virtual void safetyStopTriggered(const core::SafetyStopTriggeredEvent &event)=0
Will be called whenever a safety stop is triggered.
virtual void goalReached(const core::GoalReachedEvent &event)=0
Will be called whenever the navigator reached the goal.
Event describing the occurance of an internal unhandled error.
Event desciribing that a significant safety throttling factor was reached.
virtual void safetyThrottlingTriggered(const core::SafetyThrottlingTriggeredEvent &event)=0
Will be called whenever safety throttling is triggered to a certain degree (configurable).
virtual void localTrajectoryUpdated(const local_planning::LocalPlannerResult &res)=0
This file is part of ArmarX.
virtual void userAbortTriggered(const core::UserAbortTriggeredEvent &event)=0
Will be called whenever the user aborts the current navigation.
virtual void localPlanningFailed(const core::LocalPlanningFailedEvent &event)=0
virtual void globalPlanningFailed(const core::GlobalPlanningFailedEvent &event)=0
Event describing that for security reasons, the robot was stopped completely.
Event describing that the user aborted the current execution.
virtual void globalTrajectoryUpdated(const global_planning::GlobalPlannerResult &res)=0
virtual void waypointReached(const core::WaypointReachedEvent &event)=0
Will be called whenever the navigator reached a user-defined waypoint.
Event describing that the targeted goal was successfully reached.
virtual void movementStarted(const core::MovementStartedEvent &event)=0
virtual void internalError(const core::InternalErrorEvent &event)=0
Will be called whenever an internal error occurs.
Event describing that a user-defined waypoint was successfully reached.
virtual ~EventPublishingInterface()=default
A publisher the server navigator will use to notify others about events.