
 The MedianFilter class provides an implementation for a median for datafields of type float, int, long and double. More...
class  OffsetFilter
 The OffsetFilter class returns values relative to value from the first call of the filter. E.g. this is useful for Forces which should be nulled at a specific moment. More...
class  PoseAverageFilter
class  PoseMedianFilter
 The MedianFilter class provides an implementation for a median for datafields of type float, int and double. More...
class  PoseMedianOffsetFilter
 The MedianFilter class provides an implementation for a median for datafields of type float, int and double. More...