Go to the documentation of this file.
3 #include "BasePrimitiveShape.h"
4 #include <GfxTL/AABox.h>
5 #include <MiscLib/Vector.h>
6 #include <algorithm>
7 #include <istream>
8 #include <MiscLib/Performance.h>
9 #include <GfxTL/MathHelper.h>
10 #include <GfxTL/IndexedIterator.h>
11 #include "IndexIterator.h"
12 #include <MiscLib/Pair.h>
13 #ifdef DOPARALLEL
14 #include <omp.h>
15 #endif
17 #ifndef DLL_LINKAGE
18 #define DLL_LINKAGE
19 #endif
21 struct BitmapInfo
22 {
27  size_t uextent, vextent;
28 };
31  : public BasePrimitiveShape
32 {
33 public:
34  bool Init(bool binary, std::istream* i);
35  size_t ConnectedComponent(const PointCloud& pc, float epsilon,
36  MiscLib::Vector< size_t >* indices, bool doFiltering = true, float* borderRatio = 0);
37  size_t AllConnectedComponents(const PointCloud& pc, float epsilon, BitmapInfo& bitmapInfo,
39  MiscLib::Vector< std::pair< int, size_t > >& labels, bool doFiltering = true);
40  void TrimmingPolygons(const PointCloud& pc, float epsilon,
41  size_t begin, size_t end,
42  std::deque< ComponentPolygons >* polys) const;
43  void GenerateBitmapPoints(const PointCloud& pc, float epsilon,
44  size_t begin, size_t end, PointCloud* bmpPc) const;
46 public:
47  virtual void Parameters(const Vec3f& p,
48  std::pair< float, float >* param) const = 0;
49  virtual bool InSpace(float u, float v, Vec3f* p, Vec3f* n) const = 0;
54  MiscLib::Vector< std::pair< float, float > >* bmpParams) const = 0;
59  MiscLib::Vector< std::pair< float, float > >* bmpParams) const = 0;
60  virtual void BitmapExtent(float epsilon,
62  MiscLib::Vector< std::pair< float, float > >* params,
63  size_t* uextent, size_t* vextent) = 0;
64  virtual void InBitmap(const std::pair< float, float >& param,
65  float epsilon, const GfxTL::AABox< GfxTL::Vector2Df >& bbox,
66  size_t uextent, size_t vextent,
67  std::pair< int, int >* inBmp) const = 0;
68  virtual void PreWrapBitmap(const GfxTL::AABox< GfxTL::Vector2Df >& bbox,
69  float epsilon, size_t uextent, size_t vextent,
70  MiscLib::Vector< char >* bmp) const;
71  virtual void WrapBitmap(const GfxTL::AABox< GfxTL::Vector2Df >& bbox,
72  float epsilon, bool* uwrap, bool* vwrap) const = 0;
73  virtual void WrapComponents(const GfxTL::AABox< GfxTL::Vector2Df >& bbox,
74  float epsilon, size_t uextent, size_t vextent,
75  MiscLib::Vector< int >* componentImg,
76  MiscLib::Vector< std::pair< int, size_t > >* labels) const;
77  virtual bool InSpace(size_t u, size_t v, float epsilon,
78  const GfxTL::AABox< GfxTL::Vector2Df >& bbox, size_t uextent,
79  size_t vextent, Vec3f* p, Vec3f* n) const = 0;
80  template< class IteratorT >
81  void BuildBitmap(const PointCloud& pc, float* epsilon, IteratorT begin,
82  IteratorT end, MiscLib::Vector< std::pair< float, float > >* params,
84  MiscLib::Vector< char >* bitmap, size_t* uextent, size_t* vextent,
85  MiscLib::Vector< size_t >* bmpIdx) const;
86  template< class IteratorT >
87  void BuildBitmap(const PointCloud& pc, float* epsilon, IteratorT begin,
88  IteratorT end, MiscLib::Vector< std::pair< float, float > >* params,
90  MiscLib::Vector< char >* bitmap, size_t* uextent, size_t* vextent,
91  MiscLib::Vector< size_t >* bmpIdx, size_t border) const;
92  void BuildPolygons(const PointCloud& pc, float epsilon, size_t begin,
93  size_t end, GfxTL::AABox< GfxTL::Vector2Df >* bbox,
94  size_t* uextent, size_t* vextent,
95  std::deque< ComponentPolygons >* polys) const;
97 protected:
99 };
101 template< class IteratorT >
102 void BitmapPrimitiveShape::BuildBitmap(const PointCloud& pc, float* epsilon,
103  IteratorT begin, IteratorT end, MiscLib::Vector< std::pair< float, float > >* params,
105  size_t* uextent, size_t* vextent, MiscLib::Vector< size_t >* bmpIdx) const
106 {
107  int size = end - begin;
108  params->resize(size);
109  // compute parameters and extent
110  Parameters(GfxTL::IndexIterate(begin, pc.begin()),
111  GfxTL::IndexIterate(end, pc.begin()), params);
112  bbox->Min() = GfxTL::Vector2Df(std::numeric_limits< float >::infinity(),
113  std::numeric_limits< float >::infinity());
114  bbox->Max() = -bbox->Min();
115  for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)size; ++i)
116  {
117  if ((*params)[i].first < bbox->Min()[0])
118  {
119  bbox->Min()[0] = (*params)[i].first;
120  }
121  if ((*params)[i].first > bbox->Max()[0])
122  {
123  bbox->Max()[0] = (*params)[i].first;
124  }
125  if ((*params)[i].second < bbox->Min()[1])
126  {
127  bbox->Min()[1] = (*params)[i].second;
128  }
129  if ((*params)[i].second > bbox->Max()[1])
130  {
131  bbox->Max()[1] = (*params)[i].second;
132  }
133  }
134  // bbox gives the bounding box in parameter space
135  // we can now set up the bitmap
136  const_cast< BitmapPrimitiveShape* >(this)->BitmapExtent(*epsilon, bbox, params,
137  uextent, vextent);
138  if (*uextent < 2)
139  {
140  *uextent = 2;
141  }
142  if (*vextent < 2)
143  {
144  *vextent = 2;
145  }
146  bitmap->resize((*uextent) * (*vextent));
147  std::fill(bitmap->begin(), bitmap->end(), false);
148  // set all true bits in bitmap
149  bmpIdx->resize(params->size());
150  //#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
151  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
152  {
153  std::pair< int, int > bmpParam;
154  InBitmap((*params)[i], *epsilon, *bbox, *uextent, *vextent, &bmpParam);
155  // clamp bitmap coords
156  bmpParam.first = GfxTL::Math< int >::Clamp(bmpParam.first, 0, *uextent - 1);
157  bmpParam.second = GfxTL::Math< int >::Clamp(bmpParam.second, 0, *vextent - 1);
158  (*bitmap)[(*bmpIdx)[i] = bmpParam.first + bmpParam.second * (*uextent)] = true;
159  }
160 }
162 template< class IteratorT >
163 void BitmapPrimitiveShape::BuildBitmap(const PointCloud& pc, float* epsilon,
164  IteratorT begin, IteratorT end, MiscLib::Vector< std::pair< float, float > >* params,
166  size_t* uextent, size_t* vextent, MiscLib::Vector< size_t >* bmpIdx,
167  size_t border) const
168 {
169  params->resize(end - begin);
170  // compute parameters and extent
171  Parameters(pc[*begin].pos, &(*params)[0]);
172  bbox->Min() = bbox->Max() = GfxTL::Vector2Df((*params)[0].first,
173  (*params)[0].second);
174  size_t j = 1;
175  IteratorT i = begin;
176  for (++i; i != end; ++i, ++j)
177  {
178  Parameters(pc[*i].pos, &(*params)[j]);
179  if (bbox->Min()[0] > (*params)[j].first)
180  {
181  bbox->Min()[0] = (*params)[j].first;
182  }
183  else if (bbox->Max()[0] < (*params)[j].first)
184  {
185  bbox->Max()[0] = (*params)[j].first;
186  }
187  if (bbox->Min()[1] > (*params)[j].second)
188  {
189  bbox->Min()[1] = (*params)[j].second;
190  }
191  else if (bbox->Max()[1] < (*params)[j].second)
192  {
193  bbox->Max()[1] = (*params)[j].second;
194  }
195  }
196  // bbox gives the bounding box in parameter space
197  // we can now set up the bitmap
198  const_cast< BitmapPrimitiveShape* >(this)->BitmapExtent(*epsilon, bbox, params,
199  uextent, vextent);
200  if (*uextent < 2)
201  {
202  *uextent = 2;
203  }
204  if (*vextent < 2)
205  {
206  *vextent = 2;
207  }
208  bitmap->resize(((*uextent) + 2 * border) * ((*vextent) + 2 * border));
209  std::fill(bitmap->begin(), bitmap->end(), false);
210  // set all true bits in bitmap
211  bmpIdx->resize(params->size());
212  size_t lineWidth = (*uextent) + 2 * border;
213  for (size_t i = 0; i < params->size(); ++i)
214  {
215  std::pair< int, int > bmpParam;
216  InBitmap((*params)[i], *epsilon, *bbox, *uextent, *vextent, &bmpParam);
217  // clamp bitmap coords
218  bmpParam.first = GfxTL::Math< int >::Clamp(bmpParam.first, 0, *uextent - 1);
219  bmpParam.second = GfxTL::Math< int >::Clamp(bmpParam.second, 0, *vextent - 1);
220  (*bitmap)[(*bmpIdx)[i] = bmpParam.first + border
221  + (bmpParam.second + border) * lineWidth] = true;
222  }
223 }
225 #endif
Definition: IndexedIterator.h:8
Point & Max()
Definition: AABox.hpp:74
T * begin()
Definition: Vector.h:460
Definition: basic.h:16
GfxTL::AABox< GfxTL::Vector2Df > bbox
Definition: BitmapPrimitiveShape.h:25
void resize(size_type s, const value_type &v)
Definition: Vector.h:222
virtual size_t ConnectedComponent(const PointCloud &pc, float epsilon, MiscLib::Vector< size_t > *indices, bool doFiltering=true, float *borderRatio=0)=0
Definition: BitmapPrimitiveShape.h:30
MiscLib::Vector< std::pair< float, float > > params
Definition: BitmapPrimitiveShape.h:23
virtual void TrimmingPolygons(const PointCloud &pc, float epsilon, size_t begin, size_t end, std::deque< ComponentPolygons > *polys) const =0
virtual void Parameters(const Vec3f &p, std::pair< float, float > *param) const =0
MiscLib::Vector< char > bitmap
Definition: BitmapPrimitiveShape.h:24
Definition: BasePrimitiveShape.h:12
Definition: Vector.h:19
MiscLib::Vector< Point >::const_iterator
const typedef Point * const_iterator
Definition: Vector.h:26
Definition: BitmapPrimitiveShape.h:21
void BuildBitmap(const PointCloud &pc, float *epsilon, IteratorT begin, IteratorT end, MiscLib::Vector< std::pair< float, float > > *params, GfxTL::AABox< GfxTL::Vector2Df > *bbox, MiscLib::Vector< char > *bitmap, size_t *uextent, size_t *vextent, MiscLib::Vector< size_t > *bmpIdx) const
Definition: BitmapPrimitiveShape.h:102
virtual bool InSpace(float u, float v, Vec3f *p, Vec3f *n) const =0
pcl::PointIndices::Ptr indices(const PCG &g)
Retrieve the indices of the points of the point cloud stored in a point cloud graph that actually bel...
Definition: point_cloud_graph.h:737
IndexedIterator< IndexIteratorT, IteratorT > IndexIterate(IndexIteratorT idxIt, IteratorT it)
Definition: IndexedIterator.h:154
T * end()
Definition: Vector.h:470
GfxTL::AABox< GfxTL::Vector2Df > m_extBbox
Definition: BitmapPrimitiveShape.h:98
static ScalarT Clamp(ScalarT s, ScalarT bottom, ScalarT top)
Definition: MathHelper.h:36
MiscLib::Vector< size_t > bmpIdx
Definition: BitmapPrimitiveShape.h:26
virtual void GenerateBitmapPoints(const PointCloud &pc, float epsilon, size_t begin, size_t end, PointCloud *bmpPc) const =0
Definition: PointCloud.h:69
double v(double t, double v0, double a0, double j)
Definition: CtrlUtil.h:39
size_t vextent
Definition: BitmapPrimitiveShape.h:27
VectorXD< 2, float > Vector2Df
Definition: VectorXD.h:674
Point & Min()
Definition: AABox.hpp:62
virtual void Parameters(const Vec3f &p, std::pair< float, float > *param) const =0
virtual void BitmapExtent(float epsilon, GfxTL::AABox< GfxTL::Vector2Df > *bbox, MiscLib::Vector< std::pair< float, float > > *params, size_t *uextent, size_t *vextent)=0
Definition: basic.h:11
virtual void InBitmap(const std::pair< float, float > &param, float epsilon, const GfxTL::AABox< GfxTL::Vector2Df > &bbox, size_t uextent, size_t vextent, std::pair< int, int > *inBmp) const =0
Introduction Thank you for taking interest in our work and downloading this software This library implements the algorithm described in the paper R R R Klein Efficient RANSAC for Point Cloud Shape in Computer Graphics Blackwell June If you use this software you should cite the aforementioned paper in any resulting publication Please send comments or bug reports to Ruwen Roland BUT NOT LIMITED THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY OR CONSEQUENTIAL WHETHER IN STRICT OR EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE Example usage This section shows how to use the library to detect the shapes in a point cloud PointCloud pc
Definition: ReadMe.txt:68
size_t uextent
Definition: BitmapPrimitiveShape.h:27
Definition: IndexIterator.h:9
Definition: AABox.h:18