The HiddenTimedMutex class is a mutex, that has a normal boost::mutex interface, but will timeout after fixed (defined in MUTEX_TIMEOUT_MSEC) interval and throw a MutexTimeoutException, if it could not aquire the mutex in that time.
This way, the stacktrace to the deadlock can be easily retrieved
The ViewSelection component controls the head of the robot with inverse kinematics based on the uncertainty of the current requested object locations. The uncertainty of objects grow based on their motion model and the timed passed since the last localization. It can be activated or deactivated with the Ice interface and given manual target positions to look at
Abstract base class for path planners. This class offers basic methods for planning paths in the plane. A path consists of a sequence of 3D vectors containing position (mm) and orientation around the z axis (rad). In addition object and agent management is implemented here
The SimpleGraspGenerator component controls the head of the robot with inverse kinematics based on the uncertainty of the current requested object locations. The uncertainty of objects grow based on their motion model and the timed passed since the last localization. It can be activated or deactivated with the Ice interface and given manual target positions to look at
The ViewSelection component controls the head of the robot with inverse kinematics based on the uncertainty of the current requested object locations. The uncertainty of objects grow based on their motion model and the timed passed since the last localization. It can be activated or deactivated with the Ice interface and given manual target positions to look at