Implements an interface to an PlatformUnit.
Derived Classes and Interfaces
- PlatformSubUnitInterface
- PlatformUnitDynamicSimulationInterface
Operation Index
- moveTo
moveTo moves the platform to a global pose specified by:
@param targetPlatformPositionX Global x-coordinate of target position.
- move
move moves the platform with given velocities.
- moveRelative
moveRelative moves to a pose defined in platform coordinates.
- setMaxVelocities
setMaxVelocities allows to specify max velocities in translation and orientation.
- stopPlatform
stopPlatform stops the movements of the platform.
void moveTo(float targetPlatformPositionX, float targetPlatformPositionY, float targetPlatformRotation, float positionalAccuracy, float orientationalAccuracy)
moveTo moves the platform to a global pose specified by:
- targetPlatformPositionX
Global x-coordinate of target position.
- targetPlatformPositionY
Global y-coordinate of target position.
- targetPlatformRotation
Global orientation of platform, mostly yaw angle (rotation around z-axis).
- postionalAccuracy
Platform stops translating if distance to target position gets lower than this threshhold.
- orientationalAccuracy
Platform stops rotating if distance from current to target orientation gets lower than this threshhold.
void move(float targetPlatformVelocityX, float targetPlatformVelocityY, float targetPlatformVelocityRotation)
move moves the platform with given velocities.
- targetPlatformVelocityX
x-coordinate of target velocity defined in platform root.
- targetPlatformVelocityY
y-coordinate of target velocity defined in platform root.
- targetPlatformVelocityRotation
Target orientational velocity defined in platform root.
void moveRelative(float targetPlatformOffsetX, float targetPlatformOffsetY, float targetPlatformOffsetRotation, float positionalAccuracy, float orientationalAccuracy)
moveRelative moves to a pose defined in platform coordinates.
- targetPlatformOffsetX
x-coordinate of target position defined in platform root.
- targetPlatformOffsetY
y-coordinate of target position defined in platform root.
- targetPlatformOffsetRotation
Target orientation of platform defined in platform root.
- postionalAccuracy
Platform stops translating if distance to target position gets lower than this threshhold.
- orientationalAccuracy
Platform stops rotating if distance from current to target orientation gets lower than this threshhold.
void setMaxVelocities(float positionalVelocity, float orientationalVelocity)
setMaxVelocities allows to specify max velocities in translation and orientation.
- positionalVelocity
Max translation velocity.
- orientationalVelocity
Max orientational velocity.
void stopPlatform()
stopPlatform stops the movements of the platform.