DefaultWidgetDescriptions.h File Reference
#include <cmath>
#include <ArmarXGui/interface/WidgetDescription.h>
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 This file offers overloads of toIce() and fromIce() functions for STL container types.


CheckBoxPtr makeCheckBox (std::string name, bool defaultValue)
CheckBoxPtr makeCheckBox (std::string name, bool defaultValue, std::string label)
DoubleLineEditPtr makeDoubleLineEdit (std::string name, double defaultValue)
DoubleSliderPtr makeDoubleSlider (std::string name, double min, double max, double defaultValue)
DoubleSpinBoxPtr makeDoubleSpinBox (std::string name, double min, double max, double defaultValue, int steps, int decimals)
FloatLineEditPtr makeFloatLineEdit (std::string name, float defaultValue)
FloatSliderPtr makeFloatSlider (std::string name, float min, float max, float defaultValue)
FloatSpinBoxPtr makeFloatSpinBox (std::string name, float min, float max, float defaultValue, int steps, int decimals)
FormLayoutPtr makeFormLayout (std::vector< std::pair< std::string, WidgetPtr >> elements)
FormLayoutPtr makeFormLayout (std::vector< WidgetPtr > elements)
FormLayoutElementPtr makeFormLayoutElement (std::string name, WidgetPtr child, bool spanning)
FormLayoutElementPtr makeFormLayoutElement (WidgetPtr child, bool spanning)
FormLayoutElementPtr makeFormLayoutElement (WidgetPtr labelWidget, WidgetPtr child)
WidgetPtr makeFrame (WidgetPtr child)
GroupBoxPtr makeGroupBox (std::string label, WidgetPtr child, bool framed)
HBoxLayoutPtr makeHBoxLayout (std::vector< WidgetPtr > elements)
HLinePtr makeHLine ()
HSpacerPtr makeHSpacer ()
IntSliderPtr makeIntSlider (std::string name, int min, int max, int defaultValue)
IntSpinBoxPtr makeIntSpinBox (std::string name, int min, int max, int defaultValue)
LabelPtr makeLabel (std::string text)
LineEditPtr makeLineEdit (std::string name, std::string defaultValue)
FormLayoutElementPtr makeSpanningFormLayoutElement (WidgetPtr child)
StringComboBoxPtr makeStringComboBox (std::string name, std::vector< std::string > options, long defaultIndex)
VBoxLayoutPtr makeVBoxLayout (std::vector< WidgetPtr > elements)
VLinePtr makeVLine ()
VSpacerPtr makeVSpacer ()
HBoxLayoutPtr makeXYZRollPitchYawWidget (const std::string &namePrefix, FloatRange rangeLin, FloatRange rangeAng)
HBoxLayoutPtr makeXYZRollPitchYawWidget (const std::string &namePrefix="", float initX=0, float initY=0, float initZ=0, float initRoll=0, float initPitch=0, float initYaw=0, FloatRange rangeX={-25000, 25000}, FloatRange rangeY={-25000, 25000}, FloatRange rangeZ={-0, 25000}, FloatRange rangeRoll={-M_PI, M_PI}, FloatRange rangePitch={-M_PI, M_PI}, FloatRange rangeYaw={-M_PI, M_PI})
 Values will have the names namePrefix{X,Y,Z,Roll,Pitch,Yaw}. More...