Go to the documentation of this file.
61 GeneratedGraspList
const GeneratedGraspList& grasps,
const Ice::Current&)
62 GraspingPlacementList
const GraspingPlacementList& placements,
const Ice::Current&)
DummyCriterionPropertyDefinitions(std::string prefix)
GeneratedGraspList filterGrasps(const GeneratedGraspList &grasps, const Ice::Current &) override
std::string prefix
Prefix of the properties such as namespace, domain, component name, etc.
void onConnectGraspSelectionCriterion() override
armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions() override
void onInitGraspSelectionCriterion() override
Ice::Int getHash(const Ice::Current &) const override
std::string getConfigIdentifier()
Retrieve config identifier for this component as set in constructor.
GraspingPlacementList filterPlacements(const GraspingPlacementList &placements, const Ice::Current &) override
IceUtil::Handle< class PropertyDefinitionContainer > PropertyDefinitionsPtr
PropertyDefinitions smart pointer type.
This file offers overloads of toIce() and fromIce() functions for STL container types.
std::string getDefaultName() const override
Retrieve default name of component.