[ "cpp:virtual" ]
class GraphMemorySegmentBase extends PersistentEntitySegmentBase
@brief Segment to store graphs represented by GraphNodes.
Operation Index
- getScenes
@brief Returns a list containing all used scene names.
- getNodesByScene
@brief Returns all nodes assoicated to given scene.
- getNodeById
@brief Returns the node with given id.
- getNodeByName
@brief Returns the node with given name.
- getAllNodes
@brief Returns all nodes.
- clearScene
@brief Removes all nodes associated to given scene.
- addNode
@brief Adds a node to the segment.
- addEdge
@brief Adds an edge between given nodes.
- hasScene
@brief Returns whether the scene exists (whether it contains nodes).
- hasNodeWithName
@brief Returns whether the requested scene has a node with the requested name.
- getNodeFromSceneByName
@brief Returns the node from the requested scene with the requested name.
- removeNode
- removeEdge
- aStar
@brief Searches a path from idFrom to idTo using a*.
::Ice::StringSeq getScenes()
@brief Returns a list containing all used scene names.
Return Value
A list containing all used scene names.
@brief Returns all nodes assoicated to given scene.
- name
The name of the scene
Return Value
All nodes assoicated to given scene.
GraphNodeBase getNodeById(string entityId)
@brief Returns the node with given id.
- entityId
The node's id.
Return Value
The node with given id.
GraphNodeBase getNodeByName(string entityName)
@brief Returns the node with given name.
- entityName
The node's name.
Return Value
The node with given name.
@brief Returns all nodes.
Return Value
All nodes.
void clearScene(string sceneName)
@brief Removes all nodes associated to given scene.
- sceneName
The scene to clear.
@brief Adds a node to the segment.
- node
The node to add.
Return Value
The entity id.
bool addEdge(string fromId, string toId)
@brief Adds an edge between given nodes.
- fromId
The source node's id.
- toId
The destination node's id.
Return Value
Whether the node was added.
bool hasScene(string sceneName)
@brief Returns whether the scene exists (whether it contains nodes).
- sceneName
The scene's name.
Return Value
Whether the scene exists (whether it contains nodes).
bool hasNodeWithName(string sceneName, string nodeName)
@brief Returns whether the requested scene has a node with the requested name.
- sceneName
The requested scene.
- name
The requested node name.
Return Value
Whether the requested scene has a node with the requested name.
GraphNodeBase getNodeFromSceneByName(string sceneName, string nodeName)
@brief Returns the node from the requested scene with the requested name.
- sceneName
The requested scene.
- name
The requested node.
Return Value
The node from the requested scene with the requested name name.
bool removeNode(string nodeId)
bool removeEdge(string startNodeId, string endNodeId)
@brief Searches a path from idFrom to idTo using a*.*_search_algorithm
- idFrom
The node to use as starting point.
- idTo
The target node.
Return Value
The path from idFrom to idTo.