module rrtconnect
Class Index
- TaskBase
- WorkerNodeBase
@brief The worker used by RRTConnect.
Interface Index
- TreeUpdateInterface
@brief Interface used to transmit tree updates.
Structure Index
- NodeCreationUpdate
@brief Update for the creation of a node.
- NodeId
@brief Structure containing the worker's id that created the node and the number of nodes created by this worker.
- PerTreeUpdate
- Update
@brief Compound update structure containing all updates.
Sequence Index
- NodeCreationUpdateList
- NodeIdList
- PerTreeUpdateList
- UpdateList
- WorkerNodeBasePrxList
sequence<NodeCreationUpdate> NodeCreationUpdateList
Used By
- PerTreeUpdate::nodes
sequence<NodeId> NodeIdList
sequence<PerTreeUpdate> PerTreeUpdateList
Used By
- Update::updatesPerTree
sequence<Update> UpdateList
sequence<WorkerNodeBase*> WorkerNodeBasePrxList
Used By
- WorkerNodeBase::setWorkerNodes