ARON Code Generation

Aron Type Reading

As already mention in the introduction, aron supports code generation in order to create a C++ (other languages also possible) class with plain C++ members which you can use for convenience. Further, the generated class offers methods to convert itself to an Aron object and to set the members from an Aron object. Code generation only makes sense for Aron data, however we need an Aron type specification in order to generate the class.

In the following we will describe how to specify Aron types in XML and how the generated code looks like.

XML type description and creation

In order to make Aron generate a C++ class for you, you first have to tell the program how the object should look like. Second you need to add the file to cmake in order to create the code generation target.

XML type description

Consider you want to use a data type called MyData (in the namespace armarx::mydata).

  • Choose a library in an ArmarX package where your data type will be defined (or create a new one). Here, we will call it MyDataLib.
  • In the directory MyDataLib/, create a directory aron/ (if necessary). Inside, add a file MyData.xml. The directory structure should now look like this:
- MyDataLib/
- CMakeLists.txt
- ...
- aron/
- MyData.xml

Then start defining your data in ARON. A hello world example could look like this:

<!-- MyData containing a helloWorld member -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Object name="armarx::mydata::arondto::MyData">
<ObjectChild key="helloWorld">
<String />

Every type specification must have the top-level tag AronTypeDefinition and must at least define one type in GenerateTypes. In the GenerateTypes tag you can add as many Object or IntEnum definitions as you want. <Object> defines a new ARON object type (generating a C++ class) containing a number of children. Inside the Object-tag you can add as many members as you want through the ObjectChild-tag (generating a public member variable of the generated C++ class, with key specifying the member's name). If a member should be e.g. optional you have to add the attribute optional="true" to the member:

<ObjectChild key="helloWorld">
<String optional="true" />

The same way you can define raw_ptr, shared_ptr or unique_ptr members.


  • Put your ARON object type into a arondto:: namespace inside your usual namespace (e.g., armarx::mydata::arondto::MyData), where "DTO" stands for "Data Transfer Object". This way, you can define or use a custom or existing C++ type with more methods/intelligence in the usual namespace
    in your business logic code (e.g. armarx::mydata::MyData).

If you want to use a definition of another Aron file, you can include the file using the AronIncludes section. Simply add the files you want to include using a include tag:

<Include include="RobotAPI/libraries/aron/common/aron/PackagePath.xml" />

After that, you can use the type definitions in your current xml file (you must specify the full namespace):

<ObjectChild key="referenceToMemoryID">
<armarx::arondto::PackagePath />


In the following we define a class that uses all more complex types once:

<!-- MyData containing all accepted members once -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Include include="<Eigen/Core>" />
<Include include="<Eigen/Geometry>" />
<Include include="<pcl/point_cloud.h>" />
<Include include="<pcl/point_types.h>" />
<Include include="<opencv2/core/core.hpp>" />
<IntEnum name="TheIntEnum">
<EnumValue key="INT_ENUM_VALUE_0" value="0" />
<EnumValue key="INT_ENUM_VALUE_1" value="1" />
<EnumValue key="INT_ENUM_VALUE_2" value="2" />
<EnumValue key="INT_ENUM_VALUE_3" value="3" />
<EnumValue key="INT_ENUM_VALUE_4" value="4" />
<EnumValue key="INT_ENUM_VALUE_5" value="5" />
<EnumValue key="INT_ENUM_VALUE_6" value="6" />
<EnumValue key="INT_ENUM_VALUE_7" value="7" />
<EnumValue key="INT_ENUM_VALUE_8" value="8" />
<Object name="armarx::mydata::arondto::MyData">
<objectchild key="the_int_enum">
<TheIntEnum />
<ObjectChild key="the_dict">
<Float />
<ObjectChild key='the_list'>
<Float />
<ObjectChild key='the_short_matrix'>
<Matrix rows="5" cols="7" type="int16" />
<ObjectChild key='the_double_quaternion'>
<Quaternion type="float64" />
<ObjectChild key='the_position'>
<Position />
<ObjectChild key='the_orientation'>
<Orientation />
<ObjectChild key='the_pose'>
<Pose />
<ObjectChild key='the_rgb24_image'>
<Image type="rgb24" />
<ObjectChild key='the_xyzrgb_pointcloud'>
<PointCloud type="PointXYZRGB" />

CMake Specification

In the CMakeLists.txt, add or extend after the definition of the target (e.g. through add_library or add_component):


Important changes

  • I changed the xml type reader so that embedded classes are not allowed anymore! Before that you were able to define a new class inside an existing one, e.g.:
    <!-- MyData containing a helloWorld member -->
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <Object name="armarx::mydata::arondto::MyData">
    <ObjectChild key="helloWorld">
    <Object name="armarx::mydata::arondto::MyOtherData">

This is not supported anymore!

Full example

Say you have the following Aron XML type description:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<IntEnum name="armarx::NaturalIKControlMode">
<EnumValue key="CONTROL_MODE_0" value="0" />
<EnumValue key="CONTROL_MODE_1" value="1" />
<EnumValue key="CONTROL_MODE_2" value="2" />
<Object name='armarx::NaturalIKResult'>
<ObjectChild key='control_mode'>
<armarx::NaturalIKControlMode />
<ObjectChild key='reached'>
<Bool />
<ObjectChild key='jointValues'>
<Float />

The generated C++ file looks like:

#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <RobotAPI/interface/aron.h>
#include <RobotAPI/libraries/aron/core/codegenerator/codewriter/cpp/AronCppClass.h>
namespace armarx
class NaturalIKControlMode
: public armarx::aron::codegenerator::cpp::AronCppClass
* The internal enum definition of the enum of this autogenerated class.
enum class ImplEnum
}; // enum class ImplEnum
using This = armarx::NaturalIKControlMode;
static constexpr ImplEnum CONTROL_MODE_0 = ImplEnum::CONTROL_MODE_0;
static constexpr ImplEnum CONTROL_MODE_1 = ImplEnum::CONTROL_MODE_1;
static constexpr ImplEnum CONTROL_MODE_2 = ImplEnum::CONTROL_MODE_2;
/// Mapping enum values to readable strings
const std::map<ImplEnum, std::string> EnumToStringMap = {
/// Mapping readable strings to enum values
const std::map<std::string, ImplEnum> StringToEnumMap = {
/// Mapping enum values to a int value
const std::map<ImplEnum, int> EnumToValueMap = {
{ImplEnum::CONTROL_MODE_0, 0},
{ImplEnum::CONTROL_MODE_1, 1},
{ImplEnum::CONTROL_MODE_2, 2},
/// Mapping int values to a enum
const std::map<int, ImplEnum> ValueToEnumMap = {
{0, ImplEnum::CONTROL_MODE_0},
{1, ImplEnum::CONTROL_MODE_1},
{2, ImplEnum::CONTROL_MODE_2},
/// The current value of the enum object
ImplEnum value;
NaturalIKControlMode(const armarx::NaturalIKControlMode& i)
: value(i.value)
NaturalIKControlMode(const ImplEnum e)
: value(e)
* @brief operator==() - This method checks whether all values equal another instance.
* @param i - The other instance
* @return - true, if all members are the same, false otherwise
bool operator==(const armarx::NaturalIKControlMode& i) const
if (not (value == i.value))
return false;
return true;
* @brief resetHard() - This method resets member variables according to the XML type description.
* @return - nothing
virtual void resetHard() override
value = {};
* @brief resetSoft() - This method resets all member variables with respect to the current parameterization.
* @return - nothing
virtual void resetSoft() override
value = {};
* @brief writeType() - This method returns a new type from the class structure using a type writer implementation. This function is static.
* @return - the result of the writer implementation
template<class T>
static T writeType(armarx::aron::type::WriterInterface<T>& aron_w, armarx::aron::type::Maybe aron_maybeType = armarx::aron::type::Maybe::eNone, const armarx::aron::Path& aron_p = armarx::aron::Path())
std::map<std::string, int> aron_str2ValueMap;
return aron_w.writeIntEnum("armarx::NaturalIKControlMode", aron_str2ValueMap, aron_maybeType, aron_p);
* @brief write() - This method returns a new type from the member data types using a data writer implementation.
* @param w - The writer implementation
* @return - the result of the writer implementation
template<class T>
return aron_w.writePrimitive(, aron_p); // of top level enum armarx::NaturalIKControlMode
* @brief read() - This method sets the struct members to new values given in a data reader implementation.
* @param r - The reader implementation
* @return - nothing
template<class T>
using TNonConst = typename std::remove_const<T>::type;
const TNonConst* _suppressUnusedWarning;
(void) _suppressUnusedWarning;
if (aron_r.readNull(input))
throw armarx::aron::error::AronException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "The input to the read method must not be null.");
int aron_tmpValue;
aron_r.readPrimitive(input, aron_tmpValue); // of top level enum armarx::NaturalIKControlMode
value =;
* @brief toString() - Converts the internally stored value to string
* @return - the name of the enum
std::string toString() const
* @brief fromString() - sets the internally stored value to the corrsponding enum of the input str
* @return - nothing
void fromString(const std::string& str)
if (auto it = StringToEnumMap.find(str); it == StringToEnumMap.end())
throw armarx::LocalException("The input name is not valid. Could net set the enum to value '" + str + "'");
value = it->second;
* @brief int() - Converts the internally stored value to int representation
* @return - the int representation
operator int() const
* @brief operator=() - Assignment operator for the internally defined enum
* @return - nothing
armarx::NaturalIKControlMode& operator=(ImplEnum v)
value = v;
return *this;
* @brief operator=() - Assignment operator for copy
* @return - nothing
armarx::NaturalIKControlMode& operator=(const armarx::NaturalIKControlMode& c)
value = c.value;
return *this;
* @brief operator=() - Assignment operator for the internally defined enum
* @return - nothing
armarx::NaturalIKControlMode& operator=(int v)
if (auto it = ValueToEnumMap.find(v); it == ValueToEnumMap.end())
throw armarx::LocalException("The input int is not valid. Could net set the enum to value '" + std::to_string(v) + "'");
value = it->second;
return *this;
}; // class NaturalIKControlMode
} // namespace armarx
namespace armarx
class NaturalIKResult
: public armarx::aron::codegenerator::cpp::AronCppClass
using This = armarx::NaturalIKResult;
armarx::NaturalIKControlMode control_mode;
std::vector<float> jointValues;
bool reached;
* @brief operator==() - This method checks whether all values equal another instance.
* @param i - The other instance
* @return - true, if all members are the same, false otherwise
bool operator==(const armarx::NaturalIKResult& i) const
if (not (control_mode == i.control_mode))
return false;
if (not (jointValues == i.jointValues))
return false;
if (not (reached == i.reached))
return false;
return true;
* @brief resetHard() - This method resets member variables according to the XML type description.
* @return - nothing
virtual void resetHard() override
jointValues = std::vector<float>();
reached = bool();
* @brief resetSoft() - This method resets all member variables with respect to the current parameterization.
* @return - nothing
virtual void resetSoft() override
reached = bool();
* @brief writeType() - This method returns a new type from the class structure using a type writer implementation. This function is static.
* @return - the result of the writer implementation
template<class T>
static T writeType(armarx::aron::type::WriterInterface<T>& aron_w, armarx::aron::type::Maybe aron_maybeType = armarx::aron::type::Maybe::eNone, const armarx::aron::Path& aron_p = armarx::aron::Path())
std::map<std::string, T> aron_objectMembers;
auto aron_objectExtends = std::nullopt;
// members of armarx::NaturalIKResult
auto aron_variant_control_mode = armarx::NaturalIKControlMode::writeType(aron_w, armarx::aron::type::Maybe::eNone, armarx::aron::Path(aron_p, {"control_mode"})); // of control_mode
aron_objectMembers.emplace("control_mode", aron_variant_control_mode);
auto aron_variant_jointValues_dot_accepted_type = aron_w.writeFloat(armarx::aron::type::Maybe::eNone, armarx::aron::Path(aron_p, {"jointValues", "::accepted_type"})); // of float
auto aron_variant_jointValues = aron_w.writeList(aron_variant_jointValues_dot_accepted_type, armarx::aron::type::Maybe::eNone, armarx::aron::Path(aron_p, {"jointValues"})); // of jointValues
aron_objectMembers.emplace("jointValues", aron_variant_jointValues);
auto aron_variant_reached = aron_w.writeBool(armarx::aron::type::Maybe::eNone, armarx::aron::Path(aron_p, {"reached"})); // of bool
aron_objectMembers.emplace("reached", aron_variant_reached);
return aron_w.writeObject("armarx::NaturalIKResult", aron_objectMembers, aron_objectExtends, aron_maybeType, aron_p); // of top level object armarx::NaturalIKResult
* @brief write() - This method returns a new type from the member data types using a data writer implementation.
* @param w - The writer implementation
* @return - the result of the writer implementation
template<class T>
std::map<std::string, T> aron_objectMembers;
std::optional<T> aron_objectExtends;
// members of armarx::NaturalIKResult
auto aron_variant_control_mode = aron_w.writeNull();
aron_variant_control_mode = control_mode.write(aron_w, armarx::aron::Path(aron_p, {"control_mode"})); // of control_mode
aron_objectMembers.emplace("control_mode", aron_variant_control_mode);
auto aron_variant_jointValues = aron_w.writeNull();
std::vector<T> aron_variant_jointValues_listElements;
for(unsigned int aron_jointValues_it = 0; aron_jointValues_it < jointValues.size(); ++aron_jointValues_it)
auto aron_variant_jointValues_dot_at_lbrR_aron_jointValues_it_rbrR_ = aron_w.writeNull();
aron_variant_jointValues_dot_at_lbrR_aron_jointValues_it_rbrR_ = aron_w.writePrimitive(, armarx::aron::Path(aron_p, {"jointValues", std::to_string(aron_jointValues_it)})); // of
aron_variant_jointValues = aron_w.writeList(aron_variant_jointValues_listElements, armarx::aron::Path(aron_p, {"jointValues"})); // of jointValues
aron_objectMembers.emplace("jointValues", aron_variant_jointValues);
auto aron_variant_reached = aron_w.writeNull();
aron_variant_reached = aron_w.writePrimitive(reached, armarx::aron::Path(aron_p, {"reached"})); // of reached
aron_objectMembers.emplace("reached", aron_variant_reached);
return aron_w.writeDict(aron_objectMembers, aron_objectExtends, aron_p); // of top level object armarx::NaturalIKResult
* @brief read() - This method sets the struct members to new values given in a data reader implementation.
* @param r - The reader implementation
* @return - nothing
template<class T>
using TNonConst = typename std::remove_const<T>::type;
const TNonConst* _suppressUnusedWarning;
(void) _suppressUnusedWarning;
if (aron_r.readNull(input))
throw armarx::aron::error::AronException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "The input to the read method must not be null.");
std::map<std::string, TNonConst> aron_objectMembers;
aron_r.readDict(input, aron_objectMembers); // of top level object armarx::NaturalIKResult<T>(aron_r,"control_mode"));
std::vector<TNonConst> aron_jointValues_listElements;
aron_r.readList("jointValues"), aron_jointValues_listElements);
for (const auto& aron_jointValues_listValue : aron_jointValues_listElements)
float aron_jointValues_listTmp;
aron_r.readPrimitive(aron_jointValues_listValue, aron_jointValues_listTmp); // of aron_jointValues_listTmp
aron_r.readPrimitive("reached"), reached); // of reached
* @brief toAron() - This method returns a new data from the member data types using a writer implementation.
* @return - the result of the writer implementation
* @brief FromAron() - This method sets the struct members to new values given in a reader implementation.
* @return - nothing
static This FromAron(const armarx::aron::data::DictPtr& input)
This t;
return t;
* @brief fromAron - This method sets the struct members to new values given in a reader implementation.
* @return - nothing
this->read<armarx::aron::data::reader::VariantReader::InputType>(reader, (input));
* @brief toAronType() - This method returns a new type from the member data types using a writer implementation.
* @return - the result of the writer implementation
static armarx::aron::type::ObjectPtr toAronType()
}; // class NaturalIKResult
} // namespace armarx

As you see, the code generation creates a class for the NaturalIKControlMode enum. This special class provides convenience methods compared to normal C++ enums. Further, it creates a class for the NaturalIKResult object.

Both, the enum and the object provide methods for reading and writing. The read method is used to parse a Aron object in an arbitrary representation (e.g. Aron variant or nlohmann::json) and to set the C++ members to the same values as the Aron object. To do so it uses a ReaderInterface implementation (see ARON Readers, Writers and Conversion). The write method is used to create an Aron object in an arbitrary representation with the same values as the C++ object. This method uses a WriterInterface implementation.

For convenience, the toAron() and fromAron() methods, which internally use the read and write methods, are created. To get the structure of the C++ class as an Aron type object you can use the static toAronType() method which internally uses the writeType method.

Further, the code generation creates methods to compare two classes with each other (right now only operator==).

This means, when using Aron, you don't need to mess around with the Aron DTOs and Aron objects, you only have to set and use plain C++ members of a generated class!

(Optional) Add conversions to existing (potentially more intelligent) C++ types

Consider the case of simox::OrientedBoxf and simox::arondto::OrientedBox. The former is the business object (BO), used in daily business logic code (as it offers useful methods to construct and manipulate it). The latter is a mere data storage used to transfer the data, which is called a data transfer object (DTO).

Therefore, you usually want to convert a simox::arondto::OrientedBox to a simox::OrientedBoxf as soon as you want to do things other than passing it around over network (e.g., at the beginning of a component method or after reading it from the working memory). Likewise, you want to convert a simox::OrientedBoxf to a simox::arondto::OrientedBox when you send the information over network or store it in the memory.

To allow this conversion, follow these steps:

  • In your library, add a file pair aron_conversions.{h, cpp} next to your aron/ directory and add them to the CMakeLists.txt
  • In the header, declare functions following this form:
#pragma once
#include <SimoxUtility/shapes/OrientedBox.h>
#include <RobotAPI/libraries/aron/common/aron/OrientedBox.aron.generated.h>
namespace simox
void fromAron(const arondto::OrientedBox& dto, OrientedBoxf& bo);
void toAron(arondto::OrientedBox& dto, const OrientedBoxf& bo);


  • Both functions take the DTO first and the BO second.
  • fromAron() takes a const DTO and a non-const BO.
  • toAron() takes a non-const DTO and a const BO.
  • All arguments are passed as reference (especially the non-const arguments).
  • The functions are defined in the BO's namespace (simox in this example, armarx::mydata in the running example).
  • In the cpp file, define the functions like this:
#include "aron_conversions.h"
// Include this and use armarx::aron::to/fromAron() for std::vector, std::map.
// Include other aron_conversions.h files for other ARON types
void simox::fromAron(const arondto::OrientedBox& dto, OrientedBoxf& bo)
bo = OrientedBoxf(, dto.orientation, dto.extents);
void simox::toAron(arondto::OrientedBox& dto, const OrientedBoxf& bo)
{ =;
dto.orientation = bo.rotation();
dto.extents = bo.dimensions();
The implementation depends on your data. It might be as simple as copying all members, or require more complex conversions. Especially, you might use fromAron() for toAron() for other ARON object types.

Lessons learned

  • How to create a XML file with a valid Aron specification
  • How to add this file to CMake
  • How to use the generated class and how to convert it to an Aron object (e.g. for sending it to the memory)
A base class for aron exceptions.
Definition: Exception.h:42
Definition: VariantWriter.h:31
Definition: VariantReader.h:36
std::string str(const T &t)
Definition: UserAssistedSegmenterGuiWidgetController.cpp:42
virtual ReturnType writeList(const std::vector< ReturnType > &elements, const Path &p)=0
const T WriterT::ReturnType const armarx::aron::Path & aron_p
Definition: rw.h:31
The WriterInterface class.
Definition: Writer.h:38
virtual void readDict(InputType &input, std::map< std::string, InputTypeNonConst > &elements, Path &)=0
constexpr T c
Definition: UnscentedKalmanFilterTest.cpp:43
virtual ReturnType writeNull()
Definition: Writer.h:60
armarx::aron::data::detail::SpecializedVariantBase< data::dto::Dict, Dict >::DynamicCastAndCheck
static PointerType DynamicCastAndCheck(const VariantPtr &n)
Definition: SpecializedVariant.h:135
ReturnType writePrimitive(const int i, const Path &p=Path())
Definition: Writer.h:66
Definition: VariantWriter.h:35
The Path class.
Definition: Path.h:36
std::shared_ptr< Value > value()
Definition: cxxopts.hpp:926
ReaderT::InputType & input
Definition: rw.h:19
void read(auto &eigen, auto *table)
Definition: FTSensorCalibrationGuiWidgetController.cpp:462
bool operator==(const RemoteHandle< PrxTA > &fst, const RemoteHandle< PrxTB > &snd)
Definition: RemoteHandle.h:216
virtual ReturnType writeObject(const std::string &name, const std::vector< std::string > &templates, const std::vector< std::string > &templateInstantiations, const std::map< std::string, ReturnType > &memberTypes, const std::optional< ReturnType > &extends, const type::Maybe maybe, const Path &p)=0
Construct an object from the params.
virtual ReturnType writeFloat(const std::optional< float > &defaultValue, const type::Maybe maybe, const Path &p)=0
Construct a float from the params.
const std::string & to_string(const std::string &s)
Definition: StringHelpers.h:40
std::shared_ptr< Dict > DictPtr
Definition: Dict.h:41
double v(double t, double v0, double a0, double j)
Definition: CtrlUtil.h:39
virtual ReturnType writeDict(const std::map< std::string, ReturnType > &elements, const std::optional< ReturnType > &extends, const Path &p)=0
virtual bool readNull(InputType &input)
Definition: Reader.h:58
void readPrimitive(InputType &input, int &i, Path &p)
Definition: Reader.h:65
Definition: Reader.h:36
const char * toString(InteractionFeedbackType type)
Definition: Interaction.h:27
virtual ReturnType writeBool(const std::optional< bool > &defaultValue, const type::Maybe maybe, const Path &p)=0
Construct a bool from the params.
armarx::aron::type::detail::SpecializedVariantBase< type::dto::AronObject, Object >::DynamicCastAndCheck
static std::shared_ptr< Object > DynamicCastAndCheck(const VariantPtr &n)
Definition: SpecializedVariant.h:124
void fromAron(const arondto::PackagePath &dto, PackageFileLocation &bo)
requires data::isWriter< WriterT > void write(WriterT &aron_w, const Eigen::Matrix< EigenT, rows, cols, options > &input, typename WriterT::ReturnType &ret, const armarx::aron::Path &aron_p=armarx::aron::Path())
Definition: eigen.h:134
std::shared_ptr< Object > ObjectPtr
Definition: Object.h:36
void toAron(arondto::PackagePath &dto, const PackageFileLocation &bo)
float T
Definition: UnscentedKalmanFilterTest.cpp:35
virtual ReturnType writeList(const ReturnType &acceptedType, const type::Maybe maybe, const Path &p)=0
Construct a list from the params.
Definition: Impl.cpp:40
This file offers overloads of toIce() and fromIce() functions for STL container types.
Definition: ArmarXTimeserver.cpp:28
const std::optional< BoT > & bo
Definition: aron_conversions.h:168
virtual ReturnType writeIntEnum(const std::string &name, const std::map< std::string, int > &acceptedValues, const std::string &defaultValue, const type::Maybe maybe, const Path &p)=0
Construct a int enum from the params.
::simox::arondto::OrientedBox OrientedBox
Definition: simox.h:15
Definition: Writer.h:38