@brief The task containing information for a rrt* using adaptive dynamic domain with informed sampling
Operation Index
- setPaths
@brief Stores the paths in the task.
- getNodeCount
@brief Returns the node count.
Data Member Index
- initialWorkerCount
@brief The initial worker count used when solving this task.
- maximalWorkerCount
@brief The maximal worker count used when solving this task.
- addParams
@brief The parameters required for adaptive dynamic domain.
- targetCost
@brief The target path cost.
- batchSize
@brief The size of one batch.
- nodeCountDeltaForGoalConnectionTries
@brief Number of nodes created (by a worker) before a connect to the goal node is tried (by this worker).
@brief Stores the paths in the task.
Used by the manager node to store the results before shut down.
- paths
The paths.
long getNodeCount()
@brief Returns the node count.
Return Value
The node count.
Data Members
long initialWorkerCount;
@brief The initial worker count used when solving this task.
long maximalWorkerCount;
@brief The maximal worker count used when solving this task.
@brief The parameters required for adaptive dynamic domain.
float targetCost;
@brief The target path cost.
long batchSize;
@brief The size of one batch.
long nodeCountDeltaForGoalConnectionTries;
@brief Number of nodes created (by a worker) before a connect to the goal node is tried (by this worker).