Data Member Index
- dcdStep
- maxTries
- maxTimeForPostprocessingInSeconds
- minShortcutImprovementRatio
@brief Minimal ratio the shortcut has to be shorter than the path replaced by the shortcut.
- minPathImprovementRatio
@brief Minimal ratio the improved path has to be shorter than the current path.
Data Members
[ "protected" ]
float dcdStep;
[ "protected" ]
long maxTries;
[ "protected" ]
long maxTimeForPostprocessingInSeconds;
[ "protected" ]
float minShortcutImprovementRatio;
@brief Minimal ratio the shortcut has to be shorter than the path replaced by the shortcut.
E.g.: If 0.1 a shortcut has to have a length <= 0.9 * length of the improved path segment.
[ "protected" ]
float minPathImprovementRatio;
@brief Minimal ratio the improved path has to be shorter than the current path.
E.g.: If 0.01 a shortcut has reduce the path length by >= 0.01 * length of the current path.