Go to the documentation of this file.
7 #include "detail/CoreSegmentQueryProcessorBase.h"
8 #include "detail/EntityQueryProcessorBase.h"
9 #include "detail/MemoryQueryProcessorBase.h"
10 #include "detail/ProviderSegmentQueryProcessorBase.h"
25 template <
class SourceEntityT>
46 const typename SourceEntityT::EntitySnapshotT& snapshot)
75 armem::wm::ProviderSegment,
76 EntityQueryProcessor>,
96 armem::wm::CoreSegment,
97 ProviderSegmentQueryProcessor>,
118 CoreSegmentQueryProcessor>,
144 armem::wm::ProviderSegment,
145 EntityQueryProcessor>,
162 armem::wm::CoreSegment,
163 ProviderSegmentQueryProcessor>,
182 const armem::query::data::CoreSegmentQuery& query,
189 CoreSegmentQueryProcessor>,
Client-side working memory provider segment.
Client-side working entity instance.
virtual void process(ResultProviderSegmentT &result, const armem::query::data::ProviderSegmentQuery &query, const ProviderSegmentT &providerSegment) const override
@ WithData
Get structure and ARON data.
virtual void process(ResultEntityT &result, const armem::query::data::EntityQuery &query, const EntityT &entity) const override
EntitySnapshotT & addSnapshot(const Time ×tamp)
Add a snapshot at the given time.
void addResultSnapshot(ResultEntityT &result, const EntitySnapshotT &snapshot) const override
ResultMemoryT process(const armem::query::data::Input &input, const MemoryT &memory) const
Use of this software is granted under one of the following two to be chosen freely by the user Boost Software License Version Marcin Kalicinski Permission is hereby free of to any person or organization obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by this and transmit the and to prepare derivative works of the and to permit third parties to whom the Software is furnished to do all subject to the including the above license this restriction and the following must be included in all copies of the in whole or in and all derivative works of the unless such copies or derivative works are solely in the form of machine executable object code generated by a source language processor THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY EXPRESS OR INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR TITLE AND NON INFRINGEMENT IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR ANYONE DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER WHETHER IN TORT OR ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE The MIT Marcin Kalicinski Permission is hereby free of to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation to deal in the Software without including without limitation the rights to copy
CoreSegmentQueryProcessor(armem::query::DataMode dataMode=armem::query::DataMode::WithData)
ProviderSegmentQueryProcessor(armem::query::DataMode dataMode=armem::query::DataMode::WithData)
Client-side working memory core segment.
void addResultSnapshot(armem::wm::Entity &result, const typename SourceEntityT::EntitySnapshotT &snapshot) const
Client-side working memory.
MemoryQueryProcessor(armem::query::DataMode dataMode=armem::query::DataMode::WithData)
virtual void process(ResultCoreSegmentT &result, const armem::query::data::CoreSegmentQuery &query, const CoreSegmentT &coreSegment) const override
Client-side working memory entity snapshot.
CoreSegmentQueryProcessor(armem::query::DataMode dataMode=armem::query::DataMode::WithData)
ProviderSegmentQueryProcessor(armem::query::DataMode dataMode=armem::query::DataMode::WithData)
armem::query::DataMode dataMode
EntityQueryProcessor(armem::query::DataMode dataMode=armem::query::DataMode::WithData)
MemoryQueryProcessor(armem::query::DataMode dataMode=armem::query::DataMode::WithData)
Client-side working memory entity.
const DataT & data() const
HasDataMode(armem::query::DataMode dataMode)