Go to the documentation of this file.
43 data::ProvidedObjectPose
46 data::ProvidedObjectPose ice;
91 poses.reserve(ice.size());
92 for (
const auto& i : ice)
94 poses.emplace_back(i);
112 objpose::data::ProvidedObjectPose
122 ice.reserve(poses.size());
123 for (
const auto& p : poses)
125 ice.emplace_back(p.toIce());
void fromIce(const data::ProvidedObjectPose &ice)
armarx::ObjectID objectID
The object ID, i.e. dataset, class name and instance name.
void fromIce(const dto::ClockType::ClockTypeEnum &dto, ClockType &bo)
void toIce(dto::ClockType::ClockTypeEnum &dto, const ClockType &bo)
void fromIce(const Box &box, simox::OrientedBox< float > &oobb)
std::string objectPoseFrame
data::ProvidedObjectPose toIce() const
void toIce(std::map< IceKeyT, IceValueT > &iceMap, const boost::container::flat_map< CppKeyT, CppValueT > &cppMap)
std::optional< PoseManifoldGaussian > objectPoseGaussian
std::string providerName
Name of the providing component.
std::vector< ProvidedObjectPose > ProvidedObjectPoseSeq
void fromIce(const std::map< IceKeyT, IceValueT > &iceMap, boost::container::flat_map< CppKeyT, CppValueT > &cppMap)
An object pose provided by an ObjectPoseProvider.
objpose::AABB toIce(const simox::AxisAlignedBoundingBox &aabb)
ObjectType objectType
Known or unknown object.
bool isStatic
Whether object is static. Static objects don't decay.
std::map< std::string, float > objectJointValues
The object's joint values if it is articulated.
std::optional< simox::OrientedBoxf > localOOBB
Object bounding box in object's local coordinate frame.
float confidence
Confidence in [0, 1] (1 = full, 0 = none).
DateTime timestamp
Source timestamp.
Eigen::Matrix4f objectPose
This file offers overloads of toIce() and fromIce() functions for STL container types.