Simulator Class Reference

The Simulator class holds an instance of the AmrarXPhysicsWorld and communicates to ArmarX. More...

#include <ArmarXSimulation/components/Simulator/Simulator.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Simulator:

Public Member Functions

void activateObject (const std::string &objectName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void actuateRobotJoints (const std::string &robotName, const NameValueMap &angles, const NameValueMap &velocities, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void actuateRobotJointsPos (const std::string &robotName, const NameValueMap &angles, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void actuateRobotJointsTorque (const std::string &robotName, const NameValueMap &torques, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void actuateRobotJointsVel (const std::string &robotName, const NameValueMap &velocities, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void addBox (float width, float height, float depth, float massKG, const DrawColor &color, const std::string &instanceName, const PoseBasePtr &globalPose, bool isStatic=false, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void addObject (const memoryx::ObjectClassBasePtr &objectClassBase, const std::string &instanceName, const PoseBasePtr &globalPose, bool isStatic=false, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void addObjectFromFile (const armarx::data::PackagePath &packagePath, const std::string &instanceName, const PoseBasePtr &globalPose, bool isStatic=false, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
std::string addRobot (const std::string &filename, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
std::string addRobotFromFile (const armarx::data::PackagePath &packagePath, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
std::string addScaledRobot (const std::string &filename, float scale, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
std::string addScaledRobotName (const std::string &instanceName, const std::string &filename, float scale, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
bool addSnapshot (memoryx::WorkingMemorySnapshotInterfacePrx snapshotInterfacePrx)
void applyForceObject (const std::string &objectName, const Vector3BasePtr &force, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void applyForceRobotNode (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &robotNodeName, const Vector3BasePtr &force, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void applyTorqueObject (const std::string &objectName, const Vector3BasePtr &torque, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void applyTorqueRobotNode (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &robotNodeName, const Vector3BasePtr &torque, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions () override
ContactInfoSequence getContacts (const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Returns a list of all contacts. Note that you must call updateContacts() first to enable contacts handling. More...
std::string getDefaultName () const override
 Retrieve default name of component. More...
DistanceInfo getDistance (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &robotNodeName, const std::string &worldObjectName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
int getFixedTimeStepMS (const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
ObjectClassInformationSequence getObjectClassPoses (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &frameName, const std::string &className, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
PoseBasePtr getObjectPose (const std::string &objectName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
Vector3BasePtr getRobotAngularVelocity (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &nodeName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
ForceTorqueDataSeq getRobotForceTorqueSensors (const std::string &robotName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
float getRobotJointAngle (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &nodeName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
NameValueMap getRobotJointAngles (const std::string &robotName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
float getRobotJointLimitHi (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &nodeName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
float getRobotJointLimitLo (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &nodeName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
NameValueMap getRobotJointTorques (const std::string &robotName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
NameValueMap getRobotJointVelocities (const std::string &robotName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
float getRobotJointVelocity (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &nodeName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
Vector3BasePtr getRobotLinearVelocity (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &nodeName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
float getRobotMass (const std::string &robotName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
float getRobotMaxTorque (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &nodeName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
Ice::StringSeq getRobotNames (const Ice::Current &) override
DistanceInfo getRobotNodeDistance (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &robotNodeName1, const std::string &robotNodeName2, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
PoseBasePtr getRobotNodePose (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &robotNodeName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
PoseBasePtr getRobotPose (const std::string &robotName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
SimulatedRobotState getRobotState (const std::string &robotName, const Ice::Current &) override
SceneVisuData getScene (const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
float getSimTime (const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
SimulatorInformation getSimulatorInformation (const ::Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
Ice::Float getSpeed (const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
Ice::Int getStepTimeMS (const ::Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
Ice::Long getTime (const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
bool hasObject (const std::string &instanceName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
bool hasRobot (const std::string &robotName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
bool hasRobotNode (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &robotNodeName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
bool isRunning (const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
bool loadAgentsFromSnapshot (memoryx::WorkingMemorySnapshotInterfacePrx snapshotInterfacePrx)
void objectGrasped (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &robotNodeName, const std::string &objectName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 create a joint More...
void objectReleased (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &robotNodeName, const std::string &objectName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 remove a joint More...
void onConnectComponent () override
 Pure virtual hook for the subclass. More...
void onDisconnectComponent () override
 Hook for subclass. More...
void onExitComponent () override
 Hook for subclass. More...
void onInitComponent () override
 Pure virtual hook for the subclass. More...
void pause (const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void reInitialize (const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 reInitialize Re-initializes the scene. Removes all robots and objects (and, in case the scene was loaded via a MemoryX snapshot, the working memory is cleared) Then, the setup is re-loaded similar to the startup procedure. More...
void removeObject (const std::string &instanceName, const Ice::Current &) override
bool removeRobot (const std::string &robotName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent)
void run () override
void setObjectPose (const std::string &objectName, const PoseBasePtr &globalPose, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void setObjectSimulationType (const std::string &objectName, armarx::SimulationType type, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void setRobotAngularVelocity (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &robotNodeName, const Vector3BasePtr &vel, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void setRobotAngularVelocityRobotRootFrame (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &robotNodeName, const Vector3BasePtr &vel, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void setRobotLinearVelocity (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &robotNodeName, const Vector3BasePtr &vel, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void setRobotLinearVelocityRobotRootFrame (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &robotNodeName, const Vector3BasePtr &vel, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void setRobotMaxTorque (const std::string &robotName, const std::string &nodeName, float maxTorque, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void setRobotPose (const std::string &robotName, const PoseBasePtr &globalPose, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void setSpeed (Ice::Float newSpeed, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 setSpeed sets the scaling factor for the speed of passing of time e.g. More...
void showContacts (bool enable, const std::string &layerName, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Simulator ()
void start (const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void step (const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void stop (const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void updateContacts (bool enable, const Ice::Current &c=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Enables the handling of contacts. If you intend to use getContacts(), call this method with enabled = true first. More...
 ~Simulator () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Component
virtual void componentPropertiesUpdated (const std::set< std::string > &changedProperties)
 Implement this function if you would like to react to changes in the properties. More...
void forceComponentCreatedByComponentCreateFunc ()
 forces the flag to be set to true that the object instance was created by the Component::create function More...
std::vector< PropertyUserPtrgetAdditionalPropertyUsers () const
template<typename PropertyType >
Property< PropertyType > getProperty (const std::string &name)
template<typename PropertyType >
Property< PropertyType > getProperty (const std::string &name) const
template<class T >
void getProperty (std::atomic< T > &val, const std::string &name) const
template<class T >
void getProperty (T &val, const std::string &name) const
template<class ProxyType >
ProxyType getProxyFromProperty (const std::string &propertyName, bool addToDependencies=false, const std::string &endpoints="", bool throwOnProxyError=true)
 Get a proxy whose name is specified by the given property. More...
template<class ProxyType >
void getProxyFromProperty (ProxyType &proxy, const std::string &propertyName, bool addToDependencies=false, const std::string &endpoints="", bool throwOnProxyError=true)
template<class TopicProxyType >
TopicProxyType getTopicFromProperty (const std::string &propertyName)
 Get a topic proxy whose name is specified by the given property. More...
template<class TopicProxyType >
void getTopicFromProperty (TopicProxyType &top, const std::string &propertyName)
void initializeProperties (const std::string &configName, Ice::PropertiesPtr const &properties, const std::string &configDomain)
 initializes the properties of this component. More...
void injectPropertyDefinitions (PropertyDefinitionsPtr &props) override
void offeringTopicFromProperty (const std::string &propertyName)
 Offer a topic whose name is specified by the given property. More...
virtual void preOnConnectComponent () override
virtual void preOnInitComponent () override
bool usingProxyFromProperty (const std::string &propertyName, const std::string &endpoints="")
 Use a proxy whose name is specified by the given property. More...
void usingTopicFromProperty (const std::string &propertyName, bool orderedPublishing=false)
 Use a topic whose name is specified by the given property. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ManagedIceObject
void enableProfiler (bool enable)
 setProfiler allows setting ManagedIceObject::profiler to a new instance (if the new instance is actually not a null pointer) More...
std::string generateSubObjectName (const std::string &subObjectName)
 Generates a unique name for a sub object from a general name. More...
ArmarXManagerPtr getArmarXManager () const
 Returns the ArmarX manager used to add and remove components. More...
ManagedIceObjectConnectivity getConnectivity () const
 Retrieve connectivity of the object (topcis as well as proxies) More...
IceManagerPtr getIceManager () const
 Returns the IceManager. More...
VariantBasePtr getMetaInfo (const std::string &id)
StringVariantBaseMap getMetaInfoMap () const
std::string getName () const
 Retrieve name of object. More...
Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr getObjectAdapter () const
 Returns object's Ice adapter. More...
ArmarXObjectSchedulerPtr getObjectScheduler () const
PeriodicTaskPtr getPeriodicTask (const std::string &name)
Profiler::ProfilerPtr getProfiler () const
 getProfiler returns an instance of armarx::Profiler More...
template<class ProxyTarg , class... Args>
void getProxy (const char *name, IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ProxyTarg > &proxy, Args &&...args)
template<class ProxyType >
ProxyType getProxy (const std::string &name, bool addToDependencies=false, const std::string &endpoints="", bool throwOnProxyError=true)
 Retrieves a proxy object. More...
template<class ProxyTarg , class... Args>
void getProxy (const std::string &name, IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ProxyTarg > &proxy, Args &&...args)
template<class ProxyTarg , class... Args>
void getProxy (IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ProxyTarg > &proxy, const char *name, Args &&...args)
template<class ProxyTarg , class... Args>
void getProxy (IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ProxyTarg > &proxy, const std::string &name, Args &&...args)
 Assigns a proxy to proxy. More...
Ice::ObjectPrx getProxy (long timeoutMs=0, bool waitForScheduler=true) const
 Returns the proxy of this object (optionally it waits for the proxy) More...
template<class Prx >
Prx getProxy (long timeoutMs=0, bool waitForScheduler=true) const
template<class ProxyType >
void getProxy (ProxyType &proxy, const char *name, bool addToDependencies=false, const std::string &endpoints="", bool throwOnProxyError=true)
 Overload to allow using string literals as name (solve ambiguous overload). More...
template<class Prx >
void getProxy (Prx &prx, long timeoutMs=0, bool waitForScheduler=true) const
int getState () const
 Retrieve current state of the ManagedIceObject. More...
template<class TopicProxyType >
TopicProxyType getTopic (const std::string &name)
 Returns a proxy of the specified topic. More...
template<class TopicProxyType >
void getTopic (TopicProxyType &topicProxy, const std::string &name)
 Assigns a proxy of the specified topic to topicProxy. More...
std::vector< std::string > getUnresolvedDependencies () const
 returns the names of all unresolved dependencies More...
 ManagedIceObject (ManagedIceObject const &other)
void offeringTopic (const std::string &name)
 Registers a topic for retrival after initialization. More...
void preambleGetTopic (std::string const &name)
void setMetaInfo (const std::string &id, const VariantBasePtr &value)
 Allows to set meta information that can be queried live via Ice interface on the ArmarXManager. More...
void startPeriodicTask (const std::string &uniqueName, std::function< void(void)> f, int periodMs, bool assureMeanInterval=false, bool forceSystemTime=true)
bool stopPeriodicTask (const std::string &name)
bool unsubscribeFromTopic (const std::string &name)
 Unsubscribe from a topic. More...
bool usingProxy (const std::string &name, const std::string &endpoints="")
 Registers a proxy for retrieval after initialization and adds it to the dependency list. More...
void usingTopic (const std::string &name, bool orderedPublishing=false)
 Registers a proxy for subscription after initialization. More...
void waitForObjectScheduler ()
 Waits until the ObjectScheduler could resolve all dependencies. More...
void waitForProxy (std::string const &name, bool addToDependencies)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Logging
SpamFilterDataPtr deactivateSpam (float deactivationDurationSec=10.0f, const std::string &identifier="", bool deactivate=true) const
 disables the logging for the current line for the given amount of seconds. More...
MessageTypeT getEffectiveLoggingLevel () const
 Logging ()
void setLocalMinimumLoggingLevel (MessageTypeT level)
 With setLocalMinimumLoggingLevel the minimum verbosity-level of log-messages can be set. More...
void setTag (const LogTag &tag)
void setTag (const std::string &tagName)
virtual ~Logging ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from PropertyUser
std::vector< std::string > getComponentProxyNames ()
Ice::PropertiesPtr getIceProperties () const
 Returns the set of Ice properties. More...
template<typename PropertyType >
Property< PropertyType > getProperty (const std::string &name)
 Property creation and retrieval. More...
template<typename PropertyType >
Property< PropertyType > getProperty (const std::string &name) const
 Hack to allow using getProperty in const-modified methods. More...
template<class T >
void getProperty (std::atomic< T > &val, const std::string &name) const
template<class T >
void getProperty (T &val, const std::string &name) const
template<class T >
std::vector< TgetPropertyAsCSV (const std::string &name, const std::string &splitBy=",;", bool trimElements=true, bool removeEmptyElements=true)
template<class ContainerT >
void getPropertyAsCSV (ContainerT &val, const std::string &name, const std::string &splitBy=",;", bool trimElements=true, bool removeEmptyElements=true)
PropertyDefinitionsPtr getPropertyDefinitions ()
 Returns the component's property definition container. More...
std::vector< std::string > getSubscribedTopicNames ()
std::vector< std::string > getTopicProxyNames ()
bool hasProperty (const std::string &name)
 PropertyUser ()
virtual void setIceProperties (Ice::PropertiesPtr properties)
 Sets the Ice properties. More...
bool tryAddProperty (const std::string &propertyName, const std::string &value)
virtual void updateIceProperties (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &changes)
void updateProperties ()
void updateProxies (IceManagerPtr)
 ~PropertyUser () override

Protected Member Functions

std::string addRobot (std::string robotInstanceName, const std::string &robFileGlobal, Eigen::Matrix4f gp, const std::string &robFile, double pid_p=10.0, double pid_i=0.0, double pid_d=0.0, bool isStatic=false, float scaling=1, bool colModel=false, std::map< std::string, float > initConfig=std::map< std::string, float >(), bool selfCollisions=false)
 Returns the name. On failure an empty string is returned. More...
void initializeData ()
void reportDataLoop ()
void reportVisuLoop ()
memoryx::GridFileManagerPtr requestFileManager ()
void resetData (bool clearWorkingMemory=false)
 resetData Clears all data More...
void shutdownSimulationLoop ()
 stop the simulation and join the simulation th
void simulationLoop ()
SimulatedRobotState stateFromRobotInfo (RobotInfo const &robot, IceUtil::Time timestamp)
bool updateRobotTopics ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Component
void addPropertyUser (const PropertyUserPtr &subPropertyUser)
 Add additional property users here that should show up in the application help text. More...
 Component ()
 Protected default constructor. Used for virtual inheritance. Use createManagedIceObject() instead. More...
std::string getConfigDomain ()
 Retrieve config domain for this component as set in constructor. More...
std::string getConfigIdentifier ()
 Retrieve config identifier for this component as set in constructor. More...
std::string getConfigName ()
 Retrieve config name for this component as set in constructor. More...
virtual void icePropertiesInitialized ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ManagedIceObject
template<class PluginT , class... ParamsT>
PluginT * addPlugin (const std::string prefix="", ParamsT &&...params)
template<class PluginT , class... ParamsT>
void addPlugin (PluginT *&targ, const std::string prefix="", ParamsT &&...params)
template<class PluginT , class... ParamsT>
void addPlugin (std::experimental::observer_ptr< PluginT > &targ, const std::string prefix="", ParamsT &&...params)
Ice::CommunicatorPtr getCommunicator () const
std::unique_ptr< ManagedIceObjectPlugin > & getPluginPointer (std::type_info const &type, std::string const &prefix)
 ManagedIceObject ()
 Protected default constructor. More...
virtual void postOnConnectComponent ()
virtual void postOnDisconnectComponent ()
virtual void postOnExitComponent ()
virtual void postOnInitComponent ()
virtual void preOnDisconnectComponent ()
virtual void preOnExitComponent ()
bool removeProxyDependency (const std::string &name)
 This function removes the dependency of this object on the in parameter name specified object. More...
void setName (std::string name)
 Override name of well-known object. More...
void terminate ()
 Initiates termination of this IceManagedObject. More...
 ~ManagedIceObject () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Logging
bool checkLogLevel (MessageTypeT level) const
const LogSenderPtrgetLogSender () const
 Retrieve log sender. More...
LogSenderPtr loghelper (const char *file, int line, const char *function) const

Protected Attributes

std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > classInstanceMap
 Stores all instances that belong to a class. More...
std::string commonStorageName
std::condition_variable condSimulatorThreadRunning
std::string contactLayerName
float currentComTimeMS = 0
 Stores the time that was needed for communictaion. More...
float currentSimTimeMS = 0
 Stores the time that was needed to perform the last simulation loop. More...
float currentSyncTimeMS = 0
 stores the time that was needed to sync the data More...
memoryx::EntityDrawerInterfacePrx entityDrawerPrx
 Drawing contacts. More...
memoryx::GridFileManagerPtr fileManager
GlobalRobotPoseLocalizationListenerPrx globalRobotLocalization
int lastPublishedContacts = 0
memoryx::LongtermMemoryInterfacePrx longtermMemoryPrx
memoryx::WorkingMemoryInterfacePrx memoryPrx
ObjectFinder objectFinder
 Constructed once based on the ObjectPackage property. More...
SimulatedWorldPtr physicsWorld
std::string priorKnowledgeName
memoryx::PriorKnowledgeInterfacePrx priorKnowledgePrx
bool publishContacts = false
PeriodicTask< Simulator >::pointer_type reportDataTask
 The report data task. More...
bool reportRobotPose = false
PeriodicTask< Simulator >::pointer_type reportVisuTask
 The report visu task. More...
std::atomic< floatreportVisuTimeMS = 0
PeriodicTask< Simulator >::pointer_type simulationTask
 The sim task. More...
SimulatorResetEventPrx simulatorResetEventTopic
std::mutex simulatorRunningMutex
bool simulatorThreadRunning = false
bool simulatorThreadShutdown = false
SimulatorListenerInterfacePrx simulatorVisuUpdateListenerPrx
SimulatorTimeServerProxyPtr timeserverProxy
 Proxy object to offer the Timeserver proxy. More...
float timeServerSpeed = 0
 Scaling factor for the passing of time. More...
TimeServerListenerPrx timeTopicPrx
- Protected Attributes inherited from Logging
MessageTypeT minimumLoggingLevel
SpamFilterDataPtr spamFilter
LogTag tag

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ManagedIceObject
using PeriodicTaskPtr = IceUtil::Handle< SimplePeriodicTask< std::function< void(void)> >>
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Component
template<class T , class TPtr = IceInternal::Handle<T>>
static TPtr create (Ice::PropertiesPtr properties=Ice::createProperties(), const std::string &configName="", const std::string &configDomain="ArmarX")
 Factory method for a component. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ManagedIceObject
static std::string generateSubObjectName (const std::string &superObjectName, const std::string &subObjectName)
 Generates a unique name for a sub object from a general name and unique name. More...
static std::string GetObjectStateAsString (int state)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ManagedIceObject
static const ManagedIceObjectPtr NullPtr
 A nullptr to be used when a const ref to a nullptr is required. More...

Detailed Description

The Simulator class holds an instance of the AmrarXPhysicsWorld and communicates to ArmarX.

The following optional parameters can be used.

  • RobotFileName
    Simox/VirtualRobot robot file name, e.g. robot_model.xml.
  • InitialRobotPose.x/y/z/roll/pitch/yaw
    The initial pose of the robot
  • LogRobot
    Default: false, If true, the complete robot state is logged to a file.
  • RobotControllerPID.p/i/d
    Setup robot controllers: PID paramters
  • LongtermMemory.SnapshotName
    Name of snapshot to load the scene
  • SceneFileName
    Simox/VirtualRobot scene file name, e.g. myScene.xml. Usually, sceneas are loaded via MemoryX-snapshots, but in order to test a setup, a scene can be imported directly.
  • FloorPlane
    Indicates if the should be created or not. Default: true.
  • FloorTexture
    The texture file for the floor. By default, a standard texture is used
  • FixedTimeStepLoopNrSteps
    The maximal number of internal simulation loops (fixed time step mode). After the maximum number of internal steps is performed, the simulator interpolates the remaining time.
  • FixedTimeStepStepTimeMS
    The simulation's internal timestep (fixed time step mode)
  • ReportVisuFrequency
    How often should the visualization data be published. Value is given in Hz. (0 to disable, default: 30)
  • ReportVisuTopicName
    The topic on which the visualization updates are published. Default: ReportVisuTopicName
  • ReportDataFrequency
    How often should the robot data be published. Value is given in Hz. (0 to disable, default: 30)

Definition at line 124 of file Simulator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Simulator()

Simulator ( )

Definition at line 235 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ ~Simulator()

~Simulator ( )

Definition at line 252 of file Simulator.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ activateObject()

void activateObject ( const std::string &  objectName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1671 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ actuateRobotJoints()

void actuateRobotJoints ( const std::string &  robotName,
const NameValueMap &  angles,
const NameValueMap &  velocities,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1277 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ actuateRobotJointsPos()

void actuateRobotJointsPos ( const std::string &  robotName,
const NameValueMap &  angles,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1286 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ actuateRobotJointsTorque()

void actuateRobotJointsTorque ( const std::string &  robotName,
const NameValueMap &  torques,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1302 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ actuateRobotJointsVel()

void actuateRobotJointsVel ( const std::string &  robotName,
const NameValueMap &  velocities,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1294 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ addBox()

void addBox ( float  width,
float  height,
float  depth,
float  massKG,
const DrawColor &  color,
const std::string &  instanceName,
const PoseBasePtr &  globalPose,
bool  isStatic = false,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1515 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addObject()

void addObject ( const memoryx::ObjectClassBasePtr &  objectClassBase,
const std::string &  instanceName,
const PoseBasePtr &  globalPose,
bool  isStatic = false,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1365 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addObjectFromFile()

void addObjectFromFile ( const armarx::data::PackagePath &  packagePath,
const std::string &  instanceName,
const PoseBasePtr &  globalPose,
bool  isStatic = false,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1442 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addRobot() [1/2]

std::string addRobot ( const std::string &  filename,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 2570 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addRobot() [2/2]

std::string addRobot ( std::string  robotInstanceName,
const std::string &  robFileGlobal,
Eigen::Matrix4f  gp,
const std::string &  robFile,
double  pid_p = 10.0,
double  pid_i = 0.0,
double  pid_d = 0.0,
bool  isStatic = false,
float  scaling = 1,
bool  colModel = false,
std::map< std::string, float initConfig = std::map<std::string, float>(),
bool  selfCollisions = false 

Returns the name. On failure an empty string is returned.

Definition at line 1990 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addRobotFromFile()

std::string addRobotFromFile ( const armarx::data::PackagePath &  packagePath,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1966 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addScaledRobot()

std::string addScaledRobot ( const std::string &  filename,
float  scale,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 2541 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addScaledRobotName()

std::string addScaledRobotName ( const std::string &  instanceName,
const std::string &  filename,
float  scale,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 2551 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addSnapshot()

bool addSnapshot ( memoryx::WorkingMemorySnapshotInterfacePrx  snapshotInterfacePrx)

Definition at line 1089 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ applyForceObject()

void applyForceObject ( const std::string &  objectName,
const Vector3BasePtr &  force,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1347 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ applyForceRobotNode()

void applyForceRobotNode ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  robotNodeName,
const Vector3BasePtr &  force,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1327 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ applyTorqueObject()

void applyTorqueObject ( const std::string &  objectName,
const Vector3BasePtr &  torque,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1356 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ applyTorqueRobotNode()

void applyTorqueRobotNode ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  robotNodeName,
const Vector3BasePtr &  torque,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1337 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ createPropertyDefinitions()

PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions ( )
See also

Reimplemented from Component.

Definition at line 285 of file Simulator.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getContacts()

ContactInfoSequence getContacts ( const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Returns a list of all contacts. Note that you must call updateContacts() first to enable contacts handling.

Definition at line 2518 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getDefaultName()

std::string getDefaultName ( ) const

Retrieve default name of component.

Implement this method in each IceManagedObject. The default name of a is used if no name is specified in the factory method.

default name of the component (e.g. "KinematicUnit")

Implements ManagedIceObject.

Definition at line 258 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getDistance()

DistanceInfo getDistance ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  robotNodeName,
const std::string &  worldObjectName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 2122 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getFixedTimeStepMS()

int getFixedTimeStepMS ( const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent)
The number of steps * the timestep in MS

Definition at line 1677 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getObjectClassPoses()

ObjectClassInformationSequence getObjectClassPoses ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  frameName,
const std::string &  className,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 2083 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getObjectPose()

PoseBasePtr getObjectPose ( const std::string &  objectName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1851 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getRobotAngularVelocity()

Vector3BasePtr getRobotAngularVelocity ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  nodeName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1787 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getRobotForceTorqueSensors()

ForceTorqueDataSeq getRobotForceTorqueSensors ( const std::string &  robotName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1723 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getRobotJointAngle()

float getRobotJointAngle ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  nodeName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1695 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getRobotJointAngles()

NameValueMap getRobotJointAngles ( const std::string &  robotName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1689 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getRobotJointLimitHi()

float getRobotJointLimitHi ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  nodeName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1737 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getRobotJointLimitLo()

float getRobotJointLimitLo ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  nodeName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1729 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getRobotJointTorques()

NameValueMap getRobotJointTorques ( const std::string &  robotName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1717 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getRobotJointVelocities()

NameValueMap getRobotJointVelocities ( const std::string &  robotName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1703 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getRobotJointVelocity()

float getRobotJointVelocity ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  nodeName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1709 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getRobotLinearVelocity()

Vector3BasePtr getRobotLinearVelocity ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  nodeName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1778 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getRobotMass()

float getRobotMass ( const std::string &  robotName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1683 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getRobotMaxTorque()

float getRobotMaxTorque ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  nodeName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1752 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getRobotNames()

Ice::StringSeq getRobotNames ( const Ice::Current &  )

Definition at line 1599 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getRobotNodeDistance()

DistanceInfo getRobotNodeDistance ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  robotNodeName1,
const std::string &  robotNodeName2,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 2131 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getRobotNodePose()

PoseBasePtr getRobotNodePose ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  robotNodeName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1769 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getRobotPose()

PoseBasePtr getRobotPose ( const std::string &  robotName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1745 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getRobotState()

SimulatedRobotState getRobotState ( const std::string &  robotName,
const Ice::Current &   

Definition at line 2580 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getScene()

SceneVisuData getScene ( const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 1884 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getSimTime()

float getSimTime ( const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 1878 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSimulatorInformation()

SimulatorInformation getSimulatorInformation ( const ::Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 1893 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getSpeed()

Ice::Float getSpeed ( const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 2256 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getStepTimeMS()

Ice::Int getStepTimeMS ( const ::Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 2262 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ getTime()

Ice::Long getTime ( const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 2268 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasObject()

bool hasObject ( const std::string &  instanceName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 2176 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasRobot()

bool hasRobot ( const std::string &  robotName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1836 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasRobotNode()

bool hasRobotNode ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  robotNodeName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1842 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ initializeData()

void initializeData ( )

Definition at line 806 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isRunning()

bool isRunning ( const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 2311 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ loadAgentsFromSnapshot()

bool loadAgentsFromSnapshot ( memoryx::WorkingMemorySnapshotInterfacePrx  snapshotInterfacePrx)

Definition at line 1222 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ objectGrasped()

void objectGrasped ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  robotNodeName,
const std::string &  objectName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

create a joint

Definition at line 1868 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ objectReleased()

void objectReleased ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  robotNodeName,
const std::string &  objectName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

remove a joint

Definition at line 1858 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ onConnectComponent()

void onConnectComponent ( )

Pure virtual hook for the subclass.

Is called once all dependencies of the object have been resolved and Ice connection is established. This hook is called whenever the dependencies are found. That means if the a depedency crashes or shuts down, the ManagedIceObject goes into disconnected state. When the dependencies are found again, this hook is called again.

See also

Implements ManagedIceObject.

Definition at line 933 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ onDisconnectComponent()

void onDisconnectComponent ( )

Hook for subclass.

Is called if a dependency of the object got lost (crash, network error, stopped, ...). This hook should be the inverse to onConnectComponent(). So that onDisconnectComponent() and onConnectComponent() can be called alternatingly and the ManagedIceObject remains in valid states. *

See also

Reimplemented from ManagedIceObject.

Definition at line 994 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ onExitComponent()

void onExitComponent ( )

Hook for subclass.

Is called once the component terminates. Use for cleanup. Only called once.

Reimplemented from ManagedIceObject.

Definition at line 1014 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ onInitComponent()

void onInitComponent ( )

Pure virtual hook for the subclass.

Is called once initialization of the ManagedIceObject is done. This hook is called in the implenting class once and never again during the lifecyle of the object. This function is called as soon as the ManagedIceObject was added to the ArmarXManager. Called in an own thread and not the thread it was created in.

Implements ManagedIceObject.

Definition at line 264 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pause()

void pause ( const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 2238 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reInitialize()

void reInitialize ( const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent)

reInitialize Re-initializes the scene. Removes all robots and objects (and, in case the scene was loaded via a MemoryX snapshot, the working memory is cleared) Then, the setup is re-loaded similar to the startup procedure.

Definition at line 2167 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ removeObject()

void removeObject ( const std::string &  instanceName,
const Ice::Current &   

Definition at line 1608 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ removeRobot()

bool removeRobot ( const std::string &  robotName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 2564 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ reportDataLoop()

void reportDataLoop ( )

Definition at line 2460 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reportVisuLoop()

void reportVisuLoop ( )

Definition at line 2317 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ requestFileManager()

memoryx::GridFileManagerPtr requestFileManager ( )

Definition at line 905 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ resetData()

void resetData ( bool  clearWorkingMemory = false)

resetData Clears all data

clearWorkingMemoryIf set, the working memory is also cleared.

Definition at line 1058 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ run()

void run ( )

Definition at line 2200 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setObjectPose()

void setObjectPose ( const std::string &  objectName,
const PoseBasePtr &  globalPose,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1638 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ setObjectSimulationType()

void setObjectSimulationType ( const std::string &  objectName,
armarx::SimulationType  type,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1656 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ setRobotAngularVelocity()

void setRobotAngularVelocity ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  robotNodeName,
const Vector3BasePtr &  vel,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1806 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ setRobotAngularVelocityRobotRootFrame()

void setRobotAngularVelocityRobotRootFrame ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  robotNodeName,
const Vector3BasePtr &  vel,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1826 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ setRobotLinearVelocity()

void setRobotLinearVelocity ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  robotNodeName,
const Vector3BasePtr &  vel,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1796 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ setRobotLinearVelocityRobotRootFrame()

void setRobotLinearVelocityRobotRootFrame ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  robotNodeName,
const Vector3BasePtr &  vel,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1816 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ setRobotMaxTorque()

void setRobotMaxTorque ( const std::string &  robotName,
const std::string &  nodeName,
float  maxTorque,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1760 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ setRobotPose()

void setRobotPose ( const std::string &  robotName,
const PoseBasePtr &  globalPose,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 1310 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ setSpeed()

void setSpeed ( Ice::Float  newSpeed,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

setSpeed sets the scaling factor for the speed of passing of time e.g.

setSpeed(2) leads to 2 virtual seconds passing every 1 real second (provided the simulation is able to keep up)

newSpeednew scaling factor for speed

Definition at line 2250 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ showContacts()

void showContacts ( bool  enable,
const std::string &  layerName,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 2140 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ shutdownSimulationLoop()

void shutdownSimulationLoop ( )

stop the simulation and join the simulation thread

Definition at line 1039 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ simulationLoop()

void simulationLoop ( )

Definition at line 2077 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ start()

void start ( const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 2182 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stateFromRobotInfo()

SimulatedRobotState stateFromRobotInfo ( RobotInfo const &  robot,
IceUtil::Time  timestamp 

Definition at line 874 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ step()

void step ( const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 2274 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stop()

void stop ( const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent)

Definition at line 2244 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ updateContacts()

void updateContacts ( bool  enable,
const Ice::Current &  c = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Enables the handling of contacts. If you intend to use getContacts(), call this method with enabled = true first.

Definition at line 2535 of file Simulator.cpp.

◆ updateRobotTopics()

bool updateRobotTopics ( )

Definition at line 2036 of file Simulator.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ classInstanceMap

std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > classInstanceMap

Stores all instances that belong to a class.

Definition at line 375 of file Simulator.h.

◆ commonStorageName

std::string commonStorageName

Definition at line 357 of file Simulator.h.

◆ condSimulatorThreadRunning

std::condition_variable condSimulatorThreadRunning

Definition at line 332 of file Simulator.h.

◆ contactLayerName

std::string contactLayerName

Definition at line 370 of file Simulator.h.

◆ currentComTimeMS

float currentComTimeMS = 0

Stores the time that was needed for communictaion.

Definition at line 338 of file Simulator.h.

◆ currentSimTimeMS

float currentSimTimeMS = 0

Stores the time that was needed to perform the last simulation loop.

Definition at line 340 of file Simulator.h.

◆ currentSyncTimeMS

float currentSyncTimeMS = 0

stores the time that was needed to sync the data

Definition at line 342 of file Simulator.h.

◆ entityDrawerPrx

memoryx::EntityDrawerInterfacePrx entityDrawerPrx

Drawing contacts.

Definition at line 367 of file Simulator.h.

◆ fileManager

memoryx::GridFileManagerPtr fileManager

Definition at line 361 of file Simulator.h.

◆ globalRobotLocalization

GlobalRobotPoseLocalizationListenerPrx globalRobotLocalization

Definition at line 349 of file Simulator.h.

◆ lastPublishedContacts

int lastPublishedContacts = 0

Definition at line 372 of file Simulator.h.

◆ longtermMemoryPrx

memoryx::LongtermMemoryInterfacePrx longtermMemoryPrx

Definition at line 360 of file Simulator.h.

◆ memoryPrx

memoryx::WorkingMemoryInterfacePrx memoryPrx

Definition at line 358 of file Simulator.h.

◆ objectFinder

ObjectFinder objectFinder

Constructed once based on the ObjectPackage property.

Definition at line 364 of file Simulator.h.

◆ physicsWorld

SimulatedWorldPtr physicsWorld

Definition at line 334 of file Simulator.h.

◆ priorKnowledgeName

std::string priorKnowledgeName

Definition at line 356 of file Simulator.h.

◆ priorKnowledgePrx

memoryx::PriorKnowledgeInterfacePrx priorKnowledgePrx

Definition at line 359 of file Simulator.h.

◆ publishContacts

bool publishContacts = false

Definition at line 369 of file Simulator.h.

◆ reportDataTask

PeriodicTask<Simulator>::pointer_type reportDataTask

The report data task.

Definition at line 326 of file Simulator.h.

◆ reportRobotPose

bool reportRobotPose = false

Definition at line 350 of file Simulator.h.

◆ reportVisuTask

PeriodicTask<Simulator>::pointer_type reportVisuTask

The report visu task.

Definition at line 324 of file Simulator.h.

◆ reportVisuTimeMS

std::atomic<float> reportVisuTimeMS = 0

Definition at line 354 of file Simulator.h.

◆ simulationTask

PeriodicTask<Simulator>::pointer_type simulationTask

The sim task.

Definition at line 322 of file Simulator.h.

◆ simulatorResetEventTopic

SimulatorResetEventPrx simulatorResetEventTopic

Definition at line 383 of file Simulator.h.

◆ simulatorRunningMutex

std::mutex simulatorRunningMutex

Definition at line 331 of file Simulator.h.

◆ simulatorThreadRunning

bool simulatorThreadRunning = false

Definition at line 329 of file Simulator.h.

◆ simulatorThreadShutdown

bool simulatorThreadShutdown = false

Definition at line 330 of file Simulator.h.

◆ simulatorVisuUpdateListenerPrx

SimulatorListenerInterfacePrx simulatorVisuUpdateListenerPrx

Definition at line 352 of file Simulator.h.

◆ timeserverProxy

SimulatorTimeServerProxyPtr timeserverProxy

Proxy object to offer the Timeserver proxy.

This is a hack to allow offering the proxies "Simulator" and "MasterTimeServer" at once

Definition at line 382 of file Simulator.h.

◆ timeServerSpeed

float timeServerSpeed = 0

Scaling factor for the passing of time.

Definition at line 345 of file Simulator.h.

◆ timeTopicPrx

TimeServerListenerPrx timeTopicPrx

Definition at line 347 of file Simulator.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: