Implements an interface to an TCPControlUnit. The TCPControlUnit uses differential IK in order to move the TCP a target pose.
Operation Index
- setCycleTime
setCycleTime allows to set the cycle time with which the TCPControlUnit solves the IK and moves the TCP within a periodic task.
- setTCPVelocity
setTCPVelocity allows to set a new target velocities in task space for the TCP.
- isRequested
@brief returns if the TCPControlUnit is requested.
void setCycleTime(int milliseconds)
setCycleTime allows to set the cycle time with which the TCPControlUnit solves the IK and moves the TCP within a periodic task.
- milliseconds
Cycle time in milliseconds.
void setTCPVelocity(string robotNodeSetName, string tcpNodeName, FramedDirectionBase translationVelocity, FramedDirectionBase orientationVelocityRPY)
setTCPVelocity allows to set a new target velocities in task space for the TCP.
- robotNodeSetName
Name of kinematic chain/nodeset.
- tcpNodeName
Name of TCP node within the kinematic chain/nodeset.
- translationVelocity
Translational velocity in task space in x, y, and z.
- orientationVelocityRPY
Orientational velocity in task space in roll, pitch, yaw.
bool isRequested()
@brief returns if the TCPControlUnit is requested.
Return Value
Request status.