[ "cpp:virtual" ]
class ComputingPowerRequestStrategyBase
@brief Base class for all computing power request strategy.
Derived Classes and Interfaces
- AlwaysBase
- CompoundedRequestStrategyBase
- ElapsedTimeBase
- NeverBase
- NotBase
- TaskStatusBase
- TotalNodeCountBase
Used By
- addirrtstar::ManagerNodeBase::planningComputingPowerRequestStrategy
- ComputingPowerRequestStrategyBaseList
- TaskStatusMap
- CPRSAwareMotionPlanningTaskBase::planningComputingPowerRequestStrategy
- NotBase::allocStrat
Operation Index
- setCurrentStateAsInitialState
@brief Sets the current state as initial state.
- updateNodeCount
@brief Updates the planners node count.
- updateTaskStatus
@brief Updates the tasks status
@param newStatus The new status.
- updateNodeCreations
- allocatedComputingPower
@brief Called after additional computing power was allocated.
- shouldAllocateComputingPower
@brief Returns whether new computing power should be allocated.
void setCurrentStateAsInitialState()
@brief Sets the current state as initial state. Should be called after all initial computing power was allocated.
void updateNodeCount(long nodeCount)
@brief Updates the planners node count.
- nodeCount
The new node count.
@brief Updates the tasks status
- newStatus
The new status.
void updateNodeCreations(long nodesCreated, long tries)
void allocatedComputingPower()
@brief Called after additional computing power was allocated.
bool shouldAllocateComputingPower()
@brief Returns whether new computing power should be allocated.
Return Value
Whether new computing power should be allocated.