Brief description of class RobotUnitSimulation. More...

#include <ArmarXSimulation/components/RobotUnitSimulation/RobotUnitSimulation.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for RobotUnitSimulation:

Public Member Functions

void componentPropertiesUpdated (const std::set< std::string > &changedProperties) override
IceUtil::Time getControlThreadTargetPeriod () const override
 The ControlThread's period. More...
std::string getDefaultName () const override
bool isSimulation (const Ice::Current &) const override
void reportState (SimulatedRobotState const &state, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 RobotUnitSimulation ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RobotUnit
 ~RobotUnit ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Units
const EmergencyStopMasterInterfacePtr & getEmergencyStopMaster () const
 Returns a pointer to the EmergencyStopMaster. More...
ForceTorqueUnitInterfacePtr getForceTorqueUnit () const
 Returns a pointer to the ForceTorqueUnit. More...
ForceTorqueUnitInterfacePrx getForceTorqueUnit (const Ice::Current &) const override
 Returns a proxy to the ForceTorqueUnit. More...
InertialMeasurementUnitInterfacePtr getInertialMeasurementUnit () const
 Returns a pointer to the InertialMeasurementUnit. More...
InertialMeasurementUnitInterfacePrx getInertialMeasurementUnit (const Ice::Current &) const override
 Returns a proxy to the InertialMeasurementUnit. More...
KinematicUnitInterfacePtr getKinematicUnit () const
 Returns a pointer to the KinematicUnit. More...
KinematicUnitInterfacePrx getKinematicUnit (const Ice::Current &) const override
 Returns a proxy to the KinematicUnit. More...
PlatformUnitInterfacePtr getPlatformUnit () const
 Returns a pointer to the PlatformUnit. More...
PlatformUnitInterfacePrx getPlatformUnit (const Ice::Current &) const override
 Returns a proxy to the PlatformUnit. More...
TCPControlUnitInterfacePtr getTCPControlUnit () const
 Returns a pointer to the TCPControlUnit. More...
TCPControlUnitInterfacePrx getTCPControlUnit (const Ice::Current &) const override
 Returns a proxy to the TCPControlUnit. More...
TrajectoryPlayerInterfacePtr getTrajectoryPlayer () const
 Returns a pointer to the TrajectoryPlayer. More...
TrajectoryPlayerInterfacePrx getTrajectoryPlayer (const Ice::Current &) const override
 Returns a proxy to the TrajectoryPlayer. More...
template<class T >
T::PointerType getUnit () const
 Returns a pointer to the Unit for the given type (or null if there is none) More...
const ManagedIceObjectPtrgetUnit (const std::string &staticIceId) const
 Returns a pointer to the Unit with the given ice id (or null if there is none) More...
Ice::ObjectPrx getUnit (const std::string &staticIceId, const Ice::Current &) const override
 Returns a proxy to the Unit with the given ice id (or null if there is none) More...
template<class T >
T::ProxyType getUnitPrx () const
 Returns a proxy to the Unit for the given type (or null if there is none) More...
Ice::ObjectProxySeq getUnits (const Ice::Current &) const override
 Returns proxies to all units. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ModuleBase
template<class T >
T_module ()
 Returns this as ref to the given type. More...
template<class T >
const T_module () const
 Returns this as ref to the given type. More...
template<class T >
T_modulePtr ()
 Returns this as ptr to the given type. More...
template<class T >
const T_modulePtr () const
 Returns this as ptr to the given type. More...
bool areDevicesReady () const
 Returns whether Devices are ready. More...
RobotUnitState getRobotUnitState () const
 Returns the RobotUnit's State. More...
bool inControlThread () const
 Returns whether the current thread is the ControlThread. More...
bool isShuttingDown () const
 Returns whether the RobotUnit is shutting down. More...
virtual void onDisconnectRobotUnit ()
 called in onDisconnecComponent More...
virtual void onExitRobotUnit ()
 called in onExitComponent before calling finishRunning More...
void shutDown ()
 Requests the RobotUnit to shut down. More...
void throwIfDevicesNotReady (const std::string &fnc) const
 Throws if the Devices are not ready. More...
void throwIfInControlThread (const std::string &fnc) const
 Throws if the current thread is the ControlThread. More...
void throwIfStateIs (const std::set< RobotUnitState > &stateSet, const std::string &fnc, bool onlyWarn=false) const
 Throws an exception if the current state is in. More...
void throwIfStateIs (RobotUnitState s, const std::string &fnc, bool onlyWarn=false) const
 Throws an exception if the current state is. More...
void throwIfStateIsNot (const std::set< RobotUnitState > &stateSet, const std::string &fnc, bool onlyWarn=false) const
 Throws an exception if the current state is not in. More...
void throwIfStateIsNot (RobotUnitState s, const std::string &fnc, bool onlyWarn=false) const
 Throws an exception if the current state is not. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Component
void forceComponentCreatedByComponentCreateFunc ()
 forces the flag to be set to true that the object instance was created by the Component::create function More...
std::vector< PropertyUserPtrgetAdditionalPropertyUsers () const
template<typename PropertyType >
Property< PropertyType > getProperty (const std::string &name)
template<typename PropertyType >
Property< PropertyType > getProperty (const std::string &name) const
template<class T >
void getProperty (std::atomic< T > &val, const std::string &name) const
template<class T >
void getProperty (T &val, const std::string &name) const
template<class ProxyType >
ProxyType getProxyFromProperty (const std::string &propertyName, bool addToDependencies=false, const std::string &endpoints="", bool throwOnProxyError=true)
 Get a proxy whose name is specified by the given property. More...
template<class ProxyType >
void getProxyFromProperty (ProxyType &proxy, const std::string &propertyName, bool addToDependencies=false, const std::string &endpoints="", bool throwOnProxyError=true)
template<class TopicProxyType >
TopicProxyType getTopicFromProperty (const std::string &propertyName)
 Get a topic proxy whose name is specified by the given property. More...
template<class TopicProxyType >
void getTopicFromProperty (TopicProxyType &top, const std::string &propertyName)
void initializeProperties (const std::string &configName, Ice::PropertiesPtr const &properties, const std::string &configDomain)
 initializes the properties of this component. More...
void injectPropertyDefinitions (PropertyDefinitionsPtr &props) override
void offeringTopicFromProperty (const std::string &propertyName)
 Offer a topic whose name is specified by the given property. More...
virtual void preOnConnectComponent () override
virtual void preOnInitComponent () override
bool usingProxyFromProperty (const std::string &propertyName, const std::string &endpoints="")
 Use a proxy whose name is specified by the given property. More...
void usingTopicFromProperty (const std::string &propertyName, bool orderedPublishing=false)
 Use a topic whose name is specified by the given property. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ManagedIceObject
void enableProfiler (bool enable)
 setProfiler allows setting ManagedIceObject::profiler to a new instance (if the new instance is actually not a null pointer) More...
std::string generateSubObjectName (const std::string &subObjectName)
 Generates a unique name for a sub object from a general name. More...
ArmarXManagerPtr getArmarXManager () const
 Returns the ArmarX manager used to add and remove components. More...
ManagedIceObjectConnectivity getConnectivity () const
 Retrieve connectivity of the object (topcis as well as proxies) More...
IceManagerPtr getIceManager () const
 Returns the IceManager. More...
VariantBasePtr getMetaInfo (const std::string &id)
StringVariantBaseMap getMetaInfoMap () const
std::string getName () const
 Retrieve name of object. More...
Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr getObjectAdapter () const
 Returns object's Ice adapter. More...
ArmarXObjectSchedulerPtr getObjectScheduler () const
PeriodicTaskPtr getPeriodicTask (const std::string &name)
Profiler::ProfilerPtr getProfiler () const
 getProfiler returns an instance of armarx::Profiler More...
template<class ProxyTarg , class... Args>
void getProxy (const char *name, IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ProxyTarg > &proxy, Args &&...args)
template<class ProxyType >
ProxyType getProxy (const std::string &name, bool addToDependencies=false, const std::string &endpoints="", bool throwOnProxyError=true)
 Retrieves a proxy object. More...
template<class ProxyTarg , class... Args>
void getProxy (const std::string &name, IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ProxyTarg > &proxy, Args &&...args)
template<class ProxyTarg , class... Args>
void getProxy (IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ProxyTarg > &proxy, const char *name, Args &&...args)
template<class ProxyTarg , class... Args>
void getProxy (IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ProxyTarg > &proxy, const std::string &name, Args &&...args)
 Assigns a proxy to proxy. More...
Ice::ObjectPrx getProxy (long timeoutMs=0, bool waitForScheduler=true) const
 Returns the proxy of this object (optionally it waits for the proxy) More...
template<class Prx >
Prx getProxy (long timeoutMs=0, bool waitForScheduler=true) const
template<class ProxyType >
void getProxy (ProxyType &proxy, const char *name, bool addToDependencies=false, const std::string &endpoints="", bool throwOnProxyError=true)
 Overload to allow using string literals as name (solve ambiguous overload). More...
template<class Prx >
void getProxy (Prx &prx, long timeoutMs=0, bool waitForScheduler=true) const
int getState () const
 Retrieve current state of the ManagedIceObject. More...
template<class TopicProxyType >
TopicProxyType getTopic (const std::string &name)
 Returns a proxy of the specified topic. More...
template<class TopicProxyType >
void getTopic (TopicProxyType &topicProxy, const std::string &name)
 Assigns a proxy of the specified topic to topicProxy. More...
std::vector< std::string > getUnresolvedDependencies () const
 returns the names of all unresolved dependencies More...
 ManagedIceObject (ManagedIceObject const &other)
void offeringTopic (const std::string &name)
 Registers a topic for retrival after initialization. More...
void preambleGetTopic (std::string const &name)
void setMetaInfo (const std::string &id, const VariantBasePtr &value)
 Allows to set meta information that can be queried live via Ice interface on the ArmarXManager. More...
void startPeriodicTask (const std::string &uniqueName, std::function< void(void)> f, int periodMs, bool assureMeanInterval=false, bool forceSystemTime=true)
bool stopPeriodicTask (const std::string &name)
bool unsubscribeFromTopic (const std::string &name)
 Unsubscribe from a topic. More...
bool usingProxy (const std::string &name, const std::string &endpoints="")
 Registers a proxy for retrieval after initialization and adds it to the dependency list. More...
void usingTopic (const std::string &name, bool orderedPublishing=false)
 Registers a proxy for subscription after initialization. More...
void waitForObjectScheduler ()
 Waits until the ObjectScheduler could resolve all dependencies. More...
void waitForProxy (std::string const &name, bool addToDependencies)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Logging
SpamFilterDataPtr deactivateSpam (float deactivationDurationSec=10.0f, const std::string &identifier="", bool deactivate=true) const
 disables the logging for the current line for the given amount of seconds. More...
MessageTypeT getEffectiveLoggingLevel () const
 Logging ()
void setLocalMinimumLoggingLevel (MessageTypeT level)
 With setLocalMinimumLoggingLevel the minimum verbosity-level of log-messages can be set. More...
void setTag (const LogTag &tag)
void setTag (const std::string &tagName)
virtual ~Logging ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from PropertyUser
std::vector< std::string > getComponentProxyNames ()
Ice::PropertiesPtr getIceProperties () const
 Returns the set of Ice properties. More...
template<typename PropertyType >
Property< PropertyType > getProperty (const std::string &name)
 Property creation and retrieval. More...
template<typename PropertyType >
Property< PropertyType > getProperty (const std::string &name) const
 Hack to allow using getProperty in const-modified methods. More...
template<class T >
void getProperty (std::atomic< T > &val, const std::string &name) const
template<class T >
void getProperty (T &val, const std::string &name) const
template<class T >
std::vector< TgetPropertyAsCSV (const std::string &name, const std::string &splitBy=",;", bool trimElements=true, bool removeEmptyElements=true)
template<class ContainerT >
void getPropertyAsCSV (ContainerT &val, const std::string &name, const std::string &splitBy=",;", bool trimElements=true, bool removeEmptyElements=true)
PropertyDefinitionsPtr getPropertyDefinitions ()
 Returns the component's property definition container. More...
std::vector< std::string > getSubscribedTopicNames ()
std::vector< std::string > getTopicProxyNames ()
bool hasProperty (const std::string &name)
 PropertyUser ()
virtual void setIceProperties (Ice::PropertiesPtr properties)
 Sets the Ice properties. More...
bool tryAddProperty (const std::string &propertyName, const std::string &value)
virtual void updateIceProperties (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &changes)
void updateProperties ()
void updateProxies (IceManagerPtr)
 ~PropertyUser () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Logging
void addMarkerToRtLog (const SimpleRemoteReferenceCounterBasePtr &token, const std::string &marker, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Adds a string to the log (it is added in a special column). More...
Ice::StringSeq getLoggingNames (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the names of all loggable data fields. More...
RobotUnitDataStreaming::DataStreamingDescription startDataStreaming (const RobotUnitDataStreaming::ReceiverPrx &receiver, const RobotUnitDataStreaming::Config &config, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
SimpleRemoteReferenceCounterBasePtr startRtLogging (const std::string &formatString, const Ice::StringSeq &loggingNames, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Starts logging to a CSV file. More...
SimpleRemoteReferenceCounterBasePtr startRtLoggingWithAliasNames (const std::string &formatString, const StringStringDictionary &aliasNames, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Starts logging to a CSV file. More...
void stopDataStreaming (const RobotUnitDataStreaming::ReceiverPrx &receiver, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
void stopRtLogging (const armarx::SimpleRemoteReferenceCounterBasePtr &token, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Stops logging to the given log. More...
void writeRecentIterationsToFile (const std::string &formatString, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Dumps the backlog of all recent iterations to the given file. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Devices
ConstControlDevicePtr getControlDevice (const std::string &deviceName) const
 Returns the ControlDevice. More...
ControlDeviceDescription getControlDeviceDescription (const std::string &name, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Return the ControlDeviceDescription for the given ControlDevice. More...
ControlDeviceDescription getControlDeviceDescription (std::size_t idx) const
 Return the ControlDeviceDescription for the given ControlDevice. More...
ControlDeviceDescriptionSeq getControlDeviceDescriptions (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Return the ControlDeviceDescriptions for all ControlDevices. More...
std::size_t getControlDeviceIndex (const std::string &deviceName) const
 Returns the ControlDevice's index. More...
Ice::StringSeq getControlDeviceNames (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the names of all ControlDevices for the robot. More...
const KeyValueVector< std::string, ControlDevicePtr > & getControlDevices () const
 Returns all ControlDevices. More...
const std::map< std::string, ConstControlDevicePtr > & getControlDevicesConstPtr () const
 Returns const pointers to all ControlDevices. More...
ControlDeviceStatus getControlDeviceStatus (const std::string &name, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Return the ControlDeviceStatus for the given ControlDevice. More...
ControlDeviceStatus getControlDeviceStatus (std::size_t idx) const
 Return the ControlDeviceStatus for the given ControlDevice. More...
ControlDeviceStatusSeq getControlDeviceStatuses (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Return the ControlDeviceStatuses for all ControlDevices. More...
const ControlDeviceHardwareControlModeGroupsgetControlModeGroups () const
 Returns the groups of ControlDevices required to be in the same hardware control mode. More...
std::size_t getNumberOfControlDevices () const
 Returns the number of ControlDevices. More...
std::size_t getNumberOfSensorDevices () const
 Returns the number of SensorDevices. More...
ConstSensorDevicePtr getSensorDevice (const std::string &deviceName) const
 TODO move to attorney for NJointControllerBase. More...
SensorDeviceDescription getSensorDeviceDescription (const std::string &name, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Return the SensorDeviceDescription for the given SensorDevice. More...
SensorDeviceDescription getSensorDeviceDescription (std::size_t idx) const
 Return the SensorDeviceDescription for the given SensorDevice. More...
SensorDeviceDescriptionSeq getSensorDeviceDescriptions (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Return the SensorDeviceDescriptions for all SensorDevices. More...
std::size_t getSensorDeviceIndex (const std::string &deviceName) const
 Returns the SensorDevice's index. More...
Ice::StringSeq getSensorDeviceNames (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the names of all SensorDevices for the robot. More...
const KeyValueVector< std::string, SensorDevicePtr > & getSensorDevices () const
 TODO move to attorney for NJointControllerBase. More...
const std::map< std::string, ConstSensorDevicePtr > & getSensorDevicesConstPtr () const
 Returns const pointers to all SensorDevices. More...
SensorDeviceStatus getSensorDeviceStatus (const std::string &name, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Return the SensorDeviceStatus for the given SensorDevice. More...
SensorDeviceStatus getSensorDeviceStatus (std::size_t idx) const
 Return the SensorDeviceStatus for the given SensorDevice. More...
SensorDeviceStatusSeq getSensorDeviceStatuses (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Return the SensorDeviceStatuses for all SensorDevices. More...
template<class PtrT >
void updateVirtualRobotFromSensorValues (const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr &robot, const std::vector< PtrT > &sensors) const
 Updates the given VirtualRobot with the given SensorValues. More...
template<class PtrT >
void updateVirtualRobotFromSensorValues (const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr &robot, const std::vector< VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr > &nodes, const std::vector< PtrT > &sensors) const
 Updates the given VirtualRobot with the given SensorValues. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Publisher
DebugDrawerInterfacePrx getDebugDrawerProxy (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the used DebugDrawerProxy. More...
std::string getDebugDrawerTopicName (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the name of the used DebugDrawerTopic. More...
DebugObserverInterfacePrx getDebugObserverProxy (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the used DebugObserverProxy. More...
std::string getDebugObserverTopicName (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the name of the used DebugObserverTopic. More...
RobotUnitListenerPrx getRobotUnitListenerProxy (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the used RobotUnitListenerProxy. More...
std::string getRobotUnitListenerTopicName (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the name of the used RobotUnitListenerTopic. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from RobotData
bool arePlatformAndLocalizationUnitsEnabled () const
VirtualRobot::RobotPtr cloneRobot (bool updateCollisionModel=false) const
 Returns a clone of the robot's model. More...
const std::string & getRobotFileName () const
 Returns the file name of the robot's model. More...
std::string getRobotName () const
 Returns the robot's name. More...
const std::string & getRobotNodetSeName () const
 Returns the name of the robot's RobotNodeSet. More...
std::string getRobotPlatformInstanceName () const
 Returns the name of the robot platform instance. More...
const std::string & getRobotPlatformName () const
 Returns the name of the robot's platform. More...
const std::string & getRobotProjectName () const
 Returns the name of the project containing the robot's model. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Management
void aggregatedHeartbeat (RobotHealthState overallHealthState, const Ice::Current &) override
bool isRunning (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns whether the RobotUnit is running. More...
bool isSimulation (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ControlThread
std::thread::id getControlThreadId () const
 Teturns he ControlThread's thread id. More...
EmergencyStopState getEmergencyStopState () const
 Returns the ControlThread's target EmergencyStopState. More...
EmergencyStopState getRtEmergencyStopState () const
 Returns the ControlThread's EmergencyStopState. More...
void setEmergencyStopState (EmergencyStopState state)
 Sets the EmergencyStopState. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SelfCollisionChecker
float getSelfCollisionAvoidanceDistance (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the minimal distance (mm) between a pair of bodies. More...
float getSelfCollisionAvoidanceFrequency (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the frequency of self collision checks. More...
bool isSelfCollisionCheckEnabled (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns whether the frequency of self collision checks is above 0. More...
void setSelfCollisionAvoidanceDistance (Ice::Float distance, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Sets the minimal distance (mm) between a configured pair of bodies to 'distance'. More...
void setSelfCollisionAvoidanceFrequency (Ice::Float freq, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Sets the frequency of self collision checks. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ControllerManagement
void activateNJointController (const NJointControllerBasePtr &ctrl)
 Requests activation for the given NJointControllerBase. More...
void activateNJointController (const std::string &name, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Requests activation for the given NJointControllerBase. More...
void activateNJointControllers (const Ice::StringSeq &names, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Requests activation for the given NJointControllers. More...
void activateNJointControllers (const std::vector< NJointControllerBasePtr > &ctrls)
 Requests activation for the given NJointControllers. More...
const NJointControllerBasePtr & createNJointController (const std::string &className, const std::string &instanceName, const NJointControllerConfigPtr &config, bool deletable, bool internal)
 Cretes a NJointControllerBase. More...
NJointControllerInterfacePrx createNJointController (const std::string &className, const std::string &instanceName, const NJointControllerConfigPtr &config, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Cretes a NJointControllerBase. More...
NJointControllerInterfacePrx createNJointControllerFromVariantConfig (const std::string &className, const std::string &instanceName, const StringVariantBaseMap &variants, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Cretes a NJointControllerBase. More...
NJointControllerInterfacePrx createOrReplaceNJointController (const std::string &className, const std::string &instanceName, const NJointControllerConfigPtr &config, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Deletes any NJointControllerBase with the given name and creates a new one. More...
void deactivateAndDeleteNJointController (const NJointControllerBasePtr &ctrl)
 Queues the given NJointControllerBase for deletion and deactivates it if necessary. More...
void deactivateAndDeleteNJointController (const std::string &name, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Queues the given NJointControllerBase for deletion and deactivates it if necessary. More...
void deactivateAndDeleteNJointControllers (const Ice::StringSeq &names, const Ice::Current &) override
 Queues the given NJointControllers for deletion and deactivates them if necessary. More...
void deactivateAndDeleteNJointControllers (const std::vector< NJointControllerBasePtr > &ctrls)
 Queues the given NJointControllers for deletion and deactivates them if necessary. More...
void deactivateNJointController (const NJointControllerBasePtr &ctrl)
 Requests deactivation for the given NJointControllerBase. More...
void deactivateNJointController (const std::string &name, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Requests deactivation for the given NJointControllerBase. More...
void deactivateNJointControllers (const Ice::StringSeq &names, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Requests deactivation for the given NJointControllers. More...
void deactivateNJointControllers (const std::vector< NJointControllerBasePtr > &ctrls)
 Requests deactivation for the given NJointControllers. More...
void deleteNJointController (const NJointControllerBasePtr &ctrl)
 Queues the given NJointControllerBase for deletion. More...
void deleteNJointController (const std::string &name, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Queues the given NJointControllerBase for deletion. More...
void deleteNJointControllers (const Ice::StringSeq &names, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Queues the given NJointControllers for deletion. More...
void deleteNJointControllers (const std::vector< NJointControllerBasePtr > &ctrls)
 Queues the given NJointControllers for deletion. More...
Ice::StringSeq getActivatedNJointControllerNames (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the names of all activated NJointControllers. More...
StringNJointControllerPrxDictionary getAllNJointControllers (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns proxies to all NJointControllers. More...
NJointControllerInterfacePrx getNJointController (const std::string &name, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns a proxy to the NJointControllerBase. More...
NJointControllerClassDescription getNJointControllerClassDescription (const std::string &className, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 getNJointControllerClassDescription More...
NJointControllerClassDescriptionSeq getNJointControllerClassDescriptions (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 getNJointControllerClassDescriptions More...
Ice::StringSeq getNJointControllerClassNames (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the names of all available classes of NJointControllerBase. More...
NJointControllerDescription getNJointControllerDescription (const std::string &name, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the description of the NJointControllerBase. More...
NJointControllerDescriptionSeq getNJointControllerDescriptions (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the description of all NJointControllers. More...
NJointControllerDescriptionWithStatusSeq getNJointControllerDescriptionsWithStatuses (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the status and description of all NJointControllers. More...
NJointControllerDescriptionWithStatus getNJointControllerDescriptionWithStatus (const std::string &name, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the status and description of the NJointControllerBase. More...
Ice::StringSeq getNJointControllerNames (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the names of all NJointControllers. More...
std::vector< std::string > getNJointControllerNames (const std::vector< armarx::NJointControllerBasePtr > &ctrls) const
 Returns the names of given NJointControllers. More...
const NJointControllerBasePtr & getNJointControllerNotNull (const std::string &name) const
 Returns a pointer to the NJointControllerBase. More...
std::vector< armarx::NJointControllerBasePtr > getNJointControllersNotNull (const std::vector< std::string > &names) const
 Returns pointers to the NJointControllers. More...
NJointControllerStatus getNJointControllerStatus (const std::string &name, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the status of the NJointControllerBase. More...
NJointControllerStatusSeq getNJointControllerStatuses (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the status of all NJointControllers. More...
Ice::StringSeq getRequestedNJointControllerNames (const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
 Returns the names of all requested NJointControllers. More...
void switchNJointControllerSetup (const Ice::StringSeq &newSetup, const Ice::Current &=Ice::emptyCurrent) override
 Changes the set of requested NJointControllers to the given set. More...
 ~ControllerManagement ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ControlThreadDataBuffer
bool activatedControllersChanged () const
 Returns whether the set of activated Joint- and NJointControllers changed. More...
JointAndNJointControllers copyRequestedControllers () const
 Returns the set of requsted Joint- and NJointControllers. More...
std::vector< JointController * > copyRequestedJointControllers () const
 Returns the set of requsted JointControllers. More...
std::vector< NJointControllerBase * > copyRequestedNJointControllers () const
 Returns the set of requsted NJointControllers. More...
JointAndNJointControllers getActivatedControllers () const
 TODO private + attorney for publish. More...
std::vector< JointController * > getActivatedJointControllers () const
 Returns the set of activated JointControllers. More...
std::vector< NJointControllerBase * > getActivatedNJointControllers () const
 Returns the set of activated NJointControllers. More...
ControlThreadOutputBuffergetControlThreadOutputBuffer ()
 Returns the ControlThreadOutputBuffer. More...
const SensorAndControlgetSensorAndControlBuffer () const
 TODO private + attorney for publish. More...
SensorAndControlrtGetSensorAndControlBuffer ()
 Returns the writer buffer for sensor and control values. More...
void rtSensorAndControlBufferCommitWrite ()
 Commits the writer buffer for sensor and control values. More...
bool sensorAndControlBufferChanged () const
 Updates the sensor and control buffer and returns whether the buffer was updated. More...
void setActivateControllersRequest (std::set< NJointControllerBasePtr, std::greater< NJointControllerBasePtr >> ctrls)
 Sets the set of requested NJointControllers to. More...
void updateVirtualRobot (const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr &robot) const
 Updates the given VirtualRobot with the current joint values. More...
void updateVirtualRobot (const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr &robot, const std::vector< VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr > &nodes) const
 Updates the given VirtualRobot with the current joint values. More...

Protected Member Functions

armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions () override
void joinControlThread () override
 Implementations have to join their ControlThread in this hook. (used by RobotUnit::finishRunning()) More...
void onConnectRobotUnit () override
 called in onConnectComponent More...
void onInitRobotUnit () override
 called in onInitComponent More...
void rtTask ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Units
void addUnit (ManagedIceObjectPtr unit)
 Registers a unit for management (the Unit is added and removed to the ArmarXManager and updated with new values. More...
ManagedIceObjectPtr createKinematicSubUnit (const Ice::PropertiesPtr &properties, const std::string &positionControlMode=ControlModes::Position1DoF, const std::string &velocityControlMode=ControlModes::Velocity1DoF, const std::string &torqueControlMode=ControlModes::Torque1DoF, const std::string &pwmControlMode=ControlModes::PWM1DoF)
 Create the KinematicUnit (this function should be called in initializeKinematicUnit) More...
virtual void initializeDefaultUnits ()
 Calls all init hooks for all managed Units. More...
virtual void initializeForceTorqueUnit ()
 Initializes the ForceTorqueUnit. More...
virtual void initializeInertialMeasurementUnit ()
 Initializes the InertialMeasurementUnit. More...
virtual void initializeKinematicUnit ()
 Initializes the KinematicUnit. More...
virtual void initializeLocalizationUnit ()
 Initializes the TcpControllerUnit. More...
virtual void initializePlatformUnit ()
 Initializes the PlatformUnit. More...
virtual void initializeTcpControllerUnit ()
 Initializes the TcpControllerUnit. More...
virtual void initializeTrajectoryControllerUnit ()
 Initializes the TrajectoryControllerUnit. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ModuleBase
void _componentPropertiesUpdated (const std::set< std::string > &)
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in componentPropertiesUpdated. More...
void _icePropertiesInitialized ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in icePropertiesInitialized. More...
void _postFinishComponentInitialization ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in finishComponentInitialization (called after the state has changed) More...
void _postFinishControlThreadInitialization ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in finishControlThreadInitialization (called after the state has changed) More...
void _postFinishDeviceInitialization ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in finishDeviceInitialization (called after the state has changed) More...
void _postFinishRunning ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in finishRunning (called after the state has changed) More...
void _postFinishUnitInitialization ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in finishUnitInitialization (called after the state has changed) More...
void _postOnConnectRobotUnit ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in onConnectComponent (called after onConnectRobotUnit was called) More...
void _postOnDisconnectRobotUnit ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in onDisconnectComponent (called after onDisconnectRobotUnit was called) More...
void _postOnExitRobotUnit ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in onExitComponent (called after onExitRobotUnit was called) More...
void _postOnInitRobotUnit ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in onInitComponent (called after onInitRobotUnit was called) More...
void _preFinishComponentInitialization ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in finishComponentInitialization (called before the state has changed) More...
void _preFinishControlThreadInitialization ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in finishControlThreadInitialization (called before the state has changed) More...
void _preFinishDeviceInitialization ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in finishDeviceInitialization (called before the state has changed) More...
void _preFinishRunning ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in finishRunning (called before the state has changed) More...
void _preFinishUnitInitialization ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in finishUnitInitialization (called before the state has changed) More...
void _preOnConnectRobotUnit ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in onConnectComponent (called before onConnectRobotUnit was called) More...
void _preOnDisconnectRobotUnit ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in onDisconnectComponent (called before onDisconnectRobotUnit was called) More...
void _preOnExitRobotUnit ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in onExitComponent (called before onExitRobotUnit was called) More...
void _preOnInitRobotUnit ()
 Hook for deriving RobotUnitModules called in onInitComponent (called before onInitRobotUnit was called) More...
void checkDerivedClasses () const
 Checks whether the implementing class derives all modules. More...
virtual void finishComponentInitialization ()
 Transition RobotUnitState::InitializingComponent -> RobotUnitState::InitializingDevices. More...
virtual void finishControlThreadInitialization ()
 Transition RobotUnitState::InitializingControlThread -> RobotUnitState::Running. More...
virtual void finishDeviceInitialization ()
 Transition RobotUnitState::InitializingDevices -> RobotUnitState::InitializingUnits. More...
virtual void finishRunning ()
 Transition RobotUnitState::Running -> RobotUnitState::Exiting. More...
virtual void finishUnitInitialization ()
 Transition RobotUnitState::InitializingUnits -> RobotUnitState::WaitingForRTThreadInitialization. More...
GuardType getGuard () const
 Returns a guard to the RobotUnits mutex. More...
void icePropertiesInitialized () override
 ModuleBase ()
 Ctor. More...
void onConnectComponent () final override
void onDisconnectComponent () final override
void onExitComponent () final override
void onInitComponent () final override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Component
void addPropertyUser (const PropertyUserPtr &subPropertyUser)
 Add additional property users here that should show up in the application help text. More...
 Component ()
 Protected default constructor. Used for virtual inheritance. Use createManagedIceObject() instead. More...
std::string getConfigDomain ()
 Retrieve config domain for this component as set in constructor. More...
std::string getConfigIdentifier ()
 Retrieve config identifier for this component as set in constructor. More...
std::string getConfigName ()
 Retrieve config name for this component as set in constructor. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ManagedIceObject
template<class PluginT , class... ParamsT>
PluginT * addPlugin (const std::string prefix="", ParamsT &&...params)
template<class PluginT , class... ParamsT>
void addPlugin (PluginT *&targ, const std::string prefix="", ParamsT &&...params)
template<class PluginT , class... ParamsT>
void addPlugin (std::experimental::observer_ptr< PluginT > &targ, const std::string prefix="", ParamsT &&...params)
Ice::CommunicatorPtr getCommunicator () const
std::unique_ptr< ManagedIceObjectPlugin > & getPluginPointer (std::type_info const &type, std::string const &prefix)
 ManagedIceObject ()
 Protected default constructor. More...
virtual void postOnConnectComponent ()
virtual void postOnDisconnectComponent ()
virtual void postOnExitComponent ()
virtual void postOnInitComponent ()
virtual void preOnDisconnectComponent ()
virtual void preOnExitComponent ()
bool removeProxyDependency (const std::string &name)
 This function removes the dependency of this object on the in parameter name specified object. More...
void setName (std::string name)
 Override name of well-known object. More...
void terminate ()
 Initiates termination of this IceManagedObject. More...
 ~ManagedIceObject () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Logging
bool checkLogLevel (MessageTypeT level) const
const LogSenderPtrgetLogSender () const
 Retrieve log sender. More...
LogSenderPtr loghelper (const char *file, int line, const char *function) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Devices
void addControlDevice (const ControlDevicePtr &cd)
 Adds a ControlDevice to the robot. More...
void addSensorDevice (const SensorDevicePtr &sd)
 Adds a SensorDevice to the robot. More...
virtual RTThreadTimingsSensorDevicePtr createRTThreadTimingSensorDevice () const
 Creates the SensorDevice used to log timings in the ControlThread (This function is supposed to be used in the ModuleBase::finishDeviceInitialization) More...
RTThreadTimingsSensorDevicertGetRTThreadTimingsSensorDevice ()
 Returns the SensorDevice used to log timings in the ControlThread. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Publisher
virtual void publish (StringVariantBaseMap additionalMap={}, StringVariantBaseMap timingMap={})
 Publishes data. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ControlThread
void rtDeactivateAssignedNJointControllerBecauseOfError (std::size_t ctrlDevIndex)
 Searches for the NJointControllerBase responsible for the given JointController and deactivates it. More...
virtual void rtDeactivatedNJointControllerBecauseOfError (const NJointControllerBasePtr &)
 Hook for deriving classes (called AFTER a NJointControllerBase is deactivated due to an error) More...
void rtDeactivateNJointControllerBecauseOfError (std::size_t nJointCtrlIndex)
 Deactivates a NJointControllerBase and sets all used ControlDevices to EmergencyStop. More...
const std::vector< ControlDevicePtr > & rtGetControlDevices () const
 Returns all ControlDevices. More...
EmergencyStopState rtGetEmergencyStopState () const
 Returns the ControlThread's emergency stop state. More...
const VirtualRobot::RobotPtrrtGetRobot () const
 Returns the simox robot used in the control thread. More...
const std::vector< SensorDevicePtr > & rtGetSensorDevices ()
 Returns all SensorDevices. More...
RTThreadTimingsSensorDevicertGetThreadTimingsSensorDevice ()
 Returns the RTThreadTimingsSensorDevice. More...
void rtHandleInvalidTargets ()
 Deactivates all NJointControllers generating invalid targets. More...
bool rtIsInEmergencyStop () const
 Returns whether the rt thread is in emergency stop. More...
virtual void rtPostReadSensorDeviceValues (const IceUtil::Time &sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time &timeSinceLastIteration)
 Execute code after updating the sensor values. More...
void rtReadSensorDeviceValues (const IceUtil::Time &sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time &timeSinceLastIteration)
 Calls SensorDevice::rtReadSensorValues for all SensorDevices. More...
void rtResetAllTargets ()
 Calls JointController::rtResetTarget for all active Joint controllers. More...
void rtRunJointControllers (const IceUtil::Time &sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time &timeSinceLastIteration)
 Runs Joint controllers and writes target values to ControlDevices. More...
void rtRunNJointControllers (const IceUtil::Time &sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time &timeSinceLastIteration)
 Runs NJoint controllers. More...
void rtSetEmergencyStopState (EmergencyStopState state)
 Set an EmergencyStopState request. More...
void rtSetJointController (JointController *c, std::size_t index)
 Activate a joint controller from the rt loop (only works in switch mode RTThread) More...
void rtSetRobotGlobalPose (const Eigen::Matrix4f &gp, bool updateRobot=true)
bool rtSwitchControllerSetup (SwitchControllerMode mode=SwitchControllerMode::IceRequests)
 Changes the set of active controllers. More...
void rtUpdateRobotGlobalPose ()
void rtUpdateSensorAndControlBuffer (const IceUtil::Time &sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time &timeSinceLastIteration)
 Updates the current SensorValues and ControlTargets for code running outside of the ControlThread. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ControlThreadDataBuffer
virtual void checkSetOfControllersToActivate (const JointAndNJointControllers &) const
 This hook is called prior to writing the set of requested controllers. More...

Protected Attributes

float maxAngularPlatformVelocity {0}
float maxLinearPlatformVelocity {0}
VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot
std::string robotName
std::thread rtThread
std::atomic_bool shutdownRtThread {false}
std::atomic< long > simulationDataTimestampInMicroSeconds {0}
SimulatorInterfacePrx simulatorPrx
std::string simulatorPrxName
- Protected Attributes inherited from Logging
MessageTypeT minimumLoggingLevel
SpamFilterDataPtr spamFilter
LogTag tag

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ManagedIceObject
using PeriodicTaskPtr = IceUtil::Handle< SimplePeriodicTask< std::function< void(void)> >>
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from RobotUnit
static RobotUnitInstance ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Units
static UnitsInstance ()
 Returns the singleton instance of this class. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ModuleBase
static ModuleBaseInstance ()
 Returns the singleton instance of this class. More...
template<class T >
static TInstance ()
 Returns the singleton instance of the given class. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Component
template<class T , class TPtr = IceInternal::Handle<T>>
static TPtr create (Ice::PropertiesPtr properties=Ice::createProperties(), const std::string &configName="", const std::string &configDomain="ArmarX")
 Factory method for a component. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ManagedIceObject
static std::string generateSubObjectName (const std::string &superObjectName, const std::string &subObjectName)
 Generates a unique name for a sub object from a general name and unique name. More...
static std::string GetObjectStateAsString (int state)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Logging
static LoggingInstance ()
 Returns the singleton instance of this class. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Devices
static DevicesInstance ()
 Returns the singleton instance of this class. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Publisher
static PublisherInstance ()
 Returns the singleton instance of this class. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from RobotData
static RobotDataInstance ()
 Returns the singleton instance of this class. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Management
static ManagementInstance ()
 Returns the singleton instance of this class. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ControlThread
static ControlThreadInstance ()
 Returns the singleton instance of this class. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SelfCollisionChecker
static SelfCollisionCheckerInstance ()
 Returns the singleton instance of this class. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ControllerManagement
static ControllerManagementInstance ()
 Returns the singleton instance of this class. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ControlThreadDataBuffer
static ControlThreadDataBufferInstance ()
 Returns the singleton instance of this class. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ManagedIceObject
static const ManagedIceObjectPtr NullPtr
 A nullptr to be used when a const ref to a nullptr is required. More...
- Protected Types inherited from ModuleBase
using ClockType = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock
using GuardType = std::unique_lock< MutexType >
using MutexType = std::recursive_timed_mutex
 The type of recursive_mutex used in this class. More...
using TimePointType = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point
- Protected Types inherited from ControlThread
enum  SwitchControllerMode { RTThread, IceRequests }
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ModuleBase
static constexpr std::size_t IndexSentinel ()
 Returns a sentinel value for an index (std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()) More...

Detailed Description

Brief description of class RobotUnitSimulation.

Detailed description of class RobotUnitSimulation.

Definition at line 153 of file RobotUnitSimulation.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RobotUnitSimulation()

RobotUnitSimulation ( )

Definition at line 158 of file RobotUnitSimulation.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ componentPropertiesUpdated()

void componentPropertiesUpdated ( const std::set< std::string > &  changedProperties)
See also

Reimplemented from ModuleBase.

Definition at line 602 of file RobotUnitSimulation.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createPropertyDefinitions()

armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions ( )
See also

Reimplemented from RobotUnit.

Definition at line 180 of file RobotUnitSimulation.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getControlThreadTargetPeriod()

IceUtil::Time getControlThreadTargetPeriod ( ) const

The ControlThread's period.

Implements ModuleBase.

Definition at line 290 of file RobotUnitSimulation.h.

◆ getDefaultName()

std::string getDefaultName ( ) const
See also

Reimplemented from ModuleBase.

Definition at line 169 of file RobotUnitSimulation.h.

◆ isSimulation()

bool isSimulation ( const Ice::Current &  ) const

Definition at line 297 of file RobotUnitSimulation.h.

◆ joinControlThread()

void joinControlThread ( )

Implementations have to join their ControlThread in this hook. (used by RobotUnit::finishRunning())

Implements ModuleBase.

Definition at line 131 of file RobotUnitSimulation.cpp.

◆ onConnectRobotUnit()

void onConnectRobotUnit ( )

called in onConnectComponent

This function is not protected with getGuard()
See also

Reimplemented from ModuleBase.

Definition at line 122 of file RobotUnitSimulation.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ onInitRobotUnit()

void onInitRobotUnit ( )

called in onInitComponent

This function is protected with getGuard()
See also

Reimplemented from ModuleBase.

Definition at line 38 of file RobotUnitSimulation.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ reportState()

void reportState ( SimulatedRobotState const &  state,
const Ice::Current &  = Ice::emptyCurrent 

Definition at line 350 of file RobotUnitSimulation.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rtTask()

void rtTask ( )

Definition at line 137 of file RobotUnitSimulation.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ maxAngularPlatformVelocity

float maxAngularPlatformVelocity {0}

Definition at line 202 of file RobotUnitSimulation.h.

◆ maxLinearPlatformVelocity

float maxLinearPlatformVelocity {0}

Definition at line 201 of file RobotUnitSimulation.h.

◆ robot

VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot

Definition at line 204 of file RobotUnitSimulation.h.

◆ robotName

std::string robotName

Definition at line 199 of file RobotUnitSimulation.h.

◆ rtThread

std::thread rtThread

Definition at line 195 of file RobotUnitSimulation.h.

◆ shutdownRtThread

std::atomic_bool shutdownRtThread {false}

Definition at line 194 of file RobotUnitSimulation.h.

◆ simulationDataTimestampInMicroSeconds

std::atomic<long> simulationDataTimestampInMicroSeconds {0}

Definition at line 197 of file RobotUnitSimulation.h.

◆ simulatorPrx

SimulatorInterfacePrx simulatorPrx

Definition at line 196 of file RobotUnitSimulation.h.

◆ simulatorPrxName

std::string simulatorPrxName

Definition at line 198 of file RobotUnitSimulation.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: