In this tutorial, advanced visualization features are explained. It is shown how the DebugDrawer (and an extended version, the EntityDrawer) is used and how the layered visualization can be dispalyed in several ArmarXGui plugins.
Getting Started
For this tutorial, you need following prerequisites:
- A copy of ArmarX including RobotAPI (containing the DebugDrawer component), ArmarXGui (to visualize the drawings), and optionally MemoryX (containing the EntityDrawer that can be used to display objects from the memory).
Create your own package
If you already have a package in which you would like to add this tutorial, go to the next step Generate template files of your new component and a test application.
In order to create a new ArmarX package called "RobotComponentTutorials", execute the following code in the directory where you want to make your package,
${ArmarX_DIR}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx-package init RobotComponentTutorials
or you can use "-d" option to specify the directory.
${ArmarX_DIR}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx-package init RobotComponentTutorials -d ${ArmarX_DIR}/
Generate template files of your new component and a test application
Execute the following commands in the toplevel directory of your package. All required files for the component and the test application will be generated.
cd RobotComponentTutorials
${ArmarX_DIR}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx-package add component DebugDrawerTutorial
${ArmarX_DIR}/ArmarXCore/build/bin/armarx-package add application DebugDrawerTutorial
Have a look into the directory to check if everything worked as intended. You should find the following files:
Start Implementing
- Add the following line into the CMakeLists.txt at the top-level directory of your project.
depends_on_armarx_package(MemoryX "OPTIONAL")
- Edit the CMakeLists.txt file in your DebugDrawerTutorial component directory.
- Add the following dependencies
include_directories(SYSTEM ${Eigen3_INCLUDE_DIR})
- Add the library
set(COMPONENT_LIBS ArmarXCoreInterfaces ArmarXCore RobotAPICore ${Simox_LIBRARIES})
- Edit DebugDrawerTutorial.h
- Add includes
- Add DebugDrawer Proxy
- Edit DebugDrawerTutorial.cpp
- Offering the debugDrawer topic
void DebugDrawerTutorial::onInitComponent()
- Get the proxy and draw a coordinate system
void DebugDrawerTutorial::onConnectComponent()
debugDrawerPrx = getTopic<armarx::DebugDrawerInterfacePrx>("DebugDrawerUpdates");
p(0,3) = 0.0f;
p(1,3) = 500.0f;
p(2,3) = 1000.0f;
debugDrawerPrx->setPoseDebugLayerVisu("MyPose", p_global);
Setup an application to test the component
- Update the application's /source/ddtest/applications/DebugDrawerTest/CMakeLists.txt
include_directories(SYSTEM ${Eigen3_INCLUDE_DIR})
set(COMPONENT_LIBS ArmarXCoreInterfaces ArmarXCore DebugDrawerTutorial)
At this point, the package should compile without any errors. To make sure it does so, first run CMake and then build the package.
Show the DebugLayer in ArmarXGui
The debug layer is implemented in several gui plugins (currently the DebugDrawerViewer, WorkingMemoryGui, RobotViewerGui) and in the Viewer of the DynamicSimulator. In the following example, we show how to start the kinemtic simulation of Armar3 in order to show the debug layer of the RobotViewer gui plugin.
- First, we start a robot simulation (in a separate terminal shell), e.g. the RobotAPI scenario KinemticSimulationArmar3
cd ${ArmarX_DIR}/RobotAPI/scenarios/KinematicSimulationArmar3
- Now, we can start the ArmarXGui and load the RobotViewer Select AddWidget->RobotControl->RobotViewerGUI and configure as shown below.
The gui plugin with some options and the Armar3 robot should be visualized as follows
- The demo application is started in order to paint on the debug layer:
Then, the coordinate system should show up in the ArmarXGui 3D visualization as follows:
- Now you can safely stop the example by pressing <ctrl>-c in the shell where you started the DebugDrawerTutorialAppRun. The visualization remains until it is updated or the gui plugin is started again.
Advanced Drawing Capabilities
Now we want to dispaly some more graphics. Therefore, we add periodic task to continously update the visualization.
- Edit DebugDrawerTutorial.h
- Add includes
- Add run method and periodic task object
void run();
PeriodicTask<DebugDrawerTutorial>::pointer_type task;
Edit DebugDrawerTutorial.cpp
- Setup and start the periodic task
void DebugDrawerTutorial::onConnectComponent()
debugDrawerPrx = getTopic<armarx::DebugDrawerInterfacePrx>("DebugDrawerUpdates");
task = new PeriodicTask<DebugDrawerTutorial>(this, &DebugDrawerTutorial::run, 10, false, "DebugDrawerTutorialTask");
catch (...)
- Implement periodic run method
void DebugDrawerTutorial::run()
p(0,3) = sin(clock() / 10000.0)*200;
p(1,3) = 500.0f;
p(2,3) = 1000.0f + cos(clock() / 10000.0)*200;
"MyBox", p_global,
s, DrawColor {1, 0, 0, 1});
- Stop the run() method when the component gets disconnected:
void DebugDrawerTutorial::onDisconnectComponent()
When starting the application again you should see a rotating box
- Add some more visualizations The following list is an exerpt from the DebugDrawer's slice definition file ( and shows several visualization features you can play around with.
- Pose (Coordinate systems)
setPoseDebugLayerVisu(string poseName, PoseBase globalPose);
setScaledPoseDebugLayerVisu(string poseName, PoseBase globalPose, float scale);
- Line
void setLineDebugLayerVisu(string lineName, Vector3Base globalPosition1, Vector3Base globalPosition2, float lineWidth, DrawColor color);
- Box
void setBoxDebugLayerVisu(string boxName, PoseBase globalPose, Vector3Base dimensions, DrawColor color);
- Text
void setTextDebugLayerVisu(string textName, string text, Vector3Base globalPosition, DrawColor color, int size);
- Sphere
void setSphereDebugLayerVisu(string sphereName, Vector3Base globalPosition, DrawColor color, float radius);
- PointCloud
void setPointCloudDebugLayerVisu(string pointCloudName, DebugDrawerPointCloud pointCloud);
- Polygon
void setPolygonDebugLayerVisu(string polygonName, PolygonPointList polygonPoints, DrawColor colorInner, DrawColor colorBorder, float lineWidth);
- Arrow
void setArrowDebugLayerVisu(string arrowName, Vector3Base position, Vector3Base direction, DrawColor color, float length, float width);
- Cylinder
void setCylinderDebugLayerVisu(string cylinderName, Vector3Base globalPosition, Vector3Base direction, float length, float radius, DrawColor color);
- Custom Layers
Until now, all visualizations have been drawn to the "debug" layer, which is a default layer of the DebugDrawer. You can add custom layers by specifying the layer string.
E.g. the call debugDrawerPrx->setBoxDebugLayerVisu(
"MyBox", p_global,
s, DrawColor {1, 0, 0, 1});
becomes debugDrawerPrx->setBoxVisu(
"MyBox", p_global,
s, DrawColor {1, 0, 0, 1});
You can clear your custom layer with clearLayer(string layerName);
Add robot visualizations
A robot can be visualized in a network transparent way by the DebugDrawer. Edit the DebugDrawerTutorial.cpp as follows:
- Setup the robot in onConnectComponent()
void DebugDrawerTutorial::onConnectComponent()
debugDrawerPrx->setRobotVisu("MyRobotLayer", "MyRobot", "RobotAPI/robots/Armar3/ArmarIII.xml", "RobotAPI", armarx::CollisionModel);
p(0,3) = 1000;
new Pose(p));
debugDrawerPrx->updateRobotColor("MyRobotLayer", "MyRobot", DrawColor {0, 1, 0, 1});
- Update the configuration (joint angles) in the run() method
void DebugDrawerTutorial::run()
std::map<std::string, float>
"Shoulder 1 R"] = -sin(clock() / 10000.0) / 2;
"Shoulder 1 L"] = sin(clock() / 10000.0) / 2;
The result is a moving robot in the "MyRobotLayer" debug layer:
Showing Objects from Memory