Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 * This file is part of ArmarX.
3 *
4 * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
6 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
7 *
8 * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
9 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 *
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
15 *
16 * @package RobotAPI
17 * @author Raphael Grimm ( raphael dot grimm at kit dot edu )
18 * @date 2017
19 * @copyright
20 * GNU General Public License
21 */
23 #include "BasicControllers.h"
25 #include <algorithm>
30 #include "util/CtrlUtil.h"
32 namespace armarx
33 {
34  float
36  float maxDt,
37  const float currentV,
38  float targetV,
39  float maxV,
40  float acceleration,
41  float deceleration,
42  float directSetVLimit)
43  {
44  dt = std::min(std::abs(dt), std::abs(maxDt));
45  maxV = std::abs(maxV);
46  acceleration = std::abs(acceleration);
47  deceleration = std::abs(deceleration);
48  targetV = std::clamp(targetV, -maxV, maxV);
50  //we can have 3 cases:
51  // 1. we directly set v and ignore acc/dec (if |curr - target| <= limit)
52  // 2. we need to accelerate (if curr and target v have same sign and |curr| < |target|)
53  // 3. we need to decelerate (other cases)
55  //handle case 1
56  const float curverror = targetV - currentV;
57  if (std::abs(curverror) < directSetVLimit)
58  {
59  return targetV;
60  }
62  //handle case 2 + 3
63  const bool accelerate = sign(targetV) == sign(currentV) && // v in same direction
64  std::abs(targetV) > std::abs(currentV); // currently to slow
66  const float usedacc = accelerate ? acceleration : -deceleration;
67  const float maxDeltaV = std::abs(usedacc * dt);
68  if (maxDeltaV >= std::abs(curverror))
69  {
70  //we change our v too much with the used acceleration
71  //but we could reach our target with a lower acceleration ->set the target
73  return targetV;
74  }
75  const float deltaVel = std::clamp(sign(currentV) * usedacc * dt, -maxDeltaV, maxDeltaV);
76  const float nextV = currentV + deltaVel;
77  return nextV;
78  }
80  ////////////////////////////
81  //wip?
82  float
84  float maxDt,
85  float currentV,
86  float targetV,
87  float maxV,
88  float acceleration,
89  float deceleration,
90  float directSetVLimit,
91  float currentPosition,
92  float positionLimitLoSoft,
93  float positionLimitHiSoft,
94  float positionLimitLoHard,
95  float positionLimitHiHard)
96  {
97  if (currentPosition <= positionLimitLoHard || currentPosition >= positionLimitHiHard)
98  {
99  return std::nanf("1");
100  }
102  float softLimitViolation = 0;
103  if (currentPosition <= positionLimitLoSoft)
104  {
105  softLimitViolation = -1;
106  }
107  if (currentPosition >= positionLimitHiSoft)
108  {
109  softLimitViolation = 1;
110  }
112  const float upperDt = std::max(std::abs(dt), std::abs(maxDt));
113  dt = std::min(std::abs(dt), std::abs(maxDt));
114  maxV = std::abs(maxV);
116  //we can have 4 cases:
117  // 1. we need to decelerate now or we will violate the position limits (maybe we still will violate them, e.g. if we violated them initially)
118  // 2. we directly set v and ignore acc/dec (if |curr - target| <= limit)
119  // 3. we need to accelerate (if curr and target v have same sign and |curr| < |target|)
120  // 4. we need to decelerate (other cases)
121  float nextv;
122  //handle case 1
123  const float vsquared = currentV * currentV;
124  const float brakingDist =
125  sign(currentV) * vsquared / 2.f /
126  std::abs(deceleration); //the braking distance points in the direction of the velocity
129  const float posIfBrakingNow = currentPosition + brakingDist;
130  if (posIfBrakingNow <= positionLimitLoSoft || posIfBrakingNow >= positionLimitHiSoft)
131  {
132  //case 1. -> brake now! (we try to have v=0 at the limit)
133  const auto limit =
134  posIfBrakingNow <= positionLimitLoSoft ? positionLimitLoSoft : positionLimitHiSoft;
135  const float wayToGo = limit - currentPosition;
137  //decelerate!
138  // s = v²/(2a) <=> a = v²/(2s)
139  const float dec = std::abs(vsquared / 2.f / wayToGo);
140  const float vel = currentV - sign(currentV) * dec * upperDt;
141  nextv = std::clamp(vel, -maxV, maxV);
142  if (sign(currentV) != sign(nextv))
143  {
144  //stop now
145  nextv = 0;
146  }
147  }
148  else
149  {
150  //handle 2-3
152  dt, maxDt, currentV, targetV, maxV, acceleration, deceleration, directSetVLimit);
153  }
154  if (softLimitViolation == sign(nextv))
155  {
156  //the area between soft and hard limits is sticky
157  //the controller can only move out of it (not further in)
158  return 0;
159  }
161  //the next velocity will not violate the pos bounds harder than they are already
162  return nextv;
163  }
165  float
167  float maxDt,
168  float currentV,
169  float maxV,
170  float acceleration,
171  float deceleration,
172  float currentPosition,
173  float targetPosition,
174  float p)
175  {
176  dt = std::min(std::abs(dt), std::abs(maxDt));
177  maxV = std::abs(maxV);
178  acceleration = std::abs(acceleration);
179  deceleration = std::abs(deceleration);
180  const float signV = sign(currentV);
181  //we can have 3 cases:
182  // 1. we use a p controller and ignore acc/dec (if velocity target from p controller < velocity target from ramp controller)
183  // 2. we need to accelerate (or hold vel) (if e = (targetPosition - currentPosition)
184  // the brakingDistance have the same sign and brakingDistance < e
185  // and currentVel <= maxV)
186  // 3. we need to decelerate (other cases)
188  //handle case 1
189  const float positionError = targetPosition - currentPosition;
190  float newTargetVelPController = positionError * p;
192  //handle case 2-3
193  const float brakingDistance =
194  signV * currentV * currentV / 2.f /
195  deceleration; //the braking distance points in the direction of the velocity
196  const float posIfBrakingNow = currentPosition + brakingDistance;
197  const float posErrorIfBrakingNow = targetPosition - posIfBrakingNow;
199  const bool decelerate =
200  std::abs(currentV) > maxV || // we need to slow down (to stay in [-maxV,maxV]
201  // std::abs(posIfBrakingNow - targetPosition) <= pControlPosErrorLimit || // we want to hit the target
202  sign(posErrorIfBrakingNow) != signV; // we are moving away from the target
203  const float usedacc = decelerate ? -deceleration : acceleration;
204  const float maxDeltaV = std::abs(usedacc * dt);
205  const float deltaVel = std::clamp(signV * usedacc * dt, -maxDeltaV, maxDeltaV);
207  float newTargetVel = std::clamp(currentV + deltaVel, -maxV, maxV);
208  bool usePID = std::abs(newTargetVelPController) < std::abs(newTargetVel);
209  // ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(0.01) << VAROUT(usePID) << VAROUT(dt) << VAROUT(decelerate) << VAROUT(usedacc) << VAROUT(maxDeltaV) << VAROUT(deltaVel) << VAROUT(newTargetVel) << VAROUT(newTargetVelPController)
210  // << VAROUT(currentPosition) << VAROUT(targetPosition);
211  if (usePID)
212  {
213  return newTargetVelPController;
214  }
215  else
216  {
217  return newTargetVel;
218  }
219  }
221  float
223  float maxDt,
224  float currentV,
225  float maxV,
226  float acceleration,
227  float deceleration,
228  float currentPosition,
229  float targetPosition,
230  float p,
231  float positionLimitLo,
232  float positionLimitHi
234  )
235  {
236  dt = std::min(std::abs(dt), std::abs(maxDt));
237  maxV = std::abs(maxV);
238  acceleration = std::abs(acceleration);
239  deceleration = std::abs(deceleration);
240  const float signV = sign(currentV);
241  //we can have 4 cases:
242  // 1. we need to decelerate now or we will violate the position limits (maybe we still will violate them)
243  // 2. we use a p controller and ignore acc/dec (if |currentPosition - targetPosition| <= pControlPosErrorLimit AND |currentPosition - targetPosition|*p < maxV)
244  // 4. we need to accelerate (or hold vel) (if e = (targetPosition - currentPosition)
245  // and the brakingDistance have the same sign and brakingDistance < e
246  // and currentVel <= maxV)
247  // 5. we need to decelerate (other cases)
249  //handle case 1
250  const float vsquared = currentV * currentV;
251  const float brakingDistance =
252  signV * vsquared / 2.f /
253  deceleration; //the braking distance points in the direction of the velocity
254  const float posIfBrakingNow = currentPosition + brakingDistance;
255  if (posIfBrakingNow <= positionLimitLo || posIfBrakingNow >= positionLimitHi)
256  {
257  //case 1. -> brake now! (we try to have v=0 at the limit)
258  const auto limit = brakingDistance > 0 ? positionLimitHi : positionLimitLo;
259  const float wayToGo = std::abs(limit - currentPosition);
260  // s = v²/(2a) <=> a = v²/(2s)
261  const float dec = std::abs(vsquared / 2.f / wayToGo);
262  const float vel = currentV - signV * dec * dt;
263  return vel;
264  }
266  //handle case 2-3
268  dt,
269  maxDt,
270  currentV,
271  maxV,
272  acceleration,
273  deceleration,
274  currentPosition,
275  std::clamp(targetPosition, positionLimitLo, positionLimitHi),
276  p);
277  }
279  ////////////////////////////
280  //wip
283  float
285  float dt,
286  float maxDt,
287  float currentV,
288  float maxV,
289  float acceleration,
290  float deceleration,
291  float currentPosition,
292  float targetPosition,
293  float pControlPosErrorLimit,
294  float p,
295  float& direction,
296  float positionPeriodLo,
297  float positionPeriodHi)
298  {
299  currentPosition = periodicClamp(currentPosition, positionPeriodLo, positionPeriodHi);
300  targetPosition = periodicClamp(targetPosition, positionPeriodLo, positionPeriodHi);
302  const float brakingDist = brakingDistance(currentV, deceleration);
303  const float posIfBrakingNow = currentPosition + brakingDist;
304  const float posIfBrakingNowError = targetPosition - posIfBrakingNow;
305  const float posError = targetPosition - currentPosition;
306  if (std::abs(posIfBrakingNowError) <= pControlPosErrorLimit ||
307  std::abs(posError) <= pControlPosErrorLimit)
308  {
309  //this allows slight overshooting (in the limits of the p controller)
311  maxDt,
312  currentV,
313  maxV,
314  acceleration,
315  deceleration,
316  currentPosition,
317  targetPosition,
318  p);
319  }
321  //we transform the problem with periodic bounds into
322  //a problem with position bounds
323  const float positionPeriodLength = std::abs(positionPeriodHi - positionPeriodLo);
325  //we shift the positions such that 0 == target
326  currentPosition =
327  periodicClamp(currentPosition - targetPosition, 0.f, positionPeriodLength);
328  //how many times will we go ovet the target if we simply bake now?
329  const float overshoot = std::trunc((currentPosition + brakingDist) / positionPeriodLength);
331  if (true || direction == 0)
332  {
333  //determine the direction to go (1 == pos vel, -1 == neg vel)
334  direction = (periodicClamp(currentPosition + brakingDist, 0.f, positionPeriodLength) >=
335  positionPeriodLength / 2)
336  ? 1
337  : -1;
338  }
339  //shift the target away from 0
340  targetPosition = (overshoot - std::min(0.f, -direction)) *
341  positionPeriodLength; // - direction * pControlPosErrorLimit;
343  //move
345  maxDt,
346  currentV,
347  maxV,
348  acceleration,
349  deceleration,
350  currentPosition,
351  targetPosition,
352  p);
353  }
355  bool
357  {
358  return maxV > 0 && acceleration > 0 && deceleration > 0 && targetV <= maxV &&
359  targetV >= -maxV;
360  }
362  float
364  {
365  const float useddt = std::min(std::abs(dt), std::abs(maxDt));
367  //we can have 3 cases:
368  // 1. we directly set v and ignore acc/dec (if |curr - target| <= limit)
369  // 2. we need to accelerate (if curr and target v have same sign and |curr| < |target|)
370  // 3. we need to decelerate (other cases)
371  //handle case 1
372  const float curverror = targetV - currentV;
373  if (std::abs(curverror) < directSetVLimit)
374  {
375  return targetV;
376  }
378  //handle case 2 + 3
379  const bool accelerate = sign(targetV) == sign(currentV) && // v in same direction
380  std::abs(targetV) > std::abs(currentV); // currently to slow
382  const float usedacc = accelerate ? acceleration : -deceleration;
383  const float maxDeltaV = std::abs(usedacc * useddt);
384  if (maxDeltaV >= std::abs(curverror))
385  {
386  //we change our v too much with the used acceleration
387  //but we could reach our target with a lower acceleration ->set the target
389  return targetV;
390  }
391  const float deltaVel = std::clamp(sign(currentV) * usedacc * useddt, -maxDeltaV, maxDeltaV);
392  const float nextV = currentV + deltaVel;
393  return nextV;
394  }
396  bool
398  {
399  return maxV > 0 && jerk > 0 && targetV <= maxV && targetV >= -maxV;
400  }
404  {
405  const double useddt = std::min(std::abs(dt), std::abs(maxDt));
407  //we can have 3 cases:
408  // 1. we directly set v and ignore acc/dec (if |curr - target| <= limit)
409  // 2. we need to accelerate (if curr and target v have same sign and |curr| < |target|)
410  // 3. we need to decelerate (other cases)
411  //handle case 1
412  const double clampedTargetV = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(targetV, maxV);
413  const double curverror = clampedTargetV - currentV;
414  if (std::abs(curverror) < directSetVLimit)
415  {
416  // double nextAcc = (clampedTargetV - currentV) / useddt; // calculated acc is unstable!!!
417  // double nextJerk = (nextAcc - currentAcc) / useddt;
418  Output result{clampedTargetV, 0, 0};
420  return result;
421  }
423  //handle case 2 + 3
424  // const bool accelerate = sign(clampedTargetV) == sign(currentV) && // v in same direction
425  // std::abs(clampedTargetV) > std::abs(currentV); // currently to slow
426  const auto goalDir = math::MathUtils::Sign(clampedTargetV - currentV);
427  // calculate if we need to increase or decrease acc
428  bool increaseAcc = true;
429  if (goalDir == math::MathUtils::Sign(currentAcc))
430  {
431  // double t_to_v = ctrlutil::t_to_v(clampedTargetV - currentV, currentAcc, goalDir * jerk);
432  // double acc_at_t = ctrlutil::a(t_to_v, std::abs(currentAcc), -jerk);
433  // increaseJerk = acc_at_t < 0.0;
435  double t_to_zero_acc = std::abs(currentAcc) / jerk;
436  double v_at_t = ctrlutil::v(t_to_zero_acc, currentV, currentAcc, -goalDir * jerk);
437  increaseAcc = math::MathUtils::Sign(v_at_t - clampedTargetV) != goalDir;
438  // ARMARX_INFO << VAROUT(t_to_zero_acc) << VAROUT(v_at_t) << VAROUT(increaseAcc);
439  }
440  // v = a*a/(2j)
441  const double adjustedJerk =
442  std::abs(currentAcc * currentAcc / (2 * (clampedTargetV - currentV)));
443  double usedJerk = increaseAcc
444  ? goalDir * jerk
445  : -goalDir * ((std::abs(currentV) > 0.01 && !std::isnan(adjustedJerk))
446  ? adjustedJerk
447  : jerk);
448  // double t_to_target_v = ctrlutil::t_to_v(clampedTargetV - currentV, currentAcc, usedJerk);
449  // double v_at_t2 = ctrlutil::v(t_to_target_v, currentV, currentAcc, usedJerk);
450  // ctrlutil::t_to_v(currentV, currentAcc, jerk);
451  // const double usedacc = currentAcc + useddt * usedJerk;
452  // const double maxDeltaVSimple = usedacc * useddt;
454  const double maxDeltaV = std::abs(ctrlutil::v(useddt, 0, currentAcc, usedJerk));
455  if (maxDeltaV >= std::abs(curverror))
456  {
457  //we change our v too much with the used acceleration
458  //but we could reach our target with a lower acceleration ->set the target
459  double nextAcc = (clampedTargetV - currentV) / useddt;
460  double nextJerk = (nextAcc - currentAcc) / useddt;
461  // ARMARX_INFO << "overshooting! " << VAROUT(clampedTargetV) << VAROUT(nextAcc) << VAROUT(nextJerk);
462  Output result{clampedTargetV, nextAcc, nextJerk};
463  return result;
464  }
465  // const double deltaVel = boost::algorithm::clamp(sign(currentV) * usedacc * useddt, -maxDeltaV, maxDeltaV);
466  const double nextV = ctrlutil::v(useddt, currentV, currentAcc, usedJerk);
467  const double nextAcc = ctrlutil::a(useddt, currentAcc, usedJerk);
468  // ARMARX_INFO << VAROUT(clampedTargetV) << VAROUT(nextV) << VAROUT(nextAcc) << VAROUT(usedJerk);
469  Output result{nextV, nextAcc, usedJerk};
470  return result;
471  }
473  float
475  {
476  const float curverror = std::abs(targetV - currentV);
477  if (curverror < directSetVLimit)
478  {
479  return maxDt;
480  }
481  return curverror / ((targetV > currentV) ? acceleration : deceleration);
482  }
484  bool
486  {
488  // positionLimitLoHard < positionLimitLoSoft &&
490  // positionLimitHiSoft < positionLimitHiHard;
491  }
493  float
495  {
496  // if (currentPosition <= positionLimitLoHard || currentPosition >= positionLimitHiHard)
497  // {
498  // ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << "Hard limit violation. " << VAROUT(currentPosition) << VAROUT(positionLimitLoHard) << VAROUT(positionLimitHiHard);
499  // return std::nanf("1");
500  // }
502  float softLimitViolation = 0;
504  {
505  softLimitViolation = -1;
506  }
508  {
509  softLimitViolation = 1;
510  }
512  const float upperDt = std::max(std::abs(dt), std::abs(maxDt));
514  //we can have 4 cases:
515  // 1. we need to decelerate now or we will violate the position limits (maybe we still will violate them, e.g. if we violated them initially)
516  // 2. we directly set v and ignore acc/dec (if |curr - target| <= limit)
517  // 3. we need to accelerate (if curr and target v have same sign and |curr| < |target|)
518  // 4. we need to decelerate (other cases)
519  float nextv;
520  //handle case 1
521  const float vsquared = currentV * currentV;
522  const float brakingDist =
523  sign(currentV) * vsquared / 2.f /
524  std::abs(deceleration); //the braking distance points in the direction of the velocity
526  const float posIfBrakingNow = currentPosition + brakingDist;
527  // ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << VAROUT(currentPosition) << VAROUT(positionLimitLoSoft) << VAROUT(positionLimitHiSoft) << VAROUT(posIfBrakingNow);
528  if ((posIfBrakingNow <= positionLimitLoSoft && currentV < 0) ||
529  (posIfBrakingNow >= positionLimitHiSoft && currentV > 0))
530  {
531  //case 1. -> brake now! (we try to have v=0 at the limit)
532  const auto limit =
534  const float wayToGo = limit - currentPosition;
536  //decelerate!
537  // s = v²/(2a) <=> a = v²/(2s)
538  const float dec = std::abs(vsquared / 2.f / wayToGo);
539  const float vel = currentV - sign(currentV) * dec * upperDt;
540  nextv = std::clamp(vel, -maxV, maxV);
541  // ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << "clamped new Vel: " << VAROUT(nextv);
542  if (sign(currentV) != sign(nextv))
543  {
544  // ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << "wrong sign: stopping"; //stop now
545  nextv = 0;
546  }
547  }
548  else
549  {
550  //handle 2-3
552  // ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << "Desired target Vel: " << targetV << " " << VAROUT(nextv);
553  }
554  if (softLimitViolation == sign(nextv) && nextv != 0)
555  {
556  //the area between soft and hard limits is sticky
557  //the controller can only move out of it (not further in)
558  // ARMARX_DEBUG << deactivateSpam(1) << "Soft limit violation. " << softLimitViolation << VAROUT(nextv);
559  return 0;
560  }
562  //the next velocity will not violate the pos bounds harder than they are already
563  return nextv;
564  }
568  {
569 #ifdef DEBUG_POS_CTRL
570  buffer = boost::circular_buffer<HelpStruct>(20);
571 #endif
572  pid.reset(new PIDController(1, 0, 0));
573  pid->threadSafe = false;
574  }
576  float
578  {
579  /* s = v_0*v_0/(2*a) -> sqrt(s*2*a) = v_0;
581  K_p * error = v_0; -> v_0/error = K_p;
582  */
583  auto v_0 = std::sqrt(pControlPosErrorLimit * 2 * deceleration);
584  return v_0 / pControlPosErrorLimit;
585  }
587  bool
589  {
590  return maxV > 0 && acceleration > 0 && deceleration > 0 &&
591  // pControlPosErrorLimit > 0 &&
592  // pControlVelLimit > 0 &&
593  pid->Kp > 0;
594  }
596  float
598  {
599  const float useddt = std::min(std::abs(dt), std::abs(maxDt));
600  const float signV = sign(currentV);
601  //we can have 3 cases:
602  // 1. we use a p controller and ignore acc/dec (if |currentPosition - targetPosition| <= pControlPosErrorLimit AND |currentV| < pControlVelLimit)
603  // 2. we need to accelerate (or hold vel) (if e = (targetPosition - currentPosition)
604  // the brakingDistance have the same sign and brakingDistance < e
605  // and currentVel <= maxV)
606  // 3. we need to decelerate (other cases)
608  //handle case 1
609  const float positionError = targetPosition - currentPosition;
610  pid->update((double)useddt, (double)currentPosition, (double)targetPosition);
611  float newTargetVelPController = pid->getControlValue();
613  //handle case 2-3
614  const float brakingDistance =
615  signV * currentV * currentV / 2.f /
616  deceleration; //the braking distance points in the direction of the velocity
617  const float posIfBrakingNow = currentPosition + brakingDistance;
618  const float posErrorIfBrakingNow = targetPosition - posIfBrakingNow;
619  const bool hardBrakingNeeded = std::abs(brakingDistance) > std::abs(positionError);
620  const float safePositionError =
621  (std::abs(positionError) < 0.0001) ? (sign(positionError) * 0.0001) : positionError;
622  const float usedDeceleration = hardBrakingNeeded
623  ? std::abs(currentV * currentV / 2.f / safePositionError)
624  : deceleration;
626  const bool decelerate =
627  std::abs(currentV) > maxV || // we need to slow down (to stay in [-maxV,maxV]
628  hardBrakingNeeded ||
629  sign(posErrorIfBrakingNow) != signV; // we are moving away from the target
631  const float usedacc = decelerate ? -usedDeceleration : acceleration;
632  const float deltaVel = signV * usedacc * useddt;
633  float newTargetVelRampCtrl = std::clamp(currentV + deltaVel, -maxV, maxV);
634  bool PIDActive = /*std::abs(newTargetVelPController) < std::abs(newTargetVelRampCtrl)
635  || std::abs(newTargetVelPController) < pControlVelLimit ||*/
636  std::abs(positionError) < pControlPosErrorLimit;
637  // if (currentlyPIDActive != PIDActive && PIDActive)
638  // {
639  // ARMARX_INFO << "Switching to PID mode: " << VAROUT(positionError) << VAROUT(newTargetVelPController) << VAROUT(newTargetVelRampCtrl);
640  // }
641  this->currentlyPIDActive = PIDActive;
642  float finalTargetVel =
643  (currentlyPIDActive) ? newTargetVelPController : newTargetVelRampCtrl;
644  if (std::abs(positionError) < accuracy)
645  {
646  return 0.0; // if close to target set zero velocity to avoid oscillating around target
647  }
648  // if (hardBrakingNeeded)
649  // {
650  // ARMARX_INFO /*<< deactivateSpam(0.1)*/ << "Hard braking! " << VAROUT(positionError) << VAROUT(brakingDistance) << VAROUT(finalTargetVel) << VAROUT(currentV);
651  // }
652  // if (decelerate)
653  // {
654  // ARMARX_INFO /*<< deactivateSpam(0.1)*/ << "Decelerating! " << VAROUT(targetPosition) << VAROUT(currentPosition) << VAROUT(positionError) << VAROUT(brakingDistance) << VAROUT(finalTargetVel) << VAROUT(currentV) <<
655  // VAROUT(usedacc) << VAROUT(deltaVel) << VAROUT(useddt);
656  // }
657 #ifdef DEBUG_POS_CTRL
658  buffer.push_back({currentPosition,
659  newTargetVelPController,
660  newTargetVelRampCtrl,
661  currentV,
662  positionError,
663  IceUtil::Time::now().toMicroSeconds()});
665  // if (PIDModeActive != usePID)
666  if (buffer.size() > 0 &&
667  sign(positionError) * sign(buffer[buffer.size() - 2].currentError) < 0 &&
668  eventHappeningCounter < 0)
669  {
670  eventHappeningCounter = 10;
672  }
673  if (eventHappeningCounter == 0)
674  {
676  for (auto& elem : buffer)
677  {
678  ARMARX_INFO << VAROUT(elem.currentPosition) << VAROUT(elem.targetVelocityPID)
679  << VAROUT(elem.targetVelocityRAMP) << VAROUT(elem.currentV)
680  << VAROUT(elem.currentError) << VAROUT(elem.timestamp);
681  }
682  ARMARX_IMPORTANT << VAROUT(newTargetVelPController) << VAROUT(newTargetVelRampCtrl)
683  << VAROUT(currentPosition) << VAROUT(usePID) << VAROUT(positionError);
684  }
685  if (eventHappeningCounter >= 0)
686  {
687  eventHappeningCounter--;
688  }
690  ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(5) << VAROUT(newTargetVelPController)
691  << VAROUT(newTargetVelRampCtrl) << VAROUT(currentPosition) << VAROUT(usePID)
692  << VAROUT(positionError) << VAROUT(targetPosition) << VAROUT(currentV)
693  << VAROUT(deltaVel) << VAROUT(useddt) << VAROUT(usedacc);
694  PIDModeActive = usePID;
695 #endif
697  return finalTargetVel;
698  }
700  float
702  {
703  // const float brakingDistance = sign(currentV) * currentV * currentV / 2.f / deceleration;
704  const float posError = targetPosition - currentPosition;
705  const float posIfBrakingNow = currentPosition + brakingDistance(currentV, deceleration);
706  //we are near the goal if we break now
707  // if (std::abs(posIfBrakingNow - targetPosition) <= pControlPosErrorLimit && currentV <= pControlVelLimit)
708  // {
709  // return std::sqrt(2 * std::abs(brakingDistance(currentV, deceleration)) / deceleration);
710  // }
711  const float posErrorIfBrakingNow = targetPosition - posIfBrakingNow;
713  float t = 0;
714  float curVel = currentV;
715  float curPos = currentPosition;
716  auto curPosEr = [&] { return targetPosition - curPos; };
717  // auto curBrake = [&] {return std::abs(brakingDistance(curVel, deceleration));};
719  //check for overshooting of target
720  if (sign(posError) != sign(posErrorIfBrakingNow))
721  {
722  t = currentV / deceleration;
723  curVel = 0;
724  curPos = posIfBrakingNow;
725  }
726  // //check for to high v
727  // if (std::abs(curVel) > maxV)
728  // {
729  // const float dv = curVel - maxV;
730  // float dt = dv / deceleration;
731  // t += dt;
732  // // curPos += 0.5f / deceleration * dv * dv * sign(curVel);
733  // curPos += 0.5 * deceleration * dt * dt + curVel * dt * sign(curVel);
734  // curVel = maxV;
735  // }
736  //curBrake()<=curPosEr() && curVel <= maxV
737  // auto tr = trapeze(curVel, acceleration, maxV, deceleration, 0, curPosEr());
738  auto tr = trapeze(curVel,
739  std::abs(curVel) > maxV ? deceleration : acceleration,
740  maxV,
741  deceleration,
742  0,
743  curPosEr());
745  return t + + +;
746  }
748  bool
750  {
752  !std::isnan(positionLimitLo) && !std::isnan(positionLimitHi) &&
755  }
757  float
759  {
760  const float useddt = std::min(std::abs(dt), std::abs(maxDt));
761  const float signV = sign(currentV);
762  //we can have 4 cases:
763  // 1. we need to decelerate now or we will violate the position limits (maybe we still will violate them)
764  // 2. we use a p controller and ignore acc/dec (if |currentPosition - targetPosition| <= pControlPosErrorLimit AND |currentPosition - targetPosition|*p < maxV)
765  // 4. we need to accelerate (or hold vel) (if e = (targetPosition - currentPosition)
766  // and the brakingDistance have the same sign and brakingDistance < e
767  // and currentVel <= maxV)
768  // 5. we need to decelerate (other cases)
769  //handle case 1
770  const float vsquared = currentV * currentV;
771  const float brakingDistance =
772  signV * vsquared / 2.f /
773  deceleration; //the braking distance points in the direction of the velocity
774  const float posIfBrakingNow = currentPosition + brakingDistance;
775  float direction = targetPosition < currentPosition ? -1 : 1;
776  // ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(0.5) << VAROUT(direction) << VAROUT(brakingDistance) << VAROUT(currentPosition) << VAROUT(targetPosition);
777  if ((posIfBrakingNow <= positionLimitLo && direction < 1) ||
778  (posIfBrakingNow >= positionLimitHi && direction > 1))
779  {
780  //case 1. -> brake now! (we try to have v=0 at the limit)
781  const auto limit = brakingDistance > 0 ? positionLimitHi : positionLimitLo;
782  const float wayToGo = std::abs(limit - currentPosition);
783  // s = v²/(2a) <=> a = v²/(2s)
784  const float dec = std::abs(vsquared / 2.f / wayToGo);
785  const float vel = currentV - signV * dec * useddt;
786  // ARMARX_INFO << /*deactivateSpam(0.1) <<*/ "Braking now! " << VAROUT(vel) << VAROUT(wayToGo) << VAROUT(limit);
787  return vel;
788  }
790  //handle case 2-3
792  }
794  std::array<deltas, 3>
795  trapeze(float v0, float acc, float vMax, float dec, float vt, float dx)
796  {
797  acc = std::abs(acc);
798  vMax = std::abs(vMax);
799  dec = std::abs(dec);
800  auto calc = [&](float vmax)
801  {
802  const deltas dacc = accelerateToVelocity(v0, acc, vmax);
803  const deltas ddec = accelerateToVelocity(vmax, dec, vt);
804  const float dxMax = dacc.dx + ddec.dx;
805  if (sign(dxMax) == sign(dx))
806  {
807  if (std::abs(dxMax) <= dx)
808  {
809  deltas mid;
810  mid.dx = dxMax - dx;
811  mid.dv = vMax;
812  mid.dt = std::abs(mid.dx / mid.dv);
813  return std::make_pair(true, std::array<deltas, 3>{dacc, mid, ddec});
814  }
815  //we need a lower vMax (vx)
816  //in all following formulas # elem {0,t}
817  //a0=acc , at = dec
818  //vx=v0+dv0 = vt + dvt -> dv# = vx-v#
819  //dx=dx0+dxt
820  //dx#=dv#^2/2/a#+dv#/a#*v#
821  //dx#=(vx-v#)^2/2/a#+(vx-v#)/a#*v#
822  //dx#=vx^2*(1/2/a#) + vx*(v#/2 - v#/a#) + (v#^2/2/a# - v#^2/2)
823  //dx=vx^2*(1/2/a0+1/2/at) + vx*(v0/2 - v0/a0 + vt/2 - vt/at) + (v0^2/2/a0 - v0^2/2 +vt^2/2/at - vt^2/2)
824  //0 =vx^2*(1/2/a0+1/2/at) + vx*(v0/2 - v0/a0 + vt/2 - vt/at) + (v0^2/2/a0 - v0^2/2 +vt^2/2/at - vt^2/2 -dx)
825  //div = (1/2/a0 + 1/2/at )
826  //p = (v0/2 - v0/a0 + vt/2 - vt/at )/div
827  //q = (v0^2/2/a0 - v0^2/2 + vt^2/2/at - vt^2/2 -dx)/div
828  // -> vx1/2 = pq(p,q)
829  const float a0 = acc;
830  const float at = dec;
831  const float div = (1.f / 2.f / a0 + 1.f / 2.f / at);
832  const float p = (v0 / 2.f - v0 / a0 + vt / 2.f - vt / at) / div;
833  const float q =
834  (v0 * v0 / 2.f * (1.f / a0 - 1.f) + vt * vt / 2.f * (1.f / at - 1.f) - dx) /
835  div;
836  const auto vxs = pq(p, q);
837  //one or both of the results may be invalid
838  bool vx1Valid = std::isfinite(vxs.first) && std::abs(vxs.first) <= std::abs(vmax);
839  bool vx2Valid = std::isfinite(vxs.second) && std::abs(vxs.second) <= std::abs(vmax);
840  switch (vx1Valid + vx2Valid)
841  {
842  case 0:
843  return std::make_pair(false, std::array<deltas, 3>());
844  case 1:
845  {
846  float vx = vx1Valid ? vxs.first : vxs.second;
847  const deltas daccvx = accelerateToVelocity(v0, acc, vx);
848  const deltas ddecvx = accelerateToVelocity(vx, dec, vt);
849  deltas mid;
850  mid.dx = 0;
851  mid.dv = vx;
852  mid.dt = 0;
853  return std::make_pair(true, std::array<deltas, 3>{daccvx, mid, ddecvx});
854  }
855  case 2:
856  {
857  const deltas daccvx1 = accelerateToVelocity(v0, acc, vxs.first);
858  const deltas ddecvx1 = accelerateToVelocity(vxs.first, dec, vt);
859  const deltas daccvx2 = accelerateToVelocity(v0, acc, vxs.second);
860  const deltas ddecvx2 = accelerateToVelocity(vxs.second, dec, vt);
861  deltas mid;
862  mid.dx = 0;
863  mid.dt = 0;
864  if (daccvx1.dt + ddecvx1.dt < daccvx2.dt + ddecvx2.dt)
865  {
866  mid.dv = vxs.first;
867  return std::make_pair(true,
868  std::array<deltas, 3>{daccvx1, mid, ddecvx1});
869  }
870  mid.dv = vxs.second;
871  return std::make_pair(true, std::array<deltas, 3>{daccvx2, mid, ddecvx2});
872  }
873  default:
874  throw std::logic_error{"unreachable code (bool + bool neither 0,1,2)"};
875  }
876  }
877  return std::make_pair(false, std::array<deltas, 3>());
878  };
880  const auto plusVMax = calc(vMax);
881  const auto negVMax = calc(-vMax);
882  switch (plusVMax.first + negVMax.first)
883  {
884  case 0:
885  throw std::invalid_argument("could not find a trapez to reach the goal");
886  case 1:
887  return plusVMax.first ? plusVMax.second : negVMax.second;
888  case 2:
889  {
890  const float dt1 =
891 + +;
892  const float dt2 =
893 + +;
894  return dt1 < dt2 ? plusVMax.second : negVMax.second;
895  }
896  default:
897  throw std::logic_error{"unreachable code (bool + bool neither 0,1,2)"};
898  }
899  }
901  float
903  {
904  //run should be static, but we need to adapt the parabs for the subcontroler -> have the subcontroler as value;
906  *this; // slice parent class from this
908  // ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << VAROUT(currentPosition) << VAROUT(sub.currentPosition) << VAROUT(positionPeriodLo) << VAROUT(positionPeriodHi);
911  const float brakingDist = brakingDistance(currentV, deceleration);
912  // const float posIfBrakingNow = currentPosition + brakingDist;
913  // const float posIfBrakingNowError = targetPosition - posIfBrakingNow;
914  // const float posError = targetPosition - currentPosition;
915  // if (
916  // std::abs(posIfBrakingNowError) <= pControlPosErrorLimit ||
917  // std::abs(posError) <= pControlPosErrorLimit
918  // )
919  // {
920  // //this allows slight overshooting (in the limits of the p controller)
921  // return PositionThroughVelocityControllerWithAccelerationBounds::run();
922  // }
924  //we transform the problem with periodic bounds into
925  //a problem with position bounds
926  const float positionPeriodLength = std::abs(positionPeriodHi - positionPeriodLo);
928  //we shift the positions such that 0 == target
929  sub.currentPosition = periodicClamp(currentPosition - targetPosition,
930  -positionPeriodLength * 0.5f,
931  positionPeriodLength * 0.5f);
932  //how many times will we go over the target if we simply brake now?
933  const float overshoot = std::trunc((currentPosition + brakingDist) / positionPeriodLength);
935  ///TODO check if there may be a case requiring the direction
936  float direction = 0;
937  if (direction == 0)
938  {
939  //determine the direction to go (1 == pos vel, -1 == neg vel)
940  direction = (periodicClamp(currentPosition + brakingDist,
941  -positionPeriodLength * 0.5f,
942  positionPeriodLength * 0.5f) <= 0)
943  ? 1
944  : -1;
945  }
946  //shift the target away from 0
947  sub.targetPosition =
948  (overshoot * -direction) * positionPeriodLength; // - direction * pControlPosErrorLimit;
950  //move
951  return;
952  }
954  double
956  {
957  return targetPosition;
958  }
960  bool
962  {
963  return currentlyPIDActive;
964  }
966  void
968  {
969  if (std::abs(value - targetPosition) > 0.0001)
970  {
972  }
974  }
978  {
979  }
981  bool
983  {
984  return maxV > 0 && acceleration > 0 && deceleration > 0 && jerk > 0 &&
985  // pControlPosErrorLimit > 0 &&
986  // pControlVelLimit > 0 &&
987  p > 0;
988  }
992  {
994  const double useddt = std::min(std::abs(dt), std::abs(maxDt));
995  const double signV = sign(currentV);
996  //we can have 3 cases:
997  // 1. we use a p controller and ignore acc/dec (if |currentPosition - targetPosition| <= pControlPosErrorLimit AND |currentV| < pControlVelLimit)
998  // 2. we need to accelerate (or hold vel) (if e = (targetPosition - currentPosition)
999  // the brakingDistance have the same sign and brakingDistance < e
1000  // and currentVel <= maxV)
1001  // 3. we need to decelerate (other cases)
1003  //handle case 1
1004  const double positionError = targetPosition - currentPosition;
1005  double newTargetVelPController = (positionError * p) * 0.5 + currentV * 0.5;
1007  //handle case 2-3
1009  if (brData.dt2 < 0)
1010  {
1012  }
1013  const auto goalDir = math::MathUtils::Sign(targetPosition - currentPosition);
1014  // State currentState;
1015  double usedAbsJerk;
1016  State newState;
1017  Output output;
1018  std::tie(newState, output) = calcState();
1019  usedAbsJerk = output.jerk;
1020  // double newJerk = output.jerk;
1021  // double newAcceleration = output.acceleration;
1022  // ARMARX_INFO << "state: " << (int)state << " new state: " << (int)newState;
1023  state = newState;
1024  const double brakingDistance =
1025  brData.dt2 >= 0
1026  ? brData.s_total
1027  : signV * currentV * currentV / 2.f /
1028  deceleration; //the braking distance points in the direction of the velocity
1029  const double posIfBrakingNow = currentPosition + brakingDistance;
1030  const double posErrorIfBrakingNow = targetPosition - posIfBrakingNow;
1031  const bool hardBrakingNeeded = std::abs(brakingDistance) > std::abs(positionError);
1032  // const double usedJerk = jerk;//currentState==State::DecAccDecJerk?std::abs(ctrlutil::jerk(ctrlutil::t_to_v(currentV, -signV*currentAcc, signV*jerk), positionError, currentV, currentAcc))
1033  // :jerk;
1034  const double jerkDir =
1035  (newState == State::DecAccIncJerk || newState == State::IncAccDecJerk) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
1036  const double usedJerk = goalDir * jerkDir * usedAbsJerk;
1037  const double deltaAcc = usedJerk * useddt;
1038  const double newAcceleration =
1039  (newState == State::Keep)
1040  ? currentAcc
1041  : (newState == State::DecAccDecJerk ? output.acceleration : currentAcc + deltaAcc);
1042  result.acceleration = newAcceleration;
1043  result.jerk = usedJerk;
1045  const double usedDeceleration =
1046  hardBrakingNeeded ? -std::abs(currentV * currentV / 2.f /
1047  math::MathUtils::LimitTo(positionError, 0.0001))
1048  : newAcceleration;
1049  (void)usedDeceleration;
1051  const bool decelerate =
1052  std::abs(currentV) > maxV || // we need to slow down (to stay in [-maxV,maxV]
1053  hardBrakingNeeded ||
1054  sign(posErrorIfBrakingNow) != signV; // we are moving away from the target
1055  (void)decelerate;
1057  const double deltaVel =
1058  ctrlutil::v(useddt, 0, newAcceleration, usedJerk); //signV * newAcceleration * useddt;
1059  (void)deltaVel;
1061  double newTargetVelRampCtrl =
1062  ctrlutil::v(useddt,
1063  currentV,
1064  currentAcc,
1065  usedJerk); //boost::algorithm::clamp(currentV + deltaVel, -maxV, maxV);
1066  newTargetVelRampCtrl = std::clamp(newTargetVelRampCtrl, -maxV, maxV);
1067  bool usePID = std::abs(newTargetVelPController) < std::abs(newTargetVelRampCtrl); //||
1068  // std::abs(newTargetVelPController) < pControlVelLimit &&
1069  //std::abs(positionError) < pControlPosErrorLimit;
1070  usePID |= state == State::PCtrl;
1071  usePID &= usePIDAtEnd;
1072  if (usePID)
1073  {
1074  state = State::PCtrl;
1075  }
1076  double finalTargetVel = usePID ? newTargetVelPController : newTargetVelRampCtrl;
1077  ARMARX_INFO << VAROUT(usePID) << VAROUT(result.jerk) << VAROUT(newTargetVelPController)
1078  << VAROUT(currentV);
1079  // ARMARX_INFO << VAROUT(currentV) << VAROUT(currentAcc) << VAROUT(usedJerk) << VAROUT(newAcceleration) << VAROUT(deltaVel) << VAROUT(finalTargetVel) << " new distance: " << (targetPosition - ctrlutil::s(dt, currentPosition, currentV, currentAcc, usedJerk));
1080  if (std::abs(positionError) < accuracy)
1081  {
1082  finalTargetVel =
1083  0.0f; // if close to target set zero velocity to avoid oscillating around target
1084  }
1086 #ifdef DEBUG_POS_CTRL
1087  buffer.push_back({currentPosition,
1088  newTargetVelPController,
1089  newTargetVelRampCtrl,
1090  currentV,
1091  positionError,
1092  IceUtil::Time::now().toMicroSeconds()});
1094  // if (PIDModeActive != usePID)
1095  if (buffer.size() > 0 &&
1096  sign(positionError) * sign(buffer[buffer.size() - 2].currentError) < 0 &&
1097  eventHappeningCounter < 0)
1098  {
1099  eventHappeningCounter = 10;
1101  }
1102  if (eventHappeningCounter == 0)
1103  {
1105  for (auto& elem : buffer)
1106  {
1107  ARMARX_INFO << VAROUT(elem.currentPosition) << VAROUT(elem.targetVelocityPID)
1108  << VAROUT(elem.targetVelocityRAMP) << VAROUT(elem.currentV)
1109  << VAROUT(elem.currentError) << VAROUT(elem.timestamp);
1110  }
1111  ARMARX_IMPORTANT << VAROUT(newTargetVelPController) << VAROUT(newTargetVelRampCtrl)
1112  << VAROUT(currentPosition) << VAROUT(usePID) << VAROUT(positionError);
1113  }
1114  if (eventHappeningCounter >= 0)
1115  {
1116  eventHappeningCounter--;
1117  }
1119  ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(5) << VAROUT(newTargetVelPController)
1120  << VAROUT(newTargetVelRampCtrl) << VAROUT(currentPosition) << VAROUT(usePID)
1121  << VAROUT(positionError) << VAROUT(targetPosition) << VAROUT(currentV)
1122  << VAROUT(deltaVel) << VAROUT(useddt) << VAROUT(usedacc);
1123  PIDModeActive = usePID;
1124 #endif
1125  result.velocity = finalTargetVel;
1126  return result;
1127  }
1129  double
1131  {
1132  throw LocalException("NYI");
1133  return 0;
1134  }
1136  double
1138  {
1139  /* s = v_0*v_0/(2*a) -> sqrt(s*2*a) = v_0;
1141  K_p * error = v_0; -> v_0/error = K_p;
1142  */
1143  auto v_0 = std::sqrt(pControlPosErrorLimit * 2 * deceleration);
1144  return v_0 / pControlPosErrorLimit;
1145  }
1150  {
1151  // auto integratedChange = [](v0)
1153  // double newJerk = this->jerk;
1154  // double newAcc = currentAcc;
1155  // double newVel = currentV;
1156  State newState = state;
1157  double a0 = currentAcc, newJerk = jerk, t;
1158  Output result = {currentV, a0, newJerk};
1160  const auto brData = ctrlutil::braking_distance_with_wedge(currentV, currentAcc, newJerk);
1161  const auto goalDir = math::MathUtils::Sign(targetPosition - currentPosition);
1162  const auto curVDir = math::MathUtils::Sign(currentV);
1163  const auto straightBrakingDistance =
1165  const double brakingDistance = brData.dt2 < 0 ? straightBrakingDistance : brData.s_total;
1166  const double distance = std::abs(targetPosition - currentPosition);
1167  const double t_to_stop =
1168  ctrlutil::t_to_v(currentV, -curVDir * currentAcc, curVDir * newJerk);
1169  const auto calculatedJerk =
1171  double tmp_t, tmp_acc, tmp_jerk;
1172  // std::tie( tmp_t, tmp_acc, tmp_jerk) = ctrlutil::calcAccAndJerk(targetPosition-(currentPosition+brData.s1), brData.v1);
1173  std::tie(tmp_t, tmp_acc, tmp_jerk) =
1175  const double posWhenBrakingWithCustomJerk =
1176  ctrlutil::s(tmp_t, currentPosition + brData.s1, brData.v1, tmp_acc, curVDir * tmp_jerk);
1177  // const double brakingDistanceWithCustomJerk = ctrlutil::s(tmp_t, 0, currentV, tmp_acc, curVDir * tmp_jerk);
1178  const double posWhenBrakingWithFixedJerk = ctrlutil::s(
1179  brData.dt2, currentPosition + brData.s1, brData.v1, brData.a1, curVDir * jerk);
1180  (void)calculatedJerk, (void)posWhenBrakingWithCustomJerk, (void)posWhenBrakingWithFixedJerk;
1183  << VAROUT((int)state) << VAROUT(distance)
1184  << VAROUT(
1185  brakingDistance); //VAROUT(straightBrakingDistance) << VAROUT(brData.dt1) << VAROUT(brData.dt2) << VAROUT(brData.s_total) << VAROUT(calculatedJerk);
1187  // if(brData.dt2 < 0)
1188  // {
1189  // ARMARX_INFO << "distance with fixed jerk: " << ctrlutil::brakingDistance(currentV, currentAcc, newJerk)
1190  // << " distance with custom jerk: " << ctrlutil::brakingDistance(currentV, currentAcc, calculatedJerk)
1191  // << " vel after: " << ctrlutil::v(t_to_stop, currentV, currentAcc, -curVDir * newJerk) << " vel after next step: " << ctrlutil::v(dt, currentV, currentAcc, -curVDir * newJerk);
1192  //// << " acc at stop: " << ctrlutil::a(t_to_stop, currentAcc, -curVDir *newJerk);
1193  // jerk = 0.95*calculatedJerk;
1194  // state = State::DecAccDecJerk;
1195  // return;
1196  // }
1197  if (state < State::DecAccIncJerk &&
1199  std::abs(currentAcc) < 0.1)) // we are accelerating
1200  || distance > brakingDistance *
1201  2 // we are decelerating -> dont switch to accelerating to easily
1202  || curVDir != goalDir)) // we are moving away from goal
1203  {
1204  if (std::abs(maxV - currentV) < 0.1 && std::abs(currentAcc) < 0.1)
1205  {
1206  newState = State::Keep;
1207  newJerk = 0;
1208  return std::make_pair(newState, result);
1209  }
1210  // calculate if we need to increase or decrease acc
1211  double t_to_max_v =
1212  ctrlutil::t_to_v(goalDir * maxV - currentV, currentAcc, goalDir * newJerk);
1213  double acc_at_t = ctrlutil::a(t_to_max_v, std::abs(currentAcc), -newJerk);
1214  if (acc_at_t < 0.1)
1215  {
1216  newState = State::IncAccIncJerk;
1217  return std::make_pair(newState, result);
1218  }
1219  else
1220  {
1221  newState = State::IncAccDecJerk;
1222  return std::make_pair(newState, result);
1223  }
1224  }
1225  else
1226  {
1227  // calculate if we need to increase or decrease acc
1228  double t_to_0 = ctrlutil::t_to_v(currentV, -curVDir * currentAcc, curVDir * newJerk);
1229  double tmpV = ctrlutil::v(t_to_0, 0, currentAcc, -curVDir * newJerk);
1230  double vAfterBraking = ctrlutil::v(t_to_0, currentV, currentAcc, -curVDir * newJerk);
1231  double accAfterBraking = ctrlutil::a(t_to_0, currentAcc, curVDir * newJerk);
1232  const double posWhenBrakingNow =
1233  ctrlutil::s(t_to_0, currentPosition, currentV, currentAcc, -curVDir * newJerk);
1234  const double simpleBrakingDistance =
1235  ctrlutil::s(t_to_0, 0, currentV, currentAcc, -curVDir * newJerk);
1236  (void)tmpV, (void)vAfterBraking, (void)accAfterBraking, (void)posWhenBrakingNow,
1237  (void)simpleBrakingDistance;
1238  double acc_at_t = ctrlutil::a(t_to_0, std::abs(currentAcc), -newJerk);
1240  std::tie(t, a0, newJerk) =
1242  double at = ctrlutil::a(t, a0, newJerk);
1243  double vt = ctrlutil::v(t, currentV, a0, newJerk);
1244  double st = ctrlutil::s(t, targetPosition - currentPosition, currentV, a0, newJerk);
1245  (void)at, (void)vt, (void)st;
1247  if (this->state <= State::Keep)
1248  {
1249  newState = State::DecAccIncJerk;
1250  return std::make_pair(newState, result);
1251  }
1252  else if ((state == State::DecAccIncJerk && acc_at_t > 1) ||
1254  {
1255  result.jerk = newJerk;
1256  result.acceleration = currentAcc + (a0 - currentAcc) * 0.5 + dt * newJerk;
1257  newState = State::DecAccDecJerk;
1258  return std::make_pair(newState, result);
1259  }
1260  else
1261  {
1262  return std::make_pair(newState, result);
1263  }
1264  }
1265  throw LocalException();
1266  }
1268  void
1270  {
1271  currentTime = 0;
1273  fixedMinJerkState.reset();
1274  // pid.reset();
1275  currentP_Phase2 = -1;
1276  currentP_Phase3 = -1;
1277  }
1279  double
1281  {
1282  return targetPosition;
1283  }
1285  // MinJerkPositionController::Output MinJerkPositionController::run()
1286  // {
1287  // auto min_jerk_calc_jerk = [&](double tf, double s0, double v0, double a0, double xf = 0, double t0 = 0.0)
1288  // {
1289  // double D = tf - t0;
1290  // return 60.0 / (D * D * D) * (xf - s0) - 36.0 / (D * D) * v0 - 9.0 / D * a0;
1291  // };
1294  // auto min_jerk = [&](double t, double tf, double s0, double v0, double a0, double xf = 0, double t0 = 0.0)
1295  // {
1296  // double D = tf - t0;
1297  // BOOST_ASSERT(D != 0.0);
1298  // double D2 = D * D;
1299  // double tau = (t - t0) / D;
1300  // double b0 = s0;
1301  // double b1 = D * v0;
1302  // double b2 = D2 * a0 / 2;
1304  // double b3 = (-3 * D2) / 2 * a0 - 6 * D * v0 + 10 * (xf - s0);
1305  // double b4 = (3 * D2) / 2 * a0 + 8 * D * v0 - 15 * (xf - s0);
1306  // double b5 = (-D2) / 2 * a0 - 3 * D * v0 + 6 * (xf - s0);
1308  // double tau2 = tau * tau;
1309  // double tau3 = tau2 * tau;
1310  // double tau4 = tau3 * tau;
1311  // double tau5 = tau4 * tau;
1312  // double st = b0 + b1 * tau + b2 * tau2 + b3 * tau3 + b4 * tau4 + b5 * tau5;
1313  // double vt = b1 / D + 2 * b2 / D * tau + 3 * b3 / D * tau2 + 4 * b4 / D * tau3 + 5 * b5 / D * tau4;
1314  // double at = 2 * b2 / D2 + 6 * b3 / D2 * tau + 12 * b4 / D2 * tau2 + 20 * b5 / D2 * tau3;
1315  // return State{t, st, vt, at};
1316  // };
1318  // double remainingTime = finishTime - currentTime;
1319  // double signedDistance = targetPosition - currentPosition;
1320  // if (remainingTime <= 0.0)
1321  // {
1322  // // if(!pid)
1323  // // {
1324  // // double Kd = (currentV - distance * p) /(-currentV);
1325  // // ARMARX_INFO << VAROUT(Kd);
1326  // // pid.reset(new PIDController(1, 0, Kd));
1327  // // }
1328  // if (currentP_Phase3 < 0)
1329  // {
1330  // currentP_Phase3 = std::abs(currentV / signedDistance);
1331  // ARMARX_DEBUG << "optimal P: " << currentP_Phase3;
1332  // }
1335  // currentP_Phase3 = currentP_Phase3 * p_adjust_ratio + p * (1.0 - p_adjust_ratio);
1336  // double newVel = signedDistance * currentP_Phase3;
1337  // double newAcc = (newVel - currentV) / dt;
1338  // double newJerk = (newAcc - currentAcc) / dt;
1339  // double newPos = currentPosition + newVel * dt;
1340  // Output result {newPos, newVel, newAcc, newJerk};
1341  // currentTime += dt;
1342  // // State s = min_jerk(currentTime, finishTime, fixedMinJerkState->s0, fixedMinJerkState->v0, fixedMinJerkState->a0, targetPosition, fixedMinJerkState->t0);
1343  // ARMARX_DEBUG << VAROUT(remainingTime) << VAROUT(signedDistance) << VAROUT(signedDistance * currentP_Phase3) << VAROUT(currentP_Phase3);// << VAROUT(s.s) << VAROUT(s.v) << VAROUT(s.a);
1344  // return result;
1345  // }
1347  // if (std::abs(signedDistance) < phase2SwitchDistance && remainingTime < phase2SwitchMaxRemainingTime)
1348  // {
1349  // if (!fixedMinJerkState)
1350  // {
1351  // fixedMinJerkState.reset(new FixedMinJerkState{currentTime, currentPosition, currentV, currentAcc});
1352  // currentP_Phase2 = 0;
1353  // }
1354  // // std::vector<State> states;
1355  // // double t = currentTime;
1356  // // while(t < finishTime)
1357  // // {
1358  // // State s = min_jerk(t, finishTime, fixedMinJerkState->s0, fixedMinJerkState->v0, fixedMinJerkState->a0, targetPosition, fixedMinJerkState->t0);
1359  // // t += dt;
1360  // // states.push_back(s);
1361  // // }
1362  // currentTime += dt;
1363  // State s = min_jerk(currentTime, finishTime, fixedMinJerkState->s0, fixedMinJerkState->v0, fixedMinJerkState->a0, targetPosition, fixedMinJerkState->t0);
1364  // currentP_Phase2 = currentP_Phase2 * p_adjust_ratio + p * (1.0 - p_adjust_ratio);
1365  // double newVel = (s.s - currentPosition) * currentP_Phase2 + s.v;
1366  // ARMARX_DEBUG << VAROUT(s.s) << VAROUT(s.v) << VAROUT(newVel);
1367  // double newAcc = (newVel - currentV) / dt;
1368  // double newJerk = (newAcc - currentAcc) / dt;
1369  // double newPos = currentPosition + newVel * dt;
1370  // Output result {newPos, newVel, newAcc, newJerk};
1371  // return result;
1372  // }
1375  // double jerk = min_jerk_calc_jerk(remainingTime, currentPosition, currentV, currentAcc, targetPosition);
1376  // double newAcc = currentAcc + jerk * dt;
1377  // double newVelocity = ctrlutil::v(dt, currentV, currentAcc, jerk);
1378  // double accAtEnd = ctrlutil::a(remainingTime, currentAcc, jerk);
1380  // std::vector<State> states;
1381  // std::vector<State> states2;
1382  // //#define debug
1383  //#ifdef debug
1384  // {
1385  // double dt = 0.001;
1386  // double t = 1;
1387  // double simS = currentPosition, simV = currentV, simAcc = currentAcc;
1388  // while (t > 0)
1389  // {
1390  // double jerk = min_jerk_calc_jerk(t, simS, simV, simAcc, targetPosition);
1391  // simAcc = simAcc + jerk * dt;
1392  // simV = ctrlutil::v(dt, simV, simAcc, 0);
1393  // simS += dt * simV;
1394  // t -= dt;
1395  // states.push_back(State{t, simS, simV, simAcc, jerk});
1396  // }
1397  // }
1398  // {
1399  // double dt = 0.001;
1401  // double t = 1;
1402  // double simS = currentPosition, simV = currentV, simAcc = currentAcc;
1403  // while (t > 0)
1404  // {
1405  // double jerk = min_jerk_calc_jerk(t, simS, simV, simAcc, targetPosition);
1406  // simS += ctrlutil::s(dt, 0, simV, simAcc, jerk);
1407  // simV = ctrlutil::v(dt, simV, simAcc, jerk);
1408  // simAcc = simAcc + jerk * dt;
1409  // t -= dt;
1410  // states2.push_back(State{t, simS, simV , simAcc, jerk});
1411  // }
1412  // }
1413  //#endif
1414  // ARMARX_DEBUG << VAROUT(currentTime) << VAROUT(remainingTime) << VAROUT(jerk) << VAROUT(accAtEnd) << VAROUT(signedDistance) << " delta acc: " << jerk* dt;
1415  // currentTime += dt;
1418  // double newPos = ctrlutil::s(dt, currentPosition, currentV, currentAcc, jerk);
1419  // Output result { newPos, newVelocity, newAcc, jerk};
1420  // return result;
1422  // }
1424  bool
1426  {
1429  }
1433  {
1434  const double useddt = std::min(std::abs(dt), std::abs(maxDt));
1435  (void)useddt;
1437  // if (currentPosition <= positionLimitLoHard || currentPosition >= positionLimitHiHard)
1438  // {
1439  // ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << "Hard limit violation. " << VAROUT(currentPosition) << VAROUT(positionLimitLoHard) << VAROUT(positionLimitHiHard);
1440  // return std::nanf("1");
1441  // }
1443  double softLimitViolation = 0;
1445  {
1446  softLimitViolation = -1;
1447  }
1449  {
1450  softLimitViolation = 1;
1451  }
1453  const double upperDt = std::max(std::abs(dt), std::abs(maxDt));
1455  //we can have 4 cases:
1456  // 1. we need to decelerate now or we will violate the position limits (maybe we still will violate them, e.g. if we violated them initially)
1457  // 2. we directly set v and ignore acc/dec (if |curr - target| <= limit)
1458  // 3. we need to accelerate (if curr and target v have same sign and |curr| < |target|)
1459  // 4. we need to decelerate (other cases)
1460  double nextv;
1461  //handle case 1
1462  const double vsquared = currentV * currentV;
1463  const double brakingDist =
1464  sign(currentV) * vsquared / 2.f /
1465  std::abs(deceleration); //the braking distance points in the direction of the velocity
1467  const double posIfBrakingNow = currentPosition + brakingDist;
1468  // ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(0.1) << VAROUT(currentPosition) << VAROUT(positionLimitLoSoft) << VAROUT(positionLimitHiSoft) << VAROUT(posIfBrakingNow) << VAROUT(currentV);
1469  if ((posIfBrakingNow <= positionLimitLoSoft && currentV < 0) ||
1470  (posIfBrakingNow >= positionLimitHiSoft && currentV > 0))
1471  {
1472  //case 1. -> brake now! (we try to have v=0 at the limit)
1473  const auto limit =
1475  const double wayToGo = limit - currentPosition;
1477  //decelerate!
1478  // s = v²/(2a) <=> a = v²/(2s)
1479  const double dec = std::abs(vsquared / 2.0 / wayToGo);
1480  const double vel = currentV - sign(currentV) * dec * upperDt;
1481  nextv = std::clamp<double>(vel, -maxV, maxV);
1482  // ARMARX_INFO /*<< deactivateSpam(0.1)*/ << "clamped new Vel: " << VAROUT(nextv) << VAROUT(currentV);
1483  if (sign(currentV) != sign(nextv))
1484  {
1485  // ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << "wrong sign: stopping"; //stop now
1486  nextv = 0;
1487  }
1488  }
1489  else
1490  {
1491  //handle 2-3
1493  // ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << "Desired target Vel: " << targetV << " " << VAROUT(nextv);
1494  }
1495  if (softLimitViolation == sign(nextv) && nextv != 0)
1496  {
1497  //the area between soft and hard limits is sticky
1498  //the controller can only move out of it (not further in)
1499  // ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << "Soft limit violation. " << softLimitViolation << VAROUT(nextv);
1500  nextv = 0;
1501  }
1502  // double nextAcc = (nextv - currentV) / useddt; // doesnt work with calculated acc!!
1503  // double nextJerk = (nextAcc - currentAcc) / useddt;
1504  //the next velocity will not violate the pos bounds harder than they are already
1505  return Output{nextv, 0, 0};
1506  }
1508  void
1510  {
1511  if (std::abs(targetPosition - newTargetPosition) > 0.0001)
1512  {
1513  reset();
1514  double distance = newTargetPosition - currentPosition;
1515  double rawFinishTime = 0.0;
1516  double decelerationTime = std::abs(currentV / desiredDeceleration);
1517  // calculate the time it should take to reach the goal (ToDo: find exact time)
1519  std::abs(currentV) > 0.0 &&
1520  ctrlutil::s(decelerationTime, 0, std::abs(currentV), -desiredDeceleration, 0) >
1521  std::abs(distance))
1522  // && ctrlutil::brakingDistance(currentV, currentAcc, desiredJerk) < distance)
1523  {
1524  // ARMARX_INFO << "branch 1: " << VAROUT(currentV) << VAROUT(desiredDeceleration) << VAROUT(distance);
1525  rawFinishTime = decelerationTime;
1526  }
1527  else
1528  {
1529  // ARMARX_INFO << "branch 2: " << VAROUT(currentV) << VAROUT(desiredDeceleration) << VAROUT(distance);
1530  double accelerationTime = std::abs(
1532  double decelerationTime = std::abs(maxV / desiredDeceleration);
1533  rawFinishTime = std::max(decelerationTime + accelerationTime,
1534  std::abs(distance / (maxV * 0.75)));
1535  }
1536  double estimatedTime = ctrlutil::t_to_v_with_wedge_acc(
1538  double minTime = 0.8;
1539  if (!std::isnan(estimatedTime))
1540  {
1541  finishTime = std::max(estimatedTime, minTime);
1542  }
1543  else
1544  {
1545  finishTime = std::max(rawFinishTime, minTime);
1546  }
1547  targetPosition = newTargetPosition;
1548  // ARMARX_INFO << "New finish time: " << finishTime << " " << VAROUT(rawFinishTime) << VAROUT(estimatedTime);
1549  }
1550  }
1554  {
1555  auto min_jerk_calc_jerk =
1556  [&](double tf, double s0, double v0, double a0, double xf = 0, double t0 = 0.0)
1557  {
1558  double D = tf - t0;
1559  return 60.0 / (D * D * D) * (xf - s0) - 36.0 / (D * D) * v0 - 9.0 / D * a0;
1560  };
1563  auto min_jerk = [&](double t,
1564  double tf,
1565  double s0,
1566  double v0,
1567  double a0,
1568  double xf = 0,
1569  double t0 = 0.0)
1570  {
1571  double D = tf - t0;
1572  ARMARX_CHECK(D != 0.0);
1573  double D2 = D * D;
1574  double tau = (t - t0) / D;
1575  double b0 = s0;
1576  double b1 = D * v0;
1577  double b2 = D2 * a0 / 2;
1579  double b3 = (-3 * D2) / 2 * a0 - 6 * D * v0 + 10 * (xf - s0);
1580  double b4 = (3 * D2) / 2 * a0 + 8 * D * v0 - 15 * (xf - s0);
1581  double b5 = (-D2) / 2 * a0 - 3 * D * v0 + 6 * (xf - s0);
1583  double tau2 = tau * tau;
1584  double tau3 = tau2 * tau;
1585  double tau4 = tau3 * tau;
1586  double tau5 = tau4 * tau;
1587  double st = b0 + b1 * tau + b2 * tau2 + b3 * tau3 + b4 * tau4 + b5 * tau5;
1588  double vt = b1 / D + 2 * b2 / D * tau + 3 * b3 / D * tau2 + 4 * b4 / D * tau3 +
1589  5 * b5 / D * tau4;
1590  double at = 2 * b2 / D2 + 6 * b3 / D2 * tau + 12 * b4 / D2 * tau2 + 20 * b5 / D2 * tau3;
1591  return State{t, st, vt, at};
1592  };
1594  double remainingTime = finishTime - currentTime;
1595  double signedDistance = targetPosition - currentPosition;
1596  if (remainingTime <= 0.0)
1597  {
1598  // if(!pid)
1599  // {
1600  // double Kd = (currentV - distance * p) /(-currentV);
1601  // ARMARX_INFO << VAROUT(Kd);
1602  // pid.reset(new PIDController(1, 0, Kd));
1603  // }
1604  if (currentP_Phase3 < 0)
1605  {
1606  if (signedDistance == 0.0f)
1607  {
1608  currentP_Phase3 = p;
1609  }
1610  else
1611  {
1612  currentP_Phase3 = std::abs(currentV / signedDistance);
1614  }
1615  // ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(0.1) << "optimal P: " << currentP_Phase3 << VAROUT(currentV) << VAROUT(signedDistance);
1616  }
1620  double newVel = signedDistance * currentP_Phase3;
1621  double newAcc = (newVel - currentV) / dt;
1622  double newJerk = (newAcc - currentAcc) / dt;
1623  double newPos = currentPosition + newVel * dt;
1625  Output result{newPos, newVel, newAcc, newJerk};
1626  currentTime += dt;
1627  // State s = min_jerk(currentTime, finishTime, fixedMinJerkState->s0, fixedMinJerkState->v0, fixedMinJerkState->a0, targetPosition, fixedMinJerkState->t0);
1628  // ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(0.1) << VAROUT(remainingTime) << VAROUT(signedDistance) << VAROUT(signedDistance * currentP_Phase3) << VAROUT(currentP_Phase3);// << VAROUT(s.s) << VAROUT(s.v) << VAROUT(s.a);
1629  return result;
1630  }
1632  if (std::abs(signedDistance) < phase2SwitchDistance &&
1633  remainingTime < phase2SwitchMaxRemainingTime)
1634  {
1635  if (!fixedMinJerkState)
1636  {
1637  fixedMinJerkState.reset(
1639  currentP_Phase2 = 0;
1640  }
1641  // std::vector<State> states;
1642  // double t = currentTime;
1643  // while(t < finishTime)
1644  // {
1645  // State s = min_jerk(t, finishTime, fixedMinJerkState->s0, fixedMinJerkState->v0, fixedMinJerkState->a0, targetPosition, fixedMinJerkState->t0);
1646  // t += dt;
1647  // states.push_back(s);
1648  // }
1649  currentTime += dt;
1650  State s = min_jerk(currentTime,
1651  finishTime,
1652  fixedMinJerkState->s0,
1653  fixedMinJerkState->v0,
1654  fixedMinJerkState->a0,
1656  fixedMinJerkState->t0);
1657  double newVelocity = (s.s - (currentPosition + s.v * dt)) * currentP_Phase2 + s.v;
1658  double newAcc = (newVelocity - currentV) / dt;
1659  double newJerk = (newAcc - currentAcc) / dt;
1660  double newPos = ctrlutil::s(dt,
1662  currentV,
1663  currentAcc,
1664  newJerk); //currentPosition + newVelocity * dt;
1665  // ARMARX_INFO /*<< deactivateSpam(0.1) */ << VAROUT(currentP_Phase2) << VAROUT(currentPosition) << VAROUT(signedDistance) << VAROUT(s.s) << VAROUT(s.v) << VAROUT(newVelocity) << VAROUT(newAcc) << VAROUT(newJerk) << VAROUT(s.a);
1667  Output result{newPos, newVelocity, newAcc, newJerk};
1668  return result;
1669  }
1672  double jerk = min_jerk_calc_jerk(
1674  double newAcc = currentAcc + jerk * dt;
1675  double newVelocity = ctrlutil::v(dt, currentV, currentAcc, jerk);
1676  double accAtEnd =
1677  ctrlutil::a(remainingTime,
1678  currentAcc,
1679  jerk); // assumes that fixed jerk would be used, which is not the case here
1680  (void)accAtEnd;
1682  std::vector<State> states;
1683  std::vector<State> states2;
1684  //#define debug
1685 #ifdef debug
1686  {
1687  double dt = 0.001;
1688  double t = 1;
1689  double simS = currentPosition, simV = currentV, simAcc = currentAcc;
1690  while (t > 0)
1691  {
1692  double jerk = min_jerk_calc_jerk(t, simS, simV, simAcc, targetPosition);
1693  simAcc = simAcc + jerk * dt;
1694  simV = ctrlutil::v(dt, simV, simAcc, 0);
1695  simS += dt * simV;
1696  t -= dt;
1697  states.push_back(State{t, simS, simV, simAcc, jerk});
1698  }
1699  }
1700  {
1701  double dt = 0.001;
1703  double t = 1;
1704  double simS = currentPosition, simV = currentV, simAcc = currentAcc;
1705  while (t > 0)
1706  {
1707  double jerk = min_jerk_calc_jerk(t, simS, simV, simAcc, targetPosition);
1708  simS += ctrlutil::s(dt, 0, simV, simAcc, jerk);
1709  simV = ctrlutil::v(dt, simV, simAcc, jerk);
1710  simAcc = simAcc + jerk * dt;
1711  t -= dt;
1712  states2.push_back(State{t, simS, simV, simAcc, jerk});
1713  }
1714  }
1715 #endif
1716  // ARMARX_INFO << /*deactivateSpam(0.1) <<*/ VAROUT(currentTime) << VAROUT(remainingTime) << VAROUT(jerk) << VAROUT(accAtEnd) << VAROUT(signedDistance) << " new acc: " << newAcc << VAROUT(currentV);
1717  currentTime += dt;
1720  double newPos = ctrlutil::s(dt, currentPosition, currentV, currentAcc, jerk);
1721  Output result{newPos, newVelocity, newAcc, jerk};
1722  return result;
1723  }
1724 } // namespace armarx
float acceleration
Definition: BasicControllers.h:306
double estimateTime() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:1130
double p
Definition: BasicControllers.h:386
VectorXD< D, T > sqrt(const VectorXD< D, T > &a)
Definition: VectorXD.h:662
float targetPosition
Definition: BasicControllers.h:309
Definition: BasicControllers.h:187
double maxV
Definition: BasicControllers.h:369
float positionThroughVelocityControlWithAccelerationBoundsAndPeriodicPosition(float dt, float maxDt, float currentV, float maxV, float acceleration, float deceleration, float currentPosition, float targetPosition, float pControlPosErrorLimit, float p, float &direction, float positionPeriodLo, float positionPeriodHi)
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:284
float brakingDistance(float v0, float deceleration)
Definition: BasicControllers.h:157
float dv
Definition: BasicControllers.h:59
float dt
Definition: BasicControllers.h:61
Definition: Logging.h:183
std::pair< State, Output > calcState() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:1149
double currentTime
Definition: BasicControllers.h:510
@ PCtrl
float positionThroughVelocityControlWithAccelerationAndPositionBounds(float dt, float maxDt, float currentV, float maxV, float acceleration, float deceleration, float currentPosition, float targetPosition, float p, float positionLimitLo, float positionLimitHi)
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:222
std::tuple< double, double, double > calcAccAndJerk(double s0, double v0)
Definition: CtrlUtil.h:147
bool validParameters() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:1425
Output run()
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:991
bool usePIDAtEnd
Definition: BasicControllers.h:387
double currentP_Phase3
Definition: BasicControllers.h:506
double currentAcc
Definition: BasicControllers.h:368
std::unique_ptr< FixedMinJerkState > fixedMinJerkState
Definition: BasicControllers.h:511
bool validParameters() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:485
double desiredDeceleration
Definition: BasicControllers.h:498
double acceleration
Definition: BasicControllers.h:361
double p_adjust_ratio
Definition: BasicControllers.h:503
double brakingDistance(double v0, double a0, double j)
Definition: CtrlUtil.h:76
double pControlPosErrorLimit
Definition: BasicControllers.h:382
float run() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:494
@ DecAccIncJerk
float dt
Definition: BasicControllers.h:170
T sign(T t)
Definition: algorithm.h:194
float deceleration
Definition: BasicControllers.h:307
float maxV
Definition: BasicControllers.h:196
float maxV
Definition: BasicControllers.h:174
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:567
double positionLimitLoSoft
Definition: BasicControllers.h:233
@ IncAccIncJerk
Definition: BasicControllers.h:300
float estimateTime() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:474
float velocityControlWithAccelerationAndPositionBounds(float dt, float maxDt, float currentV, float targetV, float maxV, float acceleration, float deceleration, float directSetVLimit, float currentPosition, float positionLimitLoSoft, float positionLimitHiSoft, float positionLimitLoHard, float positionLimitHiHard)
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:83
@ Keep
float pControlPosErrorLimit
Definition: BasicControllers.h:310
float run() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:597
float positionLimitLoSoft
Definition: BasicControllers.h:277
float dx
Definition: BasicControllers.h:60
float run() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:902
Output run()
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:1553
Definition: BasicControllers.h:479
double dt
Definition: BasicControllers.h:365
double targetPosition
Definition: BasicControllers.h:376
float positionLimitLo
Definition: BasicControllers.h:428
float velocityControlWithAccelerationBounds(float dt, float maxDt, const float currentV, float targetV, float maxV, float acceleration, float deceleration, float directSetVLimit)
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:35
#define ARMARX_CHECK(expression)
Definition: ExpressionException.h:82
double phase2SwitchMaxRemainingTime
Definition: BasicControllers.h:502
double clamp(double x, double a, double b)
Definition: point.hpp:125
double accuracy
Definition: BasicControllers.h:385
float targetV
Definition: BasicControllers.h:204
float currentV
Definition: BasicControllers.h:172
float dt
Definition: BasicControllers.h:201
Definition: BasicControllers.h:484
double acceleration
Definition: BasicControllers.h:370
double velocity
Definition: BasicControllers.h:360
bool isfinite(const std::vector< T, Ts... > &v)
Definition: algorithm.h:327
Definition: BasicControllers.h:347
float maxDt
Definition: BasicControllers.h:171
SpamFilterDataPtr deactivateSpam(SpamFilterDataPtr const &spamFilter, float deactivationDurationSec, const std::string &identifier, bool deactivate)
Definition: Logging.cpp:72
float jerk
Definition: BasicControllers.h:197
float directSetVLimit
Definition: BasicControllers.h:177
float maxDt
Definition: BasicControllers.h:195
double targetPosition
Definition: BasicControllers.h:508
float run() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:363
double currentV
Definition: BasicControllers.h:495
double currentAcc
Definition: BasicControllers.h:496
double a(double t, double a0, double j)
Definition: CtrlUtil.h:45
std::shared_ptr< Value > value()
Definition: cxxopts.hpp:926
double p
Definition: BasicControllers.h:500
@ IncAccDecJerk
std::vector< T > abs(const std::vector< T > &v)
Definition: VectorHelpers.h:253
float currentPosition
Definition: BasicControllers.h:308
double calculateProportionalGain() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:1137
float maxV
Definition: BasicControllers.h:305
Definition: PIDController.h:43
float currentV
Definition: BasicControllers.h:304
bool getCurrentlyPIDActive() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:961
Output run() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:1432
std::pair< T, T > pq(T p, T q)
Definition: BasicControllers.h:50
T periodicClamp(T value, T periodLo, T periodHi)
Definition: BasicControllers.h:42
Output run() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:403
double deceleration
Definition: BasicControllers.h:237
float positionLimitHiSoft
Definition: BasicControllers.h:278
WedgeBrakingData braking_distance_with_wedge(double v0, double a0, double j)
Definition: CtrlUtil.h:157
float currentV
Definition: BasicControllers.h:202
double finishTime
Definition: BasicControllers.h:509
T max(T t1, T t2)
Definition: gdiam.h:48
bool validParameters() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:397
double phase2SwitchDistance
Definition: BasicControllers.h:501
#define q
std::shared_ptr< PIDController > pid
Definition: BasicControllers.h:314
double currentP_Phase2
Definition: BasicControllers.h:507
Definition: BasicControllers.h:57
float acceleration
Definition: BasicControllers.h:175
float maxDt
Definition: BasicControllers.h:303
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:977
double getTargetPosition() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:1280
float currentAcc
Definition: BasicControllers.h:203
std::array< deltas, 3 > trapeze(float v0, float acc, float vMax, float dec, float vt, float dx)
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:795
double maxDt
Definition: BasicControllers.h:366
double positionLimitHiSoft
Definition: BasicControllers.h:234
float estimateTime() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:701
double v(double t, double v0, double a0, double j)
Definition: CtrlUtil.h:39
static double LimitTo(double value, double absThreshold)
Definition: MathUtils.h:56
float deceleration
Definition: BasicControllers.h:176
float accuracy
Definition: BasicControllers.h:313
bool validParameters() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:749
float run() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:758
Definition: Logging.h:174
float currentPosition
Definition: BasicControllers.h:276
double maxV
Definition: BasicControllers.h:497
#define VAROUT(x)
Definition: StringHelpers.h:182
float positionPeriodLo
Definition: BasicControllers.h:451
void setTargetPosition(double value)
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:1509
static int Sign(double value)
Definition: MathUtils.h:34
Point sub(const Point &x, const Point &y)
Definition: point.hpp:43
double jerk
Definition: BasicControllers.h:372
double deceleration
Definition: BasicControllers.h:371
double getTargetPosition() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:955
float dt
Definition: BasicControllers.h:302
Definition: BasicControllers.h:358
void reset()
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:1269
float calculateProportionalGain() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:577
double currentPosition
Definition: BasicControllers.h:494
double distance(const Point &a, const Point &b)
Definition: point.hpp:88
@ Unknown
double currentPosition
Definition: BasicControllers.h:373
Definition: BasicControllers.h:474
double jerk
Definition: BasicControllers.h:362
T min(T t1, T t2)
Definition: gdiam.h:42
float positionThroughVelocityControlWithAccelerationBounds(float dt, float maxDt, float currentV, float maxV, float acceleration, float deceleration, float currentPosition, float targetPosition, float p)
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:166
double dt
Definition: BasicControllers.h:492
bool validParameters() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:982
bool validParameters() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:588
double jerk(double t, double s0, double v0, double a0)
Definition: CtrlUtil.h:141
double t_to_v_with_wedge_acc(double v, double a0, double j)
Definition: CtrlUtil.h:64
deltas accelerateToVelocity(float v0, float acc, float vt)
Definition: BasicControllers.h:65
float targetV
Definition: BasicControllers.h:173
float positionLimitHi
Definition: BasicControllers.h:429
double s(double t, double s0, double v0, double a0, double j)
Definition: CtrlUtil.h:33
float directSetVLimit
Definition: BasicControllers.h:198
double currentPosition
Definition: BasicControllers.h:232
This file offers overloads of toIce() and fromIce() functions for STL container types.
Definition: ArmarXTimeserver.cpp:28
double currentV
Definition: BasicControllers.h:367
constexpr T dt
Definition: UnscentedKalmanFilterTest.cpp:42
@ DecAccDecJerk
bool validParameters() const
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:356
State state
Definition: BasicControllers.h:388
void setTargetPosition(double value)
Definition: BasicControllers.cpp:967
float positionPeriodHi
Definition: BasicControllers.h:452
double t_to_v(double v, double a, double j)
Definition: CtrlUtil.h:51