class | ApplicationStarter |
class | ApplicationStopper |
| Interface for classes that handle how application get stopped and killed. More...
class | ByNameStopperLinux |
| Stops or kills applications on Linux based on their name. This ApplicationStopper stops (killall -15) or kills (killall -9) application processes on Linux. It should not be used on other operating systems, due to the usage of system calls. More...
class | Executor |
| Starts, stops and restarts applications and scenarios. Can also be used to request the status of an application. The proper system-specific stopstrategy and starter have to be set in the constructor. More...
class | IceStatusReader |
class | Kill |
class | LinuxStarter |
| Starts applications in Linux. Shouldn't be used in any other OS, due to system calls being used. Applications started this way will still run, even when the main application dies. Can also be used to request the status of an application. More...
class | PidStopperLinux |
| Stops or kills applications on Linux based on their pid. This ApplicationStopper stops (kill -15) or kills (kill -9) application processes on Linux. It should not be used on other operating systems, due to the usage of system calls. More...
class | StarterFactory |
| Abstract base class for factory classes that create ApplicationStarter. Should be implemented for each operating system. More...
class | StarterFactoryLinux |
| Creates an ApplicationStarter for Linux. Shouldn't be used on other operating systems, since the starter uses system calls to start applications. More...
class | Stop |
| Simply stops the application, using the given ApplicationStopper. This StopStrategy can be made system-specific by switching out its ApplicationStopper. More...
class | StopAndKill |
| First tries to stop, then kills an application, using the given ApplicationStopper. This StopStrategy first tries to stop an application. If after a certain period of time the application hasn't yet stopped, it tries to kill it. This StopStrategy can be made system-specific by switching out its ApplicationStopper. More...
class | StopperFactory |
| Abstract base class for factory classes that create ApplicationStopper. Should be implemented for each operating system. More...
class | StopperFactoryLinux |
| Creates different ApplicationStopper for Linux. Shouldn't be used on other operating systems, since the stoppers use system calls to stop applications. More...
class | StopStrategy |
| Interface for classes that define how an application get stopped. More...
class | StopStrategyFactory |
| Creates different instances of StopStrategy. This Factory creates different types of stop-strategies. More...