module visionx
This file is part of ArmarX.
Copyright (C) 2011-2016, High Performance Humanoid Technologies (H2T), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), all rights reserved.
ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
@package VisionX::Core
@author Jan Issac
@copyright 2010 Humanoids Group, HIS, KIT
GNU General Public License
Module Index
- ImageBroadcasting
- imrec
Retrives provider's image format information via Ice.
- types
- yolo
Class Index
- FeatureBase
- MetaPointCloudFormat
- TabletopSegmentationPlane
Interface Index
- AffordancePipelineStepInterface
- ArMarkerLocalizerInterface
- CapturingImageProviderInterface
- CapturingPointCloudAndImageAndCalibrationProviderInterface
- CapturingPointCloudAndImageAndStereoCalibrationProviderInterface
- CapturingPointCloudAndImageProviderInterface
- CapturingPointCloudProviderInterface
- CoFusionProcessorInterface
- CompressedImageProviderInterface
An image provider component captures images from cameras, files, ...
- FaceRecognitionInterface
- FakePointCloudProviderInterface
- HandLocalizationInterface
- HandLocalizationWithFingertipsInterface
- ImageAndPointCloudProviderInterface
- ImageFileSequenceProviderInterface
- ImageProcessorInterface
An image processor component listener interface.
- ImageProviderInterface
An image provider component captures images from cameras, files, ...
- KinectAndCameraCalibrationInterface
- KinectAndCameraCalibrationListener
- MonocularCalibrationCapturingProviderInterface
- MotionModelInterface
The MotionModel updates the pose and uncertainty of an object during the time between
- MultiViewPointCloudProcessorInterface
- ObjectLearningByPushingInterface
- ObjectLearningByPushingListener
- ObjectLocalizerImageInterface
- ObjectLocalizerPointCloudAndImageInterface
- ObjectLocalizerPointCloudInterface
- ObjectMemoryInterface
The ObjectMemory contains all available information about the
location of known objects that have been requested to be
localized continuously.
- ObjectMemoryListenerInterface
An ObjectMemoryListener is an observer that watches the changes of the ObjectMemory
- ObjectMemoryUpdater
An ObjectMemoryUpdater is a component that updates the information about an object, that may be
done through visual localisation or the use of other sensorial input, e.g.
- ObjectPoseInterface
- ObjectPoseListenerInterface
- ObjectRecognitionUnitInterface
Object recognition interface
- ObjectShapeClassificationInterface
- ObjectShapeCompletionInterface
- PointCloudAndImageProcessorInterface
- PointCloudAndImageProcessorWithStereoCalibrationInterface
- PointCloudAndImageProviderInterface
- PointCloudProcessorInterface
A point cloud processor component listener interface.
- PointCloudProviderInterface
A point cloud provider component captures sets of points from active cameras, files, ...
- PointCloudSegmentationListener
- PointCloudSegmenterInterface
- PointCloudToArVizInterface
- PointCloudVisualizationInterface
- PoseBasedActionRecognitionInterface
- PoseBasedActionRecognitionListener
- PrimitiveExtractorInterface
- PrimitiveMapperInterface
- ProviderWithSharedMemorySupportInterface
- RGBDCapturingImageProviderInterface
- RGBDImageProcessorInterface
- RGBDImageProviderInterface
- RGBDPointCloudProviderInterface
- RTABMapInterface
- RecordingImageProviderInterface
- ReferenceFrameInterface
- SegmentRansacShapeExtractorInterface
- SimpleEpisodicMemoryOpenPoseEstimationConnectorInterface
- StereoCalibrationCaptureProviderInterface
Interface for implementation of an stereo capturing image provider
- StereoCalibrationInterface
- StereoCalibrationProcessorInterface
Interface for implementation of an stereo image processor
- StereoCalibrationProviderInterface
Interface for implementation of an stereo image provider
- StereoImagePointCloudProviderInterface
- TabletopSegmentationInterface
- UserAssistedSegmenterInterface
- UserAssistedSegmenterListener
- VisualContactDetectionInterface
- VisualContactDetectionListener
- VoxelGridProviderInterface
Exception Index
- FrameRateNotSupportedException
- ObjectNotFoundException
- PointCloudProviderFrameRateNotSupportedException
- PointCloudProviderStartingCaptureFailedException
- StartingCaptureFailedException
Structure Index
- ActionRecognitionResult
- ArMarkerLocalizationResult
- BoundingBox2D
- BoundingBox3D
Axis-aligned bounding box in 3D.
- CameraParameters
- ColoredLabeledPoint3D
ColoredLabeledPoint3D, Point with three cues: Color, Position, and label:
Color value RGBA \in N⁴ := 0,..,255^4 represented with 4 bytes = 32 bits.
- ColoredOrientedPoint3D
ColoredOrientedPoint3D, Point with three cues: Color, Orientation and Position:
Color value RGBA \in N⁴ := 0,..,255^4 represented with 4 bytes = 32 bits.
- ColoredPoint3D
ColoredPoint3D, Point with two cues: Color and Position:
Color value RGBA \in N⁴ := 0,..,255^4 represented with 4 bytes = 32 bits.
- FaceLocation
- ImageDimension
Dimension of a frame of a video sequence or a single image.
- ImageFormatInfo
Image format information struct.
- IntensityPoint3D
- KinectPoseCalibration
- LabeledPoint3D
LabeledPoint3D, Point with two cues: Position, and label:
Euclidean point vector PXPYPZ \in R³ represented with 3 floats = 12 bytes = 96 bits, no padding added.
- LccpParameters
- LocalizationResult
- MonocularCalibration
- Normal3D
Euclidean normal vector NXNYNZ \in R³ represented with 3 floats = 12 bytes = 96 bits, no padding added.
- OrientedPoint3D
OrientedPoint3D, Point with two cues: Orientation and Position:
Euclidean normal vector NXNYNZ \in R³ represented with 3 floats = 12 bytes = 96 bits, no padding added.
- Plane3D
Oriented partition plane in 3D.
- Point3D
Euclidean point vector PXPYPZ \in R³ represented with 3 floats = 12 bytes = 96 bits, no padding added.
- PointCloudProviderVisualizationInfo
- PointCloudVisualizationInfo
- PrimitiveData
PrimitiveData, Extracted Geometric Primitive Results:
Set of colored and labeled points.
- PrimitiveExtractorParameters
Color value RGBA \in N⁴ := 0,..,255^4 represented with 4 bytes = 32 bits.
- StereoCalibration
Sequence Index
- ArMarkerLocalizationResultList
- ColoredLabeledPointCloud
Set of colored and labeled points.
- ColoredPointCloud
A colored point cloud.
- ColoredPointCloudList
- FaceLocationSeq
- FramedPositionBaseList
- IntensityCloud
- LabeledCloud
Set of labeled points.
- Point3DList
Set of euclidean point vectors PXPYPZ \in R³ each point is represented with 3 floats = 12 bytes = 96 bits, no padding added.
- PointCloudProviderVisualizationInfoList
- VectorCloud
Set of labeled point clouds.
Enumeration Index
- BayerPatternType
- CompressionType
- ImageSyncMode
Image capturing and publishing synchronization modes.
- ImageTransferMode
Supported image transfer modes.
- ImageType
Provided image types that can be used for the transfer via Ice
and shared memory.
- PointContentType
The type of point content defines whether a point provides information about various cues, namely orientation or color.
sequence<ArMarkerLocalizationResult> ArMarkerLocalizationResultList
Used By
- ArMarkerLocalizerInterface::GetLatestLocalizationResult
- ArMarkerLocalizerInterface::LocalizeAllMarkersNow
sequence<ColoredLabeledPoint3D> ColoredLabeledPointCloud
Set of colored and labeled points. This represents a labeled and colored point cloud.
Used By
- UserAssistedSegmenterInterface::publishSegmentation
- UserAssistedSegmenterListener::reportSegmentation
sequence<ColoredPoint3D> ColoredPointCloud
A colored point cloud.
Used By
- ColoredPointCloudList
sequence<ColoredPointCloud> ColoredPointCloudList
sequence<FaceLocation> FaceLocationSeq
Used By
- FaceRecognitionInterface::calculateFaceLocations
sequence<::armarx::FramedPositionBase> FramedPositionBaseList
Used By
- HandLocalizationWithFingertipsInterface::getFingertipPositions
sequence<IntensityPoint3D> IntensityCloud
sequence<LabeledPoint3D> LabeledCloud
Set of labeled points. This represents a labeled point cloud.
Used By
- VectorCloud
- PrimitiveData::entireGraspPoints
- PrimitiveData::entirePrimitiveInliers
sequence<Point3D> Point3DList
Set of euclidean point vectors PXPYPZ \in R³ each point is represented with 3 floats = 12 bytes = 96 bits, no padding added.
sequence<PointCloudProviderVisualizationInfo> PointCloudProviderVisualizationInfoList
Used By
- PointCloudVisualizationInterface::getAvailableProviders
sequence<LabeledCloud> VectorCloud
Set of labeled point clouds. This represents a labeled point cloud vector.
Used By
- PrimitiveData::cylinderGraspPoints
- PrimitiveData::cylinderInliers
- PrimitiveData::planeGraspPoints
- PrimitiveData::planeInliers
- PrimitiveData::sphereGraspPoints
- PrimitiveData::sphereInliers