Todo List
Page Create a Hello World!" Component in ArmarX (C++)"
Add an explaination on how to add the component in the scenario manager
Page How to Create a New Core segment or Memory Server
Merge the information from here into Write a Memory Server and Client (C++)
Page How to Use CMake in ArmarX including Conventions and Tricks
Update link to conventions
Class KBM

In the predict function, the center vector should be substracted from the proprioception!

Introduce more the terms of intervals instead of spread angle and center!?

offer a linearized version (for small angles).

Member KBM::checkBBox (const Vector &lower, const Vector &upper, Real tolerance=0.0f) const
Add parameter to chose between overlapping and containment.
Member KBM::checkBBoxes (const Vector &lower, const Vector &upper, const Matrix &controlNet, Real tolerance=0.0f)
Add parameter to chose between overlapping and containment. Containment seems better but more expensive (more recursions)
Member KBM::subdivide (const Vector &center, const Vector &newSpreadAngles)
This method needs to be further developed to enable the global inverse kinematics search.
Member memoryx::KBM::Inverse::solveGlobalIK (KBM::Models::KBM_ptr kbm, const Vector &lower, const Vector &upper, Real resolution=M_PI/90.0f)

Allow for additional constraints and behaviors in the form of a functor parameter.

Transform into class (with solution set embedded). For easier parameter settings. Further, SolutionSet should be a class with more information.

Change the enum type in KBM::Models::KBM::BBCheckType such that they can be combined by binary operators.

Allow depth search, also conditional after a given accuracy to avoid multiple solutions.

Namespace memoryx::KBM::Models
Dynamic B´ezier Maps (KBM for the inverse dynamics) are still to be implemented.
Namespace memoryx::KBM::Models
Dynamic B´ezier Maps (KBM for the inverse dynamics) are still to be implemented.
Namespace memoryx::KBM::Models
Dynamic B´ezier Maps (KBM for the inverse dynamics) are still to be implemented.
Page Write a Memory Server and Client (C++)

Move information to RobotAPI doc

Incorporate content of RobotAPI Wiki