►NAffordanceKitArmarX | |
CBimanualAffordanceArmarX | |
CPrimitiveSetArmarX | |
CSceneArmarX | |
CUnimanualAffordanceArmarX | |
►Marmar6 | |
►Mskills | |
►Mcomponents | |
►Marmar6_ik_demo | |
IComponentInterface | |
Cik_demo | |
►CIkDemo | |
CParams | |
CRemote | |
CRobot | |
CManipulator | |
CPlatformManipulator | |
CTcpManipulator | |
►Narmarx | This file offers overloads of toIce() and fromIce() functions for STL container types |
►Naddirrtstar | |
CManagerNode | Manages the planning of the addirrt* algorithm |
CTask | An addirrt* task |
►CTree | A structure holding and managing all data connected to the tree used in the ADDIRRT* algorithm |
CNodeType | Represents a node of thr rrt |
CWorkerNode | Implements the worker side of the batch distributed adaptive dynamic domain informed rrt* planner |
►NApplicationOptions | This namespace contains all relevent methods to parse and print options and propertiesas used by the armarx::Application |
COptions | Stucture containing the parsed options of the application |
►Narmem | |
►Nactions | |
CAction | |
CMenu | |
CMenuEntry | |
CSubMenu | |
►Narticulated_object | |
CArticulatedObjectReader | |
CArticulatedObjectWriter | |
CReader | |
CReaderInterface | |
CWriter | |
CWriterInterface | |
►Nattachment | |
CAgentDescription | |
CArticulatedObjectAttachment | ArticulatedObjectAttachment describes a fixed transformation between an agent and an articulated object |
CObjectAttachment | ObjectAttachment describes a fixed transformation between an agent and an object |
CReader | |
CWriter | |
►Nbase | |
►Ndetail | |
CAronTyped | Something with a specific ARON type |
CForEachEntityInstanceMixin | |
CForEachEntityMixin | |
CForEachEntitySnapshotMixin | |
CForEachProviderSegmentMixin | |
CGetFindEntityMixin | |
CGetFindInstanceMixin | |
CGetFindProviderSegmentMixin | |
CGetFindSnapshotMixin | |
CGetLatestInstanceMixin | |
CGetLatestSnapshotMixin | |
Chas_mapped_type | |
Chas_mapped_type< T, std::void_t< typename T::mapped_type > > | |
CMemoryContainerBase | Provides default implmentations of MemoryContainer , as well as iterators (which requires a template) |
CMemoryItem | Base class of memory classes on different levels |
CPredictive | Something that supports a set of prediction engines |
CPredictiveContainer | Something that supports a set of prediction engines |
►CCoreSegmentBase | Data of a core segment containing multiple provider segments |
CUpdateResult | |
►CEntityBase | An entity over a period of time |
CUpdateResult | |
CEntityInstanceBase | Data of a single entity instance |
CEntityInstanceMetadata | Metadata of an entity instance |
CEntitySnapshotBase | Data of an entity at one point in time |
►CMemoryBase | Data of a memory consisting of multiple core segments |
CUpdateResult | |
CNoData | Default data of an entity instance (empty) |
►CProviderSegmentBase | Data of a provider segment containing multiple entities |
CUpdateResult | |
►Nclazz | |
CFeature | |
CObjectClass | |
►Nclient | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Nplugins | This file is part of ArmarX |
CListeningPlugin | Subscribes the memory updates topic |
CListeningPluginUser | A memory name system client which listens to the memory updates topic (MemoryListenerInterface ) |
CPlugin | A component plugin offering client-side access to to the working memory system by providing a Memory Name System (MNS) client |
CPluginUser | Adds the Memory Name System client component plugin |
CReaderWriterPlugin | A component plugin offering client-side access to a reader or writer and manages the lifecycle, e.g |
►Nquery | |
►Ndetail | |
CChildSelectorOps | |
CInnerSelectorOps | |
CNameSelectorOps | |
CParentSelectorOps | |
CBuilder | The query::Builder class provides a fluent-style specification of hierarchical queries |
CCoreSegmentSelector | |
CEntitySelector | |
CProviderSegmentSelector | |
CSnapshotSelector | |
►Nrobot_state | |
►Nutil | |
►CMemoryListener | Handles update signals from the memory system and distributes it to its subsribers |
CManagedCallback | |
►CMemoryToDebugObserver | Transfers data from memory servers to the DebugObserver |
CProperties | Configuration |
CServices | Required services |
CMemoryValueID | ID of an ARON value in the memory |
CScopedSubscriptionHandle | |
►CSimpleReaderBase | |
CProperties | |
►CSimpleWriterBase | |
CProperties | |
CSubscriptionHandle | |
CVisitor | |
CMemoryNameSystem | The memory name system (MNS) client |
CQueryInput | A query for parts of a memory |
CQueryResult | Result of a QueryInput |
CReader | Reads data from a memory server |
CReadStream | A stream reading entity snapshots from the memory |
CWriter | Helps a memory client sending data to a memory |
►Ndetail | |
CSuccessHeader | |
►Nerror | |
CArMemError | Base class for all exceptions thrown by the armem library |
CContainerEntryAlreadyExists | Indicates that a name in a given ID does not match a container's own name |
CContainerNameMismatch | Indicates that a name in a given ID does not match a container's own name |
CCouldNotResolveMemoryServer | Indicates that a query to the Memory Name System failed |
CEntityHistoryEmpty | Indicates that an entity's history was queried, but is empty |
CInvalidArgument | Indicates that an argument was invalid |
CInvalidMemoryID | Indicates that a memory ID is invalid, e.g |
CIOError | Indicates that something went wrong when accessing the filesystem |
CMemoryNameSystemQueryFailed | Indicates that a query to the Memory Name System failed |
CMissingData | Indicates that a container did have an entry, but the entry's data was null when trying to access it |
CMissingEntry | Indicates that a container did not have an entry under a given name |
CNoSuchEntries | Indicates that an operation requiring at least one element to exist failed because there were no such entries |
CParseIntegerError | Indicates that a string could not be parsed as integer |
CProxyNotSet | Indicates that a proxy required for an operation wasn't usable |
CQueryFailed | Indicates that a query resulted in an Error |
CReadStreamAlreadyPolling | Indicates that a ReadStream is already polling when a polling method was called |
CServerRegistrationOrRemovalFailed | Indicates that a query to the Memory Name System failed |
CUnknownQueryType | Indicates that an entity's history was queried, but is empty |
►Nexteroception | |
►Ngrasping | |
►Nknown_grasps | |
CReader | |
►Nsegment | |
CKnownGraspProviderSegment | |
►Ngui | |
►Ndisk | |
CControlWidget | |
►Ninstance | |
CAronDataView | |
CDataTreeBuilder | |
CDataTreeBuilderBase | |
►CDataView | |
►CImageView | |
CLimits | |
CGroupBox | |
CImageView | A widget drawing an image in itself |
CInstanceView | |
CInstanceViewList | |
CMemoryIDTreeWidgetItem | |
CTreeDataVisitor | |
CTreeDataVisitorBase | |
CTreeTypedDataVisitor | |
CTreeTypedJSONConverter | |
CTypedDataTreeBuilder | |
CWidgetsWithToolbar | |
►Nmemory | |
CGroupBox | |
CTreeWidget | |
CAbsoluteTimestampInput | |
CActionsMenuBuilder | |
CCommitWidget | |
CMemoryViewer | |
CPeriodicUpdateWidget | |
►CPredictionWidget | |
CEntityInfo | |
CQueryWidget | |
CRelativeTimestampInput | |
CSnapshotForm | |
CSnapshotFormAll | |
CSnapshotFormIndexRange | |
CSnapshotFormSingle | |
CSnapshotFormTimeRange | |
CSnapshotSelectorWidget | Widget where queries for snapshots can be configured |
CTimestampInput | |
►Nhuman | |
►Nclient | |
►CReader | |
CQuery | |
CResult | |
CWriter | |
CFaceRecognition | |
IHumanMemoryServerInterface | |
CHumanPose | |
CHumanPose2D | |
CInfo | Accessor for human profile files |
►CNearestHumanParameters | |
CProperties | |
CPersonInstance | |
CPoseKeypoint | |
CPoseKeypoint2D | |
►Nid_graph | |
CMemoryEdge | |
CMemoryGraphAttributes | |
CMemoryIDResolver | |
CMemoryVertex | |
►Nindex | |
►Nlaser_scans | |
►Nclient | |
►CReader | |
CQuery | |
CResult | |
CTimeRange | |
CWriter | |
CLaserScanStamped | |
CSensorHeader | |
►Nlocations | |
►Nclient | |
►CReader | |
CProperties | |
►Nmarker | |
CMarker | |
►Nmns | |
►Nplugins | |
CPlugin | |
CPluginUser | |
CMemoryNameSystem | |
►CRegistry | A registry for memory servers |
CServerInfo | Information about a memory entry |
►Nmotions | |
►Nobj | |
►Nclazz | |
CClassReader | |
CClassWriter | |
►Ninstance | |
►CReader | |
CProperties | |
CWriter | |
►Nobjects | |
►CObjectInstanceToIndex | |
CParameters | |
CState | |
►Nprop | |
►Nrobot_state | |
►Nclient | |
►Nlocalization | |
CTransformInterface | |
CTransformReader | Brief description of class ExampleClient |
CTransformReaderInterface | |
CTransformWriter | |
CTransformWriterInterface | |
►Ndescription | |
CRobotDescription | |
►Nexteroception | |
CToF | |
►Nlocalization | |
CTransform | |
CTransformChainResult | |
CTransformHeader | |
CTransformHelper | |
CTransformQuery | |
CTransformResult | |
►Nproprioception | |
CForceTorque | |
CJointState | |
CPlatformState | |
CReaderInterface | |
CRobot | |
CRobotReader | The RobotReader class |
CRobotState | |
►CRobotStatePredictionClient | |
CRemote | |
CWholeBodyPrediction | |
►CRobotWriter | The RobotReader class |
CProperties | |
CTwist | |
CVirtualRobotReader | The VirtualRobotReader class |
CVirtualRobotWriter | The VirtualRobotReader class |
CWriterInterface | |
►Nserver | |
►Ngrasp | |
CGraspMemory | Brief description of class GraspMemory |
►Nhuman | |
►Nfacerecog | |
►CSegment | |
CProperties | |
►Nprofile | |
CFinder | Used to find human profiles in the Prior Knowledge Data repository [1] |
►CSegment | |
►CProperties | |
CPriorKnowledge | |
CIdentificationSegment | |
CPersonInstanceSegment | |
CPoseSegment | |
CVisu | |
►Mhuman_memory | |
IComponentInterface | |
CHumanMemory | |
►Nlaser_scans | This file is part of ArmarX |
CLaserScansMemory | |
CScanPoint | |
CVisu | Models decay of object localizations by decreasing the confidence the longer the object was not localized |
►Nltm | |
►Ndetail | |
►Nmixin | |
CBufferedMemoryMixin | |
CCachedMemoryMixin | |
CDiskMemoryItemMixin | |
CMongoDBSettings | |
CMongoDBStorageMixin | |
►CCoreSegmentBase | Interface functions for the longterm memory classes |
CStatistics | |
►CEntityBase | Interface functions for the longterm memory classes |
CStatistics | |
►CEntityInstanceBase | Interface functions for the longterm memory classes |
CStatistics | |
►CEntitySnapshotBase | Interface functions for the longterm memory classes |
CStatistics | |
►CMemoryBase | Interface functions for the longterm memory classes |
CProperties | |
CStatistics | |
CMemoryItem | Interface functions for the longterm memory classes |
►CProviderSegmentBase | Interface functions for the longterm memory classes |
CStatistics | |
►Ndisk | |
►Nfilesystem | |
►Nmongodb | |
►CConnectionManager | A manager of multiple mongodb connection |
CMongoDBSettings | |
CMemory | A memory storing data in mongodb (needs 'armarx memory start' to start the mongod instance) |
►Nprocessor | |
►Nconverter | |
►Ndata | |
►Nimage | |
CExrConverter | |
CPngConverter | |
►Nobject | |
CBsonConverter | |
CJsonConverter | |
CImageConverter | |
CObjectConverter | |
►Ntype | |
►Nobject | |
CJsonConverter | |
CObjectConverter | |
►Nextractor | |
CDepthImageExtractor | |
CDepthImageExtractorVisitor | |
CImageExtractor | |
CImageExtractorVisitor | |
►Nfilter | |
CSnapshotFrequencyFilter | |
CSnapshotImportanceFilter | |
CSnapshotSimilarityFilter | |
►CDataConverter | |
CConversionResult | |
►CExtractor | |
CExtractionResult | |
CMemoryFilter | |
►CSnapshotFilter | |
CFilterStatistics | |
CTypeConverter | |
►Nutil | |
►Nfs | |
►Nmongodb | |
CCoreSegment | |
CDirectlyStoreInput | |
CDirectlyStoreResult | |
CEntity | A memory storing data in mongodb (needs 'armarx memory start' to start the mongod instance) |
CEntityInstance | |
CEntitySnapshot | |
CMemory | A memory storing data on the hard drive and in mongodb (needs 'armarx memory start' to start the mongod instance) |
CProcessors | All necessary classes to filter and convert an entry of the ltm to some other format(s) |
CProviderSegment | |
►CRecordStatusResult | |
CRecordStatus | |
►CStartRecordInput | |
CRecordingModeConfiguration | |
CStartRecordResult | |
CStopRecordResult | |
►Nltm | |
►Nutil | |
►Nfs | |
►Nmotions | |
►Nmdb | |
►Nsegment | |
CMDBMotionSegment | |
►Nmps | |
►Nsegment | |
CMPSegment | |
►Nobj | |
►Nattachments | |
CSegment | |
►Nclazz | |
►CFloorVis | |
CProperties | |
►CSegment | |
►CRemoteGui | |
CData | |
CVisu | |
►Ninstance | |
►Nvisu | |
►CLinearPredictions | Visualization control for linear predictions for objects |
CRemoteGui | |
CArticulatedObjectVisu | Visualizes articulated objects |
►CDecay | Models decay of object localizations by decreasing the confidence the longer the object was not localized |
CRemoteGui | |
►CRobotHeadMovement | |
CDiscard | |
CRemoteGui | |
►CSegment | |
CCalibration | |
CCommitStats | |
CRemoteGui | |
CRobotsCache | Loaded robot models identified by the robot name |
►CSegmentAdapter | Helps implementing the armarx::armem::server::ObjectInstanceSegmentInterface |
CRemoteGui | |
►CVisu | Models decay of object localizations by decreasing the confidence the longer the object was not localized |
CGaussians | |
►CRemoteGui | |
CGaussians | |
CObjectMemory | Brief description of class ObjectMemory |
►Nplugins | |
CPlugin | |
CReadOnlyPluginUser | Base class of memory server components |
CReadWritePluginUser | Base class of memory server components |
►Nquery_proc | |
►Nbase | |
CBaseQueryProcessorBase | Base class for memory query processors |
CCoreSegmentQueryProcessorBase | Handles memory queries |
CEntityQueryProcessorBase | |
CMemoryQueryProcessorBase | |
CProviderSegmentQueryProcessorBase | |
►Nltm | |
►Ndetail | |
CCoreSegmentQueryProcessorBase | Handles memory queries |
CEntityQueryProcessorBase | |
CMemoryQueryProcessorBase | |
CProviderSegmentQueryProcessorBase | |
►Nltm_server | |
CCoreSegmentQueryProcessor | |
CEntityQueryProcessor | |
CMemoryQueryProcessor | |
CProviderSegmentQueryProcessor | |
►Nwm | |
►Ndetail | |
CCoreSegmentQueryProcessorBase | Handles memory queries |
CEntityQueryProcessor | |
CEntityQueryProcessorBase | |
CHasDataMode | |
CMemoryQueryProcessorBase | |
CProviderSegmentQueryProcessorBase | |
CCoreSegmentQueryProcessor | |
CMemoryQueryProcessor | |
CProviderSegmentQueryProcessor | |
►Nwm_server | |
CCoreSegmentQueryProcessor | |
CMemoryQueryProcessor | |
CProviderSegmentQueryProcessor | |
►Nreasoning | |
CAnticipationSegment | |
►Nrobot_state | |
►Ndescription | |
CSegment | |
►Nexteroception | |
►Ndetail | |
CProperties | |
CArmarDEConverter | |
CConverterInterface | |
CConverterRegistry | |
CConverterTools | |
CConverterValue | |
CSegment | |
►Nlocalization | |
CSegment | |
►Nproprioception | |
CArmar6Converter | |
CConverterInterface | |
CConverterRegistry | |
CConverterTools | |
CConverterValue | |
CForceTorqueValues | |
CJointValues | |
►CRobotStateWriter | |
CProperties | |
CUpdate | |
CRobotUnitData | |
►CRobotUnitReader | |
CProperties | |
CSegment | |
CSensorValues | |
CRobotStateMemory | |
CVisu | Models decay of object localizations by decreasing the confidence the longer the object was not localized |
►Nsegment | |
►Ndetail | |
CSegmentBase | A base class for memory servers to manage their segments |
►CSpecializedCoreSegment | A base class for core segments |
CProperties | |
►CSpecializedProviderSegment | A base class for provider segments |
CProperties | |
►Nsystemstate | |
►Nsegment | |
CLightweightCpuMonitorProviderSegment | |
CLightweightRamMonitorProviderSegment | |
►Nwm | |
►Ndetail | |
CMaxHistorySize | |
CMaxHistorySizeParent | |
CPrediction | Can do predictions, but has no children it could delegate predictions to |
CPredictionContainer | Can do predictions itself and has children it could delegate predictions to |
CCoreSegment | Base::CoreSegmentBase |
CEntity | |
CMemory | |
CProviderSegment | |
CMemoryRemoteGui | Utility for memory Remote Guis |
CMemoryToIceAdapter | Helps connecting a Memory server to the Ice interface |
CReasoningMemory | |
►CRemoteGuiAronDataVisitor | |
CGroup | |
CVisionMemory | |
►Nvision | |
►Noccupancy_grid | |
►Nclient | |
►CReader | |
CQuery | |
CResult | |
CWriter | |
COccupancyGrid | |
►Nwm | |
►Ndetail | |
CFindInstanceDataMixin | |
CFindInstanceDataMixinForEntity | |
CFindInstanceDataMixinForSnapshot | |
CCoreSegment | Client-side working memory core segment |
CEntity | Client-side working memory entity |
CEntityInstance | Client-side working entity instance |
CEntitySnapshot | Client-side working memory entity snapshot |
CFunctionalVisitor | A Visitor which can be parametrized by std::function instead of inheriting and overriding |
CMemory | Client-side working memory |
CProviderSegment | Client-side working memory provider segment |
CVisitor | A visitor for the hierarchical memory data structure |
CCommit | A bundle of updates to be sent to the memory |
CCommitResult | Result of a Commit |
CEntityUpdate | An update of an entity for a specific point in time |
CEntityUpdateResult | Result of an EntityUpdate |
CGraspCandidateReader | |
CGraspCandidateWriter | |
CLegacyRobotStateMemoryAdapter | |
CMemoryID | A memory ID |
CMemoryNameSystem | Brief description of class MemoryNameSystem |
CObjectInstance | |
CPredictionEngine | |
CPredictionRequest | |
CPredictionResult | |
CPredictionSettings | |
CSnapshotRangeInfo | Holds info on snapshot data extracted from a time range |
►Naron | |
►Ncodegenerator | |
►Ncpp | |
►Ngenerator | |
►Ndetail | |
CAnyGenerator | |
CContainerGenerator | |
CNDArrayGenerator | |
CPrimitiveGenerator | |
CSpecializedGeneratorBase | |
CAnyObject | |
CBool | |
CDict | |
CDouble | |
CDTOObjectReplacement | |
CFloat | |
CImage | |
CInt | |
CIntEnum | |
CIntEnumClass | |
CList | |
CLong | |
CMatrix | |
CNDArray | |
CObject | |
CObjectClass | |
CPair | |
CPointCloud | |
CQuaternion | |
CString | |
CTuple | |
CGenerator | |
CGeneratorFactory | |
CWriter | |
CCodeWriter | |
CReaderInfo | |
CStaticReaderInfo | |
CWriterInfo | |
►Ncomponent_config | |
►Nfactories | |
CVariantHelper | |
►Nproducts | |
CVariantHelper | |
CGetValueFromMapVisitor | |
CMakeConfigGuiVisitor | |
CPropertyDefinitionGetterVisitor | |
CPropertyDefinitionSetterVisitor | |
►Nconversion | |
►Ncpp | |
CAronGeneratedClass | |
CAronGeneratedIntEnum | |
CAronGeneratedIntEnumBase | |
CAronGeneratedObject | |
CAronGeneratedObjectBase | |
►Ndata | A convenience header to include all aron files (full include, not forward declared) |
►Nconverter | |
►Ndetail | |
CAronVectorConverterVisitorBase | |
Cmultidimensional_vector | |
Cmultidimensional_vector< T, 1 > | |
CAronEigenConverter | |
CAronIVTConverter | |
CAronNlohmannJSONConverter | |
CAronOpenCVConverter | |
CAronPCLConverter | |
CAronVectorConverter | |
CAronVectorConverterVisitor | |
CAronVectorConverterVisitor< char, 2 > | |
CAronVectorConverterVisitor< float, 1 > | |
►Ndefaultconversion | |
►Ndetail | |
CComplexVariant | |
CContainerVariant | |
CPrimitiveVariant | |
CSpecializedVariantBase | |
►Nfilter | |
►CWhitelistFilter | |
CNormalization | |
►Nreader | |
CNlohmannJSONReader | |
CNlohmannJSONReaderWithoutTypeCheck | |
CVariantReader | |
►Nrw | |
►Njson | |
►Nwriter | |
CNlohmannJSONWriter | |
CVariantWriter | |
CBool | |
CConstNlohmannJSONVisitor | |
CConstTypedVariantVisitor | |
CConstVariantVisitor | |
CConverter | Converter struct providing the needed methods |
CDict | |
CDouble | |
CFloat | |
CFromNlohmannJSONConverter | |
CFromVariantConverter | |
CInt | |
CList | |
CLong | |
CNDArray | |
CReaderInterface | |
CRecursiveConstTypedVariantVisitor | |
CRecursiveConstVariantVisitor | |
CRecursiveTypedVisitor | |
CRecursiveVariantVisitor | |
CRecursiveVisitor | |
CString | |
CToNlohmannJSONConverter | |
CToVariantConverter | |
CTypedVisitor | |
CTypedVisitorBase | |
CVariant | The Variant class |
CVariantFactory | The VariantFactory class |
CVisitor | |
CVisitorBase | |
CWriterInterface | |
►Ndetail | |
Cis_optional | |
Cis_optional< std::optional< Ts... > > | |
►Nerror | |
CAronEOFException | |
CAronException | A base class for aron exceptions |
CAronNotValidException | The AronNotValidException class |
CNotImplementedYetException | The NotImplementedYetException class |
CValueNotValidException | The ValueNotValidException class |
►Nsimilarity | |
►Nsimox | |
►Ntype | A convenience header to include all aron files (full include, not forward declared) |
►Nconverter | |
CAronDatatypeConverter | |
CAronDatatypeConverterVisitor | |
CAronNlohmannJSONConverter | |
►Ndefaultconversion | |
►Ndetail | |
CAnyVariant | |
CContainerVariant | |
CDtoVariant | |
CEnumVariant | |
CNDArrayVariant | |
CPrimitiveVariant | |
CSpecializedVariantBase | |
►Nreader | |
CNlohmannJSONReader | |
CVariantReader | |
►Nrw | |
►Njson | Constantes and conversion maps for the nlohmann::json representation (reader and writer) |
►Nwriter | |
CNlohmannJSONWriter | |
CVariantWriter | |
CAnyObject | The AnyObject class |
CBool | The Bool class |
CConstNlohmannJSONVisitor | The NlohmannJSONVisitor struct |
CConstVariantVisitor | The VariantVisitor struct |
CConverter | Converter struct providing the needed methods |
CDict | The Dict class |
CDouble | The Double class |
CFloat | The Float class |
CFromNlohmannJSONConverter | |
CFromVariantConverter | |
CImage | The Image class |
CInt | The Int class |
CIntEnum | The IntEnum class |
CList | The List class |
CLong | The Long class |
CMatrix | The Matrix class |
CNDArray | The NDArray class |
CObject | The Object class |
CPair | The Pair class |
CPointCloud | The PointCloud class |
CQuaternion | The Qaternion class |
CReaderInterface | The ReaderInterface class |
CRecursiveConstVariantVisitor | The RecursiveVariantVisitor struct |
CRecursiveVisitor | The RecursiveVisitor struct |
CString | The String class |
CToNlohmannJSONConverter | |
CToVariantConverter | |
CTuple | The Tuple class |
CVariant | The Variant class |
CVariantFactory | The VariantFactory class |
CVisitor | The Visitor struct |
CVisitorBase | The VisitorBase struct |
CWriterInterface | The WriterInterface class |
►Ntypereader | |
►Nxml | All constantes for the aron XML parser, in addition to some utility functions wrapping around the armarxcore-xml-parser |
►Nconstantes | |
CReplacement | |
CReader | The Reader class |
CReaderFactory | The ReaderFactory class |
CGenerateInfo | A top-level struct for type-generation information |
CGenerateIntEnumInfo | Information which is needed to generate code for an int enum |
CGenerateObjectInfo | Information which is needed to generate code for an object |
CReader | The basic reader class, defining methods for reading an aron description file and returning an aron type object, representing the description It contains basic functions, to read in arbitrary files and to store the type generation information |
CBOSubObjectFinder | Finds aron objects with a given type name prefix in aron variants and returns them as BOs |
CDataDisplayVisitor | |
CPath | The Path class |
CStringStreamMixin | |
CSubObjectFinder | Finds aron objects with a given type name prefix in aron variants |
CTypedDataDisplayVisitor | |
CTypeName | |
CTypeName< bool > | |
CTypeName< double > | |
CTypeName< float > | |
CTypeName< int > | |
CTypeName< long > | |
CTypeName< short > | |
CTypeName< std::string > | |
CTypeName< unsigned char > | |
CTypeName< unsigned int > | |
CTypeName< unsigned short > | |
►Naron_tree_widget | |
►Narticulated_object | |
CArticulatedObjectLocalizerExample | |
►Nastar | |
CTask | |
►NAzureKinectGroup | |
CAzureKinectGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CConfigureBodyTracking | |
►Nbirrt | |
CTask | |
►NBringObjectGroup | |
CBringObjectGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CBringObjectGroupStatechartContext | |
CBringObjectGroupStatechartContextProperties | |
CSelectArm | |
CSelectArmAndGraspObject | |
CSelectObjectInstance | |
CTestBringObjectWithArmSelection | |
CVerifyObjectExistenceCertainty | |
CVerifyObjectExistenceCertaintyCalc | |
CVerifyObjectPosition | |
►Nchannels | |
►Nchecks | |
CCheckBase | |
►Ncontrol | |
►Nclient | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Ndetail | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Nctrl_class_name | |
CCtrlConfigClassName | |
CCtrlConfigClassName< T, false > | |
Chas_ctrl_config_class_name | |
Chas_ctrl_config_class_name< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::ctrlConfigClassName)> > | |
►Nproxy | |
Chas_proxy_type | |
Chas_proxy_type< T, std::void_t< typename T::Proxy > > | |
CProxyType | |
CProxyType< T, false > | |
CControllerWrapperBase | The base class for the ControllerWrapper which allows the private implementation to be in the .cpp file |
CComponentPlugin | |
CComponentPluginUser | |
CControllerBuilder | |
CControllerDescription | |
CControllerDescription< ::armarx::control::njoint_controller::platform::ControllerType::PlatformFollowerController > | |
CControllerDescription< armarx::control::common::ControllerType::TSAdm > | |
CControllerDescription< armarx::control::common::ControllerType::TSImp > | |
CControllerDescription< armarx::control::common::ControllerType::TSImpCol > | |
CControllerDescription< armarx::control::common::ControllerType::TSImpSafe > | |
CControllerDescription< armarx::control::common::ControllerType::TSMixImpVel > | |
CControllerDescription< armarx::control::common::ControllerType::TSMixImpVelCol > | |
CControllerDescription< armarx::control::common::ControllerType::TSMPAdm > | |
CControllerDescription< armarx::control::common::ControllerType::TSMPImp > | |
CControllerDescription< armarx::control::common::ControllerType::TSMPImpCol > | |
CControllerDescription< armarx::control::common::ControllerType::TSMPImpSafe > | |
CControllerDescription< armarx::control::common::ControllerType::TSMPMixImpVel > | |
CControllerDescription< armarx::control::common::ControllerType::TSMPMixImpVelCol > | |
CControllerDescription< armarx::control::common::ControllerType::TSMPVel > | |
CControllerDescription< armarx::control::common::ControllerType::TSVel > | |
CControllerDescription< armarx::control::common::ControllerType::WholeBodyTrajectoryController > | |
CControllerDescription< armarx::navigation::common::ControllerType::PlatformGlobalTrajectory > | |
CControllerDescription< armarx::navigation::common::ControllerType::PlatformLocalTrajectory > | |
CControllerWrapper | Wrapper class for an NJointController proxy |
►Ncommon | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Ncontrol_law | This file is part of ArmarX |
►CCollisionAvoidanceController | |
CJointRangeBufferZoneData | |
CRtStatusForSafetyStrategy | Internal status of the controller, containing intermediate variables, mutable targets |
CSelfCollisionData | |
CControlTarget | |
►CKeypointsAdmittanceController | |
CConfig | You can set the following values from outside of the rt controller via Ice interfaces |
CStatus | Internal status of the controller, containing intermediate variables, mutable targets |
►CKeypointsImpedanceController | |
CConfig | You can set the following values from outside of the rt controller via Ice interfaces |
CNonRtStatus | |
CRtStatus | Internal status of the controller, containing intermediate variables, mutable targets |
CRobotStatus | |
►CSafetyTaskspaceImpedanceController | |
►CRtStatus | Internal status of the controller, containing intermediate variables, mutable targets |
CjointRangeBufferZoneData | Joint limit avoidance initialization parameters |
CselfCollisionData | |
►CTaskspaceAdmittanceController | |
CRtStatus | Internal status of the controller, containing intermediate variables, mutable targets |
►CTaskspaceImpedanceController | |
CRtStatus | Internal status of the controller, containing intermediate variables, mutable targets |
►CTaskspaceMixedImpedanceVelocityController | |
CRtStatus | Internal status of the controller, containing intermediate variables, mutable targets |
►CTaskspaceVelocityController | |
CRtStatus | Internal status of the controller, containing intermediate variables, mutable targets |
CVirtualRobotStatus | |
►CZeroTorqueOrVelocityController | |
CRtStatus | Internal status of the controller, containing intermediate variables, mutable targets |
►Nft | This file is part of ArmarX |
CForceTorqueUtility | |
CFTCalibrateDefaultValue | TODO: this has to be moved to the robot model (e.g |
CFTSensor | |
CFTSensorTrigger | |
CFTSensorTriggerParams | |
►Nmp | This file is part of ArmarX |
CJSMPInput | |
CJSMPOutput | |
CKeypointsMP | |
CKeypointsMPInput | |
CKeypointsMPOutput | |
CMP | |
CMPInput | |
CMPInputOutput | |
CMPOutput | |
CMPPool | |
CTSMPInput | |
CTSMPOutput | |
CMultivariateNormal | |
CSensorDevicesForNJointTorqueController | |
►Ncomponents | |
►Nbimanual_transport_skill_provider | |
CComponent | |
IComponentInterface | |
►Ncontrol_memory | |
CComponent | |
►Ncontrol_skill_provider | |
CComponent | |
IComponentInterface | |
►Ncontroller_creator | |
CComponent | |
IComponentInterface | |
►Nexample_component_plugin_user | |
CComponent | |
IComponentInterface | |
►Nretrieve_hand_skill_provider | |
CComponent | |
IComponentInterface | |
►Ndeprecated_njoint_mp_controller | |
►Nadaptive | |
CNJointAdaptiveWipingController | The NJointAdaptiveWipingController class |
CNJointAdaptiveWipingControllerControlData | |
CNJointAnomalyDetectionAdaptiveWipingController | The NJointAnomalyDetectionAdaptiveWipingController class |
CNJointAnomalyDetectionAdaptiveWipingControllerControlData | |
CNJointTaskSpaceAdaptiveDMPController | The NJointTaskSpaceAdaptiveDMPController class |
CNJointTaskSpaceAdaptiveDMPControllerControlData | |
►Nbimanual | |
CNJointBimanualCartesianAdmittanceController | |
CNJointBimanualCCDMPController | The NJointBimanualCCDMPController class |
CNJointBimanualCCDMPControllerControlData | |
CNJointBimanualCCDMPVelocityController | The NJointBimanualCCDMPVelocityController class |
CNJointBimanualCCDMPVelocityControllerControlData | |
CNJointBimanualForceControlData | |
CNJointBimanualForceController | |
CNJointBimanualForceMPController | The NJointBimanualForceMPController class |
CNJointBimanualForceMPControllerControlData | |
CNJointBimanualObjLevelControlData | |
CNJointBimanualObjLevelController | |
CNJointBimanualObjLevelMultiMPControlData | |
CNJointBimanualObjLevelMultiMPController | |
CNJointBimanualObjLevelVelControlData | |
CNJointBimanualObjLevelVelController | |
►Njoint_space | |
CNJointJointSpaceDMPController | The NJointJointSpaceDMPController class |
CNJointJointSpaceDMPControllerControlData | |
CNJointJSDMPController | The NJointJSDMPController class |
CNJointJSDMPControllerControlData | |
►Ntask_space | |
CDeprecatedNJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantController | The DeprecatedNJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantController class |
CDeprecatedNJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantControllerControlData | |
CDeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceAdmittanceDMPController | The DeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceAdmittanceDMPController class |
CDeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceAdmittanceDMPControllerControlData | |
CDeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPController | The DeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPController class |
CDeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPControllerControlData | |
CDeprecatedNJointTSDMPController | The DeprecatedNJointTSDMPController class |
CDeprecatedNJointTSDMPControllerControlData | |
CNJointCCDMPController | The NJointCCDMPController class |
CNJointCCDMPControllerControlData | |
CNJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantController | The NJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantController class |
CNJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantControllerControlData | |
CNJointPeriodicTSDMPForwardVelController | The NJointPeriodicTSDMPForwardVelController class |
CNJointPeriodicTSDMPForwardVelControllerControlData | |
CNJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPController | The NJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPController class |
CNJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPControllerControlData | |
CNJointTSDMPController | The NJointTSDMPController class |
CNJointTSDMPControllerControlData | |
CRTScopeTimer | |
►Ntsvmp | |
CDebugInfo | |
CPhaseStopParams | |
CTaskSpaceDMPController | Brief description of class TaskSpaceDMPController |
CTaskSpaceDMPControllerConfig | |
►Nds_controller | |
CBimanualGMMMotionGen | |
CBimanualGMRParameters | |
CDSAdaptor | |
CDSJointCarryController | Brief description of class DSJointCarryController |
CDSJointCarryControllerControlData | |
CDSRTBimanualController | Brief description of class DSRTBimanualController |
CDSRTBimanualControllerControlData | |
CDSRTController | Brief description of class DSRTController |
CDSRTControllerControlData | |
CGMMMotionGen | |
CGMRParameters | |
CJointCarryGMMMotionGen | |
CJointCarryGMRParameters | |
►Nethercat | |
►Ndatatypes | |
CRegisterInfo | The RegisterInfo struct holds additional information on one register |
CTypeMap | Maps from EtherCATDataTypeEnum to EtherCATDataType |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::BIT1 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::BIT2 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::BIT3 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::BIT4 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::BIT5 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::BIT6 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::BIT7 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::BIT8 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::BOOLEAN > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::BYTE > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::INTEGER16 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::INTEGER24 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::INTEGER32 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::INTEGER64 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::INTEGER8 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::OCTET_STRING > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::REAL32 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::REAL64 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::TIME_DIFFERENCE > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::TIME_OF_DAY > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::UNICODE_STRING > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::UNSIGNED16 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::UNSIGNED24 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::UNSIGNED32 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::UNSIGNED64 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::UNSIGNED8 > | |
CTypeMap< EtherCATDataTypeEnum::VISIBLE_STRING > | |
►Nreporting | |
CEntry | Brief description of class Entry |
CReporter | Brief description of class Reporter |
►CReporting | Brief description of class Reporting |
CQueueImpl | |
►Ntiming | |
►Nbus | |
CTimer | |
►Ngeneral | |
CTimer | |
►Nslave | |
CTimer | |
CBus | Brief description of class Bus |
CBusErrorHandler | Brief description of class BusErrorHandler |
CBusIO | Brief description of class BusIO |
CChangeStateRequest | Brief description of class ChangeStateRequest |
CDataInterface | Brief description of class DataInterface |
►CDeviceInterface | Brief description of class DeviceInterface |
CSubDeviceInterface | |
CESIData | Holds ESI data that can be read from slaves via SII |
CESIGeneral | |
CESIHandler | Brief description of class ESIHandler |
CESIHeader | |
CESIParser | |
CESIPDOEntry | |
CESIPDOObject | |
CESISyncMElement | |
CEtherCATFrame | The EtherCATFrame struct represents an EtherCAT frame according to the EtherCAT spec |
CEtherCATFrameIterator | Iterates over a set range of EtherCAT frames once |
CEtherCATFrameList | The EtherCATFrameList struct holds a list of EtherCAT frames that can be scheduled in round-robin-style |
CEtherCATFrameMetaData | The EtherCATFrameMetaData struct holds information about the structure of an EtherCAT frame |
CEtherCATPDU | The EtherCATPDU struct represents an EtherCAT PDU according to the EtherCAT spec |
CEtherCATState | This class is a wrapper around an enum containing the different EtherCAT states |
CLinearConvertedValue | Brief description of class LinearConvertedValue |
CModularConvertedValue | |
CPDUMetaData | The PDUMetaData struct holds information about the structure of a PDU |
CReadStatesRequest | Brief description of class ReadStatesRequest |
CRegisterDataList | Brief description of struct RegisterDataList |
CRegisterReadRequest | Brief description of class RegisterReadRequest |
CRegisterResetRequest | Brief description of class RegisterResetRequest |
CRequestBase | Brief description of class RequestBase |
►CRequestQueue | Brief description of class RequestQueue |
CQueueImpl | |
CRTUnit | Brief description of class RTUnit |
CRTUtility | Functions for improving the realtime capabilities of a thread or of the whole system |
CSDOIdentifier | |
CSDOUpdateRequest | Brief description of class SDOUpdateRequest |
CSlaveErrorRegistersDevice | Brief description of class SlaveErrorRegistersDevice |
CSlaveErrorRegistersSensorValue | |
CSlaveIdentifier | POD-type representing a unique set of values identifying an EtherCAT slave |
CSlaveInterface | Brief description of class SlaveInterface |
CSlaveInterfaceWithIO | |
CSlaveRegisterReadingScheduler | Brief description of class SlaveRegisterReadingScheduler |
CTimeouts | |
►Nhardware_config | |
►Ntypes | |
CLinearConfig | Linear conversion and has a factor and offset |
CModularConvertedValueConfig | |
CConfig | Base class of all specialized configurations that have a direct key -> value mapping |
CConfigElementNotFoundError | Error that is thrown when trying to get a config value that is not defined in the config |
CConfigInsertError | Error that is thrown if an attempt is mode to set a config value but the value is already defined with the same tag |
CConfigItemWithMetadata | The ConfigItemWithMetadata struct packs the data together with the tag and a isRead flag |
CConfigParser | |
CControllerConfig | Config with additional Config objects for controllers |
CDeviceConfig | |
CDeviceConfigBase | A base class that does not have Subdevices or Slaves but can be used for Subdevices or DeviceProfiles |
CHardwareConfig | Root of the config structure |
Coverloaded | |
CParserError | Generic error that occurs during parsing |
CSlaveConfig | |
CSlaveIdentifierConfig | Data structure holding the information necessary to create a SlaveIdentifier |
CSlaveProfile | |
►Njoint_controller | |
CHolonomicPlatformControllerConfiguration | |
CPositionControllerConfiguration | |
CTorqueController | |
CTorqueControllerConfiguration | |
CTorquePID | |
CVelocityControllerConfiguration | |
CVelocityManipulatingTorqueController | |
CVelocityManipulatingTorqueControllerConfiguration | |
►Nmemory | |
►Nnjoint_controller | |
►Ncore | This file is part of ArmarX |
►CCollisionAvoidanceBase | Brief description of class CollisionAvoidanceBase |
CCollisionAvoidanceArmData | |
CConfigurableNJointControllerBase | |
►CHandControlBase | Brief description of class HandControlBase |
►CHandData | |
CRTStatus | |
►Njoint_space | |
►Nwhole_body_trajectory_controller | This file is part of ArmarX |
CController | |
CDebugData | |
CTarget | |
►CTrajectory | |
CTimeInterval | |
CNJointTorqueController | |
CNJointTorqueControllerTarget | |
CNJointZeroTorqueController | |
CNJointZeroTorqueControllerTarget | |
CNJointZeroTorqueOrVelocityController | |
CNJointZeroTorqueOrVelocityControllerTarget | |
►CNJointZeroTorqueOrVelocityWithFTController | |
CRtStatus | |
CNJointZeroTorqueOrVelocityWithFTControllerTarget | |
►Nplatform | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Nplatform_follower_controller | This file is part of ArmarX |
CConfig | |
CController | |
CDevices | |
CRobotState | |
CTarget | |
►Ntask_space | |
CNJointKeypointsAdmittanceController | Brief description of class NJointKeypointsAdmittanceController |
►CNJointKeypointsImpedanceController | Brief description of class NJointKeypointsImpedanceController |
CSensorDevices | Devices |
►CNJointTaskspaceAdmittanceController | Brief description of class NJointTaskspaceAdmittanceController |
CArmData | |
CNJointTaskspaceCollisionAvoidanceImpedanceController | Brief description of class NJointTaskspaceCollisionAvoidanceImpedanceController |
CNJointTaskspaceCollisionAvoidanceMixedImpedanceVelocityController | Brief description of class NJointTaskspaceCollisionAvoidanceMixedImpedanceVelocityController |
►CNJointTaskspaceImpedanceController | Brief description of class NJointTaskspaceImpedanceController |
CArmData | |
►CNJointTaskspaceMixedImpedanceVelocityController | Brief description of class NJointTaskspaceMixedImpedanceVelocityController |
CArmData | |
►CNJointTaskspaceSafetyImpedanceController | Brief description of class NJointTaskspaceSafetyImpedanceController |
CArmData | |
►CNJointTaskspaceVelocityController | Brief description of class NJointTaskspaceVelocityController |
CArmData | |
►CNJointTaskspaceZeroTorqueOrVelocityController | Brief description of class NJointTaskspaceZeroTorqueOrVelocityController |
CArmData | |
►Nnjoint_mp_controller | |
►Ntask_space | This file is part of ArmarX |
CAdmittanceData | |
CBiKACConfig | |
CConstraint | |
CConstraint1 | |
CKeypointMPController | Brief description of class KeypointMPController |
CKVILImpedanceMPConfig | |
CNJointBiKAC | Brief description of class NJointBiKAC |
CNJointKeypointsAdmittanceMPController | Brief description of class NJointKeypointsAdmittanceMPController |
CNJointKeypointsImpedanceMPController | Brief description of class NJointKeypointsImpedanceMPController |
CNJointKVILImpedanceMPController | Brief description of class NJointKVILImpedanceMPController |
CNJointTSAdmittanceMPController | Brief description of class NJointTSAdmittanceMPController |
CNJointTSCollisionAvoidanceImpedanceMPController | Brief description of class NJointTSCollisionAvoidanceImpedanceMPController |
CNJointTSCollisionAvoidanceMixedImpedanceVelocityMPController | Brief description of class NJointTSCollisionAvoidanceMixedImpedanceVelocityMPController |
CNJointTSImpedanceMPController | Brief description of class NJointTSImpedanceMPController |
CNJointTSMixedImpedanceVelocityMPController | Brief description of class NJointTSMixedImpedanceVelocityMPController |
CNJointTSSafetyImpedanceMPController | Brief description of class NJointTSSafetyImpedanceMPController |
CNJointTSVelocityMPController | Brief description of class NJointTSVelocityMPController |
►Npointing | |
►Ncore | |
►CPointing | Implementation of a 'Pointing'-gesture |
CParameters | |
CRemote | |
CPointingIK | IK to compute trajectory for a pointing gesture |
►Nskills | |
CPointAt | Implementation of the PointAt-skill |
►Nretrieve_hand | |
►Ncore | |
►CRetrieveHand | |
CProperties | |
CRemote | |
CSubskills | |
►Nskills | |
►CRetrieveHand | Brief description of class retrieve_hand |
CProperties | |
CRemote | |
CSubskills | |
►Nrt_filters | |
CFirFilter | |
CMedianFilteredLinearConvertedValue | |
CRtAverageFilter | |
CRtMedianFilter | |
►Nskills | |
►Nskills | |
►Nmeta | |
CHomePose | |
CZeroPose | |
►Nplatform_follower_controller | |
►CFollower | Brief description of class follower |
CParameters | |
CServices | |
CCloseHand | |
►CExecuteTrajectory | |
CServices | |
►CMoveJointsToNamedConfiguration | MoveJointsToNamedConfiguration-skill to move joints to a named configuartion in the robot model |
CServices | |
►CMoveJointsToPosition | |
CServices | |
►CMoveJointsWithVelocity | |
CServices | |
COpenHand | |
CRelaxHand | |
CShapeHand | |
►CZeroTorque | |
CContext | |
CHandUnitServices | |
CKinematicUnitService | |
ICollisionAvoidanceControllerInterface | |
IControllerCreator | |
IControllerInterface | |
INJointBiKACInterface | |
INJointKeypointsImpedanceControllerInterface | |
INJointKVILImpedanceMPControllerInterface | |
INJointTaskspaceAdmittanceControllerInterface | |
INJointTaskspaceCollisionAvoidanceImpedanceControllerInterface | |
INJointTaskspaceCollisionAvoidanceMixedImpedanceVelocityControllerInterface | |
INJointTaskspaceImpedanceControllerInterface | |
INJointTaskspaceMixedImpedanceVelocityControllerInterface | |
INJointTaskspaceSafetyImpedanceControllerInterface | |
INJointTaskspaceVelocityControllerInterface | |
INJointTaskspaceZeroTorqueOrVelocityControllerInterface | |
INJointTSAdmittanceMPControllerInterface | |
INJointTSCollisionAvoidanceImpedanceMPControllerInterface | |
INJointTSCollisionAvoidanceMixedImpedanceVelocityMPControllerInterface | |
INJointTSImpedanceMPControllerInterface | |
INJointTSMixedImpedanceVelocityMPControllerInterface | |
INJointTSSafetyImpedanceMPControllerInterface | |
INJointTSVelocityMPControllerInterface | |
CNJointZeroTorqueOrVelocityControllerConfig | |
INJointZeroTorqueOrVelocityControllerInterface | |
CNJointZeroTorqueOrVelocityWithFTControllerConfig | |
INJointZeroTorqueOrVelocityWithFTControllerInterface | |
►Ncore | |
►Ntime | |
CClock | Clock to get date/time from a specific clock type or wait for certain durations or until certain date/times in a given clock |
CDateTime | Represents a point in time |
CDuration | Represents a duration |
CFrequency | Represents a frequency |
CMetronome | Simple rate limiter for use in loops to maintain a certain frequency given a clock |
CScopedStopWatch | Measures the time this stop watch was inside the current scope |
CStopWatch | Measures the passed time between the construction or calling reset() and stop() |
►NCoreUtility | |
CCoreUtilityRemoteStateOfferer | |
CIf0 | |
CIf1 | |
CNoop | |
CRequestImageSource | |
CRequestService | |
CSet0 | |
CSet1 | |
►NCoupledInteractionGroup | |
CCalculateApproachTablePose | |
CCalculateForceControlRobotPose | |
CCalculateLandmarkPose | |
CCalculateTargetRobotPose | |
CCarryTable | |
CCheckForcesChanged | |
CCheckLiftHeight | |
CCheckTableMoving | |
CCheckTargetPoseReached | |
CCoupledInteractionGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CCoupledInteractionGroupStatechartContext | |
CCoupledInteractionGroupStatechartContextProperties | |
CGraspTableVisualServo | |
CLiftTable | |
CLocalizeTable | |
CMoveTable | |
CMoveTableAdmittanceControl | |
CMoveTableImpedanceControl | |
CPlaceTable | |
CReleaseTable | |
CSetPlatformVelocity | |
►Ncprs | |
CAlways | Implementation of Always |
CAnd | Implementation of AndBase |
CCompoundedRequestStrategy | Implementation of CompoundedRequestStrategyBase |
CComputingPowerRequestStrategy | Implementation of ComputingPowerRequestStrategyBase |
CCPRSAwareMotionPlanningTask | Implementation of the slice interface CPRSAwarePlanningTaskBase |
CElapsedTime | Implementation of ElapsedTimeBase |
CNever | Implementation of NeverBase |
CNoNodeCreated | Implementation of NoNodeCreatedBase |
CNot | Implementation of NotBase |
COr | Implementation of OrBase |
CTaskStatus | Implementation of TaskStatusBase |
CTotalNodeCount | Implementation of TotalNodeCountBase |
►Nctrlutil | |
CBrakingData | |
CWedgeBrakingData | |
►NDebugDrawerToArVizGroup | |
CDebugDrawerToArVizGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CUpateLayerBlackWhitelist | |
►Ndetail | |
►N_NJointControllerGuiPluginBase | |
CBase | |
►NDebugDrawerHelper | |
CFrameView | This class provides the draw options for a given frame (static Matrix, or a robot node) |
►MNJBmanCartAdmCtrl | |
SAdmittance | |
SBox | |
SForce | |
SImpedance | |
SNullspace | |
►NRobotUnitDataStreamingReceiver | |
CReceiver | |
►NVisitPointLike | |
CVisitPointLike | |
CVisitPointLike< CGAL::Polyhedron_3< K >, void > | |
CVisitPointLike< const T > | |
CVisitPointLike< T & > | |
CVisitPointLike< T, std::enable_if_t< meta::is_container_type_v< T > &&meta::is_point_type_v< typename meta::container_traits< T >::element_t > > > | |
CVisitPointLike< T, std::enable_if_t< VisitPointLike< meta::pointer_type_pointee_t< T > >::value > > | |
CAbstractRemoteReferenceCountControlBlock | |
CAbstractSimpleRemoteReferenceCountControlBlock | |
CApproximationResult | |
CArmarXConnectionObserver | |
CChainApproximationParams | |
CControlThreadOutputBufferEntry | |
CExceptionBacktraceTree | |
CHasGetMember | |
CHasGetMember< T, std::void_t< decltype(&T::get)> > | |
CHeterogenousContinuousContainerBase | |
►CLocationProvider | |
CLocation | |
CNJointControllerRegistryEntryHelper | |
COccupancyGridHelperParams | |
CParentAPI | |
CParentAPI< QTreeWidget > | |
CParentAPI< QTreeWidgetItem > | |
CRemoteReferenceCountControlBlockManagementInterface | |
CRobotAPIVariantWidgetDummySymbol | |
CRtMessageLogBuffer | |
CRtMessageLogEntryBase | |
CRtMessageLogEntryDummy | |
CRtMessageLogEntryNull | |
CScopeGuard | Executes a given function on scope exit |
CScopeGuardOnExit | Tag used by the macro ARMARX_ON_SCOPE_EXIT; |
CStreamPrinter | |
CTimerTag | |
CTimerTag< IceUtil::Time > | |
CTimerTag< long > | |
CTimerTag< TimestampVariant > | |
CToStringFTuple | |
CToStringFTuple< meta::IndexSequence< Is... > > | |
CTrace | |
CVirtualTimerTag | |
CVirtualTimerTag< IceUtil::Time > | |
CVirtualTimerTag< TimestampVariant > | |
►NDynamicPlatformObstacleAvoidanceGroup | |
CDynamicPlatformObstacleAvoidance | |
CDynamicPlatformObstacleAvoidanceGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CGoToAndBackWithObstacleAvoidance | |
CGoToGoalPositionWithObstacleAvoidance | |
CGoToLandmarkWithObstacleAvoidance | |
CMoveToLocationTask | |
CResetPlatformVelocity | |
►Nexceptions | |
►Nlocal | |
CBoostAssertException | |
CControlPointsInterpolationMatchException | |
CDynamicLibraryException | This exception is thrown if an invalid value was specified for a property |
CeNotInitialized | |
CeNullPointerException | |
CeStateAlreadyLeft | |
CeStatechartLogicError | |
CeUnknownParameter | |
CExpressionException | This exception is thrown if the macro ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION is used |
CFileIOException | This exception is thrown when an error occurs during file access |
CFileOpenException | |
CIncompleteTypeException | |
CInterpolationNotDefinedException | |
CInvalidChannelException | |
CInvalidCheckException | |
CInvalidDataFieldException | |
CInvalidPropertyValueException | This exception is thrown if an invalid value was specified for a property |
CMissingRequiredPropertyException | This exception is thrown if a property marked as required has not been specified |
CMutexDestructionException | |
CMutexTimeoutException | The MutexTimeoutException struct |
CNoInterpolationPossibleException | |
CPointingAbortedException | |
CPointingException | |
CPointingFailedException | |
CPropertyInheritanceCycleException | This exception is thrown if a property inheritance cycle has been encountered |
CProxyNotInitializedException | This exception is thrown when accessing an uninitialized proxy |
CRapidXmlReaderException | |
CSharedMemoryConnectionFailure | |
CSharedMemoryException | |
CUnexpectedEnumValueException | Indicates that an unexpected value of an enum was encountered |
CUnmappedValueException | This exception is thrown if a value specified for a property is not found in the property mapping PropertyMapper |
CValueRangeExceededException | This exception is thrown if a value is out of a specified or allowed range |
CXmlReaderException | |
►Nuser | |
CDatafieldExistsAlreadyException | |
CInvalidChannelException | |
CInvalidDataFieldException | |
CInvalidTypeException | |
CNotImplementedYetException | Throw this exception to indicate missing functionality |
CNotInitializedException | |
CUnknownTypeException | |
CUnsupportedTypeException | |
►Nfilters | |
CAverageFilter | Simple filter by calculating the average value of a window for datafields of type float, int, long and double |
CButterworthFilter | |
CDerivationFilter | The DerivationFilter calculates the derivate of a datafield |
CGaussianFilter | Filter implemtentation with gaussian weighted values for datafields of type float, int, long and double |
CMatrixAvgFilter | |
CMatrixCumulativeFrequencyFilter | |
CMatrixMaxFilter | |
CMatrixMinFilter | |
CMatrixPercentileFilter | |
CMatrixPercentilesFilter | |
CMaxFilter | Simple filter by calculating the average value of a window for datafields of type float, int and double |
CMedianDerivativeFilterV3 | |
CMedianFilter | Implementation for a median for datafields of type float, int, long and double |
COffsetFilter | Returns values relative to value from the first call of the filter. E.g. this is useful for Forces which should be nulled at a specific moment |
CPoseAverageFilter | |
CPoseMedianFilter | The MedianFilter class provides an implementation for a median for datafields of type float, int and double |
CPoseMedianOffsetFilter | The MedianFilter class provides an implementation for a median for datafields of type float, int and double |
►NFindAndGraspObjectGroup | |
CCalcVelocities | |
CCloseHandWithJointAngles | |
CCloseHandWithTorques | |
CControlModeChooser | |
CFindAndGraspObject | |
CFindAndGraspObjectGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CGraspingWithTorques | |
CInstallTerminateConditions | |
CLiftObject | |
CLocalizeObject | |
CMoveJointsPosControl | |
CMoveJointsPosVelControl | |
CMoveJointsVelControl | |
CPreshape | |
CSelectObject | |
CValidateTcpPose | |
CVisualServo | |
CVisualServoObject | |
CVisualServoWrapper | |
CWaitForUpdates | |
►NForceControlGroup | |
CChooseArmConfiguration | |
CForceControlGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CMoveOnLineUntilContact | |
CMoveUntilContact | |
CWaitForForce | |
CZeroForceControl | |
CZeroForceControlVelocityCalcuation | |
►NForceTorqueUtility | |
CDetectForceFlank | |
CDetectForceSpike | |
CForceTorqueUtilityRemoteStateOfferer | |
►NGazeControlGroup | |
CAddViewTarget | |
CClearViewTargets | |
CGazeControlGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CSetGazeMode | |
►Ngrasping | |
CGraspCandidateVisu | |
►NGraspingPipelineGroup | |
CCalculateTrajectory | |
CGraspingPipelineGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CMoveToAndGraspObject | |
CPlayJointTrajectory | |
CPlayPlatformTrajectory | |
CRaiseArmAndReleaseObject | |
►NGraspObjectGroup | |
CCalculateGraspConfiguration | |
CCalculateTarget | |
CCheckHandForces | |
CGraspObject | |
CGraspObjectGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CGraspObjectTest | |
CGraspTwoArmVisualServo | |
CLiftHand | |
CMoveToPregraspArmConfig | |
CObjectIsReachable | |
CStopLocalizingObject | |
►Ngui | |
CLeadingZeroSpinBox | |
CLifecycleClient | |
CLifecycleServer | |
►NHandGroup | |
CCloseHand | |
CCloseThumb | |
CGetIndexToThumbDistanceRightHand | |
CHandGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CHandGroupStatechartContext | |
CHandGroupStatechartContextProperties | |
CNotifyObjectGrasped | |
CNotifyObjectReleased | |
COpenHand | |
CRelaxHand | |
CSetHandForces | |
CSetHandJointAngles | |
CShapeHand | |
►NHandOverGroup | |
CHandOverGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CHandOverToRobot | |
CReachOutToHumanPose | |
CReceiveFromRobot | |
►NHapticsGroup | |
CCheckForceTorqueSensors | |
CCheckObjectInHand | |
CCheckTactileSensors | |
CDetectCollision | |
CHapticsGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
►Nhuman | |
►Npose | |
►Nmodel | |
►Ninternal | |
CSimpleSingleComponentApp | Used by runSimpleComponentApp<ComponentT, AppT>. This class can't be defined in function, since this causes problems with gcc and c++03 |
►Nintrospection | |
CClassMemberInfo | |
CClassMemberInfoEntry | |
CClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator | |
CDataFieldsInfo | |
CDataFieldsInfo< Eigen::Matrix4f, void > | |
CDataFieldsInfo< Eigen::Quaternionf, void > | |
CDataFieldsInfo< Eigen::Vector3f, void > | |
CDataFieldsInfo< IceUtil::Time, void > | |
CDataFieldsInfo< JointStatus, void > | |
CDataFieldsInfo< std::array< T, N >, void > | |
CDataFieldsInfo< std::chrono::microseconds, void > | |
CDataFieldsInfoBase | |
CDataFieldsInfoHasNoFieldNames | |
CDataFieldsInfoHasNoFieldNames< T, std::enable_if_t<(&DataFieldsInfo< T >::GetFieldNames==&DataFieldsInfoBase< T >::GetFieldNames)> > | |
►Nlaser_scanner_simulation | |
CArVizDrawer | |
CColoredMeshGrid | |
CGridDimension | |
CLaserScannerSimulation | Brief description of class LaserScannerSimulation |
CLaserScannerSimulationPropertyDefinitions | |
CLaserScannerSimUnit | |
►Nmath | |
CLinearizeAngularTrajectory | |
CMathUtils | |
CMatrixHelpers | |
CSlidingWindowVectorMedian | |
CStatUtils | |
CSVD | |
CTimeSeriesUtils | |
CTrigonometry | |
►Nmemory_to_debug_observer | |
CComponent | Implementation of MemoryToDebugObserver |
►NMemoryXUtility | |
CAddAndAttachObjectInWorkingMemory | |
CDeleteObjectInstanceFromWorkingMemory | |
CDeleteObjectInstancesFromMemory | |
CDetachObjectInMemory | |
CMemoryXUtilityRemoteStateOfferer | |
►Nmeta | |
►Ncfg | |
Celement_default | |
Celement_details | |
Cgui_definition_create | |
Cgui_definition_create< T, std::enable_if_t< meta::cfg::gui_definition_enabled_v< T > > > | |
Cgui_definition_create_element | |
Cgui_definition_create_element< CL, MT, ptr, std::enable_if_t< simox::meta::is_enum_adapted_v< MT > > > | |
Cgui_definition_create_element< CL, MT, ptr, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< MT > &&!std::is_same_v< MT, bool > > > | |
Cgui_definition_create_element_details | |
Cgui_definition_enabled | |
Chana_member_ptr_traits | |
Chana_member_ptr_traits< boost::hana::tuple< T1, T2 > > | |
Chana_member_ptr_traits< const T & > | |
Chana_member_ptr_traits< const T > | |
Chana_member_ptr_traits< hana::struct_detail::member_ptr< MT CL::*, ptr > > | |
Chana_member_ptr_traits< T & > | |
Cproperties_definition_enabled | |
Cstruct_default | |
Cstruct_default< CL, std::enable_if_t< simox::meta::has_hana_accessor_v< CL > > > | |
►Ndetail | |
CAddToIndexSequence | |
CAddToIndexSequence< Lo, IndexSequence< Is... > > | |
CConcatIndexSequences | |
CConcatIndexSequences< IndexSequence< I1... >, IndexSequence< I2... > > | |
CDecayAll | |
CDecayAll< T * > | |
CDecayAll< T[N]> | |
Cmake_array | |
Cmake_array< T, std::enable_if_t< simox::meta::is_eigen_matrix_v< T > > > | |
CMakeIndexRange | |
CMakeIndexSequence | |
CMakeIndexSequence< 0 > | |
CMakeIndexSequence< 1 > | |
►Nproperties | |
CDefaultAsStringPlugin | |
CDefaultAsStringPlugin< T, std::enable_if_t< simox::meta::is_eigen_array_v< T > > > | |
CDefaultAsStringPlugin< T, std::enable_if_t< simox::meta::is_eigen_matrix_v< T > > > | |
CDefinePropertyPlugin | |
CDefinePropertyPlugin< T, std::enable_if_t< meta::cfg::properties_definition_enabled_v< T > > > | |
CGetPropertyPlugin | |
CGetPropertyPlugin< T, simox::meta::enable_if_enum_adapted_t< T > > | |
CGetPropertyPlugin< T, std::enable_if_t< meta::cfg::properties_definition_enabled_v< T > > > | |
CMapPropertyValuePlugin | |
CMapPropertyValuePlugin< boost::bimap< std::string, T >, void > | |
CMapPropertyValuePlugin< boost::bimap< T, std::string >, std::enable_if_t< !std::is_same_v< T, std::string > > > | |
CMapPropertyValuePlugin< simox::meta::EnumNames< T >, void > | |
CPDInitHookPlugin | |
CPDInitHookPlugin< T, simox::meta::enable_if_enum_adapted_t< T > > | |
CPDInitHookPlugin< T, std::enable_if_t< simox::meta::is_eigen_array_v< T > > > | |
CPDInitHookPlugin< T, std::enable_if_t< simox::meta::is_eigen_matrix_v< T > > > | |
Ccontainer_traits | |
Ccontainer_traits< pcl::PointCloud< PType >, void > | |
Ccontainer_traits< T, std::enable_if_t< TypeTemplateTraits::IsInstanceOfAnyV< T, _detail_containerlist > > > | |
CDecayAllTest | |
CFoo | |
CHasAtMethod | Can be used to determine if T has an at method accepting a type of IdxT |
CHasAtMethod< T, IdxT, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< decltype(std::declval< T >().at(std::declval< IdxT >()), int {}), int >::value >::type > | Can be used to determine if T has an at method accepting a type of IdxT |
CHasToString | Can be used to determine if there is an overload for std::to_string for a type T |
CHasToString< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< decltype(std::to_string(std::declval< T >()), int {}), int >::value >::type > | Can be used to determine if there is an overload for std::to_string for a type T |
CIndexSequence | |
Cis_eigen_vec3_type | |
Cis_eigen_vec3_type< Eigen::Matrix< T, 1, 3 >, void > | |
Cis_eigen_vec3_type< Eigen::Matrix< T, 3, 1 >, void > | |
Cis_in_types | |
Cis_in_types< T, T0, Ts... > | |
Cis_streamable | |
CIsBaseOf | |
CIsBaseOf< Base, D0, Ds... > | |
Cncc | |
Cncv | |
CNthType | |
CNthType< n, T0, Ts... > | |
Cnvc | |
Cnvv | |
Cpoint_type_traits | |
Cpoint_type_traits< CGAL::Epick::Point_3, void > | |
Cpoint_type_traits< T, std::enable_if_t< is_eigen_vec3_type_v< T > > > | |
Cpoint_type_traits< T, std::enable_if_t< is_pcl_point_type_v< T > > > | |
Cpointer_type_traits | |
Cpointer_type_traits< T *, void > | |
Cpointer_type_traits< T, std::enable_if_t< TypeTemplateTraits::IsInstanceOfAnyV< T, boost::shared_ptr, std::shared_ptr, std::unique_ptr > > > | |
CRemoveRvalueReference | Removes rvalue ref from a type |
CRemoveRvalueReference< T && > | |
Cscc | |
Cscv | |
Csvc | |
Csvv | |
CTemplate0 | |
CTemplate1 | |
Ctype_name_holder | |
►CTypeTemplateTraits | Traits about templates taking only types as parameters |
CDisassembleTemplate | |
CDisassembleTemplate< Template< Params... > > | |
CIsInstanceOf | Whether a type T is the instance of a given template Template |
CIsInstanceOf< Template, Template< Params... > > | Whether a type T is the instance of a given template Template |
CWrapper | |
►NMotionAndPlatformControlGroup | |
CMotionAndPlatformControlGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CMoveJointPlatformTrajectory | |
►NMotionControlGroup | |
CCalculateGazeIk | |
CCalculateJointAngleConfiguration | |
CCalculateRelativePosition | |
CCartesianGazeControl | |
CCartesianMultipleRelativePositionsControl | |
CCartesianPositionControl | |
CCartesianPositionControlIK | |
CCartesianPositionControlVerification | |
CCartesianRelativePositionControl | |
CCartesianVelocityControl | |
CCollisionFreeCartesianControl | |
CCollisionFreeJointControl | |
CHardStopRobot | |
CJointPositionControl | State for moving a set of joints using position control |
CJointPositionControlApply | |
CMotionControlGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CMotionControlGroupStatechartContext | |
CMotionControlGroupStatechartContextProperties | |
CMoveJoints | |
CMoveJointsToZero | |
CMoveJointsViaWaypoints | |
CMoveJointTrajectory | |
CMoveTCPOnLine | |
CMoveTCPToTarget | |
CSelect | |
CSetJointTorque | |
CSetJointVelocity | |
CSetJointZeroTorque | |
CSetJointZeroVelocity | |
CSetZeroVelocity | |
CTransformTrajectoryIntoTimeOptimal | |
CWait | |
►NMotionPlanningGroup | |
CExecuteMotion | |
CMotionPlanningGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CPlanMotion | |
CPlanMotionBase | |
CPlanMotionExcludingPlatform | |
CPlanMotionIncludingPlatform | |
►NNavigateToLocationGroup | |
CMoveToLocationTask | |
CNavigateToLocationGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
►Nnavigation | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Nalgorithm | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Nastar | |
CAStarPlanner | The A* planner |
CNode | A Node can store data to all valid neighbors (successors) and a precessor |
►CPlanner2D | |
Cpoint2D | |
►Ndetail | |
CApproximationResult | |
CChainApproximationParams | |
CChainApproximation | |
CCircularPathSmoothing | |
►Nalgorithms | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Nspfa | This file is part of ArmarX |
►CShortestPathFasterAlgorithm | |
CParameters | |
CPlanningResult | |
CResult | |
►CCostmap | |
CFilter | |
COptimum | |
CParameters | |
CVertex | |
CCostmapBuilder | |
CSceneBounds | |
►Nclient | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Mdetail | |
SWaypoint | |
CComponentPlugin | |
CComponentPluginUser | |
CConfig | |
CEventSubscriptionInterface | |
CGeneralConfig | |
CIceNavigator | |
CMemoryPolling | |
CMemorySubscriber | |
CNavigationStackConfig | |
►CNavigator | |
CInjectedServices | |
INavigatorInterface | |
CPathBuilder | |
CSimpleEventHandler | |
CStopEvent | |
CWaypointTarget | |
►Ncomponents | |
►Ndistance_to_obstacle_costmap_provider | |
CComponent | |
IComponentInterface | |
►Ndynamic_distance_to_obstacle_costmap_provider | |
CComponent | |
IComponentInterface | |
►Ndynamic_scene_provider | |
CArVizDrawer | |
CComponent | |
IComponentInterface | |
►Ngraph_import_export | |
CComponent | |
►Nhuman_simulator | |
CComponent | |
IComponentInterface | |
►Nlaser_scanner_feature_extraction | |
►Ndetail | |
CScanClusteringParams | |
CArVizDrawer | |
IComponentInterface | |
CEnclosingEllipsoid | Minimum volume enclosing ellipsoid (MVEE) for a set of points |
CFeatureExtractor | |
CFeatureMerger | |
CFeatures | |
CLaserScannerFeatureExtraction | Brief description of class LaserScannerFeatureExtraction |
CPath | |
CScanClustering | |
CUnionFind | A simple union find data structure |
►Nnavigation_memory | |
CComponent | |
►Nnavigation_skill_provider | |
CComponent | |
IComponentInterface | |
►Nnavigator | This file is part of ArmarX |
CComponent | |
CRemoteGui | |
►Ncore | This file is part of ArmarX |
CDynamicScene | |
CEdgeAttribs | |
CEvaluation | |
CEvent | |
CGlobalPlanningFailedEvent | |
CGlobalTrajectory | |
CGlobalTrajectoryPoint | |
CGoalReachedEvent | Event describing that the targeted goal was successfully reached |
CGraph | |
CGraphAttribs | |
CInternalErrorEvent | Event describing the occurance of an internal unhandled error |
CLocalPlanningFailedEvent | |
CLocalTrajectory | |
CLocalTrajectoryPoint | |
CLocation | |
CMemoryReferencedElement | |
CMovementStartedEvent | |
CNavigatorInterface | Navigator interface for PointGoal navigation (with waypoints) and relative movement |
Coverload | |
CPIDParams | |
CProjection | |
CResolvedLocation | |
CSafetyStopTriggeredEvent | Event describing that for security reasons, the robot was stopped completely |
CSafetyThrottlingTriggeredEvent | Event desciribing that a significant safety throttling factor was reached |
CScene | |
CSceneGraph | |
CStaticScene | |
CTopologicScene | |
CTwist | |
CTwistLimits | |
CUserAbortTriggeredEvent | Event describing that the user aborted the current execution |
CVelocityLimits | |
CVertexAttribs | |
CWaypoint | |
CWaypointReachedEvent | Event describing that a user-defined waypoint was successfully reached |
►Nfac | This file is part of ArmarX |
CGlobalPlannerFactory | Factory to create a global_planning::GlobalPlanner |
CLocalPlannerFactory | Factory to create a local_planning::LocalPlanner |
CNavigationStackFactory | Factory to create a server::NavigationStack |
CSafetyControllerFactory | Factory to create a safe_ctrl::SafetyController |
CTrajectoryControllerFactory | Factory to create a traj_ctrl::TrajectoryController |
►Nglobal_planning | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Noptimization | This file is part of ArmarX |
►COrientationOptimizer | |
COptimizationResult | |
COrientationOptimizerParams | |
COrientationPriorCostFunctor | |
CSmoothOrientationCostFunctor | |
CSmoothOrientationFixedNextCostFunctor | |
CSmoothOrientationFixedPreCostFunctor | |
CAStar | |
CAStarParams | Parameters for AStar |
CGlobalPlanner | |
CGlobalPlannerParams | Parameters for GlobalPlanner |
CGlobalPlannerResult | |
CPoint2Point | |
CPoint2PointParams | Parameters for Point2Point |
CSPFAParams | Parameters for AStar |
►Ngraph | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Nvisu | |
CObjectParserInfo | |
►CEdgeVisu | |
CArrow | |
CGraphVisu | |
►CVertexVisu | |
CForwardArrow | |
CPose | |
►Nhuman | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Nkalman_filter | This file is part of ArmarX |
CControlSE2 | |
CControlSE2xV | |
CControlSO2xR2 | |
CStateSE2 | |
CStateSE2xV | |
CStateSO2xR2 | |
►CSystemModelSE2 | |
Cdim | |
►CSystemModelSE2xV | |
Cdim | |
►CSystemModelSO2xR2 | |
Cdim | |
►Nshapes | This file is part of ArmarX |
CEllipse | An axis oriented ellipse with half-axes a and b along the x- and y-axis respectively |
CPolygon | A polygon with arbitrarily many vertices |
►Nsimulation | This file is part of ArmarX |
CSimulatedHuman | |
CSimulatedHumanParams | |
CExponentialPenaltyModel | |
CHuman | |
►CHumanFilter | Can be used to track and filter the state of a single human |
CParameters | |
CHumanGroup | |
►CHumanTracker | Can be used to track and filter multiple humans |
CAdvancedCluster | |
CCameraMeasurement | |
CDetectedHuman | |
CLaserMeasurement | |
CParameters | |
CPosHumanDistance | |
CPosLaserDistance | |
CTrackedHuman | |
CLinearPenaltyModel | |
CProxemicZone | |
►CProxemicZoneCreator | |
CProxemicParameters | |
►Nlocal_planning | This file is part of ArmarX |
CLocalPlanner | |
CLocalPlannerParams | |
CLocalPlannerResult | |
CTebObstacleManager | |
CTimedElasticBands | |
CTimedElasticBandsParams | |
►Mmemory | |
►Nclient | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Ncostmap | |
►CReader | |
CQuery | |
CResult | |
CWriter | |
►Nevents | This file is part of ArmarX |
CWriter | |
►Ngraph | This file is part of ArmarX |
CReader | |
CResolvedLocationName | |
CResolveLocationNameResult | |
►Nhuman | |
►CReader | |
CHumanGroupResult | |
CHumanResult | |
CQuery | |
CWriter | |
►Nlaser_scanner_features | |
►CReader | |
CQuery | |
CResult | |
CWriter | |
►Nparam | This file is part of ArmarX |
CReader | |
CWriter | |
►Nrooms | |
►CReader | |
CQuery | |
CResult | |
►Nstack_result | This file is part of ArmarX |
►CReader | |
CGlobalPlannerResult | |
CLocalPlannerResult | |
CQuery | |
CWriter | |
CCircle | |
CEllipsoid | |
CLaserScannerFeature | |
CLaserScannerFeatures | |
INavigationMemoryInterface | |
CVisu | |
►Nplatform_controller | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Nplatform_global_trajectory | |
CConfig | |
CController | |
CDebug | |
CDevices | |
CTargets | |
CTwist2D | |
►Nplatform_local_trajectory | |
CConfig | |
CController | |
CDevices | |
CTargets | |
CTwist2D | |
►Nqt_plugins | |
►Nlocation_graph_editor | |
►Nobjectposes | |
CConnection | |
►Nrobotvisu | |
CConnection | |
CSettingsWidget | |
CConnectDialog | |
CEdgeData | The EdgeData struct holds data required for the edge |
CEdgeTableWidget | |
►CEdgeVisu | |
CArrow | |
CGraphData | |
CGraphVisu | |
CGuiGraph | |
CNewEntityIdDialog | |
CObjectPoseClientWidget | |
CRobotVisuWidget | |
CVertexData | The NodeData struct holds data required for the node |
CVertexDataWidget | |
CVertexTableWidget | |
►CVertexVisu | |
CForwardArrow | |
CPose | |
CWidgetController | WidgetController brief one line description |
►Nrooms | This file is part of ArmarX |
CRoom | |
►CRoomNavigationTargetCreator | |
CParams | |
CResult | |
►Nsafe_ctrl | This file is part of ArmarX |
CLaserBasedProximity | |
CLaserBasedProximityParams | |
CSafetyController | |
CSafetyControllerParams | |
CSafetyControllerResult | |
►Nserver | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Nscene_provider | |
►CSceneProvider | |
CConfig | |
CInjectedServices | |
CSceneProviderInterface | |
CArvizIntrospector | |
CDummyExecutor | |
CEventPublishingInterface | A publisher the server navigator will use to notify others about events |
CExecutorInterface | An executer the server navigator will use to send its control commands to |
CGoalReachedMonitor | |
CGoalReachedMonitorConfig | |
CGraphBuilder | |
CIntrospectorInterface | |
CMemoryIntrospector | |
CMemoryParameterizationService | |
CMemoryPublisher | |
CNavigationStack | |
►CNavigator | |
►CConfig | |
CGeneral | |
CInjectedServices | |
►CPlatformControllerExecutor | The PlatformUnitExecutor class |
CProperties | |
CPlatformUnitExecutor | The PlatformUnitExecutor class |
CStackResult | |
►Nskills | |
►Nconstants | This file is part of ArmarX |
►CGuideHumanToRoom | |
CProperties | |
CServices | |
►CMoveRelativePlanar | |
CProperties | |
CServices | |
CMoveXMeters | |
►CNavigateRelativeSkill | |
CServices | |
►CNavigateTo | |
CServices | |
►CNavigateToChargingStation | Navigate to the charging station location and initiate charging |
►CProperties | |
CSubSkillIds | |
►CNavigateToLocation | |
CServices | |
►CNavigateToNamedLocation | Resolve a named location and navigate to it |
►CProperties | |
CSubSkillIds | |
CServices | |
CRotateXDegrees | |
►Nstatecharts | |
►Nnavigation_commands | |
CCalculateRelativeMovement | |
CCalculateRotation | |
CNavigationCommandsRemoteStateOfferer | |
►Nnavigation_group | This file is part of ArmarX |
CNavigateRelative | |
CNavigateTo | |
CNavigateToLocation | |
CNavigateToWithObstacleAvoidance | |
CNavigationGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
►Ntraj_ctrl | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Nglobal | This file is part of ArmarX |
CTrajectoryController | |
CTrajectoryControllerParams | |
CTrajectoryControllerResult | |
CTrajectoryFollowingController | |
CTrajectoryFollowingControllerParams | |
CWaypointController | |
CWaypointControllerParams | |
►Nlocal | This file is part of ArmarX |
CTrajectoryController | |
CTrajectoryControllerParams | |
CTrajectoryControllerResult | |
CTrajectoryFollowingController | |
CTrajectoryFollowingControllerParams | |
►Nutil | This file is part of ArmarX |
►CVisualization | |
CParams | |
►NObjectFactories | |
CCoreObjectFactories | |
CEigen3VariantObjectFactories | |
CMotionPlanningObjectFactories | Object factories for objects used by planning algorithms and the algorithms task objects |
CObserverObjectFactories | Factory that contains all Ice-Type implementations and their Ice-Base-Class for registration with Ice |
CRemoteReferenceCounterObjectFactories | |
CRobotAPIObjectFactories | |
CStatechartObjectFactories | |
►NObjectLocalization | |
CGetGraspOffset | |
CGetGraspPose | |
CGetLocalizationStatus | |
CGetObjectPose | |
CLocalizeObject | |
CObjectLocalizationRemoteStateOfferer | |
CRemoveObjectInstances | |
CRequestMultipleObjects | |
CRequestObjectLocalization | |
CSelectNextObject | |
CStopObjectLocalization | |
CWait | |
►NObjectMemoryGroup | |
CObjectMemoryGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CRequestObjects | |
►Nobjects | |
CScene | |
CSceneObject | |
►Nobjpose | This file is part of ArmarX |
CObjectAttachmentInfo | |
CObjectPose | An object pose as stored by the ObjectPoseStorage |
CObjectPoseClient | Provides access to the armarx::objpose::ObjectPoseStorageInterface (aka the object memory) |
►CPoseManifoldGaussian | A "gaussian" distribution in pose space (i.e |
CEllipsoid | |
CProvidedObjectPose | An object pose provided by an ObjectPoseProvider |
►CRequestedObjects | Handles requests for object pose estimation from the ObjectPoseProviderInterface |
CRequest | |
CUpdate | |
►Nobstacle_avoidance | |
CCollisionModelHelper | |
►NOrientedTactileSensorGroup | |
COrientedTactileSensorGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
COrientedTactileSensorTest | |
►Npathcol | |
CTask | |
►NPickAndPlaceGroup | |
CPickAndPlace | |
CPickAndPlaceGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CPickAndPlaceGroupStatechartContext | |
CPickAndPlaceGroupStatechartContextProperties | |
►NPlaceObjectGroup | |
CMoveToPlacePose | |
CMoveToPrePlacePose | |
CMoveToRetreatPose | |
CPlaceObject | |
CPlaceObjectGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CPlaceObjectTest | |
CPlaceObjectWrapper | |
CWaitForHandAndObjectChannel | |
►NPlatformGroup | |
CCalcPath | |
CControlPlatform | |
CMoveInSteps | |
CMovePlatform | |
CMovePlatformRelative | |
CMovePlatformVelocity | |
CMoveToNext | |
CPlatformGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CPlayPlatformTrajectory | |
CResolveLandmark | |
CRotateInDegrees | |
►NPlayMMMFile | |
CPlayMMMFileRemoteStateOfferer | |
CPlayMMMFileState | |
CStartPlayback | |
►Nplugins | This file is part of ArmarX |
CAronComponentConfigPlugin | |
CArVizComponentPlugin | |
CCartesianPositionControlComponentPlugin | |
CDebugDrawerHelperComponentPlugin | Brief description of class RobotAPIComponentPlugins |
CDebugObserverComponentPlugin | Brief description of class DebugObserverComponentPlugin |
CFrameTrackingComponentPlugin | |
CGraspCandidateObserverComponentPlugin | |
CGraspGeneratorComponentPlugin | |
CGraspSelectionManagerComponentPlugin | |
CHandUnitComponentPlugin | |
CHeartbeatComponentPlugin | |
►CJsonStorageComponentPlugin | Brief description of class JsonStorageComponentPlugin |
CImpl | |
CKinematicUnitComponentPlugin | |
CLightweightRemoteGuiComponentPlugin | |
CMessageDisplayComponentPlugin | Brief description of class MessageDisplayComponentPlugin |
CNaturalIKComponentPlugin | |
CObjectPoseClientPlugin | |
CObjectPoseProviderPlugin | |
CPlannedMotionProviderComponentPlugin | |
CPlatformUnitComponentPlugin | |
CRemoteGuiComponentPlugin | |
CRobotNameServiceComponentPlugin | |
CRobotPlacementComponentPlugin | |
►CRobotStateComponentPlugin | Brief description of class RobotAPIComponentPlugins |
CRobotData | |
CRobotUnitComponentPlugin | |
CRobotUnitObserverComponentPlugin | |
CSemanticGraphStorageComponentPlugin | |
CSkillManagerComponentPlugin | |
CSkillProviderComponentPlugin | |
CStatechartListenerComponentPlugin | |
CTrajectoryPlayerComponentPlugin | |
►NPointCloud | |
CCaptureNumberOfFrames | |
CGetNextPointCloud | |
CPauseProcessor | |
CPauseProvider | |
CPointCloudRemoteStateOfferer | |
CResumeProcessor | |
CResumeProvider | |
►Npriorknowledge | |
►Ncore | |
CDatasetFinderBase | |
CDatasetFinderInfoBase | The DatasetFinderInfoBase class Indicates an into to 'something' of type IDType inside a dataset of type DatasetType |
CFinderBase | |
CFinderInfoBase | The FinderInfoBase class Indicates an into to 'something' of type IDType |
CPackageFileLocation | |
CPKDatasetFinder | The PKDatasetFinder class |
CPKDatasetFinderInfo | The PKDatasetFinderInfo class Specialization of the DatasetFinderInfo with strings as dataset and id types |
CPKFinder | The ObjectFinder class |
CPKFinderInfo | The ObjectFinderInfo class Specialization of the DatasetFinderInfo with strings as dataset and id types |
►Nmotions | |
CMotionFinder | |
►Nnavigation_graphs | |
CNavigationGraphFinder | |
►Nobjects | |
CObjectFinder | The ObjectFinder class TODO (fabian.peller): Merge with ArmarXObjects object finder! |
►Nrobots | |
CRobotFinder | |
►Nutil | |
►Ncommon_place | |
►CVisu | |
CCommonPlaceData | |
CSettings | |
►Nlocation | |
►CVisu | |
CFramedLocationData | |
CSettings | |
CAffordanceId | |
CAffordanceLoader | |
CCommonPlace | |
CCommonPlaceLoader | |
CFramedBoxedLocation | |
CFramedLocation | |
CLocation | |
CLocationAffordance | |
CLocationId | |
CLocationLoader | |
CStaticAffordance | |
►NProfiler | |
CFileLoggingStrategy | A brief description |
CIceBufferedLoggingStrategy | |
CIceLoggingStrategy | IceLoggingStrategy publishes incoming log method calls directly on IceLoggingStrategy::profilerListenerPrx |
CLoggingStrategy | A brief description |
CProfiler | The armarx::Profiler::Profiler class can be used for timing executions within the ArmarX framework |
►NProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn | |
CCyberGloveProsthesisControl | |
CProsthesisKinestheticTeachInRemoteStateOfferer | |
►NRemoteGui | |
►NClient | |
CButton | |
CCheckBox | |
CComboBox | |
CContainerWidget | |
CFloatSlider | |
CFloatSpinBox | |
CGridLayout | |
CGroupBox | |
CHBoxLayout | |
CHSpacer | |
CIntSlider | |
CIntSpinBox | |
CLabel | |
CLineEdit | |
CPos | |
CPoseWidget | |
CSpan | |
CTab | |
CTabImpl | |
CToggleButton | |
CVBoxLayout | |
CVector3Widget | |
CVSpacer | |
CWidget | |
CWidgetImpl | |
►Ndetail | |
CButtonBuilder | |
CCheckBoxBuilder | |
CChildrenMixin | |
CComboBoxBuilder | |
CFloatMinMaxMixin | |
CFloatSliderBuilder | |
CFloatSpinBoxBuilder | |
CGridLayoutBuilder | |
CGroupBoxBuilder | |
CHBoxLayoutBuilder | |
CIntMinMaxMixin | |
CIntSliderBuilder | |
CIntSpinBoxBuilder | |
CLabelBuilder | |
CLabelMixin | |
CLineEditBuilder | |
CMinMaxMixin | |
CMinMaxMixin< Derived, Eigen::Vector3f > | |
CNoValueMixin | |
CPosRPYSpinBoxesBuilder | |
CSimpleGridLayoutBuilder | |
CToggleButtonBuilder | |
CToolTipMixin | |
CValueMixin | |
CVBoxLayoutBuilder | |
CVector3fMinMaxMixin | |
CVector3fSpinBoxesBuilder | |
CWidgetBuilder | |
CWidgetMixin | |
CButtonHandler | |
CButtonProxy | |
CCheckBoxHandler | |
CComboBoxHandler | |
CEmptyWidgetHandler | |
CFloatSliderHandler | |
CFloatSpinBoxHandler | |
CGridLayoutHandler | |
CGroupBoxHandler | |
CHBoxLayoutHandler | |
CHLineHandler | |
CHSpacerHandler | |
CIntSliderHandler | |
CIntSpinBoxHandler | |
CLabelHandler | |
CLineEditHandler | |
CPosRPYSpinBoxesHandler | |
CRemoteGuiBase | |
CSimpleGridLayoutHandler | |
CSimpleGridLayoutSpanningChildHandler | |
CStorage | |
CTabProxy | |
CToggleButtonHandler | |
CTypedWidget | |
CTypedWidget< RemoteWidgetT_, QWidgetT_, RemoteGui::VALUE_VARIANT_EMPTY > | |
CTypedWidgetHandler | |
CValueProxy | |
CVBoxLayoutHandler | |
CVector3fSpinBoxesHandler | |
CVLineHandler | |
CVSpacerHandler | |
CWidgetHandler | |
CWidgetProxy | |
►Nrngshortcut | |
CTask | |
►Nrobot_name_service | |
►Nclient | |
►Ncore | |
CArmInfo | |
CRobotInfo | |
CTCPInfo | |
►Nserver | |
►Nsegment | |
CRobotInfoCoreSegment | |
►Nrobot_state | |
CVirtualRobotReaderExampleClient | Brief description of class VirtualRobotReaderExampleClient |
►Nrobot_state_prediction_client_example | |
CComponent | |
►CImpl | |
CProperties | |
CRemote | |
►NRobotNameHelperTestGroup | |
CRobotNameHelperTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CTestGetNames | |
►NRobotUnitModule | |
►Ndetail | |
CModuleBaseIntermediatePropertyDefinitions | |
►Ndetails | |
►CDoLoggingDurations | |
CDurationsEntry | |
CControllerManagement | This Module manages NJointControllers |
CControllerManagementAttorneyForControlThreadDataBuffer | This class allows minimal access to private members of ControllerManagement in a sane fashion for ControlThreadDataBuffer |
CControllerManagementAttorneyForPublisher | This class allows minimal access to private members of ControllerManagement in a sane fashion for Publisher |
CControlThread | This Module manages the ControlThread |
CControlThreadAttorneyForPublisher | This class allows minimal access to private members of ControlThread in a sane fashion for Publisher |
CControlThreadAttorneyForRobotUnitEmergencyStopMaster | This class allows minimal access to private members of ControlThread in a sane fashion for RobotUnitEmergencyStopMaster |
CControlThreadDataBuffer | This Module manages all communication into and out of the ControlThread |
CControlThreadDataBufferAttorneyForControlThread | This class allows minimal access to private members of ControlThreadDataBuffer in a sane fashion for ControlThread |
CControlThreadPropertyDefinitions | |
►CDevices | This Module manages sensor and control devices for a RobotUnit and only allows save and sane access |
CControlDeviceHardwareControlModeGroups | Holds data about a device group requiring the same hardware control mode. (explained here) |
CDevicesAttorneyForControlThread | This class allows minimal access to private members of Devices in a sane fashion for ControlThread |
CDevicesAttorneyForControlThreadDataBuffer | This class allows minimal access to private members of Devices in a sane fashion for ControlThreadDataBuffer |
CDevicesAttorneyForNJointController | This class allows minimal access to private members of armarx::RobotUnitModule::Devices in a sane fashion for armarx::NJointControllerBase |
CDevicesAttorneyForPublisher | This class allows minimal access to private members of Devices in a sane fashion for Publisher |
CDevicesPropertyDefinitions | |
CLogging | This Module manages logging of data |
CLoggingPropertyDefinitions | |
CManagement | This Module handles some general management tasks. It implements the RobotUnitManagementInterface |
CManagementAttorneyForControlThread | This class allows minimal access to private members of Devices in a sane fashion for ControlThread |
CManagementPropertyDefinitions | |
CModuleBase | Base class for all RobotUnitModules |
CModuleBasePropertyDefinitions | |
CNJointControllerAttorneyForControllerManagement | This class allows minimal access to private members of NJointControllerBase in a sane fashion for ControllerManagement |
CNJointControllerAttorneyForControlThread | This class allows minimal access to private members of NJointControllerBase in a sane fashion for ControlThread |
CNJointControllerAttorneyForPublisher | This class allows minimal access to private members of NJointControllerBase in a sane fashion for Publisher |
CPublisher | This Module manages publishing of all data to Topics, updating of all units managed by the Units module and calling of NJointControllerBase hooks |
CPublisherPropertyDefinitions | |
CRobotData | This Module holds all high-level data about the robot |
CRobotDataPropertyDefinitions | |
CRobotUnitEmergencyStopMaster | |
CSelfCollisionChecker | This Module manages self collision avoidance. If the distance between a pair of bodies falls below a threshold, the the emergency stop is activated |
CSelfCollisionCheckerPropertyDefinitions | |
CUnits | This Module manages all Units of a RobotUnit |
CUnitsAttorneyForPublisher | This class allows minimal access to private members of Units in a sane fashion for Publisher |
CUnitsPropertyDefinitions | |
►Nrrtconnect | |
CNodeType | |
CTask | |
CTree | |
CUpdateId | |
CUpdater | |
CWorkerNode | |
►Nrt_timing | |
►Nrtfilters | |
CAverageFilter | |
CButterworthFilter | |
CGaussianFilter | |
CMedianFilter | |
CRTFilterBase | Base class for all real time capable filters |
CTimeWindowAverageFilter | This filters allows to filter with an unstable frequency by considering only the valus in a specified timewindow |
►NRTMotionControlGoup | |
CRTCartesianPositionControl | |
CRTMotionControlGoupRemoteStateOfferer | |
►NScanLocationGroup | |
CCheckLocalizationResult | |
CDetectObjects | |
CNameRecognizedObjects | |
CScanForSingleObject | |
CScanLocation | |
CScanLocationGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CSelectNextLocation | |
CWait | |
►Nsemantic | |
►Nproperties | |
CArmarXLog | |
CArmarXVisualizer | Implementation of semrel::VisualizerInterface for ArmarX (using the DebugDrawer) |
CShapesSupportRelations | Brief description of class ShapesSupportRelations |
CShapesSupportRelationsPropertyDefinitions | Property definitions of ShapesSupportRelations |
CSimoxObjectShape | |
►Nsimoxtask | |
CTask | |
►Nsimple_virtual_robot | |
CSimpleVirtualRobot | Brief description of class SimpleVirtualRobot |
►Nsimulation | |
►Ncomponents | |
►Ncluttered_scene_generator | |
CComponent | |
►Nobject_memory_to_simulation | |
CComponent | |
►Nscene_generation | |
►CClutteredSceneGenerator | Brief description of class ClutteredSceneGenerator |
CConfig | |
CObjectSet | |
CObjectSource | |
CSimulatedObject | |
CSimulatedObjectAsObject | |
CSimulatedObjectAsRobot | |
►Nskills | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Ndetail | |
CSkillRuntime | |
►Nerror | |
CNotImplementedYetException | The NotImplementedYetException class |
CSkillAbortedException | |
CSkillException | A base class for skill exceptions |
CSkillFailedException | |
CSkillNotFoundException | Indicates that a skill was not found, e.g., by the skill manager |
►Ngrasp_control | |
►Nutil | |
CGetPlatformOffsetAfterObjectGraspInput | |
CGetPlatformOffsetAfterObjectGraspOutput | |
CGetPlatformOffsetAfterObjectPutdownInput | |
CGetPlatformOffsetAfterObjectPutdownOutput | |
CGetPlatformOffsetForObjectGraspInput | |
CGetPlatformOffsetForObjectGraspOutput | |
CGetPlatformOffsetForObjectPutdownInput | |
CGetPlatformOffsetForObjectPutdownOutput | |
CSelectBestGraspSetForObjectInput | |
CSelectBestGraspSetForObjectOutput | |
CSelectBestKinematicChainForObjectGraspInput | |
CSelectBestKinematicChainForObjectGraspOutput | |
►Ngui | |
►Naron_tree_widget | |
CAronTreeWidgetBoolInputModalController | |
CAronTreeWidgetContextMenuVisitor | |
CAronTreeWidgetController | |
CAronTreeWidgetConverterVisitor | |
CAronTreeWidgetCreatorVisitor | |
CAronTreeWidgetDictInputModalController | |
CAronTreeWidgetFloatInputModalController | |
CAronTreeWidgetIntInputModalController | |
CAronTreeWidgetItem | |
CAronTreeWidgetModal | |
CAronTreeWidgetModalCreatorVisitor | |
CAronTreeWidgetSetterVisitor | |
CAronTreeWidgetTextInputModalController | |
CCustomWidget | |
CEditMatrixWidget | |
CIntEnumWidget | |
CMemoryCommunicatorBase | |
CNDArrayHelper | |
CPeriodicUpdateWidget | |
CProfileMenuWidget | |
CQuaternionWidget | |
CSkillDescriptionWidget | |
CSkillDetailGroupBox | |
CSkillDetailsTreeWidget | |
►CSkillExecutionTreeWidget | |
CSelectedExecution | |
CSkillExecutionTreeWidgetItem | |
CSkillGroupBox | |
►CSkillManagerWrapper | |
CSnapshot | |
CSkillMemoryGUI | |
►CSkillTreeWidget | |
CSelectedSkill | |
CSkillTreeWidgetItem | |
CStatusLabel | |
►Nhand_control | |
►Njoint_control | |
►Nmixin | |
CArvizSkillMixin | |
CGraspReadingSkillMixin | |
CMemoryReadingSkillMixin | |
CMNSSkillMixin | |
CObjectReadingSkillMixin | |
CObjectWritingSkillMixin | |
CRobotReadingSkillMixin | |
CRobotWritingSkillMixin | |
CSpecificGraspReadingSkillMixin | |
CSpecificObjectReadingSkillMixin | |
CSpecificRobotReadingSkillMixin | |
CSpecificRobotWritingSkillMixin | |
►Nplatform_control | |
►Nprovider | |
CBringObjectSkillProvider | |
CBusyWaitingSkill | |
CCallbackSkill | |
CChainingSkill | |
CGraspControlSkillProvider | |
CHandControlSkillProvider | |
CHelloWorldSkill | |
CIncompleteSkill | |
CInstantKillSkill | |
CJointControlSkillProvider | |
CPlatformControlSkillProvider | |
CRandomChainingSkill | |
CRecursiveSkill | |
CSegfaultSkill | |
CSkillProviderExample | |
CTCPControlSkillProvider | |
CTimeoutSkill | |
CVisualSearchSkillProvider | |
CVisualServoTCPControlSkillProvider | |
►Nsegment | |
CExecutableSkillLibraryCoreSegment | |
CSkillEventCoreSegment | |
CSkillExecutionRequestCoreSegment | |
CStatechartListenerProviderSegment | |
►Ntcp_control | |
►Nvisual_search | |
►Nvisual_servo_tcp_control | |
CActiveOrTerminatedSkillStatusUpdate | |
CBringObjectSkill | |
CBringObjectSkillContext | |
CBringObjectToLocation | |
CCloseHand | |
CCloseHandAndAttachSkill | |
CExecuteGraspSkill | |
CExecutePutdownSkill | |
CGraspObjectSkill | |
CHandControlSkill | |
CHandControlSkillContext | |
CJointControlSkill | |
CJointControlSkillContext | |
CLambdaSkill | |
CMoveJointsToPosition | |
CMoveJointsWithVelocity | |
CMovePlatformAfterGraspSkill | |
CMovePlatformAfterPutdownSkill | |
CMovePlatformForGraspSkill | |
CMovePlatformForPutdownSkill | |
CMovePlatformToLandmark | |
CMovePlatformToPose | |
CMoveTCPToTargetPose | |
COpenHand | |
COpenHandAndDetachSkill | |
►CPeriodicSkill | |
CStepResult | |
CPeriodicSpecializedSkill | |
CPlatformControlSkill | |
CPlatformControlSkillContext | |
CProviderID | |
CProviderInfo | |
CPutdownObjectSkill | |
CSimplePeriodicSkill | |
CSimplePeriodicSpecializedSkill | |
►CSimpleSkill | |
CExitInput | |
CInitInput | |
CMainInput | |
►CSimpleSpecializedSkill | |
CSpecializedExitInput | |
CSpecializedInitInput | |
CSpecializedMainInput | |
►CSkill | Base class for skills |
CExitResult | A result struct for skill exit function |
CInitResult | A result struct for skill initialization |
CMainResult | A result struct for th main method of a skill |
CPrepareResult | A result struct for skill preparing |
CSkillBlueprint | |
CSkillContext | |
CSkillDescription | |
CSkillExecutionID | |
CSkillExecutionRequest | |
CSkillID | |
CSkillProxy | |
CSkillStatusUpdate | |
CSkillStatusUpdateBase | |
CSkillWithContextBlueprint | |
CSpecializedSkill | |
CSpecializedSkillProxy | |
CTCPControlSkill | |
CTCPControlSkillContext | |
CTerminatedSkillStatusUpdate | |
CTwoArmGraspControlSkill | |
CTwoArmGraspControlSkillContext | |
CVisualSearchSkill | |
CVisualSearchSkillContext | |
CVisualServoTCPControlSkill | |
CVisualServoTCPControlSkillContext | |
CVisualServoToTargetPose | |
CWhatCanYouSeeNow | |
►NSpeechObserverTestGroup | |
CSpeechObserverTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CTestTextToSpeech | |
►NStatechartExecutionGroup | |
CStatechartExecutionGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CTestStateForStatechartExecution | |
CTestSubstate1 | |
►Nstatechartio | |
CDynamicRemoteStateInstanceFactory | |
CEndStateInstanceFactory | |
CLocalStateInstanceFactory | |
CRemoteStateInstanceFactory | |
CStateInstanceFactoryBase | |
CXmlNodeIterator | Iterate over all child nodes with a certain name of a given XML node |
CXmlReader | XML reader class used to build State objects from XML representations |
CXmlWriter | XML writer class used to build XML representations of State objects |
►Nstatechartmodel | |
CDynamicRemoteState | |
CDynamicRemoteStateClass | |
CEndState | |
CEvent | |
CLocalState | |
CParameterMapping | |
CRegularState | |
CRemoteState | |
CState | |
CStateInstance | |
CStateInstanceFactory | |
CStateParameter | |
CTransition | |
CVisitor | |
►NStatechartProfilesTestGroup | |
CStatechartProfilesTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CTestState | |
►NTopicUtil | |
CTopicData | |
►NTrackingGroup | |
CDetectObject | |
CLookAtObject | |
CTrackingGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CTrackingGroupStatechartContext | |
CTrackingGroupStatechartContextProperties | |
CTrackObject | |
►Ntrajectory | |
►Nerror | |
CEmptyTrack | |
CInterpolateDifferentTypesError | |
CNoTrackWithID | |
CTrajectoryException | |
CWrongValueTypeInKeyframe | |
►Ninterpolate | |
CLinear | Linear interpolation visitor: Interpolates between the given values linearly |
CKeyframe | A keyframe, representing a value at a given time |
►CTrack | A track represents the timeline of a single value, identified by a track ID |
CKeyframeProxy | A proxy allowing for adding keyframes by: track[time] = value; |
CTrajectory | This class is used to update entities based on trajectory defined by keyframes |
►NTrajectoryExecutionCode | |
CPlayTrajectory | |
CTrajectoryExecutionCodeRemoteStateOfferer | |
►NVariantDataWidgets | |
CBoolVariantDataWidget | |
CComplexDoubleBaseWidget | |
CComplexFloatBaseWidget | |
CDoubleVariantDataWidget | |
CFloatVariantDataWidget | |
CFramedDirectionBaseWidget | |
CFramedOrientationBaseWidget | |
CFramedOrientedPointBaseWidget | |
CFramedPoseBaseWidget | |
CFramedPositionBaseWidget | |
CIntVariantDataWidget | |
CLongVariantDataWidget | |
CMatrixDoubleBaseWidget | |
CMatrixFloatBaseWidget | |
COrientedPointBaseWidget | |
CPoseBaseWidget | |
CQuaternionBaseWidget | |
CStringVariantDataWidget | |
CTimestampBaseWidget | |
CVariantDataWidgetBase | |
CVariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration | |
CVector2BaseWidget | |
CVector3BaseWidget | |
►Nvirtual_robot_writer_example | |
CVirtualRobotWriterExample | Brief description of class VirtualRobotWriterExample |
►Nvisionx | |
►Ncomponents | |
►NMemoryGrapher | |
CMemoryGrapher | |
IMemoryGrapherInterface | |
►NVisualServoGroup | |
CCalculateTcpTarget | |
CCheckTargetsReached | |
CCreateStartTimeRef | |
CGetHandPose | |
CGetObjectInstance | |
CGetObjectPose | |
CLookBetweenHandAndObject | |
CSetTargetReached | |
CSetTCPVelocity | |
CTwoArmVisualServoTest | |
CTwoArmVisualServoTowardsObjects | |
CTwoArmVisualServoTowardsTargetPose | |
CVisualServoGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CVisualServoTowardsObject | |
CVisualServoTowardsTargetPose | |
CVisualServoTowardsTargetPoseTest | |
CVisualServoTowardsTargetPoseWrapper | |
►Nviz | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Ncoin | |
CElementVisualization | |
CElementVisualizer | |
CLoadedObject | |
CLoadedRobot | |
CTypedElementVisualization | |
CTypedElementVisualizer | |
CVisualizationArrow | |
CVisualizationArrowCircle | |
CVisualizationBox | |
CVisualizationCylinder | |
CVisualizationCylindroid | |
CVisualizationEllipsoid | |
CVisualizationLine | |
CVisualizationMesh | |
CVisualizationObject | |
CVisualizationPath | |
CVisualizationPointCloud | |
CVisualizationPolygon | |
CVisualizationPose | |
CVisualizationRobot | |
CVisualizationSphere | |
CVisualizationText | |
►Ndata | |
►Ndetail | |
Chas_members_rgba | |
►Nerror | |
CArvizReflectionError | Base exception class |
CNoSerializerForType | Indicates that there was no registered serializer for a type |
CNoTypeNameEntryInJsonObject | Indicates that a JSON document did not contain the type name |
CSerializerAlreadyRegisteredForType | Indicates that there already was a serializer registered for a type when trying to register a serializer |
CTypeNameEntryAlreadyInJsonObject | The TypeNameEntryAlreadyInJsonObject class |
CTypeNameMismatch | Indicates that the type name in a JSON object did not match the type of the passed C++ object |
►Njson | |
CElementJsonSerializers | Handles serialization and deserialization of dynamic data::Element objects to and from JSON |
CArrow | |
CArrowCircle | |
CAxesFlags | |
CBox | |
CClient | |
CCoinLayer | |
CCoinLayerElement | |
CCoinLayerMap | |
CCoinVisualizer | |
CCoinVisualizer_ApplyTiming | |
CCoinVisualizer_UpdateTiming | |
CCoinVisualizerWrapper | |
CColor | |
CCommitResult | |
CCommitResultAsync | |
CConvert | |
CCylinder | |
CCylindroid | |
CElementInteractionData | |
CElementOps | |
CEllipsoid | |
CHumanPoseLayers | |
CInteractionDescription | |
CInteractionFeedback | |
CInteractionFeedbackRange | |
CLayer | |
CLine | |
CMesh | |
CObject | |
CPath | |
CPointCloud | |
CPolygon | |
CPose | |
CPoseGizmo | |
CRobot | |
CRobotHand | Left or right hand of a robot |
CScopedClient | viz::Client that will delete (clear) committed layers when destroyed |
CSphere | |
CStagedCommit | A staged commit prepares multiple layers to be committed |
CText | |
CTimedBlock | |
CTransformable | |
CTransformationResult | |
►NWeissHapticGroup | |
CWeissHapticGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CWeissHapticSensorTest | |
►NWidgetDescription | |
CDescribedCheckBox | |
CDescribedDoubleLineEdit | |
CDescribedDoubleSlider | |
CDescribedDoubleSpinBox | |
CDescribedFloatLineEdit | |
CDescribedFloatSlider | |
CDescribedFloatSpinBox | |
CDescribedFormLayout | |
CDescribedFormLayoutElement | |
CDescribedGroupBox | |
CDescribedHBoxLayout | |
CDescribedHLine | |
CDescribedHSpacer | |
CDescribedIntSlider | |
CDescribedIntSpinBox | |
CDescribedLabel | |
CDescribedLineEdit | |
CDescribedStringComboBox | |
CDescribedVariantWidget | |
CDescribedVBoxLayout | |
CDescribedVLine | |
CDescribedVSpacer | |
CDescribedWidget | |
CDescribedWidgetBase | |
CDescribedWidgetFactoryRegistration | |
CDescribedWidgetLayoutBase | |
CSubclassOfQStyledItemDelegate | |
CValueChangedListenerInterface | |
►NWorkingMemoryToArVizGroup | |
CAttachObjectToRobotNode | |
CDetachObjectFromRobotNode | |
CWorkingMemoryToArVizGroupRemoteStateOfferer | |
CAbstractController | Abstract controller providing a set of methods which must be implemented by every controller |
►CAbstractFactoryMethod | A template that can be used as a superclass of a class hierarchy that wants to provide a factory method which allows instantiation of objects based on a string identifier |
CSubClassRegistry | A helper struct to allow static initialisation of the subclass lookup table |
CAbstractInterpolation | Function f:t->P with P being the space of all poses The function parameters are initialized when using the constructors, so using getPoseAt is fast |
CAbstractManipulatorVisualization | The AbstractManipulatorVisualization class Abstraction of a Manipulator in any 3D format Info: not present in current design as the abstraction is minimal an it makes things rather complicated than easier |
CAbstractObjectSerializer | |
CAbstractStateMimeData | Used to transport state data from the treeview to the stateview and is implemented in the editor plugin |
CActiveImpedanceControlTarget | |
CActiveStateFollower | |
CAddArmarXWidgetAction | |
CAdvancedCoinVisualizationFactory | |
CAdvancedVisualizationFactory | Abstract decorator of the Decorator-Pattern and decorates the VisualizationFactoy in Simox |
CAffordanceExtraction | A brief description |
CAffordanceExtractionPropertyDefinitions | |
CAffordancePipelineGuiConfigDialog | |
CAffordancePipelineGuiGuiPlugin | AffordancePipelineGuiGuiPlugin brief description |
CAffordancePipelineGuiWidgetController | AffordancePipelineGuiWidgetController brief one line description |
CAffordancePipelineVisualization | |
CAffordancePipelineVisualizationPropertyDefinitions | |
CAffordanceUpdateListener | A brief description |
CAffordanceUpdateListenerPropertyDefinitions | |
Calgorithms | Brief description of class algorithms |
CAMDCallbackCollection | This helper-class can be used when you have an ice AMD method |
CAnimatedToolButton | |
CApplication | Baseclass for all ArmarX applications |
CApplicationNetworkStats | Implements the Ice::Instrumentation::CommunicatorObserver interface to meassure network traffic |
CApplicationProcessFacet | Implements the Ice::Process facet to allow graceful shutdown of ArmarX applications when they are run via IceGrid |
CApplicationPropertyDefinitions | Application property definition container |
CargType | |
CargType< R(SimDynamics::DynamicsEngine::*)(A)> | |
CArm | |
CArMarkerExternalCameraCalibration | Brief description of class ArMarkerExternalCameraCalibration |
CArMarkerLocalizerApp | |
CArmarXComponentWidgetController | |
CArmarXComponentWidgetControllerTemplate | |
CArmarXDataPath | |
CArmarXDataPath_Data | |
CArmarXDockWidget | The ArmarXDockWidget class |
CArmarXDummyManager | Handles help and documentation generation but does not provide Ice functionality |
CArmarXFileLogger | Brief description of class ArmarXFileLogger |
CArmarXFileLoggerPropertyDefinitions | |
CArmarXGuiApp | The main ArmarX gui application |
CArmarXGuiAppPropertyDefinitions | ArmarXGuiApp property definition container |
CArmarXGuiPlugin | |
CArmarXLogBuf | |
CArmarXMainWindow | The ArmarXMainWindow class |
CArmarXManager | Main class of an ArmarX process |
►CArmarXManagerItem | |
CManagerData | |
CArmarXManagerModel | |
CArmarXManagerRepositoryDialog | |
CArmarXMultipleObjectsScheduler | |
CArmarXObjectObserver | The ArmarXObjectObserver inherits from IceGrid::ObjectObserver and signals its associated ArmarXManager instance when Ice Objects are added, updated, or removed |
CArmarXObjectScheduler | Takes care of the lifecycle management of ManagedIceObjects |
CArmarXPackageToolInterface | The ArmarXPackageToolInterface class |
CArmarXPhysicsWorldVisualization | Organizes the Coin3D visualization of the physics scene. It connects to the SimulatorVisuUpdate topic in order to retrieve the visualization stream of the current simulated environment. All scene changes (new objects / removed objects) are handled by checking the current setup with the retrieved one |
CArmarXPhysicsWorldVisualizationPropertyDefinitions | |
CArmarXPlotter | |
►CArmarXPlotterDialog | |
CChannelWidgetsEntry | |
CArmarXQApplication | |
CArmarXSimulatorWindow | |
CArmarXSimulatorWindowPropertyDefinitions | |
CArmarXTimeserver | Simple implementation of the TimeserverInterface |
CArmarXTimeserverPropertyDefinitions | |
CArmarXWidgetController | |
Carmem_grasping | Brief description of class armem_grasping |
Carmem_images_server | Brief description of class armem_images_server |
CArMemMemoryViewerWidgetController | ArMemMemoryViewerWidgetController brief one line description |
CAronComponentConfigExample | |
CAronComponentConfigExamplePropertyDefinitions | |
CAronTreeWidgetBoolInputModalController | |
CAronTreeWidgetContextMenuVisitor | |
CAronTreeWidgetController | |
CAronTreeWidgetConverterVisitor | |
CAronTreeWidgetCreatorVisitor | |
CAronTreeWidgetDictInputModalController | |
CAronTreeWidgetFloatInputModalController | |
CAronTreeWidgetIntInputModalController | |
CAronTreeWidgetItem | |
CAronTreeWidgetModal | |
CAronTreeWidgetModalCreatorVisitor | |
CAronTreeWidgetSetterVisitor | |
CAronTreeWidgetTextInputModalController | |
CArticulatedObjectLocalizerDynamicSimulation | Brief description of class ArticulatedObjectLocalizerDynamicSimulation |
CArVizComponentPluginUser | Provides a ready-to-use ArViz client arviz as member variable |
CArVizDrawerGuiGuiPlugin | ArVizDrawerGuiGuiPlugin brief description |
CArVizDrawerGuiWidgetController | ArVizDrawerGuiWidgetController brief one line description |
CArVizExample | An example for how to use ArViz |
CArVizGuiPlugin | ArVizGuiPlugin brief description |
CArVizInteractExample | An example for how to use ArViz |
CArVizStorage | Stores visualization elements drawn by ArViz clients |
CArVizWidgetBatchCallback | |
CArVizWidgetController | ArVizWidgetController brief one line description |
CAStarPathPlanner | The AStarPathPlanner class |
CAStarPathPlannerTestComponent | A test component for the AStarPathPlanner |
CAStarPathPlannerTestComponentPropertyDefinitions | |
CAsynchronousNJointController | |
CATINetFTUnit | ArmarX wrapper of the ATINetFT DataStream SDK |
CATINetFTUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CAtomicWrapper | |
CBatteryIcon | |
CBatteryWidget | |
CBeziercurve | |
CBigBowlLocalizationApp | |
CBimanualCartesianAdmittanceControllerGuiGuiPlugin | BimanualCartesianAdmittanceControllerGuiGuiPlugin brief description |
CBimanualCartesianAdmittanceControllerGuiWidgetController | BimanualCartesianAdmittanceControllerGuiWidgetController brief one line description |
►CBimanualGraspCandidateHelper | |
CSide | |
CBinaryFiniteStateMachine | |
CBlackWhitelist | A combination of blacklist and whitelist |
CBlurrinessMetric | Brief description of class BlurrinessMetric |
CBlurrinessMetricPropertyDefinitions | |
CBoolFiniteStateMachine | |
►Cbox_to_grasp_candidates | |
Cgrasp | |
Clength_limit | |
Cside_data | |
Cside_enabled_map | |
CBoxToGraspCandidatesWidgetController | BoxToGraspCandidatesWidgetController brief one line description |
CBSpline | |
►CBulletPhysicsWorld | Encapsulates the whole physics simulation and the corresponding data |
CDynamicsRobotInfo | |
CCalibrationHelper | |
CCalibrationInfo | |
CCallbackReceiver | Used by CallbackWaitLock |
CCallbackWaitLock | CallbackWaitLock is used to block a thread and unblock it from another thread via callback |
CCameraPose | |
CCartesian2DimVelocityRamp | |
CCartesianFeedForwardPositionController | |
►CCartesianImpedanceController | |
CConfig | |
CDebug | |
CCartesianImpedanceControllerConfigWidget | |
CCartesianImpedanceControllerGuiPlugin | CartesianImpedanceControllerGuiPlugin brief description |
CCartesianImpedanceControllerWidgetController | CartesianImpedanceControllerWidgetController brief one line description |
CCartesianNaturalPositionController | |
CCartesianNaturalPositionControllerGuiPlugin | CartesianNaturalPositionControllerGuiPlugin brief description |
►CCartesianNaturalPositionControllerProxy | |
CDynamicKp | |
CKpBaseSettings | |
CScopedJointValueRestore | |
CVelocityBaseSettings | |
CWaypoint | |
CWaypointConfig | |
CWaypointTargets | |
►CCartesianNaturalPositionControllerWidgetController | CartesianNaturalPositionControllerWidgetController brief one line description |
CNullspaceTarget | |
CCartesianPositionControlComponentPluginUser | Provides a ready-to-use CartesianPositionControl |
CCartesianPositionController | |
CCartesianPositionControllerConfig | |
CCartesianVelocityController | |
CCartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp | |
CCartesianVelocityRamp | |
CCartesianWaypointControlGuiGuiPlugin | CartesianWaypointControlGuiGuiPlugin brief description |
CCartesianWaypointControlGuiWidgetController | CartesianWaypointControlGuiWidgetController brief one line description |
CCartesianWaypointController | |
CChainApproximation | |
CChangeState | |
CChannelPropertiesWidget | |
CChannelRef | Reference to a channel on an Observer. It is used to access data directly from a channel or to be passed to function as an identifier for a channel |
CClientSideRemoteHandleControlBlock | The ClientSideRemoteHandleControlBlock is used at the client side for reference counting |
CClientState | |
CClientStateApp | Application for testing armarx::ClientState |
CClockWidgetController | ClockWidgetController allows showing and manipulating the time |
CCloneGroupDialog | |
CClutteredSceneGeneratorWidgetController | ClutteredSceneGeneratorWidgetController brief one line description |
CCMakePackageFinder | Interface to the CMake Package finder capabilities |
CCMakePackageFinderCache | |
CCMakeSourceListGenerator | |
CCMakeWriter | |
CCmdOptions | |
CCoFusionParams | |
CCoFusionProcessor | Brief description of class CoFusionProcessor |
CCoFusionProcessorPropertyDefinitions | |
CCoinManipulatorVisualizationAdapter | The CoinManipulatorVisualizationAdapter class Info: currently not in use as abstraction of manipulator doesn't make that much sense |
CCoinRobotViewerAdapter | The CoinRobotViewerAdapter class |
CCoinViewer | |
CCollisionCheckerComponent | Brief description of class CollisionCheckerComponent |
CCollisionCheckerComponentPropertyDefinitions | |
CCombinedFeature | |
CCommonPlacesLearnerApp | |
CCommonStorageApp | |
CCompareViewTargets | |
Ccompensation_table | |
CComponent | Baseclass for all ArmarX ManagedIceObjects requiring properties |
CComponentCreatorObject | The ComponentCreatorObject stores the create call for a Component |
CComponentPlugin | |
CComponentPropertyDefinitions | Default component property definition container |
►CCompositeDiffIK | |
CNullspaceGradient | |
CNullspaceJointLimitAvoidance | |
CNullspaceJointTarget | |
CNullspaceTarget | |
CNullspaceTargetStep | |
CParameters | |
CResult | |
CSolveState | |
CTarget | |
CTargetStep | |
CCompressedIceBlobToObjectDeserializer | |
CConditionCheck | |
CConditionCheckApproxPose | |
CConditionCheckChanged | |
CConditionCheckEquals | |
CConditionCheckEqualsPose | |
CConditionCheckEqualsWithTolerance | |
CConditionCheckInRange | |
CConditionCheckLarger | |
CConditionCheckMagnitudeInRange | |
CConditionCheckMagnitudeLarger | |
CConditionCheckMagnitudeSmaller | |
CConditionCheckSmaller | |
CConditionCheckStringContains | |
CConditionCheckUpdated | |
CConditionCheckValid | |
CConditionHandler | |
CConditionHandlerPropertyDefinitions | |
CConditionItemModel | |
CConditionPropertiesWidget | |
CConditionRoot | ConditionRoot Condition roots are top-level nodes of the expression tree |
CConditionTreeFactory | |
CConditionViewerGuiPlugin | With this plugin conditions can be visualized |
CConditionViewerWidget | |
CConditionViewerWidgetController | With this widget conditions can be visualized |
CContainerDummy | |
CContainerTypeI | |
CControlDevice | Logical unit accepting commands via its JointControllers |
CControlDevicesWidget | |
CControlDevicesWidgetEntry | |
CControlTarget1DoFActuatorPositionWithPWMLimit | |
CControlTarget1DoFActuatorPWM | |
CControlTarget1DoFActuatorTorqueVelocity | |
CControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocityWithPWMLimit | |
►CControlTargetBase | Brief description of class JointControlTargetBase |
CControlDeviceAccessToken | |
CControlTargetHolonomicPlatformVelocity | Brief description of class ControlTargetHolonomicPlatformVelocity |
CControlThreadOutputBuffer | |
CCounterStateTemplate | |
CCppBlock | |
CCppBlockBlockEntry | |
CCppBlockEntry | |
CCppBlockStringEntry | |
CCppClass | |
CCppCtor | |
CCppEnum | |
CCppEnumField | |
CCppField | |
CCppHighlighter | |
CCppMethod | |
CCppWriter | |
CCpuUsage | |
CCropRobotFromImage | Brief description of class CropRobotFromImage |
CCropRobotFromImagePropertyDefinitions | |
CCSpace | Implementation of the slice class CSpaceBase |
CCSpaceAdaptor | |
CCSpaceVisualizerTask | The purpose of this task is solely to visualize a cspace, which can be inspected in the CSpaceVisualizer GUI plugin |
CCsvReader | |
CCsvWriter | |
CCurvatureFeature | |
CCustomComboBox | |
CCustomWidget | |
ICyberGloveInterface | |
ICyberGloveListenerInterface | |
CCyberGloveObserver | Brief description of class CyberGloveObserver |
CCyberGloveObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
SCyberGloveValues | |
CCycleUtil | This util class helps with keeping a cycle time during a control cycle |
CDatabaseTopicReader | |
CDatabaseTopicWriter | |
CDatafieldFilter | Base class for all filters and filter implementation should derive from this class. For usage explanation see Filtering the data |
CDataFieldIdentifier | DataFieldIdentifier provide the basis to identify data field within a distributed ArmarX scenario |
CDataFieldPropertiesWidget | |
CDatafieldRef | Similar to the ChannelRef, but points to a specific Datafield instead of to a complete channel. It can be used to query (getDataField()) the data of the datafield from the Observer |
CDataFieldWidget | |
►CDebugDrawerComponent | The DebugDrawerComponent class |
CArrowData | |
CBoxData | |
CCircleData | |
CColored24BitPointCloudData | |
CColoredPointCloudData | |
CCoordData | |
CCylinderData | |
CDrawData | |
CLayer | Contains data for a layer |
CLineData | |
CLineSetData | |
CPointCloudData | |
CPolygonData | |
CRobotData | |
CSphereData | |
CTextData | |
CTriMeshData | |
CUpdateData | |
CDebugDrawerConfigWidget | Brief description of class DebugDrawerConfigWidget |
CDebugDrawerGuiPluginGuiPlugin | DebugDrawerGuiPluginGuiPlugin brief description |
CDebugDrawerGuiPluginWidgetController | DebugDrawerGuiPluginWidgetController brief one line description |
►CDebugDrawerHelper | Draw functions in a given frame (static matrix or robot node) and accepts eigen data types |
CColors | |
CDefaults | |
CDrawElement | |
CDebugDrawerHelperComponentPluginUser | |
CDebugDrawerPropertyDefinitions | |
CDebugDrawerToArViz | Passes updates from DebugDrawerInterface to ArViz |
CDebugDrawerToArVizComponent | |
CDebugDrawerToArVizPropertyDefinitions | Property definitions of DebugDrawerToArViz |
►CDebugDrawerTopic | The DebugDrawerTopic wraps a DebugDrawerInterfacePrx and provides a more useful interface than the Ice interface |
CDefaults | Default values for drawing functions |
CVisuID | A visualisation ID |
CDebugDrawerUtils | |
CDebugDrawerViewerGuiPlugin | DebugDrawerViewerGuiPlugin brief description |
CDebugDrawerViewerWidgetController | DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController |
CDebugObserver | The DebugObserver is a component for logging debug data, which is updated frequently |
CDebugObserverComponentPluginUser | |
CDebugObserverHelper | Brief description of class DebugObserverHelper |
CDebugObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
CDebugPlotterWidgetWidgetController | DebugPlotterWidgetWidgetController brief one line description |
CDebugRobotUnitDataStreamingWidgetController | DebugRobotUnitDataStreamingWidgetController brief one line description |
CDecoupled | |
CDecoupledSingleComponentApp | |
CDefaultRapidXmlReaderNode | |
Cdeltas | |
CDenseCRFSegmentationProcessor | Brief description of class DenseCRFSegmentationProcessor |
CDenseCRFSegmentationProcessorPropertyDefinitions | |
CDenseGraphCRF | |
CDeprecatedNJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantControllerConfig | |
IDeprecatedNJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantControllerInterface | |
CDeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceAdmittanceDMPControllerConfig | |
IDeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceAdmittanceDMPControllerInterface | |
CDeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceDMPControllerConfig | |
IDeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceDMPControllerInterface | |
CDeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPControllerConfig | |
IDeprecatedNJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPControllerInterface | |
CDepthImageProviderDynamicSimulation | |
CDepthImageProviderDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions | |
CDepthImageUtils | |
CDesignerTrajectory | |
CDesignerTrajectoryCalculator | Offers functionality to create TimedTrajectories from supplied Trajectories and points set by the user |
CDesignerTrajectoryHolder | Enables creating, deleting and getting DesignerTrajectorManagers, which are unambiguously assigned to a RobotNodeSet |
CDesignerTrajectoryManager | Enables easy interaction with the model |
CDesignerTrajectoryPlayer | |
CDeviceBase | |
CDHParameterOptimizationLogger | Brief description of class DHParameterOptimizationLogger |
CDHParameterOptimizationLoggerPropertyDefinitions | |
CDiagnosticsSubUnit | |
Cdiffik | Brief description of class diffik |
CDiffIKProvider | |
CDiffIKResult | |
CDisplay | |
CDisplayWidget | |
CDMPComponent | The DMPComponent class |
CDMPComponentPropertyDefinitions | |
CDMPInstance | |
CDoxDoc | |
CDoxEntry | |
CDoxLine | |
CDoxTable | |
CDoxTransition | |
CDoxTransitionGraph | |
CDoxTransitionGraphNode | |
IDSBimanualControllerInterface | |
CDSControllerConfig | |
IDSControllerInterface | |
CDSJointCarryControllerConfig | |
IDSJointCarryControllerInterface | |
CDSObstacleAvoidance | |
CDSRTBimanualControllerConfig | |
CDummyAgentReporter | Brief description of class DummyAgentReporter |
CDummyAgentReporterPropertyDefinitions | |
CDummyApplication | |
CDummyCriterion | |
CDummyCriterionPropertyDefinitions | |
CDummyObject | |
CDummyObjectLocalizer | Brief description of class DummyObjectLocalizer |
CDummyObjectLocalizerPropertyDefinitions | |
CDummyTextToSpeech | Brief description of class DummyTextToSpeech |
CDummyTextToSpeechPropertyDefinitions | |
CDummyWorldStateObserver | Brief description of class DummyWorldStateObserver |
CDummyWorldStateObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
CDynamicLibrary | Mechanism to load libraries at runtime |
CDynamicObstacleManager | |
CDynamicRemoteState | DynamicRemoteStates can be used to connect to remote statecharts dynamically at runtime |
►CDynamicsHelper | |
CDynamicsData | |
CEDifferentialIK | |
CEditDefaultValueDialog | |
CEditMatrixWidget | |
►CEditor | |
CProperties | |
CEditorFileOpener | The EditorFileOpener class |
CEditStatechartGroupDialog | |
CEfficientRANSACPrimitiveExtractor | Brief description of class EfficientRANSACPrimitiveExtractor |
CEfficientRANSACPrimitiveExtractorPropertyDefinitions | Property definitions of EfficientRANSACPrimitiveExtractor |
CElementaryCheckPropertiesWidget | |
CElementWidgetBase | |
CElementWidgetBaseTemplate | |
CEmergencyStopMaster | The EmergencyStopMaster stores the current state of the EmergencyStop and broadcasts any changes to that state over the specified topic |
CEmergencyStopNode | This component listens on the specified topic (default value: EmergencyStop) and changes its state corresponding to the state send over the topic. Furthermore it calls registered functions if their expected state is equal to the one that has been sent.
The template-type of an instantiation of this class has to be equal to the type of the object to which any registered function belong |
CEmergencyStopNodePropertyDefinitions | |
CEmergencyStopPropertyMasterDefinitions | |
CEmergencyStopWidget | |
CEnhancedGraphicsView | The EnhancedGraphicsView is a QGraphicsView with some additional functions |
CEnhancedTreeWidget | The EnhancedTreeWidget is a QTreeWidget with some extra functionalities |
CeNoValidMapping | |
CEnvironment | |
CEnvironmentController | |
CEqualPredicate | |
CEvent | An Event is used to communicate between e.g. condition handlers and statecharts |
CEventSenderComponent | |
CEventSenderConfig | |
CEventSenderConfigDialog | |
CEventSenderOverview | |
CEventsTab | |
CExampleMemory | Brief description of class ExampleMemory |
CExampleMemoryClient | |
CExeceptionHandlingInterceptor | |
CExportDialogController | Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the export dialog in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots |
CExternalApplicationManager | Executes a given application and keeps track if it is still running. Provides methods for stopping and restarting said application |
CExternalApplicationManagerDependency | |
CExternalApplicationManagerPropertyDefinitions | |
CExternalApplicationManagerStarter | |
CExternalCameraCalibration | |
CExtractedEdge | |
CFaceRecognition | Brief description of class FaceRecognition |
CFaceRecognitionPropertyDefinitions | |
►CFactory | |
CRegistrar | |
►CFactory2D | |
CRegistrar | |
CFactoryCollectionBase | |
CFactoryCollectionBaseCleanUp | |
CFakeWorkingMemoryObjectLocalizer | Brief description of class FakeWorkingMemoryObjectLocalizer |
CFakeWorkingMemoryObjectLocalizerPropertyDefinitions | |
CFeatureLearningGuiPlugin | FeatureLearningGuiPlugin brief description |
CFeatureLearningWidgetController | FeatureLearningWidgetController brief one line description |
CFeedforwardReflex | |
►CFileSystemPathBuilder | Helps to build a path via format strings: All format strings are of the form '{[^{}]+}' If the resulting path should contain the characters '{' or '}', they have to be replaced with '{LEFT CURLY}' and '{RIGHT CURLY}' |
CFormatStringOption | Replacer for a pattern |
CRegisterFormatStringOption | |
CFileTopicReader | |
CFileTopicWriter | |
CFilterDialog | |
CFilterKnownObjects | Brief description of class FilterKnownObjects |
CFinalState | This is the standard implementation of FinalStateBase |
CFinalStateBase | |
CFindAndGraspObjectContext | |
CFindAndGraspObjectContextProperties | |
CFiniteStateMachine | |
CFlyCaptureImageProvider | A brief description |
CFlyCaptureImageProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CFlyCaptureStereoCameraProvider | |
CForceTorqueHelper | |
CForceTorqueInfo | |
CForceTorqueObserver | Observer monitoring Force/Torque values |
CForceTorqueObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
CForceTorqueSimulationSensorDevice | |
►CForceTorqueSubUnit | |
CDeviceData | |
CForceTorqueUnit | The ForceTorqueUnit class |
CForceTorqueUnitDynamicSimulation | This unit connects to the physics simulator topic (default: "Simulator") and reports force torque values |
CForceTorqueUnitDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions | |
CForceTorqueUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CForceTorqueUnitSimulation | Simulates a set of Force/Torque sensors |
CForceTorqueUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions | |
CForwardPredictor | |
CFramedDirection | FramedDirection is a 3 dimensional direction vector with a reference frame. The reference frame can be used to change the coordinate system to which the vector relates. The difference to a FramedPosition is, that on frame changing only the orientation of the vector is changed. The length of the vector remains unchanged. This class is usefull e.g. for forces and tcp velocities |
CFramedOrientation | The FramedOrientation class |
CFramedOrientedPoint | |
CFramedPose | The FramedPose class |
CFramedPosition | The FramedPosition class |
CFrameTracking | Brief description of class FrameTracking |
CFrameTrackingComponentPluginUser | Provides a ready-to-use FrameTracking |
CFrameTrackingPropertyDefinitions | |
CFrequencyReporter | The FrequencyReporter class |
CFTSensorCalibrationGuiWidgetController | FTSensorCalibrationGuiWidgetController brief one line description |
CFunctionApproximator | Brief description of class FunctionApproximator |
CFunctionApproximatorPropertyDefinitions | |
CGamepadControlUnit | Brief description of class GamepadControlUnit |
CGamepadControlUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CGamepadUnit | Brief description of class GamepadUnit |
CGamepadUnitObserver | Observer monitoring @IMU sensor values |
CGamepadUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
CGamepadUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CGeneralPurposeMemory | Brief description of class GeneralPurposeMemory |
CGenericFactory | |
CGenericTopicSubscriber | |
CGlasbeyLUT | "Color lookup table consisting of 256 colors structured in a maximally discontinuous manner |
CGlobalCache | |
CGlobalRobotLocalizationSensorDevice | |
CGlobalRobotPoseCorrectionSensorDevice | |
CGlobalRobotPoseSensorDevice | |
CGlobalRobotPoseSimulationSensorDevice | |
CGraphics_view_zoom | |
CGraphvizConverter | |
CGraphvizLayout | |
CGraphvizLayoutedEdge | |
CGraphvizLayoutedGraph | |
CGraphvizLayoutedNode | |
Cgrasp_candidate_drawer | |
CGraspCandidateHelper | |
CGraspCandidateObserver | |
CGraspCandidateObserverComponentPluginUser | Provides a ready-to-use GraspCandidateObserver |
CGraspCandidateObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
CGraspCandidateViewerWidgetController | GraspCandidateViewerWidgetController brief one line description |
CGraspGeneratorComponentPluginUser | Provides a ready-to-use GraspGenerator |
►CGraspingManager | The GraspingManager class |
CGraspGenerator | |
CGraspingManagerRemoteStateOfferer | |
CGraspingPipeline | |
CGraspingManagerApp | A brief description |
CGraspingManagerPropertyDefinitions | |
CGraspingManagerTest | A brief description |
CGraspingManagerTestPropertyDefinitions | |
CGraspProviderExample | |
CGraspProviderExamplePropertyDefinitions | |
CGraspSelectionCriterionBase | |
CGraspSelectionCriterionPropertyDefinitions | |
CGraspSelectionManager | The GraspSelectionManager class |
CGraspSelectionManagerApp | |
CGraspSelectionManagerComponentPluginUser | Provides a ready-to-use GraspSelectionManager |
CGraspSelectionManagerPropertyDefinitions | |
►CGraspTrajectory | |
CKeypoint | |
CLength | |
CGraspTrajectoryKeypoint | |
CGreaterEqualPredicate | |
CGreaterPredicate | |
CGridFSFileEditorGuiPlugin | The GridFSFileEditorGuiPlugin offers the GridGSFileEditorWidgetController which allows to view files that are referenced in the prior knowledge |
CGridFSFileEditorWidgetController | This widget allows viewing files that are referenced in the prior knowledge database |
CGroupCloner | |
CGroupRenamer | |
CGroupXmlWriter | |
CGuiHealthClientGuiPlugin | GuiHealthClientGuiPlugin brief description |
CGuiHealthClientWidgetController | GuiHealthClientWidgetController brief one line description |
CGuiStatechartGroupXmlReader | |
CGuiTransition | Struct defining a transition which can be stored as QVariant in a QListWidgetItem |
CGuiUseCaseSelector | |
CGuiWaypoint | Struct which allows storing relevant data to display within a list widget item as QVariant |
CHandEyeCalibrationGuiPlugin | HandEyeCalibrationGuiPlugin brief description |
CHandEyeCalibrationWidgetController | HandEyeCalibrationWidgetController brief one line description |
CHandOverGroupStatechartContextExtension | |
CHandUnit | Base unit for high-level access to robot hands |
CHandUnitComponentPluginUser | Provides a ready-to-use HandUnit |
CHandUnitConfigDialog | |
CHandUnitDynamicSimulation | This unit connects to the physics simulator topic (default: "Simulator") and implements a HandUnit |
CHandUnitDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions | |
CHandUnitGuiPlugin | This plugin offers a widget witch which the HandUnit can be controlled |
CHandUnitPropertyDefinitions | Defines all necessary properties for armarx::HandUnit |
CHandUnitSimulation | Simulates a robot hand |
CHandUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions | Defines all necessary properties for armarx::HandUnitSimulation |
CHandUnitWidget | |
CHapticObserver | Observer monitoring haptic sensor values |
CHapticObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
CHapticSampleStatistics | |
CHapticUnit | The HapticUnit class |
CHapticUnitConfigDialog | |
CHapticUnitDynamicSimulation | |
CHapticUnitDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions | |
CHapticUnitGuiPlugin | |
CHapticUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CHapticUnitWidget | |
CHardwareIdentifierProvider | |
CHeadIKUnit | The HeadIKUnit class |
CHeadIKUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CHeartbeatMonitor | |
CHeterogenousContinuous2DContainer | |
CHeterogenousContinuousContainer | |
CHiddenTimedMutex | |
CHokuyoLaserScanDevice | |
CHokuyoLaserUnit | Brief description of class HokuyoLaserUnit |
CHokuyoLaserUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CHomogeneousMatrixCalculatorGuiPlugin | HomogeneousMatrixCalculatorGuiPlugin brief description |
CHomogeneousMatrixCalculatorWidgetController | HomogeneousMatrixCalculatorWidgetController brief one line description |
CHsvColorSegmentationGuiPlugin | HsvColorSegmentationGuiPlugin brief description |
CHsvColorSegmentationWidgetController | HsvColorSegmentationWidgetController brief one line description |
CHsvImageSegmentation | The HsvImageSegmentation class |
CHumanObstacleDetection | |
CIceBlobToObjectDeserializer | |
CIceGeneratedState | |
CIceGridModel | |
CIceGridViewer | |
►CIceManager | Simplified access to commonly used Ice features |
CImpl | |
CObjectEntry | |
►CIceProperties | IceProperties stores ice properties and resolves property inheritance |
CInheritanceSolver | |
CIcePropertyChangeCallback | |
CIceProxyFinder | |
►CIceProxyFinderBase | Convenient way to query online proxies in the ice network, i.e. registered with IceGrid |
CImpl | |
CIceProxyGuiPlugin | IceProxyGuiPlugin brief description |
CIceProxyWidgetController | IceProxyWidgetController brief one line description |
CIceReportSkipper | |
CIceSharedMemoryConsumer | |
CIceSharedMemoryProvider | |
CIceStateConverter | |
CIceTopicFinder | Queries and show all available topic registered with IceStorm |
CIEEE1394ImageProviderApp | |
CIKStats | |
►CImageKeypointBuffer | A brief description |
CImageKeypointTriple | |
CImageMaskPainterGuiPlugin | ImageMaskPainterGuiPlugin brief description |
CImageMaskPainterWidgetController | ImageMaskPainterWidgetController brief one line description |
CImageProviderDynamicSimulation | Image provider captures images from the simulator and broadcasts notifications at a specified frame rate |
CImageSequenceProviderApp | |
CImageSequenceProviderDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions | |
CImageSourceSelection | Brief description of class ImageSourceSelection |
CImageSourceSelectionPropertyDefinitions | |
CImageToPointCloud | Brief description of class ImageToPointCloud |
CImageToPointCloudPropertyDefinitions | |
CImportDialogController | Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the import dialog in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots |
CIMUSimulation | Brief description of class IMUSimulation |
CIMUSimulationPropertyDefinitions | |
CIMUSimulationSensorDevice | |
CIndexedQCheckBox | A check box with an index |
CIndexMemory | Brief description of class IndexMemory |
CInertialMeasurementSubUnit | |
CInertialMeasurementUnit | Base unit for IMU sensors |
CInertialMeasurementUnitObserver | Observer monitoring @IMU sensor values |
CInertialMeasurementUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
CInertialMeasurementUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CInfixCompleter | This class changes the standard QCompleter to an infix match completer |
CInfixFilterModel | This proxy model reimplements the filterAcceptsRow function with a new behavior: All elements that fit the filter string are shown alongside with all their parents as well as all their children |
CInstallConditionExample | |
CInstallConditionExampleApp | Application for testing armarx::InstallConditionExample |
CIntEnumWidget | |
►CInteractionObserver | |
CObservation | |
CInterpolationSegmentFactory | The InterpolationSegmentFactory class Utility Class used to easily create InterpolationSegments, so that every Interpolation can be threated the same An Interpolation produced by this factory always has exactly two Waypoints and is defined between 0 and 1 With 0 being the starting pose and 1 being the end pose |
CInterval | |
CItemZoomer | |
CIteratorRange | |
CJointAndNJointControllers | Structure used by the RobotUnit to swap lists of Joint and NJoint controllers |
CJointController | One joint in one control mode |
CJointControllerTemplate | |
CJointIK | |
►CJointSimulationDevice | |
CJointSimController | |
CJointSimControllerBase | |
CJointVelocityRamp | |
CJoystick | |
CJoystickControlWidget | Provides a simple joystick control |
CJoystickControlWidgetQGraphicsView | Provides the coordinates of mouse events through signals |
CJPathNavigator | |
CJsonArray | |
CJsonData | |
CJsonObject | |
CJSONObject | Used to represent and (de)serialize JSON objects |
CJsonStorage | |
CJsonStorageComponentPluginUser | |
CJsonStoragePropertyDefinitions | |
CJsonStorageRetrievedValue | |
CJSONTreeModel | |
CJsonValue | |
CJsonWriter | |
CKBMComponent | Wrapper for the KBM class |
CKBMComponentPropertyDefinitions | |
CKeyboardPlatformHookWidget | |
CKeypoint | |
CKeypointManager | A brief description |
CKeypointObject | |
CKeyValueVector | This class is pretty much similar to a map |
CKinectV1PointCloudProviderApp | |
CKinectV2PointCloudProviderApp | |
CKinematicSelfLocalization | Brief description of class KinematicSelfLocalization |
CKinematicSelfLocalizationPropertyDefinitions | |
CKinematicSolver | Realizes the Singleton-Pattern, Provides Methods to solve Kinematic Problems (forward and inverse) |
►CKinematicSubUnit | |
CActuatorData | |
►CKinematicsWorld | Encapsulates the kinemtics simulation and the corresponding data. All real physics simulation is either approximated through simple kinemtics or disabled |
CKinematicRobotInfo | |
CKinematicUnit | The KinematicUnit class |
CKinematicUnitComponentPluginUser | Provides a ready-to-use KinematicUnit |
CKinematicUnitConfigDialog | |
CKinematicUnitDatafieldCreator | |
CKinematicUnitDynamicSimulation | This component implements the KinemticUnit with access to a physics simulator. The Simulator is quried through the simulator interface and connects to the simulator topic with name "ArmarXPhysicsWorld" |
CKinematicUnitDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions | |
CKinematicUnitGuiPlugin | This plugin provides a generic widget showing position and velocity of all joints. Optionally a 3d robot model can be visualized |
CKinematicUnitHelper | |
CKinematicUnitObserver | Observer monitoring kinematic sensor and actor values |
CKinematicUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
CKinematicUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CKinematicUnitSimulation | Simulates robot kinematics |
CKinematicUnitSimulationJointInfo | |
CKinematicUnitSimulationJointState | State of a joint |
CKinematicUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions | |
CKinematicUnitWidgetController | |
CKITHandUnit | Brief description of class KITHandUnit |
CKITHandUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CKITProstheticHandObserver | Brief description of class KITProstheticHandObserver |
CKITProstheticHandObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
CKITProstheticHandUnit | Brief description of class KITProstheticHandUnit |
CKITProstheticHandUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CKLGImageProvider | Brief description of class KLGImageProvider |
CKLGImageProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CLaserScanData | |
CLaserScannerObstacleDetection | |
CLaserScannerPluginGuiPlugin | LaserScannerPluginGuiPlugin brief description |
CLaserScannerPluginWidgetController | LaserScannerPluginWidgetController brief one line description |
CLaserScannerPointCloudProvider | Brief description of class LaserScannerPointCloudProvider |
CLaserScannerPointCloudProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CLaserScannerSelfLocalisation | The class LaserScannerSelfLocalisation implements a self localisation strategy |
CLaserScannerSelfLocalisationGuiPlugin | LaserScannerSelfLocalisationGuiPlugin brief description |
CLaserScannerSelfLocalisationPropertyDefinitions | |
CLaserScannerSelfLocalisationWidgetController | LaserScannerSelfLocalisationWidgetController brief one line description |
CLaserScannerUnitObserver | Observer monitoring laser scanner values |
CLaserScannerUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
CLayerInfoTree | Manages the layer info QTreeWidget |
CLayoutBuilder | |
CLayoutController | |
CLayoutThread | |
CLayoutWorker | |
CLayoutWorkerCreator | |
CLegacyRGBDOpenPoseEstimation | |
CLengthScaling | |
CLessEqualPredicate | |
CLessPredicate | |
CLexerInfo | |
CLightweightRemoteGuiComponentPluginUser | |
CLinearInterpolation | Linear Interpolation between a series of control points Linear means that the position is calcualed by a function with the Form a + time * b (with a and b as three-dimensional Vectors) |
CLines | |
CLineSegment2Df | |
CLinkedDirection | The LinkedDirection class |
CLinkedPose | The LinkedPose class |
CLiteral | |
►CLiteralImpl | LiteralImpls are the basic elements for defining conditional expressions |
CImpl | |
CLoadObjectsIntoMemoryGuiPlugin | LoadObjectsIntoMemoryGuiPlugin brief description |
CLoadObjectsIntoMemoryWidgetController | LoadObjectsIntoMemoryWidgetController brief one line description |
CLocalizationSubUnit | |
CLocalizationUnit | |
CLocalTimeServer | A local time server that gets its time from the MasterTimeServer |
CLockableGraph | The LockableGraph struct allows for easy locking of a graphviz graph and its components |
CLogging | Base Class for all Logging classes |
CLoggingPlugin | The LoggingPlugin provides a log viewer widget |
CLogMessageDelegate | |
►CLogSender | Wrapper for the Log IceStorm topic with convenience methods for logging |
CImpl | |
CLogTable | |
CLogTableModel | |
CLogTag | |
CLogViewer | |
CLongtermMemoryApp | |
CLookAtClickGuiPlugin | LookAtClickGuiPlugin brief description |
CLookAtClickWidgetController | LookAtClickWidgetController brief one line description |
►CManagedIceObject | The ManagedIceObject is the base class for all ArmarX objects |
CImpl | |
CManagedIceObjectDependency | Part of the ManagedIceObjectConnectivity |
CManagedIceObjectItem | |
CManagedIceObjectPlugin | |
CManagedIceObjectRegistryInterface | The registery interface is implemented by ArmarXManagers |
CManagedObstacle | |
CManipulatorVisualization | |
CMapTreeWidgetBuilder | A class to efficiently build and maintain sorted items of QTreeWidget or QTreeWidgetItem based on a map matching the intended structure |
CMarkdownEditor | The MarkdownEditor is a widget that provides editing of raw text and viewing of processed markdown text to html. The widget has a view mode (default and read only) which displays to html converted markdown text like a internet browser and an edit mode that show the raw markdown text, which can be edited. The mode can be toggled with the Edit button. Raw markdown text can be inserted with the the setPlainText() function and retrieved with the toPlainText() function |
CMaskFilterPointCloudProcessor | Brief description of class MaskFilterPointCloudProcessor |
CMaskFilterPointCloudProcessorPropertyDefinitions | |
CMaskRobotInImage | A brief description |
CMatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget | |
CMatrixDisplayWidget | |
CMatrixDouble | The MatrixDouble class |
CMatrixFloat | The MatrixFloat class |
CMementoController | Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the undo and redo buttons on the user interface. Communicates with other controllers to realize the memento pattern |
Cmemory | Brief description of class memory |
CMemoryUsage | |
CMessageDisplayComponentPluginUser | |
CMessageDisplayPluginGuiPlugin | MessageDisplayPluginGuiPlugin brief description |
CMessageDisplayPluginWidgetController | MessageDisplayPluginWidgetController brief one line description |
CMetaClass | |
CMetaEnum | |
CMetaWearIMU | Brief description of class MetaWearIMU |
CMetaWearIMUObserver | |
CMetaWearIMUObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
CMetaWearIMUPropertyDefinitions | |
CMetaWriter | |
►CMinJerkPositionController | |
CFixedMinJerkState | |
COutput | |
CState | |
CMMMExporter | Exports instances of the DesignerTrajectory class to .xml-files in MMM format |
CMMMImporter | Imports instances of the DesignerTrajectory class from a file in MMM format |
CMMMPlayer | The MMMPlayer class |
CMMMPlayerConfigDialog | |
CMMMPlayerGuiPlugin | This plugin provides a widget with which the MMMPlayer can be controlled |
CMMMPlayerPropertyDefinitions | |
CMMMPlayerWidget | With this widget the MMMPlayer can be controlled |
CMMMSimulation | The MMMSimulation class |
CMMMSimulationPropertyDefinitions | |
CMorphingItem | |
CMotionData | |
CMotionFileWrapper | |
CMotionMemory | |
CMotionPlanningMultiPathTaskCI | |
CMotionPlanningMultiPathWithCostTaskCI | |
CMotionPlanningPlugin | The MotionPlanningPlugin offers the widgets SimoxCSpaceVisualizer and MotionPlanningServer |
►CMotionPlanningServer | |
CTaskAndRemoteHandle | |
CMotionPlanningServerConfigDialog | The config dialog of the palnning server gui |
CMotionPlanningServerPropertyDefinitions | Properties for a MotionPlanningServerComponent |
CMotionPlanningServerTaskList | |
CMotionPlanningServerWidgetController | |
CMotionPlanningTask | |
CMotionPlanningTaskCI | |
CMotionPlanningTaskWithDefaultMembers | |
CMotionPlanningWithCostTaskCI | |
IMPPoolInterface | |
CMujocoPhysicsWorld | Encapsulates the whole physics simulation and the corresponding data |
CMultiDimPIDControllerTemplate | |
CMultiHandUnit | Brief description of class MultiHandUnit |
CMultiHandUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CMultiImageProvider | Brief description of class MultiImageProvider |
CMultiImageProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CMultiNodeRapidXMLReader | |
CMultipleComponentsApplication | Do not use! Use armarx::runMultipleComponentsApp() |
CMultiProfileDefaultValueEditWidget | |
CMultiSensePointCloudProvider | Brief description of class MultiSensePointCloudProvider |
CMultiSensePointCloudProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CMultiViewPointCloudProcessor | Brief description of class MultiViewPointCloudProcessor |
CNames | |
Cnatik | Brief description of class natik |
►CNaturalDiffIK | |
CIKStep | |
CParameters | |
CResult | |
CNaturalGraspFilter | |
CNaturalGraspFilterPropertyDefinitions | |
►CNaturalIK | The NaturalIK class |
CArmJoints | |
CParameters | |
CSoechtingAngles | |
CSoechtingForwardPositions | |
CNaturalIKComponentPluginUser | Provides a ready-to-use NaturalIK |
CNaturalIKProvider | |
►CNaturalIKTest | Brief description of class NaturalIKTest |
CGuiParams | |
CGuiSideParams | |
CNaturalIKTestPropertyDefinitions | |
CNJointAdaptiveWipingControllerConfig | |
INJointAdaptiveWipingControllerInterface | |
CNJointAnomalyDetectionAdaptiveWipingControllerConfig | |
INJointAnomalyDetectionAdaptiveWipingControllerInterface | |
CNJointBimanualCartesianAdmittanceControllerConfig | |
INJointBimanualCartesianAdmittanceControllerInterface | |
CNJointBimanualCCDMPController | |
CNJointBimanualCCDMPControllerConfig | |
CNJointBimanualCCDMPControllerControlData | |
INJointBimanualCCDMPControllerInterface | |
CNJointBimanualCCDMPVelocityControllerConfig | |
INJointBimanualCCDMPVelocityControllerInterface | |
CNJointBimanualForceControllerConfig | |
INJointBimanualForceControllerInterface | |
CNJointBimanualForceMPControllerConfig | |
INJointBimanualForceMPControllerInterface | |
CNJointBimanualObjLevelControllerConfig | |
INJointBimanualObjLevelControllerInterface | |
CNJointBimanualObjLevelMultiMPControllerConfig | |
INJointBimanualObjLevelMultiMPControllerInterface | |
CNJointBimanualObjLevelVelControllerConfig | |
INJointBimanualObjLevelVelControllerInterface | |
CNJointCartesianNaturalPositionController | The NJointCartesianNaturalPositionController class |
CNJointCartesianTorqueController | The NJointCartesianTorqueController class |
CNJointCartesianTorqueControllerControlData | |
CNJointCartesianVelocityController | The NJointCartesianVelocityController class |
CNJointCartesianVelocityControllerControlData | |
CNJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp | The NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp class |
CNJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRampControlData | |
CNJointCartesianWaypointController | The NJointCartesianWaypointController class |
CNJointCCDMPControllerConfig | |
INJointCCDMPControllerInterface | |
CNJointControllerBase | A high level controller writing its results into ControlTargets |
CNJointControllerClassesWidget | |
CNJointControllerClassesWidgetEntry | |
CNJointControllerGuiPluginBase | |
CNJointControllerRegistration | |
CNJointControllerRegistryEntry | |
CNJointControllersWidget | |
CNJointControllersWidgetEntry | |
CNJointControllersWidgetRemoteFunction | |
CNJointControllerWithTripleBuffer | |
CNJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionController | The NJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionController class |
CNJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionControllerConfig | |
CNJointHolonomicPlatformGlobalPositionControllerTarget | |
CNJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionController | The NJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionController class |
CNJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionControllerConfig | |
CNJointHolonomicPlatformRelativePositionControllerTarget | |
CNJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController | The NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController class |
CNJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughControllerConfig | |
CNJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerControlData | |
CNJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerInterface | |
CNJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerWithRamp | |
CNJointHolonomicPlatformVelocityControllerWithRampConfig | |
CNJointJointSpaceDMPControllerConfig | |
INJointJointSpaceDMPControllerInterface | |
►CNJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController | The NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController class |
Cptr_wrapper | |
CNJointKinematicUnitPassThroughControllerConfig | |
CNJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantControllerConfig | |
INJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantControllerInterface | |
CNJointPeriodicTSDMPControllerConfig | |
INJointPeriodicTSDMPControllerInterface | |
CNJointTaskSpaceAdaptiveDMPControllerConfig | |
INJointTaskSpaceAdaptiveDMPControllerInterface | |
CNJointTaskSpaceDMPControllerConfig | |
INJointTaskSpaceDMPControllerInterface | |
CNJointTaskSpaceImpedanceController | Brief description of class NJointTaskSpaceImpedanceController |
CNJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPControllerConfig | |
INJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPControllerInterface | |
CNJointTCPController | The NJointTCPController class |
CNJointTCPControllerConfig | |
CNJointTCPControllerControlData | |
CNJointTrajectoryController | The NJointTrajectoryController class |
CNJointTrajectoryControllerControlData | |
CNormalFeature | |
CNoUserCodeState | |
CObjectFinder | Used to find objects in the ArmarX objects repository [1] (formerly [2]) |
CObjectID | A known object ID of the form "Dataset/ClassName" or "Dataset/ClassName/InstanceName" |
CObjectInfo | Accessor for the object files |
CObjectInstanceToIndex | Brief description of class ObjectInstanceToIndex |
CObjectLocalizationRequesterGuiPlugin | ObjectLocalizationRequesterGuiPlugin brief description |
CObjectLocalizationRequesterWidgetController | ObjectLocalizationRequesterWidgetController brief one line description |
CObjectLocalizationSaliency | Brief description of class ObjectLocalizationSaliency |
CObjectLocalizationSaliencyPropertyDefinitions | |
CObjectLocalizerDynamicSimulation | This component connects to the ArmarX Simulator and reports object poses from the physics world. By default it uses the simulator topic with name "Simulator" |
CObjectLocalizerDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions | |
CObjectMemoryEditor | |
CObjectPoseClientExample | Brief description of class ObjectPoseClientExample |
CObjectPoseClientPluginUser | Provides an objpose::ObjectPoseTopicPrx objectPoseTopic as member variable |
CObjectPoseGuiPlugin | ObjectPoseGuiPlugin brief description |
CObjectPoseGuiWidgetController | ObjectPoseGuiWidgetController brief one line description |
CObjectPoseProviderExample | Brief description of class ObjectPoseProviderExample |
CObjectPoseProviderPluginUser | Provides an objpose::ObjectPoseTopicPrx objectPoseTopic as member variable |
CObjectToCompressedIceBlobSerializer | |
CObjectToIceBlobSerializer | |
►CObserver | Baseclass for all ArmarX Observers |
►CImpl | |
CFilterData | |
CFilterQueueData | |
CWorkerUpdate | |
CObserverGuiPlugin | The ObserverGuiPlugin provides a widget that displays all available observers |
CObserverItemModel | |
CObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
CObserverWidget | |
CObserverWidgetController | |
CObstacleAvoidingPlatformUnit | |
►CObstacleAvoidingPlatformUnitHelper | |
CConfig | |
CTarget | |
CObstacleAwarePlatformUnit | |
COccupancyGrid | |
COccupancyGridHelper | |
COKR | |
COpenCVImageStabilizer | Brief description of class OpenCVImageStabilizer |
COpenCVImageStabilizerPropertyDefinitions | |
COpenNIImageProviderApp | |
COpenNIPointCloudProviderApp | |
COpenPose3DListenerImpl | |
►COpenPoseAdapter | |
COpenPoseSettings | |
COpenPoseEstimation | Brief description of class OpenPoseEstimation |
COpenPoseEstimationComponentPluginUser | |
COpenPoseEstimationPropertyDefinitions | |
COpenPoseSimulation | |
COpenPoseSimulationPropertyDefinitions | |
COpenRecentlyOpenedFileAction | |
COperation | |
COperationAnd | |
COperationNot | |
COperationOr | |
COpticalFlow | Brief description of class OpticalFlow |
COpticalFlowPropertyDefinitions | |
COptionalEdit | |
COptoForce | Brief description of class OptoForce |
COptoForcePropertyDefinitions | |
COptoForceUnit | Brief description of class OptoForceUnit |
COptoForceUnitObserver | Observer monitoring @IMU sensor values |
COptoForceUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
COptoForceUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
COrientationConversion | |
COrientedPoint | |
►COrientedTactileSensorUnit | ArmarX wrapper for an arduino due with one BNO055 IMU and one BMP280 pressure sensor |
CAccelerationRate | |
CCalibrationData | |
CLinAccRate | |
CPressureRate | |
CRotationRate | |
CSensorData | |
COrientedTactileSensorUnitObserver | Observer monitoring @IMU sensor values |
COrientedTactileSensorUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
COrientedTactileSensorUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CPackageFileLocation | |
CPackageNotFoundException | |
CPackagePath | |
CParameter | |
CParameterMapping | This class maps parameters from several source dictionaries to one input dictionary. The mapping depends on an instance of ParameterMappingIceBase, in which the mapping is specified.
CParameterMappingObjectFactory | |
CParameterTableItem | |
CParseResult | |
CPathFactory | Creates a Simox VirtualRobot::Path from a set of nodes representing joint angles and a maximum deviation parameter |
►CPathPlanner | The PathPlanner class |
CCollisionObjectData | |
CPathPlannerPropertyDefinitions | Holds properties for PathPlanner |
CPDController | |
CPeriodicTask | |
CPeriodicUpdateWidget | |
CPIDController | |
CPingLoadTest | Brief description of class PingLoadTest |
CPingLoadTestPropertyDefinitions | |
►CPlaceholderState | |
CPlaceholder | |
CPlannedMotionProvider | Brief description of class PlannedMotionProvider |
CPlannedMotionProviderComponentPluginUser | Provides a ready-to-use PlannedMotionProvider |
CPlannedMotionProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CPlatformContext | |
CPlatformContextProperties | |
►CPlatformSimulationDevice | |
CJointEmergencyStopController | |
CJointStopMovementController | |
CJointVelocityController | |
CPlatformSubUnit | |
CPlatformUnit | The PlatformUnit class |
CPlatformUnitComponentPluginUser | Provides a ready-to-use PlatformUnit |
CPlatformUnitConfigDialog | |
CPlatformUnitDatafieldCreator | |
CPlatformUnitDynamicSimulation | This unit connects to the physics simulator topic (default: "Simulator") and handles platform movements |
CPlatformUnitGuiPlugin | This plugin provides a widget with which the PlatformUnit can be controlled |
CPlatformUnitObserver | Observer monitoring platform-related sensor values |
CPlatformUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
CPlatformUnitPropertyDefinitions | Defines all necessary properties for armarx::PlatformUnit |
CPlatformUnitSimulation | Simulates a robot platform |
CPlatformUnitWidget | |
CPlotterController | |
CPlotterPluginGuiPlugin | PlotterPluginGuiPlugin brief description |
CPluginCache | |
CPluginData | |
CPoint2D | |
CPointCloudRecorder | Brief description of class PointCloudRecorder |
CPointCloudRecorderPropertyDefinitions | |
CPointCloudUtility | Brief description of class PointCloudUtility |
CPointCloudUtilityPropertyDefinitions | |
CPointCloudVisualization | |
CPointCloudVisualizationConfigDialog | |
CPointCloudVisualizationGuiPlugin | PointCloudVisualizationGuiPlugin brief description |
CPointCloudVisualizationWidgetController | PointCloudVisualizationWidgetController brief one line description |
►CPolygon2D | |
CPoint | |
CPose | The Pose class |
CPoseStamped | |
CPoseWidget | |
►CPositionControllerHelper | |
CNullspaceOptimizationArgs | |
CPositionThroughVelocityControllerWithAccelerationAndPositionBounds | |
CPositionThroughVelocityControllerWithAccelerationBounds | |
CPositionThroughVelocityControllerWithAccelerationBoundsAndPeriodicPosition | |
►CPositionThroughVelocityControllerWithAccelerationRamps | |
COutput | |
CPostprocessingMotionPlanningTask | |
CPrimitiveExtractionConfigDialog | |
CPrimitiveExtractionGuiPlugin | PrimitiveExtractionGuiPlugin brief description |
CPrimitiveExtractionParameterTuning | Brief description of class PrimitiveExtractionParameterTuning |
CPrimitiveExtractionParameterTuningPropertyDefinitions | |
CPrimitiveExtractionWidgetController | PrimitiveExtractionWidgetController brief one line description |
CPrimitiveExtractor | A brief description |
CPrimitiveExtractorPropertyDefinitions | |
CPrimitiveFilter | A brief description |
CPrimitiveFusion | A brief description |
CPrimitiveVisualization | Brief description of class PrimitiveVisualization |
CPrimitiveVisualizationPropertyDefinitions | |
CPriorKnowledgeApp | |
CPriorKnowledgeImporterApp | |
CPrivateXmlStateClass | |
CProcessWatcher | Instantiated once in each armarx::Application an monitors thread, CPU, and memory utilization |
CProfileDefaultValueEditWidget | |
CProfilerObserver | |
CProgressbarDelegate | |
CPropagateConst | Wrapper for a pointer to propagate const to the pointed to value |
CPropertiesWidget | |
CProperty | Provides access to Ice properties with extended capabilities |
CPropertyDefinition | PropertyDefinition defines a property that will be available within the PropertyUser |
CPropertyDefinitionBase | Common interface of any property definition |
CPropertyDefinitionBriefHelpFormatter | PropertyDefinitionBriefHelpFormatter |
CPropertyDefinitionConfigFormatter | PropertyDefinitionConfigFormatter |
CPropertyDefinitionContainer | PropertyDefinitionContainer |
CPropertyDefinitionContainerBriefHelpFormatter | PropertyDefinitionContainerBriefHelpFormatter |
CPropertyDefinitionContainerFormatter | PropertyDefinitionContainerFormatter |
CPropertyDefinitionDoxygenComponentPagesFormatter | PropertyDefinitionDoxygenComponentPagesFormatter creates doxygen output with an own group for every component |
CPropertyDefinitionDoxygenFormatter | PropertyDefinitionDoxygenFormatter creates doxygen output |
CPropertyDefinitionFormatter | PropertyDefinitionFormatter is the base class for all formatters of PropertyDefinitions |
CPropertyDefinitionHelpFormatter | PropertyDefinitionHelpFormatter |
CPropertyDefinitionXmlFormatter | PropertyDefinitionXmlFormatter |
CPropertyEditingDelegate | |
►CPropertyUser | Abstract PropertyUser class |
CImpl | |
IProsthesisInterface | |
IProsthesisListenerInterface | |
SProsthesisMotorValues | |
CProxyDependency | Part of the ManagedIceObjectConnectivity |
CProxyDependencyFactory | |
CProxyPropertyDefinition | |
CProxyPropertyDefinitionBase | |
►CPythonApplicationManager | Replaces some parts of the ExternalApplicationManager to be more suitable for python scripts |
CPaths | |
CProperties | |
CQPainterWidget | |
CQuaternion | The Quaternion class |
CQuaternionWidget | |
CRampedAccelerationVelocityControllerConfiguration | |
CRangeValueDelegate | |
CRapidXmlReader | |
CRapidXmlReaderNode | |
CRapidXmlWriter | |
CRapidXmlWriterNode | |
CRCImageProvider | Brief description of class RCImageProvider |
CRCImageProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CReflex | |
CReflexCombination | Brief description of class ReflexCombination |
CReflexCombinationPropertyDefinitions | |
CRegExpValidatedInputDialog | This class is similar to the QInputDialog, but offers the possibility to specify a regex as input validation |
CRegisterComponent | A class performing component registration on its construction |
CRegisteredTimer | |
►CRegistrar | Stores key object pairs |
CRegisterElement | Registers the object passed to the constructor |
CRemoteAccessableState | |
CRemoteAccessableStateApp | Application for testing armarx::RemoteAccessableState |
CRemoteGuiComponentPluginUser | |
CRemoteGuiExample2 | Brief description of class RemoteGuiExample2 |
CRemoteGuiPlugin | RemoteGuiPlugin shows dynamically created widgets for quick visualization and configuration |
CRemoteGuiProvider | Brief description of class RemoteGuiProvider |
CRemoteGuiProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CRemoteGuiWidgetController | RemoteGuiWidgetController brief one line description |
CRemoteHandle | The RemoteHandle class wrapps a ClientSideRemoteHandleControlBlock and can be used just as a Ice proxy |
►CRemoteHandleControlBlock | The RemoteHandleControlBlock is the equivalent of the std::shared_ptr's contol_block for a remote handle |
CManagementData | Returned by a call to RemoteHandleControlBlock::create |
►CRemoteObjectNode | |
CIceObjectIdentityAndPrx | |
CManagedIceObjectPtrAndPrx | |
CRemoteObjectNodePropertyDefinitions | Properties for a RemoteObjectNodeComponent |
CRemoteReferenceCountControlBlock | |
CRemoteReferenceCountControlBlock< FunctionType, void > | |
CRemoteReferenceCountControlBlockManager | |
CRemoteReferenceCounter | |
CRemoteRobot | Mimics the behaviour of the VirtualRobot::Robot class while redirecting everything to an Ice proxy |
CRemoteRobotNode | Mimics the behaviour of robot nodes while redirecting everything to Ice proxies |
CRemoteRobotNodeInitializer | RemoteRobotNodeInitializer is used to initialize the robot node for a given node type |
CRemoteState | This Statetype is used to create a state instance that represents a state that is located in another application. It is added in a parent state by calling State::addRemoteState(statename, proxyname).
If a RemoteState is entered for the first time, it creates automatically a new instance at the remotely located RemoteStateOfferer that contains the real state. The RemoteState receives upon creation of the new real-state instance an unique id of this state for further communication.
This id is automatically used in the onBreak- and onExit-functions, to communicate with the correct state.
Except the state creation-call (which should return immediately) all remote procedure calls are async calls |
CRemoteStateObjectFactory | |
CRemoteStateOfferer | Class that holds states, which offer functionality for other states over Ice |
►CRemoteStateOffererBase | |
CRemoteStateData | |
CRemoteStateWrapper | |
CRenameGroupDialog | |
CRenameStateDialog | |
CReportedVelocity | |
CResultImageFuser | A brief description |
CResultImageFuserPropertyDefinitions | |
CRGBDOpenPoseEstimationComponentPluginUser | |
CRGBDPoseEstimationWithMemoryWriter | |
CRGBFeature | |
CRobotArm | |
CRobotControl | RobotControl is used for dynamically loading and starting robot programs |
CRobotControlContextProperties | |
CRobotControlUI | |
CRobotDefinition | |
CRobotHandLocalizationDynamicSimulation | RobotHandLocalizationDynamicSimulation queries the armarx simulator for the current poses of the hand/TCP coordinate systems of the robot |
CRobotHandLocalizationDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions | |
CRobotHandLocalizationWithFingertipsApp | |
CRobotHealth | Brief description of class RobotHealth |
CRobotHealthDummy | Brief description of class RobotHealthDummy |
CRobotHealthDummyPropertyDefinitions | |
CRobotIK | Refer to RobotIK |
CRobotIKGuiPlugin | |
CRobotIKPropertyDefinitions | |
CRobotIKWidgetController | |
CRobotInfo | |
►CRobotNameHelper | |
CNode | |
CRobotNameService | Brief description of class RobotNameService |
CRobotNameServiceComponentPluginUser | |
►CRobotPlacement | |
CPlacementParams | |
CResult | |
CRobotPlacementComponentPluginUser | Provides a ready-to-use RobotPlacement |
CRobotPool | This class holds a pool of local VirtualRobots for multi threaded applications that can be requested by the user |
CRobotPoseUnit | The RobotPoseUnit class |
CRobotPoseUnitDynamicSimulation | This unit connects to the physics simulator topic (default: "Simulator") and handles RobotPose movements |
CRobotPoseUnitDynamicSimulationPropertyDefinitions | Moves the robot around. Currently only position control is implemented |
CRobotPoseUnitPropertyDefinitions | Defines all necessary properties for armarx::RobotPoseUnit |
CRobotPreInitialized | Robot is in the state preinitialized |
CRobotStatechartContext | |
CRobotStatechartContextProperties | |
CRobotStatechartHelpers | Brief description of class RobotStatechartHelpers |
CRobotStateComponent | The RobotStateComponent class |
CRobotStateComponentApp | Application for testing armarx::RobotStateComponent |
CRobotStateComponentPluginUser | |
CRobotStateObserver | ArmarX RobotStateObserver |
CRobotStateObserverPropertyDefinitions | RobotStatePropertyDefinition Property Definitions |
CRobotStatePropertyDefinitions | |
CRobotToArViz | Brief description of class RobotToArViz |
CRobotToArVizPropertyDefinitions | Property definitions of RobotToArViz |
CRobotTrajectoryDesignerGuiPluginGuiPlugin | RobotTrajectoryDesignerGuiPluginGuiPlugin brief description |
CRobotTrajectoryDesignerGuiPluginWidgetController | Main controller of the GUI plugin, handling all other subcontrollers. Detailed description |
CRobotUnit | Manages a robot and its controllers |
CRobotUnitComponentPluginUser | Provides a ready-to-use RobotUnit |
►CRobotUnitDataStreamingReceiver | Brief description of class RobotUnitDataStreamingReceiver |
CDataEntryReader | |
CRobotUnitObserver | |
CRobotUnitObserverComponentPluginUser | Provides a ready-to-use RobotUnitObserver |
CRobotUnitPluginGuiPlugin | RobotUnitPluginGuiPlugin brief description |
CRobotUnitPluginWidgetController | RobotUnitPluginWidgetController brief one line description |
CRobotUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CRobotUnitSimulation | Brief description of class RobotUnitSimulation |
CRobotUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions | |
CRobotUnitSubUnit | |
CRobotUnitWidgetBase | |
CRobotUnitWidgetTemplateBase | |
CRobotViewer | |
CRobotViewerGuiPlugin | This plugin provides a generic widget showing a 3D model of the robot. The robot is articulated and moved according to the corresponding RemoteRobot. Further, DebugDrawer methods are available |
CRobotViewerWidget | |
CRobotViewerWidgetController | |
CRobotVisualization | |
CRobotVisualizationController | The RobotVisualizationController A Controller to control the visualization of the robot |
CRobotVisualizationWidget | The RobotVisualizationWidget class Holds the original viewer and reproduces it tosupport parallel views |
CRobotWidget | |
Crooms | Brief description of class rooms |
CRTABMapRegistration | A brief description |
CRTABMapRegistrationPropertyDefinitions | |
CRTThreadTimingsSensorDevice | |
CRTThreadTimingsSensorDeviceImpl | |
CRunningTask | |
►CRunningTaskBase | |
CImpl | |
CRunningTaskModel | |
CSampler | Stores a distribution and a generator |
CScaledCSpace | Takes an other cspace and scales its' dimensions |
CScenarioCli | |
CScenarioManagerCliOptions | |
CScenarioManagerGuiPlugin | ScenarioManagerGuiPlugin brief description |
CScenarioManagerWidgetController | ScenarioManagerWidgetController brief one line description |
CSceneEditor | SceneEditor brief description |
CSceneModifier | |
CSceneModifierPropertyDefinitions | |
CSceneOverview | |
CScheduledTask | |
CScopedStopWatch | |
CSelectableImageViewer | A clickable, i.e. selectable, visionx::ImageViewerArea |
CSelfLocalization | The SelfLocalization class |
CSelfLocalizationDynamicSimulation | SelfLocalizationDynamicSimulation uses the armarx simulator to retrieve thre current psoe of the robot and reports it to the agent layer |
CSemanticGraphEdgeItem | |
CSemanticGraphExample | Brief description of class SemanticGraphExample |
CSemanticGraphExamplePropertyDefinitions | Property definitions of SemanticGraphExample |
CSemanticGraphGlobalItem | |
CSemanticGraphStorage | Brief description of class SemanticGraphStorage |
CSemanticGraphStorageComponentPluginUser | |
CSemanticGraphStoragePropertyDefinitions | |
CSemanticGraphVertexItem | |
CSemanticRelationAnalyzer | Brief description of class SemanticRelationAnalyzer |
CSemanticRelationAnalyzerPropertyDefinitions | |
CSemanticRelationViewerGuiPlugin | SemanticRelationViewerGuiPlugin brief description |
CSemanticRelationViewerWidgetController | SemanticRelationViewerWidgetController brief one line description |
CSensorActorPlugin | The SensorActorWidgetPlugin offers the widgets Plotter and TCPMover |
CSensorActorUnit | Base Class for SensorActorUnits |
CSensorDevice | This class represents some part of the robot providing sensor values |
CSensorDevicesWidget | |
CSensorDevicesWidgetEntry | |
CSensorDeviceTemplate | |
CSensorValue1DoFActuator | |
CSensorValue1DoFActuatorStatus | |
CSensorValue1DoFInverseDynamicsTorque | |
CSensorValue1DoFRealActuator | |
CSensorValue1DoFRealActuatorWithStatus | |
CSensorValueBase | The SensorValueBase class |
CSensorValueBattery | |
CSensorValueDummy | |
CSensorValueForceTorque | |
CSensorValueGlobalPoseCorrection | The pose correction to obtain the robot's global pose |
CSensorValueGlobalRobotPose | |
CSensorValueHolonomicPlatform | |
CSensorValueHolonomicPlatformAcceleration | |
CSensorValueHolonomicPlatformRelativePosition | The robot's position relative to its initial pose when starting the robot unit based on odometry information |
CSensorValueHolonomicPlatformVelocity | |
CSensorValueIMU | |
CSensorValueRTThreadTimings | |
CServiceProvider | |
CSetSupportPointDialog | |
CSettingController | Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the setting tab in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots |
►CSharedMemoryConsumer | |
CWrapper | |
►CSharedMemoryProvider | |
CWrapper | |
CSharedObjectBase | The base class for remote objects on the ice server |
CSharedRemoteHandleState | This holds the shared state of all RemoteHandleControlBlocks for one armarx manager |
CSharedRobotNodeServant | Remote representation of a Simox VirtualRobot::Robot |
CSharedRobotServant | The SharedRobotNodeServant class is a remote represenation of a Simox VirtualRobot::Robot |
CShortcutController | |
CShoulderAngles | |
CSide | |
CSimMJCF | |
►CSimoxCSpace | The SimoxCSpace contains a set of stationary obstacles and an agent |
CAgentData | Contains information about an agent |
►CSimoxCSpaceVisualizerWidgetController | |
CPathData | |
CSimoxCSpaceWith2DPose | Similar to armarx::SimoxCSpace, but prepends dimensions for translation in x and y and a rotation around z |
CSimoxCSpaceWith3DPose | Similar to armarx::SimoxCSpace, but prepends dimensions for translation in x, y and z and rotations around x, y and z |
CSimoxSceneImporterApp | |
Csimple_state_machine | |
►CSimpleConfigDialog | A config-dialog containing one (or multiple) proxy finders |
CEntryData | |
►CSimpleDiffIK | |
CIKStep | |
CParameters | |
CReachability | |
CResult | |
CSimpleDiffIKProvider | |
CSimpleEpisodicMemoryKinematicUnitConnector | |
CSimpleEpisodicMemoryPlatformUnitConnector | |
CSimpleGraspGenerator | The SimpleGraspGenerator class |
CSimpleGraspGeneratorApp | A brief description |
CSimpleGraspGeneratorPropertyDefinitions | |
►CSimpleGridReachability | |
CParameters | |
CResult | |
CSimpleJsonLogger | |
CSimpleJsonLoggerEntry | |
►CSimpleLexer | |
CRule | |
CSimplePeriodicTask | Usage: |
CSimplePID | |
CSimpleRemoteReferenceCountControlBlock | |
CSimpleRemoteReferenceCountControlBlock< FunctionType, void > | |
CSimpleRemoteReferenceCounter | |
►CSimpleRobotPlacement | Refer to SimpleRobotPlacement |
CRobotPlacement | |
CSimpleRobotPlacementApp | A brief description |
CSimpleRobotPlacementPropertyDefinitions | |
CSimpleRunningTask | Usage: |
CSimpleStatechartExecutor | This component provides interface functions to execute a statechart, stop the currently running statechart and provide the output-parameter of the statechart |
CSimpleStatechartExecutorPropertyDefinitions | |
►CSimulatedWorld | Encapsulates the whole physics simulation and the corresponding data |
CGraspingInfo | |
CSimulatedWorldData | This data is queried by the simulated in order to offer it via topics |
Csimulation | Brief description of class simulation |
CSimulationObjectPoseProvider | |
CSimulator | Holds an instance of the AmrarXPhysicsWorld and communicates to ArmarX |
CSimulatorControlController | A widget to control a simulation |
CSimulatorControlGuiPlugin | This plugin offers a widget to control a simulation |
CSimulatorPropertyDefinitions | |
CSimulatorTimeServerProxy | Forwards TimeserverInterface calls to the simulator This is a hack to allow offering the proxies "Simulator" and "MasterTimeServer" at once |
CSimulatorToArviz | Brief description of class SimulatorToArviz |
CSimulatorViewerApp | A viewer that visualizes the content of the ArmarX Simulator |
CSimulatorViewerAppPropertyDefinitions | |
CSingleSlider | |
CSingleTypeVariantList | Subclass of VariantContainer and is comparable to a std::vector<T> containing values of type T |
CSingleVariant | Required to store single Variant instances in VariantContainer subclasses |
CSkillDescriptionWidget | |
CSkillManagerComponentPluginUser | |
CSkillManagerMonitorWidgetController | |
CSkillProviderComponentPluginUser | |
CSkillsMemory | Brief description of class SkillsMemory |
CSlidersState | |
CSlidersState2 | |
CSnapshotControlGuiPlugin | The SnapshotControlGuiPlugin offers the a widget that allows to load and save snapshots |
CSnapshotControlWidgetController | SnapshotControlWidgetController provides a graphical interface for loading, storing, and removing Memory Snapshots |
CSoftPositionConstraint | |
CSpamFilterData | |
CSpawnedObject | |
CSpawner | |
CSpawnersState | |
CSpeechListenerImpl | |
CSpeechObserver | |
CSpeechObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
CSpinBoxToPose | |
CSpinBoxToVector | |
CSplineInterpolation | Linear Interpolation between a series of control points Spline means that the position is calcualed by a function with the form of the ploynom |
CSplineInterpolationSegment | Segment of a parent SplineInterpolation between two control points |
CSplinePath | |
►CState | |
CImpl | |
Cstate_t | |
CStateadd_x_to_y | |
►CStateBase | |
CeUnexpectedEvent | |
CImpl | |
CStatechart_Robot | Statechart which describes the most basic states of a robot: |
CStatechart_StatechartPerfomanceTest | |
CStatechart_StateParameterExample | |
CStatechartClient | |
CStatechartContext | This class contains a statechart and provides the interfaces to distributed components |
CStatechartContextInterface | |
CStatechartContextPropertyDefinitions | Properties associated with all statecharts |
CStatechartEditorConfigDialog | |
►CStatechartEditorController | Controller of the main widget of the Statechart Editor |
CConfig | |
CStatechartEditorGuiPlugin | This plugin provides a widget that allows editing statecharts |
CStatechartEditorMainWindow | |
CStatechartEditorParameterEditor | |
CStatechartEditorSettingsDialog | |
►CStatechartEventDistributor | Used to distribute incomming events (via Ice) to the correct states |
CEventListenerMapEntry | |
CStatechartEventSenderPlugin | The StatechartEventSenderPlugin provides a widget that allows the user to send events to state machines |
CStatechartExecutorExample | Brief description of class StatechartExecutorExample |
CStatechartExecutorExamplePropertyDefinitions | |
CStatechartGroup | |
CStatechartGroupDocGenerator | |
CStatechartGroupDocGeneratorApp | Application for StatechartGroupDocGenerator |
CStatechartGroupGenerator | |
►CStatechartGroupMapping | |
CGroupMapping | |
CStateMapping | |
CStatechartGroupXmlReader | |
CStatechartInstallConditionExample | |
CStatechartListener | |
CStatechartListenerComponentPluginUser | |
CStatechartManager | |
CStatechartPerformanceTest | |
CStatechartPerformanceTestApp | Application for testing armarx::StatechartPerformanceTest |
CStatechartProfile | |
CStatechartProfiles | |
CStatechartView | |
CStatechartViewerController | |
CStatechartViewerGuiPlugin | |
►CStateController | |
CImpl | |
CStateDialog | |
CStateEditorController | |
CstateInstallCondition | |
CstateInstallTimeout | |
CStateInstanceData | |
CStateItem | |
CStateItemModel | |
CStateModelLayoutMediator | |
CStateObjectFactory | |
CStateParameter | |
CStateParameterDeserialization | |
CStateParameterEditor | |
CStateParameterExample | |
CStateParameterExampleApp | Application for testing armarx::StateParameterExample |
CStateParameterObjectFactory | |
►CStateRenamer | |
CInstanceRenameInfo | |
CStateResult | |
CStateRobotControl | Statechart which describes the operational states of a robot program |
CStateRun | |
CStateScene | |
CStateTabWidget | |
CStateTemplate | |
CStateTreeController | |
CStateTreeModel | |
CStateTreeNode | |
►CStateUtility | |
CActionEventIdentifier | Struct for the return value of setCounter/TimerEvent |
►CStateWatcher | |
CStateListenerData | |
CStaticAgentReporter | Brief description of class StaticAgentReporter |
CStaticAgentReporterPropertyDefinitions | |
CStaticPlotterWidgetController | |
CStatusDockWidgetTitleBar | The StatusDockWidgetTitleBar class |
CStereoCameraProviderApp | |
CStereoImagePointCloudProviderApp | |
CStereoResultImageProvider | |
CStopWatch | |
CStreamDecoderImageProvider | Brief description of class StreamDecoderImageProvider |
CStreamDecoderImageProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CStreamImageProvider | StreamImageProvider implements a ImageProvider interfaces and retrieves images of a StreamReceiver, which in turn decodes an image stream into raw images |
CStreamImageProviderApp | A brief description |
►CStreamReceiver | A brief description |
CStreamReceiverPropertyDefinitions | |
CStringValueMap | Subclass of VariantContainer and is comparable to a std::map<std::string, T> containing values of type T |
CStructuralJsonParser | |
CSubjectMemory | |
CSupportPoints | |
CSynchronousNJointController | |
CSystemObserver | Provides timers for timeout events and counters |
CSystemObserverCounter | |
CSystemObserverTimer | |
CSystemStateMemory | |
CSystemStateMonitorFilterModel | |
CSystemStateMonitorPlugin | The SystemStateMonitorPlugin offers the widgets SystemStateMonitorWidget, ThreadViewer and IceGridViewer |
CSystemStateMonitorWidget | The SystemStateMonitor allows you to inspect the properties of the running ArmarX components |
CTabletopSegmentation | Brief description of class TabletopSegmentation |
CTabletopSegmentationPropertyDefinitions | |
CTCPControllerSubUnit | |
CTCPControllerSubUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CTCPControlUnit | The TCPControlUnit class |
CTCPControlUnitApp | |
CTCPControlUnitObserver | Observer monitoring TCP-related sensor values |
CTCPControlUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
CTCPControlUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CTCPInformationController | Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the tcp information tab in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots |
CTCPMover | |
CTCPMoverConfigDialog | |
CTCPSelectionController | Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the active TCP selection in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots |
CTerm | |
CTermImpl | |
CTermNode | |
CTermNodeGraphicsItem | |
CTermTreeGraphicsScene | |
CTexturedObjectRecognitionApp | |
CTextWriter | |
►CThreadList | |
CImpl | |
►CThreadPool | The ThreadPool class |
CHandle | |
CImpl | |
CThreadUsage | |
CThreadViewer | The ThreadViewer displays all threads of an ArmarX application |
CThreadViewerModel | |
CThrottler | The Throttler class |
CTimeData | |
CTimedTrajectory | A container for a Trajectory and a set of timestamps, representing the arrival of the Trajectory at userPoints |
CTimedTrajectoryFactory | Creates a TimedTrajectory out of a TimeOptimalTrajectory supplied by Simox methods |
CTimedVariant | |
CTimeFeature | |
CTimeKeeper | Tracks the passing of time and allows to stop it, restart it, and adjust its speed (only used by ArmarXTimeServer) |
CTimeoutExample | |
CTimeoutExampleApp | Application for testing armarx::TimeoutExample |
CTimeoutExampleStatechart | |
CTimer | Timer implementation with TimeServer support |
CTimestampVariant | |
CTimeUtil | Utility functions for getting the current time |
CTipDialog | The TipDialog is a dialog to show tips/hints to the user, which are optionally only shown once |
CToolBarController | Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the tool bar in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots |
CTopicReaderInterface | |
CTopicRecorderComponent | |
CTopicRecorderProperties | |
CTopicReplayer | |
CTopicReplayerGuiPlugin | TopicReplayerGuiPlugin provides a widget that allows replaying recorded TopicReplays |
CTopicReplayerProperties | |
CTopicReplayerWidgetController | TopicReplayerWidgetController is the controller of the widget of the TopicReplayerGui |
CTopicTimingClient | Brief description of class TopicTimingClient |
CTopicTimingClientPropertyDefinitions | |
CTopicTimingServer | Brief description of class TopicTimingServer |
CTopicTimingServerPropertyDefinitions | |
CTopicWriterInterface | |
CTrackingError | Brief description of class TrackingError |
CTrackingErrorPropertyDefinitions | |
►CTrajectory | N-dimensional sampled trajectories |
CTagOrdered | |
CTagTimestamp | |
CTrajData | |
CTrajectoryController | Subcontroller which handles all program interaction with the modle, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots |
CTrajectoryControllerSubUnit | |
CTrajectoryControllerSubUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CTrajectoryExporter | Exports instances of the DesignerTrajectory class to files as serialized instance of the Trajectory class. UserWaypoint information is not exported |
CTrajectoryImporter | Imports instances of the DesignerTrajectory class out of a serialized instance of the Trajectory class from a target file |
CTrajectoryPlayer | Brief description of class TrajectoryPlayer |
CTrajectoryPlayerComponentPluginUser | Provides a ready-to-use TrajectoryPlayer |
CTrajectoryPlayerPropertyDefinitions | |
CTransition | |
CTransitionController | Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the transition tab in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots |
CTransitionDialog | |
CTransitionError | |
CTransitionItem | |
CTransitionLabel | |
CTransitionMappingTable | |
CTreeNode | |
CTreeWidgetBuilder | A class to efficiently build and maintain sorted items of QTreeWidget or QTreeWidgetItem based on a sorted container matching the intended structure |
CTripleBuffer | A simple triple buffer for lockfree comunication between a single writer and a single reader |
CTripleBufferWithGuardAndTime | |
CUnequalPredicate | |
CUniformCuboidDistribution | Uniform distribution of an cuboid space |
CUniformInformedProlateSpheroidDistribution | Implements a distribution as required by Informed RRT* |
CUniformProlateSpheroidDistribution | Uniform distribution of a prolate hyper spheroid |
CUniformUnitSphereDistribution | Uniform distribution over the volume (closed set) of an n dimensional unit sphere |
CUniformUnitSphereSurfaceDistribution | Uniform distribution over the surface of an n dimensional unit sphere |
CUseCaseSelectorItem | |
CUserAssistedSegmenterGuiGuiPlugin | UserAssistedSegmenterGuiGuiPlugin brief description |
CUserGroupingLineEdit | |
CUserWaypoint | Waypoint of the trajectory |
CValveAttention | Brief description of class ValveAttention |
CValveAttentionPropertyDefinitions | |
CVariableCombinedFeature | |
CVariableCombinedNormalizedFeature | |
CVariant | Described here: Variants |
CVariantContainer | VariantContainer is the base class of all other Variant container classes |
CVariantContainerType | |
►CVariantInfo | |
CLibEntry | |
CProxyEntry | |
CVariantEntry | |
CVariantItem | |
CVariantJsonCompressor | |
CVariantJsonException | |
CVariantListParameter | |
CVariantParameter | |
CVariantTypeInfo | |
CVariantWidget | |
CVector2 | The Vector2 class |
CVector3 | The Vector3 class |
CVelocityControllerHelper | |
CVelocityControllerWithAccelerationAndPositionBounds | Performs velocity control while staying in positional bounds, obeying acceleration / deceleration and staying below a velocity bound |
CVelocityControllerWithAccelerationBounds | |
►CVelocityControllerWithRampedAcceleration | |
COutput | |
CVelocityControllerWithRampedAccelerationAndPositionBounds | |
CViconMarkerProvider | Brief description of class ViconMarkerProvider |
CViconMarkerProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CViewController | Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the view selection area in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots |
CViewer3DInfo | |
CViewer3DWidget | The Viewer3DWidget class |
CViewSelection | The ViewSelection class |
CViewSelectionGuiPlugin | ViewSelectionGuiPlugin brief description |
CViewSelectionPropertyDefinitions | |
CViewSelectionWidgetController | ViewSelectionWidgetController brief one line description |
CVisualizationDescription | |
CVisualizationObserver | The AdvancedVisualizationFactory class is the abstract decorator of the Decorator-Pattern and decorates the VisualizationFactoy in Simox |
CVisualizationSubject | The AdvancedVisualizationFactory class is the abstract decorator of the Decorator-Pattern and decorates the VisualizationFactoy in Simox |
CVOR | |
CVoxelGridCSpace | |
CWaypointController | Subcontroller which handles all user interaction with the waypoint tab in the GUI, communicates with other controllers via signals and slots |
CWeissHapticSensor | |
CWeissHapticUnit | |
CWeissHapticUnitApp | Joint Application for WeissHapticUnit and HapticObserver |
CWeissHapticUnitPropertyDefinitions | |
CWheelEventFilter | |
CWidgetNameDialog | The WidgetNameDialog class |
CWidgetsTab | |
CWorkingMemoryApp | |
CWorkingMemoryToArViz | Brief description of class WorkingMemoryToArViz |
CWorkingMemoryToArVizPropertyDefinitions | Property definitions of WorkingMemoryToArViz |
CWriteBufferedTripleBuffer | Same as the TripleBuffer, but partial writes of the data structure are ok. The write operation may be a bit slower and memory consumption may be 1/3 higher |
CWriteToDebugObserverGuiPluginGuiPlugin | WriteToDebugObserverGuiPluginGuiPlugin brief description |
CWriteToDebugObserverGuiPluginWidgetController | WriteToDebugObserverGuiPluginWidgetController brief one line description |
CXmlContextBaseClassGenerator | |
CXMLRemoteStateOfferer | |
CXMLSceneImporterApp | |
CXMLState | |
CXmlStateBaseClassGenerator | |
CXMLStatechartContext | |
CXMLStateComponent | |
CXMLStateComponentProperties | |
CXMLStateConstructorParams | |
CXMLStateFactoryBase | |
CXMLStateOffererFactoryBase | |
CXMLStateTemplate | Class for legacy to stay compatible with old statecharts |
CXsensIMU | A brief description |
CXsensIMUPropertyDefinitions | |
CXYZFeature | |
CZipIterator | |
CZipIteratorBase | |
CZipIteratorBase< Ituple, Rtuple, std::index_sequence< Idxs... > > | |
►Narmarx_navigation | |
►NArmarXSimulation | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Mcomponents | |
►Mcluttered_scene_generator | |
IComponentInterface | |
►Mobject_memory_to_simulation | |
IComponentInterface | |
►Nboost | |
►Nprocess | |
►Nposix | |
►Ninitializers | |
Cbind_fd_ | |
Cbind_stderr | |
Cbind_stdin | |
Cbind_stdout | |
Cclose_fd | |
Cclose_fds_ | |
Cclose_fds_if_ | |
Cclose_stderr | |
Cclose_stdin | |
Cclose_stdout | |
Chide_console | |
Cinherit_env | |
Cinitializer_base | |
Cnotify_io_service_ | |
Con_exec_error_ | |
Con_exec_setup_ | |
Con_fork_error_ | |
Con_fork_setup_ | |
Con_fork_success_ | |
Crun_exe_ | |
Cset_args_ | |
Cset_cmd_line | |
Cset_env_ | |
Cset_on_error | |
Cstart_in_dir | |
Cthrow_on_error | |
Cchild | |
►Cexecutor | |
Ccall_on_exec_error | |
Ccall_on_exec_setup | |
Ccall_on_fork_error | |
Ccall_on_fork_setup | |
Ccall_on_fork_success | |
Cpipe | |
►Nwindows | |
►Ninitializers | |
Cbind_stderr | |
Cbind_stdout | |
Cclose_stderr | |
Cclose_stdin | |
Cclose_stdout | |
Chide_console | |
Cinherit_env | |
Cinitializer_base | |
Con_CreateProcess_error_ | |
Con_CreateProcess_setup_ | |
Con_CreateProcess_success_ | |
Crun_exe_ | |
Cset_args_ | |
Cset_cmd_line_ | |
Cset_env_ | |
Cset_on_error | |
Cshow_window | |
Cstart_in_dir_ | |
Cthrow_on_error | |
Cchild | |
►Cexecutor | |
Ccall_on_CreateProcess_error | |
Ccall_on_CreateProcess_setup | |
Ccall_on_CreateProcess_success | |
Cpipe | |
Cbind_stdin | |
Cgraph_mutability_traits< PCG > | |
Cproperty_map< PCG, vertex_bundle_t > | |
Cshared_ptr | |
Cvertex_confidence_t | |
Cvertex_timestamp_t | |
►NCGAL | |
CPolyhedron_3 | |
CSurface_mesh | |
►Ncolormap | This file was automatically created with "create_c++_header.sh" |
►NIDL | |
CBeach | |
CBlackWhiteLinear | |
CBlueGreenRedYellow | |
CBluePastelRed | |
CBlueRed | |
CBlueRed2 | |
CBlueWaves | |
CBlueWhiteLinear | |
CCBAccent | |
CCBBlues | |
CCBBuGn | |
CCBBuPu | |
CCBDark2 | |
CCBGnBu | |
CCBGreens | |
CCBGreys | |
CCBOranges | |
CCBOrRd | |
CCBPaired | |
CCBPastel1 | |
CCBPastel2 | |
CCBPuBu | |
CCBPuBuGn | |
CCBPuOr | |
CCBPuRd | |
CCBPurples | |
CCBRdBu | |
CCBRdGy | |
CCBRdPu | |
CCBRdYiBu | |
CCBRdYiGn | |
CCBReds | |
CCBSet1 | |
CCBSet2 | |
CCBSet3 | |
CCBSpectral | |
CEosA | |
CEosB | |
CGreenPink | |
CGreenRedBlueWhite | |
CGreenWhiteExponential | |
CGreenWhiteLinear | |
CHardcandy | |
CHaze | |
CHueSatLightness1 | |
CHueSatLightness2 | |
CHueSatValue1 | |
CHueSatValue2 | |
CMacStyle | |
CNature | |
COcean | |
CPastels | |
CPeppermint | |
CPlasma | |
CPrism | |
CPurpleRedStripes | |
CRainbow | |
CRainbow18 | |
CRainbow2 | |
CRainbowBlack | |
CRainbowWhite | |
CRedPurple | |
CRedTemperature | |
CSixteenLevel | |
CStandardGammaII | |
CSteps | |
CSternSpecial | |
CVolcano | |
CWaves | |
►Nkbinani | |
CAltitude | |
CAutumn | |
CBone | |
CCool | |
CCopper | |
CHot | |
CHsv | |
CJet | |
CParula | |
CPink | |
CSpring | |
CSummer | |
CWinter | |
►Ntransform | |
CApricot | |
CCarnation | |
CEther | |
CGrayscaleBanded | |
CHotMetal | |
CLavaWaves | |
CMalachite | |
CMorningGlory | |
CPeanutButterAndJerry | |
CPurpleHaze | |
CRainbow | |
CRose | |
CSaturn | |
CSeismic | |
CSpace | |
CSupernova | |
CColor | |
►CColormap | |
Cvec4 | |
CWrapperBase | |
CColormapList | |
►Ncontroller | |
CAddOperation | A Operation to create a new object in the scene and the WorkingMemory |
CAddToGroupOperation | A operation to add a object to a existing group |
CController | A class to execute Operations, maintain the execution history and initialize Scene and MemoryXController |
CCreateGroupOperation | A operation to create a new group |
CDeleteGroupOperation | A operation to delete a group |
CDeselectOperation | A operation to deselect a object |
CEmptyOperation | A operation which does nothing |
COperation | An abstract class, which offers methods to run operations on the WorkingMemory and the Scene |
CRemoveFromGroupOperation | A operation to removes a object from a existing group |
CRemoveOperation | A Operation to remove a object in the scene and the WorkingMemory |
CRenameGroupOperation | A operation to rename a group |
CRotateTranslateOperation | A operation to rotate and translate a object |
CSelectOperation | A operation to select a object |
CUndoAction | A container class to store multiple Operations and undo/redo them |
CUndoRedoStack | A Stack to save a history of Actions |
►NControllers | |
CRobotViewerController | |
►NCSaliencyCalculation | |
CCComplexNumber | |
►Ncxxopts | |
►Nvalues | |
►Ndetail | |
CSignedCheck | |
CSignedCheck< T, false > | |
CSignedCheck< T, true > | |
Cabstract_value | |
Cstandard_value | |
Cstandard_value< bool > | |
Ctype_is_container | |
Ctype_is_container< std::vector< T > > | |
Cargument_incorrect_type | |
CHelpGroupDetails | |
CHelpOptionDetails | |
Cinvalid_option_format_error | |
CKeyValue | |
Cmissing_argument_exception | |
Coption_exists_error | |
Coption_not_exists_exception | |
Coption_not_has_argument_exception | |
Coption_not_present_exception | |
Coption_required_exception | |
Coption_requires_argument_exception | |
Coption_syntax_exception | |
COptionAdder | |
COptionDetails | |
COptionException | |
COptionParseException | |
COptions | |
COptionSpecException | |
COptionValue | |
CParseResult | |
CValue | |
►Ncyberglove_with_calib_22dof | |
Cbcolors | |
CCalibStruct | |
►NEigen | |
CMatrix | |
►NGfxTL | |
►NInternal | |
CBaseMatrixXX | Matrix in column major order |
CAABox | |
CAACube | |
►CAACubeTree | |
CAxisSplitter | |
CBuildInformation | |
CSerializeInformation | |
CAACubeTreeCell | |
CAAKdCell | |
CAAKdTree | |
CAAPlane | |
CArray | |
CArrayAccessor | |
CArrayAccessor< 1, IteratorT > | |
CArrayArithmetic | |
CAssumeUniqueLimitedHeap | |
►CBaseAACubeTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
►CStrategyBase | |
CCellCenterTraversalInformation | |
CCellCubeTraversalInformation | |
CTraversalInformationBase | |
►CBaseKdTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
►CStrategyBase | |
CTraversalInformationBase | |
CBaseTree | |
►CBBoxBuildInformationTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
►CStrategyBase | |
CBuildInformation | |
►CBBoxDistanceKdTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
CStrategyBase | |
CBSplineWeightFunc | |
►CBucketSizeMaxLevelSubdivisionTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
CStrategyBase | |
►CBucketSizeSubdivisionTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
CStrategyBase | |
►CCellBBoxBuildInformationKdTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
►CStrategyBase | |
CBuildInformation | |
►CCellCenterAACubeTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
►CStrategyBase | |
CCellCenterTraversalInformation | |
►CCellLevelTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
►CStrategyBase | |
CBuildInformation | |
CCellLevelTraversalInformation | |
►CCellParentTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
►CStrategyBase | |
CBuildInformation | |
►CCellRangeDataTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
►CStrategyBase | |
CBuildInformation | |
CCellRangeTraversalInformation | |
CGlobalTraversalInformation | |
CTraversalInformation | |
►CCellSizeDataTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
►CStrategyBase | |
CBuildInformation | |
CGlobalTraversalInformation | |
CTraversalInformation | |
CCubicGaussApproximationWeightFunc | |
CDynamicDimensionVectorKernelStrategy | |
CDynamicMaskElementSize | |
CDynVectorKernel | |
►CFaceNeighborAACubeTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
CStrategyBase | |
CFixedDimensionVectorKernelStrategy | |
CFixedMaskElementSize | |
CFlatCopyVector | |
CFrame | |
CFrame< 2, ScalarT > | |
CFrame< 3, ScalarT > | |
CHyperplaneCoordinateSystem | |
CHyperplaneCoordinateSystem< Scalar, 3 > | |
CHyperplaneCoordinateSystem< ScalarT, 2 > | |
CIdentityMatrixX | |
CImmediateIteratorTreeDataKernel | |
CImmediateMemberTreeDataKernel | |
CImmediateMemberTreeDataKernel< DataT * > | |
CImmediateRangeTreeDataKernel | |
CIncrementalCovarianceMatrix | |
CIncrementalCovarianceMatrix< MatrixXX< 3, 3, ScalarT > > | |
►CIncrementalDistanceKdTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
►CStrategyBase | |
CTraversalInformation | |
CIndexedIterator | |
CIndexedIteratorTreeDataKernel | |
CIndexedMemberTreeDataKernel | |
CIndexedMemberTreeDataKernel< DataT *, IndicesT > | |
►CIndexedTreeDataStrategy | |
CCellData | |
CStrategyBase | |
CInterpolatingExponentialWeightFunc | |
CInverseDistanceSingularWeightFunc | |
CIteratedIndexedIteratorTreeDataKernel | |
►CKdTree | |
CBaseGlobalTraversalInformation | |
CBaseTraversalInformation | |
CBuildInformation | |
CNearestNeighborsAuxData | |
CNearestNeighborsAuxInfo | |
CNNTypeHelper | |
CPointsInBallAuxData | |
CPointsInBallAuxInfo | |
CKdTreeCell | |
►CL1Norm | |
CDistanceType | |
CL2Norm | |
►CL2NormWithMask | |
CDistanceType | |
►CLevelBuildInformationTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
►CStrategyBase | |
CBuildInformation | |
CLimitedHeap | |
►CMakeL2Norm | |
CL2NormType | |
CMath | |
►CMatrixXX | |
CAssertDim | |
CAssertDim< A, A > | |
CMatrixXX< 1, 1, T > | |
►CMaxIntervalSplittingKdTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
CStrategyBase | |
►CMaxLevelSubdivisionTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
CStrategyBase | |
►CMaxNorm | |
CDistanceType | |
CNearestNeighbor | |
CNN | |
CNullClass | |
►CNullStrategy | |
CCellData | |
CStrategyBase | |
►CNullTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
CStrategyBase | |
COnOff | |
CPlane | |
CQuaternion | |
CScalarTypeConversion | |
CScalarTypeConversion< char, char > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< char, double > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< char, float > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< char, int > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< char, short > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< double, char > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< double, double > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< double, float > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< double, int > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< double, short > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< float, char > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< float, double > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< float, float > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< float, int > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< float, short > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< int, char > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< int, double > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< int, float > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< int, int > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< int, short > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< short, char > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< short, double > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< short, float > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< short, int > | |
CScalarTypeConversion< short, short > | |
CScalarTypeDeferer | |
CScalarTypeDeferer< ArrayAccessor< 1, IteratorT > > | |
CScalarTypeDeferer< char > | |
CScalarTypeDeferer< const ScalarT * > | |
CScalarTypeDeferer< double > | |
CScalarTypeDeferer< float > | |
CScalarTypeDeferer< int > | |
CScalarTypeDeferer< MiscLib::Vector< T, A > > | |
CScalarTypeDeferer< ScalarT * > | |
CScalarTypeDeferer< short > | |
CScalarTypeDeferer< std::auto_ptr< T > > | |
CScalarTypeDeferer< std::vector< T, A > > | |
CScalarTypeDeferer< VectorXD< DimT, ScalarT > > | |
CShuffleIndicesTreeDataKernelStrategy | |
►CSlidingMidpointSplittingKdTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
CStrategyBase | |
►CStdContainerAdaptor | |
CContainer | |
CUnitWeightFunc | |
CUnitWeightIterator | |
CVectorKernel | |
►CVectorKernelD | |
CVectorKernelType | |
CVectorXD | |
►Ngui | |
►Ndialog | |
CGroupExplorerDialog | |
CLiveShortcutLineEdit | |
CLoadSnapshotDialog | |
CSaveSnapshotDialog | |
CSceneEditorConfigDialog | This class provides a dialog derived from Qt::QDialog and armarx::ManagedIceObject |
CShortcutDialog | |
CClearableLineEdit | This class is a custom QLineEdit which provides a button to clear the text of the line edit |
CCollapsibleDockWidget | A QDockWidget which provides the possibility to collapse the dock |
CCollectionsTreeView | This class derived from QTreeView supports custom drag and drop behavior |
CGroupExplorerWidget | This class provides a QWidget which displays all existing groups in the local scene |
CMinimapWidget | This class is a widget which provides a scene3D::MinimapViewer to render the scene graph in bird perspective |
CObjectExplorerModel | This class provides a model for storing classes from memoryxcontroller::PriorKnowledgeController and allows to filter them |
CObjectExplorerWidget | This class provides a QWidget which displays all object classes from PriorKnowledge in their collections in a tree view |
CObjectInspectorWidget | This class provides a widget which displays all class and instance attributes of a currently selected scene3D::SceneObject or a memoryx::ObjectClassPtr in a tree view |
COverrideAction | |
CPropertyBrowserWidget | This class provides a property browser which displays all properties of a scene object or prior knowledge object class |
CSceneEditorMainWindow | This class provides the main window of the plugin |
CSceneEditorMainWindowController | |
CSceneEditorWidget | This class provides a widget which contains all buttons for the scene |
CScenegraphWidget | This class provides a widget which holds a scene3D::SceneViewer in which the scene graph is rendered |
CShortcutController | The class ShortcutController manages all shortcuts that can be set in the widget |
CShortcutTableModel | |
►NIce | |
CStreamableTraits< ::IceStorm::AllData > | |
CStreamableTraits< ::IceStorm::EventDataPtr > | |
CStreamableTraits< ::IceStorm::Instrumentation::SubscriberState > | |
CStreamableTraits< ::IceStorm::LinkRecord > | |
CStreamableTraits< ::IceStorm::ReapWouldBlock > | |
CStreamableTraits< ::IceStorm::SubscriberRecord > | |
CStreamableTraits< ::IceStorm::SubscriberRecordKey > | |
CStreamableTraits< ::IceStormElection::GroupInfo > | |
CStreamableTraits< ::IceStormElection::LogUpdate > | |
CStreamableTraits< ::IceStormElection::NodeInfo > | |
CStreamableTraits< ::IceStormElection::NodeState > | |
CStreamableTraits< ::IceStormElection::ObserverInconsistencyException > | |
CStreamableTraits< ::IceStormElection::QueryInfo > | |
CStreamableTraits< ::IceStormElection::TopicContent > | |
CStreamReader< ::IceStorm::AllData, S > | |
CStreamReader< ::IceStorm::EventDataPtr, S > | |
CStreamReader< ::IceStorm::LinkRecord, S > | |
CStreamReader< ::IceStorm::SubscriberRecord, S > | |
CStreamReader< ::IceStorm::SubscriberRecordKey, S > | |
CStreamReader< ::IceStormElection::GroupInfo, S > | |
CStreamReader< ::IceStormElection::LogUpdate, S > | |
CStreamReader< ::IceStormElection::NodeInfo, S > | |
CStreamReader< ::IceStormElection::ObserverInconsistencyException, S > | |
CStreamReader< ::IceStormElection::QueryInfo, S > | |
CStreamReader< ::IceStormElection::TopicContent, S > | |
CStreamWriter< ::IceStorm::AllData, S > | |
CStreamWriter< ::IceStorm::EventDataPtr, S > | |
CStreamWriter< ::IceStorm::LinkRecord, S > | |
CStreamWriter< ::IceStorm::SubscriberRecord, S > | |
CStreamWriter< ::IceStorm::SubscriberRecordKey, S > | |
CStreamWriter< ::IceStormElection::GroupInfo, S > | |
CStreamWriter< ::IceStormElection::LogUpdate, S > | |
CStreamWriter< ::IceStormElection::NodeInfo, S > | |
CStreamWriter< ::IceStormElection::ObserverInconsistencyException, S > | |
CStreamWriter< ::IceStormElection::QueryInfo, S > | |
CStreamWriter< ::IceStormElection::TopicContent, S > | |
►NIceDB | |
CBadEnvException | |
CCodec | |
CCodec< T, IceContext, Ice::OutputStream > | |
CCursor | |
CCursorBase | |
CDbi | |
CDbiBase | |
CEnv | |
CIceContext | |
CKeyTooLongException | |
CLMDBException | |
CReadOnlyCursor | |
CReadOnlyTxn | |
CReadWriteCursor | |
CReadWriteTxn | |
CTxn | |
►NIceInternal | |
CCollocatedObserverI | |
CCommunicatorObserverI | |
CConnectionObserverI | |
CDispatchObserverI | |
CHandle | |
CInvocationObserverI | |
CObserverFactoryWithDelegateT | |
CObserverWithDelegateT | |
CProxyHandle | |
CRemoteObserverI | |
CThreadObserverI | |
►NIceProxy | |
►Narmarx | |
►NIceStorm | |
CTopicInternal | |
CTopicLink | |
CTopicManagerInternal | |
►NIceStormElection | |
CNode | |
CReplicaObserver | |
CTopicManagerSync | |
►MIceStorm | |
►NInstrumentation | |
CObserverUpdater | The ObserverUpdater interface is implemented by IceStorm and an instance of this interface is provided on initialization to the TopicManagerObserver object |
CSubscriberObserver | |
CTopicManagerObserver | The topic manager observer interface used by the Ice run-time to obtain and update observers for its observeable objects |
CTopicObserver | |
SAllData | |
CCallback_TopicInternal_getLinkProxy | |
CCallback_TopicInternal_getLinkProxy_Base | |
CCallback_TopicInternal_reap | |
CCallback_TopicInternal_reap_Base | |
CCallback_TopicLink_forward | |
CCallback_TopicLink_forward_Base | |
CCallback_TopicManagerInternal_getReplicaNode | |
CCallback_TopicManagerInternal_getReplicaNode_Base | |
CCallbackNC_TopicInternal_getLinkProxy | |
CCallbackNC_TopicInternal_reap | |
CCallbackNC_TopicLink_forward | |
CCallbackNC_TopicManagerInternal_getReplicaNode | |
CEventData | The event data |
CInstance | |
CLinkRecord | Used to store persistent information for Topic federation |
CParser | |
CPersistentInstance | |
CReapWouldBlock | Thrown if the reap call would block |
CSendQueueSizeMaxReached | |
CSubscriber | |
CSubscriberObserverI | |
CSubscriberRecord | Used to store persistent information for persistent subscribers |
CSubscriberRecordKey | The key for persistent subscribers, or topics |
CTopicImpl | |
CTopicInternal | Internal operations for a topic |
CTopicLink | The TopicLink interface |
CTopicManagerImpl | |
CTopicManagerInternal | Internal operations for a topic manager |
CTopicManagerObserverI | |
CTopicObserverI | |
CTopicReaper | |
CTraceLevels | |
CTransientTopicImpl | |
CTransientTopicManagerImpl | |
►MIceStormElection | |
CCachedReadHelper | |
CCallback_Node_accept | |
CCallback_Node_accept_Base | |
CCallback_Node_areYouCoordinator | |
CCallback_Node_areYouCoordinator_Base | |
CCallback_Node_areYouThere | |
CCallback_Node_areYouThere_Base | |
CCallback_Node_invitation | |
CCallback_Node_invitation_Base | |
CCallback_Node_nodes | |
CCallback_Node_nodes_Base | |
CCallback_Node_query | |
CCallback_Node_query_Base | |
CCallback_Node_ready | |
CCallback_Node_ready_Base | |
CCallback_Node_sync | |
CCallback_Node_sync_Base | |
CCallback_ReplicaObserver_addSubscriber | |
CCallback_ReplicaObserver_addSubscriber_Base | |
CCallback_ReplicaObserver_createTopic | |
CCallback_ReplicaObserver_createTopic_Base | |
CCallback_ReplicaObserver_destroyTopic | |
CCallback_ReplicaObserver_destroyTopic_Base | |
CCallback_ReplicaObserver_init | |
CCallback_ReplicaObserver_init_Base | |
CCallback_ReplicaObserver_removeSubscriber | |
CCallback_ReplicaObserver_removeSubscriber_Base | |
CCallback_TopicManagerSync_getContent | |
CCallback_TopicManagerSync_getContent_Base | |
CCallbackNC_Node_accept | |
CCallbackNC_Node_areYouCoordinator | |
CCallbackNC_Node_areYouThere | |
CCallbackNC_Node_invitation | |
CCallbackNC_Node_nodes | |
CCallbackNC_Node_query | |
CCallbackNC_Node_ready | |
CCallbackNC_Node_sync | |
CCallbackNC_ReplicaObserver_addSubscriber | |
CCallbackNC_ReplicaObserver_createTopic | |
CCallbackNC_ReplicaObserver_destroyTopic | |
CCallbackNC_ReplicaObserver_init | |
CCallbackNC_ReplicaObserver_removeSubscriber | |
CCallbackNC_TopicManagerSync_getContent | |
CFinishUpdateHelper | |
SGroupInfo | The group info |
CGroupNodeInfo | |
CLogUpdate | A struct used for marking the last log update |
CNode | A replica node |
CNodeI | |
SNodeInfo | All nodes in the replication group |
CObserverInconsistencyException | Thrown if an observer detects an inconsistency |
CObservers | |
CObserverUpdateHelper | |
SQueryInfo | |
CReplica | |
CReplicaObserver | The replica observer |
STopicContent | The contents of topic |
CTopicManagerSync | Interface used to sync topics |
►NIceStormInternal | |
CService | |
►NIceUtil | |
CHandle | |
►NIMU | |
►NXsens | |
CCXsensMTiModule | |
CXsensMTiFrame | |
CCGeolocationInformation | |
CCIMUDeducedReckoning | |
CCIMUDevice | This class contains the the devices module and the thread for read the measurements |
CCIMUEvent | |
CCTimeStamp | |
CIIMUEventDispatcher | |
►CIMUState | |
CControlData | |
CPhysicalData | |
►NInterpolation | |
CSplineInterPolationSegment | |
►MKITProsthesis | |
IKITProstheticHandInterface | |
SProsthesisMotorValues | |
SProsthesisSensorValues | |
►Nmarkdown | |
►Ntoken | |
CBlankLine | |
CBlockQuote | |
CBoldOrItalicMarker | |
CCodeBlock | |
CCodeSpan | |
CContainer | |
CEscapedCharacter | |
CHeader | |
CHtmlAnchorTag | |
CHtmlTag | |
CImage | |
CInlineHtmlBlock | |
CInlineHtmlComment | |
CInlineHtmlContents | |
CListItem | |
COrderedList | |
CParagraph | |
CRawText | |
CTextHolder | |
CUnorderedList | |
CDocument | |
►CLinkIds | |
CTarget | |
CToken | |
►Nmemoryx | VirtualRobot headers |
►NEntityWrappers | |
CAbstractEntityWrapper | AbstractEntityWrapper is a superclass for all covenience classes, which provide typed access to entity attributes |
CAbstractFileEntityWrapper | |
CArMarkerWrapper | ArMarkerWrapper offers a simplified access to the necessary information for localization of AR markers |
CHandMarkerBallWrapper | HandMarkerBallWrapper offers a simplified access to the necessary information for localization of the hand markers of Armar III |
CObjectRecognitionWrapper | |
CPointCloudLocalizerWrapper | PointCloudLocalizerWrapper offers a simplified access to the necessary information for localization using colored pointclouds |
CSegmentableRecognitionWrapper | SegmentableRecognitionWrapper offers a simplified access to the data of an object class or instance related to IVT SegmentableRecognition |
CSimoxObjectWrapper | SimoxObjectWrapper offers a simplified access to the Simox ManipulationObject (i.e visualization, collision model, grasps) stored in the attributes of MemoryX entity |
CTexturedRecognitionWrapper | TexturedRecognitionWrapper offers a simplified access to the data of an object class or instance related to IVT TextureRecognition |
►NKBM | |
►NInverse | Namespace for algorithms related to solving the inverse kinematics |
►CGlobalIKBase | |
CSolution | |
CGlobalIKExtensive | Finds all solutions to the Global IK |
CGlobalIKSemiBreadth | Expands all nets until a resolution has been reached, then search only for a single solution |
CGraphNode | |
CSolution | |
►NModels | Where the model representation for a Body Schema (especially the Kinematic B´ezier Maps) reside |
►CKBM | The Kinematic B\'ezier Maps |
CErrorValuesType | Return type of the evaluation (KBM::getErrors()) function providing insight in the statistics of the prediction error |
►NObjectFactories | |
CMemoryXCoreObjectFactories | |
CMemoryXTypesObjectFactories | |
CMemoryXUpdaterObjectFactories | |
CMotionModelObjectFactories | |
►NRelations | |
CBehindOfRelation | |
CLeftToRelation | |
CNoConnectionRelation | |
CRightToRelation | |
CTouchingRelation | |
CAbstractLongtermMemory | |
CAbstractLongtermMemoryPropertyDefinitions | |
CAbstractMotionModel | |
CAbstractWorkingMemory | |
CAbstractWorkingMemoryPropertyDefinitions | |
CActiveOac | |
CActiveOacMemorySegment | |
CAffordance | |
CAffordanceSegment | |
CAgentAtPredicateProvider | |
CAgentAtPredicateProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CAgentInstance | |
CAgentInstancesSegment | |
CArmarXObjectsImporter | Brief description of class ArmarXObjectsImporter |
CArmarXObjectsToMemory | |
CAttributeReplacementFusion | |
CBodySchemaMemorySegment | |
CBox | |
CBoxPrimitive | |
CCollection | |
CCollectionCreateDialog | |
CCommonPlacesLearner | |
CCommonPlacesLearnerPropertyDefinitions | |
CCommonPlacesTester | |
CCommonPlacesTesterPropertyDefinitions | |
CCommonStorage | Interface to MongoDB |
CCommonStorageExample | |
CCommonStoragePropertyDefinitions | |
CConePrimitive | |
CConfig | |
CCylinderPrimitive | |
CDatabase | Interface to a database |
CDiscreteProbability | The DiscreteProbability class |
CDMPEntity | |
CEntity | |
CEntityAttribute | Attribute of MemoryX entities |
CEntityAttributesEditTab | The entity edit dialog is a superclass for all edit dialogs used to set attributes of entites |
►CEntityDrawerComponent | Implements a component that listens to layered / debug drawer commands and creates internal representations of the visualization which can be conveniently used by gui components to visualize the content. Basically it is a armarx::DebugDrawerComponent with additional memroy features. In addition to all debug drawer fucntions it is capable of showing memory entities, e.g. objects |
CEntityData | |
CEntityUpdateData | |
CEntityDrawerPropertyDefinitions | |
CEntityEditDialog | The entity edit dialog is a superclass for all edit dialogs used to set attributes of entites |
CEntityFusionMethod | Interface for fusion methods used for entities in working memory |
CEntityRef | Used to store references to Entities as values in other Entity instances |
CEnvironmentalPrimitive | |
CEnvironmentalPrimitiveSegment | |
CGaussianMixtureAssociationMethod | |
CGaussianMixtureDistribution | The GaussianMixtureDistribution class |
CGaussianMixturePositionFusion | |
CGMMDistance | |
CGMMReducer | |
CGraphMemorySegment | The Graph Memory Segment contains directed graphs. The graph consists of nodes with poses and edges between them. The poses in the nodes and the edges are used for platform navigation. Additionally, thee nodes are used for symbolic planning. One segment can contain multiple graphs. They distinguished by their scene-name. See Slice API documentation for GraphMemorySegmentBase |
CGraphNode | Implementation of the ice interface GraphNodeBase |
CGraphNodePoseResolver | A brief description |
CGraphNodePoseResolverPropertyDefinitions | |
CGraphVisualizerConfigDialog | |
CGraphVisualizerGraphicsEllipseItem | Required to override the double click event |
CGraphVisualizerGraphicsLineItem | Required to override the double click event |
CGraphVisualizerGuiPlugin | This plugin provides a widget used to visualize an undirected graph and draw it to a debug layer |
CGraphVisualizerWidget | The GraphVisualizerWidget class |
CGraspablePredicateProvider | |
CGraspablePredicateProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CGraspEditorDialog | |
CGridFileManager | GridFileManager provides utility functions for working with files in Mongo GridFS and links to them stored in entity attributes (s |
CGridFileWrapper | |
CHandPredicateProvider | |
CHandPredicateProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CHigherSemanticStructure | |
CISDDistance | |
CIsotropicNormalDistribution | The IsotropicNormalDistribution class |
CKalmanFilterFusion | |
CKBMData | |
CKBMSegment | |
CLocalizationJob | Description of the basic workload executed by ObjectLocalizationMemoryUpdater |
CLocalizationJobContainer | Used by ObjectLocalizationMemoryUpdater to create and execute segmentation specific groups of localization jobs |
CLocalizationQuery | Used to create LocalizationJob instances and provide an interface to query if the jobs have finished running |
CLocalizationStrategyOnce | |
CLocalizationStrategyRepeated | |
CLongtermMemory | Persistent data that has been learned or copied as a snapshot from working memory |
CLongtermMemoryPropertyDefinitions | |
CMahalanobisDistance | |
CManipulationAttributesEditTab | This tab allows to change the simox attributes of an objectclass entity |
CMemorySegmentEntry | |
CMemoryUpdaterEntry | |
CMemoryXApplication | Base Class for all ArmarX applications |
CMissingAttributeFusion | Copies attributes that are missing in the new entity from the old entity into the new entity |
CMongoDBRef | Represents a cross-database reference to a document in MongoDB |
CMongoSerializer | |
CMotionAttributesEditTab | This tab allows to change the motion model attributes of an objectclass entity |
CMotionModelAttachedToOtherObject | |
CMotionModelBodySchema | |
CMotionModelKBM | |
CMotionModelRestoreFusion | |
CMotionModelRobotHand | |
CMotionModelStaticObject | |
CMouseEventProcessor | |
CMultivariateNormalDistribution | The MultivariateNormalDistribution class |
CNormalDistribution | |
COac | |
COacMemorySegment | |
COacParameterList | |
COacPredictionFunction | |
COacStatisticalMeasure | |
CObjectAtPredicateProvider | |
CObjectAtPredicateProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CObjectClass | |
CObjectClassEditDialog | |
CObjectClassMemorySegment | The object class segment is a specialized segment of the SegmentedMemory |
CObjectClassSegmentWrapper | |
CObjectClassWrapper | |
CObjectInstance | |
CObjectInstanceMemorySegment | |
CObjectInstanceSegmentWrapper | Allows access to the objects in the working memory in form of Simox SceneObjects |
CObjectInstancesToArViz | This class can be used to visualize object instances from working memory to ArViz |
CObjectInstanceToRobotNodeAttachments | This class can be used to visualize object instances from working memory to ArViz |
CObjectInstanceWrapper | |
CObjectLocalizationMemoryUpdater | |
CObjectLocalizationMemoryUpdaterProperties | |
CObjectMemoryObserver | VisionX ObjectMemoryObserver |
CObjectMemoryObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
COnTablePredicateProvider | |
COnTopPredicateProvider | |
CPersistentAgentInstancesSegment | |
CPersistentDMPDataSegment | |
CPersistentEntitySegment | Base class for all memory segments containing memoryx::Entity instances to be stored permanently in MongoDB |
CPersistentObjectClassSegment | The persistent object class segment is a specialized segment of the SegmentedMemory |
CPersistentObjectInstanceSegment | |
CPersistentPredictionDataSegment | |
CPersistentProfilerDataSegment | |
CPersistentRelationSegment | |
CPersistentResourceProfileSegment | |
CPersistentWorldStateSegment | |
CPlanePrimitive | |
CPlatformKalmanFilter | This class is a convenience class for a holonomic platform using a Kalman filter |
CPredictionEntity | |
CPredictionTaskEntity | |
CPriorAttributeEnrichmentFusion | |
CPriorEditorConfigDialog | |
CPriorEditorController | This widget allows to view and edit data entries in the prior memory |
CPriorKnowledge | Database with common sense and/or prior knowldge |
CPriorKnowledgeImporter | Used to add object descriptions to the PriorKnowledge database |
CPriorKnowledgeImporterPropertyDefinitions | |
CPriorKnowledgePropertyDefinitions | |
CPriorMemoryEditorPlugin | The PriorMemoryEditorPlugin provides a widget that allows to view and edit data entries in the prior memory |
CProfilerEntity | |
CProfilerEvent | |
CProfilerMemorySnapshot | |
CProfilerMemoryUsage | |
CProfilerProcess | |
CProfilerStorage | A brief description |
CProfilerStoragePropertyDefinitions | |
CProfilerTransition | |
CPutAwayLocationPredicateProvider | |
CPutAwayLocationPredicateProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CRecognitionAttributesEditTab | This tab allows to change the recognition attributes of an objectclass entity |
CRelation | Relation class represents a directed relation between entities |
CRelationMemorySegment | |
CResourceProfileEntity | |
CRunnallsGMMReducer | |
CRunnallsKLDistance | |
CSECKeyFrame | |
CSECObjectRelations | |
CSECRelation | |
CSegmentedMemory | Interface for organizing memories with segmented data structures |
CSegmentLock | |
CSegmentUtilImplementations | |
CSemanticEventChainSegment | |
CSimoxSceneImporter | Generates a LongtermMemory snapshot of a scene specified in the Simox Scene format |
CSimoxSceneImporterPropertyDefinitions | Defines the command line properties of the SimoxSceneImporter |
CSimpleEntity | Simple untyped entity class which allows adding arbitrary attributes |
CSimpleEpisodicMemory | |
CSimpleEpisodicMemoryConnector | |
CSimpleEpisodicMemoryWorkingMemoryConnector | |
CSpherePrimitive | |
CStatisticMeasures | |
CUnivariateNormalDistribution | The UnivariateNormalDistribution class |
CWestGMMReducer | |
CWilliamsGMMReducer | |
CWorkingMemory | Methods for storing runtime information. The data is stored in segments |
CWorkingMemoryConfigDialog | |
►CWorkingMemoryController | This widget allows you to inspect the current state of the working memory |
CObjectDefinition | |
CRobotDefinition | |
CSegmentTab | |
CWorkingMemoryEntitySegment | |
CWorkingMemoryExample | |
CWorkingMemoryExamplePropertyDefinitions | |
CWorkingMemoryGuiPlugin | The WorkingMemoryGuiPlugin provides a widget that allows you to inspect the current state of the working memory |
CWorkingMemoryObjectPoseProvider | Brief description of class WorkingMemoryObjectPoseProvider |
CWorkingMemoryPropertyDefinitions | |
CWorkingMemorySnapshot | Handles snapshot IO methods |
CWorkingMemorySnapshotListSegment | |
CWorkingMemoryUpdater | Base class for all working memory updater processes |
CWorkingMemoryUpdaterProperties | |
CWorldStateObserver | The WorldStateObserver class |
CWorldStateObserverApp | |
CWorldStateObserverPropertyDefinitions | |
CWorldStateSegment | |
CWorldStateUpdaterBase | |
CWorldStateUpdaterPropertyDefinitions | |
CXMLSceneImporter | Reads scene specification files and creates a snapshot with the specified name |
CXMLSceneImporterPropertyDefinitions | |
►Nmemoryxcontroller | |
CMemoryXController | |
CPriorKnowledgeController | The controller for the communication with the priorknowledge |
CWorkingMemoryController | The controller for the communication with the working memory |
►NMiscLib | |
►CAlignedAllocator | |
Crebind | |
►CMakeFixedAlignedAllocator | |
CAllocType | |
CNoShrinkVector | |
CPair | |
CPair< FirstT, FirstT > | |
CRefCount | |
CRefCounted | |
CRefCountPtr | |
CVector | |
►Nmujoco | |
CSimObject | |
CSimRobot | A robot in simulation |
►Nmygraph | |
CMyEdge | |
CMyGraphAttributes | |
CMyVertex | |
►Npcl | |
►Ngraph | |
►Ndetail | |
CIsConvex | A helper functor to determine if two points are convex with respect to each other |
CIsConvex< PointT, typename std::enable_if< pcl::traits::has_curvature< PointT > >::type > | |
Cremove_edge_predicate | A predicate to be used with pcl::graph::remove_edge_if, returns true when the edge wight is below a certain threshold |
►Nterms | |
CCurvature | Product of curvatures |
CNormal | Angular distance between normals |
CRGB | Squared Euclidean distance in RGB space |
CXYZ | Squared Euclidean distance between points |
CEdgeWeightComputer | This class computes edge weights for a given point cloud graph |
CGraphBuilder | This is an abstract base class for building a BGL-compatible point cloud graph from a point cloud |
CNearestNeighborsGraphBuilder | This class builds a point cloud graph representing an input dataset by using nearest neighbor search |
Cpoint_cloud_graph | |
Cpoint_cloud_graph_traits | Traits struct to access the types associated with point_cloud_graph |
Cpoint_cloud_graph_traits< boost::subgraph< Graph > > | Specialization for point_cloud_graphs wrapped in boost::subgraph |
Cpoint_cloud_property_map | This class is to expose the point cloud stored in the point_cloud_graph as a vertex bundle property map |
Cremove_edge_if | Remove_edge_if structure is an "extended" version of, boost::remove_edge_if that incorporates a workaround to allow edge removal from both plain graphs and subgraphs |
Cremove_edge_if< Graph, typename boost::enable_if< detail::has_root_graph< Graph > >::type > | |
CVoxelGridGraphBuilder | This class builds a BGL graph representing an input dataset by using octree::OctreePointCloud |
C_PointXYZRGBLNormal | |
CPointXYZRGBLNormal | |
►Nplugins | |
►NPlugin | |
CProperties | |
►NProsthesisInterface_ice | |
CProsthesisInterface | |
CProsthesisInterfacePrx | |
CProsthesisListenerInterface | |
CProsthesisListenerInterfacePrx | |
CProsthesisMotorValues | |
►Nrapidxml | |
Cattribute_iterator | Iterator of child attributes of xml_node |
Cfile | Represents data loaded from a file |
Cmemory_pool | This class is used by the parser to create new nodes and attributes, without overheads of dynamic memory allocation |
Cnode_iterator | Iterator of child nodes of xml_node |
Cparse_error | Parse error exception |
Cxml_attribute | Class representing attribute node of XML document |
Cxml_base | Base class for xml_node and xml_attribute implementing common functions: name(), name_size(), value(), value_size() and parent() |
Cxml_document | This class represents root of the DOM hierarchy |
Cxml_node | Class representing a node of XML document |
►NRobotComponents | This file is part of ArmarX |
CComponent | |
►NScenarioManager | |
►NController | |
CApplicationDatabaseController | This Controller manages the signals and model of the ApplicationDatabaseView. Item click signals in the ApplicationDatabaseView need to be connected to the on_itemClicked() slot. When an item gets clicked, this controller finds out whether an Application or a Package was clicked and specifically which Application or Package it was. It then sends a signal with a pointer to the clicked object |
CDetailedApplicationController | This Controller manages the signals and model of the DetailedApplicationView. This controller gets notified by the ScenarioListController when a scenario or application gets selected and displays it. It also starts and stops applications and scenarios using the Executor |
COpenScenarioController | Manages the signals and model of the OpenScenarioView. This Controller manages opening and loading in a scenario |
CScenarioListController | Manages the signals and model of the ScenarioListView. All signals emitted by the ScenarioListView need to be connected to their corresponding slots in this controller. This controller periodically refreshes the status of the Applications and Scenarios displayed in the ScenarioListView |
CSettingsController | This controller manages the signals and model of the SettingsView. Any signals involving the settings need to be connected to the corresponding slots in this controller. This controller also manages settings that get saved between sessions, as well as the Executor configuration |
►NData_Structure | |
CApplication | Class containing data about an application Provides methods to get and set the date contained in the application. It doesn't manage the application therefore changes in this class won't synchronize to the actual configuration files |
CApplicationInstance | Class containing data about the instance of an application. Provides methods to get and set the data. It is only representative and doesn't actually synchronize with the configuration files |
CApplicationStatus | |
CPackage | Class containing data about a package, its scenarios and its applications. Provides methods to get and set the data contained in the package. It is only representative and doesn't actually manage the package |
CScenario | Class containing data about a scenario and its applications. Provides methods to get and set the data contained in the scenario. It is only representative and doesn't actually manage the scenario |
►NExec | |
CApplicationStarter | |
CApplicationStopper | Interface for classes that handle how application get stopped and killed |
CByNameStopperLinux | Stops or kills applications on Linux based on their name. This ApplicationStopper stops (killall -15) or kills (killall -9) application processes on Linux. It should not be used on other operating systems, due to the usage of system calls |
CExecutor | Starts, stops and restarts applications and scenarios. Can also be used to request the status of an application. The proper system-specific stopstrategy and starter have to be set in the constructor |
CIceStatusReader | |
CKill | |
CLinuxStarter | Starts applications in Linux. Shouldn't be used in any other OS, due to system calls being used. Applications started this way will still run, even when the main application dies. Can also be used to request the status of an application |
CPidStopperLinux | Stops or kills applications on Linux based on their pid. This ApplicationStopper stops (kill -15) or kills (kill -9) application processes on Linux. It should not be used on other operating systems, due to the usage of system calls |
CStarterFactory | Abstract base class for factory classes that create ApplicationStarter. Should be implemented for each operating system |
CStarterFactoryLinux | Creates an ApplicationStarter for Linux. Shouldn't be used on other operating systems, since the starter uses system calls to start applications |
CStop | Simply stops the application, using the given ApplicationStopper. This StopStrategy can be made system-specific by switching out its ApplicationStopper |
CStopAndKill | First tries to stop, then kills an application, using the given ApplicationStopper. This StopStrategy first tries to stop an application. If after a certain period of time the application hasn't yet stopped, it tries to kill it. This StopStrategy can be made system-specific by switching out its ApplicationStopper |
CStopperFactory | Abstract base class for factory classes that create ApplicationStopper. Should be implemented for each operating system |
CStopperFactoryLinux | Creates different ApplicationStopper for Linux. Shouldn't be used on other operating systems, since the stoppers use system calls to stop applications |
CStopStrategy | Interface for classes that define how an application get stopped |
CStopStrategyFactory | Creates different instances of StopStrategy. This Factory creates different types of stop-strategies |
►NGenerator | |
CIceGridXmlGenerator | |
►NParser | |
CDependenciesGenerator | |
CIceParser | |
CPackageBuilder | |
CXMLScenarioParser | This class provides different methods to parse and save scenario data in XML-Files. To save Scenario data between sessions, scenarios should be saved in XML-Files using the following format: |
CStatusManager | |
►Nscene3D | |
CMinimapViewer | |
CObjectPreviewViewer | |
CPreviewGenerator | |
CScene | |
CSceneGroup | |
CSceneGroupManager | |
CSceneManipulatorManager | |
CSceneObject | |
CSceneObjectManager | |
CSceneSelectionManager | |
CSceneViewer | |
CSoGLHighlightRenderAction | |
►Nsemrel | This file is part of ArmarX |
CRelationGraph | |
►Nsimox | |
►Ngui | |
CFunctionalEventFilter | |
COrientedBox | |
CSegment2D | |
►Nstd | |
►Nexperimental | |
►Nfundamentals_v2 | |
Cobserver_ptr | |
Cobserver_ptr | |
Chash< armarx::armem::MemoryID > | |
Chash< armarx::PropagateConst< T > > | |
Chash< armarx::ThreadUsage > | |
Chash< pair< A, B > > | Enables hashing of std::pair |
Chash< std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
Chash< std::tuple< Ts... > > | |
Chash< tuple< Ts... > > | Enables hashing of std::tuple |
►Nstopwatch | |
CStats | |
CStopwatch | |
►NStream | |
►CStreamProviderI | This class realizes the StreamProviderImageProcessorInterface-SliceInterface and is a subclass of visionx::ImageProcessor |
CStreamProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
►NVisionX | This file is part of ArmarX |
►Ncomponents | |
►Nperson_instance_updater | |
CPersonInstanceUpdater | |
CUpdateConsumer | |
►Nperson_memory_debugger | |
CPersonMemoryDebugger | This component can be used for debugging of the person memory; more specifically it commits instances into the person memory based on user input |
►Nvisionx | ArmarX headers |
►Narmem | |
►Ncamera | |
►Nserver | |
►Nsegment | |
CMonocularCameraCalibrationCoreSegment | |
CStereoCameraCalibrationCoreSegment | |
►Npointcloud | |
►Nserver | |
►Nsegment | |
►Ndetail | |
CPointCloudCoreSegment | |
CPointCloudXYZCoreSegment | |
CPointCloudXYZLCoreSegment | |
CPointCloudXYZRGBACoreSegment | |
CPointCloudXYZRGBLCoreSegment | |
►Narmem_images | |
►Nclient | |
►Ndetail | |
CCameraCalibrationReader | |
CDepthImageReader | |
CRGBImageReader | |
CRGBImageWriter | |
CImageReader | |
CImageWriter | |
►Ndetail | |
CImageAdapter | |
►Mserver | |
►Nplugins | |
CPlugin | |
CPluginUser | |
IImageMemoryServer | |
CArMemToImage | |
CImage | A class template implementing the interface defined by ImageBase for a specific aron-generated class |
CImageBase | A class mediating between the ImageProvider/Processor APIs (based on IVT CByteImages or raw pixel buffers) and the ARON image API (based on cv::Mat) |
CImagesProperties | |
CImageToArMem | Allows to convert multiple CByteImages to Aron images and memory commits |
►Ncomponents | |
►Mpoint_cloud_to_arviz | |
IComponentInterface | |
CPlaybackImageProvider | |
►NConvexPolygonCalculations | |
CPolygon | |
►Ndepthfilter | |
CComponent | |
►Nexceptions | |
►Nlocal | |
CInvalidByteImageTypeException | |
CInvalidFloatImageTypeException | |
CInvalidFrameRateException | |
CInvalidImageTypeNameException | |
CLoadingCalibrationFileFailedException | |
CStereoCameraSystemRequiredException | |
CUnsupportedImageConversionException | |
CUnsupportedImageTypeException | |
►Nuser | |
CFrameRateNotSupportedException | |
CPointCloudProviderFrameRateNotSupportedException | |
CPointCloudProviderStartingCaptureFailedException | |
CStartingCaptureFailedException | |
►Nimrec | |
►Nstrats | |
CAVIRecordingStrategy | Concrete strategy for a AVI video recording |
CBMPRecordingStrategy | Concrete strategy for a BMP image recording |
CChunkedImageSequencePlaybackStrategy | |
CH264RecordingStrategy | Concrete strategy for a H264 video recording |
CImageSequencePlaybackStrategy | |
CJPGRecordingStrategy | Concrete strategy for a JPG image recording |
CPNGParallelRecordingStrategy | Concrete strategy for a PNG image recording |
CPNGRecordingStrategy | Concrete strategy for a PNG image recording |
CVideoPlaybackStrategy | |
CAbstractPlaybackStrategy | |
CAbstractRecordingStrategy | Abstract interface of a recording strategy |
CAbstractSequencedRecordingStrategy | An object of this class behaves likee a normal recording, but is in fact a sequence of images |
CRegistryEntry | |
►Nimrecman | |
CComponent | |
ENotConfiguredException | |
►Nopstress | |
CComponent | |
►Ntools | |
►Ndetail | |
CFunctorWithReturnType | Base class of functors with return value |
CPclPointType | |
CPclPointType< PointContentType::eColoredLabeledPoints > | |
CPclPointType< PointContentType::eColoredOrientedPoints > | |
CPclPointType< PointContentType::eColoredPoints > | |
CPclPointType< PointContentType::eIntensity > | |
CPclPointType< PointContentType::eLabeledPoints > | |
CPclPointType< PointContentType::eOrientedPoints > | |
CPclPointType< PointContentType::ePoints > | |
CFunctorWithReturnType | Base class for functors with return value |
Cis_shared_ptr | |
Cis_shared_ptr< boost::shared_ptr< T > > | |
Cis_shared_ptr< std::shared_ptr< T > > | |
CPerpendicularPlaneFitting | |
CPlaneFittingResult | |
CPointCloudFunctor | Functor creating a pcl::PointCloud<PointT> and passing it to function |
CPointCloudPtrFunctor | Functor creating a pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr and passing it to function |
►Nvoxelgrid | |
►Nerror | |
►Nio | |
CBinaryIOError | Indicates that voxel data with an invalid number of voxels has been passed to a VoxelGrid |
CBinaryReadError | |
CVoxelGridIOError | Base class for exceptions in this library |
CInvalidStructure | Indicates that a voxel grid structure should have matched another one, but did not |
CInvalidVoxelDataSize | Indicates that voxel data with an invalid number of voxels has been passed to a VoxelGrid |
CVoxelGridError | Base class for exceptions in this library |
►Nio | |
CBinaryIO | |
CJsonIO | Class to store voxel grids in a vectorized JSON format |
►NLabelDensity | |
CVisualizer | Visualizer for label density voxel grids |
CVoxel | Map of labels (object IDs) to number of points |
CVoxelGrid | Voxel grid storing the number of points per label in each voxel |
►NLabelOccupancy | |
CVisualizer | Visualizer for label occupancy voxel grids |
CVoxel | A voxel storing whether it is occupied or free and the object label it is occupied by |
CVoxelGrid | Voxel grid storing the number of points per label in each voxel |
►CVisualizer | Visualizer for voxel grids of with voxel type VoxelT |
CVoxelVisuData | Information about a voxel about to-be-drawn |
CVoxelGrid | A 3D grid of voxels of type _VoxelT |
CVoxelGridStructure | Geometric structure of a 3D voxel grid |
►Nyolo | |
CComponent | |
CArMarkerLocalizer | ArMarkerLocalizer uses CTexturedRecognition of IVTRecognition in order to recognize and localize objects |
CArMarkerLocalizerOpenCV | ArMarkerLocalizerOpenCV uses CTexturedRecognition of IVTRecognition in order to recognize and localize objects |
CArMarkerLocalizerOpenCVPropertyDefinitions | |
CArMarkerLocalizerPropertyDefinitions | |
CArMemToImageProvider | Brief description of class ArMemToImageProvider |
CArMemToPointCloudProvider | |
IArMemToPointCloudProviderInterface | |
CAzureKinectIRImageProvider | Brief description of class AzureKinectIRImageProvider |
CAzureKinectIRImageProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CAzureKinectPointCloudProvider | Brief description of class AzureKinectPointCloudProvider |
CAzureKinectPointCloudProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CBigBowlLocalization | BigBowlLocalization uses the CVisualTargetLocator of IVT in order to recognize and localize the marker balls at the hands of the robot |
CBigBowlLocalizationPropertyDefinitions | |
CBlobRecognition | BlobRecognition uses CSegmentableRecognition from IVT to recognize and localize single-colored objects based on their color and shape |
CBlobRecognitionPropertyDefinitions | |
CCalibrationCreator | CalibrationCreator determines if the robot hand is colliding with another object, causing it to move |
CCalibrationCreator2 | |
CCalibrationCreatorPropertyDefinitions | |
CCapturingImageProvider | The CapturingImageProvider provides a callback function to trigger the capturing of images with different synchronization modes |
CCapturingImageProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CCapturingPointCloudProvider | The CapturingPointCloudProvider provides a callback function to trigger the capturing of point clouds with different synchronization modes |
CCapturingPointCloudProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CCHandLocalisation | |
►CCHandModelV2 | |
CCFinger | |
CCHandModelVisualizer | |
CChannelConfigWidget | |
CCMoveMasterModel | |
CCoinPointCloud | |
CColorFormat | |
CColorMarkerObjectLocalizer | ColorMarkerObjectLocalizer uses CSegmentableRecognition from IVT to recognize and localize single-colored objects based on their color and shape |
CColorMarkerObjectLocalizerPropertyDefinitions | |
CCParticleFilterFrameworkParallelized | |
CCParticleFilterRobotHandLocalisation | |
CDeepFaceRecognition | Brief description of class DeepFaceRecognition |
CDeepFaceRecognitionPropertyDefinitions | |
CDetailedPFRating | |
CDisplay | |
CDisplayWidget | |
CDummyArMarkerLocalizer | Brief description of class DummyArMarkerLocalizer |
CDummyArMarkerLocalizerPropertyDefinitions | |
CFakePointCloudProvider | A brief description |
CFakePointCloudProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CFeatureLearningObjectChooserWidget | |
CFeatureLearningSaveToMemoryWidget | |
CFitKnownRectangleRotationMaxPoints | Finds the rotation of a rectangle of known size at a given position that contains the most points from a point cloud |
CFPSCounter | Methods for calculating the frames per second (FPS) count in periodic tasks |
CFramedPointCloud | A point cloud which keeps track of its reference coordinate frame and allows changing frames using armarx::FramedPose |
CGuiPlugin | GuiPlugin brief description |
CHandLocalisationThread | |
CHandMarkerLocalization | HandMarkerLocalization uses the CVisualTargetLocator of IVT in order to recognize and localize the marker balls at the hands of the robot |
CHandMarkerLocalizationPropertyDefinitions | |
CHandModeliCub | |
CICP | |
CIEEE1394ImageProvider | IEEE1394 image provider captures images from one or more cameras and supports the following image transmission formats: |
CIEEE1394PropertyDefinitions | |
CImageBuffer | Handler of image buffer for ImageProcessors |
CImageMonitorGuiPlugin | ImageMonitorGuiPlugin brief description |
CImageMonitorProperties | ImageMonitorProperties brief one line description |
CImageMonitorPropertiesWidget | |
CImageMonitorStatisticsWidget | |
CImageMonitorWidget | |
CImageMonitorWidgetController | |
CImageProcessor | Interface for access to ImageProviders via Ice and shared memory |
CImageProcessorPropertyDefinitions | |
CImageProvider | ImageProvider abstract class defines a component which provide images via ice or shared memory |
CImageProviderConfigWidget | |
CImageProviderInfo | |
CImageRecorderGuiPlugin | |
CImageRecorderWidgetController | |
IImageRecordingManagerInterface | |
CImageSequenceProvider | Image sequence provider loads images from a device and broadcasts notifications after loading at a specified frame rate |
CImageSequenceProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CImageToArMem | |
IImageToArMemInterface | |
CImageTransferStats | Information on the connection between ImageProvider and ImageProcessor |
CImageViewerArea | |
CIntelRealSenseProvider | Brief description of class IntelRealSenseProvider |
CIntelRealSenseProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CKinectAndCameraCalibration | KinectAndCameraCalibration executes the calibration for the left camera of the stereo and kinect rgb camera |
CKinectAndCameraCalibrationObserver | |
CKinectAndCameraCalibrationPropertyDefinitions | |
CKinectV1PointCloudProvider | A brief description |
CKinectV1PointCloudProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CKinectV2PointCloudProvider | A brief description |
CKinectV2PointCloudProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CLabeledPointCloudMerger | Brief description of class LabeledPointCloudMerger |
CLabeledPointCloudMergerPropertyDefinitions | Property definitions of LabeledPointCloudMerger |
CLegacyRGBOpenPoseEstimation | |
CLocalResultImageProvider | |
CManager | |
CMaskRCNNPointCloudObjectLocalizer | Http://pointclouds.org/documentation/tutorials/global_hypothesis_verification.php |
CMaskRCNNPointCloudObjectLocalizerPropertyDefinitions | |
CMergedLabeledPointCloud | Merges several labeled or unlabeled point clouds into one labeled point cloud |
CObjectLearningByPushing | ObjectLearningByPushing is the vision part of the approach for interactive object segmentation |
CObjectLearningByPushingObserver | |
CObjectLearningByPushingPropertyDefinitions | |
CObjectLocalizerProcessor | ObjectLocalizerProcessor |
CObjectLocalizerProcessorJob | ObjectLocalizerProcessorJob encapsules the object localization job |
CObjectLocalizerProcessorPropertyDefinitions | |
CObjectShapeClassification | |
CObjectShapeClassificationPropertyDefinitions | |
COIFwdKinematicsInterface | |
COLPEvaluation | Brief description of class OLPEvaluation |
COLPEvaluationPropertyDefinitions | |
►COpenNIImageProvider | OpenNI image provider captures 3D-points and/or color(s) images from a single device and supports the following image transmission formats: |
CNormalizedDepthCell | OpenNI Capture |
COpenNIPointCloudProvider | A brief description |
COpenNIPointCloudProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
COpenNIPropertyDefinitions | |
COpenPose3DDepthImageConverter | |
CPointCloudAndImageProcessor | Interface for access to PointCloudProviders and ImageProviders via Ice and shared memory |
CPointCloudAndImageProvider | |
CPointCloudFilter | Brief description of class PointCloudFilter |
CPointCloudFilterPropertyDefinitions | |
CPointCloudObjectLocalizer | Http://pointclouds.org/documentation/tutorials/global_hypothesis_verification.php |
CPointCloudObjectLocalizerPropertyDefinitions | |
CPointCloudProcessor | Interface for access to PointCloudProviders via Ice and shared memory |
CPointCloudProcessorPropertyDefinitions | Properties of PointCloudProcessor |
CPointCloudProvider | PointCloudProvider abstract class defines a component which provide point clouds via ice or shared memory |
CPointCloudProviderInfo | |
CPointCloudProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CPointCloudSegmenter | A brief description |
CPointCloudSegmenterPropertyDefinitions | |
CPointCloudSegmenterTab | |
CPointCloudSegmentsTable | |
CPointCloudToArMem | |
IPointCloudToArMemInterface | |
CPointCloudToArViz | Brief description of class PointCloudToArViz |
CPointCloudToArVizPropertyDefinitions | Property definitions of PointCloudToArViz |
CPointCloudTransferStats | Information on the connection between PointCloudProvider and PointCloudProcessor |
CPointCloudVisualization | Brief description of class PointCloudVisualization |
CPointCloudVisualizationHandler | |
CPointCloudVisualizationPropertyDefinitions | |
►CPolygon2D | |
CPoint | |
CRCPointCloudProvider | Brief description of class RCPointCloudProvider |
CRCPointCloudProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CResultImageAndPointCloudProvider | |
CResultImageProvider | The ResultImageProvider is used by the ImageProcessor to stream result images to any other processor (e.g |
CResultPointCloudProvider | The ResultPointCloudProvider is used by the PointCloudProcessor to stream result PointClouds to any other processor (e.g |
CResultPointCloudProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CRGBDHandLocalizer | Brief description of class RGBDHandLocalizer |
CRGBDHandLocalizerPropertyDefinitions | |
CRGBDOpenPoseEstimation | |
CRoboceptionUser | This class contains common implementation for RCImageProvider and RCPointCloudProvider |
CRobotHandLocalizationWithFingertips | RobotHandLocalizationWithFingertips localizes the robot hand using the marker ball and the finger tips |
CRobotHandLocalizationWithFingertipsPropertyDefinitions | |
CSaveDialog | |
CSegmentAABBShapesProvider | Brief description of class SegmentAABBShapesProvider |
CSegmentAABBShapesProviderPropertyDefinitions | Property definitions of SegmentAABBShapesProvider |
CSegmentableObjectRecognition | SegmentableObjectRecognition uses CSegmentableRecognition from IVT to recognize and localize single-colored objects based on their color and shape |
CSegmentableObjectRecognitionPropertyDefinitions | |
CSegmentableTemplate | |
CSegmentableTemplateEntry | |
CSegmentableTemplateHeader | |
CSegmentableTemplateRecognition | SegmentableTemplateRecognition uses CSegmentableRecognition from IVT to recognize and localize single-colored objects based on their color and shape |
CSegmentableTemplateRecognitionPropertyDefinitions | |
CSegmentRansacShapeExtractor | Brief description of class SegmentRansacShapeExtractor |
CSegmentRansacShapeExtractorPropertyDefinitions | Property definitions of SegmentRansacShapeExtractor |
CSegmentSpatialRelations | Brief description of class SegmentSpatialRelations |
CSegmentSpatialRelationsPropertyDefinitions | Property definitions of SegmentSpatialRelations |
CSettings | |
CSimpleEpisodicMemoryImageConnector | |
CSimpleEpisodicMemoryImageConnectorPropertyDefinitions | |
CSimpleEpisodicMemoryOpenPoseEstimationConnector | |
CSimpleEpisodicMemorySemanticGraphConnector | |
CStereoCalibrationProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CStereoCameraProvider | Stereo camera provider is based on IEEE1394 image provider with the restriction that the number of specified cameras must be two |
CStereoImagePointCloudProvider | A brief description |
CStereoImagePointCloudProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CTexturedObjectRecognition | TexturedObjectRecognition uses CTexturedRecognition of IVTRecognition in order to recognize and localize objects |
CTexturedObjectRecognitionPropertyDefinitions | |
CUCLObjectRecognition | Brief description of class UCLObjectRecognition |
CUCLObjectRecognitionPropertyDefinitions | |
CUserAssistedSegmenter | Brief description of class UserAssistedSegmenter |
CUserAssistedSegmenterConfigDialog | |
CUserAssistedSegmenterGuiWidgetController | UserAssistedSegmenterGuiWidgetController brief one line description |
CUserAssistedSegmenterPropertyDefinitions | UserAssistedSegmenterPropertyDefinitions |
CVideoFileImageProvider | |
CVideoFileImageProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CVisionXApplication | Base Class for all ArmarX applications |
CVisualContactDetection | VisualContactDetection determines if the robot hand is colliding with another object, causing it to move |
CVisualContactDetectionObserver | |
CVisualContactDetectionPropertyDefinitions | |
CVoxelGridMappingProvider | Brief description of class VoxelGridMappingProvider |
CVoxelGridMappingProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CVoxelLine | A line of voxels, from start voxel to an end voxel |
CWebCamImageProvider | |
CWebCamImageProviderPropertyDefinitions | |
CWidgetController | WidgetController brief one line description |
CX11ScreenCaptureImageProvider | |
C_EdgeTableEntry | |
C_ScanLineList | |
C_ScanLineListBlock | |
CA3Histogram | |
CAbstractInterface | |
CAdapterInfoModel | |
CApplicationDatabaseItem | This class represents an item in the ApplicationDatabaseView |
CApplicationDatabaseModel | Model underlying the ApplicationDatabaseView |
CApplicationDatabaseView | View containing the packages and their Applications. The user can select applications and drag them into another view |
CApplicationInstance | Interface for classes that handle the starting of applications Classes implementing this interface also need to implement a method to get the status of an application |
CArmarXGuiComponentPlugins | Brief description of class ArmarXGuiComponentPlugins |
CArmarXGuiComponentPlugins | Brief description of class ArmarXGuiComponentPlugins |
CArmarXGuiInterface | The main gui interface |
CArmarXWidgetInfo | The ArmarXWidgetInfo class |
CArMemMemoryViewerGuiPlugin | ArMemMemoryViewerGuiPlugin brief description |
CArMemVisionMemory | Brief description of class ArMemVisionMemory |
CArrayGrid | |
CArrayGridAccessor | |
CArrayGridAccessor< CellT, 0 > | |
CArrayGridKernel | |
CArrayGridKernel< CellT, 0 > | |
CBasePrimitiveShape | |
CBBArea | |
CBBFeature | |
CBBLongShortRatio | |
CBBLongSide | |
CBBMediumShortRatio | |
CBBMediumSide | |
Cbbox_2d_info | |
CBBShortSide | |
CBBVolume | |
CBinaryLogger | |
CBitmapInfo | |
CBitmapPrimitiveShape | |
CBLEProthesisInterface | |
CBLEProthesisInterfaceQtWorker | |
CBLEProthesisInterfaceQtWorkerThread | |
CBlobLabeler | |
CButtonDelegate | Manages a button |
Cby_second | |
CCandidate | |
CCandidateHeapPred | |
CCanvasView | |
►CCColorICP | |
CCFeatureCalculation | |
CCGaussBackground | |
CCGraphGenerator | |
CCGraphLookupTable | |
CCGraphMap | |
CCGraphPyramidLookupTable | |
CCHArea | |
CChecksum | |
CChecksumErrorException | |
CCHFeature | |
CCHoughCircles | |
CCHVolume | |
CCHypothesisGeneration | |
CCHypothesisPoint | |
CCHypothesisValidationRGBD | |
CCHypothesisVisualization | |
CCIntensityGraph | |
CCIntensityNode | |
CClient | |
CClockGuiPlugin | ClockGuiPlugin a gui plugin to show and manipulate the time |
CClutteredSceneGeneratorGuiPlugin | ClutteredSceneGeneratorGuiPlugin brief description |
CCMakeParser | This class has multiple methods for extracting data out of packages, based on their name |
CCMSERCalculation | |
CCMSERDescriptor | |
CCMSERDescriptor3D | |
CCObjectHypothesis | |
CCObjectRecognition | |
CCompareByAngle | |
►CCone | |
CParallelPlanesError | |
CConeLevMarFunc | |
CConePrimitiveShape | |
CConePrimitiveShapeConstructor | |
CConstArrayGridAccessor | |
CConstArrayGridAccessor< CellT, 0 > | |
CConstHashGridAccessor | |
CConstHashGridAccessor< CellT, 0 > | |
CControlMemory | Brief description of class ControlMemory |
CControlSE3 | |
CControlSE3xV | |
CControlSO3xR3 | |
CConvexHull | |
CCovarianceNotSymmetricException | |
CCPixelProbabilityDistribution | |
CCPointCloudRegistration | |
CcpuLoad | |
CCreatePropertyView | |
CCreateScenarioView | View that allows user to create a new scenario |
CCSGEdge | |
CCSGNode | |
CCSphericalGraph | |
CCvCalibFilter | |
►CCylinder | |
CParallelNormalsError | |
CCylinderLevMarFunc | |
CCylinderPrimitiveShape | |
CCylinderPrimitiveShapeConstructor | |
CD2Histogram | |
CDDXPointRec | |
CDebugLayerControlWidget | |
CDebugPlotterWidgetGuiPlugin | DebugPlotterWidgetGuiPlugin brief description |
CDebugRobotUnitDataStreamingGuiPlugin | DebugRobotUnitDataStreamingGuiPlugin brief description |
CDecoratedDoublePropertyManager | |
CDecoratedDoubleSpinBoxFactory | |
CDeepSegClass | |
CDetailedApplicationView | View that shows detailed information about a Scenario, Package or Application. Shows status and parameters of the object. Also allows starting, stopping and restarting of Scenarios and Applications |
►CDoublyLinkedEdgeList | |
CFace | |
CHalfEdge | |
CEdgeProjection | Projection of point on an edge of the graph |
CEdgeTable | |
CEditorFactoryPrivate | |
CEmergencyStopPropertyNodeDefinitions | |
CEuclideanBasedClustering | |
CExampleClient | Brief description of class ExampleClient |
CExampleClient | Brief description of class ExampleClient |
CExampleClient | Brief description of class ExampleClient |
CExampleClient | Brief description of class ExampleClient |
CExampleClient | Brief description of class ExampleClient |
CExampleClient | Brief description of class ExampleClient |
CExampleClient | Brief description of class ExampleClient |
CExampleClient | Brief description of class ExampleClient |
CExampleClient | Brief description of class ExampleClient |
CExampleClient | Brief description of class ExampleClient |
CExampleClient | Brief description of class ExampleClient |
CExampleClient | Brief description of class ExampleClient |
CExportDialog | |
CF | |
CFace | |
CFeature | |
CFeatureCalculator | |
CFilterableTreeModelSortFilterProxyModel | Model of the FilterableTreeView |
CFilterableTreeView | The FilterableTreeView class |
CFlatNormalThreshPointCompatibilityFunc | |
CFrameData | |
Cg_heap_pairs_p | |
CGaussian | |
CGaussianNotInitializedException | |
CGaussians | |
CGazeStabilization | |
CGazeStabInput | |
CGazeStabOptions | |
CGazeStabOutput | |
CGBBox | |
Cgdiam_bbox | |
CGeneralPurposeMemory | Brief description of class GeneralPurposeMemory |
CGFSPPair | |
CGFSPTree | |
CGFSPTreeNode | |
CGMMs | |
CGMMState | |
CGMMStateP | |
CGMRDynamics | |
CGPointPair | |
CGraphImportExport | Brief description of class GraphImportExport |
CGraphTriangulation | |
CGraspCandidateViewerGuiPlugin | GraspCandidateViewerGuiPlugin brief description |
CGTreeDiamAlg | |
CHashGrid | |
CHashGridAccessor | |
CHashGridAccessor< CellT, 0 > | |
Cheap_t | |
CHoG | |
CHumanoidRobotStatechartContext | |
CIceBufferdLoggingStrategy | IceBufferdLoggingStrategy buffers incoming log method calls and publishes them as collections on IceLoggingStrategy::profilerListenerPrx |
CImageMaskEditor | |
CIndexIterator | |
CInterruptedException | |
CInvalidDimensionException | |
CInvalidTetrahedonError | |
CIObservable | |
►Cipv4_Range | |
Cipv4_Address | |
Citerator | |
CITimerObserver | |
CITimerSubject | |
CIVPointParser | |
CJointInfo | Additional information about a joint |
CKalmanFilter | |
CKinectToIVTHelper | |
CKinectToPCLHelper | |
CKinectV1Device | |
CKITProsthesisIceDriver | |
CLCCPSegClass | |
CLevMarFunc | |
CLevMarLSWeight | |
CLevMarPlane | |
CLevMarPlaneDistance | |
CLevMarTorus | |
ClinuxProcessLoad | |
ClinuxUtil | |
CLocalScoreComputer | |
CLocationGraphEditorGuiPlugin | LocationGraphEditorGuiPlugin brief description |
CLookAtClick | |
CLowerSphereAsSquaresParametrization | |
CLowStretchSphereParametrization | |
CLowStretchTorusParametrization | |
CMahalanobisAssociationMethod | |
CMainWindow | |
CManipulatorVisualization | |
CMathTools | |
CMbsSensor | |
CmemoryLoad | |
CMinAreaRectangle | |
CMongoTestHelper | Helper class for using MongoDB in tests |
CMoveJoints | MoveJoints-skill to move joints to specified target values using the KinematicUnit |
CMoveJoints | MoveJoints-skill to move joints to specified target values using the KinematicUnit |
CMoveJoints | MoveJoints-skill to move joints to specified target values using the KinematicUnit |
Cmsg_t | |
CMyController | |
CMyTrajectory | |
CNameLocationView | View that allows to choose the name and the location of something |
CNavigationMemory | Brief description of class NavigationMemory |
CNavigator | Brief description of class Navigator |
CNDArrayHelper | |
CnetworkLoad | |
CNodeInfoModel | |
CNoMotionFilter | |
CNoWheelComboBox | |
CObjectController | |
CObjectControllerPrivate | |
COIFwdKinematicsInterface | |
COpenScenarioItem | Item in the TreeItemView. Every item represents a Scenario |
COpenScenarioModel | Model used by the OpenScenarioView |
COpenScenarioView | View that allows to open a previously saved scenario |
COptionalPropertyType | |
COptionalVariantFactory | |
COptionalVariantManager | |
CPackageAdderView | View that allows the user to find and add new packages |
CPointCloudGraphConcept | |
CPeriodicFrameData | |
CPerspectives | |
CPlacementInfo | |
CPlane | |
CPlaneLevMarFunc | |
CPlanePrimitiveShape | |
CPlanePrimitiveShapeConstructor | |
CPoint | |
Cpoint2d | |
CPointCloud | |
CPosePkg | The PosePkg struct - Testing utility |
CPrimitiveShape | PrimtiveShape is a shape primitive in conjunction with a parametrization |
CPrimitiveShapeConstructor | |
CPrimitiveShapeVisitor | |
CPrimitiveShapeVisitorShell | |
CProjPointSet | |
CQPolygonalProcessor | |
CQtAbstractEditorFactory | The QtAbstractEditorFactory is the base template class for editor factories |
CQtAbstractEditorFactoryBase | The QtAbstractEditorFactoryBase provides an interface for editor factories |
CQtAbstractPropertyBrowser | QtAbstractPropertyBrowser provides a base class for implementing property browsers |
CQtAbstractPropertyBrowserPrivate | |
CQtAbstractPropertyManager | The QtAbstractPropertyManager provides an interface for property managers |
CQtAbstractPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtBoolEdit | |
CQtBoolPropertyManager | And manages boolean properties |
►CQtBoolPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtBrowserItem | Property in a property browser instance |
CQtBrowserItemPrivate | |
CQtButtonPropertyBrowser | Drop down QToolButton based property browser |
►CQtButtonPropertyBrowserPrivate | |
CWidgetItem | |
CQtCanvas | |
CQtCanvasChunk | |
CQtCanvasClusterizer | |
CQtCanvasData | |
CQtCanvasEllipse | |
CQtCanvasItem | |
CQtCanvasItemExtra | |
CQtCanvasItemLess | |
CQtCanvasLine | |
CQtCanvasPixmap | |
CQtCanvasPixmapArray | |
CQtCanvasPolygon | |
CQtCanvasPolygonalItem | |
CQtCanvasPolygonScanner | |
CQtCanvasRectangle | |
CQtCanvasSpline | |
CQtCanvasSprite | |
CQtCanvasText | |
CQtCanvasView | |
CQtCanvasViewData | |
CQtCanvasWidget | |
CQtCharEdit | |
CQtCharEditorFactory | Editor widgets for properties created by QtCharPropertyManager objects |
CQtCharEditorFactoryPrivate | |
CQtCharPropertyManager | The QtCharPropertyManager provides and manages QChar properties |
CQtCharPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtCheckBoxFactory | QCheckBox widgets for properties created by QtBoolPropertyManager objects |
CQtCheckBoxFactoryPrivate | |
CQtColorEditorFactory | Color editing for properties created by QtColorPropertyManager objects |
CQtColorEditorFactoryPrivate | |
CQtColorEditWidget | |
CQtColorPropertyManager | The QtColorPropertyManager provides and manages QColor properties |
CQtColorPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtCursorDatabase | |
CQtCursorEditorFactory | QComboBox widgets for properties created by QtCursorPropertyManager objects |
CQtCursorEditorFactoryPrivate | |
CQtCursorPropertyManager | The QtCursorPropertyManager provides and manages QCursor properties |
CQtCursorPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtDateEditFactory | QDateEdit widgets for properties created by QtDatePropertyManager objects |
CQtDateEditFactoryPrivate | |
CQtDatePropertyManager | The QtDatePropertyManager provides and manages QDate properties |
►CQtDatePropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtDateTimeEditFactory | QDateTimeEdit widgets for properties created by QtDateTimePropertyManager objects |
CQtDateTimeEditFactoryPrivate | |
CQtDateTimePropertyManager | The QtDateTimePropertyManager provides and manages QDateTime properties |
CQtDateTimePropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtDoublePropertyManager | The QtDoublePropertyManager provides and manages double properties |
►CQtDoublePropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtDoubleSpinBoxFactory | QDoubleSpinBox widgets for properties created by QtDoublePropertyManager objects |
CQtDoubleSpinBoxFactoryPrivate | |
CQtEnumEditorFactory | QComboBox widgets for properties created by QtEnumPropertyManager objects |
CQtEnumEditorFactoryPrivate | |
CQtEnumPropertyManager | The QtEnumPropertyManager provides and manages enum properties |
►CQtEnumPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtEnumPropertyType | |
CQtFlagPropertyManager | The QtFlagPropertyManager provides and manages flag properties |
►CQtFlagPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtFlagPropertyType | |
CQtFontEditorFactory | Font editing for properties created by QtFontPropertyManager objects |
CQtFontEditorFactoryPrivate | |
CQtFontEditWidget | |
CQtFontPropertyManager | The QtFontPropertyManager provides and manages QFont properties |
CQtFontPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtGroupBoxPropertyBrowser | QGroupBox based property browser |
►CQtGroupBoxPropertyBrowserPrivate | |
CWidgetItem | |
CQtGroupPropertyManager | The QtGroupPropertyManager provides and manages group properties |
CQtGroupPropertyType | |
CQtIntPropertyManager | The QtIntPropertyManager provides and manages int properties |
►CQtIntPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtKeySequenceEdit | |
CQtKeySequenceEditorFactory | Editor widgets for properties created by QtKeySequencePropertyManager objects |
CQtKeySequenceEditorFactoryPrivate | |
CQtKeySequencePropertyManager | The QtKeySequencePropertyManager provides and manages QKeySequence properties |
CQtKeySequencePropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtLineEditFactory | QLineEdit widgets for properties created by QtStringPropertyManager objects |
CQtLineEditFactoryPrivate | |
CQtLocalePropertyManager | The QtLocalePropertyManager provides and manages QLocale properties |
CQtLocalePropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtMetaEnumProvider | |
CQtMetaEnumWrapper | |
CQtNodeObserver | |
CQtPointFPropertyManager | The QtPointFPropertyManager provides and manages QPointF properties |
►CQtPointFPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtPointPropertyManager | The QtPointPropertyManager provides and manages QPoint properties |
CQtPointPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtPolygonScanner | |
CQtProperty | Encapsulates an instance of a property |
CQtPropertyBrowserUtils | |
CQtPropertyEditorDelegate | |
CQtPropertyEditorView | |
CQtPropertyPrivate | |
CQtRectFPropertyManager | The QtRectFPropertyManager provides and manages QRectF properties |
►CQtRectFPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtRectPropertyManager | The QtRectPropertyManager provides and manages QRect properties |
►CQtRectPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtScrollBarFactory | QScrollBar widgets for properties created by QtIntPropertyManager objects |
CQtScrollBarFactoryPrivate | |
CQtSizeFPropertyManager | The QtSizeFPropertyManager provides and manages QSizeF properties |
►CQtSizeFPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtSizePolicyPropertyManager | The QtSizePolicyPropertyManager provides and manages QSizePolicy properties |
CQtSizePolicyPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtSizePropertyManager | The QtSizePropertyManager provides and manages QSize properties |
►CQtSizePropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtSliderFactory | QSlider widgets for properties created by QtIntPropertyManager objects |
CQtSliderFactoryPrivate | |
CQtSpinBoxFactory | QSpinBox widgets for properties created by QtIntPropertyManager objects |
CQtSpinBoxFactoryPrivate | |
CQtStringPropertyManager | The QtStringPropertyManager provides and manages QString properties |
►CQtStringPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CData | |
CQtTimeEditFactory | QTimeEdit widgets for properties created by QtTimePropertyManager objects |
CQtTimeEditFactoryPrivate | |
CQtTimePropertyManager | The QtTimePropertyManager provides and manages QTime properties |
CQtTimePropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtTreePropertyBrowser | QTreeWidget based property browser |
CQtTreePropertyBrowserPrivate | |
CQtVariantEditorFactory | Widgets for properties created by QtVariantPropertyManager objects |
CQtVariantEditorFactoryPrivate | |
CQtVariantProperty | Convenience class handling QVariant based properties |
CQtVariantPropertyManager | And manages QVariant based properties |
CQtVariantPropertyManagerPrivate | |
CQtVariantPropertyPrivate | |
►CRansacShapeDetector | |
COptions | |
►CRebuildAACubeTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
CStrategyBase | |
CrecordValue | |
CResponse | |
Cretrieve_hand | Brief description of class retrieve_hand |
CRGSegClass | |
CRobotIKPropertyDefinition | |
CRobotIKWidget | |
CRobotSensorMemory | Brief description of class RobotSensorMemory |
CRobotStatePropertyDefinition | |
CRobotTrajectoryDesignerTestEnvironment | |
CRoundRectItem | |
CScenarioItem | TreeItem representing data contained in a Scenario or an Application |
CScenarioListView | View that shows a list of Scenarios. Allows to start, stop, restart Applications and Scenarios. Also allows to open Scenarios and remove/add items |
CScenarioModel | Model defining how a Scenario gets displayed in the TreeView |
►CScoreAACubeTreeStrategy | |
CCellData | |
CStrategyBase | |
CScorePrimitiveShapeVisitor | |
CScorePrimitiveShapeVisitorImpl | |
CSerialInterface | |
CServerInfoModel | |
CSetDesiredPoseDialog | |
CSettingsItem | |
CSettingsModel | |
CSettingsView | |
CSettingTab | |
CSimpleTorusParametrization | |
CSphere | |
CSphereAsSquaresParametrization | |
CSphereLevMarFunc | |
CSpherePrimitiveShape | |
CSpherePrimitiveShapeConstructor | |
CStateChartGraphEdge | |
CStateCreationDialog | |
CStateSE3 | |
CStateSE3xV | |
CStateSO3xR3 | |
►CSystemModelSE3 | |
Cdim | |
►CSystemModelSE3xV | |
Cdim | |
►CSystemModelSO3xR3 | |
Cdim | |
Ctac_matrix_info_t | |
Ctac_system_information_t | |
CTactileSensor | |
CTCPInformationTab | |
CTHypothesis | |
CTimer | |
CToolBar | |
CTorus | |
CTorusLevMarFunc | |
CTorusPrimitiveShape | |
CTorusPrimitiveShapeConstructor | |
CTPathElement | |
CTransitionTab | |
CTransmissionException | |
CTreeBox | |
CTreeItem | |
CTreeModel | |
CTSphereCoord | |
CTSphereTransform | |
CTTransform | |
CUnscentedKalmanFilter | |
CUnscentedKalmanFilterWithoutControl | |
CUnscentedTransform | |
CUpperSphereAsSquaresParametrization | |
CVariantManager | |
CVec3f | |
Cvec_point_2d | |
CViewSelectionConfigDialog | |
CWaypointTab | |
Cyy_buffer_state | |
Cyy_trans_info | |
Cyyalloc | |