interface SharedRobotNodeInterface extends SharedObjectInterface
The SharedRobotNodeInterface provides access to a limited amount of
VirtualRobot::RobotNode methods over the Ice network.
Operation Index
- getJointValue
- getName
- getLocalTransformation
- getGlobalPose
- getPoseInRootFrame
- getType
- getJointTranslationDirection
- getJointRotationAxis
- hasChild
- getParent
- getChildren
- getAllParents
- getJointValueOffest
- getJointLimitHigh
- getJointLimitLow
- getCoM
- getInertia
- getMass
float getJointValue()
string getName()
PoseBase getLocalTransformation()
Vector3Base getJointTranslationDirection()
Vector3Base getJointRotationAxis()
bool hasChild(string name, bool recursive)
string getParent()
NameList getAllParents(string name)
float getJointValueOffest()
float getJointLimitHigh()
float getJointLimitLow()
::Ice::FloatSeq getInertia()
float getMass()