void | callDescribedFunction (const std::string &name, const StringVariantBaseMap &valueMap, const Ice::Current &) override |
WidgetDescription::VBoxLayoutPtr | createParameterLayout () const |
WidgetDescription::VBoxLayoutPtr | createTargetLayout () const |
std::string | getClassName (const Ice::Current &) const override |
WidgetDescription::StringWidgetDictionary | getFunctionDescriptions (const Ice::Current &) const override |
const std::string & | getNodeSetName () const |
void | immediateHardStop (const Ice::Current &) override |
| NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp (RobotUnit *robotUnit, const NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRampConfigPtr &config, const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr &) |
void | rtRun (const IceUtil::Time &sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time &timeSinceLastIteration) override |
| TODO make protected and use attorneys. More...
void | setJointLimitAvoidanceScale (float jointLimitAvoidanceScale, const Ice::Current &) override |
void | setKpJointLimitAvoidance (float KpJointLimitAvoidance, const Ice::Current &) override |
void | setMaxAccelerations (float maxPositionAcceleration, float maxOrientationAcceleration, float maxNullspaceAcceleration, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override |
void | setTargetVelocity (float vx, float vy, float vz, float vrx, float vry, float vrz, const Ice::Current &) override |
| NJointControllerWithTripleBuffer (const NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRampControlData &initialCommands=NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRampControlData()) |
void | rtSwapBufferAndRun (const IceUtil::Time &sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time &timeSinceLastIteration) override |
void | activateController (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) final override |
void | callDescribedFunction (const std::string &, const StringVariantBaseMap &, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override |
void | deactivateAndDeleteController (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) final override |
void | deactivateController (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) final override |
void | deleteController (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) final override |
const std::map< std::string, const JointController * > & | getControlDevicesUsedJointController () |
const std::vector< char > & | getControlDeviceUsedBitmap () const |
StringStringDictionary | getControlDeviceUsedControlModeMap (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override |
const std::vector< std::size_t > & | getControlDeviceUsedIndices () const |
NJointControllerDescription | getControllerDescription (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override |
NJointControllerDescriptionWithStatus | getControllerDescriptionWithStatus (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override |
NJointControllerStatus | getControllerStatus (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override |
WidgetDescription::StringWidgetDictionary | getFunctionDescriptions (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override |
std::string | getInstanceName (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override |
bool | hasControllerError (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override |
bool | isControllerActive (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override |
bool | isControllerRequested (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override |
bool | isDeletable (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const final override |
std::optional< std::vector< char > > | isNotInConflictWith (const NJointControllerBasePtr &other) const |
std::optional< std::vector< char > > | isNotInConflictWith (const std::vector< char > &used) const |
| NJointControllerBase () |
ConstControlDevicePtr | peekControlDevice (const std::string &deviceName) const |
| Get a const ptr to the given ControlDevice. More...
ConstSensorDevicePtr | peekSensorDevice (const std::string &deviceName) const |
| Get a const ptr to the given SensorDevice. More...
const std::string & | rtGetClassName () const |
| Returns the class name. More...
const std::vector< std::size_t > & | rtGetControlDeviceUsedIndices () const |
| Returns the indices of all ControlDevice's this NJointControllerBase calculates a ControlTarget for. More...
bool | rtGetErrorState () const |
| Sets the error state to true. More...
const std::string & | rtGetInstanceName () const |
| Returns the instance name. More...
std::size_t | rtGetNumberOfUsedControlDevices () const |
| Returns the number of used ControlDevices. More...
const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr & | rtGetRobot () |
| TODO make protected and use attorneys. More...
const std::vector< VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr > & | rtGetRobotNodes () |
| Returns the nodes of the virtual robot used by this NJointControllerBase in the rtRun. More...
bool | rtUsesControlDevice (std::size_t deviceIndex) const |
| Returns whether this NJointControllerBase calculates a ControlTarget for the given ControlDevice. More...
ControlTargetBase * | useControlTarget (const std::string &deviceName, const std::string &controlMode) |
| Declares to calculate the ControlTarget for the given ControlDevice in the given ControlMode when rtRun is called. More...
template<class T > |
T * | useControlTarget (const std::string &deviceName, const std::string &controlMode) |
| Declares to calculate the ControlTarget for the given ControlDevice in the given ControlMode when rtRun is called. More...
template<class T > |
const T * | useSensorValue (const std::string &deviceName) const |
| Get a const ptr to the given SensorDevice's SensorValue. More...
const SensorValueBase * | useSensorValue (const std::string &sensorDeviceName) const |
| Get a const ptr to the given SensorDevice's SensorValue. More...
const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr & | useSynchronizedRtRobot (bool updateCollisionModel=false) |
| Requests a VirtualRobot for use in rtRun *. More...
| ~NJointControllerBase () override |
void | enableProfiler (bool enable) |
| setProfiler allows setting ManagedIceObject::profiler to a new instance (if the new instance is actually not a null pointer) More...
std::string | generateSubObjectName (const std::string &subObjectName) |
| Generates a unique name for a sub object from a general name. More...
ArmarXManagerPtr | getArmarXManager () const |
| Returns the ArmarX manager used to add and remove components. More...
ManagedIceObjectConnectivity | getConnectivity () const |
| Retrieve connectivity of the object (topcis as well as proxies) More...
IceManagerPtr | getIceManager () const |
| Returns the IceManager. More...
VariantBasePtr | getMetaInfo (const std::string &id) |
StringVariantBaseMap | getMetaInfoMap () const |
std::string | getName () const |
| Retrieve name of object. More...
Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr | getObjectAdapter () const |
| Returns object's Ice adapter. More...
ArmarXObjectSchedulerPtr | getObjectScheduler () const |
PeriodicTaskPtr | getPeriodicTask (const std::string &name) |
Profiler::ProfilerPtr | getProfiler () const |
| getProfiler returns an instance of armarx::Profiler More...
template<class ProxyTarg , class... Args> |
void | getProxy (const char *name, IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ProxyTarg > &proxy, Args &&...args) |
template<class ProxyType > |
ProxyType | getProxy (const std::string &name, bool addToDependencies=false, const std::string &endpoints="", bool throwOnProxyError=true) |
| Retrieves a proxy object. More...
template<class ProxyTarg , class... Args> |
void | getProxy (const std::string &name, IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ProxyTarg > &proxy, Args &&...args) |
template<class ProxyTarg , class... Args> |
void | getProxy (IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ProxyTarg > &proxy, const char *name, Args &&...args) |
template<class ProxyTarg , class... Args> |
void | getProxy (IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ProxyTarg > &proxy, const std::string &name, Args &&...args) |
| Assigns a proxy to proxy . More...
Ice::ObjectPrx | getProxy (long timeoutMs=0, bool waitForScheduler=true) const |
| Returns the proxy of this object (optionally it waits for the proxy) More...
template<class Prx > |
Prx | getProxy (long timeoutMs=0, bool waitForScheduler=true) const |
template<class ProxyType > |
void | getProxy (ProxyType &proxy, const char *name, bool addToDependencies=false, const std::string &endpoints="", bool throwOnProxyError=true) |
| Overload to allow using string literals as name (solve ambiguous overload). More...
template<class Prx > |
void | getProxy (Prx &prx, long timeoutMs=0, bool waitForScheduler=true) const |
int | getState () const |
| Retrieve current state of the ManagedIceObject. More...
template<class TopicProxyType > |
TopicProxyType | getTopic (const std::string &name) |
| Returns a proxy of the specified topic. More...
template<class TopicProxyType > |
void | getTopic (TopicProxyType &topicProxy, const std::string &name) |
| Assigns a proxy of the specified topic to topicProxy . More...
std::vector< std::string > | getUnresolvedDependencies () const |
| returns the names of all unresolved dependencies More...
| ManagedIceObject (ManagedIceObject const &other) |
void | offeringTopic (const std::string &name) |
| Registers a topic for retrival after initialization. More...
void | preambleGetTopic (std::string const &name) |
void | setMetaInfo (const std::string &id, const VariantBasePtr &value) |
| Allows to set meta information that can be queried live via Ice interface on the ArmarXManager. More...
void | startPeriodicTask (const std::string &uniqueName, std::function< void(void)> f, int periodMs, bool assureMeanInterval=false, bool forceSystemTime=true) |
bool | stopPeriodicTask (const std::string &name) |
bool | unsubscribeFromTopic (const std::string &name) |
| Unsubscribe from a topic. More...
bool | usingProxy (const std::string &name, const std::string &endpoints="") |
| Registers a proxy for retrieval after initialization and adds it to the dependency list. More...
void | usingTopic (const std::string &name, bool orderedPublishing=false) |
| Registers a proxy for subscription after initialization. More...
void | waitForObjectScheduler () |
| Waits until the ObjectScheduler could resolve all dependencies. More...
void | waitForProxy (std::string const &name, bool addToDependencies) |
SpamFilterDataPtr | deactivateSpam (float deactivationDurationSec=10.0f, const std::string &identifier="", bool deactivate=true) const |
| disables the logging for the current line for the given amount of seconds. More...
MessageTypeT | getEffectiveLoggingLevel () const |
| Logging () |
void | setLocalMinimumLoggingLevel (MessageTypeT level) |
| With setLocalMinimumLoggingLevel the minimum verbosity-level of log-messages can be set. More...
void | setTag (const LogTag &tag) |
void | setTag (const std::string &tagName) |
virtual | ~Logging () |