@brief Abstract base holding the data required to execute a planning task.
The algorithm is specified in derived classes.
The c++ side requires a function to create a server side task.
(since this is an implementation detail this function is not part of the slice interface)
Derived Classes and Interfaces
- MotionPlanningTaskWithDefaultMembersBase
- PostprocessingMotionPlanningTaskBase
- pathcol::TaskBase
Used By
- MotionPlanningServerInterface::enqueueTask
- PostprocessingMotionPlanningTaskBase::previousStep
Operation Index
- run
@brief Runs the task and blocks until it is finished (done/arborted/failed)
The function is protected, since it should only be called locally on the server side.
- setTaskStatus
- getCSpace
@return The CSpace.
- getMaximalPlanningTimeInSeconds
@return The goal config.
- getTaskName
Data Member Index
- taskName
@brief Runs the task and blocks until it is finished (done/arborted/failed)
The function is protected, since it should only be called locally on the server side.
- remoteObjectNodes
The remote object nodes to use for calculation
Return Value
The CSpace.
long getMaximalPlanningTimeInSeconds()
Return Value
The goal config.
string getTaskName()
Data Members
[ "protected" ]
string taskName;