armarx::exceptions::local Namespace Reference


struct  BoostAssertException
class  ControlPointsInterpolationMatchException
class  DynamicLibraryException
 This exception is thrown if an invalid value was specified for a property. More...
struct  eNotInitialized
struct  eNullPointerException
struct  eStateAlreadyLeft
struct  eStatechartLogicError
struct  eUnknownParameter
class  ExpressionException
 This exception is thrown if the macro ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION is used. More...
class  FileIOException
 This exception is thrown when an error occurs during file access. More...
class  FileOpenException
class  IncompleteTypeException
class  InterpolationNotDefinedException
class  InvalidChannelException
class  InvalidCheckException
class  InvalidDataFieldException
class  InvalidPropertyValueException
 This exception is thrown if an invalid value was specified for a property. More...
class  MissingRequiredPropertyException
 This exception is thrown if a property marked as required has not been specified. More...
struct  MutexDestructionException
struct  MutexTimeoutException
 The MutexTimeoutException struct. More...
class  NoInterpolationPossibleException
class  PointingAbortedException
class  PointingException
class  PointingFailedException
class  PropertyInheritanceCycleException
 This exception is thrown if a property inheritance cycle has been encountered. More...
class  ProxyNotInitializedException
 This exception is thrown when accessing an uninitialized proxy. More...
class  RapidXmlReaderException
class  SharedMemoryConnectionFailure
class  SharedMemoryException
class  UnexpectedEnumValueException
 Indicates that an unexpected value of an enum was encountered. More...
class  UnmappedValueException
 This exception is thrown if a value specified for a property is not found in the property mapping PropertyMapper. More...
class  ValueRangeExceededException
 This exception is thrown if a value is out of a specified or allowed range. More...
class  XmlReaderException